Transcript for:
Lecture Notes: Exploring the Mojave and Deciding on Allies

howdy everyone Mojave D here I'm doing well I hope  you're doing well well I'm nervous man because I   don't want to mess this up we are um completing  ringa dingding or starting ringa dingding in the   last episode finally after it was probably much  too long of a time I figured out how to get to   the strip and now we need to talk to Mr house  first on oh let me get my big head out of here   so you can see what I'm looking at we need  to get to Mr house first and um search the strip should I make this active because  they said um search the strip confront Benny talk to Mr house um I I thought  I was told to talk to him first   so if I make that active what does that do to the map multiple spots interesting so because so now I don't know so now I'm  confused it seemed like we had directions   to talk to Mr house first or maybe that's  just was the the one that get put that Quest up so but the other thing I want to do is  send Boon home I'm thinking because he got   me in into all kinds of trouble I don't  know that he'll get me into trouble here   hey Mr Gambler man uh-huh ready to try your I  really have more important things to do sorry   yeah so do I but I've never seen anybody  called Mr Gambler man um well we know he's   at the tops and that's right there but I'm  going to get rid of him before I do fine by me I want to change gear with him  because he has 15 DT now it's halfway broken but it's better than when I sorry Boon   we we'll get you set up here  in just a second it's better than when I wearing which only gives me one so let's um let's get that let's get  him fine by me let's put mine on him my old armor and let us send him away because he got  me in so dang much trouble um with the cons   what is it that we are neutral with why could  just have wait here huh and he wouldn't cause   any trouble I don't actually have to break um  I don't actually have to tell him okay wait   here I'll sit tight okay Eddie on the other hand  hasn't caused me any trouble so I was thinking then I had to go am I equipped with armor yes so now all of a sudden got him set on be peaceful um I'm not sure  what to do first um you can go look for it ding dong or sorry I thought I had this all figured  out I thought I was I had it figured out to   where we had to talk to Mr house first  because I thought that's what they said   talk to Mr house and then do this I thought  that's what somebody inside there told me so cuz I asked somebody in there if they  knew where Ben they said talk to Mr   House well Mr House Runs The Strip so  he would be the best one to let me know where Ben he is but we're also told  that Benny is staying at the tops   so we already know where he is  unless he isn't there let's go in and talk to Mr house I think now I do have his  saved here so if I screw this is why I'm nervous   I'm nervous about doing things in the wrong  sequence you know not knowing you know never   have played before and then and then altering the  path that my game goes like when I screwed up uh   accidentally over there with the Brotherhood of  Steel and have made a permanent enemy of them   apparently so um that's why I'm nervous but I do  have this save so this would be a case where if   I get things wrong if I screw up the path of  the game um I'll come back to the save and do   it again and this is one time when I will do that  cuz this is uh I think pivotal pivotal a pivotal   moment here to find a man who shot us all right  ma'am I'm going to take a break do a sound check   and rethink this because I might want to just  go over to the tops and get Benny and then come   over here well if we do that it because we'll  be getting the chip from Benny and Benny might   not be at the tops because the guy said when I  asked him where Benny was he says talk to Mr h   house all right let me um do a sound check and  rethink this well if we do Benny first and we   come to Mr house and um he wants the chip right  all right I don't know man I'm just thinking   out loud and wasting time and I'm nervous  I'm nervous for because I'm I'm so worried   that I'll do something that uh permanently uh  makes the game less fun for me I take a quick   break I'll be right back all right here's what I  decided I decided to talk to Mr house first The   House Always Wins Roman numeral one so it's  a three-parter but if I'm going to I talk   to him I don't want to have the chip on me is my  reasoning um oh great I thought that was the way   in uh that's my reasoning because he's going to  demand it and I'm not sure I want to give it to him I can't get in so that might I  it may already be decided for me uh   um you know what I mean like if I have it with  me is this like can this get me around to him uh if I have it on me and he demands it   and I haven't decided who I want to  give it to yet you know what I mean no violence is permitted on  the Strip gotcha uh where   does this go gate to New Vegas  strip whoa Gamora the Lucky 38 oh well let's let's stay on let's stay focused so my thinking is I want to get hisory  we have the NCR story we have Caesar's Legion   story somewhat at least we know how they operate  uh and the third faction in contesting this is Mr   house so let's find his story out  before I get the chip on me is my   thinking Victor what are you doing here  well hiy partner good to see you again   boss is waiting for you upstairs so get to  move on thank you Victor enjoy your visit W so the strip is separated I thought  Mr House controlled all of it but he is   separated himself into this section oops  I better stay on target door to Lucky 38 wow this is cleaned up um map local map uh Straight Ahead uh  probably upstairs huh well there's an elevator can you play the slots be advised the Lucky 38 is not open to the  general public trespassers will be shut thank you uh who who is it open to do I want to  take the elevator to him or stairs it's clean check in so Mr house has a robot army  well let's see where the elevator goes companion dismissal terminal elevator to Lucky 38  sweet 22 I have to dismiss my dismiss all companions let's see if we can take the stairs so I guess that answers  my question about Boon excuse me so it's so nice in here and he doesn't allow  people okay we're going to have to dismiss Eddie why does he have it kept so nice  and not allow human beings in here okay a message will be delivered to all  current companions wherever they happen   to be that they are to return home okay  you've lost Boon's spotter perk and Boon   has returned to Novak you've lost Eddie's  enhanced sensors bur and he has returned to print but I still can't get in where  to partner I going to go upstairs Penthouse pen housee floor uh Victor what floor partner I'll stay here that's Mr house at least a picture of him an image of him I can't interact with these guys [Music] [Music] huh