Transcript for:
Exploring Faith, Leadership, and the Holy Spirit

you're of your if you am am oh yeah oh yeah I am I am I am who you say I am thank you Lord thank you Lord and I am what I am I am I [Music] am I am who you say I am what you say is true I am what I am I am I am am say it with me say I am what I am Hallelujah the great [Music] am Sons and Daughters said I am what I am Hallelujah the Great I am am speak every I declared this right every am am Hallelujah [Music] am last time sing it with am am every every [Music] moment he's speaking now he's speaking now he's speaking now he's speaking now singing songs of healing singing songs of Freedom singing songs of breakthrough we believe your word we believe your word we trust your word we trust your word your truth over opinions we believe your word I am what I am I am what amen praise God thank God for each and every one of you who are present at this Noonday worship experience uh we give God praise for all that he has done for all that he will continue to do if you hear the blenders in the background that's because the drip is doing what the drip does and um man it's let but you know it's real it's live it's it's it's really going up amen um and so we're so grateful to be able to share with each of you um this Series has already got off to uh just an unimaginable start and I pray that you commit yourself to the journey of the teachings and that you come out um tonight we will be partaking in Holy Communion together at 700 p.m. and we will continue um to create an environment and an ATM spere that is conducive uh for people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and um we have gone through a tremendous season of water baptism uh we're now believing God for the same for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and so as we talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit I pray that you are querying and questioning yourself remember these teachings are introspective in self-reflective teachings this is not for you to say oh I knew she wasn't saved or I knew he wasn't saved no this is for you to look into the mirror and for you to examine yourself like you know let's grow us you know we're so busy trying to grow others and worry about other people's business and um and our business is a so we really want to make sure that we're utilizing these teachings to look in the mirror and to challenge ourselves about our own personal walk with Christ about our own personal development and our own personal uh approach to scripture and so these are not moments that I need you to again get into that competitive or comparative space these are not the places that I need you to say my church is better than other churches see my church now we're all a part of the body we all do what we are designed and what we're committed and commissioned to the body to be and so I need you to understand that this is a place that we're getting a way off track um and we're inevitably competing against our own teammates um and let me say this uh I've had a number of people send me um the headlines and please don't do that um this is a personal friend of mine this is a personal um uh um commitment and Covenant that we have in the kingdom and so I take no joy in a family being divided and a church being injured um that's not how we grow Here We Grow off of the anointing that is on our house we don't need anybody's hurt or harm for us to be helped this is our team and whenever we see a leader in the body of Christ wounded and injured this should never be a place of Celebration or I told you so like this is our team and the body of Christ specializes in wounding its wounded and that's not what we're about here at the river uh we love everybody we're praying tonight we will be praying for our dear brothers and sisters uh with this becoming so public it's something that I've known for some time now but with it being public we want to publicly show our support we want to publicly show our uh ability to come alongside this ministry and to just love them to pray for them to to support them and and while we're there let let let me say this and and this is why I openly live my life because I am tired of people piging holding pastors who build hundred of millions of dollars in their organization and we expect them to live like pulpers and we expect them to have nothing um that's only problematic if again what you have generated doesn't marit the match um it's a problem with a pastor whose car is bigger than his church um whose house is bigger than his church that's a problem uh but when we have people of the likes of a crow dollar whose Ministries generate a $100 million a year I don't expect to bump into him and coach in the airport all right like nor would I any other CEO of a100 million a year corporation uh let's stop uh expecting the least of the black Brilliance and the Brilliance period that exist in the pool pits Across America um uh I celebrate the success of any leader any organization um that uh has gained any level of traction to that uh space and so here we we know that uh uh we're going to celebrate success in everyone uh long as you have done nothing wrong you've injured no one you've taken advantage of nothing uh the Bible says muzzle not the ox that treadeth out the corn and this is what I get to tell people you get to eat out of what you produce and so when we have leaders who are producing on the levels that our leaders are producing on they get the right to partake let me dispel because this is our time of sharing at Noonday um biblically the tithe belongs to the priest and most people don't know that and so when we talk about what leaders do with money that is now your decision whether or not you sit up under poor stewardship all right because the priest is responsible for the allocation of the funds he's responsible for taking care of the temple so that's why I tell people you can never argue with who I am or what I have just look at the temple we take care of the temple so you know where your resources are going um that's good stewardship but the priest is actually responsible for the time tie the tithe actually belongs to the priest because the priest is prospered