if you're not where you want to be is you got to feed and strengthen your mind but Jim ran was my original teacher and he used to have this simple practice he used to say Tony every day you got to stand guard at the door of your mind he asked me a question I remember early on I was 17 years old your worst enemy puts sugar in your coffee what's going to happen I said you going to have sweet coffee he goes what if your best friend or your parent or your Your Lover by accident drops one drop of strict nine in your coffee what's going to happen you'd be dead he goes That's Right life is both sugar and strick N so you better watch your coffee stand guard at the door of your mind and the way used to say that is every day take 30 minutes of your day and read not that comes to you today not the clickbait where you pick up a book and you read something that has philosophy or psychology or skill where you are immersing yourself for 30 minutes in improving who you are he said because if you do that every single day it'll accumulate over the decades until you'll be at a point where you won't even believe all that you've experienced in live hey it's EV car Michael and I make these videos because I need them because being around successful entrepreneurs who are pushing who are driving who are doing amazing things things gives me that extra little motivational inspirational boost in the morning every day to help me go off and accomplish great things too and I hope that this video gives you that inspiration as well so today let's get some incredible motivation from the one and only Tony Robins [Music] enjoy I think the most important Habit to start with is having something that you care about more than yourself a mission it could be your family it could be photography it could be your business it could be you know something you want to do in your community it could be Humanity but I don't mean virtue signaling I mean you know what you're really driven by and when people have something that they care about more than themselves they don't run out of energy they don't run out of excitement because you know if it's just about you it's easy to get comfortable and comfort makes you not grow you people ask me all the time Tony you meet millions of people what's the secret to happiness and I always laugh and say it's pretty simple it's one word progress progress equals happiness because if you're not making progress you're not growing and there's only a few rules in the universe they're not mine they're the universe everything grows or dies and everything contributes Beyond itself or it's eventually eliminated by Evolution and so you know for me growing and giving is the game and so you got to find something that makes you want to keep growing and giving so you don't get comfortable you can't sit at the table of success too long or you get fat and bored right so we need to feel alive we and you know a lot of people achieve a goal and then their brain goes is this all there is or even if you achieved a goal you loved you know it's like you loved it how long did you stay excited about whatever you succeeded at you know you may have worked on it for years did you say excited for a year almost never you know nine months 6 months three months three weeks three days three hours because you're not supposed to stay just satisfied because our nature is to grow and when we grow we have something to give so to me that's the core people get vested in their trauma people get vested in their pain if you want to know the largest drug on the planet it's not cocaine it's not heroin uh it's not pot it's not you know some prescription drug the biggest you know drug on the planet is problems because everyone has a deep fear everyone and the deepest fears we have are two one is that we're not enough we're not smart enough young enough Rich enough pretty enough funny enough something enough and if we're not enough it DS the deepest fear we have which is we won't be loved and love is the ox the soul so you know a baby is if they're not physically kinesthetically loved they develop what's called failure to thrive syndrome that's how desperate our nervous system is for love so human beings when they think oh my God if I fail at this it'll look like I'm not enough and I won't be worthy of Love they tend to come up with a reason why that's either not their fault it's something that was done to me I've got ADHD I was born with it I was raped I was whatever and they might even tell the truth someone may have really raped it's a horrible situation but other people raped and they've gotten through it and they're on the other side of it this person hasn't because it becomes their reason for not being where they want to be in their life and so the bottom line is a mother can lose her daughter or son through a drunk driver and spend the rest of their life in pain and another one creates mad Mothers Against Drunk drivers and does something about it and feels a sense of freedom and a sense of serving that child and a sense of higher purpose than what they're doing so it's not the problem it's not the trauma it's finding what they value more than their problem and and everyone has a place where there's something that value more than their trauma some people GA their trauma because they realize I've been so traumatized loss of this child that my other child feels completely unloved and they they realize I'm losing that love I'm losing that child if I don't get my [ __ ] together right they need a higher level of what's called Leverage Leverage is what makes change a must not a should as long as as it should you'll have your story and your story could be a true story and you'll tell your story and share your story with yourself or other people or both and you stay stuck but trauma is you know it is not it's a bruise it's not a tattoo right and HEB bruise can be healed but not unless you're vested in healing it and what a lot of people do I I remember when I was diagnosed with a tumor in my brain I've seen this happen so much so I didn't tell anyone I didn't even tell my spouse at the time the first day I was trying to process it cuz I didn't want people start treating me differently and so the only person who knew for the first day or two was my assistant because she had talked to the doctor so before I'd even be able to tell my spouse at the time all a sudden you know everyone treated me like I was indestructible I taught people to do that it's like cuz I want to help everybody so there was no no it's like I'll do whatever it takes right so it was it was inhuman at the time and suddenly my assistant started saying you know we shouldn't book that right now and we shouldn't do this right now and I started getting love and attention and connection we having this problem I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm not I'm not going to go down that slippery soap but that takes a really conscious mind to do it and and lucky for me I've had a chance to deal with millions of people so I see these patterns all the time but most people their problem is their drug it's the drug against the fear that I'm not enough and I won't be loved even if they go no it's me I'm so messed up what they're really saying is reassure me love me they're wanting that connection through their problem so you got to decide there's something you value more than your problem when you decide that you can make it happen my original teacher was Jim ran when I met him when I was 17 and I wanted to know why all my fathers were broke because they were good men you know I loved all four of my fathers and um and I remember him saying Tony we're all equal as Souls but we're not equal in the marketplace I was like what does that mean and he said well think about it he goes you need to become more valuable if you want to have economic freedom he said you have to work on yourself more more than anything else and you have to work on in a way where there's something you can do for others better than anyone else or at least more at better quality and he gave me the example of like working at McDonald's and he said you know if you work at McDonald's you know you make whatever it was in those days $5 an hour whatever it was and he said you like well yeah but that seems so unfair and he goes yeah and teachers I gave the example of teachers and there's these billionaires you know that make a billion dollars in a year hedge fund guy you know and he said Tony the guy you just mentioned he provided a 40% return last year and that went to nonprofits everything else he said that means those organizations double their money almost every two years he is adding massive value hundreds of billion dollars so he made a billion he goes this person is doing a job that anyone can learn in 20 minutes or half a day so it's a beginning job he said you got you got to think of it as one thing it's all about adding value how can you do more for others than anybody else in the world and that stuck with me I mean I was like I I decided I wanted to do more for others than anybody in the world in order to do that I had to have certain skills and I went after those skills and I still do like it's a never ending thing if you think you're a master you're full of it right so I think that's probably some of the best advice I've received at least on life and business and Direction and and it affected my mission also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there the difference between making it or not is psychology and skill you need them both and honestly skill is the smaller of the two I'm going to give you a ton of strategies this week I'm going to do psychology first and you're going to see why as this day goes by because you're going to discover when people stand up and we figure out what's the choke hold on their business 80% of the time it's going to be their psychology the Chokehold on the growth of your business is the psychology and skills of the leader period that's it and if we change those two things skills too marketing skills Financial intelligence recruiting training all those things we me those two don't get me wrong we got to do the skills also but I could give you every skill how many of you have learned it before that was invaluable from some Source a mentor a coach an event a university I don't know what and you were excited about it and then you never actually followed through who's done this before say I listen knowledge is not power execution trumps knowledge every day of the week my goal is make you execute and I can't make you but I can get you where you tap into that part of yourself and that shift is the most important shift of these few days all of us we could take our work and think of work as being like a gift I I personally believe that one of the greatest gifts outside my love that I can give another human being is my labor but there's three gifts of Labor you might have within your nature meaning you can Master anything but under stress people tend to go back to their true nature and there are three gifts of Labor that you can give one of those gifts we might call the gift of being an artist or a talent or in another word for it be a truly skilled producer some people the reason you know this is your gift is what you love to do is to create a product or service and deliver it to people and you're enamored by that the woman over here who is doing the work if you recall you know in hospice she would be a perfect example of an artist she's not in it she wants to make money don't get me wrong but she would never trade the money for the impact so when someone is in it as an artist and by the way most businesses are started by artists there's somebody who was an amazing negotiator an amazing fashion designer amazing code writer and they said I work for this company and they don't do a good job for customers and I can do a better job I don't work for them and they start their own company thinking that the company's all driven just by the sales or the negotiation or the code or the fashion but a company is much more complex than that especially as it grows so an artist is in it for the impact and yes they want to make money don't get me wrong but it's not the first thing and they won't trade it when I talk to artists about selling their business they look at me like I'm trying to sell their child the second gift you might have is the gift of being a manager leader a manager leader is someone who lives to manage people and processes they love to figure out how to maximize a business by changing the gears creating a new process working with people and those people love it now they are not artists in that their talend skill they're not there delivering it directly to the client they want to work on the people that are directly they want to work on the system that makes this business work and so they think differently they're inspired by different things they make different decisions is one better or worse than the other yes or no no they're just different and by the way you might say I have both those skills I bet you do but they're not equal CU they're different types of skills so you might have them both but there's one that is your true nature that when things are going well you're going to go back to it when things are really up you're going to go back to it under stress and under excitement we return to our Nature by the way a great company can't be great without great artists Talent who really deliver extraordinary products or Services a company cannot maintain greatness and grow unless they have some great manager leaders who can run with the process and the people they're both critical components the third choice of service the true gift you can give is that of an entrepreneur and while most of you in this room would call yourself an entrepreneur and you would be entrepreneurial by this definition it's a little different most people think of an entrepreneur as anybody starts multiple businesses no that's not true some artists are multiple businesses because they want to get all kinds of things for all kinds of people some managers want to do multiple businesses so they feel like they got multiple systems but entrepreneurs in it for one thing the juice of risk they want to make money and by the way an entrepreneur will they sell this business yes or no for the right price they'll sell anything and their mindset is it sell it I'll start another one sell it I'll buy another one they are not attached they might enjoy the product service they might be proud of the product or service but they're in it for the risk and they're the kind of person that when they lose massively they jump up dusts off and want to do it again what's the most powerful pattern of all you've heard me talking about it before that changed Humanity that took us from starving running around as hunter gatherers to where we could stay in one place it was one distinction what was it recognizing the seasons