they let me take this stuff I was expecting a uh a  brew haa over that but I can sell those interesting that they let me take it uh well I guess is this going to be like  a like a wizard of Ozz [Music] thing all these books are in  great shape and I can take them locked and hard um I'm getting a Wizard of  Oz Vibe here is he behind the curtain talk to Mr House oh holy cow  okay this meeting has been a long time   coming hasn't it you've come a long ways  literally and I suspect figuratively as   well I have to ask now that you've reached  your destination what do you make of what you see gosh H give me a second to look these over I don't know why I'm nervous man this is your  grandpa playing a game that you know how to   play and he's never played before I'm I'm  your grandpa and this is making me nervous   uh I've decided to say who what the hell are  you a crude question crudely asked yeah I'll   be happy to satisfy your rambunctious  curiosity at a more appropriate moment   uhoh but now I'll repeat my question  what do you make of what you've seen City devot [Music] okay I prefer the Wasteland to  be honest you aren't going to ramble on about the   virtues of Life out in the wastes are you it's  a desert you do realize I love it a radioactive   desert where humans subsist in a barbaric  State difficult to glorify convincingly they   are however aptly named for that's what you'd be  out there wasted here on the Strip your talents   can be put to use I survived quite well in the  desert sir what are you talking about I'm just a courier shall we get down to business the  business is this one of my employees has   stolen an item of extraordinary value from  me and I want it recovered simple enough I'd like to ask some  questions what did you wish to know who exactly are you Mr house I  am Robert Edwin house president CEO   and sole proprietor of the New Vegas  strip I oversaw the city's renovation   starting from 2274 onward the three families are  my employees before the Great War of 2077 I was   the founder president and CEO of robco  Industries a vast computer and Robotics   Corporation okay but we're in the year 22  we're like so you're not a man you appear   to be that's what I was just going to say right  there yeah you appear to be a computer not a man   don't let the video screens and computer terminals  fool you I'm flesh and blood not silicon [Music] how how well there it is right  there how have you stayed alive   all this time let's just say it  was very costly but I was willing   to make the sacrifices longevity  entailed financial and otherwise costly as in your whole body you sacrificed  your body to somehow put your I don't know   put your brain into this computer or something  you exist as a computer you're not flesh and   blood dude how did you establish new vas we  can discuss this in Greater detail at another   time suffice it to say that when my securitrons  detected NCR scouts at Hoover Dam I took action   I recruited a tribal Force to supplement my  securitrons and renovated the strip just in   time to welcome the NCR as it marched into the  region instead of War a treaty was negotiated and   the money started to pour in let's talk about  something else what else did you want to know what terms are you offering my only  concern is the recovery of the Platinum   chip what happens to Benny I leave to your  discretion when you bring the chip to me   I will pay you four times the delivery  bonus stipulated in your contract how's that these are my only choices no thanks my offer far exceeds the original terms   of your contract which I will remind  you already obligates you to deliver the chip how hard do I want to be  about this still not interesting all right I'll do it well enough return to me   when you have the Platinum chip in your  possession any final matters for us to discuss yeah I have some questions  to ask what else did you want to know how do I get to Benny it won't be easy  Benny is always surrounded by at least four   bodyguards except when he's in his  private Suite on the 13th floor of the tops the chairman are your employees don't they take orders it's more  complicated than that the chairman share   what you might call a tribal Affinity look for  a man named Swank Benny's seconded command he's   always been a reliable if unimaginative  employee do your best to convince him   that you're working under my aaces if you  have evidence of Benny's crimes show it to him why can't you be the one that tells me  say I want to take diplomatic why can't you   be the one to tell Swank by contract  securitrons are to enter the casinos   only when invited by The Three Families  or if other extraordinary circumstances   arise the moment I send one into the  tops Benny will know I'm on to him aha say I want to take a diplomatic approach if  you were to approach Benny in public you might   be able to leverage his fear of exposure  to make him agree to meet with you in private any ideas on how I could catch him  off guard sneaking into Benny's Suite on   the 13th floor would be very difficult but not  impossible there might be guards certainly there'd   be a sturdy lock on his front door let's talk  about something else what else did you want to know what is the Platinum chip it's a very special  item there's nothing else like it in the entire   world it was lost on a long time and difficult to  find that's all you need to know about it for this   stage of our Enterprise fulfill your contract  deliver the chip and good things will come your [Music] way the more I know about the chip the easier   ey I can find it you might keep an eye out  for any computers that Benny's been using   maybe even a computer lab of some sort  what just happened I got some music the [Music] chips if the Chip's so valuable  why use a single Courier to transport it   you really realize you were just one of many  couriers the rest of them dummies so to speak   add to that many thousands of caps worth of  mercenary protection to screen your Avenue   of approach had I used an armed Caravan to  transport the chip I might as well have been   announcing to the world this is important attack  this I didn't want to attract the attention of   groups like The Great cons or the Brotherhood  of Steel alas the real threat was close it a home well we already know why he won't  send the robots it'll make a war oh why   don't you send your robots into the tops and  arrest Benny frontal assaults on casinos not   good for business yeah we already knew  the answer in any case Benny would see   it coming and all he'd have to do is hold the  chip up and point a pistol at it our foremost   Advantage is that Benny doesn't know that  I know he has the chip let's not squander   it [Music] ah I have a right to know more that's  simply not true yes it is I am the only person to   hold any rights pertaining to the chip I designed  it and I paid for it