e e uh good evening good evening everyone this like Dr abijit and welcome to yes welcome to the session on General Anatomy part one so I will be teaching the entire anatomy of uh live on YouTube so uh I will be starting from the basics okay so there are seven lectures of General Anatomy which I have planned so before that I just want to know uh everyone like the audio and visuals are clear please let me know guys if the audio and visuals are clear just give me a thumbs up in the chat box see this is an interactive session so everyone has to participate over here yes B wker yes it is helpful for BMS students also mbbs almati okay Jam Amin hello raviraj good evening pixel ready yes okay perfect perfect guys um yes yes um WKA it is very much helpful for BMS students as well yes Christian sahu yes Amin good good good Osama sh good evening good evening so it has been so long now guys we haven't interacted um so yeah apparently I'm like here reading out your comments and I hope everything is clear as such so yes what you guys have to do bet you have to take out your notebooks right you have to prepare your own notebooks um okay topic wise like General Anatomy I will be discussing with you you have to write the notes along with me okay so yes s sha J Shri Ram uh G yes yes B HMS please please please try to um go with the flow go with the flow yes yes sham tripathy you can also attend the session you will understand the core basics of anatomy today right I have seven lectures uh of General Anatomy which I will be teaching you on a daily basis starting from today and yes lecture duration I'll go with the flow whatever you guys will try to interact with me and yeah H Vian P rohi good evening Salon good evening good evening good evening bet CH let's let's start with the session and without wasting much more time so yes the very first part that we are going to discuss over here today yes please uh comment in the chat box also so that we are no in um yeah we are in touch right so yes yes yes yes sandep I will cover please please believe me yes yes sain Raj Singh it will be on a daily basis medical lover Raa good evening it will be on a daily basis guys I'm promising you if you uh participate in the same way that you are participating today I will cover everything on the YouTube itself the topic is General Anatomy part one so firstly we will understand the concept of anatomy guys will will Hamza will understand the concept of anatomy today now the very first first thing guys that I want to know or I want to know from you guys there is a term that is called as Tommy over here in class 12th guys 11th 12th no you have heard about two basic terms right you heard about Yes you heard about vasic Tomy and you heard about tubic Tommy okay yes good evening Sanjay yes so you heard about vasik Tomy you heard about tubic Tommy what does Tommy mean guys over here where the vast difference or where the fallopian tube is Dash is Dash can anyone comment in the chat box the vast difference in the males or the felian tube in the females it is okay anyone hm yes yes RI very good beta it is cut it is cut the simple word Christian are very good it is cut it is cut Anatomy basically means Tommy the word Tommy basically means cut the word Tommy means cut right vasic Tommy tubic Tommy ham Ali watching from Pakistan yes thank you yes cut remove yes apart from that the word Anna in Latin means to see to see to see so the word anatomy yes the word anatomy it is basically divided into two parts Anna and Tommy the word anatomy it is divided into two parts that is Anna and Tommy right Anna means to see and Tommy means to cut yes niku Jan very good sain Raj Singh very good now guys you already know if I want to simplify this definition it is it simply means cut and observe cut and observe you cutting the different parts of the human body and you are observing whether it is the different anatomical organs of the human body okay or the simple muscles bones arteries veins everything so the cut and observe part it is done on living beings or dead bodies guys now Usman thank you yes the cut it is basically done on living beings or the dead bodies I'm good I'm good as man how are you yes now you guys are going to tell me the cut is done on y hm obviously it is a dead body right H yes it is a dead body you will not get a life human being right yes obviously it is a dead body Christian roui very good yes it is a dead body guys right dead body now cutting an observation it is basically done on a dead body to study the different anatomical parts now guys this dead body in anatomy it is given special name that is called as the C yes very good Amin Osama M Vicki ano atam N Salon very good it is done on CER very very important right so the cutting and observation part it is done on a dead body and that dead body is something called as the C yes mansuri imas very good right yes now apart from that guys you should also remember one more definition it is also called as the dissection of human body it is also called as the dissection of the human body okay dissection simply means that we are cutting the different parts and we are studying that different part separately right so yes niku very very good yes yes yes dissection of the human body now apart from that guys one more definition that I want to discuss with you guys that Anatomy it is the science that deals with deals with the structure yes yes saine very good that deals with the structure of the human body okay it deals with the structure of the human body but the definition is not limited to that uh this particular stuff only it deals with the structure of the human body and and remember guys Anatomy is something that forms the basis that forms the just a yeah just a minute yes and it forms the basis of understanding function it forms the basis of understanding function now let me let me simplify this particular term to you guys you already know in anatomy we are studying the different organs different parts of the body different bones different muscles different arteries now guys what what role it has has uh like in medicine guys right in mbbs why we are studying Anatomy guys now uh if you don't know the name of the bone very first thing if you don't know which artery and vein know is daing that which particular region of the body you won't be able to study any disease guys for example if you don't know uh okay the very common thing very common thing that you all guys know from shoulder joint okay to this elbow joint right a bone is present in the arm region can anyone tell me the name of this bone okay now now the thing is from the shoulder region to the Elbow region a bone is present in this arm region can anyone guess the name of that particular bone over here yes so I I just want everyone to you to answer this yes anyone who would like to tell me h yes Osama shik very good it is the humorous bone what about what about rest guys yeah there is a bone that is present in the arm region Gori very good it is the humorous bone it is the humorous bone mansuri Sati Osama we will discuss all the entire 206 bones in detail as of now just remember it is the raviraj AJ rohi ano atam Salon very good Vicki CH very good it is the humorous bone guys everyone knows that now guys if you don't know the name name of the bone and know you're watching the X-ray the best acting that you know do while you know when you are in first year and you start watching xray of your relatives coms so legible that is that is something Radiology when you know the basic ex uh basic bones right if you don't know you won't be able to study Orthopedics that is the study related to the different disorders of the bones right you won't be able to study Orthopedics you won't be able to study the Radiology right you won't be yes you won't be able to study the Radiology now if you don't know about which arteries are supplying to the stomach through the intestin time you won't be able to study all the surgical disorders over there so even surgery also requires the basic anatomy know the surgical Anatomy if you don't know you won't be able to understand the disorders that are there in the medicine part right so yes isar Khan I'm fine I'm fine yes okay anyways so that is that is something that you guys have to focus on without Anatomy you won't be able able to study any of the subjects so it is actually dealing with something um that is called as the function it forms the basis no to understand different functions of the body as well physiology okay all the subjects pathology some everything just revolves around this Anatomy now if Anatomy is not um up to the mark then yes you will have FV problems so anyways we are starting with the basics only