I missed last week's weekly Reddit questions because I've been busy with all the season 11 and all that fun stuff that took over the channel but we're back and here we [Music] go top photo question of OverWatch University of the past week was what did you start doing differently that led you to climbing the most ranks the fastest like for me uh so far the biggest game changer for climbing has been really paying attention to audio cues I instantly got so much better at the game after paying attention to pings direction of enemies cool Downs Etc through the sound I'm looking for subtle things to focus on that other people focused on that has helped them climb the fastest it's been a long time I haven't really been like climbing for the past like seven years I pretty much capped out and peaked like seven years ago and I've been on maintenance mode ever since but one thing that's certainly that I advise and and works for me is um an approach where on every death it's less about about blaming people and more about not only what you did wrong but opportunities you may have missed now it may go a little better when you watch the replay or have a second opinion with a coach or somebody who's uh can watch your gameplay as well uh so I guess that all kind of is encapsulated as like a mindset shift instead of like defaulting to turning around and pointing the finger it's kind of like behavioral therapy right you're kind of like rewiring your initial mindset like did I die is it cuz my support suck did they not heal me is it because my tank didn't walk up like instead of that being your instant reflex it's like what could I have done better and there will be sometimes where it's kind of like you know maybe that person on your team didn't do the thing that you expected them to do so instead of again not blaming them you look in yourself and be like what can I do to adapt to my shitty teammate or my person who is not making the correct play and work off of that and think of extra and different opportunities you wouldn't have otherwise thought the easiest example is um attacking let's say Hollywood first point for example example I go main as whatever hero I'm playing and I ended up dying and then I could be like oh it's my first response could have been was my support with me he wasn't and he I got shot and I died that's their fault no instead of that I think of extra opportunities and different ways to approach that should I have gone main should I have gone to the back of the stairs up to that initial High Ground should I have gone to the flank where the mega health pack is should I not have gone Main and should I have gone into that little side server room and then if you go in the replay viewer and try to simulate in your head what would have happened if you popped out of that server room with three or four people in the enemy team would have looked at you would that have split some attention to allow somebody else to uh take space and do something if I went High Ground what do you think would have happened try to simulate a couple in your head if you can't simulate it the next time you play Hollywood try going out that server room try going up high ground and then you'll kind of like figure out what seems to be optimal for the hero you're playing so definitely just a mindset shift will will certainly help you uh climb the ranks the fastest and taking different different approaches and different angles and different ideas until you figure out what works best how are you supposed to flank as Reaper when the entire enemy team is grouped up and just turn around to focus you people say this Strat is what makes Reaper viable as if the game came out yesterday and everyone on the other team uh move by themselves in Gold I have never seen any enemy seriously isolate themselves they are constantly grouped together you sure about that in Gold you sure about that or at least one pocket healer to protect them are you supposed to just go in to get some meager hits and then get out won't that be a serious hindrance to your team I love playing Reaper is my favorite character to play but it's always an knowing knowing I can just switch to Caster Soldier and instantly contribute more am I playing him wrong I mean I feel like your eye for the game may be a little off here if you think people in Gold are constantly grouped up together are we playing the same game maybe not always there will be some isolated Heroes I think for your approach as a Reaper you're thinking of one person always caught out of position and misposition which can happen maybe you're missing the opportunity when that happens that being said you're not necessarily supposed to just look for isolated people you're supposed to be an opportunist you don't always because you won't always have a situation where there's an isolated Zenyatta who's easy for you to kill right that won't happen like you said maybe they're clumped up in your games that's true though people who understand their weaknesses May Clump together when they know there is an enemy Reaper so your job as Reaper to flank is your timing your time engages is pretty off um that's a big part of DPS skill it's a big part of when like a good Tracer knows when to go in they don't always have to like uh blink too early because if you go too early then yes all five people on the enemy team if they have the sight lines can turn around and focus you and force your W out or force your recall out when your team isn't even ready to take advantage of the space you're taking it's not necessarily wrong to go