dearly to develop that chip   I spent a sum of US dollars not the bottle  caps that passes currency these days but a   sum Beyond counting for decades I paid salvagers  to comb the ruins for it and when it was finally   discovered tens of thousands of caps spent to  have it brought here we know how that turned out   complete your contract and it will be the last  time I pay for the chip save your questions for them let's talk about something else what else  did you want to know tell me about Benny Benny   has led the chairman ever since I recruited his  tribe 7 years ago a until his recent misbehavior   i' planned to make him my Protegé maybe if I'd  begun grooming him sooner none of this would have [Music] happened why did Benny betray you I have  to think that he found out about the Platinum   chip and mistakenly convinced himself that he  could use it to his own ends one of the problems   of a tribal Workforce I'm afraid no intuitive  understanding of how complex Technologies can be what use would you have for a Protegé  to achieve my aims I require a capable   human agent to perform certain tasks because  you're not human I knew Benny was ambitious   even ruthless but I believed he would do  the job so long as he was incentivized   appropriately obviously I miscalculated his  Drive for Supremacy but in any case you've   come along a more than suitable replacement  you want to make me your prot why didn't you   intervene sooner when Benny ambushed me why  didn't Victor intervene sooner you mean good   Springs is a bit too far away for me to reliably  control a securitron agent by remote I can send   and receive packets of data at best Victor's  combat algorithms determined the proper course   of action Benny and his thugs were more  than a match for a lone securitron when   he alerted me I instructed him to approach  the site after Benny and the others had departed let's talk about something  else what else did you want to know tell me about well before we do that  hold on hold on hold on hold on so this Joker doesn't have the ability or the capability to control  anything except the city he's unable to have his securitrons  out in the Wasteland is he human do you do you really think this is   a human I mean he would have  to be like hundreds of years old so he like he did some kind of genetic um  modification to himself put himself into some   kind of stasis uh where he was asleep for  a couple hundred years and then came awake   but why does he need humans to do um human  functions for for him did he somehow put his   Essence his mind into a machine he's not human  he's a machine so um in my mind he's out for   uh siding with I don't trust him one single  bit because we're dealing with programmable robots and he doesn't have the ability like  Caesar's Legion does and the NCR does to   patrol and protect the entire region more than  just the city they can help all the settlers   and settlements out um in the Wasteland this  Joker can't so he's out I don't want to give   him the chip I don't want to give the chip to  Caesar that leaves me with the NCR and that's   not a good choice either uh for uh simply  simple reason for a bunch of reasons but a   couple of them are uh their their leadership  at the top is is terrible um unintelligent   they don't um and they're spread too thin  they're trying to expand too fast I mean   I can go there there's other reasons but they  are the best bad choice so basically the game   has presented the player you and me now  with three bad choices and we are to pick one of them uh man this guy's out I I can't see uh  a robot controlled robots controlling humans   or robots being over humans uh it's should be the  other way around Ro humans control the robots and   in his case eventually they would somebody would  figure it out how to reprogram his stuff I don't   know if he's Immortal I mean he just keeps he has  put himself into a machine but that machine can   be hacked eventually by somebody maybe not his M  machine he's in but the other ones can and I don't   I mean the first time I ever never saw anything  like this was uh what was the name of the movie   um uh 2001 A Space aicy can't remember when that  movie came out I think it was in the 70s I saw   it in the theaters uh Stanley kubri uh 2001 of  Space Odyssey with the computer how uh some very   iconic uh classic lines came out of that movie but  that was the theme there was the the mind the the   the mind which this guy is is similar to uh took  over and and actually decided that it was in his   best interest to Kill Some Humans so this guy's  out that leaves me with NCR and Caesar which means   I got to go with NCR uh and I'm going to take  a break so smoke them if you got him I'll be   right back at you I was outside I was outside  uh thinking and about it so he gave up his   humanity and so he has disdain for humans well not  disdain but he's indifferent to them um he only   sees them as Commodities much like Caesar's  uh Legion you know slaves and all that and um so yeah the NCR is a way to go at this  point get my big head out of here and uh   that's way I'm seeing it right now you guys  in the comments can chime in man you know   more about the game than I do uh let's go  uh tell me about the factions buying for   New Vegas it's understandable that you'd  be curious about this topic but we'll hold   off until the Platinum chip has been recovered  uhhuh what else did you want to know he's cold who exactly are you Mr house I've asked that  oh I am Robert Edwin house president CEO and   sole proprietor of the New Vegas strip I  oversaw the city's Renovations starting   from 2274 onward the three families are  my employees before the Great War of 2077   years I was the founder president and CEO of  robco Industries a vast computer and Robotics Corporation let talk about something else  what else did you want to know I think that's everything goodbye well enough be on your  way yeah he's not human he gave up his Humanity how do I get out of here um [Music] where's the elevator [Music] uh where's Victor there he is Victor  congratulations parner the boss has instructed   me to come you to the High Roller Suite you  can bring your friend too be like a little   clubhouse for the gang you put together just bear  in mind you're the only one gets to see the boss   any friends you got they can wait in the sweep  enjoy the digs partner they're plenty fancy oh really what did he did he give me the  presidential suite let's take a look at it hi roll sweet uh which one this is my room now this is my room really huh what do you know other stuff I can sell oh wait um today's physician I already have some grimy  business wear but I'll take it and um upgrade mine and since there's no violence allowed on the Strip  I'll put it on because it gives me plus five to speech which takes my speech to 70 I can close the door this is my Place very  