Transcript for:
Key Insights on Reservoir Modeling Techniques

okay hi everybody my name is manchester hustavi i am reservoir geologist i work with illinois state geological survey as a reservoir geologist and in this webinar i wanted to give you just a short presentation about the concept of reservoir modeling and what actually the goal of this presentation is how we can create a reservoir model and actually the fundamental behind that so let's go to first slide okay that's uh as a reservoir geologist actually you should be able to be familiar with several different subjects for example you should be able to be familiar with sedimentology with interpretation of the positional environment not in detail but you should be familiar with those terms and you know what to do actually the workflow needs different uh output from different subjects for example seismic interpretation why do you need seismic interpretation actually after seismic interpretation they give you a geophysicist give you some horizon after that you should be able to import those horizon and adjust them with well data what why do you need some sort of for example the positional environment interpretation of the positional environment because you wanted to import those as a trend for example look at this image at this part if you know that for example this is a channel and you have turbidite here you will you can better model your porosity because in this channel you have some sort of sediment with high porosity and better pro permeability than sediments in those area around this channel so you should be able to be familiar with that also you need some sort of data from petrophysicist same as water saturation same as porosity permobility data and actually you should be able to work with a reservoir engineer because in you can send up them a model a static model and after that they all your model they history match your model they import the welter's data but after that they get back to you again and you should modify the model based up based on their findings maybe they find something same as faults based on pressure data and you should look at again review and revisit again your model and after that modify your model and update your model so you need to work with these different um subject and after that update your model and so that actually as a reservoir um geologists or just geo modeler it doesn't mean that you work alone you should work with a different uh engineer in your of in your company in your frame to have a very good model okay let's look at this system sorry sorry for interrupting you um could we have a full screen of your presentation because we we have one and the another one by the side so if it possible to get a full screen let me let me just stop sharing and because i have two monitors let me stop sharing and after that disconnect one of them okay [Music] you how about now you can see it full screen yes yes now i can see uh full screen thanks a lot i'm sorry for interrupting you can't continue okay sorry about that so why um we actually our preference is 3d model instead of 2d model you know that for example 30 years ago 40 years ago if you look at the publication you just see a 2d models and you see for example let me change it to respond to a pen okay in the past if you see the publication they have just a for example porosity model and after that they they mentioned that for example what's the initial oil in place based on this procedure this for example uh this reservoir so actually for volume look at this image for volume if you wanted to calculate the volume of reservoir you need the area of the reservoir also you need the edge that's the thickness of reservoir the porosity and the water saturation or the oil saturation versus bo that's well for oil formation volume factor in the past because they didn't have this type of software's so they use just a 2d model they have for example the area of the reservoir and after that they have the thickness of the reservoir at the well so they have the thickness they have the area and also they mentioned that for example the average uh average fi or porosity is 14 30 percent and after that what's the volume of the reservoir what's the oil in place of the reservoir but about 20 years ago we we have we had very good for for example reservoir modeling software same as uh petrol same as uh rooks or roxar um software's that's the reservoir modeling software and with those with those software you can visualize better the especial relation of the porosity permobility water saturation also in this 2d map you cannot be able to [Music] map the faults but with this software with this new software you can model the very complex structures and faults and for example some faults reduce the volume of reservoirs unfold increase the volume of reservoir or you can import the properties same as porosity per mobility fine you can find the trend of them you can find the heterogeneity of the reservoir and you can give a better uh static model as an output for better history match to the reservoir geologists but the result you can see that the result will be the same the concept is the same you you need the a the area of the reservoir you need the age the thickness of reservoir and you need the file so the concept is the same but you can with the 3d models you can better you can have a better static model with better accuracy so let's look at the at first let's look at the depositional environment the data you need it for reservoir for example at first you should know that what uh the reservoir is a carbonate or or is a silicic classic reservoir and if you have a carbonate reservoir what's the depositional environment because we have different type of depositional environment for example look at this uh the positional