Fundamental Machinery of the Universe: Particle Physics

Jul 23, 2024

Fundamental Machinery of the Universe: Particle Physics


  • Kids ask difficult questions like “Why do things exist?”
  • Standard Model of Particle Physics: Best description so far of fundamental universe
  • Goal: Understanding what exists and how it behaves, setting the context for news on evidence beyond the standard model

Overview of Particle Physics

  • It’s incomplete with unresolved mysteries
  • Brief coverage in the map of physics and the map of quantum physics
  • Fundamental particles summarized in a map

Fundamental Particles

Fermions and Bosons

  • Fermions: Make up physical matter
    • Have spin of 1/2
  • Bosons: Mediate interactions (force carriers)
    • Have spin of 1 or 0 (Higgs boson)
  • Spin: Form of angular momentum in quantum mechanics
    • Particles have wave functions, spin defines behavior under rotation in 3D space
    • Spin conservation is a key rule in particle interactions

Quarks and Leptons

  • Quarks:
    • Up/down quarks make protons and neutrons
    • Can’t exist alone, always bundled (e.g., pion)
    • Carry electric charge (2/3 or -1/3)
  • Leptons: Include electrons, muons, taus, and neutrinos
    • Electrons: Chemical bonds, electricity, emit/receive photons
    • Muons and taus: Higher mass, unstable
    • Neutrinos: Very small mass, interact with weak force only

Conservation Laws and Interactions

Key Conservation Laws

  • Spin, energy, linear momentum, electric charge
  • Baryon number
  • Color charge (specific to quarks; red, green, blue analogy)
  • Lepton flavor (electroneus, muon-nus, tau-nus)

Field Interactions

  • Electromagnetic Force: Interacts with particles carrying electric charge
  • Strong Force: Interacts with quarks and gluons
  • Weak Force: Interacts with all fermions, responsible for certain decays
  • Higgs Field: Provides mass to particles

Notable Concepts

  • Pauli Exclusion Principle: Fermions can’t share same quantum state
    • Critical for atom behavior and chemistry
  • Composite Particles: He atoms as bosons
    • Result in phenomena like superfluidity and superconductivity

Quantum Numbers and Symmetries

Additional Quantum Numbers

  • Baryon number
  • Color charge: Quarks need to be color-neutral when combined
  • Flavor of leptons: Each type of lepton has its own quantum number

Symmetries in Physics

  • Parity Symmetry: Mirror image universe
  • Charge Conjugation Symmetry: Switching particles to antiparticles
  • CP Violation: When both parities and charges change but not conserved
  • CPT Symmetry: Combination of charge parity and time reversal

Bosons and Forces

  • Photons: Electromagnetic force carriers
  • Gluons: Strong force carriers
  • W and Z Bosons: Weak force carriers
  • Higgs Boson: Mass-providing particle

Outstanding Questions and Future Research

  • Unresolved Issues: Baryon asymmetry, dark matter, masses of neutrinos
  • Mysteries: Magnetic monopoles, weak gravity, exact particle combinations
  • Future: Bigger particle accelerators, underground detectors for dark matter

Supporting Resources

  • Posters and educational materials available on the DFTBA store
  • Sponsorship message about for learning courses in physics and more.