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Environmental Science: Environmental Systems
Jul 22, 2024
Environmental Science: Environmental Systems
Presented by
: Mr. Andersen
Main Topic
: Environmental Systems
Understanding systems can tackle major environmental problems (e.g., Aral Sea).
Case Study: Aral Sea
Location: Border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Once the 4th largest lake on Earth
Soviet Union used Aral Sea for inefficient irrigation (cotton and rice)
Outcome: Became a desert by 2014
Economic collapse (fish died, fishing industry collapsed)
Mismanagement of system inputs and outputs
Earth as a System
Earth is a large system separated from surroundings
Key Components
: Matter and Energy
: Composed of atoms (closed system, conserved over time)
: Ability to do work (open system)
Conserved on Earth; no new matter from space
Minerals are finite
Must find existing minerals (cannot grow them)
Laws of Thermodynamics
Conservation of energy (energy cannot be created nor destroyed)
Useful energy decreases with each interaction (energy lost as heat)
Systems analysis: Steady state or equilibrium
Negative Feedback Loop
: Moves towards steady state
Positive Feedback Loop
: Moves away from steady state
Types of Systems
Closed System
(e.g., Matter on Earth)
No new matter, no loss to space
Open System
(e.g., Energy)
Continuous flow from surroundings
Atomic Composition on Earth
Finite number of atoms, e.g.,
Humans: Mostly water (oxygen and hydrogen), carbon, nitrogen, etc.
Water: Oxygen and hydrogen, salts (sodium and chloride)
Rocks: Oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron
Atmosphere: Nitrogen, oxygen, trace elements
Atoms recycled, no creation of new atoms
Energy Measurement
Quantified by James Joule
: Unit of energy
: Joule per second
Examples: Energy transitions from sunlight > ancient rainforest > crude oil > gasoline > car motion
Systems Analysis and Feedback Loops
: Input = Output
Negative Feedback Loops
: Stabilize systems
Examples: Lake levels, Earth's heat loss to space
Positive Feedback Loops
: Destabilize systems
Examples: Evaporation warming, melting ice reducing albedo
Summary of Key Points:
Earth as a system with inputs and outputs
Steady state through feedback loops
Energy (open system) vs. Matter (closed system)
Conservation principles (thermodynamics)
Encouragement for further study
Additional Points
Importance of understanding pH, buffers, and biological molecules
Reference to additional resources (videos on specific topics)
Full transcript