and understanding see before that it was looked random you planted in the winter you didn't even know it was Winter you just knew it was cold and for some reason you worked your ass off and you got nothing for it and what I began to look at here is like Humanity once it understood the seasons and knew when to plant when not to if you do the right thing at the wrong time what kind of reward do you get zilch nothing so all a sudden Humanity understood this and now we could stay in one place we could build a community we could build cities we could build countries but that one distinction changed all of humanity but there's also the seasons of your own life that's so valuable to understand think of it as four seasons of your life 0 to 20 roughly is your Springtime but that initial Springtime you're learning you're growing probably protected you're absorbing things that's the stage some people starts at 16 14 some say 1920 but let's just call it around 21 you enter a different stage of life you become kind of the soldier of life you enter the summertime 21 to 41 that's a different stage isn't it now you go out in the world and say I'm going to test this stuff I was told all this what's true and you think you're going to be a billionaire or 10 times billionaire and you're going to be president United States and you're going to have a 100 relationships and it's all going to work out smoothly and then you get your first relationship and discover none of that is true and you start to understand that you have vulnerabilities find out you're not invincible so this young adult Al hood is testing and discovering just trying to figure out what's really real that's when we learn a lot and usually some of it is painful because it's not quite like we expected but you're the soldier of society quite literally that's where soldiers are right 21 to 41 usually right you're the person that goes to war you're the person that's out there doing the hard work now if you really grew in Spring and you really grew in summer then there's the fall the Autumn and that means 42 to 62 is a real reaping time if you've grown if you're not grown like if you don't plant in the spring you're going to weep in the fall you're not going to reap in the fall right but if you push through the hot summer it's difficult time those 21 to 41 by the way when you ask people when they do all the research on people what's the most unhappy time of their life it's that two decades not for every human but for most cuz trying to figure out who the hell you are prove to yourself make it through all the [ __ ] trying to figure what's going on in your life but when you get to 42 to 62 again if you've grown if you've not grown you're kind of scented there's not much crop but now you're really in your midlife power and you get to start to have a harvest time this is for a lot of people their greatest Financial time of their life because they built up understanding and they worked hard and developed skill sets and now they're in a position to lead they might start running an organization they start to really grow to expand and then 63 to 83 you can think of as winter an 83 to 120 is the oldest living humans if you're fortunate enough maybe you'll have an extended winter but in this stage you really end up being a leader who's really there to Mentor that's really the position you're in it's like what I love most now it's like the example I give you of playing a video game against the child you know the child's always going to win and it's not cuz they're faster and smarter it's because they played this game a million times they know the first bad guys here the next bad guys here next bad guys here so they're able to do something really important is this is what today is all about if you want and simple phrase anticipation is power anticipation is power leaders anticipate losers react if you and I are going to have a great quality of life for our families for our communities for anybody we want to serve our job is to anticipate in order to do that you got to recognize patterns so these seasons of your life are precious every season has different challenges right how many can remember some of the challenges of the Springtime of your life I remember some of the challenges of the summer in that stage the things you wrestled with some are still there how many remember the fall experiences right so everything has opportunity every has Challenge and if you can anticipate the challenge you can make that season h of a lot more enjoyable a lot of the generation that you see today you know the you know Z generation not so much cuz they're just coming up right but the millennial generation my older people they see them as weak you know there're snowflakes or this and they're that but they have technology they have insights and when the outside world is demanding enough not yet because they're still fearful they will grow and that's when things change and so the season occurs so think about the difference between the 30s and the 40s versus the 50s versus the 60s as we came after 63 into an American Summer is a different mindset versus the 80s to the 2000 20110 so we're right now halfway through winter we're in another winter it starts financially now it's gone to health but we're far from it it's going to be war and it might be cyber War it might be full-on War but there's zero question that China and the US are on a collision course that's going to shape the direction of humanity and so the people that right now are alive today are going to have to grow in that environment I really think we're at a season where there's going to be a whole new level of growth and what I just want to do is be one of them many sources that can give people perspective because here's the problem a year ago people thought we were coming out of you know we got vaccines now and we're coming out of Co and it's going to be all over now people are cited but now after going through two years of this there's a lot of people now that no longer have a compelling future like you know people talking about New Year's resolutions most people don't even have one because it's like they never follow through anyway right but at least they had something to look forward to they're starting to get a learned helplessness learned helplessness is something is so bad over and over again you start thinking the problem's permanent no problem is permanent or you start thinking the problem's pervasive because I haven't handled my finances my whole world's over or because my relationship's bad my whole world's over your life is bigger than that or all this is happening because there's something wrong with me when you get to that point you stop trying and so my goal right now is to shake that up for people people need a new perspective and you can't do it by just sitting and thinking you got to move your body you got to change your energy and your focus cuz low level of energ I don't D how smart you are you're not going to use all your ability but if I get you into a higher state of being mentally emotionally physically and all of a sudden you start remembering who you are and you start coming up with answers that you never even thought were possible before everybody knows about placebos right mhm they only discovered in World War II and it was discovered by accident this doctor ran out of morphine and he's treating these these people that are badly injured and you know you need the morphine not just so they're out of pain but so they don't go into shock M and the actual person who discovered this gets no credit was a nurse cuz the nurse hand him a syringe and said we've got some more morphine so he believed it and he said you'll be out of pain in just less than a minute he injected them and in every case none of them went into shock 90% of them were out of pain and they used nothing it was saline right so after World War II he went back to Harvard and he was the person that created what we now consider to be the double bind studies which are always compared to a placebo right and what most people don't know is the bigger the placebo intervention the more powerful the Mind believes it so a small pill is less effective than a big pill um an injection is more powerful than a pill in terms of its Effectiveness the most powerful is a is a sham surgery um the the Veterans Administration did a study and they did on people doing knee surgeries and they took one-third of the people and they just cut them open anesthesized them and S the backup did nothing A year later this group the group that had no surgery had the least amount of pain the most amount of flexibility the most amount so they stop funding those surgeries to give you an idea but that's how powerful it is and so when you it's even more than Harvard did a study where they took barbituates made these big red pills and said this is an amphetamine you need to prepare your body because you're going to speed up they didn't give him something fake they give him an actual drug that slows the body down and the body sped up so most people don't understand the power of the mind and so what I tried to do is show people even in this book here are the things that you can do to take control of your mind because if you take care of your body and then you don't take care of your mind and emotions you're going to be miserable 41 years of my life I've been obsessed with trying to find the ways to help people have a greater quality of life whatever that is for them life on their terms not my idea of what a quality of life is but theirs and you know people come to me all the time and come to events and they want to transform their business or they want to transform their body or they want to rebuild or deepen a relationship or create one or they just want to feel Joy or happiness we're all pursuing all these things but really it's just this experience of life life at its highest level that we're all searching for and over the last few decades you know early in my life it I figured I didn't have much control of my external World there was so much suffering that I figured I got to master that and so I worked hard and for decades learning from the smartest people I could how could I achieve succeed break through master myself push myself and all those tools you could call maybe the science of achievement it's like how do you take what you envision and make it real how do you go from you know having possibility to actually creating that in your life but as I experienced that over the decades I also noticed that so many people who are great Achievers were just not happy I mean I go to India I usually go about every 12 to 18 months and I remember when I first went there I was like this poverty was overwhelming to me and and it was so confusing to see people so happy you know because all around them they seem to have such squalor i' see someone sitting in the street and there was just so much joy in their eyes if you took the time to feel them and talk with them instead of judging the environment and then I come home to the United States where there's all this external abundance and you'd find people you know many of you know I I wrote money Master of the gam you 50 of the smartest Financial people in the world self-made billionaires and not I wouldn't say the majority of them are really happy and it has nothing to do with the money it's that the internal world was not mastered so if there's two Sciences or two Master skills I think in life that we want it's if we took east and west and put them together and we didn't make the other one wrong we'd say hey it's mastering the science of achievement but also the art of fulfillment and of the two for the last four or five years I've been traveling the country really trying people to get people to feel and experience the beauty that comes when what's inside is great regardless of what's outside the outside world will never make you happy long term what you get will never make you happy who you become what you experience what you give that's what makes us really happy most of us have been conditioned not to take a risk people ask me all the time what does it take to be happy and I always tell them it's really simple one word progress progress equals Happ happiness if you keep growing you're going to feel alive and if you keep growing you're going to have more to give and when you're growing and giving is when life is magnificent it doesn't matter how many statues Oscars they give you or EMS or how much money you have in the bank we've all seen people had all those things and I get the phone call because they're depressed or somebody commits suicide in that area so it's really an inner game and I think that's what's missing for us today everybody's focusing on the outside world and Hell there's a lot of things in the outside world you'll never be able to control you can influence but you can't control it this your mind your emotions your body you have 100% control over what you do with these things and that's where the game is won you win the inner game then you win the outer game but a lot of people spent their life trying to win the outo game they won and they're miserable so to me success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure and so many people are focused on success still which to me is like there's nothing wrong with it but it's like success is getting what you want fulfillment is living What You're Made for you know and it's like fulfillment and success they're not even the same universe there's nothing wrong with going for success but you you really got to figure out what you're made for and nobody knows in the beginning so you start where you are and you do what's in front of you do what's next then you keep growing until you start to discover hey this is my real passion this is my real hunger and drive and it can change people go for five six seven years and then they usually question their business their career their their body their relationships and then of two things happens they change direction and feel renewed or they go no I got a great deal here what the hell's wrong with me and they recommit and they get stronger but that's life and if you don't grow I don't give damn how much you got going for you're going to be miserable it's always been impact for me I love people I'm somebody asked my mom was he always like this she's passed away but she always to tell the story so I'd hear her version of the story and you know we grew up in kind of the hood of La a really rough ter territory and on a commercial Street in this crappy little house there was a lot of violence around there but right next door was this old liquor store and we were poor and she was pregnant with my brother I was almost four and a half I guess years old 5 years old and you know I would go to that place to get stuff because we had nobody else my father was an underground parking attendant so he wasn't there so it was she and I and