so dat startat is a little bit about the uh definition you can say or the basic about the anatomy now the anatomy is basically divided into two parts as of you guys should know it is divided into two parts guys yes the anatomy it is divided into two parts the very first one it is called as the Regal Anatomy the rational Anatomy and the other one it is called as the systemic Anatomy zoraa uh good evening yes good evening beta systemic Anatomy now there are two types of anatomy and I'm presuming that most of the students over here are from the foreign or the internationally trained medical graduates of India so yes so over there also the anatomy uh no in foreign universities know they teach Anatomy like first they teach the regional anatomy then they teach the systemic Anatomy or vice versa like I mean not vice versa like it's uh just a combination guys now what is what is the basic difference between the regional and the systemic one yes Vicki gorov mansas yes now regional anatomy you have to understood yes the entire okay or yes just write like this that yes the entire body is divided into entire body it is divided into parts and then each part is studied independently each part it is studied independently separately stud our entire body it is divided into different parts and each part it is studied independently now now Salon yes you are right Diva okay perfect perfect bet now guys you guys are going to answer now let us let us just by um Mark all the regions of the different parts of the body we are going to mark it over here now this is the same picture over here guys yes now guys you are going to tell me you are going to tell me guys this region it is called as what this region it is called as what CH let's let's start from the basics and you guys are now going to comment over here this region it is called as what CH an very good very good yes yes sh this region meanwhile you are also going to tell me what is this region called as H very good niku Chan it is the head region G very good it is the head it is the head it is the head head region now when I say head head very good ano atam very good yes Mega Vicki Salone Raj Anil very good bet it is the head region now when I say head region guys when I say head region you guys already know I am talking about two major things over here yes future Medico mansri wicki very good speciic region take Okay andam g Salon very good now when I when I say head region guys I am B basically next the yes NE yes now guys just listen over here when I say head guys I am talking about two major things over here I'm talking about the face okay and along with the face I am talking about the skull I'm talking about the skull bones right I'm talking about the skull bones over here right all the skull bones right all the facial Bones the mexa the miple okay all the skull the parital frontal oipal everything I'm talking about that so this region it is called as the head region now below the head region yes everyone is right it is the neck region yes and very good it is the neck region it is the neck region neck region neck region below the head we have the neck region now now guys you guys are going to tell me now below the neck okay let me let me just try to mark this okay this region it is called as which region guys yes you guys are going to tell me this region it is called as huh what H so I'm I'm waiting for you people to answer this h yes gorov very good Anno atam Divine Soul Muhammad Bal Dr AK Singh Vicki niku and yes yes yes guys chrisan very good very good guys future medical very good M sandep positive heart salani yes yes yes RI Raj Manish no you guys are interracting so yes H that is the thoracic region that is the thoracic region or commonly called as the thorax right the thorax now in the thorax can you guys tell me the two important organs that are present in the thorax region the two important organs just I'm testing your Basics guys s r very good the two basic organs that are present in the thorax region mansor very good guys very good now I just want to know the two basic organs present in the thoracic region the two important organs of the body we come to also yes Nike very good it is the lungs and the Heart guys very good mun very good it is the lungs and the Heart Osama shik yes G salon very good niku imamul hak Christian KK Anil Kos mahk very good very good very good guys RI very good so the thorax basically comprises of we study the two major organs over here that is the our lovely heart okay and the lungs and the lungs right now below the thorax you guys already know this doome shaped structure yes this Dome shaped structure that I have drawn can anyone name it as what is this which is separating the thorax and this structure it is called as the abdominal okay this structure I'm telling you that is the abdomen but which structure it is separating the thorax and the abdomen can anyone tell me yes R abdomen this St shaped structure yes Salon very good hes very good RI Osama very good that is called as the dihr that is called as the diaphragm hm that is called as the diaphragm yes Raj K future medo very good very good guys very good so yes that is called as the diaphragm now now guys at the sides over here guys this particular part this is called as the Upper Limb this is called as the upper limp this is called as the upper limp right this is called as the Amin Anil very good zra sandep yeah Bal very good that is that is called as the Upper Limb guys that is called as the Upper Limb that is called as the Upper Limb now now guys you guys are going to tell me now below the abdomen we have a region we have a region over here okay that is called as the pelvic region guys so I'm just yeah that is called as the pelvic region we will study the pelvic um bones also right we will study the pelvic bones also and everything so as of now just remember there is a region below the abdomen that is called as the pelvic region that is called as the pelvic region or the pelvis part right now beyond that guys you will see another part over here and that is something which is called as the lower limb the lower limb I will teach you the different regions of the Upper Limb and the lower limb but as of now just remember we have the head the neck the thorax abdomen which are separated by the doome shape structure called as the diaphragm below the abdomen we have the pelvic region and below it the lower limb and this these two extended portions of our body right that that is called as the Upper Limb that is called as the Upper Limb yes RI KK very good n very good future anoid atam Anil am hes G very good perfect perfect guys now you guys already know that this region it is called as the back of the body this is called as the back of the body right this is called as the back of the body this is called as the back of the body yes Vicki yes imamu very good this is called as the back of the body now apart from that guys this region can anyone tell me which region is this guys yes jurani very good can anyone tell me which region is this guys the famous region know mind blowing facts OMG yeah L come to the terms yes Divine Soul very good saloni very good Kia very good yes hes Sam n Krishan Gama very good guys that is that is something that is called as the gluteal region guys this is the gluteal region now I I have already told you in one of the exams right in one of one of the exams no um okay the neat PG exam was no getting delayed so uh the Indian media has nothing to say about it so I'm not blaming uh anything so that just a source of no entertainment guys that you should know that no all the medical were circulating one joke and that time our famous SN hero ranir Singh has done a photo shoot which went viral on the internet so um the Indian media was more focused on the gluteal region of ran Singh rather than the N PG postponement date so only the medical can understand what actually the joke was at now so so yes yes Am David so that is that is no actually the AG of being a medical that some things we only understand and that's not uh like most of the people don't H sh okay now now okay so that was that was about the regional anatomy the part is divided into different different parts Upper Limb lower limb thorax abdomen pelvic neck head and and we are studying these different parts separately we are studying these different parts separately whereas whereas when we come to the systemic Anatomy guys the systemic Anatomy so you have to remember the entire system the entire system is studied at once studied at once the entire system it is studied at once now let me let me take an example over here guys that you already know we have one system in our body that is called as the