[Music] here there it's clarify my q4 Academy and today's course is all on the song fou Oregon fury from Chinese medicine foundation I make this course very easy so it's kinda like the song for organ fili made easy it's not in-depth it's just to grasp and understand this fear II as easy as possible so I have done also the yin-yang theory the five elements Irie the four substances all those videos are on my youtube channel a Q Pro economy or on my website which is a queue for academy.com it's all free and hopefully it helps you revisit the foundation of TCM because my teachers used to say when I was in school that if you can't figure out the diagnosis go back to foundation foundation of Chinese medicine really makes you help what helps you sorry figure out diagnosis and without the right diagnosis that's not the right treatment in Chinese medicine as you know so it's super important to understand those theories so we can apply them in our daily practice alright so let's get started here we go so let's start with the song organs the dom organs are mostly the yin organs in TCM which are the heart the liver the spleen the lung and the kidney the pericardium is not necessarily part of the song organ because it's more of a meridian than an organ and TCM so it's kind of not put in in some fury it'll say the sixth song organ which includes the pericardium but in most classic TCM theory there's only five and the pericardium is part of the heart theory or the heart five elements so it's not gonna be in this very person the dom organ or the yin organs function as a whole is to produce store and reserve so they produce substances mostly they store substances mostly and reserved substances as in Chi blood body fluid and essence ho Jin the full organs on the other hand there's six of them and they're the young organs and Chinese medicine so the stomach the small intestine the large intestine the bladder the gall bladder and of course the big mysterious Sandow or the triple burner sometimes called triple heater warmer or energizer lots of names for this Sandow so we'll talk about it obviously in this course and lecture so the food organs function is a little bit different from the zone organ it's more to transport and transform food they're in charge of the whole digestive system pretty much and fluids as well so not just food and solid but also fluids so we'll look at that as well in this lecture and of course part of the don't forg and fury are the six extraordinary organs which are the uterus add bones brain the blood vessels the bone marrow and the Goblin so we'll also address that in this lecture all right so let's get started with the heart function in Chinese medicine so before we start talking about the heart function which you can see obviously is in charge of blood circulation I really want you to remember that this is the TCM heart function let's not mix the Western heart physical organ with the TCM heart because if we mix them up we get confused in our brain so I always tell my students to forget what you know in the Western sense of anatomy and your heart function and your cardiovascular system even though the similarities let's keep it a TCM heart function so in Chinese medicine the heart obviously governs blood circulation was in charge of circulation which also makes it a really good organ to look at when we have issues with the Western sense of blood circulation issue that clotting and blood that is not thin enough right so or there's plaque in the arteries blocking the circulation that the effects the TCM heart as well as the Western heart kind of looking at them in both sense the heart also controls sweat so when someone has tendency to sweat easily specifically during the day and they're nervous or anxious or not necessarily moving that's sitting there you know and they're just anxious or maybe nervous they sweat easily that's a hard Qi deficiency because their heart energy or the Chi of the heart is not able to open and close the pores properly so they're still open all the time and the sweat pouring out nights wet or during the night that's a highly n deficiency so that's the difference there in that perspective the heart of course in the v element was in charge of happiness and joy well as a function of course when our heart is happy we always say even in the Western sense oh my heart is full of jewelry and I'm happy and we feel like the heart is in love and excited and you know that's why our emotions are gonna basically come from in general so that's the first one the second one and the big one I guess in Chinese medicine is that the heart we say houses the mind the tion the spirit everything that's related to mental activities including memory consciousness thinking all your thoughts ability to fall asleep or not all your dreams everything that is allowing you to focus to concentrate your senses so the heart is really related to the mind or sharing the spirit and in that sense it's also related to the brain for that function so when the chart the blood sorry done the heart sorry is in charge of blood circulation we want to make sure that it circulates really well and brings lots of blood circulation to the mind because if you remember and you listen to my lecture on the for substances blood the material substance blood is the material basis of the mind so blood is really really essential for a good mind function and so since the heart is in charge of blood circulation it needs to bring a lot of blood to the mind and since the heart house is the mind that makes it a really good connection to the brain so the blood the brain and the heart are very much essential to each other and work very well together the heart opens into the tongue and affects the speech so what does that mean it means that I'll start with the speech