nice it's not dirty there aren't blood stains   on the sheets where are these other rooms oh all  for me it's even clean and there's no [Music] radiation wow I'm carrying a  bunch of stuff what does this do an [Laughter] office all  right well we we'll come on back and another bed holy moly a kitchen oh I could use some of this stuff  to help that um fella that needs to fix the stove all right we will um thoroughly pool table can I not why can't I pick  up the um the money the chips Jake juice what does that do I'll have to turn the sound on and uh um check out these  radios and stuff Future Weapons today well whoever was in here before me got a  little messy here not really they were watching TV   eating popcorn and all right oh I want to see what  these these things are that I picked up Jake's our future weapons today is  a temporary plus 10 to energy weapons Jake juice Charisma but you lose some  intelligence you gain some strength okay is that it programmer's digest plus 10 temporary salesman weekly I'm just lightening my load a little  bit is all I'm doing here by eating stuff okay cool so this is home now where to partner the casino casino floor but now I have no followers and  something tells me whoa hey you there   I have a message for you who are you it's from  Ambassador Crocker very important here you go what Ambassador who who who  the heck is Ambassador uh uh Crocker I wish to speak with you immediately in  regards to important matters I trust you have   learned enough in your travel to know that the  new California Republic is an honorable Nation   engaged in a benefit mission in the Mojave in  general and New Vegas in particular it is in   additional a it is in addition a wealthy nation  that well rewards person don't dedicate themselves   to its National interest whether for reasons  political or Pat patriotic or material allow   me to reassure you that if you have committed any  crimes or misdemeanors against the Republic it is   in my power to Pardon misconduct of this sort  I haven't they I'm good with them I stand ready   to receive you at your earliest convenience  in my offices at the new California Republic   embassy at the south side of the Vegas Strip God  bless the new California Republic Dennis Crocker   wow what do you know about that  so no followers uh you know what so I've got that on to get  my speech up I have penia uh okay   we're in um Close Quarters so I  don't want that as my main gun um I think the submachine [Music] gun would  do that and let's get uh the hunting revolver and let's get lucky all right  you know what let's get the shotgun and we're in Gamora he looks  good to me too Gambler traveler traveler we'll talk later sweetheart  uh Mr hold out hey there friend a bit   of advice you you look like you could use  some protection lucky for you I got what   you need my stock and trade all kinds  of easy to hide weapons for slipping   into and out of casinos they won't give you  a Second Glance easy to hide weapons things   guards can't spot when they're patting  you down or checking for iron at your hip sneak my sneak I think I  could slip bigger weapons back   cars my sneak isn't high enough why would  I need to hide a weapon on me simple you   can't bring guns into the casino that's why  they'll strip you to your fists sure they   say you get it all back when you leave  me I don't like being without a little   Insurance when it's my caps on the table well  let's see what you have take a look at these Beauties uh okay Knuckles razor switchblade [Music] knife huh brass knuckles are damaged though all your  stuff is damaged dude straight ra rer has double [Music] critical okay he's got ammo  but he doesn't have a um a 22 huh I'll buy a straight razor I'll buy it twice so  I can upgrade [Music] it can I sell him [Music] [Music] stuff apparently not now he owes me money oh lucky I should equipped lucky um he'll give me well this this is  actually something I might want to   take before a fight I'm going to hang on to it if I can remember to take it before the fight oh I've got Ripper oh I can't I  can't conceal Ripper but he' give me   400 bucks for this I haven't used it yet  and I'm dying to cuz it ignores uh DT and Dr there's my silence pistol all right you owe me 33 bucks so I have  a hold out weapon don't be carrying any   guns until you SE I won't um where am I I'm in  Gamora um where was the gate this is the gate but we have lost my followers which which is fine  I I understand uh and we've got where   is it tops tops casino is this this isn't  the top the tops casino is right there oh gosh tops hotel casino is is this the tops I  thought this was the entry to uh like a vault or something tops all right ma'am I need to take a break and Sack up so we  got some tips we need to talk to a fell named   Swank right that's Benny's second in command but  he's loyal to Mr House and we need to get him   alone in his room is the best way to go about it  all right man smok them if you got them I'm going   take a break and Sack up all right so I think it  did a auto save didn't it but I'm going to save here uh New Vegas strip um well I'm going to I'm going to override this just in case and um here we go so  we need to find hey hey fellow welcome to   the tops hotel in Casino I'm going to have to  ask you to hand over any weapons you might be carrying keep hold out why do you need my guns  five words from my cold dead [Music] hands why   do you need my guns security baby can't make  the bread if the Bakers are full of lead you   dig it don't worry you're safe as houses in  here courtesy of Mr house I see I will keep   that say sure here you go smooth and easy just  the way I like it don't worry they'll be as safe   as kittens till you're ready to to leave oh  and a friendly word of advice if you happen   to stumble across any weapons during your stay  here well just don't wear them openly you dig   now that we got that little business out of the  way what can I do to make your tops experience the tops uh what is there to do here everything  your little heart desires that's what you like   gambling boom either one of the main  hallways has cards slots you name it   hungry thirsty the restaurant just off  the left-and hallway has the best food   and booze in Vegas or maybe you'd rather  take in a show the aces theater upstairs   always has hot acts raring to go cool check it  out uh where'd you take my weapons relax baby   the safest houses we'll keep them locked up in  the bank upstairs right next to the money it's   serious protection okay uh well goodbye have  a good time baby yeah we need Swank talk to Chairman uh Swank is the guy I need to talk to where is Swank Swank oh chairman they're  that's what they're called so all the guys   with armed guards are the chairman hey  Swank hey there pal welcome to the tops   and what can I do for you today but  who are you ain't been on the Strip   