in first as long as somebody else on your team can capitalize the split Focus or the split attention that being said Reaper isn't the greatest out it because his Escape is way shittier than Tracer who can recall and blink out you only have one wraith form and that's it so it's actually usually better for you to wait for uh your team to to distract them make some space your tank either are jumping in or making them threatening enough so their attention's focused on your tank and your team on different Sidelines and you come in while all the chaos is insing ensuing and clean up that's probably the better way to flank as Reaper a lot of times that won't always be present so it's actually okay to kind of sort of play with your team depending on the context and the map and like just like shoot the people who are you know right in front of you right that's why like you can't always have that onedimensional flank only re Reaper play style cuz that won't always be present as a diva player uh what should I do once the ene entire enemy team has counterpicked me I'd like to be a full on Diva one trick and I can manage pretty much all counters individually but once the enemy team is playing zarya Sim May Moira what is the best action is outplaying a possibility or if a switch is a must what tank should I pick to counter the enemy one-dimensional beam strategy um I mean you can catch the bottom of the the comment right there where distracting is plenty that's true right um if they are playing things that are beams there's a limit on their range zarya has a limit on the Range symmetra has a limit on the Range maze left click or primary fire is a very much shorter range Moira suck almost does nothing to armor if I recall correctly and you can absorb all her orbs what you're supposed to do is obviously not stand within beam range as long as you can help it unless it makes sense where your team can take advantage of it or you have bomb and you're baiting or whatever in general you take control of positional spaces on certain angles maybe slightly out a beam range poke them a little bit don't get too low and distract them and draw attention split their focus if they're looking at you and they're not looking at your enemy team or sorry they're not looking at your teammates right the longer they can look at you without you dying now the question is what they're beaming me they're going to kill me but that's where you have to really maneuver around natural cover and play the spacing correctly I think it's 20 M for zarya 20 M for Sim probably like 5 m for May maybe 20 M for moer but moa's uh suck damage is pretty negligible but Co lessons is something you don't just peek and tank the whole time and take because that will hurt over time poke a little bit try to get your uh your ultimate so you have a second life you know jump people who are out of position and maybe force some zarya Bubbles and fly in fly out use the diva have more movement agency than zarya cuz zarya is pretty limited by her movement that's what that's her weakness but your strength is like High Ground Control and being able to fly wherever you want every 4 seconds so you have to take advantage of that and that's the only way to do it if you're going to be a full on Diva one trick not only to learn how to play around your counter but you got to learn how to play against multiple people so you really got to understand each match up individually and how they blend together at their effective range draw coold Downs out and uh draw tension that's your role as a tank how do I deal with doomfist I'm a fairly decent player but when Doom is on the opposing team I just lose it everyone just shoots his block and then from 40 m away he one shots your backline and lives because he has uh a ninth ultimate in a minute on top of his new buff he feels oppressive he's like ball that you have to counter him or you lose the game I just don't like swamping and especially not to counter if I was getting paid to lose against Doom I'd be a billionaire I just want some effective way to avoid him without praying my backline devotes every cool down to living barely and that my team doesn't shoot his fist every time he stands in front of us like a block with his Gauntlet yeah I can tell you're kind of losing it with the way the post was going it depends what role you're playing if you're saying you're backline thighing I'm assuming you're the mirror tank or you're the uh DPS player the thing with doom is that um shooting the when when he's blocking he's probably into the open there is a time and place to shoot and focus him to kind of uh force him out of it or that's the opportunity to CC him throw an Arissa spear throw a sigma Rock a sleep Dart him hack him as a Sombra a little bit of CC slows his momentum down significantly and dodging a single punch kills his entire engage cuz he probably has to slam out if he slams in and misses the punch he's a Sitting Duck with the block block and that's your best time to either shoot him but then as soon as you um charge his fist you can actually back up behind the line of sight in that exact moment cuz you know a punch is coming out doomfist is all about snowballing his abilities and if he misses one either with a well time CC on your team or like a good enough damage pressure to force him out his entire rotation is kind of killed for the next 5 to 10 seconds um you just have to pressure him wherever you can possible and yes if your team gets punched they have to be hyper aware of it and they should be playing Heroes like you know behind