rain of fire was the worst incantation Elder ring when shadow of the UR tree released and after a lot of feedback fromsoft heard our prayers and in a recent patch they buffed rain of fire so I wanted to see just how good this new version was by beating all 11 main bosses in the DLC using only rain of Fire And subscribe if you haven't already and let me know down below if I should do this challenge again using only the rotten butterflies incantation I have already set up a build Raining Men is what I came up with the build is pretty simple it's pretty much the same as super nut run plus 10 edry seal 80 Faith uh we got gous great run activated Vigor mind obviously F scorpion charm got the ritual sword Talisman flx canvas Godfree icon although I might be switching this out for for the dragon Crest Great Shield because this thing takes a long time to cast we're going to be getting hit a lot so I think a big Focus for me is defense which is also why I have the opaline hard tier in the physic alongside the flame sh and crack tier cuz I think trying to get our defense up decently high is of importance as with the start of every run we are going to be collecting a bunch of shy fragments obviously for this run I'm going to be collecting all 20 levels unfortunately it sucks to say but like it's actually unfortunate thingz it Tak so long to do it sucks but it's it's shadow of the a Trey people there is actually quite a lot of things in the DLC that can buff the damage from this thing mesma helmet finite seal which will be holding it our off hand cuz the scaling isn't as high as the ER tree seal but it still gives just I think it's a 15% boost damage unfortunately one of the Buffs is actually the uh fire Knight's armor which is a farmable item so at some point in the Run once we need to get that I might magically get a piece of armor that gives me a lot of Discovery I'm not saying I will it's a might but oh he actually dropped something wait it might be the weapon bastard you're a wanker you know that right I forgot I changed the files a tiny bit oh [ __ ] mean Ran's name's going to be changed to something else as well I remember I changed Ron's name to something rain of fire we finally got it we actually have attack now also some reason I don't it would be nice to see but that hood doesn't actually boost fire Knights like ashes of War incantations doesn't boost anything and I don't know why it should but it doesn't it's kind of stupid well at least we have an attack now all right so we're going to go grab the uh last few Shadow tree fragments and then we will probably go farm the fire Knights armor oh it's beautiful oh the damage is just insane oh the damage is just beautiful it's Majestic seeing an in Camp that did [ __ ] zero damage suddenly do [ __ ] tons of damage and it's like it's genuinely like actual [ __ ] tons of damage like it is so much damage give me the armor [ __ ] I got the great sword all actually you know what I should do while I'm down here is I actually do roasa I'd like to get Roxas set although first I probably want to get the fire KN night seal before I do that so let's go grab that holy [ __ ] this is with 70% resistances oh great it's still [ __ ] it's it's true combo now they made like the worst Ash of war in the entire game until true combo cuz they made it faster I'm so happy they did that great Counterattack [ __ ] you get rock set now though that's a boost to our damage for the time being and also a bit of Defense 8% boost so now that we got that um I would like to go get the fire KN chest piece oh yeah bastard Oh look The Fire Knight armor that's crazy de out all right let's do mesma first because he gives us the uh which will be nice to use doing a little mob farming off stream yeah actually do we do mesma first or do we do guys first for the five fragments cuz mesmer's Helm gives us a 3% damage boost so like we're only going to be getting 1% more damage because Rox gives us 2% also I don't know if H Shi is a good idea cuz we take 30% more damage so I might be using flame gr strength a lot more obviously with fire damage we still get the damage boost which is nice yeah I might be using uh flame gr strength a lot more how the [ __ ] did that hit me bro 12,000 damage oh holy [ __ ] that might be the only attack we can actually cast it yeah it's not like it does damage it does damage damage like it it is Juiced the [ __ ] out there's like no openings this is like his only opening the problem is it count as a range incantation so absolutely every single enemy and boss in the entire game is going to be input reading this thing constantly get back in the fire darling okay so we actually have one punishable attack across this entire fight and apparently all of his attacks still hit us get into the [ __ ] juice get into the juice why are you not getting into the [ __ ] juice oh my God I cannot wait for them to fix [ __ ] boss changes when is the boss change update happening so we just have to