Introduction to React.js for Beginners

Jul 13, 2024

Introduction to React.js for Beginners

Overview of React.js

  • What is React.js?: A JavaScript library (not a framework) used to build user interfaces for web applications.

Key Concepts in React.js

  • Components: Self-contained sections of code that function as reusable building blocks (like Legos).
    • Components can include JavaScript and HTML code.
  • JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript files.
  • Virtual DOM: A lightweight version of the real DOM. React keeps track of changes in the virtual DOM and updates the real DOM efficiently.


  • JavaScript: Up to arrays, classes, objects, and ES6 features like arrow functions.
  • HTML/CSS: Basic knowledge since React components involve rendering HTML and applying CSS.

Installation Instructions

  • Node.js: Download from
    • Node.js is a backend JavaScript runtime environment with a package manager (npm).
  • Text Editor: Recommend VS Code from
  • Steps for setting up a React project:
    • Create a project folder and navigate to it using command prompt or terminal.
    • Use the command npm create vite@latest to set up a new project with Vite (modern alternative to Create React App).
    • Commands to initialize and run the project:
      • Change directory: cd my-react-app
      • Install dependencies: npm install
      • Start development server: npm run dev

Project Folder Structure

  • node_modules: Contains external libraries and packages.
  • public: Contains public assets like images, fonts, and videos (not bundled in final output).
  • src: Main folder for development (99% of work).
    • assets: Similar to public, but bundled during final output.
    • main.jsx: Functions as the main JavaScript file, where components are imported and rendered.
    • app.css & index.css: Stylesheets for the application.
    • index.html: Main entry point with a root div and script to the main JavaScript file.
    • package.json: Contains metadata about the project, like name, version, and dependencies.

Creating and Using Components

  • Creating Components: Example component named Header.jsx.
    • Components are function-based and return HTML-like code (JSX).
    • Use export default to export the component.
  • Importing Components: Example of importing and using Header in App.jsx.
    • JSX requires enclosing tags if returning multiple elements as one component.

Styling Components

  • Internal and External CSS: Using different methods to style components.
    • Inline styles (less preferred for larger projects).
    • CSS modules (to avoid naming conflicts).
    • External CSS files (for global styles).
  • Example: Styling the header and food components with both inline styles and external CSS.

Props and State

  • Props (Properties): Allow passing data from parent to child components.
  • State: Managed within a component using hooks like useState.
  • Prop Types: Ensures correct data types for props.
  • Default Props: Provide default values if no props are passed.
  • Example of creating and using props in a Student component.

Conditional Rendering

  • Concept: Render components or elements conditionally based on certain criteria.
  • Methods:
    • If/Else statements
    • Ternary operators
    • Logical AND operator for short-circuiting
  • Example: Creating a UserGreeting component that changes message based on user login status.

Lists and Keys

  • Rendering Lists: Use .map() to render lists of elements.
  • Keys: Unique identifiers for items in a list to help React keep track of changes.
  • Example: Rendering a list of fruits with unique keys.
  • Sorting and Filtering Lists: Methods to sort arrays or filter out items based on conditions.

Event Handling

  • OnClick Event: Handling click events in React.
  • Creating Functions: handleClick function to handle button clicks.
  • Example: Making a button change text on click using an event.
  • Other Events: OnChange for form elements like inputs, select, text areas, and radio buttons.

The useState Hook

  • Concept: Allows components to manage state.
  • Syntax: const [state, setState] = useState(initialState).
  • Example: Creating a counter with increment, decrement, and reset buttons.

The useEffect Hook

  • Concept: Side effects in functional components.
  • Usage: For things like data fetching, subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM.
  • Syntax: useEffect(() => { code }, [dependencies]).
  • Example: Creating a digital clock that updates every second.

Context API

  • Concept: Allows sharing values between components without drilling props.
  • Creating Context: createContext() in a main provider component.
  • Using Context: useContext() hook to consume the context in child components.
  • Example: Sharing a username across several nested components.

useRef Hook

  • Concept: Accessing and interacting with DOM elements without causing re-renders.
  • Example: Creating a stopwatch component that tracks elapsed time and controls start, stop, and reset.

Putting It All Together

  • Example Projects: Building a To-Do list and a Stopwatch.
  • Application Structure: How various hooks and concepts come together to build a React application.


React.js is a powerful library for building dynamic and efficient user interfaces. Its component-based architecture, combined with hooks such as useState, useEffect, and useContext, allows developers to create complex applications in a manageable and scalable way.