Transcript for:
Anatomy of the Kidneys

so just to show you all where the kidneys are within the body you guys just learned about this region which was your thoracic region okay you can see part of the lungs here and below the diaphragm here you have um both the kidneys so you've got the right kidney and the left kidney still going to have those adrenal also called superrenal glands here and right here you can see the abdominal aorta because now this is the abdomen or the abdominal region okay so that's what the kidneys look like within your body and where they are okay so this is the kidney you have two kidneys in your body the kidney starts from here and goes all the way down and it's shaped like a literal kidney bean right you have a gland above the kidney so this would be on the top of it it's called the adrenal gland and it can also be called the supra renal gland super meaning above so that makes sense because the term renal refers to the kidney you have an area here it's going to be called the renal hilum so hylus or hilum is when structures come in to or out of an organ so you've got your renal vein your renal artery and your ureter okay this ureter right here is going to excrete urine into the bladder and then from the bladder it'll go and be excreted through the urethra your body and out of your body you have two vessels here these two vessels are going towards the adrenal gland also called suprarenal gland this is the suprarenal artery and the supra-renal vein on the outside of the kidney you have a capsule we call it the renal capsule or fibrous capsule or io's it's fibrous i call it fibrous renal capsule to help me remember i open it up we're going to see the structures inside the kidney this right here just to begin this white structure here you'll learn about this more in lecture you don't have to worry about it in lab is the nephron all right right here all the way around here is the renal cortex renal cortex this area here renal medulla renal medulla and within the renal medulla you have more structures we'll get more specific with it and you will have to know these structures such as this one right here called the medullary pyramid or renal pyramid okay it's going to be these darker burgundy spots the renal pyramid or medullary pyramid in between these pyramids you're going to have a space here called the renal column it can also be called cortical column okay so you've got cortical columns or it's called renal column in between these medullary pyramids which are also called renal pyramids at the tips of these i think this looks like a mountain and i think this is the bottom of the mountain and this is the snow on top of the mountain and the snow would be called the renal papilla or you can say papilla renal papilla right there the ends from those renal papilla urine will be excreted into a structure called the minor calcius and calcius is just plural for calyx so this right here would be a minor calyx minor calyx until then it is the urine is security from the minor calcius into the major calyx major calyx major calyx ultimately into this renal pelvis right there and into the ureter and like i said earlier from the ureter it goes to the bladder from the bladder your urine is excreted out through the urethra when talking about the kidney we know if it's anterior or posterior by looking at this area which i called the hilum of the kidney or renal hilum earlier and the ureter is always going to enter the kidney posteriorly which means the vessel so your renal vein and your renal artery are always going to be anterior to this ureter so if i were to turn it to the this is the anterior side of the kidney if i return it to the posterior side you would see the ureter entering the kidney posteriorly