wait we have to bait out this attack cuz the actual only punishable attack and even then it's not really that punishable cuz we still get hit regardless of what he does oh I'd love to see it I thought I was like hold on let my brain think can I cast this off in time not the charge Tech but the tap cast I might be able to and I did this thing is Juiced up actually Juiced the [ __ ] up it's recovery time is ridiculously slow so technically it's still not really that good of an incantation cuz the recovery time is pretty much useless on just about everything but uh the damage is it's useful if you get it off you're not going to want to cry you might cry from how happy you are though cuz it's just it's suddenly just so much better all right five scoo fragments love to see it now let's do mesma with fire Knights be better uh it doesn't boost as the incantations it booes the ash of Wars not the incantations which is why we're doing mesma right now because mesas does boost the ash of wars and incantations um I would actually like to switch this out for flam Grammy strength I don't want to be taking you know 30% extra damage I wonder if we have openings at the beginning of every fight like for mesma stuff cuz I doubt we're going to be able to get this first try my Dodgers are not Reg string oh did we touch the ground oh we did oh the Dodgers are insane surely loads of damage right get him into the fire you know we might be able to cast it right there that was icky he moves a lot in phase two like yeah we can only get like a th000 damage per cast why hey why would you just suddenly walk up me and do that F [ __ ] boom [ __ ] get inside the juice what are you doing you slly bastard 3,000 epic cast how do I know oh and he's soaking it in I can't cast the bloody spell don't cast it suddenly grab attack I'll take it no soak it in yes no oh so good oh how does that not have hit box on it one more come on oh there we go oh 5 and half thousand woo it's mesma we could Dodge so many of his attacks all of his like poking attacks that go straight over the top of us I love it all right well that that's 1% more damage guys fatter drip 1% more damage 1% more damage let's go let's do normal stuff in order so let's go do the Divine Beast now actually which fragments haven't I collected first before before we do Mr Beast let's do the hippo cuz we get two fragments from this and I think we can maybe get an extra level from this oh my God bro what the bro that damage is crazy holy [ __ ] new hippo cheese Strat all right now let's go do the Divine Beast that make me [ __ ] uhoh God [ __ ] damn it y honestly I don't think we're going to be taking too much damage so I think we try and get the most damage out of it get the God free Aron up in this [ __ ] oh my god oh oh my God this damage is [ __ ] up man I love the sound design of the DLC like they did really well with the sound design of main game but [ __ ] the DLC sounds good mma's grab attack that dude's grab attack like he's chomping sound I love it the sound is just so satisfying I don't know why but it just sounds like it sounds so good best DLC weapon I don't know yet the poison hands will probably definitely be up there I've got a video if you guys didn't catch the stream I got a video coming out soon for that I'm halfway through editing it [ __ ] up how powerful those are all right let's do Rana probably P Knight after that PES Knight's going to get screwed over cuz he's weak to fire all right Rana is going to be a [ __ ] absolutely beautiful fight cuz we duck beneath basically every single one of her attacks basically basically okay you are being as usual a huge [ __ ] can you like give me a good opening [Music] we to get B for the opening not an opening lack of opening detected oh opening found amping F lost oh get back here no don't give me the [ __ ] royal back shots I spawn on me thank God I follow up [Music] oh it's just beautiful it's just actually beautiful hold on we got to get the uh let me let me let me summon the [ __ ] chair interesting that chair is the same chair that you find at the uh this mesmas chair the same as the round table not Round Table hold what's it called the capital chairs right it's the same like morot Arena was she a part of the club I want to go do drag man so we can get to pess and Knight and then eventually bail also grab some Shadow tree fragments on the way through oh [ __ ] we have to do another NPC I want to cry no Cur you Bale what the [ __ ] is wrong with my throat what's my poise at 46 so we can tank light attacks I tell you how fix rain of fire give it a little bit of hyper armor on the cast but on the recovery give it zero hyper armor so you can you can get staggered out of the recovery but you can't get staggered out of the cast that's how it make this like more consistent that go off what the [ __ ] he back step away from me idiot why did you not let me cast it big damage oh yeah oh again he faked out the med oh we got it off he's