environment in this part you have to show fascists but sometimes you have reef you have reef instead of these shoal vessels and sometimes in this area also you have shoal faces in the in tidal flat area or lower intertidal you have this show faces they are very good reservoir sometimes you have calcite would be dyed in this area so the in some place the same as here you have just shale but if you have a high uh slope of this area you you will have a called calcitur we died same as tour we died in silicoclastic and they are very good reservoirs so you should know the type of uh depositional environment look at this turbudite depositional environment in this area in this area you have channel system and in this channel system for example in the higher parts you have some sand with high porosity also in this area you have sands but maybe the grain size is lower than uh this part also but in this area you have shell i remember that i work for uh as a welsh ideologist i work for an offshore oil company and we we have this type of environment on that area when we drill for example one well in this site we have a good production but in close to that well when we drilled a world in this area we have a very bad actually production so it's very important to know the trend uh trend of the sediments or the trend of the properties and also the know the uh type of the positional environment look at this also this the fluvial and delta environment uh the positional environment for example in this delta you have all over all system in this area you have very core sediments in this area but because they are very close to source you have very bad properties here because actually you have for example sandstone with very fine grain that filled the porosities but in this area when you have a braided river you have very good porosity when when we go near the actually see the size of sediments decrease and in this area you have the finest sediments or also in this area so look at also the delta in the delta in the delta front you have a very good sediments but in the pearl delta you have very fine sediment so it's very important to know that also look at this area if you have a well here if you drill the well here because you have very sediments here maybe you have a better porosity but if you drill the well here uh you have a bad property so it's important as a reservoir uh geo modeler or as a reservoir geologist it's very important to have a good donation in the past the donation was based on just lithology for example they connect the sandstone in different worlds together or they connect the shell together but right now the most of the companies use the sequence stratigraphy for the nation why do you need donation because you wanted to create a framework for your reservoirs at first you must create a framework after that adjust the folds import the folds adjust the surfaces with false and create the grids distribute the properties and finally you have a geocellular model let me show you what is the difference of a different type of donation for example let's look at these four walls here you have four walls and in this wall you have sandstone again you have sandstone here and again in this world you can send them if you wanted to have a donation be based on just lead to a stratigraphy you connect the sandstone together for example zone one is the top of the sandstone and the base is the base of the sandstone and you if you have shell you connect those shells together if you have for example silted stone you connect those together so but in the reality in the reality they are not look like the type of the stacking pattern of the sediment is it it's not look like this for example let me show you with a pen okay imagine that we have a delta here and this is c okay and this is c when you have a delta here and delta deposit the sediments here you have very coarse grain here and shell in the pearl delta okay again when the uh when the sea retrograde the delta again deposit the sediments here you have coarse grain here and shell here again the delta goes toward the sea and you have sediments here shell here so if you have two walls here and here based on lithosthetic gravity you have sandstone here and also sensor here so you connect the sensor now this part to this part but that's not connect because they are for different times so in the sequence stratigraphy they recognize these surfaces as for example high stand system track lower stance system track transgressive system track and after that give you these tops as a top of the zone not the stops and they connect the shell together so they give you this type and they create your flow units because these photo units the if you have hydrocarbon hydrocarbon here it actually move in this part not moving in this part so they give you these surfaces they are time surfaces so right now look at this one this sandstone is connected to this sandstone for example the three these three sandstone connected to two connected to one not the sandstone connected to the sandstone in this part so this donation is based on sequences radiography the sedimentologists give you uh this uh this top of the zones and after that you import these zones and you create your horizon based on desktops in the reservoir modeling software so after that you can distribute the properties and you say that for example i have um a sandstone that pinch out in this area and it's not connected to this sandstone but the lithous we give you the surfaces like this for example for this one gives you this surface or maybe this surface that's a wrong interpretation so be careful about that okay so that's the sequences radiography sometimes based on the seismic attribute you can find your size the surfaces especially the unconformity you can see those uh in 