Understanding Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System

Aug 27, 2024

Notes on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)


  • Overview of the lecture on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and MATLAB implementation.
  • Suggested to watch the previous video on fuzzy logic controllers for better understanding.

Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling

Fuzzy Logic Modeling

  • Used when precise mathematical modeling is difficult due to system complexity.
  • Incorporates human expertise through fuzzy rules and sets.
  • Requires manual tuning, which is time-consuming and error-prone.

Neural Network-Based Modeling

  • Utilizes artificial neural networks for system modeling.
  • Effective when ample input-output data is available for training.
  • Capable of learning but lacks fuzzy system's ability to manage uncertainty and represent human-like knowledge.

Combining Fuzzy and Neural Networks

  • Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: Combine fuzzy systems with learning capabilities of neural networks.
  • Benefits of both approaches are exploited through:
    • Cooperative Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
    • Concurrent Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
    • Hybrid Approaches

Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

  • Definition: A neuro-fuzzy system using a five-layer network with supervised learning.
  • Proposed by Roger Jang and Sun in 1994.
  • Architecture consists of five layers:
    1. Adaptive Layer: Contains membership functions (fuzzification).
    2. Fixed Layer: Performs multiplication of outputs from the first layer (firing strength).
    3. Normalization Layer: Normalizes firing strengths.
    4. Adaptive Layer: Updates consequent parameters based on training.
    5. Summation Layer: Outputs the final result.

Architecture Details

  • Layer 1: Membership functions (Bell shape); outputs fuzzy values.
  • Layer 2: Fixed nodes multiplying incoming signals.
  • Layer 3: Normalizes outputs using defined equations.
  • Layer 4: Adaptive layer that updates parameters governing the output functions.
  • Layer 5: Summation of outputs from the previous layer.

Mathematical Operations Overview

  • Fuzzification: Converts crisp input values into fuzzy values.
  • Firing Strength Calculation: Operations in Layer 2 represent the fuzzy AND operation.
  • Normalization: Achieved in Layer 3 to prepare for Layer 4 adjustments.

Hybrid Learning Algorithm

  • Training Process: Involves updating both premise (input-side) and consequent (output-side) parameters using gradient descent and least squares estimates.

Applications of ANFIS

  • Universal approximation for predictive modeling, time series prediction, controller design, pattern recognition, decision-making, etc.

MATLAB Implementation

Example of Universal Approximation

  1. 1D Approximation (Sine Function)
    • Generate data for the sine function and utilize genfis to create the ANFIS model.
    • Train the model with specified parameters (number of membership functions, epochs).
    • Evaluate the model and compare outputs with actual sine wave.
    • Adjust parameters to see impacts on approximation accuracy.
  2. 2D Approximation (Sinc Function)
    • Define input ranges, prepare data for training, and create the ANFIS model.
    • Train and evaluate the model, comparing the actual and estimated outputs.
    • Explore the effect of reducing membership functions and epochs on approximation quality.


  • ANFIS acts as a universal approximator, capable of approximating any mathematical function by training with suitable parameters.
  • The importance of choosing the right number of membership functions and epochs for better approximation is emphasized.