so I guess she sent me next door to get bread and milk which we desperately need we had very little money I guess I was gone for a very long time where she was woring I come back with no bread and milk and she said where's the bread and milk and I said well there's a poor boy there so I gave him our money and she says you know so I've always had that and I think there's an old movie called Mr Holland Opus I use it sometimes to date with Destiny and there's a line in the movie with this man his whole life was about you know writing this great Opus and how they make him rich and famous and all these things and he becomes a school teacher not because he likes kids but because he gets off at 3M and has his Summers off thinks he's goingon to write this office and I almost I I cry I think about right now because it's just what life's about you know life's about love life's about people but there's this moment when he loses his job because they cut the music program and he decides he's going to retire and he's leaving with his wife and his kid who's deaf he's you know the movie I am very familiar I right now every time we watch it you know you see this man come and he's at the latter years of his life and all of a sudden as he's leaving there's this sound in the gym and they he goes what does that sound he goes no and it's after hours he goes to open up the gym and there's all these students from all the years of his 25 years of teaching or 30 years of teaching whatever it was and they're all cheering and he comes down and and he's just stunned by the response and his wife gets up and says you know a lot of people heard about you the retirement of my husband and I can't believe the Outreach and so we wanted to let him know how much he's loved and and then all of a sudden the doors open and this little redhead girl who he had blasted in the beginning cuz she had no talent in like clarinet yeah um but he then fell in love with trying to support her and it's when he became a better man she's now an adult and she's the governor of the state and she goes bursting in goes oh I'm sorry I thought we were a little bit running late she comes up and she looks at him and gets on stage and she does this little speech but the essence of it is um Mr Holland's touched all of us so much but she says um um you know Mr Holland had this Opus he was going to write he and word was it was going to make him rich and famous but he's neither at least not outside this small town but she said but if he just got those riches in Fame he would have missed out on what he has here and she says look around you Mr Holland these are the notes of your music this is the Symphony of your life and um sorry I again emotionally was so silly emotional guy that's why I do what I do because I get to see um people's lives change I get to see moms reclaim themselves I see children you know stand up for themselves I see men who become men again and really step up and take the responsibilities that make them feel alive I see people build businesses and I see people happy again I see couples coming together I see joy and happiness not because life is always like that but because they can find meaning even when it's painful and to me to live a life what that kind of meaning is a gift from God if you look at a person's life most people major and minor things Jim R and my teacher used to say that to me all the time meaning they know about all kinds of things that don't matter but there's maybe a half dozen things that matter most there's your body there's your emotions there's your relationships there's your finances there's your career or your sense of mission or your business and then there's the spiritual side of life and so I've always taught on all those areas but in 2008 when all hell broke loose the first time um you know I've worked with Paul tutor Jones one of the top 10 financial traders for now 25 years 26 years and so I I knew a little bit this area most people don't know I know the details of you know a lot man hearing you talk about Finance you are freakishly knowledgeable I've seen you on stage with people that make a living doing it and not only do you keep up in many ways I think they're listening to you as closely as you're listening to them at this point how do you learn that stuff that deeply well you know I go for total immersions like if you learn language a little bit at a time you know two three years from now you don't speak the language but if I dumped you into Rome and said you're not leaving for 8 weeks and there's no teacher you're going to be speaking Italian before you leave there so I'm a big believer in total immersion but I also believe in modeling the best on Earth so in money Master the game fortunately I have access so it's like I'm going to interview 50 of the smartest Financial people on Earth and everybody who's made it from nothing to multi-billionaire and they all did it different ways and I'm good at pattern recognition and I'm good at pattern utilization in fact I would say to your audience you know in 2040 which sounds like a long way from now 18 years ago like that you your mind will be blown half the jobs we have today according to Oxford and a variety of other universities are going to be gone they're replaced by robotics by algorithms you know the game and so the bottom line is you need to be good at pattern recognition and that's what gets somebody strong at anything I me you look at you know why is Amazon doing so well he realized one pattern was valued over anything else convenience right if you look at Tom Brady friend of mine he he's got pattern recognition like nobody else at 43 years old he's able do things no one dreamed could be done he's got more Super Bowl rings than any team so I said I want to go to the best people on Earth and see what do they see that none of us see what's the pattern then you got to learn pattern utilization it's one thing to see it it's nothing thing to use it and then if you're good after while you get to pattern creation it's like if you learn to play the piano most people play other people's music and then there's a point you've learned so much that you're able to create and I think those three skills are the most important skills so I look at the areas that matter most and say who already has that extraordinary pattern recognition utilization so I go to Ray doio who's you know return more money to investors than anyone alive you know he's going to have a different level of understanding than the average person and because I MERS myself so much most of these interviews are supposed to be 30 minutes and the average one was three and a half hours and so but like Ray D is now a dear friend of mine I can pitch and catch with him because I came so overprepared and because I could again not just catch the ball he threw but pitch it back and so to me that's what I did I did for to immersion it was a 3 and 1/ half year project and then expanded I wrote you know uh unshakable after that because I saw what was going to happen in the markets and I wanted people prepared you got to have something that is large enough that makes you crazy and you don't know that you can do it but you got to know you can do it I know it sounds ridiculous there's got to be some part of you that turns it into a must not a should if it's a should it gets done when it's easy when it's a must it happens no matter what and you know the difference between should and must is reasons reasons come first answers come second if you got strong enough reasons if you got a big enough why you can figure out how to do anything but what keeps people I think from making moonshots real because you got to look at the side of why people don't do it or why they don't follow through I think number one that people they the first question people go to is how and that's the wrong question how is absolutely the wrong question to start with because if you've never done it before what that produces uncertainty if you have uncertainty then you don't execute at the same level it's like people say knowledge is power we all know that [ __ ] right execution is power knowledge is potential power execution beats knowledge every day of the week so my bias is towards action even it's wrong action you're going to learn quicker than if you do nothing but the challenge is people are asking how and that produces uncertainty what you got to ask is what and why if you know what needs to be done and why it needs to be done if it's strong enough then there's a level of certainty that will show up in your nervous system and you'll be able to inspire other people as well because you can't fake it everybody can feel it and so if you can come up with that and find out how to turn that certainty on that's what I do with people athletes business people everybody is how do you turn that on and keep it on turn that on and then knowing what and why you can figure out how it's like you know John F Kennedy didn't know how to get to the moon when he said we're going to put somebody on the moon and return the Earth safely in this decade and people in NASA are like he's insane we don't have the resources but they did it that's leadership that's a moonshot right and it can't just be you so that's the other part is it something that doesn't just inspire you is it something that'll keep you going when it doesn't look like it's going to work keep you from giving up but is it something that'll get other people to join you otherwise it's just you and you're you're not going to do it by yourself there's no moonshots that are done by individuals that's bull individuals may stimulate it but it takes a team it takes an army of people to make something happen so I think watch out for the tyranny of How It's tyranny don't start with how it'll it'll shut down your capacity start with what and why and get that so strong then start brainstorming there's a million house and and if there isn't a way you can find a way or make a way people think they have to know how I call it the tyranny of how like you get all excited I'm going to do this and then your brain goes I've never done it before Oh my God what did I say I don't know how to do this and they tend to focus on how to do it and when you start with how you're screwed like Martin Luther King had no idea how when he did his IE of a Dream speech in fact his wife was the one that pushed him because he was uncertain right if you know the real history it's pretty interesting but the bottom line is he gets up there and he gives his vision of how it can be done he talked about what needs to happen and why if you can figure out what you want and why you want it and you get strong enough reasons reasons that'll drive you late at night it'll get you up early in the morning and the reasons are different some people do it for nitty-gritty reasons Jim Ron used to say because you know some guy told him he he borrowed money from this finance company I forget the name of hfc Finance whatever the hell it was and you know he hadn't been back since he borrowed the money you know so they're calling him in those days they could harass you in ways they can't today right they call him show up embarrass him in front of his neighbors and so Jim ran his first real chunk of money he told me he made because it's like he set this goal it was his nitty-gritty reason his reason to get rich was so we could go down and pay this thing off and he said he went to the bank and got it all in cash and in small bills and he pull it into this little hfc you know Finance place and the guy who borrow the money was the fourth best back in he said I walked up there I open I opened up this brief and I dumped all the money all over his desk in small bills and I said count it it's all there I will never be back he said he was startled because I hadn't been there since I borrowed the money right but but he did it for that he GRE some people do it for their kid some people will do it like we'll almost all do it for something more than ourselves some people do it because they like winning right I know that about you right it's like I like winning I like being the best at what I do so I'm not going to settle for less than that why would I right so you got to find your reasons but if you know what you want and you get a big enough why now you'll figure out how to do it but if you start with how you know the small brain the fear brain goes oh [ __ ] I don't know what to do I don't know where to go I don't know what to do 90% of time either I know what and why and then I try some it doesn't work I try something else I something else now I speed it up by learning from the best so that's why you know money Master the game is a perfect example my companies you know at the time were h million companies I had one $500 million company now we're doing 7 billion I took what I learned from these guys I applied it not only in my investing I applied it to my own businesses why do I reinvent the wheel when I just learned from the best on Earth I mean somebody's that good can tell you that little 2 mimer thing that changes everything so my life is really about learn from the best but I don't start with a how I start with the what and the why and I think that's the mistake most people make great ideas are never going to interrupt you they have to be pursued and you if you don't pursue them you're going to get what everybody else has which is all this fear all this uncertainty all this stuff who won't work because everybody's focused on what won't work what can't happen why because they're afraid they're afraid to fail they're afraid to try and feel like they're not enough so you got to stand guard of that Mind by feeding your mind you know Jim R used to say to me success leaves Clues if you want thing to get better you got to get better if you want things to change you got to change but you got to do it deliberately and consciously and he used to say to me constantly he said Tony you've got to constantly find a way to feed that mind something that's got strategy in it philosophy something that's going to improve the quality of your life and if you really learn it you can help the people you love with the things you learn and so I got hooked and so I decided I'm G to read a book a day I took a speed reading course and I didn't read a book a day but I read 700 books over the period of seven years all in the area of philosophy physiology emotion the things to me that mattered most and what I really try to do is each day try to use something I learn not just read not just let my learning lead to knowledge you know Jim used to say if you let your learn lead to knowledge you become a fool if you let your learn lead to action that's when your life changes so I started being aware of who was saying what what I was taking in you know Jim used to say you know success leaves Clues if someone's successful they're not lucky they're doing something different than you figure out what