2d or 3d size mix so you have those surfaces also based on this for example top lab on lab and dome lab you can find those surfaces and after that import those as a horizon into your reservoir modeling software so again this is a when for example someone say that this is the layer cake donation it means that in well a you have three wells here you have shell here sandstone here again shell and sandstone you just con in the little stratigraphy you just connected the uh surfaces or the interval based only to a stratigraphic for example in this world you have shell you connect them based on shell and also the standards but that's not correct but look at the uh zonation based on a sequence of stratigraphy and system drag you can see they are actually they pinch out in the this part in the eastern part and also in the western part so that's the new type of zonation as a also as a reservoir geomodeler you should know about the type of diagnosis what is the diagnosis the diagnosis is the physical and chemical changes after the position of sediments so this type of this type of diagnosis processes are important for example dissolution compaction cementation and dolometization they are important we have different kind of diogenes the same different other type of diagenesis for example recrystallizations microtizations but they are not as important as these four processes for example that this if you have the solutions you maybe have a better permeability you have porosity but you maybe have a better permeability because it depends the pores connected or not connected if you have a compaction it decreases the reservoir quality if you have a cementation again it decreases the property of the reservoir and if you have a dometization maybe you have a better quality of better quality or better uh porosity and permeability let's look at this for example type of the solution we have different type of um porosities for example you have interpol in the carbonate you have in inter-particle intra-particle or inter-crystalline especially in dodomide you have this maldik cholesterol and shelter or growth framework but in the sandstone most of the time you have intergranular intergranular porosities but similar to that you have inter-particle in carbonate also you you have different type of porosity dart not fabric selective for example um fracture channel walls and cable so um in in iran i remember that one of the very good reservoir was osmo reformation this formation doesn't have if you look at the thin sections you can't see any porosity but because of the fractures they have a very very high permeability so maybe in the tin section you you you can't see very good process it is but in the reality you can have a high permeability but let's look at some of the thin section for example this segmentation look look at this white grayness on their oids in the carbonate and look at this uh cement around them you can see that uh they actually the reservoir quality decrease or porosity decrease because of this cementation they fill out all of the spaces between the oils the oils when you have weight it means that you you are in the high energy environment you should see the porosity and also permobility but look at this thin section and because of the cementation you don't have a very good porosity and look at this sandstone you have at first you had into intergrain intergranular porosity but because of the carbonates cementation you you can see if you for example if you test this analyze this um core interval maybe the porosity is less than two or one percent but look at this uh thin section this is dolomite you can see the realms of dolomites here and you can see that we have a very um large uh inter-crystalline porosity also in this sandstone you can see the inter uh granular um and they are connected to each other so you have a good um very good porosity and permeability and again you look at these realms of dolomite you can see two type of prosthetic intercrystalline porosity in this part you can see these very fine procedures also they are connected to each other and maybe they are vlogs or maybe they are because most of the uh dolomitization are secondary dolomites they first were limestone and they come based on diogenesis diogenesis processes this sediment convert to dolomite but and maybe they are shadow of uh some sort of carbonate or maybe you have at first you have a vulgar porosity and after that you have this type of uh dolomitization so they connected to each other look at this one so you should have a very good permobility and this is also you can see some multicross it is here and some sort of maybe yeah in this part you can see vloggy porosities they are very connected and this sample should have a very good permeability a as i mentioned that the compaction reduce the the porosity and permobility look at this compaction here between the steroids and or uh this one actually because of this compaction on also cementation look at this cementation here it reduces the porosity and look at this style of it here and this is dolores stone but because of the compaction it reduces the porosity and permeability very high so uh that was that was a very brief presentation about the slides about the type of porosity and porosity we have mostly in the carbonate but let's uh get back to uh the static model uh for for a static model you need some sort of structural maps at first this structural map maybe comes from the sedimentologists maybe it comes from the geophysicists but you need those surfaces to start your work for creating a static model so at first you must import the wells the ones for example you work for you you wanted to create a static model with the oil for a oil field with 100 worlds you must at first import the world's well wellhearts