out of what you produce it is a mutual exchange so that's why I tell people a leader can only have to the level of which people under their tulich have prospered does that make sense to everybody so if a if a church organization can gather a $100 million can you imagine with the people who have belonged to that church have made right so that's probably you know a billion doll economy under the Tage and under the teaching and under the structure and strategy of the people partnering with that organization like I said when I came here and I'm sorry for going into this but I think we need to speak to this because as we watch this domino effect effect with leaders and as we watch the world you know pounce upon it as if the a aha moment you know um I really want to give a dress where people are not speaking because we don't have leaders speaking up and bringing Clarity to this for people so we're left to the opinions of worldly people who want to exploit this um can I say something that will probably mess you up like a leader getting divorced is no different than you getting divorced there really not it's really not like you know we don't expect the dentist to make a public announcement that I got divorced today you just need them to take your teeth out right just do a good job on my teeth you know and I know that we hold our leaders to a standard and we should but when they fail we need to support them not in their sin but we need to support them in their emotional being because these are real people like these are real families these are people who you know are being devastated and so let's not celebrate in the devastation of others let's see how we can pray how we can support and what makes me angry with other leaders celebrating this is if I fail you would be celebrating my failure too so that's why I don't you know that's why I'm not like good with anyone celebrating another Leader's failure because I'm a leader and if I fail you'll be celebrating me also my brother was a very high-profile um um high impact high capacity leader and he had a very public failure so these are areas that are very sensitive to me and um um I never will forget the day that the news was chasing him through the airport um I literally left out of my office got on a plane was trying to get to my brother before he killed himself and that day was one of the most horrific experiences that you you can't imagine um and I say that to say that I know the pressure and the pain of public failure and I've lived through it and it's an experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone and so I want to sober us especially for my responsibility here at the river uh for us I want to say to you as your Shepherd please don't celebrate the downfall and the failure of anyone uh please watch your comments watch your post these are real lives and you know these are people who again have had incredible impact on the kingdom uh when you can gather 15,000 people you've done something um and our hearts go to him I I just talked with him yesterday and um and and and this is my brother and this is my sister and I love them and I love their Ministry and I love what they've done in our city and they sit as an icon in our city and most people would try to benefit from this but like I said we are strong enough within ourselves that we don't have to gain by somebody else's loss but our hearts should be connected to people when they're hurting all right and so like I tell people how does a leader tell you that they're failing how do they show you their scars that's why I try to live in that space of trying to create an an opportunity for leaders to not have to feel like they have to live in hiding so I tell yall I'm not doing nothing wrong you you can check the record you know I'm probably the cleanest sheet on the planet all I do is cuss that's all that's like if you if you catch me doing that you got me cuz that that's about that's about the worst thing that I do I love my wife I love my family we're we're never getting divorced we're stuck together forever um so when I'm talking about about these things I'm trying to create a safe place for leaders um unfortunately leaders don't have a safe place they'll have the place to say that they're hurting and that they're failing and that you know their family's not doing well and then when it goes off the rails and it goes too far uh we blame them but again we didn't create safe places for them and so I say this to all of us don't connect again your Christianity to a leader Paul says follow me as I follow Christ all right When leaders fail you keep following Christ trust me my dad used to teach me this your friends will be your friends no matter what your enemies will be your enemies no matter what um and the same it is with an excuse if you want an excuse to stop following Christ anything will do all right stop looking for reasons to stop following Christ leaders are very frail human individuals and we see it happening not just in the black church we see it happen in the white church we see it happen in mega churches we see it happening in small churches um friend of mine in Detroit just had an extreme moral failure uh pastors of mega church there in Detroit and um again it's devastating to watch this happen to the body of Christ but I want to ground us today and I want to uh I want to reenter us because that's what we're talking about radical centricity uh we've got to get back to the balance of a thing all right we can't get so overweighted that we're removed from our walk and we're somewhere sitting at home because some leader of a church that we were never a part of had a failure and we're going to use that as our excuse to stop coming to church so let's not do that let's pray for the body and let's keep it moving all right which brings us again to radical centricity um let's open again to the book of Acts 19 uh verse 1-6 and it's so good to have all of you in the building on this uh Noonday um again the drip is open so if you want to uh get your lunch and and just chill that's what we're here to do so while Apollos was at Corinth Paul took the role through the interior and arrived at Ephesus there he found some disciples