cardiovascular system cardiovascular system now when I say cardiovascular system guys when I say cardio okay you guys will tell me what is meant by the term cardio okay so I think that you guys already know this cardio it is called as the heart right now when I say vascular guys vascular means the blood vessels vascular means the blood supply the blood vessels I'm talking about over here and the blood vessels are nothing but the arteries and the veins the arteries and the veins so yes yes RI sing toar respiratory system can be also one of the system now we are studying not only the heart we are studying along uh okay we are studying the blood vessels that is the arteries and veins along with uh with the heart so heart is not studed alone it is studed with the arteries veins all that is supplying to the heart the one which is originating from the heart okay the own coronary circulation of the heart so everything comes in that system only so in the system everything not only the organ all the associated important vascular vessels I mean the arteries and the veins they all are started over there right so so one system I think I think Divine s right coronary AR huh take one system I think one guy has told me I just missed out Raj has told respiratory can you tell me more system guys over here one system yes it has um yes Raj has already told in respiratory system I want to ask Raj what what will you study in the respiratory system what all things you will study in the respiratory system only about lungs or or you might have heard about the digestive system guys right the digestive system okay now one one system that yes digestive Nik okay done G done done done Divine Soul Vicki very good future medo H nervous nervous system the neuro the neuro Anatomy part the nervous system guys the nervous system right okay we have one more system that is called integumentary system in inte um okay integumentary system integumentary system can you tell me the meaning of the term integumentary can you tell me the meaning of the term integumentary yes yes circul endocrine yes yes we have the endocrine system as well what all organs or the glands no you'll study over here the endocrine system yes in dentary basically we are going to study about yes yes yes you guys are right we are going to study about the skin and yes the skin the skin Dermatology part yes future Medical yes glands H skin skin skin ti ti ti ti yes guys perfect perfect perfect perfect guys so I hope you got the basic ideas over here yeah D dmaa unus yes H take now you might have also heard about the Euro genital system the Euro genital system I just want to know please try to no type in the chat box guys what will we study in the urogenital system what we will study in the urogenital system your skin hair Associated structures the appendices the nails everything the disorders right disorders Dermatology but when we study the system we have to study the basic core Anatomy the layers of the skin right the composition of the different layers right H H so meanwhile you comment let's let's move on to uh okay some parts that I have to discuss over here yes yes future excretory system urinary system yes kidney urethra very good hes Glory DAV yes Mah s g future medical unus very good very good very good so right now now guys put the heading yes KK very good M very good us let us just try to enumerate the different regions of the upper Lim I will be now talking about the different regions of the upper lip and I will be now focusing on the different regions of the lower lip as well the lower lip as well so so let us let us just try to draw a diagram over here yeah yes so write down the regions of the Upper Limb regions of the Upper Limb very very important it's just coming a little bit down yes again guys uh since you're studying Anatomy with me I want everyone to use color pens in your notes color pens the different colors will give you the best Remembrance in the exams as well so from day one make a habit of writing the notes drawing the different diagrams that I will be drawing numerous numbers of diagrams know with you people and you have to like pen down or Draw simultaneously with me so so that it's way important yes Glory David very good guys so you guys know already that let us let us just I will not be drawing any fancy diagram guys but I will be drawing the very basic basic diagram so that yes it is easier for all the other students to draw uh we are not going to draw any fancy diagrams simple line diagrams and Anatomy just to make you remember cania good now let let us just try to draw it first yes H now remember guys that this above joint it is called as the shoulder joint shoulder joint and I'm starting from the joint just remember as of now we have something called as the shoulder joint above just you can see my finger finger over here we have the shoulder joint over here yes then over here yes we have the elbow joint the elbow joint and over here we have the wrist joint the wrist joint now from the shoulder joint guys you can you can just see over here in the picture as that this joint it is the shoulder joint then behind like we have this elbow joint over here and over here we have something called as the wrist joint the wrist joint so we have three joints right from shoulder joint yes very very important from shoulder joint to the elbow joint this region it is called as the upper arm it is called as the upper arm or in Latin it is called as the brachium in Latin it is called as the brachium now when I say brachium guys all the muscles the biceps bre brachialis okay coraco brachialis brei brei basically all the muscles are containing this term brei in it so it again are defines that these muscles the biceps PR the triceps you already know we have the biceps and triceps the two famous muscles that you guys already know that are present in the upper arm region right so that is that is over here you have to learn from elbow joint to the wrist joint this region it is called as yes the forarm the forearm and remember this forearm it is called as the anti brachium anti brachium and below the rest joint yes everything it is the hand below the wrist joint it is the hand it is the hand below the wrist joint it is the hand right huh now coming on to the regions of the lower L that is you have to know from the shoulder joint to the elbow joint it is the arm from the elbow joint to the wrist joint it is the forearm and below the WR joint it is automatically the hand it is automatically the hand now yes h g Bal Anil very good very good guys very good now coming on to the regions of the lower limp I don't understand I'll write it here yeah the regions of the lower limb just try to draw along with me guys the regions of the lower limp the regions of of the lower limp yes now guys I'm trying to keep it very simple guys right I I will try to keep it very simple Yes Muhammad B un okay okay okay that's man both in LA but not not required as a right so just so just try to draw along with this yes just try to draw along with me right so that you don't face any problem while drawing right H just try to draw along with me guys a very simple line diagrams right yes thigh leg and foot mhm David very good Iran yes okay now now guys see over here guys see over here there is a joint called as the hip joint I will be discussing everything in anatomy guys so please don't worry the hip joint it is formed by which two bones or something something whatever comes to your mind it will be automatically solved when know the lectures will go in uh go with the flow guys no something will come later in the lecture okay you have to wait for that particular time right so yes can Iran okay love you from Pakistan thank you so much now regions of the lower limb this region it is called as okay this joint over here let us let us Mark that this is called as the hip joint there is something called as the hip joint then then your favorite joint guys the favorite joint where most of your brain resides over here right that is the knee joint majority of the brains are over here that's please don't take it seriously I'm just kidding right now the knee joint the knee joint guys right H the knee joint H this joint it is called as the ankle joint guys this is called as the ankle joint this is called as the ankle joint now guys from H take David take from from the hip joint to the knee joint guys this region it is called as the thigh region thigh right from the knee joint to the ankle joint this region it is called as leg be very clear with the terms now when I say leg guys it is from knee joint to the ankle joint right below the ankle joint everything comes under like foot foot foot fo now now guys