screwed oh yeah get dead idiot oh oh the Dodgers go insane he goes so low to the ground I love it I I [ __ ] oh my God I will the P KN be able to hit like any of his attacks or we'll be too low to the ground I think a couple of his attacks he might be able to hit us the P KN is a bit of a glass Cannon so I will actually be using the uh dragon crust great sh for his fight cuz he will he smacks really [ __ ] hard wants to make a movie yeah I saw that if they would to make a movie the only way that I think they could do it is by doing the animation they do for the trailers like the story trailers the two story trailers that that's the only way they could do it and make it feel good also I don't want it to be a movie eldering story is way too vast it would have to be um um I have so many of these things shooting at me what is wrong with your hit box what run with his head box it's like a huge [ __ ] pillar but yeah I said I was going to say if they were to do a a piece of media for it it would have to be a TV show because the law of Elden ring and the story of Elden ring is simply too large to do in a movie if they did a movie even for a three three and a half hour film it would be so half AR for the story cuz that you wouldn't be able to jam everything it would have to be a massive TV show if they did a a story like if they did a show or movie it wouldn't be about the tarnished it'd be about the creation it'd be about from the beginning to pretty much just before the tarish exists it'd be about the story of Elven ring not the tarnish uh tarnish Journey the tarnish would still be in the show because the tarnish is obviously just all humans but yeah it would be like from I I if they were to do a show this is how would i' do it limited season huge [ __ ] like like over 20 episodes right it' be from the very the [ __ ] like actually like the dawn of time like from when the fingers first arrived into the lanes between amica's like first steps like absolutely everything from the very very beginning up into pretty much the state we find the L between in so just before basically the tarnished arrives and then at the end of this end of the season you do a TV show at the end of it and it plays our Mor's cut scene they tell you end it play oh sorry margot's cut scene when he first finds tarnished F says F tarnish cuts the black bang billion dollars right then and there where'd he go what the [ __ ] they hit me like [ __ ] four times I hate that hit box oh the damage is just crazy that is pressed Knight dead very easily just understandably I mean I was completely expecting that let's do the bush let's do the shut tree Avatar and see how [ __ ] it is okay so how do you do this again let's see if we can do this so once he activates 1 2 3 look at the ground actually probably want to bro you move too much a what how is it not a one shot see if we can get this one two three cast [Music] come on oh yeah yeah come on yes that is the hedges cut down or burnt down I should say probably do baale next honestly we don't actually have that much to go do we absolute Speed Run yeah we're only 2 and 1 half hours in holy [ __ ] oh midra oh midra is going to be extremely difficult with this cuz a small humanoid figure slightly resistant to Fire and also has a lot of groundbased attacks like we Dodge a lot of his attacks I'm pretty sure but everything where he summons the frenzy flame along the ground like he slides along the ground we're [ __ ] we probably one shot Us in fact it really wouldn't surprise me if it one shots us all right so this fight shouldn't be too bad actually my only issue is he doesn't have a lock on point on his head right so every time we cast the incantation they're going to try and go for his head rather than his body so the hit we might not actually be able to do that much damage because it won't hit him that much it's going to try and hit the smallest part of his body oh you are such a [ __ ] yeah we kind of have to free aim it a lot uhoh 5,200 damage though that's pretty [ __ ] good oh um hey buddy [Music] [Music] one more come on yeah damn this thing is so [ __ ] good that was so good against him we did like five nearly 6,000 damage against on like on the phase transition holy [ __ ] all right that's baale done was a really good fight now I think I probably want to do meta no sorry I want to do midra cuz then we can do JW as well we can go get the last three fragments down the bottom and then probably do meta after that all right this shouldn't be too bad hopefully actually probably would better to get the holy resistance Talisman before I came here I'm going to put on the uh Godfree icon get the most damage boost as we can oh you do a lot of poise damage oh my God it just it just unlocks it constantly wonder if this reaches him oh it's staggering oh it's reaching oh oh oh it's reaching [ __ ] this boss how did I still use five meds on this boss and then a boss like Bale I used like [ __ ] like four meds sorry