Transcript for:
Dr. Joe Depenza Energy Bonds and Meditation

to separate the two atoms it takes energy by the same means if your attention and energy are bound to the same people places and things in the outside physical world you can understand that it's going to take energy and effort to break those bonds when you're in meditation this begs the question how much of your creative energy is tied up in guilt hatred resentment lack or fear here the truth is that you could be using all that energy to recreate a new Destiny to do that you're going to have to get beyond all of those things in your outer World by taking your attention off them that's why we use meditation as the model to change our internal State this allows us to break from our associations to everybody everyone everything everywhere and every time long enough to Journey within once you overcome your emotional body and you take your attention off everything known to you in your outer world you call your energy back to you breaking the bonds with your past present reality which has been staying the same you're going to have to make the transition from being somebody to being nobody which means you have to take your attention off your body your pain and your hunger you're going to have to go from being someone to being no one taking your attention off your identity as a partner a parent and an employee you'll have to go from keeping your attention on something to placing your attention on nothing forgetting all about your cell phone your emails and getting a cup of coffee and from being somewhere to being nowhere getting Beyond any thoughts about the chair you're meditating in or where you'll be going later today and from being in linear time to being in no time with no dist rting memories or thoughts about the future I'm not saying that your cell phone or your laptop or your car or your bank account is bad but when you're overly attached to those things and they've captured your attention to such a degree that you can't get Beyond thinking about them because of the strong emotions you associate with them those possessions own you and then you can't create something new the only way to do that is to learn to call all of that fractur energy back so you can overcome the emotions of survival that you have become addicted to and that keep all your energy bound to your past present reality once you take your attention off all those exterior elements you start to weaken your energetic and emotional bonds with those things and you finally begin to free up enough available energy to create a new future that's going to require you to become aware of where you've been unconsciously placing your attention and like separating the two atoms it's also going to take some energy to consciously break those bonds people come up to me all the time in workshops and tell me their computer hard drive crashed or someone stole their car or they lost their job and they don't have any more money when they tell me they have lost people or things in their life you know what I always say to them great look how much available energy you have now to design a new Destiny by the way if you do this work well and manage to call your energy back to you it will most likely be uncomfortable at first even a little chaotic get ready because certain areas of your life may fall apart but don't worry that's supposed to happen because you're breaking the energetic bonds between yourself and your same past reality anything that is no longer in a vibrational match between you and your future is going to fall away let it don't try to put your old life back together because you're going to be way too busy with the new Destiny you're calling to yourself here's a great example A friend of mine who was vice president of a university showed up for a board meeting about 3 weeks after he started doing this meditation work he was the backbone of that University the students and faculty loved him he walked into the board meeting and sat down and they fired him so he called me and said hey I don't know if this meditation process is working the board just fired me aren't great things supposed to happen to me when I am doing the work listen I told him don't you Hold On To those emotions of survival because then you'll be in your past instead keep finding the present moment and creating from that place within 2 weeks he fell in love with a woman he later married he also soon received an offer for an even better job as vice president of a much larger and better University which he gratefully accepted a year later he called me again to tell me that the college that fired him was now asking him to return as president so you never know what the universe has in store for you as your old reality Falls away and your new one begins to unfold the only thing I can assure you of is this the unknown has never let me down if you're going to disconnect from the outer world you have to learn how to change your brain waves so let's talk about brain wave frequencies for a moment most of the time that you are awake and conscious you are in the beta range of brain wave frequencies beta is measured in low range medium range and high range frequencies low-range beta is a relaxed State when you don't perceive any threats from the outer world but you are still aware of your body in space and time this is the state you are in when you are reading paying attention to your daughter during a friendly conversation or listening to a lecture mid-range beta is a slightly more aroused State such as when you are in a group of people introducing yourself to everyone for the first time and you have to remember everyone's name you're more Vigilant but you're not overly stressed or completely out of balance think of mid-range beta as good stress high-range beta is the state you're in when you're jacked up on the hormones of stress these are the brain waves you display when you exhibit any of the survival emotions including anger alarm agitation suffering grief anxiety frustration or even depression high-range beta can be more than three times higher than low range beta and twice as high as mid-range [Music] beta while you may spend most of your waking time in beta frequency brain waves you also dip into Alpha frequency brain waves throughout your day you display Alpha brain waves when you are relaxed calm creative and even intuitive when you're no longer thinking or analyzing and instead you're daydreaming or imagining like a trance state if beta brain waves indicate when you are placing the majority of your attention on your outer World Alpha brain waves indicate when you are placing more of your attention on your inner World Theta frequency brain waves take over in that Twilight Stage when your mind is still awake but your body is drifting off to sleep this frequency is also associated with deep states of meditation Delta frequency brain waves usually come during deep restorative sleep however over the last four years my research team and I have recorded several students who can move into very deep Delta brain waves during meditation their bodies are deeply asleep and they are not dreaming but their brain scans show that their brains are processing very high amplitudes of energy as a result they report having profound mystical experiences of Oneness feeling connected to everyone and everything in the universe gamma frequency brain waves indicate what I call a superconscious