long have you pal name's Swank this is my  joint I thought Benny ran this place Benny   oversees the business sure but I run the tops  day today I'm his right-and guy you dig yeah I dig nice place you got here tell me about it  the tops yeah sure you want the nickel tour   old Swank's happy to oblige we got everything  you could want slot machines in the back cards   and Roulette in the front fine entertainment  upstairs in the aces theater and all with your   security personally guaranteed by the chairman  and Mr House's own securitron police it's the tops oh I think you should know something about  Benny I think you should know something about   Benny really you got something to say say  about the big boss huh yeah well why don't   you say it to his face instead of yapping  at me good enough speech oh only need 15   I don't think you're going to like it  seems Benny's been making his own play   I've got evidence that Benny tried to  kill me and stole a platinum chip From Me Oh either one of these are good I do I have  evidence don't I I don't know if I have evidence   let's try it I've got evidence that Benny tried  to kill me and stole a platinum chip from me whoa   hey now kid that's some kind of serious charger  dropping you want to be real careful what you say   next okay ah I do look at this I do have evidence  look I found these cigarette butts by the grave he   buried me in huh well yeah okay these are Benny's  brand and they ain't too common you got anything   else I sure do I found his lighter in Boulder City  he dropped it when he killed his Partners yeah   that looks like Benny's lighter all right still  not exactly a ton of proof got anything else kid   are you serious a note I found a Novak oh was this  this was from um Manny or when he was with the   cons here take a look at this note I found a novat  that's pretty shady yeah could be Benny's up to no   good could be this is somebody else alog together  what else you got are you kidding me that's it   what do you think Jesus kid I think we got a real  problem on our hands uhhuh can't believe Benny's   a no good stinking Punk trying to play house like  that tell you what I'll call Benny keep him away   from his suite you go search the place here's  the key it's on the 13th floor it's a room with   the double doors can't miss it maybe you'll find  something we can show to Mr house and get him rest it we don't have time for that we need to take  him out right now I need my weapons back if we're   going to do that uh that doesn't get Benny alone  uh okay I'll go check out his room okay I'll do   it groovy here's your stuff back in case you  run into company you dig oh I'll tell the boys   to give you a pass to pack some heat go on  then elevators to pass the slot machines on   your left well that was was easy I'm glad you  see things my way past the elevators on the left this place is go uh past the  elevators on the left upstairs or downstairs you know what this looks like  the layout is real similar to the old MGM   the original MGM which is now B similar kind of  similar layout pass the elevators on my [Music] left this is cool man inaccessible take elevator to 13th  floor I just want to check them all door to the Courtyard we want to check out  the courtyard so there's only one elevator   that works where was it this one here we  go but he won't be here um where's his room locked locked I have  keys he gave me keys locked chairman [Music] locked that wouldn't be Benny's room requires key I he gave me a key they're all locked he gave me a key he gave me a key I thought he gave me a key okay that's not what I want he gave  me a key um do I have to go upstairs again uh oh locked use key is this Benny's place as H what am I doing up here exactly hold on search Benny's site those are worth 40 bucks we can loot it after we kill it [Music] I've got a nicer room oh you know what we need to do um well I see like now I I need  to upgrade the the straight razor but it looks like I have all  my guns yeah I got everything   back but nothing's equipped uh for Close Quarters this thing hits the hardest let's have a I can't I can only equip one thing interesting we're going to get in  a fight we want this on [Music] [Music] [Music]   I didn't see anything aha nope um this looks like a door we got a robot down there Yes Man man hey hi there good to meet you  what can I do for you today super friendly what   are you doing here good question my function  is to monitor Mr House's Data Network and   decode his encrypted Transmissions you're  a spy allow me to introduce myself I'm a   pdq-8 ADB securitron but you can call me yes  man okay yes man what kind of name is that   that it's what Benny always called me probably  because I'm programmed to be so helpful have   you seen Benny he was around here not too  long ago he's probably down on the casino   floor now you can wait for him here if you  like I'm incapable of asking you to leave amazing what is this place this is Benny's  Workshop when the tops got renovated he had   this half of the floor blocked off for his own use  interesting I guess you could say it's my entire   world I don't think I've ever left this room but  that's okay I'm not [Laughter] complaining Benny   re programmed a securitron all by himself huh  oh he had some help a lady friend of his she   said something about living in a fort over  in freeside but that's all I remember Benny   stole the Platinum chip from me do you know  what it's for sure Benny had me look at it a   bunch of times it's a data storage device kind  of like a holotape but a lot more advanced as   for what's on it well some of Mr House's data  transmissions made it sound like the chip could   upgrade his defenses somehow Ah that's just a  guess though the Chip's a proprietary format   you need special Hardware to read the data  on it of course there are two locations with   non-standard Hardware on the network the Lucky  38 and an underground facility at fortification   Hill i' look there fortification Hill uh what's  Benny planning to do with the chip oh he wants to   kill Mr house and use the Platinum chip to copy  my neurocomputational Matrix on to the Lucky 38   main frame that should give me control over  all Mr House's defenses most prominently his   curatron well well and then I  just do what Betty tells me easy peasy you're very forthcoming with that  information I was programmed to be helpful   and answer any questions I was asked I  guess nobody bothered to restrict who I   answer questions for that was probably pretty  dumb huh pretty dumb yeah what if I wanted to   take over New Vegas instead of Benny then I'd  have to help help you I mean it seems pretty   obvious Benny wouldn't want me to but hey not my  fault I can't say no well what are the details   of the plan again goal number one is to eliminate  Mr house and install my neurocomputational Matrix   on the Lucky 38 