now this is important some disciples all right uh people who were disciplined to the word disciplined to the walk disciplined to the way all right um so the the reason in pointing this out is you can be a disciple somebody disciplined to the word disciplined to the walk discipline to the way and still have not received the work of the Holy spir spirit all right so I don't want you to believe that these work in tandem they can work in tandem but they're not automatic all right so it's not I'm a believer of Jesus Christ now I have the baptism of the holy spirit all right so I can be a disciple and some of you are you're disciples you're committed to the word you're committed to the walk you're committed to the way you just haven't so much as heard of this thing called the Holy Spirit or this work called the Holy Spirit or this personality called the holy spirit so so these were disciples all right discipline to the word discipline to the walk discipline to the way and he asked them did you receive the holy spirit all right now holy spirit Holy Ghost interchangeable um just translated different way means the same thing somebody it's like King kdom of God kingdom of heaven you've ever heard teachings on Kingdom of God kingdom of heaven people try to differentiate them there there's no difference they just translated different but they mean the same thing same way it is with Holy Ghost Holy Spirit same thing you're not deeper because you say holy ghost the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost be upon you all right the Holy Spirit no different same thing all right so I want to differentiate that because again I've heard people take these and make different teachings out of Holy Ghost Holy Spirit no difference that shows your ignorance and when we talk about kingdom of God kingdom of heaven no difference just simply translated with different word choices all right but same thing so did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed they answered no we have not even heard that there is a holy spirit all right so again some of us come from denominational uh backgrounds where there was re no real emphasis given on the teaching of the Holy Spirit right um I'm Baptist by default okay so born into Baptist culture um doctrinally Centric so if you come from a Baptist background you're heavily weighted towards the intellect of the teaching all right which means that we were taught that the work of the Holy Spirit was foolishness and ignorance and so you you don't do that babbling and you don't do that emotionalism all right because it's not intellectual so if you come from a traditional Baptist background you weren't really taught about about the work of the holy spirit because that was emotionalism and that was ignorance and I remember the days when I flowed in my charismatic gift of Baptist preachers saying you're doing too much like that's not needed that's not necessary that's ignorance young man come back to the scholarly application of the Texs and stay with the dogma and the doctrine and the teaching of the text and that's what you do that's why when you see Baptist preachers they wear their robes with their doctoral stripes on them because that is an indication that we stand Su superiorly in intellect above other denominations so all the robes and all of the dressings of the different denominations say where their emphasis are that's why if you notice a Presbyterian Church you'll notice that the educational Wing is massive and the sanctuary is small all of these things will tell you where the emphasis in the in the denomination is placed on the teaching so I say that to say there are some of us that were never really indoctrinated with the teaching of the Holy Spirit any of you in here is that your story did you come from denominational backgrounds where you really didn't hear many teachings about the holy spirit thank you thank you thank you so we hear more about teachings of the holy spirit in Pentecostal charismatic expressions of Doctrine all right so if you were brought up in a charismatic church if you were brought up in a Pentecostal church maybe even an Apostolic Church you receive more teaching and more understanding about the work of the Holy Spirit now a lot of that wasn't biblically aligned a lot of that was emotionalism and man's expression of the the Holy Spirit but wasn't really a Biblical application of what the work of the Holy Spirit really is so that's why for this teaching radical centricity we want to teach you the balance between the two again we discovered that there are cessationists and I want you to write that word down because I want you to discover where you fall on this scale cessationist c e SS a t i o n i n and then there are sensation list um and and both of those are polar opposit all right so s cessationists are people that believe like many Baptist teachings calvinist leaning Doctrine will say that there's no more need for all these Miracles and stuff like all the the miracles signs and wonders were for the formation of the early church so they will say that the work of the Holy Spirit was extremely prevalent in the formation of the early church because God needed to create this Sensational environment to draw people to this newly formed idea of church now I got you know again this is why I teach you how to understand the difference between the temple and the church the synagogue and the church they are not the same all right old Covenant Temple synagogue New Covenant Church so when you're reading the old Covenant the church didn't exist you must understand that the church didn't exist until after the book of Acts so it's in the book of Acts that we see the beginning of the church so in the beginning of the church sensation believed that you saw the work of the Holy Spirit you saw the outcomes and the evidence of the Holy Spirit but it was only to begin the church once the church began and once it gained it its footing they will say in their teachings that there's no more need for the holy spirit so that's why they don't teach it that's why you don't hear sermons about the work of the Holy Spirit you don't you're not indoctrinated with an idea of the baptism of the Holy