in general and when someone stuttered easily or can't speak their thoughts there's an emotional component to it maybe an anxiety maybe a nervousness so that's often the emotional capacity that's in pairing the speech for someone remember also that the heart gets affected by long-standing emotions so if there is a long-standing emotion doesn't matter if it's worry over thinking anger fear whatever it is it is gonna affect our heart eventually the TCM right so for a lot of people that's gonna affect the speech because the ability to speak our thoughts sometimes we won't be able to because the emotions are gonna get stuck maybe in our throat maybe you know it's at the tip of the tongue sometimes we say you know I I just wanted to say something it's on the tip of my tongue but we keep it inside so that's the heart relationship with emotions and the ability to speak or emotions or what we need to say ah the heart also open in the tongue specifically the tip of the tongue which is because this is where it shows its diagnosis at the tip of the tongue is what we look at when we look for diagnosis at the height in TCM right but if we have canker sores on the tongue that's usually a heart fire so that gives us clues that the tongue is related to issues with the heart as well of course because of controlled blood circulation it's also in control of blood vessels and specifically the strength of the pulse so that's also a heart function right so when we take the pulse in general of course there's different paths in TCM with different areas of the pulse but the strength of the pulse as of who depends on the heart health and last but not least the heart of the TCM heart manifests on the face which is kind of easy to know because a lot of people their emotion shows on their face right when you're sad or you're happy or you angry that shows mostly on the face also the colours of the face a red face like the whole face being red that's usually heat or fire hard fire excess heat in the heart for really pale pale face that might be a hard blood deficiency if we have red cheeks that's usually a yin deficiency probably chosen in the heart heart in deficiency see how that works really well Foundation will help you in your diagnosis always the spleen functions in TCM are much like the digestive system really the spleen and stomach together form the digestive system in TCM so the spleen function number one function is to govern digestion and basically transform nutrients into energy and transports those nutrients or food and drinks nutrients all over the body for purposes of energy mind and body so literally that's the main spleen function in TCM or the TCM speed the second one is the spleen opens into the mouth because digestion starts in the mouth and manifests on the lips so if there is pale lips for example that's definitely a spleen deficiency so it's looking at the lips and the mouth usually both spleen and stomach and we going to talk about the stomach when we talk about the Forgan or much really they have a big relationship of the mouth and the lips right of course again we're in the mouth that's the beginning of digestion spleen controls saliva has a fluid so if there is a lot of saliva for example you're drooling on your pillow every morning you wake up and then your fellow is wet and you're drooling that's usually excess dampness in the spleen um and if there is a lot of dry mouth like the opposite that's usually a stomach issue so interesting spin stomach a very much yin and yang related and we'll talk about it when we get to the stomach spleen is also in charge of preventing water retention specifically so we don't have a lot of bloating a lot of specifically for bloating I would say more in the digestive system than anything and that's usually if spleen can transform and transport the fluid properly there is no issue otherwise there would be deafness again which affects the spleen a lot another function of this TCM spleen is that it produces blood specifically from nutrients so it's important to have good nutrients in order for the spleen to produce blood right so we can have good I guess blood to circulate in our body and gives us energy and it also prevents hemorrhage so one of the function of the spleen is to keep blood within the blood vessels which means preventing hemorrhage so when there is abnormal bleeding abnormal bleeding either comes from too much heat in the body which washes the blood and that's another issue but if it's not it's coming from the TCM spleen not able to hold the blood within the blood vessel so if someone has abnormal bleeding with no heat sign that is a spleen deficiency not able to prevent Harwich obviously what I love about the TCM spleen is that if we are eating really good nutrients and our digestive system can absorb transform the food the nutrients into energy we have good strong energy and we can exercise so one of the TCM spin function is to control muscles to give us strength in all our limbs so we can physically be fit and exercise of course you need to exercise but you need food to recover post exercise and good food so a good digestive system and pre exercise we also need to eat good food so we have the energy to do so another function of spleen TCM spleen which is very specific to TCM is to keep all organs from prolapsing so it's in charge of keeping all organs in place if there is an organ prolapse like a bladder prolapsed uterus prolapse usually that's a spleen she's sinking so see how diagnosis always goes back to foundation to understand how it all works together and another interesting I guess function of the TCM spleen is that it's a charge of raising Qi because it keeps all the organs in place right so it raises Chi keeps all the Chi up going upward which means it gives us energy so we