they're doing different and he said the first thing is find out what they're reading he said because he said I remember he said to me something funny he said find out what poor people read and don't read it and when he said poor he didn't just mean financially poor he meant people that were unhappy people that were had no sense of meaning in their life people that were financially strapped because they weren't managing to add value to other people people that found themselves not taking care of their relationships their body poor isn't just money wealth isn't just money it's emotional spiritual everything he said so find out what successful people do what wealthy people read what happy people read that one of the things you have to understand about life is everything changes and everything ends and that kind of sounds heavy on the front end but it's a truth if everything changes and everything ends number one it should make you appreciate what you have right now and then my view is what's next is always better if I make it so it's my job to make it so and so I think you know for me I look at it and say you know when you said uh genius is a young man's game I think that's total [ __ ] um I think passion is the Genesis of Genius if you've got enough passion you're going to find answers nobody else does but most people run out of fuel meaning they get tired they get exhausted they get burned out they get uh you know the law of familiarity they're around something so much they take it a little bit for granted and I've managed to see something in myself that I found in every great leader that I've ever respected and that is I I I value intelligence immensely but I know really smart people can't fight their way out of a paper bag pragmatically right I'm sure you do too what I see is the one common denominator of people that are successful over a lifetime is the sustained hunger Hunger is the number one factor most of us in life we we work so hard for things we think life's going to be a certain way but as you're going to discover life is never a straight line you know we're Tau that we think line is just I'm going to go from here to there but if you look in nature you never see a straight line in real nature if it's a straight line of human built it and so it's a process of evolving of growing dropping back growing dropping back and and challenges are what really grow us you know your life is a great story you know every person's life is a story and the question is some people's story is a warning some people's story is an example right now you're an example that's growing and expanding and you have a chance to have this be the most incredible life but it won't be a life without Challenge and the challenges we're facing right now give you an opportunity to grow like very few Generations you know I'm sure you've heard of the great generation the World War II generation if you watch a great movie if you read a great book you know the size and the power of the hero how much you become as a hero is defined by how tough an obstacle you face how difficult is the villain the opponent and so sometimes when I've been through the toughest times in my life one of the questions I've had to ask myself or note to myself is ah I finally have a really worthy opponent this is scaring the hell out of me or this is challenging me or this is making me crazy but I also know in my gut and my soul that if I can push through this just like you've done in these years you've pushed through tough times I'm sure many of them but as you push through those you become more and as you become more something magical happens you don't just grow you expand in your spirit and your soul and your capacity and your skill and all of a sudden fear becomes less and less a part of you ultimately I really believe that the probably the most I don't know the most sacred thing in our lives that we can give another human being besides our love is our labor you think about it your labor is your energy it's your time it's your emotion it's your intellect it's your spirit Spirit to some extent and if you can find a way where what you do for a living activates that sense of what you're made for then work is not work whether you be in thei or whether you be in a an environment that might be seem less exciting and promising in the moment trust me I worked in plenty of those too but with the same level of excitement and passion because I found what turns me on that makes me feel alive makes me feel like I'm doing something that's worthwhile and on Labor Day I think a lot of people it's just a holiday to get away and take time off of Lab Labor uh and my hope is to trigger you to think about how could you turn your labor into your love I think it was uh Mark Twain said when your vocation becomes your vacation that's when life becomes truly magnificent and um I'm privileged enough to have that but I pursued it and one of the secrets that I found and I know you know this in your soul is that we all know if you're going to be masterful at something you don't show up you know as the best in the world at something you don't show up in environments that you want to be in you get there because you did things for thousands and thousands of hours most of you know the concept of Mastery taking 10,000 hours that's an arbitrary number but I'm sure you've heard about it you want to get really good at something it's 10,000 hours because when you do something enough with enough intensity enough intention to constantly get better when your labor is your love and where your labor is something you have to always get better at then usually what happens is you get these insights that allow you to serve more but I also think that labor you know talking about this weekend what makes people fulfilled by their labor is is their motives for it if your motive is just to make money or just to pay your bills or or just to get rich or whatever you think that's going to be those people never really are fulfilled even if they make the money um the most fulfilled human beings in my experience and and I've had the privilege of working with literally 4 million people from 125 countries now around the world the people that are most alive regardless of the economics are people that have found something that they really feel the motive is more than just themselves you know we all know what it feels like when you're trying to do for something for someone you love and you're not doing it as a a trade you're not trying to get something back you're just doing it because it's What You're Made for and um I always tell people motive does matter that if you're just doing something for yourself there's nothing wrong with that because life supports whatever else supports life if you're part of life and you're trying to do something that's going to make your life better I think the universe God whatever proper term for you whatever your belief system is you know infinite intelligence gets connected to you and it gives you insights but I think if you're trying to serve more than yourself more than just you when things support more of life more of Life shows up to support you and that might sound kind of Airy fairy but it's my experience you know when you're trying to support your family when suddenly I had four kids three of them overnight my life changed my intellect changed my abilities changed because I was trying to serve something more than just me uh when I started really focusing on how to serve a community and then a country and then Humanity with corny at may sound um you get insights you won't get when you're just trying to somehow you know make your labor happen or get the job done so labor could be love and it isn't for most people most people I think are unhappy in their life because they look at Labor as work uh they look at as why should I have to effort so much and in my experience effort is the reward if you are doing something you love it's there so if you don't have it you might say Tony that's all wonderful you're in Fiji and you do what you love and I don't have that thanks so much for giving me the lecture I'm not coming from that place I'm coming from the place of saying you can discover something that you're really passionate about but in order to do it you got to get out of the story of what you can't do and you got to put yourself on the line we are made to grow if we don't grow it doesn't matter how much money you made doesn't how many people gave you Academy Awards stars on your chart I mean I get the phone calls from all these people who you would think have the greatest life in the world and then they're calling me because it's not so great because they haven't mastered the inner world they're good at the outer world but this one this one hasn't been given enough time or energy they've been so focused out here and they've done so well out here not so well in here this is the one you want to do well on you do well here you can Master the outside world too you can handle anything so for me it really comes down to looking at it and saying okay if you and I are going to have an extraordinary level of fulfillment what's going to make me grow because that's what's going to make me proud and to grow you got to face challenges and I think the biggest problem most people have is the biggest problem they have is they think they shouldn't have problems you know it's like problems are a sign of life problems are what make you grow now you know I'd rather call it a challenge I'd rather look it as a challenge and it on as a challenge but you and I both know I mean I have grown so much in the last 24 months taking 105 companies some of which were literally shut down for you know 12 months keeping them alive not letting go of my employees figureing way to turn around figure how to adapt I mean I developed more skill and ability to help other people because I had to manage my own State unbelievably so I had to help other people manage their state so without the challenge what I grow so much probably not find the blessing and that sounds corny to some people but you you know when you think about your life these last three or four years with covid and so much fear and crime and everything that you if you watch the news for five minutes you feel like there is no future it's not to say there aren't challenges out there they're real but we don't experience life we experience the life we focus on what's wrong is always available so is what's right and so it's really important to find the blessing and whatever challenges you've gone through I know many of you went through Co it was pretty horrific but many of you actually found a way to use Co to do something greater with your family or life or make some career changes or life changes and so life is going to give us challenges no matter what but it's our job to find the blessing to see that maybe everything in life is really happening for us not to us even though it looks like that and so we we sent you a little video of our friend Madu to give you an example of somebody finding those blessings and then the second part was to really be a blessing we often say you know the secret to living is giving but it's not just gifts it's presence it's caring it's guidance as simple as those things are they also change you um you get in the habit of doing that because it's our nature when we're not stressed you all of a sudden find a balance you find a balm within yourself as well as you're being a balm to other people if you constantly find the blessings in life you look for what's right instead of what's wrong if you're constantly trying to be a blessing to other people then you'll be blessed and that's not corny it's just it's the law of reciprocation in life we all get what we put out and often tfold and it can happen either way negative or positive so it's part of our life is to really it's not even about religion it's about Grace it's understanding that you know Grace will flow to you if you are pouring out Grace to others if you're constantly giving and sharing and so we know you know these things they're not new to say the least but this time of the year is a great time of the year to reinforce them in yourself and maybe with your children or your family talk to me about what causes depression well rather than me answer that question the head of the nihd or however they pronounce it but he said you know in 22 years uh I spent whatever it was $20 billion did some of the most interesting studies in the world and we didn't move uh you know one person out of depression the bottom line is biochemistry is hard of it but it is related to what we focus on what we feel I can change your biochemistry in a heartbeat close your eyes and have you imagine one thing I can disrupt you produce fear close your eyes produce something else we can produce a parasympathetic effect a calming effect so you cannot separate the mind and the body they're together and so my Approach is both I think you know from going to events I believe in physiology first but it isn't just biochemical it's the way you move it's the way you breathe it's the way you gesture if I said to you there's a depressed person behind curtain number one over here and I'll give you a $100,000 donation to your favorite charity if you can describe their posture everyone knows what's their posture like where where's their head down down where's the shoulders slouch are they breathing full or shallow shallow that's right are they talking loud or quiet soft fast or slow slow how do you know cuz we've all practice this at some point been depressed right but if you take that same person I don't care what's going on with them and you put their shoulders back I know this sounds absurd and you have them breathe different and they speak at a different Tempo and they move their biochemistry changes like that so you got to shift the way the body is being used but then also you have to create a compelling future this is the way I look at I look at as five to thrive and give you a little picture in your head think of a triangle the first base of three things the base of how you use your body affects your depression or your excitement if someone's depressed or they're excited they use the body differently they breathe differently they move differently they speak differently so you can make a biochemical change just by changing the body radically enough in the way you move second is what you focus on determines what you feel so if you're supposed to meet your husband or wife at 700 p.m. for dinner and you get there and they're not there boyfriend girlfriend whoever what do you feel well some people go I'm angry some people go I'm worried well it's only 7 you know well let say it's 7:30 and they've not shown up they've not called they not text well now some go I'm really worried I'm really pissed off you know it's 8:30 if you haven't called you know I'm full woman tells me right I didn't wait for the bastard