why why these anatomical um parts are important now whenever a patient come to you guys know whenever a patient is coming to you and he saying that I'm having pain complaint of complaints of pain in the right thigh left thigh left leg complaints of pain in the right forearm left forearm when you write these terms now it is automattic Al an indication where exactly the pain is there which anatomical region is involved in that pain or so that is that is why you guys have to be very much uh clear with this basic terminology right the basic regions of the Upper Limb and the lower limb so I hope this is clear to each one of you guys just give me a thumbs up in the chat box that the regions of the Upper Limb and the lower limb it is clear to you and the different re h m okay ish F very good glory David rohi chrishan gorov perfect you okay Nike very good very good sahil very good now guys two things that I wanted to tell over here right that I want to tell over here now very very important now when we talk about the foot part this region this region it is called as the dorsum of the foot it is called as the dorsum of the foot this region it is called as the dorsum of the foot the dorsum of the foot and this region just okay this region it is called as the plantar surface of the foot the plantar surface of the foot please be very clear with the terminology guys we have the dorsum of the foot yes we have the plantar surface of the foot tashat nice to see you two okay Sabrina very good H David very good yes we have the Dome of the foot we have the plantar surface of the foot now guys again a very basic important term that I have to discuss over here okay in anatomy this question that you guys have to write over here that is something very very important in anatomy right and left is decided with respect to okay now there are only two options that I'm giving you guys over here with respect to the patient with respect to the categor or with respect to your own body let me simplify it a patient comes to me he's sitting in front of me and he's saying that doctor I'm having pain over here now as you see that guys as you see that so so his left will become your right so which is correct actually yes Sabrina very good it is by respect or with respect to the patient or with respect to the kav with respect to the person next to you yes yes yes now now with respect to the patient if if you understand this guys now you guys are going to tell me which thumb is this right or left ch you guys are going to answer this which thumb is this right or left again H patient Divine soul is chrishan future very good you guys are going to tell me yeah har yes youus bimma very good H you guys are going to tell me this is yes canu Pria it is left left Okay g n RI I was just checking this guys right orti doctor operated the wrong part so beta you have to be very clear with the fact right right or Anatomy so I hope this is clear to everyone just give me a thumbs up guys if you understood the right and left it is decided with respect to the patient with respect to the okay which is in front of you Swami okay anoid atom very good so I hope it is clear to you guys now before coming to that yes you guys are going to mark this as an homework right you guys are going to do this as an homework right you guys are going to mark all the regions over here right you guys are going to mark all the regions this is your homework guys right and please mark all the regions right so meanwhile just comment uh okay just just try to comment that which region is this yes that is I have marked with a just write it down in the chat box H okay and what is what is this ninth over here which joint actually we are focusing on this ninth W part A and B yes the A and B whilea part first okay right just just I'm testing you guys so just let me know in the chat box meanwhile I'll just turn out to the next topic that is the normal anatomical position the normal anatomical position yes the back of the th huh posterior part Dr San very good hi chrisan very good H posterior region baby H I'll come to the term posterior babies creation very good ish Divine Soul unus n medor rohi Sabrina raki har G very good ankle joint H now now guys coming on to the normal anatomical position the normal anatom anical position now guys remember that this normal anatomical position it is called as the standard anatomical position it is called as the standard anatomical position it is called as the standard anatomical position now this um standard anatomical position it is actually the position okay it is positional reference positional reference made for anatomical nomenclature now let me simplify this let me simplify this guys it is a positional reference made for anatomical n nomen clature now guys everything whatever we study in anatomy it is with respect to this position only which you are watching on the screen right this position it is actually the position in which you study the different parts of the human body even if you are working on the cader you have to keep in mind this particular anatomical position right because this is the position that defines the anatomical nomenclature all the terms front back anterior posterior lateral medial everything okay all the muscles all um the muscle movements the flexion extension everything which comes in anatomy it is described in this position only this is the position in which everything is described in anatomy okay now what what all we can see over here in these position what all we can see over here in these position yes har anoid atom yes everyone is Right everyone is right right right so now what all we can see over here the very first thing in this position the person has to stand upright okay the person is standing upright or the person has to stand upright right or the person is standing upright you can just write like this it is the person is standing upright straight okay the person is standing straight or the person is standing upright the second one guys the second one the person the case of the person the person is looking straight the eyes you can see over here right so the person it is looking straight it is yeah in the normal anatomical position yes now now you can see over here the third point which is relevant the Upper Limb beta the Upper Limb the Upper Limb is not touching the sides of the body the Upper Limb it is not touching the sides of the body you can see it is not touching the sides of the body it is hanging in the air it is hanging in the air it is just moving freely in the air it is just it is just moving freely in the air yes yes so the third point that you guys have to remember over here that the Upper Limb it is hanging Upper Limb is hanging Upper Limb is hanging and and you can very well see that over here we have something called as the Palms these are the palms and you can see that the palms of this person they are facing forwards the palms of this person are facing forwards yes jur very good yes so remember guys that the Palms facing forward the Palms are facing forward and and lower limbs are just parallel to the toes right the lower limb it is parallel right they're just um side by side right so remember that the lower limb it is parallel to the toes the lower limb it is parallel to the toes the lower limb it is parall to the toes in this position only guys in this position only guys all the entire anatomical nomenclature is based all the TS anterior posterior medial lateral okay everything it is based on this position with defined with this position only in this position only I hope hope this normal anatomical nen clature it is clear to each one of you and you will never forget because we are going to study everything in this particular part only right so just give me a thumbs up if this part is also clear if this part is also clear just give me a thumbs up in the chat box if the normal anatomical position is clear to you guys I'm waiting for your thumbs up so that I can move on to the last and the very very important topic for today that is the transfer section of the limp very very very very important I mean a lot number of questions have been asked in the neat PG exam the smmg exam from this particular topic so anything which is important guys I am always putting a dollar sign in my lectures dollar is very important no money dollar is very very very important so wherever I'm putting a dollar sign in my lectures please mind it it is very very important yes M gorov sahil chrishan yunus Nik Sabrina RI ish future har rira very good beta raki very good so yes let us let us now start with the transfer section of the limb now now guys let us first understand what is what is limp Lim over here can be Upper