feel like we're not falling down and sinking and tired and exhausted so bringing good Chi up also allows the spleen to bring good energy to the mind so when we eat really good food she or spleen she will bring a lot of it or transport it to the mine bring it up to the head for clear thinking so if we feel scattered we can't think properly or we feel unfocused we can't focus we feel foggy in our mind that is a spleen issue or someone eating a diet that's affecting the spleen ability to bring good Chi or good energy and nutrients to the mind so we can think clearly I love the spin function in TCM and I love to see acupuncture ability to treat the TCM spin very well and of course diet huge into making a TCM spleen happy and healthy now let's talk about the big liver the TCM liver sorry I was Winston lover okay scratch dad I'm not gonna edit the TCM never in Chinese medicine function main main function is to really ensure the smooth flow of Qi that is main function which means it's in charge of making sure everything's moving properly we have great cheese circulation for digestion for example so if we digest food properly and everything flows properly and we don't have you know slow digestion then that's the Liberty moving properly if we have cold hands and feet that's usually split and sorry Liberty not able to bring enough Chi to the extremities so it's not moving Chi properly and so cold hand and feet usually is a little Qi stagnation it's stagnated it's not moving properly or if we have a lot of tension in our shoulders and with tencel time because we're stress there's not a lot of circulation happening up there we need to relax right we need to do activities to relax that she and being able to be more smooth in our flow I guess the second function of liver is that is in charge of storing blood for menstruation specifically so spleen produces blood and when we have extra liver stores blood specifically to release it administration time so color of the lining of the uterus that we shed every month for menstruation in Chinese medicine the TCM is in charge of it so when there is menstruation issue we always have to look at the liver in a way but also at the screen because it produces blood so that's always interesting I found the never manifest on the nails so purple nails for example means that there's sex stagnation super-super asleep well supposedly liver blood stagnation if the nails are really pale it will be a liver blood deficiency see how that works right so the nail to the brittle that they break easily they're very very what's the word they don't grow very well that's also a liver blood deficiency all right aha the liver opens into the eyes and control the tears so as a fluid function the liver control the tears so I'll start with that when there are people have dry eyes you that's a living in deficiency or liver blood deficiency if people have tendency to have crusty eyes you know you wake up in the morning and your eyes are crusty and that's too much fluid in the eyes so that's damp in the liver usually some damp heat in the liver if we have issues with the eyes in general so what does that mean it opens into the eyes I guess it's it's in control of issues like conjunctivitis which would be heat or fire in the liver people that have red eyes all the time that's also heat or fire in the liver people have dizziness so these Ness of course is not the eyes but it's impairing our function to see or blurred vision or seeing spot or floaters those are liver blood deficiency symptoms see how again diagnosis comes back to foundation function of each organ big function of liver which also the gallbladder addresses as well is controlling see news for better movement so again that's a better flow again kind of thing like so the Liberty cm liver is in charge of tendons ligaments and joints smoothness and function so if we have things like carpal tunnel syndrome that is usually a little blood stasis when it's really really painful painful sorry or a liver blood deficiency when the carpal tunnel feels like our hands are weak and we can't open a door open a jar because it's so weak so that's more of a liver blood deficiency in the end so definitely anything that's affecting the joint ligaments and tendons we have to look at the liver in TCM and finally the liver is in charge of housing the etheral sole which means it's in charge of planning of envisioning of having goals of being in charge and having a vision and basically planning every step and achieving so the liver is the achiever right it's kinda like the general in charge of the war I guess so having a good direction in life and vision that's all about the liver being really healthy let's look at the lung functions in TCM so obviously just like in the Western sense the lungs and often it says the long not the lungs because it's a system so we call it the long system okay so that's that little difference the lung functions in TCM obviously just like in Westeros is in charge of governing Qi and respiration so it's really in charge of breathing in and breathing out right so that's its main function it's in ability to breathe in and breathe out the most important thing for me and that I really really I guess focus on in my practice is that the ability of the long and TCM to control the immune system the way Qi the defense of Qi right so we used along as these specifically our points on the long region to help when someone is sick or if they're sick all the time right so someone that has a lot of cold lots of flus or takes a long time to heal when they have a cold or flu and lasts forever that's a long Qi deficiency it's not able to defend the body and heal from invasion of bacterias and viruses the lung function in TCM also control body hair and the skin so any kind of skin issues