Spirit the need for the replenishing of the Holy Spirit the need to be activated with the work of the holy spirit because the church is already formed we don't need it anymore so that's their teaching so that's why in a doctrinal presentation of the Baptist Church you didn't really get many teachings on the work of the holy spirit because they were sensationalists they believe that that work was done and then you get the other extreme the s sensationalists who just believe that you know every day we wake up to see miracles signs and wonders and we see the work of the holy spirit so all of the teachings all the talk is centered around holy spirit all right um I fall somewhere in the center all right and a healthy church falls somewhere in the center because I don't want you to wake up every day looking for miracles signs and wonders because that's not again the work of the Holy Spirit alone all right so if you just think that the work of the holy spirit is miracles signs and wonders you will live so out of balance and you'll be just as unhealthy as somebody who believes that there is no holy spirit all right so right there in the center is the true teaching that Paul is revealing here and here's where I want us as a church to be so he asked them have they even uh uh have they received the Holy Spirit they answered no we have not even heard that there is a holy spirit so Paul asked them then what baptism did you receive so again I need you to start understanding the things that we so blanketly ascribe to Christianity are not just Christian ideas and not just Christian terms right okay so you do know that Jesus wasn't the only one who claimed himself to be the Messiah all right you do know know that the only baptism was not the baptism into Christianity when Jesus is being baptized does anybody ever asked this question when Jesus is being baptized what is he being baptized into when he's being baptized in the Jordan what is he being baptized into remember there is no church yet there is no Christianity yet so what is he being baptized into he's being baptized into the baptism of John have how many of you have ever ever ever heard this before yeah yeah yeah he's being baptized into the baptism of John so then what is the baptism of John the baptism of John is the teaching of repentance for the kingdom is at hand all right so whenever you see baptism it's not a blanket idea it's not a blanket understanding you must ask yourself which baptism right and now here how about this some of you need to ask yourselves which baptism because if you ask people have you been baptized oh I've been baptized the better question is but what baptism all right because there's a lot of baptisms it's a lot of spirits out here all right so when people say I got the Spirit uh I don't argue with you yeah you probably do the better question is which Spirit which one I want to know which baptism I want to know which God you serve amen you you know when we blanketly ask people do you serve God you do understand that the Bible acknowledges and and this is what befuddles me is the ignorance of Believers that you know like you think that the Bible doesn't acknowledge that they are other gods the Bible acknowledges there are other gods but there's only one true and living God right so yeah there they are plethora of other gods like every faith has a God and the Bible acknowledges it but there is one true and living God there's one god Jehovah God who is God above all all right so even when people say yeah I believe in God okay let's qualify that which one all right so we need to qualify which Spirit we need to qualify which God we need to qualify which baptism right so some of us have been baptized and we believe in God and we and and we're full of of a spirit all right go get drunk why do we call alcohol Spirits because you're now full of a spirit all right so I don't argue with you yeah you got the spirit but which one all right so when we talk about the mystery of the Trinity the trium being of God the trotus being of God um one way that I like to understand it is I like to understand it the same way that we understand our names all right um how many of you got three names it poor Pastor Carla she only got two she's Carla gby she don't have a middle name right um but here's the way that I like to think about the Trinity um I'm Ronald don't tell nobody this middle name but but we family so y'all came out at noon day and we hanging out so we going to share and I'm going to tell you my middle name Leroy now I tried to fancy it up for 50 something years till I got old enough to just be comfortable with Leroy I used to say Leroy Ronald looy no it's Leroy your mama name you Leroy I'm G call you Leroy all right so Ronald Leroy got be right now here's the way to to qualify the Oneness of of Ronald Leroy Godby how many Ronalds are there in the world a lot like incalculable Ronald's right now when we say Ronald Leroy we're starting to distinguish how many Ronald Leroy are there in the world ah we're whittling it down now how many Ronald Leroy God's are there in the world at least two but you see how we've narrowed the scope all right now God how many of them are there many but he he's uniquely distinct by the name of Jesus now holy spirit identifies his lineage and his pedigree he's not just any Spirit he's Holy Spirit now we have a unique distinct identifiable God that is separated from all the rest so he sits in no other arena with any other because he is uniquely and distinctly God above all God in all and God through all all right so does everybody understand that so so as we're talking about this baptism of John that's a unique distinct experience that earmarked and identified a separate group of Believers that gave themselves to the doctrine and the discipline of John which was the message of the Kingdom so whenever anybody ask you what did Jesus preach can somebody tell me what Jesus preached what was the message of Jesus Christ was it demons and devils no it was the kingdom it was the Kingdom so the message of the Christ is the Kingdom so if you are a Christian your message should be what the kingdom the Kingdom so that's why we really don't focus on sin we