Limb and low lower limb as well it can be any limp right it can be Upper Limb or it can be lower limb as well it can be lower limb as well right we have Upper Limb and we have lower limb as well okay Iran very good so so we have the Upper Limb and the lower limb so I have taken this Upper Limb part and you guys already know that this is the shoulder joint over here behind it is the elbow joint right and over here we have the wrist joint wrist joint so now when I say transverse F transverse means a cut I'm cutting this particular region like this I'm making a cut like this guys it is called as the transfer cut okay the transverse cut and after cutting it I will see what is inside this I mean from outside to inside what are the contents what what actually is the composition okay so this is a transverse cut Now can anyone tell me in which region I have made this cut which anatomical region over here I have like made a cut over in which anatomical region life no h which anatomical region very very important because I'm going to tell you so many things so so so many things the breum okay very good kpra I have like place the cut on the brachium Sabrina yes it's a transverse cut yes night brachium the arm region or the upper arm region yes the arm region or the breum tme very good it is the arm region now now now just try to see what okay now what you can see outside guys now you guys can very well see some something which is outside and that is the largest organ of the body can you guys comment this structure which is the largest organ of the body that is the largest organ of the body this is called as this is called as yes the largest organ of the body yes very good very it is the skin guys Anil very good it is the skin it is the skin yes it is the skin now you already know the skin it is the largest organ of the body right the skin it is the very very important you should know that it is the largest organ of the body largest organ of the body the skin it is the largest organ of the body yes everyone is Right everyone is right right Osama very good herion babyation vant met lifea very good very good the skin it is the largest organ of the body now now inside the skin guys inside the skin now you already know the skin you will study the skin more in what we say you will study the skin more in um like uh in dermatology all the layers the epidermis okay the dermis and the hypodermis okay the basic layers right the basic layers that you will study yes everyone is Right har Sabrina Bal very good so you will study the skin in detail in all the parts and also the appendices when we talk about appendices I'm talking about the hairs the nails the sweat glands the sebaceous glands right so yes so yeah so yes now Under the Skin guys under the skin that is that is something very very important guys that is you have to know this yellow colored layer which I am drawing right now yes can anyone tell me this yellow colored layer H can anyone tell me this yellow colored layer which I'm drawing and please draw it with the yellow color only please follow the color coating guys very very very important H very good epiderm Saina an Divine very good unus very good yes yes it is it is called as The Superficial fascia superficial fascia now let me let me just mark this first or let me Mark it with the black color only yes The Superficial fascia The Superficial fascia The Superficial fascia now what is what is meant by the term fascia guys okay now let us let us just quickly turn on your page okay to uh the next page I suppose yeah just write down some terms guys that is very very important you should know these anatomical terms what is meant by the term fascia what is meant by the term fascia now guys the fascia means yes the fascia means it is a membran like okay it is a membrane like sheets right sukman yes High yes membrane like sheets H H kpra very good FIA is basically a membrane like sheets of okay membrane like sheets of fibro arol okay it can be of fibrous tissue also it can be of arular tissue also right so these are all the connective tissue guys the these are all the connective tissue okay okay so it is the fascia is something that covers the body that covers the body so remember B start facia just like a membrane it can be composed of no fibro arular connective tissue that covers the body right uh basically when I say it covers the body so I'm simply saying that it is present under the skin okay one location it is under the skin okay it also it also this fascia basically it surrounds muscle okay it also surrounds the muscle right okay it helps in binding it helps in binding the tissues and organs together it helps in binding the tissues and organs together so so yes guys it is a membrane like composed of connective tissue the fibro connective tissue that is present under the skin it is surrounding the muscle also it is helping in the see connective connect organs tisu con so this is this is like the term the fascia right apart from that apart from that guys you have to know that this fascia is basically divided into two terms I mean two types so this FIA it is basically divided into two types or rather I can say the three types we have something called as internal FIA also but majority of the times you should remember we have superficial fascia superficial fascia and we have the Deep fascia we have the Deep fascia we have the deep fascia now superficial fascia and the Deep fascia guys now when I say superficial fisha so it is present under the skin guys superficial means it is more Super so it is just present under the skin okay so it lies deep to the skin okay so you have to remember it lies deep to the skin or just under the skin okay it lies just under the skin okay huh very good I'm read very good very good you guys are like rocking today okay and it is actually connecting now if if I just want to show you guys let us suppose that this is the skin okay and over here you guys will get the superficial fascia The Superficial fascia let me let me just yeah The Superficial fascia and below the superficial fascia we have the Deep fascia the Deep fascia so this superficial fascia it is helping to connect the skin with the Deep fascia so it is acting as a Connecting Point okay now if if we just talk about the composition guys the composition that is again very very important over here The Superficial fisha it is basically composed of okay lose aola loose aola tissue okay the loose AOL tissue and also the edose connective tissue right the edose connective tissue edose connective tissue now when I say Ed POS guys you guys automatically will think of edipo sites you guys will automatically think of edipo sites now when I say yes edipo sites edipo sites are yes the fat cells guys very very important the fat cells and these fat cells are nothing but they are yellow in color right that's why I have drawn this with the yellow color so the color coding it is very very important in anatomy okay okay now now The Superficial fascia again you guys have to know this that it is thick okay if we talk about the characteristics guys okay if we talk about the characteristics again very very important the characteristics this is something that I I haven't discussed anywhere so if we talk about the characteristics guys so you should know that this superficial fasia it is thick okay and rich in fat it is thick and rich in fat in various sites okay okay The Superficial faite is rich in um okay fat at one of the sides that is called as the breast right okay it is also the anterior I will come to this term anterior anterior front anterior means guys front in anatomy I will come to the anatomical terms anterior basically means front Okay anything which is coming in front for example Our Eyes Nose Lips so they are coming in front so anterior means front anterior abdominal wall anterior abdominal wall I will come abdomen abdomen means you can see the uh below the diaphram that region is called abdomen okay so yeah we have the abdominal wall and the cavity in cavity you have various various organs right so anterior abdominal wall apart from that apart from that you will also see this superficial fascia thick in the buttock regions in the buttock regions so it is thick in and rich in F in the breast the anterior abdominal wall and the but region very very important I haven't discussed it before so you have to write these points in your notes right apart from that apart from that guys you also have to know that this superficial FIA it is at some places thin and it is devoid of fat it is devoid of fat it is devoid of fat now this is devoid of fat in three parts guys in three parts that is again you have to remember that is the scrotum the scrotum