Mainframe given how you're a new  arrival I also recommend that you get to know some   of the Region's tribes so you can decide how you  feel about them by the time you finished up all   of that the legion should be close to attacking  Hoover Dam and with execute the last phase of the plan Mr house was going to Wild Card change in  management um said M say Mr house was going to   suffer an accident how would that happen so  I should ask these tribes if they support an   independent Vegas you wait a minute does that  mean I can take control you said something   about a bunker at the Fort goodbye you said  something about a bunker at the Fort right   it's one of two locations on Mr House's network  with nonstandard heart wo wo wo my guess is it   has a reader that can decode the Chip and  who knows what else maybe a giant robot or something uh the last thing Vegas needs is  more robots oh yeah I'm sure you're right I   mean for one thing it's you saying it and  you you always know what you're talking   about and if you had you know a huge killer  robot at your command yeah that would just   clutter things up and a lesser person  might want that kind of overwhelming   force on their side but you know where's the  challenge in that oh he's a character isn't heh so I should ask these tribes if they'll  support an independent Vegas oh no I didn't   mean that who needs their support the securitrons  will be all the support you need what I meant is   you should get to know these tribes and decide  which ones you like and which you don't you know   shape the future of Vegas choose your neighbors  if you like a tribe leave it alone or if a tribe   is nasty or going to be a problem go ahead  and exterminate it it's whatever you want   to do holy cow wow well now this is a uh a fourth  option which tribe should I get to know remind me   what you said about the bunker see say Mr house  was going to suffer an accident how would that   happened it makes me feel really dumb to admit  this but I don't actually know I've never been   inside the Lucky 38 no one has Mr house is in  there though it's the central note of his entire   Network I've been inside the Lucky 38 you  have wow that's amazing you can murder   Mr house whenever you want I mean Benny was  always scheming about how he was going to get   into the Lucky 38 but you already took care  of that wow the other thing you're going to   need is the Platinum chip you know the one  Benny killed a courier for over near good Springs what do you know about The Courier Benny  shot I knew he was carrying a platinum chip and   I knew right where Benny should wait for him  that's why Benny put me here to monitor Mr   House's data Transmissions they're all encrypted  of course but I'm quite a decryptor did you know   that Mr House spent 82545 CS hiring Salvage  teams to find the Platinum chip just in the   last year alone of course you didn't or  that there were seven couriers but six of   them were carrying junk how about their exact rout  and the mercenary teams that screamed them I knew   all that ah pretty smart huh you got me shot  I'm The Courier Benny shot I know that's not   true because you still have a head I'm serious  that's not funny you getting shot in the head   I really shouldn't have taken so much pride in  How I set that up huh uh-huh I feel really bad   right now I thought you weren't capable of  feeling bad you set me up now you die no we   don't want to do that uh where is a platinum  chip Benny carries it with him at all times   I think he's paranoid that someone might want to  take it from him the Platinum chip is the key to   overriding and exploiting Mr House's defenses did  I just say exploiting that's not a very nice word he's pretty he he's he's he's he's programmed  to not to be just nice but sometimes he's kind   of passive passive aggressive not nice once I get  the Platinum chip what then I'd take it straight   to Mr house if I were you he'll think you're  helping him out then when he's not looking Kow   kpow the big question is whether to give him the  chip before you do him in he's the one who'll know   exactly what to do with it after all he might  upgrade his defensive capabilities right away   or even unlock new ones but then those defensive  upgrades might make it harder for you to finish   him off hard to say it's up to you let me know  when it's done and I'll roll over to the Lucky   38 if I'm right about the chip I should be  able to install myself on House's main frame   this is going to be great I'm going to help you  accomplish so much whether I want to or not whoa uh which tribe should I get to know there's a  bunch some of them you've already met like the   chairman for instance I think you should visit  the other families on this strip the amas and the   white glove Society so you know what makes them  tick yeah I agree and there are some important   groups farther from the strip too like the Boomers  the great cons and the Brotherhood of Steel yeah ah uh remind me what you said about the bunker at  the Fort that's right like I said it's probably   pretty important because it has non-standard  Hardware just like the Lucky 38 the data on   that Platinum chip is a big secret unless you can  find a dedicated reader to decode it isn't that frustrating I'll think about it I have to admire  your prudent nature why get caught up in action   you know and results she is passive aggressive  uh let's talk about tribes I should get to know   of course ask a away I want to ask some more  questions here you know about the Boomers the   great cons cons I the the Omas keep coming  up and I don't know anything about them I   don't know anything about them I know about  them I got I got Crossways with them what do   you know about the Boomers I'm a boomer man I'm  71 years years old they must be a really nasty   peopley I haven't heard a single good thing  about them they fire artillery on anyone who   comes near their settlement at NIS Air Force  Base talk about rude if they can be convinced   to fire those big cannons at the Legion  or NCR though well that' be neat wouldn't it uh let's talk about something else what  should we talk about next let's talk about   the tribes please go on I want to know about  the I visited the con settlement at Red Rock   Canyon they can be ignored what do you know  about the old the omeras H I don't know I   remember that Benny used to pay a receptionist  at Gamora for information maybe she knows something do you know anything else  about the OAS just that Benny didn't like   them he talked on and on about how they couldn't  be trusted and this is coming from Benny he hated   their Casino said it was tacky and he thought they  were up to something because he said they always are let's talk about something else whatever you  say I wanted to talk about some of the other ones   talk about the tribe please go on uh there  was another one