Introduction to Python Programming Basics

Aug 25, 2024

Python Basics Lecture Notes

Introduction to Python

  • Python is the easiest programming language to learn.
  • It is currently the most popular programming language.
  • According to Glassdoor, new Python developers earn an average salary of $64,000.

Getting Started with Python

  1. Download Python:

    • Visit
    • Click the yellow "Download Python" button.
    • Open the downloaded file and check "Add Python 3.9 to PATH".
    • Follow the installation prompts.
  2. Download an IDE:

    • Recommended IDE: PyCharm.
    • Choose the free Community version.
    • Follow standard installation procedures.
  3. Creating a New Project:

    • Once in PyCharm, create a new project.
    • Name it (e.g., "Hello World").
    • Create a new Python file ("").
    • Write your first Python script:
      print("I love pizza")

Working with Variables

  • Variables can store different types of data:
    • Strings: name = "Bro"
    • Integers: age = 21
    • Floats: height = 250.5
    • Booleans: is_human = True

Creating and Utilizing Variables

  • Check the type of a variable using the type() function.
  • Combine strings using + operator.

Data Types

  1. Strings: Series of characters.
  2. Integers: Whole numbers.
  3. Floats: Numbers with decimals.
  4. Booleans: True or False values.
    • Useful in if statements.

Multiple Assignment

  • Assign multiple variables in one line:
    name, age, attractive = "Bro", 21, True

Useful String Methods

  • len(): Get the length of a string.
  • find(): Find the first index of a character.
  • capitalize(): Capitalizes the first character.
  • upper(): Converts to uppercase.
  • lower(): Converts to lowercase.
  • replace(): Replace a character in a string.

Type Casting

  • Convert data types using int(), float(), str() functions.

Accepting User Input

  • Use the input() function to accept user input:
    name = input("What is your name?")

Using If Statements

  • Basic structure:
    if condition:
        # do something
        # do something else

Logical Operators

  • and, or, not used to combine conditions.

While Loops

  • Execute a block of code as long as a condition is true:
    while condition:
        # do something

For Loops

  • Iterate over a sequence:
    for item in sequence:
        # do something

Creating Classes and Objects

  • Define classes using class keyword:
    class MyClass:
        def __init__(self):
            # constructor


  • Child classes inherit from parent classes.

Abstract Classes

  • Prevent users from creating instances of a class.


  • Run multiple threads concurrently.


  • Run multiple processes in parallel.

Tkinter GUI Programming

  1. Creating Windows:
    • Use tkinter module to create GUI applications.
  2. Creating Widgets:
    • Buttons, Labels, Entry boxes, Check buttons, etc.
  3. Event Handling:
    • Bind events to functions.


  • Python provides a wide variety of features for both programming and GUI development.
  • Each concept builds upon each other to enhance the user experience with flexibility and efficiency.

Note: This summary is based on the provided lecture transcript and is structured into sections for easier understanding and review.