okay okay there is one more part that is called as the eyelids eyelids and yeah in males the penis right the penis right the scrotum eyelids and the penis are the sides where it is very thin and it does not contain much edyes it's like devoid of the edyes devoid means edyes so these three parts again you have to be um knowing that and again again one more point if I have to mention that it is exceptionally dense in the scalp region exceptionally it is dense in the scalp region dense in the scalp region guys very very important exceptionally dense in the scalp region okay the scalp part apart from that the palm of the hand yes the palm of the hand now you are very well aware what what structure I'm talking about the palm of the hand right and and and one more important thing that we have just discussed that is the sole of the foot that is the sole of the foot so it is exceptionally dense in the scalp the palm of the hand I'm talking about this particular structure and the soul of the foot the soul of the foot so that is that is about this um superficial FIA and and guys if if you want to know the functions right okay now okay you guys are going to tell me if the superficial fcia it is rich in fat it is rich in edoy what is the function of the superficial fasia and I'm waiting for your answers guys if this is Rich and F what what function it will perform H I'm I'm waiting yes Vicki very good h Huh so let's try to answer this yes it yes protection protective function but how it acts as in okay if if we just want to know the functions of superficial fascia the the functions of superficial FIA yes protection to produce energy okay cold and pressure very good razavi very good vikii okay now guys being rich in fat guys remember it acts as an insulator guys it acts as an insulator okay it acts as an insulator for conservation of body temperature right it acts as an insulator for conservation of body temperature yes protection maintain posture very good for conservation of body temperature for conservation of body temperature right now huh it gives the surface Che po protection um posture yeah it gives a rounded Contour to the body right okay now you already know that it will fill up the various spaces the hollows okay and all the irregularities of the body okay so that is why it is giving um the body rounded Contour okay it also it also facilitates the movement of the skin okay it also facilitates the movement of the skin and the underlying structures as well right and and and most importantly it is acting as a reservoir for fat it is acting as a reservoir for fat res wire for fat it is acting as a reservoir for fat h h okay so I hope it is clear to everyone yes I hope the superficial fa it is clear to everyone just give me a thumbs up in the chat box yes just give me a thumbs up in the chat box if the superficial fa is done now now as soon as you remove the skin you remove the you dissect the superficial fcia remove the superficial fia the another layer which comes into picture it is called as the Deep fia the another layer which comes into picture let me let me draw it with blue color so that it's like yes yes kpra razavi Krishan Nike very good what about rest guys I hope you all are understanding with you are all listening to my lecture with full concentration you are writing the notes along with me har home canu Pria yes Vicky Chi very good Haron zoha very good okay okay okay I'm like expecting everyone writing the notes along with me CH now coming on to the next structure over here guys that is the Deep fasia yes this is the Deep fisha guys that is like you have to H that is underlying this particular fascia that is the Deep fascia over here right this is the Deep fascia so just write it down over here that is the Deep fascia deep fascia deep fascia very good cor very good now now when I say deep fcia guys let us let us understand something about the Deep fcia so now when I say deep fcia deep fascia deep fisha now guys remember that the deep fisha it is nonelastic very very important it is nonelastic it is tough okay now when I say tough it is very very hard guys non-elastic what is happening it is okay let me write it down otherwise it will again nonelastic tough okay non-elastic tough now tough it is basically because of a tissue that is called as the fibus tissue that is called as the fibus tissue it is non-elastic tough fibrous tissue yes yes you are right MTI very good kpra very good yes it is rich in it is rich in collagenous fibers it is rich in collagenous fibers now when I say collagen collagen basically beta is a protein right and it is giving that tough uh strength so yes the Deep FIA it is non-elastic it is tough fibrous tissue rich in the collagenous fiber right so yes so yes I will be yes now if if we just simply talked about the sides guys if we talk about the sides it is enclosing the muscles guys yes G very good Vicki very good remember it envelopes the muscles right so all the muscles it envelop the muscles right they are basically covered with this deep fascia right and it envelops the muscles basically it forms the sheath and it surrounds them okay around them and and and also it encloses it encloses the neuro vascular bundle very very important it encloses the neurovascular bundle now when I say neurovascular bundle guys when I say neurovascular neuro basically means the neuron the neuron or the nerve right and Vascular basically means the vessels the blood vessels the arteries and the veins so veins arteries and nerves they are enclosed by the state fascia to provide protection again it has a very important role know of protection if it is very tough guys only then it will be able to perform the function of protection right now yes apart from that yes Now can anyone tell me what is what is the function okay what is the function of the deep fascia H what what is what is the function in the Deep faal guys now guys one important function that I want to discuss that is the circulatory function guys of the deep f it has many many functions but one important function it is the circulatory function I will just explain this I'll not make you write thesis so just just you already know bet in the lower LM W part or in the lower parts of the body the muscles are basically enclosed by this deep fascia so as soon as the muscle contracts the Deep fascia also okay it promotes the circulation in the Deep veins okay it is actually helping in the contraction of these deep veins so that the blood can be returned to the heart you already know the veins basically take the blood to the heart now against the gravity the blood has to go up so it needs a support system and that is start is Again by The Deep fascia right so yes circul part right now again it forms the sheath around various parts like femoral sheath Ked sheath so that is something you can remember okay even even guys even it is thickened around the joints this deep FIA it is thick around the joints it is thickened around the joints of the body the joints of the body now when I say it is thickened around the joints you guys should know that I am talking about yes huh H it it is thickened around the joints for example the wrist joint the ankle joint okay it it actually forms the transverse bands right transverse bands so uh the various joints the wrist joint the ankle joint it is thickened around them uh to form the bands uh that is called as the retina culum guys that is called as the retina culum right okay so that is that is something that you have to know about this okay so yeah that is that is about the Deep fascia guys right okay the two important thing that I have to highlight over here this deep fascia it is absent yes G very good very good guys this deep FIA it is absent let me let me just write it over here so that you don't remember I mean so that you don't forget this deep FIA it is absent in remember the faith part and the anterior abdomen or simply write down abdomen abdomen now guys again again there is a reason over here yes Sabrina gorov raviraj very good again there is a reason guys why it is absent and face now guys imagine imagine if the Deep fish is present in the face region it is made up of collagen right very tough fibus tissue is there would you be able to move the muscles I mean the muscles would um you won't be able to show your Expressions you won't be able to eat something you won't be able to chew it will make your face hard like robot chitty chitty be face move in that case you guys have to remember that face is a place where the Deep fascia is absolutely absent except for some reasons I will tell you when I will discuss the anatomy of the face right and in the abdomen also now why the deep fasite is uh yes