Transcript for:
Lecture on Societal and Personal Dilemmas

she don't hate me and that's what I'm going to right now no problem can I go into that can I go into that thank you you see she's saying I'm telling her I have to understand I'm a sinner the fact that she's reacting in that way and she's so bothered by what the guy's saying would suggest to me that she's obviously feeling a bit guilty about her past because you don't have to be religious or agree with what you're saying you can just keep on walking and to be honest the guy's not even saying anything horrible he's saying he's a sinner before God's changed his life and he's trying to help other people do the same if you don't agree keep it moving what will you say to a pro-lifer [ __ ] yourself and if you were to try to convince him of your position [Music] well it's public it's public place we can film no but when you're interviewing people that is engaging in it they're supposed to sign release forms well hey you don't have to you don't have to jump into the interview if you don't want I'm just saying that you should be getting release forms we don't need to she should have asked us all for consent before she got that terrible haircut who would win in a game of one-on-one Brianna Stewart or Trey young yeah Trey because she's got something you've been playing longer than Brianna you don't think she could just stuff him get him over yeah Brianna easy she's better more well-rounded she'll block the [ __ ] out of him I think [Music] Steve Stewart she plays such a dynamic game Trey young can hit from anywhere Stewie she can do it all Stuart because I think Young would underestimated definitely be honest here Brianna Stewart's goat status so I think I have to go with her it's a matchup but I think she could do it I'll give it to Rihanna she's got the heist it'll be close it's a tough one to compare I don't know whether these guys were on shrooms whether they're just pandering to the camera WNBA fans maybe they're all free either way they're all [ __ ] delusional Escape you got me remember fellas we must stay focused Brothers we must stay focused on minimum height I am heightest and that I won't date a guy like under like six foot one would you exclude obesity no minimum income 80k what do you think like probability of meeting a man in the U.S 40. it's actually 0.79 wow I love that for me the question is once again will the cats take her name something that has to warm up before you use it sir how about your wife what did he say point of view arguing with your girlfriend and she has no valid points you might have to turn the phone baby I can only stop calling me that I can't see his face I can only see oh I don't want you next what the [ __ ] all right my bad let me chill out let me chill out let me chill out okay can we like have like you know what I'm saying like a good talk can you actually like try and get to know me a little bit X next oh I can't I can't bro that's why silky dog dude that's why you suck that's why silky I've been on eBay I've been on eBay with your ugly ass before you stupid ass bro shut the [ __ ] up God damn you look like a exotic salamander bro why are you talking crazy to me what the [ __ ] I didn't even say [ __ ] to you you're just mad as hell you mad at life your dad left you as a kid whoever a woman's being rude to us she doesn't want you know whatever never let a woman get you this emotional they did one of my best friends for like a year and a half there's your best friend know not really how do you two know each other we weirdly met through my ex-boyfriend not taking No as an answer that's fair I I understand like the your hopes up but like sometimes like I know it's just a no right my attractiveness on a scale of one to ten attractiveness is subjective and I don't hurt anyone's feelings I do have a crush on you are these feelings Mutual why or why not they're not I know I'm sorry right first of all what the [ __ ] you doing trying to get in the pan to your best mind sex that's some sneaky [ __ ] second of all I've seen too many guys like this that know deep down the girl doesn't actually like come back yet they continue to chase him and put him on a pedestal and that's what makes you a Sim if you don't respect yourself she's never gonna respect you I think you think you're in the top 15 percent of beauty why aren't you in Hollywood where are your modeling contracts my modeling contracts are not there because I'm not trying to be a model they find you no but I don't want to find people in this world a single attractive woman wants to be a model or actress or even gets found but the point is that woman is delusional every man is either stupid useless creepy or American guys are British guys I just feel like this oh my God because he lives is real and nobody's got money you come on there's no way there's no one and you killed money this marriage yeah it's not real love doesn't pay the bills oh my you and Mary riska who didn't care about or a poor guy who loves you it comes a time when it hits the end of the road right how are we gonna eat that's not exaggerate I don't think you're going to be starving anytime soon okay so why American guys always British you are just flying yeah we're flying by them British and you're not you know how to love more than a British guy the British guys on a romantic I can't do it but who are you bro I doubt she could even point out a miracle on a map but if she can then please take her how long has a woman ever made you awake I've had a woman met me wait three months yeah and then do you know what kills it is it never B but then she wouldn't beat somebody else within a week within cookies um husband material women look at a man in the blood he's husband material and he won't do nothing don't make my weight then yeah they won't do nothing sometimes the woman is making you wait three months probably let another man hit the same night it's an evil world we live in but hey I'm gonna keep living what is your biggest regret in life no children I think didn't find a nice uh woman I have a small niece now and it's lovely being with her playing on the beach [Music] I mean it's probably better that than having kids of a woman that's not really good for you but I will say this we're always talking about women focusing on their careers and how they're going to regret not having a family no husband but I think it's the same for men I think a lot of men will end up feeling lonely if they don't have kids or a family in the future the only difference is of us and women is we don't have a biological clock like them fight for me great because I love you I never wanted to not be with you I never wanted to be without you I want to do life with you but in the process of all this happening you a liar you got you a question I had to hear from this which all relationship was about no we're not [ __ ] no more I want to see other people you act like you're the only [ __ ] in this relationship that other people wanna so what we gonna do is we gonna stay together we're gonna have a beautiful life together for the rest of our lives we're gonna continue getting money together we're gonna continue raising this little girl together we're gonna have a fabulous home we're gonna love and take care of each other but I'm gonna [ __ ] other people and I hope you do too oh Jesus Christ and we will never ever talk about it don't bring me no babies don't bring me no diseases but we gonna do what we want to do outside this house because to this point it has worked I don't know about you fellas but to me that sounds like hell it sounds terrible it sounds weird sounds like some swing of [ __ ] or something that must come a point where you say to yourself should we just break up what is the point in this I cheated a lot of times so you know I'm glad you admitted that so you're the leader I am a cheater because people act like they [ __ ] never did nothing in their life oh no I'm gonna tell the truth I cheat what are the circumstances that make you feel like I'm about to cheat when I feel like he gets born I feel like you're bored or you feel like he's bored I'm bored he'd be loving me like every guy I have a day to always love me if she cheats she belongs to the streets [Music]