Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

Sep 3, 2024

The Human Voice: Its Power and Habits of Speaking


  • The human voice is a powerful instrument.
  • Capable of starting wars or expressing love.
  • Many experience that people don’t listen when they speak.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. Gossip
    • Speaking ill of someone not present.
    • Creates a cycle of mistrust.
  2. Judging
    • Judging others makes it hard for them to listen.
  3. Negativity
    • Hard to listen to negative people.
    • Example of a negative interaction with the speaker's mother.
  4. Complaining
    • Common but spreads misery, not positivity.
  5. Excuses
    • Blame-shifting makes it difficult to listen.
  6. Embroidery/Exaggeration
    • Demeans language and can lead to lying.
  7. Dogmatism
    • Confusing facts with opinions leads to ineffective communication.

Four Cornerstones of Powerful Speech

  • The acronym "HAIL" stands for:
    • H: Honesty
      • Being true and clear in what you say.
    • A: Authenticity
      • Being yourself and standing in your own truth.
    • I: Integrity
      • Being trustworthy and following through on your words.
    • L: Love
      • Wishing others well; helps mitigate harsh honesty.

The Toolbox for Effective Speaking

  • Register
    • Different voice registers impact perception.
  • Timbre
    • The quality of the voice; can be improved with training.
  • Prosody
    • Variation in tone and rhythm for emphasis and meaning.
  • Pace
    • Adjusting speed for emphasis; silence can be powerful.
  • Pitch
    • Variations in pitch can alter meaning and engagement.
  • Volume
    • Using volume strategically; avoid "sodcasting" (imposing sound on others).

Vocal Warm-up Exercises

  • Recommended exercises before important speaking engagements:
    1. Stretch arms and take a deep breath, release with a sigh.
    2. Warm-up lips with "Ba" sounds.
    3. Lip trill (brrrr) to energize.
    4. Tongue warm-up with "la" sounds.
    5. Roll the R’s for tongue flexibility.
    6. Siren exercise: "weeeaawww" to stretch vocal range.


  • Currently, we often speak poorly in noisy environments where listeners are distracted.
  • Envision a world with powerful communication in suitable environments fostering understanding.
  • This concept is worthy of pursuit.

End of Notes