and also the top of the formation for example you have a field with the different world huts so you must import these wall huts at first the survey of those worlds the tom formation tops of those formation after that you must import the structural map this struck a structural map maybe it came from the geophysicist based on seismic interpretation or maybe you don't have any seismic data so based on the wealthtops you must create a surface so in some of the very oil field you have also they say that they are underground contour maps maybe they have the underground contour map and you can digitize them and import them into the software also uh that's that's the type of 2d map but and also sometimes you create a iso pack map and also iso pack map based on just the thickness of the reservoir though also the type of uh 2d maps sometimes the sedimentologists give based on the positional environment interpretation they give you some sort of trend maps and also for example he gives you he or she gives you a trend map about where the porosity goes up and where the porosity goes down so uh that's this type of maps also um you should have some sort of deep asthma and deep angle i will show you in next slide this type of this type of also the maps for the static model let me show you some of them for example the first one is the spectrum structure map this structure map is type of sub-surface map that have the elevation elevation of the interval in the in sub c so maybe you should create one of them in into the software based on what tops and if you have uh the result of for example correlation of the chart maybe a sedimentologist which will just give you this type of map and you can import it in your software let me show okay okay that's the 2d okay let me let me show you the thickness map also this is the type of thickness map this thickness map actually shows the thickness of each interval or each zone i mentioned that in the previous slide that you should get the top of the zone from geologies and you import those and after that based on the thickness of this interval you can create this 2d 2d map for the thickness of reservoir your thickness of the intervals how we can create those let me show you okay if you have a well here for example it's in the onshore you have the logs and also the based on the measure that so you you must import them well ahead of this well and after that kb that's kelly bushing elevation and after that based on these you can calculate the true vertical depth of the um that's the uh true vertical depth of the intervals so in this part in this part when you have a for example a button or interval look like this and based on log you have the depth of this interval but you must create two type of other map one of them is iso core you have the thickness of this one you have also the survey of this world you have the inclination based on your zonation you have the inclination or a slope of this interval after that in your software you must uh create though this type of thickness map for example isochord when we say either word it means that this is the true vertical depth from here if you have a for example you have the world that have a um have a tour through its vertical it's the depth from here to this part but the true vertical thickness of the reservoir is here so if you create the map based on true vertical thickness it's iso isopack and if you create a map a 2d map based on true vertical true vertical thickness or tvt is isocore so you can create two type of thickness map iso core and iso pattern maps after that you can create this type of 2d maps or maybe 3d in the in the software you have these type of maps you can create for each one but sometimes a geologist just he can provide you by hand or for example based on uh interpretation of that the positional environment he can give you a map look like this for example just by hand for example let me show you for example you have a channel system here and he just give you some contours for example in this part we have a very good sandstone with high porosity and permeability in this part medium porosity or fair porosity permeability and low in this part though porosity low probably he he or she can give you some sort of this type of map and after that you can digitize them and import them into your software as a proxy for um or as a trend for to helping you better model the pro porosity or permeability your permeability so if you look at for example these four maps you can see in this area we have high porosity for this interval also in this area you have high porosity in this area you have high porosity high pressure but for this interval it's very low porosity here if you for example if you drilled a well look like this that's a deviated world you have a very bad porosity for this interval what for this interval you can see you have a very good porosity okay the other type of the 2d or 3d map are deep angle and deep asthma maps this this type of map give you the deep and azimuth of the interval or horizons uh for example let me show you in this picture that's a deep of a deep angle map of this surface that's a structural surface with this drilled well in almost everywhere of this horizon but you look at this this is deep angle based on this interval and you can see most of these parts is actually less than 2 degrees but the deep are less than 2 degrees but you can see that in this part you have very warm color here here here in this part in this part actually look at this part look at this part here that's the deep angle of this area so it shows that in this area maybe you have a monocline maybe you have a very large fold also in this area this area shows that this area is a faulted area also in deep azimuth shows the azimuth of this horizon and it helps you to