really don't focus on all these other things because the message of the kingdom was repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand now remember repentance by theological definition is not snotting and crying and hollering at an altar because you're sorry repentance is to change your mind all right so when I tell people if you want to change change your mind that's too simple no I need something deep but the message of the Christ was change your mind he didn't say come to an altar he said change your mind he didn't say have somebody lay hands on you he said change your mind he said that the kingdom comes when you change your mind which means that the only thing in the way of the kingdom is your mind all right only thing in the way of producing the kingdom is your mind how you think that is why there is an attack on you to believe that your mind is messed up to keep you from trusting your mind because if you can't trust your mind you can't manifest the kingdom right so so so here's where we discern which baptism all right so many of us have received the baptism of repentance all right that's what you were taught baptize and be saved all right get baptized and be saved many of us that's why we got baptized I don't want to go to hell I got to get baptized CU I don't want to go to hell can I tell you something baptism is not essential to Salvation now it's a best practice and if you are a Believer you should be baptized because baptism is simply a public Declaration of your private confession all right but that's all it is it's not an entry point to Salvation so let me help some of you who who you know at the funeral come to me and say Bishop I don't know if they were saved they didn't get baptized well neither did the thief on the cross all right but this day he was with him in Paradise all right so baptism is a best practice is simply a public a public proclamation of a private confession that's all baptism is but baptism is not essential to Salvation all right and let me say this to you as well some of the gifts of the Spirit are not essential to Salvation they're not they're not all right but let me let me explain the gifts of the Spirit like this all right everybody in here is alive and well obviously right everybody in here is alive and well um how much better is life being able to see yeah much better how much is life being able to speak much better how much is life being able to hear smell touch to have all of your senses right that's way it is with the work of the Holy Spirit you can be saved without senses but how much better is it to be saved with sight how much better is it to be saved to be able to hear how much better is it to be able to be saved and smell so do you see you have been existing in Salvation but without senses wow because you receive the baptism of repentance and so you're saved from your sin but you just can't see saved from your sin but you can't say no save from your sin but you're still struggling with your flesh that's because you got salvation without spirit all right so that's why we need the baptism of the holy spirit so we focus our our attention heavily on get saved get saved get saved get baptized to show you saved get baptized show you saved but Paul raises a question and some tension here in Acts 19 that says woo it's something else other than salvation you know that's heretical language to Christian people to say that there's something else besides salvation you know cuz Jesus Paid It all all to him I owe all right and we stop there again salvation is the door that and I hate to say that's all it is but it's a very important door but it's not all so some of us have been taught in certain doctrines and disciplines that that salvation is the end or be all but some of us ain't even heard of the work of the Holy Spirit some of us have not even heard about this baptism of the Holy Spirit like Bishop what you talking about a baptism of the Holy Spirit what do I need that for I don't want to roll around in the floor I don't want to run around a church I don't want to jibber and jabber and and and I don't want that see we've gotten such a poor image and idea of of holy spirit that some of us don't want that but again stop qualifying Holy Spirit by results in Antics amen remember what you're seeing are expressions and Antics but that's not the word work of the holy spirit so we are foregoing and forfeiting our encounter with the holy spirit because we don't want to do all of that I got tell you I don't dance good I don't so if dancing is a earmark of the work of the Holy Spirit I missed it man I'll be trying I I promise you it's this dude on Instagram man he danc so sweet and and I I left a comment I say in my mind this is how I look in the middle of worship I mean cuz Dude Sweet with that thing he doing the footwork and everything but all that means is You Got Rhythm it don't mean you got God and some of y'all because you got rhythm yeah you rocked out in the club remember like you was that deal in the club now you that's all you doing in church and you think that that's the work of the Holy Spirit but there's this baptism of the holy spirit that we need to receive as well because that's where burnout is coming from that's where you know just being overwhelmed and overweighted and you know I can't breathe anymore because you don't have the Breath of God see church is about refilling and that's why people think like oh I just get my word you know you that's all I need is get my word no you need to get filled and you need to get refilled because remember if the holy spirit is equated to water water evaporates so just the water that you got Sunday will not work for Saturday all right and you wonder why by the time you get to the end of you're weak why you got nothing in the tank you don't spend time in the presence of God you don't pull up to the well all right you you you don't you you don't get your eyes worked on you don't get your ears worked on you have no designment and those are the things that are frustrating you and keeping you in the space that you're in so where do you fall are you a cessationist or a sensationalist i I want you to find somewhere in the middle right um remember