Transcript for:
Tension and Morality in a Lab Incident

[Music] is that a v bull off we nice and slow [Music] run go go oh my [Applause] God come on oh on you I can't believe this is happening to me again oh my God Sam here are you okay yeah I'm fine but uh Henry wait Zoe's not here is she because she's okay she's okay okay good wait oh my God is that so he's dad Dr Shaw was my top man at bought R&D before he went behind my back and de flowered my daughter okay I was 20 thoroughly deflowered and this isn't the time where the place what happened we gave a v to a hamster so we could test the virus on it oh a v up hamster was your first mistake it got loose trashed the lab we ran but the V had already leaked into the groundwater is the virus gone yes except for uh except for one dose hey how transmissible is that not very only through bodily fluid blood saliva semen okay so we injected into your dead buddy over here his bait and then we put him outside to infect the crazy flying sheep this men is in no condition to sheep they would eat him Bullocks I the only those I say we Le it which was right it's too valuable okay we run we don't all make it Darwinism love don't got to be the fastest just not the slowest noing way enough not now I won't be able to hard run oh don't you cry for that he's just trying to Nick Zoe from you that's his old plan is it he's lying sorry Stanny just business guys stop son of a I should have known mm could die okay or Frenchie I mean you really don't care or you just throw to the Wolves no not really you're a monster and I'm not letting you do this oh what you're going to go Stark raven like your de with firecracker I got the head POA and you can't even get it out enough enough look look y'all see this hives and I got them because y'all mother are driving me to crazy now Annie you can't just go around everybody up and Newman do you really want to risk Zoe growing up in a group home the way you did and you look my little baby girl needs me and I intend on seeing her you're not a monster butcher you are a but you a mother with a heart [Music] [Music]