find better the actually the faults and also the deep and azimuth of these intervals so right now well what is the 3d model the 3d model represent the physical space of the reservoir by discrete cells for example you have a reservoir 2d reservoir right now you wanted to create this discrete cells or greeds why because you wanted to assign some porosity and permeability to these cells so or water saturation so the or intent to create those 3d model is to create this type of cell so because of that we say that the this is a geocellular model because we wanted to create cells in this actually surfaces you don't have any cells you have your surface but for reservoir modeling you need actually discretes discretes based on those horizons for example you have some sort of horizon you have your zones intervals after that you divide them to layers and and also divide them into some sort of grids so after that you assign number as you assign porosity and permobility to these cells to calculate the volume of the reservoir you calculate the oil oiling price of the reservoir or whatever you want it to calculate for example um poor volume of the reservoir or button or something like that so for creating this 3d model at first you must create a stratigraphic framework after that a structural framework fail fascist model and property model let me show you in next slide for constructing a stratigraphic framework you at first you need the horizons you need horizon from seismic data or as i mentioned that you need to create if you don't have the horizon from seismic data you must have the well data to create a horizon for example if you have a horizon the geophysicists give you some sort of horizon for example horizon one and horizon c because it has a very good reflector in seismic interpretation and he or she gives you this two type of horizon after that you have some wells with well tops so you must adjust this uh horizon with these belt tops because what is important more important is the wealth of because you have it you have it in the in the reality you have it because the drilled actually penetrate this formation as at this step so you adjust the horizon with well tops but in other places you trust the seismic data sometimes you don't have the seismic data and you just have wells with well tops so with software you based on just this world top you intro i played and extrapolate these well tops and create your horizon sometimes as i mentioned you have both okay so that's also it shows that that's a interpretation from 2d or 3d seismic data you have um some sort of for example reflectors based on this reflectors the geophysicists give you this horizon and you can import them into your software but just let me yeah i have it here okay sometimes you have a very good reflector for example in this part you have a very good reflector or maybe in this part you have a very good reflector but you have a different formation with different properties at the middle part okay for example imagine that you have dolomite you have sandstone here you have dolomite here so you have a very good reflector here but when you have a same uh lithology you don't have a very good reflectors so in but this one is reservoir this part is not reservoir so you must actually for a stratigraphic framework you must create some sub zones for your interval but the seismic interpretation just give give you this two horizons same as this so because of that it mentioned that you have interpreted surface so you have this surface from seismic and also this surface but you don't have this surface so you must calculate the isopack or iso cores and after that you create these surfaces sometimes just based on well tops you create them if you just based on wealthtop you create them and when whenever you look at surface most of the time you have intersect with uh those horizon have intersect with the with your interpreted uh surface data so that's not very good when when when you create your grids actually you have not a very good grid so it's better to look like this you at first you create these surfaces these two surfaces from seismic data after that based on uh creating zone you have this type of uh workflow for example in the petrol you can create zones based on isopack maps and after that you have a very good grids and also without any intersect between the horizon because you have the thickness of this part but if you don't import the grids and just based on the world tops you create them in some places when when you don't have the uh well entry points maybe they intersect with the upper layer or lower layer so let's look at this one yes so for constructing a structural framework you must import your faults pay because based on seismic data or sometimes sometimes sometimes based on for example if you have you look at the logs if you have some for example if you see a repeat of the formation for example you you have this type of log again at the upper part you see this being repeated so maybe you have a fault here or sometimes a part of for example you have this one in a one well but enclosed well or nearby well you don't have it maybe it shows that maybe it shows that you have a fault here but most of the time uh based on seismic interpretation they give you the surface the the faults as a surface or as a line and you should import those lines for example these lines of the false and after that you must adjust you must adjust again the surfaces with these faults so maybe because of this fault they reduce or increase the volume of reservoir so this part actually you you will don this part in the structural framework part of the software same as this one for example in one of the in this surface we can based on seismic interpretation we have we have seen these folds and after that