the Holy Spirit uh can pull us into a supernatural Dimension but the holy spirit's work is more of an everyday work right the holy spirit's work is more of how you interact with people the holy spirit's work is more how you do your job the holy spirit's work is is that of again the helper the paraclet the paracletus in the Greek is how it's pronounced but it's simply a helper all right so the work of the holy spirit is to be your helper and if you don't learn how to live leaning on the holy spirit for direction for guidance for counsel for comfort for peace for power for for for Direction for guidance then again you're going to be going to your girls and how's that working you're going to be going to your boys and how is that working the holy spirit is a comforter and a counselor he will speak to you he will lead you he will guide you now remember Bishop shouts but the Holy Spirit Whispers and some of us are are looking for a loud sound know the Holy Spirit spirit is a Meek voice the holy spirit is a soft voice the holy spirit is a very low voice why is that because you got to lock everything else out to tune in to his voice so people always ask me why do you start out your sermon speaking so low because I want you to lean in I want you to have to pay attention I want you to have to block everything else out to hear the beginning sentences it Garners and gains your undivided attention and that's the way the holy spirit is he wants your undivided attention all right so when we talk about blaspheming the Holy Spirit we're going to learn what that is and everybody hear me the world cannot blaspheme the holy spirit so when y'all got so upset with the Olympics the world can't blaspheme the holy spirit cuz they don't have him you're the only ones that can blaspheme him and you do it more than you know you do it more than you know all right and and trust me God ain't up in heaven tripping about a rendering of the Last Supper because that's Da Vinci's idea it's not God's so they didn't desecrate God they desecrated D Vinci yeah see if if you knew your history you wouldn't be tripping like whatever all right you better worry about blaspheming the Holy Spirit and like I said you do it more than you know it so again we learn num mythology again it it is a branch of theology that is given specifically to the study of the work of holy spirit so I want you to write that down pneumatology um pneumatology studies the wind the breath and the spirit or the word of God right so the word of God is the ruach it is the spirit of God that's why he says what put me in remembrance of my word everybody hear me God is not moved by your pouting God is not moved by your lack of of of attendance God is not moved by your your desire not to do God is not moved by how you feel how you think nothing the only thing that moves God is his own wind let me help you this is why in worship you should never be quiet so I that's why I want you to understand the Trinity as an infinite Circle all right God over you God with you God in you all right so here's what worship is many of us think that worship again is whining and you know oh God help me oh God I need you oh God I love you no worship is the god in you having a conversation with the god outside of you right is his wind coming into the Earth it's the wind that works on the Tera Firma all right and that's why he said put me in remembrance of my word because when you're worshiping you should be speaking my word when you're praying you shouldn't be rehearsing your predicament you should be speaking the word the word is the wind it is the Breath of God it is the ruach of God it is the same breath that hovered over the Earth without form of void and what did it do it transformed it the only way that you'll ever transform a situation is not by complaining about it but by speaking over it letting the wind of God get over it all right stop complaining about your family stop going to God In Prayer God you know my sister is on crack and God she a mess and God you she need to be sa saved and God uh no no no you get in that word and you find a word for your situation and you get over that situation and you release the wind over it so in worship I am releasing the wind I am releasing the glory of God you are Glory carriers because you carry the holy spirit in you and when you understand that again you'll be much more careful with your word choices you'll be much more careful with how you approach the throne of grace that's why it says that you are to come boldly before the throne of grace you don't come as a beggar you come as a Son of God with the breath with the wind with The Ruck of God inside of you and so when I speak the word over things and when I declare and decree the word of God I am releasing the wind of God over it so prayer is releasing in when worship is releasing when it is not you rehearsing your problem oh God you know I'm going through oh Lord you know I'm in a mess like like you got to instruct God prayer is not you instructing Sovereign God prayer is your opportunity to release the wind of God over your situation worship is you releasing Glory giving him an earth suit to be in housed in enthroned in and it's in that place that he does the work um it some of you don't know I I'm I'm reared in Catholic Doctrine okay um I was reared in Catholic schools um I went to college at a Catholic University all right so a lot of my my religious indoctrination comes from both Baptist and Catholic all right um one thing if you don't know about Catholicism is whenever you see the pope exacting an edict you'll never see him doing it from a standing position he always sits on the cathedral all right you seen the pimp chairs in church yeah those are called Cathedral all right it's really a representation of the throne that the pope sits on because you do understand that the pope is the presentation of God in the Earth right so he will not exact a law for the Catholic Church standing he will only do it Seated on the throne he does it Seated on the throne all right and the importance of that is it is representative of worship all right because nothing will change from a standing position everything changes from a seated position