state this high frequency energy occurs when the brain gets aroused from an internal event one of the most common examples is during meditation when your eyes are closed and you are going within instead of an event that happens outside the body one of the biggest challenges people have when they meditate is switching out of high range and even mid-range beta and slipping into Alpha and then Theta brain wave frequencies it's absolutely vital to do so though because when they slow down their brain waves to these other frequencies they are no longer paying attention to the outer world and all the distractions they're so used to thinking about when they're under stress and since they're not analyzing and strategizing trying to prepare for the worst case scenario in their future based on their fearful memories of the past they have the opportunity to become present to exist only in the now wouldn't it be wonderful during a meditation to disconnect your Association to all the elements in your outer environment to get beyond your body your fears and your schedule and forget about your familiar past and your predictable future if you do it right you will even lose track of time as you overcome your automatic thinking your emotions and your habits in meditation that is exactly what happens you get beyond your body your environment and time you weaken the energetic bonds with your past present reality and find yourself in the present moment only in the present moment can you call your energy back to you this does take some effort although it will get easier with practice because you're living by the hormones of stress most of the time so let's look at what happens when you aren't in the present moment during meditation so you'll know how to handle that when it arises understanding this skill is important because if you can't get beyond your stresses your problems and your pain you can't create a new future where those things don't exist so let's say you're sitting in your meditation and you start to have some stray thoughts you're in the habit of thinking that way because you've been thinking the same way and putting your attention on the same people and things at the same time and place for years now and you have been automatically embracing the same familiar feelings on a daily basis just to reaffirm the same personality that's connected to your same personal reality repeatedly conditioning your body into the past the only difference now is that because you're trying to meditate your eyes are shut as you are sitting there with your eyes closed you are not physically seeing your boss but your body wants to feel that anger because every time you see her in your waking day 50 times a day 5 days a week you are in the habit of feeling bitterness or aggression similarly when you get emails from her which happens at least 10 times a day you unconsciously have the same emotional reaction to her so your body has grown accustomed to needing her to reaffirm your addiction to anger it wants to feel the emotions it has become addicted to and like an addict craving a drug the body is craving The Familiar chemicals it wants to feel that familiar anger at your boss because you didn't get the promotion or it wants to feel judgment about your coworker who always wants you to cover for him then you start thinking about other colleagues who annoy you and other reasons to be upset with your boss you're sitting there trying to meditate but your body is throwing the kitchen sink at you that's because it wants its chemical fix of familiar emotions that you normally feel throughout your waking day with your eyes open the instant you notice what's happening that you are putting all of your attention on that emotion you become aware that you're investing your energy into the past because emotions are records of the past so you stop and return to the present moment and you begin to disinvest your attention and energy out of the past but then in a little while you start to feel frustrated and angry and resentful again and you realize what you are doing you remember that your body is trying to feel those emotions in order to reaffirm its add addiction to those chemicals and you remember that those emotions drive your brain into high-range beta brain waves and you stop every time you pause settle your body down and return to the present moment you are telling your body that it is no longer the mind you are the mind but then thoughts start drifting into your mind about the people you have to see and the places you have to go and the things you have to do later that day you wonder if your boss has answered that email yet and you remember that you haven't returned your sister's phone call either and today is trash day so you remind yourself you need to put out the trash and all of a sudden you become aware that by anticipating those future scenarios you are investing your attention and your energy into the same known reality so you stop return to the present moment and once more disinvest your energy out of that predictable known future and make room for the unknown in your life once you find yourself in that sweet spot of the generous present moment your energy no longer goes away from you to the past and future now you are divesting your energy from that familiar past and predictable future you are no longer firing and wiring the same circuits in the same same way and you are no longer regulating and signaling the same genes in the same way by feeling the same emotions if you keep doing this process you are continuously calling all that energy back to you by breaking the energetic bonds that keep you connected to your past present reality this happens because you are taking your attention and your energy off your outer world and placing it instead on your inner world and you're building your own electromagnetic field surrounding your body now you have available energy that you can use to create something new not surprisingly your attention eventually begins to wander again as you continue to sit in meditation your body becomes more annoyed and impatient because it wants to do something after all you've programmed it every day to get up and follow the same routine it wants to quit meditating open its eyes and see someone it wants to hear something on TV or talk to someone on the phone it prefers to taste breakfast instead of sitting there doing nothing it would like to smell coffee brewing like it does every morning and it would love to feel something like a hot shower before it starts the day the body wants to experience physical reality with its senses in order to embrace an emotion but your goal is to create a reality from a world beyond your senses that's defined not by your body as the mind but by you as the mind so as you become aware of the program you keep settling your body down into the present moment the body tries again to return to the familiar past because it wants to engage in a predictable future but you keep settling it back down each time you overcome those automatic habits your will becomes greater than your program every time you keep settling your body back to the present moment like training a dog to sit you are reconditioning your body to a new mind each time you become aware of your program and you labor for the present moment you are stating that your will is greater than your program and if you keep returning your attention and therefore your