like allergies for example that's also of course the defense system right we have a no immunity if we are reacting to let's say hey or or dust or cat danders right anything that's environmental is gonna affect our skin or give us reactive skin allergies that's usually a control of the lung not able to defend the body against all those environmental factors body hair is also supposed to protect you against bacteria and sinuses right sinuses and viruses I was just thinking of the nose so we have a lot of hair and I know some of us have more than other that also is the ability of the hair to stop bacterias and viruses to go and through invade our bodies right so again it's a defense mechanism so like I said the long open into the nose so of course if we have chronic or acute sinus issue sinusitis allergic reaction or nose bleeds we have to look at what's going on with the lung in TCM perspective the lung in TCM also regulates water metabolism so what's interesting is the spleen prevents water retention but the long regulates water metabolism so they work very closely so what happened is that the spleen will try to prevent water retention but the law will extract the good fluids from the spleen and sends it all over the body especially to the skin so not having a dry skin means that both the spleen and the long are properly metabolizing the fluids within the person's body the lungs also controlled the tongue Oh Jeong Jeong my Chinese is awful the junkie or the Chi that circulates all over the meridians so it's interesting in the perspective of when we have Chi circulated through the meridians the long because it's the most outer yin organ of all the yin organs so that za Morrigan are all you know again but if you compare them all the long would be the more outer one the one that's the more surface one so it is more in control of the Chi with in the meridian and then the longer than charge of the mind and body connection it's in charge of the corporal soul so our physical strength how the ability to follow through to finish what we started the long is in church of that purpose i the kidneys and TCM boy oh boy oh boy oh boy so the TCM kidneys have many functions that are so different from the Western kidneys but I love the TCM kidneys because it's the root of who we are right so first of all this TCM we always say the Communion and the kidney young are the roots of who we are our genes so if one is diseased the other one will be too right if there's a Kinion not properly functioning there will be a Kimmy are not properly functioning and vice versa so the first thing to think about is that the kidneys are in charge of because of our genes it's in charge or they are in charge of our growth so everything that goes from birth to growth to aging it's literally in charge of our aging system what our parents gave us what our DNA gave us hopefully we aged well but that is determined by our birth and our parents right and then eventually obviously what we do with our life and what kind of lifestyle we have to age faster or not so it's insured also of reproduction fertility right and development brain and body development and growth so very much related to essence of course as a substance right so the kidneys are in charge of controlling the lower orifices so the opening and closing of the lower gates usually we say and so that's the spermatic duct urethra and you know Larry Odierno seria and of course the vagina area so if there is leakage or issue with leakage of or I guess bowel or urine that is not able to be controlled that's a kidney function so there's a difference between the spleen the spleen holds the organs in place if there is let's say bladder prolapse and the person has tendency to lose urine because of the prolapse that's a spleen she's sinking but if there is issue if the person doesn't have prolapse but everytime they sneeze or everytime they cough or when they run when something happened there's a little bit of human coming out that is the kidney not able to control the lower orifices that make sense so that's the decay Kiamichi deficiency different from the spleen she's sinking to things that the kidneys do is they open into the ear for better healing so of course as we age because the kidneys our aging system we can't hear as well what so if someone loses their hearing earlier in life that is definitely affecting kidneys for sure if there is ear ringing that is low pitch and constantly there like that mmm sound very difficult to get rid of because unfortunately the kidneys are affected that's a kidney deficiency the kidneys also show our aging because they manifest on the hair so if we have tendency to go gray very early in life that means our kidneys or aging faster compared to someone that has a full head of hair that doesn't have a grey hair until with 50 right um also a specifically for men that happens more often right if there is a receding line or a lot of hair loss early in life and that's not a strong TCM kidneys compared to someone that has again a full head of hair by the time they're 60 of course the main function of kidneys is their relationship with essence right they store essence which again comes back to the fact that they are our DNA they are in charge of our DNA what was given to us at birth so because they are in charge of storing essence the relationship there continues to producing bone marrow filling up the brain with marrow and controlling bones so bone marrow brain and bones are all controlled or related to kidneys and essence so anything happening to your bones for example osteoporosis means the kidneys are aging too fast anything happening to the marrow or the brain of course a lot of issue comes from either essence if it was from birth or from genetic issues right or of course if it was an accident