cover obviously if when when possible depending on when the rocket punch is coming up but also with some abilities ready you can't really help them in in that sense where like if they need to dodge they have to dodge but sometimes there's time in place where you're if you're a tank player you can take the punch for your team as long as they're not too far beh uh close to you then they won't get caught in the AOE of it and then that can be pretty solid as well stay away from uh walls when possible when he's empowered and that's your best bet to deal with doomfist what do I do with the DPS with a negative KD ratio as a tank player I noticed upon inspection to replay that in my last 10 games there was always at least one DPS with a negative KD I know stats don't mean everything but not without context oh yeah first of all KD is just kills versus deaths but in a game like OverWatch it's not called kills they called eliminations because elimination kind of encapsulates assists you tag someone for five damage you get a full out elimination so KD isn't necessarily the best metric for uh seeing how a person's impact is you can have a five and seven Anna and like have them outdamage like some of your DPS I've done that before and people like a you only have five elims but I'm like dude I'm like literally non-stop shooting the tank because like you know Anna does true damage against armor I do 70 damage and I'm just pressuring and racking up my damage stab who cares about elims and depending on the role you play of course but in any case I digress so the question is is it normal that a DPS has a negative KD does it mean I need to enable him better let's go in order actually is it normal that DPS is negative KD I mean yeah it's going to happen it's pretty normal that you're this this this will be a pretty frequent occurrence it's OverWatch people are going to have bad games and there's maybe things that you can do to help does that mean I need to enable him better yes and no it depends what Heroes they're playing and what hero you are playing does it mean I need to change composition for him not necessarily they may not be the wind con they may be having a terrible day and they're a lost cause and that you need to just do your job take space and hopefully people can pick up the slack or is it a waste of time and counterproductive that I should just take it as is and play for my own strengths that's what I would do the majority of time but there is time and a time in place to enable them or change comps for them this one's probably the rarest occurrence where I switch specifically as a tank player for one DPS player that's probably not happening in most cases I'm not here to rent I just want people uh to know how other tank players deal with this so again yes enabling so I would say Heroes like um Diva or Rosaria can turn around bubble and throw Matrix on that's actually the correct play but enabling them on say a ratra or a sigma it's a lot less of an option to enable or help them your job actually if you're turning around and trying to help them you might be losing space in a lot of cases like a ram just keep your your omnic form Shield up keep shooting them sit and punch and block and then take control of the space of their their tank or you know maybe two of their supports or one of their DPS still in front of you and making sure they stay off the rest of your team and Bank on your team helping that one DPS players having a rough time that may be the correct play so again the enabling the bad teammate kind of depends um and more often than not if they're having a bad game like they're a little tilted it's probably better not to like work around them because if they're not like a god proo player are they really going to be able to turn it around no I would probably just play for your own strengths that and that's the best I can answer your questions with is Moira viable and ranked if so up to which rank I was told by someone in a gold game that my longw streak was because Moira isn't viable in ranked and then as in my research and as far as supports go she indeed has no util I try to play B for a while as a hero with more utility but I can never get the damage healing output that I get with Moira I generally lead the boards and healing Moira May lack utility but I'm throwing up tons of healing and damage and I'm often one to one in healing and damage she's my best support but is she truly not viable for ranked play to answer the main question is she viable and ranked yes if so up to which rank all the ranks top 500 easily there's a couple of top top top Moira uh one of my friends Nolan in OverWatch one I don't think he plays much OverWatch 2 maybe early OverWatch 2 he played he hit rank one as a Moira one trick and he was like 40 freaking like 650 Sr in OverWatch one which is very high very very high now the question about uh utility this is a little bit of a a misnomer and not in terms of like it's true that moer has no utility and I say a misnomer because like utility isn't what wins games right it's a it's a tool to help you win games just as well as moira's damage pressure and healing pressure can also win games the whole point of uh your support role is to you know bring value to your team you can bring value outside of just utility you're right while Baptist has utility with his lamp and his window uh ultimate um what does the window do amplify your damage what does the the lamp do save someone so they could hopefully add more value uh to the team you can simply add value by damaging a lot that's