you can see there are the offset of the folds here and you can adjust the surface the your initial surface with this fault and also with their displacement or offsets and you will don this type of um structural uh workflow for all of all of the horizon or for all of the horizon that affected by those faults okay the next step the next step after structural framework is pilar greeting in the pillar grading you create the uh grid of the or you create a skeleton of the greed for example let me show you yeah for example you have freeze you have a reservoir and it creates based on the dimension of this grid you import you actually can insert those dimension in into the software for example you one at each grid 200 feet by 200 feet or 1000 feet by 1000 feet but after that you create this skeleton for the framework and in this escalation that's the top of the escalator and this is the base and based on the surf faces right now the surfaces change to this type of grids after that you have just grids you have just grid and you can with with next procedure you can insert the porosity and permeability or whatever property you have so in the scala process because for example when you have a log data you have a property for example porosity permeability in for example half a food interval but if you have a layering as for example three foot if it's three foot and you have a 0.5 feet interval in the raw data you have a data as a log you must insert those into each grid for example this if the thickness is three feet so and the rail data is just for five feet so you must average them and you must average them and actually assign this value to each cell so this process will be done in a scalar process so uh in the scale of process for example this one you have the log data for half of it interval you must assign and average them and assign them to the cells for each of them after that for each read of these well look at for example after this process you have if you have for example 20 wells you have 20 wells with a scale updater but right now in the middle of the worlds you don't have any data just in the world same as this one that's a deviated well and in this part or in this part if you have well here in this part you have the data but in this part you don't have any data right now you have the scale updater let's look at the other part okay in the property in the property modeling you should interpolate or extrapolate the data between the welds i will show you in next slides so also based on sedimentary study you can create a fascist model especially especially when you have a 3d seismic data for silicic elastic they can give you some sort of bodies and these bodies for example they give you the body of channel and you can import them the fa this part help you to better model the better model the porosity and permobility because if you have for example channel system you use them as a you use them as a secondary porosity you import them as a secondary porosity for example you wanted to uh model the porosity you use the this one as a secondary property and model the porosity based on that so when we say this is object-based model it means that you have these bodies if you don't have most of the time you don't have this so just based on some trends from the sedimentologies or based on some sort of geostatistical algorithm you must model the porosity so when you don't have this one instead of object-based modeling they we say that this is pix pixel based modeling so if you don't have it if you don't have it so we can we can actually use the some sort of geostatistical algorithms to distribute the properties how imagine that we have a channel here let me at first give you a concept about that imagine that we have a channel system here and if you look at this look at this one we have shell here we have again shell here and we have sandstone here and if you look at this one for example this channel system we have sandstone with good porosity here but if we go through the center of the channel toward the edge of the channel you can see the property goes down very fast but along this channel the property is the same in the jewish statistic we wanted to find out in which in which area this property are similar in which pro in which space or in which distance this area uh we have this similarity so in the jewish statistic we are looking for similarity and dissimilarity so if we have this one for example if we find out in this direction we have high similarity that's a major range of us in the value grams that's a major and if the similarity go reduce very fast that's the actually the minor range or in the very grounds that's the minor actually it shows the minor graph of us so look at this one look at this one it has we have a channel system here and in three different look at for example let me show you that's a well here we have it real well here and in this part we have minor range why because the we have uh the similarity goes down very fast but along this one we have a major range because they are very similar in a very long distance so in the valley ground or geostatistic we are we wanted to analyze data organize the data and after that find the major minor and also vertical range what is the vertical range in the well data we look at the data we analyze the data to see in which part the properties are similar and in which part are we in which part they are not similar so we we will find those three variables and based on those variable we can model the properties between the bulbs so for the geostatistic we must create the value grounds biograms for porosity variograms for pro permeability assume that in this part we have a scale of data of porosity and permeability and after that based on these variograms for example in this part this is one