Transcript for:
Foot's Bone anatomy ex 5 lab

hey all this professor mccurdy here um look at the bones of the appendicular skeleton uh currently looking at the uh what are the 52 bones that make up the right and left foot hopefully you didn't have trouble with this this is a right foot and this is a left foot don't blame me if you do have trouble that was i had so much trouble figuring out which shoes which at one point in my life maybe maybe maybe it helps if i tell you that this is you're currently looking at the superior surface of the foot or the dorsal surface whereas this is the um the plantar surface um so like the hand right these sort of seven bones are called tarsals or not like the hand but similar to the hand i should say you know the hand has carpals and there are eight of them um these you know five bones that make up the anterior portion of the foot these are the metatarsals and then all of these uh bones and the toes are called phalanges so um we'll do the phalanges and the metatarsals first kind of they're easier the first digit in the foot is the big toe on the medial side so this would be the first metatarsal this would be the you know proximal phalanx one and distal phalanx one so be proximal phalanx two little phalanx two distal phalanx two if you watch the video on the hand you should kind of be familiar with that um you know these are metatarsals one two three four and five so hopefully you've watched the video in the hand and pretty comfortable with that um as far as the tarsals are concerned right this large one on top that forms you know kind of the bulk of the ankle joint that is the talus right next to it we have the calcaneus right the calcaneus is you know the the bone of the heel the calcaneus touches the cuboid right so keep your c's together the tail is on the other hand it kind of articulates with the navicular kind of this broad bone here you know when you compare them to the cuboid it's kind of more cube shaped whereas the navicular kind of flattened and then before it touches you know the navicular doesn't touch metatarsals the cuboid does what the what the navicular touches are the three cuny forms right so um one way would be to refer to um alright it's looking looking weird but uh this will be the first uniform next to the first metatarsal the second uniform next to the second metatarsal and the third keto form next to the third one another way to name these you can call this the medial cuneiform the intermediate uniform and the lateral uniform and that's that's about it