why the backline flank Moira believe it or not can work and is viable especially if they have no answer to it and it can be very very pesty and annoying uh if you do it right your healing numbers and raw healing depending on the comp you're playing like a brawl can be very very good as well that can be your win condition you're adding value to your team because you're enabling your tanks and your other supports and your other damage Heroes to get their ultimates faster because you're keeping them alive uh and then they can bring value with their ultimate um that being said with the scoreboard thing that's the one thing I advise more players not to worry too much about and to FL onto other support Heroes Moira can and on average has higher healing and damage uh per 10 for uh I think be it beats out most of the other supports and that's because a lot of the healing and the Damage goes two ways when you suck someone off as Moira you're racking up your healing and damage at the same time Non-Stop and then your orbs are on cool down you just Chuck them and you can just Farm stats like crazy so they're a little bit of a deceptive if you just if you're a scoreboard Sally um so don't don't worry about leading the it's very nice that you're leading the leaderboards but don't use that as a crutch or a gacha moment if like you're out healing your other support and see being like see I told you uh I'm better than you but I'm not saying you are but that seems to be like a pretty big habit that I just want to like nip at the bud for not you but for the community listening to my rant and my Q&A right now how do you stop zarya I just get melted on every tank as for Team Six together so I can't pick off as Diva her and Ry are the two most difficult to go up for against me I mean a bad R is easy to work but a normal zarya still wrecks me the downside of playing two tanks well in zarya counters both and the two you play are orisa and Diva D.A at least has movement I am learning Ryu has been helpful against her but I mechanically quite bad at Ry though I'm improving the only I don't get when to use his charge every other tank I don't play apart from Sigma sometimes so I don't know okay so I mentioned this earlier with the with the Divas one trick question with zarya it's all about managing her effective range her range is her biggest weakness 20 M for the beam the secondary fire is a little slow so if you're playing Diva you can eat the secondary fire and if you're she's high energy you stay out of her effective range if she's low and you have to count her Bubbles as well and if you count them correctly especially if you uses one you can jump in force the other one out and then try to burst the out of her down and then she's kind of caught in a bad spot cuz she has no movement like you do as Diva you're a diva player you have the agency to pick and choose your battles because of your movement uh Reinhardt same thing going up against Ryan for Diva you eat fire strikes and stay at a swing range wherever possible make use of different High grounds if he's on the low ground stay on the high play on an opposite angle sometimes fly across from him and shoot him it might force him to turn around and shield you which creates an opening for the team splitting angles against Ryan is probably the most uh frustrating thing for Ryan players the easiest thing to get better as well is to like just play your counters that you have problems with and see what they struggle with and then take your learnings for that as a Ry it's the worst when you're just sitting there shielding in front of you but they have three different angles you're like oh my God I don't know where to look and then you're caught in the middle and you can't swing at anything cuz no one's in your range big weakness there same with zarya I'm like dude I can't beam anybody I can't build any energy no one's shooting my bubbles and I don't know where to go boom there's another weakness or your orisa sorry I forgot to catch this you play orisa into zarya when you're spinning don't stand in front of the zarya because zarya can beam through the spin that's like the only thing uh try to pick and choose your battles with your cool down Cycles if you have fortify you can walk up pressure pressure pressure with your poke look for Spears into the back maybe force is already to ch Chuck a bubble or two and then uh if you're spinning to to take space like if you spin spin with the reason spin to take space and if you're taking space be careful cuz zya can counter back and neutralize that space so do that if you're like you know pressuring somebody into a corner forces zya bubble and then uh you know use that to eat some bullets to like take another closer angle up to the objective it's all about natural cover for tanks and a little bit more finesse instead of standing in front of the other tank and just eating all their abilities especially with zarya and Reinhardt is it okay to die first in a sniper V sniper matchup at the start of a round of course not I often don't want to play sniper Heroes like Widow Ash Hanzo and soj mainly because I think I'll get outplayed at range but dying first in the first team fight doesn't necessarily mean you'll lose the game so should I always start with a sniper on open Sidelines just trying to 1ev one the sniper unsuccessfully bring any sort of value to the team fight I imagine that since the enemy sniper is busy aiming at me it makes them more vulnerable to an attack from my team however it usually doesn't amount anything cuz my team is