variable it shows that it shows that in this part this that this is the distance and this is the variation or semi-variable of the uh of the properties for example porosity it means that in this part when we reach to seal it means that in this range or in this part we have similarity so we actually write down this range this is one of the or range or one of the minor or major ranges again in another direction we'll look at the properties for example in this part this another range so the higher range for example in this part we see similarity in this part when we reach this seal there is no similarity between the variables so in this part we write down these major and minor ranges and because this one is higher than this one so this is my major and this is minor and also in the world we can we can analyze the data to find out the vertical ranges based on this uh where you ground and your statistical algorithms we distribute the properties we distribute the properties for example look at this one this is based on a stochastic simulation you can see we have different type of for example porosity but this is just based that's a creatine intriguing algorithm that's the type of deterministic algorithms and it just uses the variable i'm not histogram so in this part you can see that um the properties it distributed the properties and better shows that for example that the positional environment but when whenever you use a deterministic model it actually shows very smooth a smooth model and maybe it doesn't represent the model look at for example this one and for example this one that's this is based on creating this is deterministic method in the the deterministic method if you have a very high number of worlds you can use this one and it gives you very smooth surface in the surface or a smooth model but look at this is the reality let me show you this is the reality you have this reservoir in the reality but if you use if you use the deterministic method in some parts it underestimates the property and in some part it overestimate the properties but when you use the stochastic simulation method if because of different realizations it gives you better result it gives you so if you have low number of wells or if you not work with very high numbers it's better to use this type of algorithms to create a model because it gives you different realization and based on you different realization you can make a decision about it okay um finally based on this method for example you calculated the area you have the area based on those surfaces you have the thickness you have that you model the porosity and also based on petrophysical evaluation you have the water saturation and also based on reservoir engineering output you have the por formation factor you can calculate the uh you can calculate the aesthetic tank oil in place of the reservoir that's all of the concept of the reservoir modeling so that's not difficult but you you should learn very different subject you should work with different areas for example petrol you you should work collaborate with for example petrophysis reservoir engineers sedimentologists geologists to have a better uh model with better accuracy that's my that's all on my slide right now if you have any question that's time for question you can ask i don't know how much time we have what okay mr sun yes i'm here uh thank you so much for this informative uh session it's really amazing and uh uh interesting actually uh so guys it's time for question if you have any question please type it in the chat area and i will read it to mr monsoon so that you can get your answer uh i i have already a question uh from muhammad he's asking can he choose a different obscure method for the same type look depending on the oil location in the reservoir yeah for for actually for my porosity yeah we have different uh averaging method for overscaling or a scale of the data for example uh based on experience the for porosity for porosity we use the arithmetic averaging method and for permeability we use the for horizontal work permeability most of the time we use geometric and for harmonic for uh sorry uh kv or vertical permeability we use the harmonic averaging methods so they are different from each other and but at less when you wanted for example a scale of the data it's better to scale up it with different methods for example you have the data of porosity you scale up it with arithmetic and after that look at the histograms look at the histograms his two grams of scale-up data versus his two grams of raw data and but you do that with different method after that compare those uh histograms together for example the histograms of arithmetic versus the histogram of geometry so after that based on those histogram based on the output of those histogram you can make a decision what uh averaging method you should use but for permeability especially for kv most of the time you use harmonic because it decreases the probability and we know that the kv is much lower than kh okay another question from muhammad also he is asking what is the best upper scale method for the mobility law yeah as i mentioned that for k kh horizontal mobility views geometric and for k and k vertical we use the harmonic model okay another question from muhammad also but another answer version what data will be required before static and dynamic reservoir modeling okay for well data that's a good question for world data at first you must have the well heads you must import all of the weld heads well let's tell you for example what is the esting and northing of the world the coordinates of the vaults after that you need the survey the survey some of the vaults are vertical you should import for example you just put insert the td of the walls but in the reality they are not