the white glove Society what   do you know about the white glove Society from  what I understand they're perfectly delightful   they're cultured clean and super polite Benny  didn't like them though he said they were creepy I'll let you know when I'm  done valuating the W glove Society   don't hurry on my account I'm  the one with a flexible schedule   anything else I can help with uh we did boers  the great [Music] cons I have visited the con   settlement at Red Rock Canyon they could be  ignored if you say so consider them filed   away under not to be discussed again that's  one down four to go oops that's not what I wanted what do you know about the Brotherhood  and deal I got sideways by them and with them   and uh it was trouble they go around  in big suits of power armor and they   have lots of energy weapons downside they  just have a thing about technology they   think it should all be theirs if someone  else has it they get mad all I'm saying   is not much of a chance they'll accept  a Vegas that polies itself with robots I'm not ready to decide what I want to do with the   Brotherhood no rush take your  time anything else I can help with I'll get back to you about the Boomers take  all the time you need anything else I can help with let's talk about something  else what should we talk about next uh goodbye hope to see you soon broken terminal broken terminal workbench it's  not a functioning workbench locksmith reader a door whoa we got a hallway dead end Benny had a secret Escape Route baby I hear beny's voice take elevator to sub basement I heard Benny's voice I need a key Benny an escape R I heard his voice so I need to get him up [Music] here alone hold on um data kill or disable Mr House yeah I was  going to say you can't kill him he   he's not human talk to the receptionist  okay so the those are all things I picked up what I need to do now where's the elevator is get Benny isolated how do I do that I can only imagine the  look on his face when he sees me hello did he go up to his room I  mean [Music] chairman hey Swank   you're back find anything sure did Benny has  reprogrammed a securitron he's trying to take   over the street R he's what ah jeez jeez  this is really bad what are you going to   do I thought maybe I'd talk to the man see  if we can work out a deal no there's only   one solution I'm going to take him out I'm  not sure yet but I had some other questions first it's only one solution I'm going to take  him out take him out Jesus okay well if you think   that's the best way to deal with this I'll send  him up to his room you can Ambush him there and   don't worry about the rest of the chairman  I'll keep him from getting involved you'll   still have to watch out for Benny's guards  though guards ah okay I'll do it go on then   elevators are pass the slot machines on your  right on my right I thought you were on my left all right pause perfect he's sending Benny  to his room but he has bodyguards all right   man smoke him if you got him I'm take a  quick break this is going pretty well I   think I haven't messed anything  up I don't think well well well so hey boy or yes man whatever his name is  just gave me me a different option to take   it all myself but I was thinking about it  outside and uh that is enticing because I   don't like the other three options  I mean they're all bad but I'm not   sure I'd be good because I basically  am replacing Mr House and would have   control of the strip only am I wrong I mean  that's the way it sounded it didn't sound like I see what this world needs  this crazy mixed up awful uh world   this postoptic apocalyptic world  they put us in is for the humans to have a better world and be free it's so H I'm still NCR I think  because if I just replace Mr house   I'm not I don't have whatever ability  he has to live for 200 years I die or   somebody reprograms um hey booy what's  his name uh I can't remember his yes man um and uh they assassinate me but I can't I don't  I won't have the ability to um provide a safe and   free world for the humans and I'm human now if  I was a mutant I might have a different outlook   on it anyway plus now I was thinking man we're  got this is the end game but it but it's not I   mean we got the Boomers we got the omeras we  got the the white glove Society uh we got a   whole bunch of side missions that came I mean  this is not even this has got a lot going on   um and I forgot where I'm going uh he said what  did he say uh to my right that's this way hello hello well there aren't any slot machines on my right there's people to talk to here and  interact with he said pass the slot machines   on the oh okay the slot machines oh back  to the elevator up to Benny's room that's   Benny Benny what in the godamn let's keep  this in the groove hey smooth moves smooth   smth hello the guy everyone saw going the  Lucky 38 that was you oh [ __ ] the jigs   up Benny me and yes man had a talk seems  you need to work on your Marksmanship Mr   House wants the Platinum chip handed over  give me one good reason not to kill you the   up Benny me and yes man had a talk baby this is  not the place to go talking about that what's   say you and me cash out go somewhere as more  private like any questions you got I'll answer aha want it now give me one good  reason not to Kill You No Deal Time   attack Benny give me one good reason  not to kill you you want a reason   how about four they're called bodyguards and  every one of them is packing me too so baby   makes five Okay add to that every chairman  in this joint is armed and not with some   hold out peashooter like maybe you smuggled  through security anyhow baby you didn't come   here for vengeance you came to get clued in  like I said we should be talking somewhere as private so I get ambushed it's one against  wow okay what did you have in mind to start   I'll comp you the presidential best sweet  in the house you deserve a taste of the   VIP lifestyle I'll hang out down here  for a while to make everything look   business as usual then come to you any  questions you got I'll answer guaranteed huh two conditions lose the bodyguards and  we both go to the suite now fine but don't   keep me waiting we talk here and now or I tell  everyone my story I didn't come here to negotiate I need him alone I don't like any of these I mean I can't  attack him because I'm grossly outnumbered and   I don't know what weapon I have equipped I mean  I equipped I know what I what I equipped but I   don't know what the game it might change it  we talk here and an hour I tell everyone my story lose the bodyguards and we both  go to the suite now can I trust him to   lose his bodyguards you can't trust Benny  fine but don't keep me waiting he's going   to bring his bodyguards we talk here  and now or I tell everyone my story do   what you got to do baby and let the chips  fall as they may you know where to find me