or something that affected either of those three things then that means the kidneys are being depleted unfortunately how the kidney is also governed water so again here we go again the law the spleen and the kidneys all are related to water metabolism the purpose of the kidneys with the water specifically is to get rid of the bad water basically sends it to the bladder and the bladder is creted or you know gets rid of it so that's the ability to kind of get rid of the water we don't need which makes it pretty much the same as you know a Western function now that's another ability of the kidneys to be a little bit different is that they have tendency to have a relationship with every organ specifically every song Oregon right with the lung and the kidney relationship the kidneys and TCM receive lungs sheet from the lung and grasp it what does that mean it means that every time we take a big deep breath deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep all the way down or abdomen or abdominal region we are breathing better deeper which allows the TCM kidney to grasp that energy that she that air that comes right deep into it and I guess reserve it or preserve it which allows our body not to age as fast so two things the relationship of the lung and kidney is that if we do deep breathing exercise we will age better and less faster people that breathe shallow all the time are super stressed usually and they can't take a big deep breath that will age the person faster because the kidney is not able to grasp all that excess oxygen to keep it in reserve that makes sense also it's a relationship with asthma so kidney and lung every relationship when it comes to asthma when a lot of people have asthma very difficult to get rid of asthma and it really usually depends on the kidney the long but also to spin because diet and digestion also affects asthma ah the kidneys house willpower huh so if we don't have a good willpower that means kidneys are weak so the ability to be able to have good will depends on the kidneys and last but not least the kidneys are in between the two kidneys there is what we call the mainland fire or the gate of vitality so man is a gate and Ming it was two Dynasty the Ming Dynasty so the gate of vitality and that Dynasty was very vital so the gate of vitality or the ming man fire we say resides in between the two kidneys or in between Canadian and qing mian and the gate of vitality Tsar fire it's all right Ali is the fire in what it's what keeps us going it provides all body functions it warms us it allows good digestion it harmonizes specifically our sexual functions so gives us the ability to get a good libido when there is low libido there is usually a low Ming man fire there's no fire so that's a kidney Yong deficiency no more fire so no libido no sexual drive right so that's what the main man fire is in charge of and it's a big relationship with the kidneys wha-hoo that's all about the dong organ and TCM very different from Western but to me it's fascinating ly exciting and fun alright so let's look at the fou organs in Chinese medicine the functions of the four organs are not as extensive as the double oregon so it's a little bit faster a little bit quicker but i also want to see it the relationship between the yin and your organ to see how we look at them in TCM perspective so the stomach in Chinese medicine which is the counterpart of the spleen of course that is young stomach which is obviously a young organ is also very very closely related to the TCM spin I think the two of them the spin and stomach and GCM are probably the closely related the most closer related one of all the junk for organ a yin and yang counterpart so the stomach is often said to be the most important of all young organ what's interesting is that even though it's a young Morgan it almost it it's almost considered a yin organ because if you look at the meridians the stomach meridian is the only young Meridian that is not in the back o on the side but it's in the thin part of the body which is the front part of the body again the stomach meridian is the only young Meridian that's in the young part of the body so it's quite interesting to me that you know even though it's a young Morgan it's very much related to the spleen obviously counterpart but it is probably the most important one in Chinese medicine perspective not discounting the other guys of course it controls the ripening and rotting of food with the screen so it Lily is in charge of digestion with the spleen right it's the beginning of digestion as we know if we said if the stomach G is strong the prognostic of any disease will be good so it's important to have a really good digestive system apparently according to TCM but I so believe that because diet and food is medicine it is in control of the transporting of food sheet right so it transports it with the spleen and then whatever we don't need goes down further in the spleen grasp the nutrients from the stomach and transform it and transport it as well it's also said that the stomach is the origin of all fluids that's why when there's dry mouth dry lips or crack lips or you know no saliva in the mouth that is a stomach issue usually a stomach heat or stomach the end efficient see right and again let's compare the spleen and stomach though Union on opposite of course the stomach gets dry while the screen gets damp very much opposite the stomach is tendency to be excess the spleen is tendency to be deficient stomach hates the heat we have tendency to get some acute stomach fire spleen hates the cold stomach rebuilds meaning it goes up we vomit acid reflux nausea right heartburn it's all going up while the spleen sinks it goes down with fatigue with organs prolapsing with diarrhea see how the very much opposite so