but my point is whether you're angry or whether you're worried those are biochemical effects but they're all based on what you focused on if you were really angry like they did it again you know they're probably screwing around with somebody else if you imagine that in your mind you're going to be upset but if you were worried you thought what if they were in a car accident and you're going to get a very different biochemical effect but people have had of what they focus on and those habits become your biochemical habits as well and so they reinforce each other it's not a one-way street so that's why you know I really believe exercise is one of the most important elements pushing someone beyond their normal Comfort zones physiologically while you simultaneously are working on their head creating something so you need strong physiology you need a really clear Focus because you're only experiencing what you focus on the human brain is a distortion deletion and generalization device your conscious mind can only handle so many things at once you're not thinking about your clothing touching your skin or the you know the sound of your heartbeat till I mention it or let's say the you know the sound of the in your ear of being able to hear that heartbeat all those things I have to call your attention to because your brain is deleting most of what's going on so it's not overwhelmed consciously so we pay attention to a small amount of things so if you're really happy you're deleting all the things that could piss you off or make you worried if you're really worried you're deleting all the things you could be grateful or happy about so and we tend to generalize Our Lives because we're cognitive misers we don't want to think things through so if you have strong physiology strong Focus then the third piece is meaning is what creates emotion like if somebody says something and you go they're disrespecting me or they're challenging me or they're coaching me or they're loving me well whichever word you select for those Sensations in your body your biochemistry becomes and so you know somebody might say oh you know this happened to me cuz God's punishing me or this happened to me cuz God's challenging me or this problems here cuz it's a gift from God or someone else say it has nothing to do with God it's the fact that I've been a lazy bastard right whatever it is you do in your head there is a biochemical effect so there's the body there's the focus and there's language those three shape how you feel moment to moment if you're excited right now using your body your focus and your language in a different way than if you're pissed off than if you're worried Etc but then what makes you use these three once you understand them is you need what's called a compelling future you need something that gets you to move forward and like I feel so bad for the generation today you know Z generation Millennials because so many of them are now talking about not even having children because of the exaggeration of the problems we've always had problems I remember we're going to run out of oil where the the ozone was going to be destroyed in the 1970s the cover of Time Magazine we've always had these challenges and we've always learned to adapt to these challenges whatever those ch challenges may be but people today think these problems are forever because we've had some times here that we've never had where we literally shut down the whole world and had people trapped in their homes and that has an effect on people because they don't have a compelling future so you have to develop a compelling future and what allows you to do that finally is what's under this triangle if there's a circle think of a compelling future and there's the power of identity identity is who are you beyond the problem there's something inside you that's bigger than anything that's ever happened to you that ever could happen to you and tapping in and finding that part of yourself is how you get someone to have sustained strength how have you been able to expand your energy year-over-year what are some of the simple tweaks that people could do today I was a vegan for about 10 years and then I ate uh fish and salad basically for about 12 years so dietarily I've always tried to make sure that what I had was as clean as possible to start with then I train like a crazy person um you know I do oxygen Restriction Training type of thing so that my capacity is strong but I'm also trying to train so I can literally do two and 1 half marathons on a day and then another day and another day another day um for me the most important thing I think has been for me is believe it or not has been a combination of hot and cold temperatures that I use like I start every single morning in the freezing water and I do it for two reasons one is it moves every bit of blood in your body and all your lymph in your system but also kind of train my brain to say when I say go we go you know it's like it's there's never a day I look forward to going in the water and I have you know 56° water here but in my home in Sun I go literally through the snow and get in the river which is you know like 39 40° in the winter time and but you feel so incredible when you come out but also it's just training your brain saying I say go we go it's not like oh I'm not ready yet or let me wait five minutes and that becomes a discipline in your mind for everything else in your life which is huge and then believe it or not sonas just in the last year I've started using saas they've seen a huge change I've always known about sonas I use them you know every now and then but there's so much research on it now and have it in the book that'll blow your mind like four days a week in the sauna for just 20 minutes at 160 degrees plus whether it's a you know a laser type sauna red Sonic going in or or a traditional one will absolutely change your health in more ways you can imagine like people that don't really work out I can get them to do this now and they just go sit in the sauna but what happens it reduces your chance of a heart attack by over 51% I said that yeah W it reduces your chance of a stroke by 62% your overall health is reduced I mean it and then here's the thing I've noticed that happens that people I get doing this they wouldn't work out now they do the sauna and they put some music on or they put a movie in the background or something and the great thing is after doing it for about a month sweating everything else now they want to work out now they want to do something else so I look for the things the quick little hacks that can make it happen in my life I also use cryotherapy and cryotherapy takes your body down to minus 250 you know Fahrenheit takes out like you know I used to ice myself cuz after an event I've been you know running up and down the stadium walls and everything else every ounce of me 14 hours on stage 12 hours on stage stage is gone and I go go ice like I did in football you know 20 minutes on 20 minutes off it's painful but I had to do it now I go in for 2 and a half minutes in a cryotherapy unit and there's no inflammation in my body it's just mind bogging for people who have osteoarthritis also uh like my mother-in-law had such bad ostearthritis even medications weren't helping her and she was crying at night and I was like I got to find an answer that's how I found cry out then I started reading about cryotherapy and started reading out athletes doing it but I started reading what it does for osteoarthritis she has no pain now right so they're just tools and you don't have to own one of these things you know I'm fortunate enough to have one here but you know you can go there's local places all over the United States all over the world now where you can just go in five or 10 minutes and it's amazing people just need to try it out what would you say to someone with fear well you don't have to manage you got to stop thinking of yourself as managing your circumstances and remind yourself that you're a creator of your life experience and so when it's winter first of all it doesn't mean every night's a bad day every day is a bad day every dark day I live here in Florida it's 78° and it's you know winter right it's really nice so where you are what you decide to do you it's all varying in terms of the levels of winter as we just talked about if you're in Africa right now without food it's a very different experience but I think the other part for people really is you got to understand there's two choices there's fear and there's faith and as simplistic as that sounds I ask people what's the difference and they get confused and I said it's really simple they're both made up no one knows for sure what the future looks like and by when I say the seven or eight years it's not all just tough econom IC times there's going to be a confrontation with China maybe there'll be a cyber War maybe some will turn off your electricity but there's zero question we're on target for that if anybody wants to get a better understanding they can read some of Ray dal's work on the changing World Order and understanding what's happened over a thousand years of history but the point of the matter is it's not all dark uh that's number one but number two is what's the differ between fear and faith they're both imagination but fear is Imagination undirected it's like weeds just grows automatically faith is you decide to be certain you take action you follow through there's no guarantee of anything there's no guarantee I mean people run around with a mask and they can walk outside and get hit by a truck Impossible Is Possible the more you can give people an experience like Talk's cheap but I've done enough things in my life with enough people at this stage I've got a track record where it's like I said it's going to happen most people say he's probably true it's probably likely he's going to pull it off maybe I should jump on board but the the mindset has to be destroy any limitation and move forward move forward move forward there is a way move forward and I think uh if you watch this it's like taking off on a plane from you know I'm in Texas right now if I flew from Dallas here to go to Hawaii you off course about 90% of the time I'm a pilot and what if every time you off course oh my God I'm off course oh freak out oh my God I'm off course again but you know you just tack back and forth and you land exactly where you want to be 3 four 5,000 miles you know away and I think that's how we have to navigate but most of us and especially during these Co times most of us have been conditioned not to take a risk people ask me all the time what does it take to be happy and I always tell them it's really simple one word progress progress equals happiness if you keep growing you're going to feel alive and if you keep growing you're going to have more to give and when you're growing in giving is when life is magnificent it doesn't matter how many statues Oscars they give you or EMS or how much money you have in the bank we've all seen people had all those things and I get the phone call because they're depressed or somebody commits suicide in that area so it's really an inner game and I think that's what's missing for us today everybody's focusing on the outside world and Hell there's a lot of things in the outside world you'll never be able to control you can influence but you can't control it this your mind your emotions your body you have 100% control over what you do with these things and that's where the game is won you win the inner game then you win the outer game but a lot of people spent their life trying to win the outer game they won and they're miserable that fear that we're not enough as is what's getting in the way and you don't get over it you get Beyond it and the way you get Beyond it is you just train yourself and as you just said that's why in the seminars it isn't just the content it's putting you in a state where the content can land and when you put yourself in that state on a regular basis those flows happen now you want daily practices as well so you know every day I've got a variety of daily practices but one of those things I jump in freezing cold water every day I think you know but I don't do it because I like it or I want it there's never a day I look forward to it but I don't hesitate I don't negotiate with myself it's both physically great because it flushes your blood and your lymph system completely you feel like a million bucks coming out of it going in it is painful as hell but it's like I don't say in a minute when I'm ready or maybe tomorrow it's like I say go we go so it's a mental training as well as it's a physical training right and when you do that over and over and then you say I'm going to do this your brain doesn't negotiate you've trained your own mind a lot of people these discussions in their own head back and forth and that's just a habit all these things are patterns you know I get up and I do my priming which is putting myself in a state for just 10 minutes a form of meditation but it's a directed meditation I think of three things I'm grateful for about a minute each and I live them I don't remember it over there I get in the roller coaster as it's going down and feel it and I get Associated to what I'm most grateful for because gratitude destroys the two emotions that mess up your life which are fear and anger you can't be angry and grateful simultaneously you can't be betiful and grateful so I train my nervous system every day to start with that then I do this form of a prayer blessing then I do this three to thrive which is a minute each on what I really want to make happen but I don't think about making it happen I see it as done and complete and I train my brain to feel celebratory in that area when people don't do things it's not because they can't it's not even because they don't want to it's because of the way they are focusing or what I call chunking things when people don't follow through here's what they do give you an example who here believes exercise is very important but you don't exercise regularly let me see it's your hands raise your hand more hands than most of us want to raise our hand right now who here really focuses I should say exercises regularly raise your hand regularly okay great who here does not exercise regularly even though you believe it's important just be truthful okay great so let's see what the difference is here a person who does not exercise regularly I want you to raise your hand and I want should tell me why you don't exercise regularly be truthful okay yes sir I don't have the time I don't have the time now is that true no he even knows it's not true he's going to answer you first no but it feels like he doesn't have the time because time is emotion and he's got so many other things he is focused on getting results in that adding this to the list seems like a lot right and the other things are very important to