I use I used seven meds on this boss and like four meds on B all right my blue floss don't actually heal the amount of FP I have like I have 293 FP blue FL only heal like 220 I think so I'm going to level up endurance I guess I should actually probably level bigger so as far as I know this fight is going to cause a lot of issues it's going to be somewhat similar to the nut run where slow casting speed paired with a small hit box equals problems the dep of your foolishness so if I cast it like right here this should should hit mid in phase two phase no [Music] is real bastard for doing that just then bro I'm next to you why did you do the range attack when I'm next to you I'm dead oh we got lucky he did the good attack you can see anything frenzy flame related the damage he does to us is just insanely High although R is getting better oh I don't have the physical resistance that did so much damage okay just give me another good opening he might cancel out of this oh no no cancellation hold still Crouch cast oh yeah there we go he has a lot of AOE like groundbased AOE that can hit us but pretty much every single one of his attacks can't hit us if he didn't if he I'm pretty sure if he didn't have any of his big like long aoe's I think he has one attack that could hit us like one or two attacks that could actually hit us there is midra though now let's do meta do the thingies do the cheese the cheese would probably knock her off the ladder wouldn't it I I'll give it a shot okay no they haven't [Laughter] Dam you just backp attacked me yeah destroyed idiot now meta is a very very big Target she's also I think sorry I don't think she's like weak to fire but I think she's just less resistant so ad damage should still be good but obviously she's in water so another boss that's sits in water the entire fight H lovely yeah she's a very big Target so she should still get hit quite a lot can you finally the worst boss in the game how what hit me how I'm getting hit by absolutely nothing that's the [ __ ] like eighth time this fight can't Dodge that cuz it's just a garbage [ __ ] attack do your spin no spin I'm going to fight her like no hit cuz probably the easiest way to fight her I hate her she's such a bad boss I'm dead oh I saved it oh the D 8,000 damage holy [ __ ] she's such a bad boss though I admit she's a terrible terrible boss also she's the sister to elen Beast I don't know why she doesn't count as a God or at least a Demi God of sorts that is meta dead now we got to go do Rina I wonder oh no bro bro what the [ __ ] that shouldn't have hit me Circ it in wait why where's the fire all right the true combo of course why was there no death sound she just went silently there was no death sound or anything well that's Ria dead burnt to an absolute crisp we have to do the NPC battle because from soft are a huge bag sometimes sometimes if it comes to NPCs it's all the time and if it comes to bosses it's very very rarely but then they even out to just sometimes they seem to put NPCs in every [ __ ] corner of their games or NPC fight specifically damn me Lord of the earth Tre this fight should never have been mandatory this should have been like a you can do leaders quest line or something it just never it never should have been a mandatory fight which thank God in convergence it's not going to be like the way they could have done this handle that better is have it just be this little r what's her name leader and treat leader like an actual boss with the boss bar by herself and it's like um freda's fight where it's NPC sized but it has an actual move set and poison all that sort of as that's how that fight should have been done which I'm pretty sure is what the convergence guys is going to do they're going to turn that into an actual proper boss fight which is very exciting I'm excited to see what they do oh that damage is crazy good so let's just try this if I stand next to him he can't hit us how did that hit me surely this is a good punishable attack right here wait the stomp doesn't have hit box on it did you see that the stomp didn't have wait why does the stop not oh [Music] [ __ ] um why does the St not have a hit box on it oh how is that hit me every time I'm standing in the right position and everything every time I'm sending to the right position [Music] come on there we go oh yeah his name I forgot to damn apparently you can avoid like 80% of his attacks with like the spell cuz you just press yourself against the ground that was really easy how is the easiest way to deal with Redan to use what was one of the worst what was the worst incantations in the game is now like the easiest way to deal with Redan cuz you just don't have to dodge like a single one of his attacks R was a lot of fun also 4 hours way faster than I was expecting I don't know what I'll do next fora like yeah might might do you the rina's uh butterflies what are they called rotten butterflies is this it yeah maybe I do this next oh [Music]