and then when he speaks he utters the edicts of God in the earth and so he declares a thing and it's so he declares it and it's so why am I saying this because that's what worship and that's what prayer is prayer should be done from a seated position what is seated seated is power and authority all right power and authority then when the breath is released the wind is what changes and transforms the wind is what happens so what the cathedral is teaching is that from a seated position God enth is enthroned in the Pope in what he says he says as God do you pray as God do you pray as God do you worship as God is this too heavy for yall cuz y'all just got real quiet you see why prayer is not begging you ain't never going to hear the pope beg for nothing because when he's Seated on the throne he's Seated on the throne and he speaks as God yeah all y'all begging and you know Lord if you will if you please if you think you can if you think you should now he says release my breath speak the word put me in remembrance of my word I don't want to hear your worry what is my word say when your worry gets louder than the word then you can guarantee it's a wrap you see but if you haven't received the baptism of the Holy Spirit you don't have that confidence and that Authority cuz you're still in the baptism of repentance you somewhere living under condemnation repenting for what you did did when what you did has already been done away with because the blood of the Cross is already dealt with your sin so why are you staying in the baptism of repentance why don't you graduate into the baptism of the Holy Spirit where you speak with the Wind of God I'm not rehearsing my problems I am releasing the wind I am speaking the word God don't care what your situation is can I just be honest with you he don't he really doesn't everybody hear this this is the problem with us preaching a God that coddles us God Scoops in the dust and makes us for fun he does with all y'all pouting I ain't going to do it okay he just he just blowing some dust your replacement is the dirt around you and when you start understanding the privilege of being positioned to be on a throne is God seated next to himself in heaven he says come sit on my right hand and I will make your enemies to be your foot stol is God sitting next to himself that's why I tell you Jesus is not a person he's a position he's God in the heavens coming in the earth to show man and Earth how to live as God in the heavens he came to give you a position in the throne room of God SE seated next to God so here's faith faith in prayer is to understand my position in proximity to God so I look over at my daddy if he's still sitting why am I standing cuz the seat of Authority for a king says that when he sits on the throne it's settled so faith is to look over at my father daddy you good if you good I'm good you still sitting if you sitting I'm still sitting if I'm seated in Christ Jesus in Heavenly places then that means that I don't pray from my predicaments I don't worship from my predicaments I pray from my position so the work of the holy spirit is to make me aware of my position so when you start worrying the Holy Ghost says what you tripping about look over sit on your throne speak sit down shut your mouth stop that crying stop your worrying stop your belly aching stop believing that your fate is in the hand of some politician stop believing that that you are controlled by environments you are a citizen of Heaven and the Holy Ghost remind you that your citizenship is not in the earth your citizenship is in the heavens above and if the heavens don't lack how you going to lack amen now I'm not saying I may not have to have some creative ways and and God might have to download some strategies for me in this season I may have to grow a garden but I'mma to have the best Garden on the Block I'm going to eat amen the Holy Ghost going to give me a strategy the holy spirit's going to lead and guide me in all truth amen everybody hear me money does not disappear right don't ever believe that there's a recession money does not disappear money when you spend it does not evaporate what does it do it's just sitting in somebody else's hands somebody's just not spending right now it don't mean that there's no money in the earth it means that there's somebody that stopped spending in the earth which means that my only challenge is to find whose hand it's inow wow stop believing that ain't no money in the earth stop believing all of this this this fear mongering that they use to control you get baptized in the holy spirit so that you know that your supply don't come from from no politician your supply don't come from Kroger and haris Teeter are you kidding me your supply comes from God yes and the work of the Holy Spirit brings that back to your remembrance all right so that's why we need the baptism of of of holy spirit all right all right so in scripture the holy spirit is equated to several metaphors we discovered that he is number one write this down the wind um so again wind is invisible wind is powerful we just had a tornado at our home um literally we're sitting there watching a movie and then it was a good movie it was a good movie I ain't gonna tell y'all what movie it was because you know uh Bishop uh no let me tell you what movie it was cuz cuz y'all let a preacher write it and if he can write it I can I can watch it all right I was divorc in the black boy played that role I'm [Laughter] [Music] sorry Megan played that role I'm sorry both of them played their role now if you got these little sensitive ears and you can't hear cussing but it's Tyler Perry's movie y'all let him preach to you so he can I can watch it amen uh Bishop let him lay hands on him so I can watch his movie right right uh but we're sitting there and the wind is blowing and it's blowing through and then it literally starts circling and I I I tell pastor Carlin and Carrington and cbear I say y'all get downstairs and literally man that joker went through blew trees down uppr rooted trees everything um because it was an invisible force that was so powerful that it disrupted everything in its path right that's the work of the Holy Spirit he's