busy fighting the tank and supports okay generally you never want to die in a in a sniper V sniper match up if you lose a 1 V one obviously is not great that being said it's a little bit more lenient on attack because you have a closer respawn for example Havana if you're attacking if you die you spawn you walk five steps out your spawn room and you're probably in sight line to duel the Widow again if you're in a defending Widow pretend you're defending on Havana first and you lose that first duel it's way more detrimental cuz you got to spawn walk through that entire inside outside wrap around you buy a lot more time it's a lot more lethal to die on a defending side especially when you're uh early in the payload phase so that's something to consider so it's obviously try not to die it's but it's okay to die for the sake of self-improvement you're hesitant to play sniper Heroes but how are you ever going to start winning sniper duels and learn how to beat snipers if you never play them to begin with so for the sake of improving you should probably play it but for the sake of like that specific a game in the short term winning that game if you're losing every duel you'll probably lose it's not ideal right but that's just the way it is you got to lose before you win can someone explain the slang terms please I play comp Platinum but I only got to reading Reddit and looking at ways to improve and so many people use acronyms and terms that I have no idea what they mean like hit scan off angle dive and even DPS I know it's damage players at least can someone just take the time to spell it all out for me any term that isn't obvious or acronym that is used on this form let us hear it please hit scan let's let's break it down here hit scan is any weapon you shoot in which when you click or press your controller button the bullet instantly registers to where your target is so think Cassidy Ash if you shoot them the bullet registers on their body you click them the opposite is of this is projectile projectile means there's a travel time for your bullet think Hanzo if I have my crossover person and I shoot my projectile there's a Time for it before it reaches it's not hit scan it's a projectile so if they move there's a chance it can miss the other one is uh tracking aim I can think of you're thinking of common ones used on this forum tracking aim is just following the target with your Crosshair as you're moving like a Zaria like a Sombra like a soldier you try to follow the target while you hold your uh your trigger button down that's tracking there's um flicking like a lot of Cassidy and Ash players they like flick like every bullet they do a little adjustment and it'll quickly flick to the Target for that one shot off angle off angle is just a different angle you take as a player away from the main angle let's say everybody on King's Row clashing right by the statue in the first point that's the main angle the off angle is somebody not taking that angle maybe like a soldier going up the stairs soldiers on an off angle in which not the main angle they're on an off angle in which they're drawing attention drawing space and uh splitting attention and that's the whole point and that's the strength of an off angle where you have to figure out and you put the bonus on the opponent to have to figure out how to deal with not only the main angle but the off angle as long as you're threatening enough dive is any hero that has like a vertical mobility or high Mobility so I think Winston Diva Genji Tracer uh and DPS you know what this means uh and to help the rest of them there is an entire um slang common terms on the OverWatch Wiki that was linked up here there you go zoom in on a few of these let's go through a couple of these really quick what's not that common Here's 2 CP 5 CP assault Clash Airborne air control Ajax this is one you who streamers say it's when a Lucio was specifically killed from using his ultimate originates from Ajax and contenders player who was known for dying trying to ult this is an old 2017 meme uh which goes now Ajax that's right that one it's kind of like how in League you have the leasin play or like the the insect which is just like a flash leasin kick some plays get named after players auto aim uh you have B for back you have back cap backline Boop brawl buff it's probably easier to just pause here and read these more so than me reading them out I'm trying to think of ones that I don't even know cuz they they slang is always evolving I know what all of these mean CC C killing blow who the hell says that whole thing kit a hero kit yep loss is probably one you should know line of sight for beginners main is important Mega is important nobody really calls Mia in this game mini mini and Mega are important to know main is important to know mirror comps multi-kill Nerf no blank yeah what's it call NT objective I think I think I missed one it was diff dff people use that to Flame to say they're better than you on their role RG I don't think I seen anybody say this that's the first one or second one that's kind of like H to me areas of the map Coast main mid left right and spawn the left and right are relative to where you the side you're on that's important Coast is important learning main main is important the hero you play the main entrance of a map Mega health pack mint Mega on the mini that's those are probably your most important ones to be honest with you everything else is a bit up for grabs okay anyways that's it for this week's Reddit questions hope you enjoyed see you next week w