why the deep fasite is absent in the abdomen guys can anyone tell me why the Deep fite is absent in the abdomen B if no if you're eating the food uh the food goes into the stomach or the intin the intestine stomach needs to expand okay expansion of the organs require space if there is a deep fascia guys there will be no expansion of this the internal organs the visal organs and again collapse boom bam so deep facia everyone would have six packs body F OB because the Deep f is not there and it is just because the abdominal organs need to expand expansion of the organs the visceral organs right so yes yes yes so that is that is something that you guys have to take away from here apart from that apart from that now in the middle in the middle guys you already know which bone we have in the brachium region you guys are going to tell me the name of the bone that is present in the brachium region yes huh you guys are going to tell me the name eight possible now there is a bone that is present in the arm region we have already discussed this natur huh that is the humorous very good very good guys very good AMA n Krishan Fel jur sahil Vicki Raj very good very good we have the humorous bone in in the middle in the middle of the arm region right Raj very good apart from that apart from that you guys already know that this bone okay it is like let me let me just draw in such a way that you guys remember over here that it is covered it is surrounded by the muscles it is surrounded by the muscles and these muscles are nothing but the skeletal muscles right these muscles are nothing but the skeletal muscles skeletal muscles now skeletal muscles are those muscles which help in the attachment of the bone okay the muscles which are attached to the Bone they skeleton it is attached the muscles which are attached to the skeleton the skeletal muscles the skeletal muscles right the skeletal muscles right now apart from that apart from that guys you have to know the five layers now we have the skin The Superficial fascia the Deep fascia the skeletal muscles and the bone from outside to inside the major Five Points that you have to remember yes we have the skin The Superficial fascia the Deep fascia the skeletal muscles and the fifth one it is the bone the fifth one it is the bone now now now guys now guys over here just just try to remember one thing that in between the muscle there is a space that is present in between the muscle guys I'm I'm just trying to highlight this particular area right now this area guys which I'm highlighting right now this space is there now this space it is called as or let me write it like this this is called as the intermuscular space inter muscular space intermuscular space intermuscular space yes very good guys very good the intermuscular space now guys what what is meant by the term inter guys now when now let us suppose that this is cell one and this is cell 2 this is cell 2 whenever I'm talking about the space in between the cells it is called inter cellular inter cellular intercellular simply means in between in between the cells inter cellular okay inter cellular yes very good yes yes T very good inter cellular huh now now if I am talking about only one cell and I'm talking about the space present in that cell that is called as intracellular that is called as intra cellular so this space I'm talking about in between the muscles in between the muscles that is why it is called as the intermuscular space now this intermuscular space this space basically carries three things better that is the veins the veins the arteries the veins the arteries and the nerves the veins arteries and the nerves so yes the content of this intermuscular space very very important the content yes yes very good mansas yes very good Amin very good kpra very good the content guys over here that you have to like remember the content it is the neurovascular bundle the neurovascular bundle the neurovascular bundle it is VA a a n vein artery and nerve vein artery and Nerf right content means what is present inside the space what is running inside the space it is nothing but the vein arteries and the nerves the vein arteries and the nerves right right cor of very good very good guys very good the veins arteries and the nerves now apart from that apart from that guys you also have to remember one more important thing that this intermuscular space this intermuscular space it is surrounded by okay it is actually like a space a hollow space okay and you already know that any space will have its bound boundaries for example if we are talking about the simple your room right the the hostel room where you are sitting right you are surrounded by the walls so basically okay we have the walls we have the roof and we have the floor similarly this intermuscular space remember the intermuscular space will also have the roof the floor and the contents and the contents yes bet veins are more superficial as compared to the arteries kria and arteries are deep seated right bet Vel good now content you already know guys content basically means whatever is inside like you are sitting inside the room you are itself a content of the room okay what is inside the room what is inside the space it is the neurovascular bundle the neurovascular bundle that you already have like you understood I suppose the vein arteries and the nose right apart from that apart from that guys you have to remember the roof see the roof the own roof of your room this is actually the CH this is the roof part I'm not getting exact that is the roof guys roof roof is basically composed of yes the Deep fascia The Superficial fascia and the skin The Superficial fascia and the skin yes and the skin the Deep fascia The Superficial fascia and the skin that is that is again you guys have to remember okay the roof over here obviously cheesy skin skin is giving protection to the underlying arteries nerves and veins right everything inside it so the skin will right right yes the floor the floor guys the innermost structures over here you guys can see it is composed of the muscles and the bones right it is composed of the muscles and the bones the floor the floor W part the muscles and the bones the floor it is basically composed of the muscles and bones right the innermost structures the muscles and the bones right yes yes yes everyone is Right everyone is right now apart from that apart from that guys you guys also have to remember that the intermuscular space it is divided into two parts okay the one which comes in front it is is called as the anterior part the anterior compartment and the one which is behind it is called as the posterior compartment it is called as the posterior compartment an one which comes in front anything which is coming in front it is called anterior and the one which is behind or towards the back right it is called posterior this space it is divided into anterior and posterior compartments with the help of this septum okay and that is called as the intermuscular septum it is called as the intermuscular septum now when I say intermuscular septum guys when I say yes sah very good when I say intermuscular septum it is nothing but the modification of deep fascia it is nothing but the modification of deep fascia only I've just told about one of the functions over here it is dividing the space into two compartments and each compartment will have its own neurovascular bundle the van component right the van component each component has its own van component right the veins arteries and nerves the veins arteries and nerves right so yes intermuscular septum so every compartment the interior okay so automatically it each compartment will have its own vein artery and nerve right so I hope this is clear just give me a thumbs up guys if this particular section is clear to each one of you just give me a thumbs up in the chat box if this is clear to each one of you guys please please let me know if this is clear to each one of you then I will discuss some important questions that have been asked in the exams right just give me a thumbs up and I'm waiting for your thumbs up guys H sure okay sah very good peel Amin very good very good Dr harit Sabrina T Cana Niki Krishan okay Anil Vidant very good very good guys it takes no courage to know listening me out at 11:40 it's the time in India right now and you guys are listening me hearts off to your energy and patience level so uh like um har on am Atul perfect perfect perfect guys you guys are like rock stars so let us let us discuss some important things over here yeah I just want to mention some some important things okay the two important things that you guys have to remember yeah these are all the important