cool by me if you want to talk after all  but a confab like this out in public in my   place of business that don't play like  I said we should be talking somewhere as private well if I do the bottom the two  yellow ones uh we we go after it right   now we get and his bodyguards  are going to blow me to hell um okay what you have Mone to start  I'll comp you the presidential best   Suite in the house you deserve a taste of  the VIP lifestyle I'll hang out down here   for a while to make everything look  business as usual then come to you   any questions you got I'll answer  guaranteed I don't believe you two conditions can I get out of  this and and increase my barter   by five I mean I C I've got a magazine that  will increase my barter if you want me to   play nice it'll cost you that's  what I want to say out of these options I just don't I just don't trust him to lose the bodyguards two conditions lose  bodyguards and we both go to the   suite now if that's what it takes to win  your trust that's what it takes follow me um items carbine let's get the hunting shotgun equipped and something else that hits real hard now this just shoots too slow this shoots quick I CED you the pr so we can talk  there hey no need to keep tugging at my sleeve I don't trust him don't get too close to Mr Benny almost stay right on his shoulder I CED you the pr so so we can talk  there hey no need to keep tugging at my sleeve what I now that you and me's got some privacy  I got to ask how is it that you're still   living call it luck and leave it at that  luck is for losers baby someone pulled strings goodbye tataa what do you think you're doing where's his bodyguards I get his suit  I get his key I get Maria I get the Chip And I get the keys to the presidential what that that's fight music expecting his bodyguards so  is that it that was antil climatic plus five barter plus five speech Maria a 9 mil nowhere near as good as the guns I have [Music] I don't get the pants um what do I do now I want my combat  armor back on uh I don't know what to do uh now return to Yes Man or kill  or disable him how little we know bring the Platinum chip a house I'm  not ready to do that kill cook cook I did crime a river deck Collector someone to Watch Over  Me Ababa honeymoon Artic by the number   restoring hope render on the Caesars well I don't I'm not returning to Yes man well I'm here I guess I could I don't know where he is though down the main floor  nobody's going to attack me I get away with that this is crazy hey Swank you ready to deal with Benny   yet not yet yeah send him to  his room keep him distracted so I could have gone here he could have done   all this for me yeah he's dead huh  guess that makes me the boss ring a ding I'm looking to make a few extra  caps got any job you need done you   might have a jaw at Tommy Trini up in  the aces he's always looking for talent scouts I think we're done yeah see you kid wow   I was so nervous but what I was nervous  about was screwing up and messing up the   story for myself so now I've got to chip  now I got to decide what to do with it interesting hey the eyes of the mighty kaisa  are upon you he admires your accomplishments   and bestows upon you the exceptional gift  of his Mark what does that any crimes you   may have perpetrated against the legion  are here nearby forgiven kaisar will not   extend this Mercy a second time my  lord requires Your Presence at his   camp at fortification Hill his Mark will  guarantee your safe conduct through our lands uh why does kaisar Caesar want to see me go  to him and you will understand seek kaisar by way   of Cottonwood Cove south of Nelson the csor  L kulus will be waiting get back here kaisar awaits so uh Brotherhood of Steel still has  me vilified the apocalypse accepted   good Springs idolized great con's neutral  Novak and the strip um it's not showing me kaisar but it did he forgave me oh yes ma don't you just love that  Platinum chip buzzes with power and   possibilities doesn't it if I were  you I'd almost want to deliver the   chip to Mr house just to learn all its  tricks that is unless you want to bring   the NCR or Caesar's Legion to power  I wouldn't want to tell you what to do well we know what Benny was planning well what was Benny planning to do  with the chip maybe I get more information   he wanted to kill Mr house and use the  plat chip to copy my neurocomputational   Matrix onto the Lucky 38 main frame  that would give me control over all   of Mr House's defenses most prominently his  securitrons and then I guess I just do as I'm told sure if the chip could be used to  reset administrator privileges it'll be   super easy if something happens to Mr house  I may be in touch I'll be waiting right here crazy man I don't know what to do I follow this Joker there were more  questions there were more options the   one I pick shut off all communication kaisar awaits in kaisar awaits well I've got some real  nice rooms to stay in here can I fast travel to here now that was kind of anti-climatic  I was I don't know what I was expecting I got to a ton of quests travel to  Cottonwood Cove take the barge up the river to the Fort I think that's what we do next cuz I  haven't met him we met Mr house and talked   to him we've talked to uh well we haven't  met whoever's in charge of the NCR but we   know all about them or we know a bunch  about them we don't know that much about Caesar uh wow I was expect I don't know  I guess I was expecting to uh   lose I was not optimistic at all but  we have a great room at the Lucky 38 we have a room here but I can't have any uh followers here Ultra Lux I don't know what to do I really don't um I think what we're going to do next is go to hey VOR we howdy partner good to see you again  boss is waiting for you upstairs so get a move on thank you Victor come back soon now I just want  to go to my my uh my deluxe room I don't want to   talk to him cuz he's going to want the chip maybe  I can't stay here cuz he's going to want my chip oh where to partner I want the  Pres I want the presidential suite my new home we're going to sleep for a long time and we are oops we have 22654 we  need 23800 to the next level of I'm going to end the video here I got so much  to think about but it's so nice to be in a clean   room with no blood stains and other kinds of  stains on the sheets and bed spreads and all of that so uh what a bunch of stuff to think  about I think on the next next thing I'm   going to do though is I want to meet uh Caesar  so uh I want to thank you all for watching and   all you new people uh who may not realize  that this is your grandpa playing a game   he's never played before how did I do how  did I do uh thank y'all for watching take   care of yourselves we'll see you on the next  one there's a whole bunch of exciting stuff   coming man decisions to make I have four  options right now take care see you soon