when there's an issue with the digestive system it takes more a while to treat because the cistern opposition between spleen and stomach the small intestine and TCM is quite different than the Western sense wow that's just hard for a lot of people to grasp so the TCM small intestine is in charge of separating the clear from determined so basically it's utilizing the clay or the good fluids which goes to the large intestine for reabsorption and gets rid of the turbid or the bad fluid which goes to the bladder for excretion right so that's the interesting part about the small intestine is that it really is in charge of separating the clear from the turbine that's its main function but I have something else I want to say about the small intestine is that it is also in charge of separating the clear thoughts from determined ones interesting so it's kinda like the good versus evil kind of thing right so the TCM small intestine when healthy will be able to distinguish it to make the difference between right and wrong so if people have tendency to not see the right from the wrong there is an issue of the small intestine and that's the relationship often that this Montesinos with the heart function it's a mind and emotional issue that affects the person in its ability to see right from wrong isn't that interesting if you want to know more about this hole right from wrong check out my web site and look at the resource page all about the small intestine has a whole blog post talking about this in depth you might like that a lot so my resource page has tons of great goodies on TCM the large intestine in TCM pretty simple same function really as a Western sense right it's to literally get rid of the rotten food and excrete faeces so but its second function which is much more TCM and in perspective is that it is also affected by long-standing emotion and the large intestine has tendency to not be able to let go right so the ability of the large intestine not to let go is what we look at when people have chronic constipation that is not due to diet and the ability to not let go of certain emotions so then we retain them and we have chronic constipation again if you want a blog post on that look at my blog post on all about the large intestine in an constipation as well sorry and constipation on my resource page I talk exactly specifically about a personal story of mine regarding chronic constipation and not the ability to let go some long-standing emotions ah the large intestine connection to the TCM lung is specifically reflecting in the skin and the immune system of course the large intestine has our bacteria right the good bacteria the flora our probiotic reside in there so our ability to fight our immune function resides in the large intestine so that's the connection and of course if we don't evacuate food properly it's gonna reflect on our skin and it was can cut it's gonna come back with skin issues as well the bladder in TCM so the bladder function in TCM much you know the same as the Western function it removes water or bad fluid by Chi transformation which is helped by the small intestine as we said earlier separating the clear from the turbine and the sanjaya we're going to talk about the Sandow in a minute so basically to excrete the bad turbid fluid is the function of the bladder what I found interesting about the bladder is that if there was an imbalance in the TCM bladder it provokes jealousy suspicion and long-standing grudge so that happens a lot in older people a lot of elderly you have long-standing grudge you know they hate old they hold grudge against other people for years and years and years and their bladder is not functioning properly so that's interesting because again that's the aging system right the bladder and the kidneys are part of the winter season in the five-element the winter of our lives right our aging system the bladder and the kidney are basically the relationship is relationship is about water and fluid transformation right the kidney and the water and the bladder transform fluid and excrete fluid that we don't need so that's the relationship mainly and the aging relationship or the relationship to the winter of our lives like I just said a minute ago the gall bladder in Chinese medicine so the gall bladder is the only young organ that doesn't deal with food directly or food and fluid directly and transporting them out of the body it stores bile so bile is very important as we know but that's funny because the gallbladder stores bile which is exactly the Western sense so this is the kind of you know relationship that sometimes it's hard to distinguish TCM organs from Western Oregon's because a lot of time there is connections of course it controlled judgments courage and decision so when I have patients they cannot make decision that's a ball bladder issue not the ability to make the right judgment to have the guts or the decision-making ability right were worried about the outcome so we won't make the decision big decision or small decision that's a complan issue and again if you want to know more I have tons of blog post on the gallbladder in my website at your academy.com on the resource page and of course it controls the joints the ligament attendants with the liver the liver so together that's their function as a whole to be able to to have supple smooth easy to move joints ligaments and tendons not tight so the gallbladder and the liver depends on each other for a lot of functions specifically to keep everything flowing properly and of course the gallbladder is a little special because it's also an external organ that's interesting to me that makes it very special so let's talk about the last but not least of the four again the Sandow so the Sancho in Chinese medicine is also called in English