vertical you know that when when you drilled a well you you have for example from the surface to the gt you have some sort of difference between the listing and northing so you must import the surveys the surveys of the walls also you must import all of the logs for example you have the porosity logs you have the uh you have the also uh permobil if you have the permeability permeability as a log or water saturation or density signing for correlation after that you need some uh sort of for example if you have some sort of trends for example 2d trends it's better to import those and again yeah if you have geo bodies from seismic and horizon from seismic yeah and also false you must import them yeah okay a question from another person how can we use a stochastic mutant series of our simulation um how we can use that the question was yeah yeah okay i'm not sure is is typing it right or not he's typing how can we use this to stick models in reservoir simulation it's not too it's not true model and i actually it gives you for example the result for example it based on p10 p50 or p90 for example it says it says that the probability you have this type of porosity is more than 90 the probability of um you have this permeability is less than 50 percent that's a probability so probability so based on those based on those you make a decision you have different cases you have different cases for example worse you have a worse case or um very high probability cases so based on that you make a decision for example you say that based on pro based on this stochastical algorithm i have for example the average i have average of the best case is i have uh 20 porosity for entire inter reservoir but based on the worst case i have 15 percent so you will do the uncertainty analysis to to see that how much based on worst case and based on the best case what what's actually your porosity and what's your how much how much actually all you have in the reservoir what's the oil in place in the best course and in the worst worst course the next question uh how do you use import and use the geo bodies yeah in the geo bodies in the face you have a part of for example in the petrol you have a part of uh you have a module that is fascist modeling in the fastest modeling you you must model your fascists and on that part you have a different part in patrol different module you can use them you can import them and for actually when finally when you model those for example geo bodies you can model the jaw bodies and after that you can use them as a trend as a trend very good trend for porosity and permeability so you have them that's very similar but um for example that's very similar but finally in the geostatistical algorithm it has different type of algorithms that work and actually most often work with geo bodies but you have some sort of algorithm that better work with your bodies or creating a model with jaw bodies so you have those modules in in reservoir modeling software you can model them and after that use them as a trend okay next question does a static model use seismic amplitude during property modeling um i haven't used them uh i just use them for the pro for the pro city for the procedure if you uh if you let me describe it in another way if you have the attribute of the seismic you can import them yeah you can import them and find them surfaces better but for uh creating uh in other part of reservoir modeling software really know just you can use the acoustic impedance for the trend of the pros city for the as a secondary uh property or uh for modeling the pro porosity not much but most of them is this type of work related to geophysicists that they work on those and it better shows the if they wanna for example uh extract the surfaces it better they can better extract the surfaces or horizon and they give you those type of horizon but not as much as in the aesthetic modeling we don't use them in the static modeling just we we use the geo bodies we use the surfaces and also acoustic impedance for the modeling of the process okay because of the time we will take two more questions first one what are the main factors influencing the final graphs module i didn't understand the question okay he's asking what are the main factors that affect the graphs of the model the main effect that it means that the main valuable the most important variable that affect the reservoir maybe we can escape this question maybe it's not clear so so the last question is that uh do you recommend some mentor artificial intelligence tools to support the duties of assume of static and dynamic modeling actually i haven't worked in this area i have no suggestion for that i know that based on those yeah they create some sort of maps but i think a software look like for example petrel or roxar software they have all of the module and they can easily work with them but i'm not sure about those because i haven't i haven't had a chance to actually learn this type of knowledge i i know that this is a new knowledge but unfortunately i haven't any suggestion for this so thank you so much mr mansour for your session it's really amazing such a an amazing experience in geology thank you again thanks a lot for all the audience for attending with us today um last remember for the feedback form and the certificate of this webinar i will send now the the link for the certification of the session in the chat also another reminder for the upcoming course which is static and dynamic modeling with the world modeling which will start in the 25th of february one month from now uh the the proposal for the course also the registration form all will be sent in the chat area so please check it before leaving the session thank you mr mansour and let's hope you meet again soon thank you bye thank you so much