questions that have been asked all the yes Vicki zra har yes all the neuro vascular bundle of our body all the neurovascular bundle of our body have same sequence okay exception you have to remember except all our body will have the same sequence the vein artery and nerve right but except the two important things that have been asked in the exams right the first one that is the first inter Coastal space that is the first inter Coastal space please please try to be with the flow guys please try to be with the flow yes Sabrina very good Bal okay try to be with the flow the first intercoastal space now when I say first inter Coastal space you guys already know that let us suppose this is the sternum right let us suppose this is the sternum and yes from the sternum you guys already know we have the two yes ribs the first RP and the second r now when I say first inter postal space it is actually the space in between these students inter means in between the two inter means in between the two right so that is that is the intercostal space right interal space the first intercostal space it has the order of Na AV it has opposite order nerve artery and vein nerve artery and vein and again again again one more important point that you have to mention over here that is the poal fosa poal fosa the poal fosa now when I say poal fosa now what is meant by the term fosa now remember guys this intermuscular space can present as can present as the triangles in our body or it can also present as FAS in our body we have different FAS in our body cubital fosa poal fosa okay the different triangles femoral triangle neck triangles this space can be is the face part huh Saina Cana yes so you guys have to remember this fosa this poal fosa okay if I ask you guys you guys are going to tell me this poal fosa it is present yes behind which joint this poal fosa it is present behind which joint guys can anyone tell me over here this poal fosa it is present behind which joint H yes anyone yes it is present behind the knee joint that is the poal fosa okay it is present behind the knee joint kpra AMA sah very good Vicki CH Anil very good very good guys Amin very good sahil very good it is present behind the knee joint guys it is present behind the knee joint this poal forite is present behind the knee joint again this will have the same order right okay apart from that two more questions that I have to discuss the neurovascular bundle the neurovascular bundle it is absent in it is absent in very very important you guys have to know it is absent in The Superficial posterior compartment of the leg superficial posterior compartment of leg now when I say leg guys firstly understand the terms when I say leg when I say leg you guys already know when I say leg leg is from the knee joint to the ankle joint from the knee joint to the ankle joint now posterior means the posterior part of the leg I'm just talking about thisa part right this is the knee joint ankle joint or part Jo that is the posterior part of the leg right the posterior part of the leg and in The Superficial part just in The Superficial part it is devoid of the neurovascular bundle it is devoid of the neurovascular bundle apart from that apart from that one more question that has been asked in the as exam that you guys have to remember that the neurovascular bundle the neurovascular bundle in abdomen I will I will teach abdomen I have already taught abdomen on the YouTube in abdomen runs in between two muscle layers two muscle layers very very important and these two muscle layers are nothing but yes the internal abdominal oblique muscle internal abdominal oblique muscle and one more that is called as the transverse abdominus muscle transverse abdominus muscle again guys you have to be very clear with the fact that obviously the neurovascular bundle the nerves veins and the artery will run in between the two layers only okay yes yes yes Canoa right it will run in between the two uh layers of the muscles only these are all questions that that have been asked in the exams right these are all previous year questions that have been asked in the exams very very very important guys very very very important okay H yes Tanis I very good very good now now now so over here I also want to discuss one important concept that yes one La I have not discussed over here that is called as the Hilton law Hilton there was a scientist called as Hilton so he has given a law and just try to understand this that the nerve supplying the muscle nerve supplying the muscle also nerve supplying the muscle also inates okay it will go inside also inates the skin overlying the muscle right the skin overlying the muscle and the joint on which the muscle acts on which the muscle acts so n supplying the muscle now you already know for example we have one very common muscle let us take the example know of any muscle in the body right whether it is biceps whether it is triceps right so any muscle it is supplied by the nerve right so the nerve which is supplying the muscle it will also Supply the skin which is present on the top of that muscle and also on the joint on which that muscle acts right so the skin the muscle The Joint everything which is in relation to that particular muscle will be supplied by the same nerve guys will be supplied by the same nerve so that is that is something that we have to take away from over here so all the important points all the diagram the Deep fascia definition functions the FAS right all the important Concepts so yeah now before that please uh try to answer this particular clinical question and I want every one of you to answer this question before we end the session please try to answer this question an x-ray of 65 year old man is being performed while performing the X-ray the radiology technician ask the patient to stand in an upright position okay upright position with his arms abducted abducted means the arms are going away from the body abduction I will teach this term tomorrow as well I will I will teach this term tomorrow as well now whenever I'll teach the muscular movements so you have to know when I say abduction abduction basically means taking the part of the body I mean taking the part of the limp away from the body okay the palms and the head in a forward Direction which of the following describes the position guys which of the following describes the position yes kpra very good it is the anatomical position Osama very good it is the anatomical position very very very good poster interior is nothing posterior decubitus we'll learn it tomorrow Intero posterior we'll learn all the anatomical terms tomorrow yes we'll learn all the anatomical terms tomorrow right so yes it is the anatomical position C questions are nowadays more clinical but this is like a very um easy question I would say just to get in touch what all we are going to do in the future classes I am going to cover everything the entire general Anatomy within one week the whole um schedule is posted on my telegram group okay what I'm going to do so today we have already discussed the definition the concept of anatomy the regional anatomy the systemic Anatomy the various regions of the body right and we have already discussed the regions of upper and lower limb we have discussed the normal anatomical position the transfer section of the limb with the applied aspects The fasal Superficial fascia deep fascia we have Hilton's law all the important questions pyqs that have been asked in the exam right and along with the clinical question now guys you are uh if you want you can just connect to me on my Instagram right you the various the easiest possibility is to connect me um see I'm talking about the combined upper limit it's not touching the sides of the body right so that is that is yes the part of the arm is also yeah see some part is not touching the side of the body it's little bit abducted right so that is something you have to know you can just connect to me on my Instagram guys for any doubts the best easiest way nowadays so that is my Instagram handle so yes it is abijit Kumar 7859 abijit Kumar 7859 you guys can connect me on my Instagram handle for further doubts the tomorrow the class will be there I will let you know the timings yeah and everything will be posted on the telegram group mentioned below right sh it will be posted on the telegram group as mentioned mened right I hope you all understood today's lecture I hope you all understood we have discussed important Concepts today right so yes I hope you all understood what we have discussed today so sh goodbye take care good night it's time to sleep now right so thank you for your patience thank you for listening me out right Che okay guys bye