a powerful force that in it's invisible but he's so powerful he will disrupt everything that's in his path all right so when you start thinking about the work of the Holy Spirit think about the invisible wind think about the power and the force of a wind that if things just start breathing if God just breathes man he can blow things down and you won't even see it you see that he's a swift wind it just came up out of nowhere we watching a movie and next thing we know we caught in the middle of the Wind all right that's how God works you could be just doing regular in in an instant be caught up in the wind things be radically disrupted radically changed radically altered just because of the invisible wind all right so all God's got to do is breathe all he's got to do is breathe you need something uprooted in your life all he's got to do is breathe thank you Jesus do you know we we saw trees that had stood for God knows how long Pastor Leah we saw those trees uprooted what does that tell you no matter how long something's been growing in youo no matter how something is deeply rooted in you just one Blow from the Holy Ghost woo Jean I'm sorry to put you out of business man but we need sessions with you all we need is on one work one win of the Holy Ghost and he can uproot every that's attached to your life one hoof from God no matter how long that tree been growing that tree of perversion that tree of lust that tree of of anger that tree of bitterness whatever that root is no matter how long it's been growing the invisible power of God can come through andof Jesus knock that thing up at the root you see one encounter with the Holy Spirit that's all you need you don't need a lot you just need one encounter with the Holy Spirit and when the winds blow it can disrupt and alter everything stop telling me that I am genetically disposed to this stop telling me it's in my bloodline stop telling me that I have a genetic predisposition to this you just ain't had the wind of the Holy Ghost yeah I've been genetically predisposed to heart disease strokes and hypertension but just one wind of godes can take that tree of cancer and and get it at its Root Doctor may be able to get the tumor to a point I don't feel comfortable going that deep but the wind of the Holy Ghost can work where doctor scalples can't go can do what woo just oneof one win one win so he's wi number two right this down he's fire we're wrapping up of fire he's water um now remember when cease yeah we we're not still living in the midst of a tornado right that was an event that last probably about three three minutes in totality through our whole complex man's trees everywhere we ain't even know that we was going to be able to get out to church they had to cut trees out the road and everything so everybody hear me the wind don't last long don't take long don't last long and it don't stay forever Stop Believing or I get some wi next week uh I don't feel like going to church today I don't need no wi today you better stop taking a wi for granted all right it was some stuff in that room Sunday that somebody needed that wi and that was the Sunday that they decided I ain't going today and then woke up today with the same struggle talking about oh Lord I just wish I could get rid of this I still don't feel good you missed the win don't miss the win stop acting like the wind blow forever no selective time selective season selective moments that God sends the wind all right man I wish I had more time with this all right we'll work with it tonight at 7 p.m. amen God bless y'all I love y'all uh let's pray and um man let's prepare to leave father I thank you for the wind I thank you for the breath the breath of the Holy One you were uniquely and distinctly separated as the one that breathed and said let there be and there was no other God did that throughout Antiquity no other God did that thank you Jesus but you who is Sovereign God you who is Jehovah God you can do what no other power can and so father I thank you for this time in your word I pray that Holy Spirit would etch this word in our spirit and that we would carry this Beyond this moment that we would challenge ourselves to learn of this Holy Spirit to be baptized by the work of the Holy Spirit to embrace the wind to receive the fire to fill our lamps with the oil to never believe that once is enough but we continue to come and replenish so that we can continue to walk in power and authority now father we leave this moment knowing that we have access and we are availed because of the finished work of Calvary to the work of the Holy Spirit not just a visitation but a habitation and so God I thank you that you you dwell in us and that your wind flows through us and when we sit we sit on the throne and we speak with authority and we say not what is of us but we speak what is of you and so father we go in this confidence because the holy spirit gives it to us and we walk in this Authority because the Holy Spirit avails it to us and we go for your will to be done in the Earth as it is in the heavens above in Jesus name amen and amen God bless you if today is your tithe Tuesday please make sure you get your tithe in the ground If this just a day that you want to give please make sure that you give this Saturday we have our back to school bash so I pray that you would come out and just help us love the community help us serve the community it's something in your hug is something in your wind your words your hello that will be much needed by those that God will send this Saturday and so please don't devalue your voice but make sure that you value your voice and put it in to the equation this Saturday and we're going to see God do some amazing things God bless you and God keep you uh tonight 700 p.m we will be partaking in Holy Communion if you did not partake Sunday then I ask you to come out and let's share in our covenant on this evening God bless y'all amen if y'all want to hang out you can it sounds like it's raining outside but if you you want to hang hang out you're in a safe place you're in the you're in the ship amen praise God so the drip is open and uh if you want to uh get something from it you're welcome God bless you e e