him like his business I don't have the time he has the time what's the real reason he doesn't do it because of the way he thinks about exercise when he focuses on what it would take to exercise he does it very differently than someone who follows through when you think about exercising what's involved at the moment about mile 14 of London Marathon quite painful okay he starts thinking about I got to get to mile 14 of the London marathon and that even the thought of trying to get to the 14th mile much less the 25th mile is like being on my imagination right now so he is what I call over chunked he's not thinking about what he wants he's thinking about what's painful he just saw a perfect example he's not even thinking about Victory or succeeding so the chance of him following through on something that he Associates major pain to when he can do something else right now he can feel competent or successful at his chances of falling through are very limited how many would follow that say I his focus is on failure his focus is on pain that's why he isn't following through okay he's also focused on the 14th mile of a marathon rather than today's workout which one seems more daunting to you so when you think of what it and here's also what he's thinking about he's thinking about the process not the outcome or result he wants and when you think about what it's going to take to do something usually it takes a lot and you're not going to want to do it so he's over chunked himself he's trying to eat the whale hole without taking any smaller bites and it seems too big for him so he says well I'll do it when later CU my Australian friends would say later right and of course the problem with doing it tomorrow is when you get to tomorrow tomorrow is today and tomorrow never comes so when you keep promising Yourself by the way what does this do to you emotionally when you keep breaking your own promises with yourself or you keep failing to do things that you know are important does it increase your L sevel of certainty and confidence no what it does is it roads it and when you Road confidence in one area believe it or not it affects the other areas too do you believe me on that don't believe me what about your own life experience maybe not one area but it starts to be multiple areas it sure does another reason why somebody doesn't exercise or do anything is because they don't just chunk it too big they chunk it in too many details I'll give you a perfect example so I asked somebody one time I said uh okay how important is exercise is oh exercise is extremely important really okay good and tell me why don't you exercise regularly well I and I just don't have time okay everybody gives that answer that sounds wonderful so tell me though don't tell me about how much time you don't have tell me this when you think about exercising what do you think about which is a way of saying what do you focus on and so this woman says to me well my gosh you know I mean I what what do you mean what do I think about well let's say I said to you you you got to start exercising and I'm going to put a gun to the head of your children and I will do very horrible things and hurt them badly if you don't exercise could you do it oh yeah I could do it you know if I if you if some Mafia person came here and said I'm going to kill your children if you don't exercise every day how many think you could find a way to exercise every day no matter what your time constraints may be so remember this remember this change is never a matter of ability it's always a matter of motivation I'll say that again change is never a matter of ability it's always a matter of motivation or drive having strong enough reasons if you got a strong enough reason you could figure out the time couldn't you so the biggest part of life and time management is knowing what you want and having enough reasons to follow through but there is one more piece if you make enough reasons to follow through and you know what you want but you make the task overwhelming you'll be overwhelmed if you're obsessed you know what you want you're taking Massive Action maybe you modeled somebody figure out the right action so get there quicker and you're executing you still need a little Grace some people call it luck you could call it God but I really believe that there's the part we do and then there's the part that comes to us but I do know Grace shows up a lot more when you do the first two steps on your own and Grace shows up a lot more when you acknowledge Grace in your life when you acknowledge that I was born in a world where I didn't have to build this internet that I can pull out of my pocket the answer anything on Earth I driving on streets I didn't pave I'm reading books I didn't have to write that's the gift of our lives and I think when we experience that Grace we don't just experience more achievement but we start to experience more fulfillment and Grace not only affects your ability to get there but it affects what you do and how you you live once you are there it really determines the quality of your life because unless you live in a state of gratitude you know I I did an interview um with Sir John Templeton who as you know is one of the first billionaire investors and just a brilliant man he came from nothing and he donated I think it was 750 they still do it Templeton fund I think it's $750 million a year it's bigger than the Nobel fund that he donates and one day I asked him I said what is the secret to wealth and he looked at me paused this big smile and his eyes got really bright like they always did and he said Tony it's what you teach I said well I teach a lot of things you know which thing and he said gratitude he said because you and I Tony know billionaires that are miserable and it's because they're not grateful for what they have and we both know people have no money seemingly but they're so grateful for their health for their husband for their wife for their children they're so grateful to God they're so grateful for their life that they're rich you know so I think I think it starts with that gratitude it starts with that connection to Grace as simplistic as that sounds and so it's not enough just to have your financial plan you have all the money and be miserable let's have the money and be really rich emotionally psychologically disappointment either destroys you or drives you and you have to decide which one it's going to be if you don't consciously decide there's always going to be more BS for you to deal with and I think but that's why I think you know when I do my events the reason I do the 12 hours a day it's not cuz I like talking it's just that I can tell you something all day long or I can get you to build the muscle and the build the muscle is by experiencing it I always tell people a belief a belief is a poor substitute for an experience like I could have a belief about you but I experience you so I get to know who you are right the same thing true is like you have a belief about China you have a belief about working out so I try to give people experiences that are so profound and then you know the the studies they did they found people 12 months later 11 months later we're still in the middle of Co they did my digital seminar and you know they measured my body like the amount of times I jump I jump a thousand times in a day and I weigh 282 lbs and I come down four times the body weight so it's 1,000 lb times 1,000 lb of pressure I my lactic acid if you've ever been with a friend and you're running and you can't talk the point you can't talk is a level four of lactic acid I'm at an 18 still speaking so they decided to do that on my audience and they found an interesting pattern this the same group that works with some of the you know Super Bowl champions and some of the Stanley Cup champions and so forth there's a ratio in the body of testosterone versus cortisol the stress hormone and when the ratio is balanced they call it the championship bloodline bloodstream it literally gets you to follow through so when they did my audience in my live seminar they found that people literally mirror me all the way through the experience that's phenomenal biochemically that is phenomenal but we did it on we did you know cuz all of a sudden overnight they said to me you know we're going to San Francisco and the governor of California says you we only have 10 people and we have 15,000 so I was like We'll go to Vegas they'll never shut down Vegas they shut down Vegas I was like okay we'll do, 1500 movie theaters with 10 people in them they shut down the movie theaters like okay we'll go to a church in Houston I got a buddy I'll rent this church for 15,000 people they're not going to keep Costco open and shut down the church they kept Costco open and shut down the church so I finally said okay I'm not going to do some crappy little webinar so I get this Vision I'm going to build this facility with 20 foot high LED screens 50 ft wide all around me I'm going to call Eric Yan Zoom I'm going to get them from a th000 up to 25,000 people so I can interact with people live in real time on to build an app so they can shake it and the more people do it the louder it gets so it's real so I built this whole thing so now we're doing bigger events than ever in our entire history but they did the same measurements on them in different parts of the world and saw the exact same mirroring process and the average person even digitally ever yeah um 71% of the PE they had 71% drop in negative emotions 53 per Improvement in positive emotions and 11 months later in the middle of covid it held because it's a biochemical change so when people say oh I'm trying I read That's I write books because it's it's an easy entry point to people there's so much you can learn from a book but there's nothing like the experience that's why I do the events and like the last two years because of Co I did two like six day free events we had 800,000 people attend for 6 days just four weeks ago because I just wanted people to have answers where they are and then people start to see they get momentum but it's hard to do just reading something or watching a couple of you know you know 20 minute or 15 minute or 5 minute little pieces on YouTube those are great they might inspire you but a transformation requires immersion it's like if you ask the average person did you study a foreign language in school most people oh yeah High School College speak it they don't but if you turn around and you said okay what if you want to learn Italian and I just took you to Rome and dumped you off for six week weeks yeah with no teacher you're going to come back 6 weeks later speaking you know Italian so it's immersion and if you want to master something I think that's the thing most people don't do yes they read a little bit they listen a bit they dip in and out they don't go day and night night and day in total immersion in something that transforms them and also something that makes them push through their fears yes because in the end that's the only thing that stops me everybody's got a story I didn't know this person I don't have the resources they have all the things they don't have but if you're resourceful you can get the money you can get the time you can get the energy you can get anything you want and you got to get over your fear to be resourceful so we do experiences that are so physiologically profound that those fears do not stop you anymore and that's what that's how we get people to get you know 10 years later they're still transform from an experience that was one weekend first of all if you're concerned about covid according to CDC and I have this in my new book the number one you know issue besides age obviously the number one piece is being overweight right or obese that is number one and just L week CNN New York Times for the first time two years later are coming at saying you can reduce your risk if you take care of your body right do you know what number two is according to the CDC fear because when you get fearful it changes your breathing your body temperature your tension in your body all these things can create a trigger of reactions hormones in your body that make you crazy so when I say fear is physical here's what I mean you fear is physical by the way so is courage emotions are physical if you're really scared if you ever been that point where you're like freaked out about something and you can't quite fully swallow or you got that feeling in your gut certainly but courage is also physical that's what you're talking about like it's like I trained myself from a very young age at the number one thing I had to do so I would follow through on the things we're talking about here is I had to have a mind and body that were strong together that every day I was going to do something to strengthen my body even if it was just 10 minutes or 15 minutes something was going to shift me physiologically to do that and so I you know i' get scared or I get frustrated I go on a run I go on a Sprint and I wasn't in shape didn't matter i' push myself beyond what I was comfortable with I go lift weights and I push beyond what I was comfortable with and when you do that everything in your nervous system changes because all of a sudden when You Face something and you push beyond the comfort zone you get stronger and stronger even a little bit each day changes things so think about a courage that's not you're not afraid because there' be no need for courage courage is you're scared lless but you do it anyway yeah and so training your body and you and I both do this right we train intensely because we know this is the resource through which my mind is going to try to make decisions and then the second thing is every day you got to feed your brain your mind because if you don't crap is going in there automatically we all know that right yeah I mean today it's chasing you because we all know the news knows they're not bad people they're good people they're just doing their job their job is make sure they make as much money for their shareholders and they know one formula works and it's pretty obvious these last two years more than ever if it bleeds it leads if it produces fear more people watch it's because we all have a two million year old brain that's always looking for what's wrong what can hurt us but your two milliony old brain is not going to make you happy right you have to take control of that 2 million year old brain and start to direct consciously what you want your life to be so changing your body radically by a workout by a run by a push by whatever you're going to do shifting by feeding your brain every single day and then making sure every day you're taking some form of action towards a compelling future like what am I going to make better if you have nothing to look forward to you're going to be pissed off you're going to be frustr at you're going to be depressed you're going to be overwhelmed