Respiratory Physiology and Exercise

Jul 18, 2024

Respiratory Physiology and Exercise

Functions of the Respiratory System

  • Deliver oxygen (O₂) and remove carbon dioxide (CO₂) from tissues
  • Gas exchange to maintain pH balance in the body
  • Cellular Respiration: Bioenergetics process of converting food into usable energy

Main Processes in the Respiratory System

  1. Ventilation: Mechanical movement of air in and out of the lungs
  2. Diffusion: Movement of molecules, O₂ into the blood, and CO₂ out of the blood


  • Concentration Gradient: Movement from high to low concentration
  • Pressure Gradient: Key for both ventilation and diffusion

conducting and respiratory zones

  • Conducting Zone: Filters and humidifies air
  • Respiratory Zone: Location of alveoli where the gas exchange occurs
  • Surface area of alveoli = 60-80 m² (size of a tennis court)
  • Alveolar walls are very thin (similar to the thickness of red blood cells
  • Diffusion occurs rapidly due to very short distance.

Mechanics of Breathing

  1. Inspiration: Active process requiring muscle contraction
  • Involves(diaphragm and intercostal muscles)
    • Increases thoracic cavity size, dropping pressure and drawing air in
  1. Expiration: Passive process at rest, active during heavy exercise
    • Diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, reducing thoracic cavity size and forcing air out

Muscles Involved

  • Inspiration Muscles: Diaphragm, Intercostals; accessory muscles activated during heavy exercise (scalenes, sternocleidomastoid)
  • Expiration Muscles: Relaxation of inspiratory muscles, intercostals, and abdominal muscles

Inspiration Vs Expiration

  • Inspiration- Diaphragm most important muscle of inspiration.
  • Expiration- passive at rest (no muscle activation) using •Rectus abdominis & internal oblique •Push the diaphragm upwards and pull ribs downward and inward. •Results in increased intrathoracic pressure, forcing expiration

Pulmonary Diffusion

  • Gas exchange (O₂ and CO₂) between lungs and blood
  • Requires a concentration gradient

Respiratory Terminology

  • Minute Ventilation (Vₑ): Amount of gas exchanged per minute
  • Dead Space: Air that doesn’t participate in gas exchange (anatomical and alveolar)

Respiratory Membrane and Gas Exchange

  • Alveoli: Balloon-like sacs where gas exchange occurs
  • Surrounded by capillaries for rapid diffusion
  • Partial Pressures: Individual gas pressures summing to the total atmospheric pressure (Dalton’s Law)
  • **Important Formulas: Dalton’s Law and Fick’s Law of Diffusion
    • Volume of gas diffused ∝ Surface Area (A) and Pressure Gradient (P₁ - P₂), inversely ∝ Membrane Thickness (T)

Gas Transport

  • Oxygen: Primarily bound to hemoglobin (98%); dissolved in plasma (2%)
  • Carbon Dioxide: Transported as bicarbonate ions (60-70%), bound to hemoglobin (20-33%), dissolved in plasma (7-10%)

Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve

  • Bohr Effect: Right shift due to increased temperature, CO₂, or decreased pH (during exercise)

Control of Breathing

  • Voluntary Control: Cerebral cortex signals respiratory centers
  • Chemoreceptors: Located in aortic arch and carotid arteries, respond to chemical changes (pH, CO₂, O₂)
  • Lung Receptors: Stretch (prevents overinflation) and irritant receptors (trigger sneezing/coughing)

Phases of Ventilation During Exercise

  1. Phase 1: Immediate increase due to body movement
  2. Phase 2: Increase due to temperature and chemical changes
  3. Post-Exercise: Elevated ventilation to restore equilibrium (pH, temperature, CO₂)

Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities

  • Tidal Volume (TV): Air moved per breath
  • Vital Capacity (VC): Max air exhaled after max inhalation
  • Residual Volume (RV): Air remaining in lungs after max exhalation
  • Total Lung Capacity (TLC): VC + RV

Metabolic Equivalents (METS)

  • 1 MET = 3.5 ml O₂/kg/min
  • Used to express exercise intensity relative to resting metabolism
  • Rest = 1 MET, Moderate Intensity = 3-6 METs, Vigorous Intensity > 6 METs

Example Calculation

  • Converting METs to Oxygen Cost: (10 METs x 3.5 ml O₂/kg/min) = 35 ml O₂/kg/min
  • Absolute Vₒ₂: Convert ml/kg/min to liters/min
  • Energy Expenditure: L/min multiplied by 5 kcal

Exercise Effects on Respiratory System:

  • Increased breathing frequency and depth
  • Maintains O₂ supply, removes CO₂, maintains pH

Special Conditions

  • Hyperventilation: Rapid breathing, reduces CO₂ (hypocapnia)
  • Valsalva Maneuver: Holding breath, increases intra-abdominal pressure, not recommended for heavy lifting
  • Breathing Irregularities: Dyspnea (shortness of breath), commonly due to unconditioned respiratory muscles

Common Respiratory Issues

  • Examples include COPD, asthma—can limit physical performance in severe cases.

Recommendations: Apply pressure, bend forward, take deep breaths to relieve 'side stitches' during exercise.