energy back to the present moment and you keep noticing when you are present and when you are not sooner or later your body is going to surrender it is this process of continuously turning to the present moment every time you become aware that you've lost it that begins to break the energetic bonds with your familiar known reality and when you do return to the present moment what you're actually doing is getting beyond your physical world identity and unfolding into the quantum field the hardest part of every war is the last battle that means that when your body as the mind is Raging causing you to think that you cannot go any further wanting you to stop and return to the world of the senses you keep persevering you truly step into the unknown and sooner or later you will begin to break the emotional addiction within you when you get beyond your guilt your suffering your fear your frustration your resentment or your unworthiness you are freeing your body from the chains of those habits and emotions that keep you anchored in the past and as a result you are liberating energy that is now coming back to you as the body releases all of this stored emotional energy it is no longer becoming the mind you discover that right on the other side of your fear is courage right on the other side of your lack is wholeness and just beyond your doubt is knowing when you step into the unknown and surrender your anger or hatred you discover love and compassion it's the same energy it has just been stored in the body and now it's available for you to use to design a new Destiny so when you learn to overcome yourself or the memory of yourself and your life you break the bonds you have with everything every person every place and every time that's keeping you connected to your past present reality and when you finally overcome your anger or your frustration and you liberate energy that was trapped in the past you call that energy back to you as you liberate all of that Creative Energy that has been tied up in those survival emotions within you and all around you you are building your own personal energy field around your body in our Advanced workshops we've actually measured this effect of calling the energy back we have experts who use very sensitive equipment called a gas discharge visualization gdv machine with a specially designed sensor called a Sputnik antenna developed by Constantin katov PhD it measures the ambient electromagnetic field in the workshop conference spaces to see how the energy changes as the workshop progresses on the first full day of some of our Advanced workshops we sometimes see the energy in the room drop that happens because once we start meditating and those students have to overcome themselves by breaking the energetic responds with everyone and everything in their known reality they are calling energy back to themselves they're drawing energy from the greater field and the field in the room can diminish as the participants begin to build their individual field of energy around their own bodies and now they have available energy to use to design a new Destiny of course as our entire group gets Beyond themselves the first day they finally build their own light field and as their energy keeps expanding each day they begin to contribute to the energy in the room as a result we finally witness the energy in the room rise one way to increase your chances of a successful meditation is to give yourself enough time so you don't get distracted by trying to uh rush through the experience when I meditate for example I allow for 2 hours I don't have to take two hours every time but I know myself well enough by now to realize that if I have only one hour I'm going to tell myself there's not enough time if I have two hours on the other hand I can relax knowing I have plenty of time to find the present moment some days I find The Sweet Spot of the present moment pretty quickly while on other days I have to work for an hour at bringing my brain and body back into the present I am a very busy person some days when I have just arrived home for 3 days between workshops or events I wake up in the morning and immediately think of the three meetings I have planned that day with different staff members mentally rehearsing what I have to talk about then I think about the emails I have to get done before I go to those meetings then I think about the flight I have to catch that afternoon then I make a mental note about the phone calls I have to make on the drive to the airport you get the idea as that happens and I am thinking about the same people I have to see the same same places I have to go the same things I have to do all at the same time in my known familiar reality I realize that I'm priming my brain and body to look like that future has already happened I become conscious that my attention is in the known future and I stop anticipating the known and turn back to the present moment as I do that I'm beginning to unfire and unwire those neural connections then I might get a little emotional and become impatient and a little frustrated thinking about something that happened yesterday and since emotions are a record of the past and where I place my attention is where I place my energy I become aware that I'm investing my energy in the past then the hormones of stress may get my brain aroused and my body gets a bit fired up into high-range beta brain waves and I have to settle it back down into the present moment again and as I do that I'm no longer firing and wiring the same circuits in my brain and I'm disinvesting my energy out of the past and if I am aware of the same thoughts that are connected to those same familiar feelings when I stop myself from feeling the same way I am no longer conditioning my body into the past and I'm no longer signaling the same genes in the same ways and if emotions are the end products of experiences in the environment and if it's the environment that signals the gene then when I stop feeling those same emotions I am no longer selecting and instructing the same genes in the same ways that not only affects the health of my body but it also no longer primes my body to be in the same future based on living in the past so as I inhibit those familiar feelings I am changing the genetic program of my body and since the hormones of long-term stress downregulate the expression of healthy genes and create disease every time I am able to stop when I catch myself feeling any of those emotions that are related to stress I am no longer conditioning my body to stay addicted to the emotions of stress if I do it properly overcoming my familiar thoughts and emotions of my known past and future then energetically neurologically biologically chemically hormonally and genetically that predictable future as well as the familiar past I used to affirm it no longer exists if I'm no longer firing and no longer wiring those same old neural networks by no longer thinking about those memories of the people or things at certain times and places and I keep returning to the present moment I am calling energy back to me now I'm in The Sweet Spot of the generous present moment and I have available energy to create I've built my own energy field surrounding my body every time I've labored sometimes for hours to get Beyond Myself and find that place called The Eternal now and I truly break through I've always thought the same thing that was so worth it