and in those emotional states even though you're a smart person and you know lots of things you won't use anything you know so to me the leverage to changing somebody's life is always starting with the human body if I started to speak to you and I spoke more at uh this Tempo and I said yeah I really think people should get their act together and make this their best year ever right I feel terrible in my body now I'm not saying everybody needs to talk fast or loud like me that's my own physiology but kind of trained but everyone has different gears and when you're low gears like you can be in a great relationship somebody you totally love and you're both in a great physical state emotional state everything's great you both get a little love from taking the kids to 20 soccer practices and Casual problems in the business and all that stuff and all of a sudden Same Love doesn't feel like the same love you still love each other but it doesn't come across and if you're both stressed out then it creates problems in the relationship so the most important factor in your life is the ability to manage your mental emotional state is the one thing you have complete control of once you learn how then it becomes just the daily discipline and after it's not even discipline it just becomes Habit to say I'm not going to live in this lousy Pace I'm not going to put up with it I know what to do let me do it let me move forward but that's why you know I do programs and events where I immerse people yeah because you know you and I can talk about this a few minutes kind of Nod your head but if I put you in an experience correct tell people a belief is a poor substitute for an experience you can have a belief about China I take you to China you're going to have an experience it's very different so true so I think human beings need to put themselves more in experiences there a lot of us today especially with Co being stuck at home and doing business from home a lot of people are stuck in their head I tell you get in your head you're dead you'll just go in circles you got to get that body and that energy moving and then your head will start to work as well there's so many ways that we Define ourselves and identity is just the culmination of the Bel beliefs you have about who you are but those beliefs control how you think how you feel what you perceive how you interact with people what you're willing to do not willing to do the most powerful force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we Define ourselves and you know if you think of someone who's having quote an identity crisis what is that they turn a certain age and they quickly question everything they had accepted a belief is something you feel absolutely certain about you don't believe something if you start to question it you produce doubt and so sometimes there are certain stages of life where someone suddenly goes out and has this identity crisis and they buy a sports car or whatever the case may be and they change their hair and they do everything else but what what's really happening is they're trying to redefine thems having defined thems a long time ago and we all have these ways of defining ourselves but let me an example of just how powerful it is so I'll give you a simplistic example I don't know if you ever smoked cigarettes or know someone who did but if you go to someone smokes cigarettes and no longer does and you said to them would you like a cigarette they wouldn't say to you what brand is it what would they say to you no I'm not a smoker I'm not one of those and that's really important because we Define ourselves by what we are and by what we're not and it's not effortful when you're not a smoker it's not effortful if you say I'm a health nut to you know not smoke it's just not part of your world you don't even consider it because that need to stay consistent with how you define yourself self is the basis of a human being's basic personality making decisions now the downside of this of course is you can create a negative identity for yourself you can have an identity that says let's say you've put things off a lot and you know you're about to go do something and then you get fearful everybody has the fear of failure the fear of something of the unknown and the last minute you don't do it and then you say I'm really going to do this and you do it again and again after a while you don't want to disappoint yourself so you might develop a new identity and say I'm a procrastinator well once that who you are that behavior is going to be consistent it is that powerful a control system on how we function as human beings so anything you attach the words I am to over and over again consistency with your language with your emotion and with an emotional intensity you'll eventually become it because it becomes a belief and a belief is self-fulfilling whether you think you can whether you think you can't you're right so I think this subject being able to differentiate between having a certain feeling or act a certain way and being that kind of person is huge you can use this tool when I'm working with somebody I'm looking to create a lasting change I'm looking to help that person shift how they perceive who they are permanently not just what they were doing one of the most uh successful business people I ever met when I was very young was a multi-billionaire and I asked him you know how he became a multi-billionaire and he said to me and I shared it earlier in this week so I don't know if you heard it but he said proximity Is Power you know if you look at uh somebody like Bill Gates you know Bill Gates quit Harvard and he you know didn't have any software for this company called Microsoft or the original company he went to Altera and yet he told him I'm going to go do this but the real secret besides being very bright and persistent was he had Direct relationships at IBM to his parents they on the board of directors and as you connected with apple and started to build a relationship then you had proximity for someone to do it so my my advice to you is number one stop caring about how conservative or unconservative there's some of the greatest different radical types of music has come out of Germany and Austria in the past hard metal crazy stuff so while there is a conservative culture there's a segment that is extremely creative that comes up with things no one else does in your culture and so instead of finding the limitations find the strengths or decide what every great leader does create your own culture right that's what a leader does you know they don't look they don't adapt to the culture you I'm sure you've heard the old phrase that says you know reasonably people people adapt to the culture unreasonable people adapt the culture to themselves that's why all breakthroughs come from unreasonable people I'm paraphrasing that's not the right language but that's the essence of it and so it's like you have to then find within yourself that I have so much passion so much certainty I'm going to build that certainty and instead of getting overwhelmed by all the things you got to do you're to say let me just make sure every day I'm making progress every day I'm going to take a step forward and I'm going to consistently get in proximity with brilliant people that are doing things in the direction of what I want to do if I have to work as a janitor which is what I did in the beginning day and night while I was still in school to get around people I would be a janitor at this place where I wanted to be around this executive and quite honestly I'd read all his his uh memos and things in the middle of the night so I could think about how he thought because I didn't have access like I have today so get yourself in proximity with people who are making things happen and you and if you do a great job at anything you do for them when you work your guts out you'll become a appreciated as you're appreciated you become part of their culture as you come to that culture you'll get new insights and then opportunities will happen and this person by the way told me at one point he said what do you want to accomplish and I gave him some of my dreams and goals and he said well those are big he said how many you know private Equity guys do you know how many people investment bankers do you know and I said no I don't know maybe a dozen he goes how many you spend time with I said none he said I want you to go and spend time with them I said but I don't have something to give I always have to give something I get just my way I'm wired right I don't and I don't know what I really want yet or how to do it cuz it doesn't matter they're going to want to be around you get around them and I did this for months and then suddenly one day sure enough he said they're going to want to do a deal with you and then somebody brought me this deal and the deal at the time you know made me about $40 million in two months when I had never made $4 million in a year working 20 hour days and then that deal fell apart afterwards they wanted me to change the deal and I learned from him when somebody wants to to change the deal don't get pissed think about what you want and I put that in a new deal where I made $400 million two years later so proximity Is Power put yourself in proximity keep your passion alive keep making progress and make sure you're trying to innovate or grow every day in some way face your fears every single day you'll find it'll change your life lifestyle is not about money it's about two things creativity and caring it doesn't take money it just takes a little creativity to think about those you love and think what would light them up it will light you up more than anything else I promise you to surprise them to do beautiful special things little [Music] things and makes people feel important needed loved appreciated what better way to invest than invest in your relationships with those you love and you can't give joy to every everybody else that you love without giving joy to yourself and then there's another kind the other kind is where you invest in those you don't even know not for stars on your chart cuz you know it's right it can be done with such a small amount of money it's not money it's creativity and caring maybe it's animals that are abused maybe it's old folks that people don't pay attention to anymore maybe it's providing one surger for someone who has lost sight and can see again provide water for a family it's a purpose larger than yourself that keeps you going if it's only to meet your own needs you will drop back into your comfort zone but like you know for example you know one of the great things that came out of Co is I've spent most of my life as a vagabond right because I travel all over the Earth so in most years I travel to you know 115 cities and as you know most my seminars are multi-day seminars and I go to 12 to 16 countries you know like Australia three times and so all of a sudden Co hits and I had to adapt I found this way to adapt and now I'm reaching 10 times I'm you my largest seminar is now 900,000 people versus 15,000 I was trying I did one football stadium in 2019 with 38,000 people 40,000 people it was incredible now that's a tiny seminar you know cuz I couldn't put 900,000 people in any Stadium right so all this good comes from that adaptation right figuring out what to do but I think the other part of it is you know during that same time one of the great gifts was I could find a way to be home and still touch people's lives so deeply and do it in a way that was impactful I could see it and feel it and in their home I could see their children I mean it's been amazing and now I do both I do hybrid I got a thousand people in front of me and 197 countries all around me but one of the other benefits was is we'd want to have a daughter and I told my wife I'm not having a kid after 50 I don't want to show up at high school reunion and be 70 years old but now I got I've got a n I've got a 48-year-old daughter and a 9month old daughter to give you an idea I got five kids of my grandads but my daughter like all the things I've ever done from myself biohacking and health and all that stuff like now I'll be 80 at her High School reunion so like I I got to use these things for a different reason and so that doesn't let me get to a certain level and stand there it's like man I you know I got to be 92 to 102 range in order to do that I got to know every tool in the toolbook to turn it around so gave me even more drive and then what comes out of that now is I can help anybody I mean you know this is my new book by the way it's called life force it's coming out February the 8th but you can pre-order it now on Amazon or go to tony.com but the point is it's like I wanted to know every single tool I I got totally obsessed even more than I normally am cuz it's like okay I got a higher purpose I got all my grandkids all my children but now I got my daughter it's like I got to have these tools dealing with the loss of someone you care about is probably the most difficult thing of all I would say maybe uh as a child seeing the level of frustration between my parents you know I had four different fathers and watching them kind of um you know accept whatever life gave them as a it's why a lot of my drive came about is seeing my fathers be bered by my mother who I love dearly um and just watching them break down like you know probably the single most painful event of my life but also shaped me in such a beautiful way was when I was 11 years old we had no money for food and it was Thanksgiving which in America is a you know big holiday feast and so we'd been without food before we'd have crackers and butter and you know we survived but we weren't going to have a Thanksgiving feast and there's knock at the door and I go to the door and there's this giant guy there with groceries in each hand and he had a pot beside him on the ground with a uncooked turkey and I I just like I said uh who are you here for he goes I'd like to speak to your father and my mom and dad were yelling at each other saying things that you can never take back and I'm trying to make make sure my younger brother and sister they're five and seven years younger wouldn't hear any of this and that day changed my life because I thought it was going to be the most exciting Day Dad Dad go to the front what is it I said it's for you you answered no it's for you I remember we open the door and I was just so excited to see my father be happy like we're going to have a feast this is going to be incredible and he got angry and he's like we don't accept charity he went to slam the door and the man's face and the man's foot was there so it bounced off his foot he still open the groceries he's like sir I'm just the delivery guy he said it's it's not charity everybody has a tough time someone bought this and they're sending it to you as a gift and my father said we don't take charity goes