the triple gel triple drow triple burner curse and means three and J means burner so sometimes it's called the triple energizer energizer sorry Oh can't speak anymore the triple warmer the triple heater so because of so many translation I like to keep it in pinyin or in Chinese or in Mandarin and keep it the sender so the sender has three because San means three burners it has the upper jaw the middle jaw and the lower jaw so if you look at your trunk it has the upper trunk middle trunk and lower trunk right so the upper jaw is considered to be like a mist and it is really the function of the lung dispersing fluids all over the body but it's also the relationship of the lung and a heart together in the circulatory function so if there is for example damp heat in the upper jaw a lot of time is because we have a lot of phlegm and someone has let's say bronchitis and they're coughing a lot of green or yellow phlegm that would be damn feet affecting the upper jaw okay ah the middle jaw is literally our digestive system it's called often the maceration chamber it's really the transformation and transportation of food and the nutrients that are gonna be absorbed and nourish our body literally it's the spleen and stomach it's really our digestive system so if there is damp heat in the middle gel that means there's deafness in the spleen and heat in the stomach that make sense hopefully now Dan peat in the lower jaw the lower burner or the Lord Zhao is like a draining ditch it separates the clear and turbid fluids to be excreted so in the Lord Zhao we have usually the small intestine the large intestine the bladder the kidney but also the liver and the gallbladder now in some text there are gonna put the liver and gallbladder in the middle chow some text we'll put it in a lower burner I like to put it in lower burner but you know it's uh it depends on you school thoughts and what you were trained into deputy Lord Zhao could mean having a bladder infection or having a lot of turbid dark urination deputy Lord Zhao could also have smelly diarrhea and that stampede in a large intestine we could also have damn peed in the Lord Zhao affecting deliver if we had yeast infections specifically due to or some herpes genital herpes would be damp heat in the lower jaw affecting the liver meridian so that comes gives you an idea of how the sanjo is seen in a TCM perspective and the sanjaya always related to the pericardium mostly because of the Meridian yin and yang relationship nothing else really all right that was it for the four organs the extraordinary organs in TCM are part of the junk-food organ and they are all of them related to kidney and essence so all of them depend on good essence and good TCM kidneys the most important one is the uterus and it's not to say that the other one are not important because they're all very vital and important but the uterus has a massive function it's in charge of the whole female reproductive system the uterus encompasses everything that we know of the the whole reproductive system of the female so the ovaries the fallopian tube the cervix to vagina every hormone related to the reproductive system of the female is called the uterus and TCM okay the Dantean is the counterpart the male counterpart and it's located obviously just like the uterus below the belly button those two are related to essence but also to organs and meridians as well if you want an in-depth understanding of the whole TCM uterus and the gynecology relationship to Chinese medicine then definitely check out my course it's completely free it's on my website at your academy.com and it's on the TCM course pages if you look at the TCM course page you go in there and you'll see gynecology and TCM it's free and then you can watch and understanding the whole relationship of TCM or Chinese medicine and gynecology the blood vessels and TCM are obviously in charge of containing blood right so that's their function they contain the blood which is vital for ourselves so that's a relationship again to essence and kidney the bones and the bone marrow obviously the bones they store bone marrow and of course because of that they're related to kidney and essence as well marrow itself produces or essence re pretty is it right essence Perdue smell and nourishes the brain in a spinal cord so again that's our relationship to kidney in essence the brain AHA the brain the brain is often called the seed of marrow in Chinese medicine and it controls memory and concentration and all sense like sight and hearing and touch and smell right so very much related to essence and kidney but also to the heart and blood because of the relationship to the Shen the spirit the mind right so that's the function of the brain and the gallbladder now that's the funny part right the gallbladder is also part of the extraordinary organ because of relationship or its relationship to contain pure bile ok the pure fluid that is bile bile bile sorry in Chinese medicine is like gold it's super super super important for the production of Chi into bile so the kidneys and the gallbladder are very much related for that so in China medicine we say that having your gallbladder taken out will probably age you a little faster because the relationship of essence alright so that was my dog food organ made easy hopefully it helped you review or grasp it and if you want more I got tons of resource courses and videos and pics on my website at your Academy com totally check out my Facebook page I post every day at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time from Vancouver Canada I create tons and tons of original fun fun post because the idea is to keep having fun while reviewing or learning TCM I hope you enjoyed this have a great fantastic day and don't ever forget Chinese medicine rocks