to close the door again this time the guy's shoulder was there also so it bounced off again and then I was standing right there and there's this moment I'll never get where the this man looked at my father and he looked at me and he said sir don't let your ego make your family uhh suffer and the veins on my dad's face on on the side of his neck I'll never forget they bull like his face turned red I thought I was going to punch him in the face and then there's this moment my dad's shoulders dropped he took the groceries slammed the door didn't say thank you and stormed off and I always remember thinking like how come he's not happy you know you talk about pain it's like I love my father so much and he there's basically three decisions that I think everybody makes in their life that whether aware of it or not moment to moment I figured this out afterwards because I was so obsessed with what's wrong because he eventually left our family and that was the most painful thing I ever had so it's like feeling like I failed you know I blame myself like why couldn't get through to my father you know I was 11 years old but later on it helped me understand the three decisions are first you got to decide what to focus on every moment of your life there's something grabbing your focus and you don't experience life you experience the part of life you focus on right what's wrong is always available so is what's right right and they're different kinds of focus and my dad's Focus that day was really on what he hadn't done and I know that cuz he kept muttering it you I hadn't taken care of his family there's no funy for Thanksgiving somebody had to give us charity and then the second decision you make about once you focus on something is what does it mean is this the end or the beginning if you think it's the end of a relationship you're going to behave different than it's the beginning right um my dad's meaning was that he was worthless and so then the third decision is what do I do which whatever meaning come up creates the emotions which affects what you do and what he decided to do is leave our family but for me it was like this is amazing I mean you know we have having Thanksgiving you know this is this is incredible we got food what a concept and then the meaning though is what changed my whole life which was wow strangers care that completely changed my life that painful experience I couldn't deny that somebody who wanted no credit delivered this food to my family and so what I decided to do is say someday I'm going to do this for another family so when I was 17 I had two families and it was a euphoric experience I went and jeans and a t-shirt I didn't go like the delivery guy but I wanted to see the face of the people and then next year was four people and then it was eight and literally my thing was doubling I a little company and then I got to a million people a year and I got to four million people a year then I was doing money Master of the game I'm interviewing these billionaires Jay and I'm watching Congress cut food stamps it's now called the snap program by I think it was $6 billion dollar so every family that actually needs food and my family was one of those back then they all have to come up with a week's worth of food out of every month so I was like call my team and I said how many people have I fed in my lifetime I didn't know there was 42 million meals I was like this pretty cool and I was like What if I fed 50 million people like my entire lifetime in one year and I was like what if I did 100 Milli what if I fed a billion people in 10 years so that was 7 years ago we're at 850 million meals right and I'm going to hit the billion earlier than what my promised and targeted and then I've got a sustainable approach but I tell you that because my worst day was my best day MH my the most painful day the day where I felt like I do the least where I felt impotent led me to have new understandings new skills new capacities new drives new Hunger I mean would I really be feeding 100 million people a year 100 million meals a year if I was wellfed as a child probably not you know I'd love to believe I'm such a perfect person but no I'm just I just know what suffering feels like so I don't want anybody else to suffer you know so I think sometimes the suffering experiences of our life if we don't let them crush us we let them drive us they they actually become the best day in your life and taking your worst day and making your best day is a beautiful Target for anybody for my life like help people achieve accomplish everything achieve make it happen and if you ask me I was fulfilled I'd say of course I was and I was I loved it but there's different levels of fulfillment right if you've never smelled a rose and someone's telling you what a rose is like you think you know to experience it so I had this experience in India I go about every two years and there was a friend of mine there who's built this amazing facility and he had like a quarter million people showing up for his event they expected they would have you know I think they had 100,000 people and a quarter million people showed up and then a million two by the next morning and the the guy that was there is a really smart guy and so I had a conversation with his son and he was thanking me for all this work I've done he goes tellon you of all the things you've taught me he said I think maybe the most important thing is all the ways I can change my state I can get unstuck I can I can get myself to follow through he goes it is priceless and he really thanked me and I said well I really appreciate it and more importantly I'm glad you're using it right he goes but I just have one little thing I'd like to ask you because you know you talk about if you're in a peak State you get Peak Performance or if you're in an energy rich State a high energy State you're going to produce differently than a low energy state or a lousy State I said yeah he goes well what if you call those high energy states beautiful States I said that's great because it's not just happiness a beautiful state could be excitement it could be gratitude it could be love it could be kindness it could be warmth it I mean there's a million beautiful States it's any high energy state where no one else to tell you what to do you'll do the right thing so he goes okay I said so we have beautiful States great and then he goes what if we took all those lousy States those low energy states those those types of states what we call those suffering and Ed when he said that probably kind of like what you experienced it like nod at me a little bit I like suffering I don't like suffering I don't suffer but I do have times when I'm frustrated or stressed or overwhelmed so I couldn't deny it so I was like okay yeah those would be suffering States I felt this little trap going on in me and I said why do you say this yes he goes Tony because I think it's the most important distinction you've made but I like to use some other words around it he goes because I've set a spiritual vision for myself so what's that he said my goal is to live in a beautiful state every day no matter what he goes to me that would be the most gorgeous life because you know people have everything and they're miserable they're pissed off they're frustrated and so forth he goes you deal with them all the time I said that is brilliant but I change it slightly for me I'd say life is too short to suffer go to me that's where it starts Life's too short to suffer how could I possibly suffer when I've been able to live this magnificent life it's just the mind if you don't direct this thing it directs you it's like you use the mind or it uses you you use stress or stress uses you and so I said you know okay so how am I going to do that because it's one thing to say it yeah it's not to develop the habits yeah right and when I I found myself like getting on a plane and you know I have my own plane now obviously but the time I used to go to Australia four times a year and I'd fly on quantis and when I moved to Florida it became 20 hours each way like a 40 hour trip for one little visit yeah and I remember getting on the plane and being so stressed and I thought to myself Tony how could you be stressed you're flying in a plane you can fall asleep you can you know it's not my size bed obviously but I'm in first class and I'm very lucky it's like come on what are you what are you whining about in your head and I realized what it was was that they had no internet so now I'm flying for 40 hours and what's happening all my slacks all my emails all my text all it's all growing fortunately I got this resol in my head before I got lucky enough to have my own plane and I remember when I got worked out I got on a plane I flew from here to La I got on the plane LA and the you know Captain comes on and goes uh says Captain stubblebine it's going to be a beautiful flight Sydney and then he said something I never heard before he said today I have a special announcement and it's this we have for the first time in the history of Quantas International internet literally people stood up on the plane and cheered and cl I want to stand up too everybody see me right so I stayed there and CRA in my chair so we all open up our iPads our our phones our everything we got right we're all typing doing our stuff in social media and N9 minutes later what do you think happen it breaks down it crashes when you think it turned on again when you never never and the thing that struck me at and it's changed my life is I looked around me and people were angry they were cursing what the hell's wrong with this Airline they can't get this right blah blah and I looked around I was like this is amazing 9 minutes ago this was a miracle now it's already an expectation gosh and then I realized all the unhappiness comes from all those expectations you can't help have the Mind expect but you can direct it and when you expect something it's not met you get upset yeah and it's like if if the only time I'm happy is when everybody meets my expectations I got 105 companies I got 3,800 employees on four continents what are the chances someone screwing up right now meaning doing something different than I think they should 100% so it's like I need to make it so that other people don't have to behave a certain way for me to be happy tired just think of it this way if you got the greatest computer in the world and you plug it in there's not electricity it's not going to work right well tired is the first step to being depressed for most people and most people are tired not because they're working so hard like oh man I worked so hard today what' you do oh I had meeting after meeting you know I sat in these meetings you know and I talk to people or I make calls or I send emails and they're like I'm exhausted I mean what's happening is we haven't pushed ourselves physiologically for so long that we've gotten weaker and weaker and so we feel tired from doing nothing and so what you learn when you go through a weekend like that is Holy there is a level of energy on command that's available to me that no one you'd never believe but by being in the environment over and over again you learn it's real and you learn to use it and when there's enough energy anything everything else works better your relationship is not going to be great no matter what tools you have if you're tired because you're going to go love you love you you know there's no there's no aliveness right you're not going to grow your business when you're tired so a huge part of what I teach even in Unleash the Power Within ubw by the way for people not V it's called Unleash the Power Within it's a weekend and on the fourth day it's all energy it's all about the things you do with your health and vitality so you sustain that because without that nothing else really matters and there was this man I'll never forget who came and he took half the stuff he gave and he gave it to somebody else and he kept handing out food for everybody else cuz he got into the whole Spirit of you saw his whole again he became some not looking for help you someone who could be giving help it's an identity change all lasting change by the way in your life my life for anybody's is a change in identity anything else is a fight it's like if you ever you know if you once smoked and you don't anymore and I came to you and said would you like a cigarette you're not going to go what brand is it you're going to say I'm not a smoker I'm not one of those identity is the most powerful force that controls the human psyche change your identity change your life expand your identity expand your life shrink your identity shrink your life so I try to get people to do things that change their identity even even silly fun things we do like the firewalk or wood bre things that we do are give someone an experience that after they do it their brain says if I can do this what else can I get myself to do that's the way that I think you create a real lasting change with people what you have to look at today is number one you got to invest in yourself just like we talked about earlier you got to make you more skilled and more powerful and more effective so that you can command more going forward economically so whether there's inflation or not it doesn't affect you and because there's going to be inflation for probably a period of time here we're going to see a tough environment the second thing is to keep feeding your mind and your emotions so that you don't freak out like everybody else then the third thing is you do have to get in the game you know it's like the first thing you should do is stop being a consumer and become an owner I mean you and I both know that's not what most people are if you own an Apple phone and you don't own Apple that's a giant mistake I'm not saying Apple this price or that price it's just over time if you're a consumer you lose the secret to living is giving cuz you're never going to be happy by what you get you'll get it you'll be excited for a while for how long but if you keep giving you'll become something unique that whether other people know it or not you will know who you are people can take away all your things they can't take away who you become as a man or as a woman as a soul so business is a spiritual game how can I do more for others than anybody else how can I do it consistently how can I do it better how can I fall in love with my clients and just overd deliver levels they can't even imagine and develop this beautiful relationship of such Joy it isn't a transaction there are transactions involved but you're not doing it for the transaction you're doing it to make that difference in their business or their life when you're driven by a mission more than yourself you get a level of energy that people just try to take ofs will never have so my heartfelt wish for you my dear friends is remember what business is it's a spiritual game it's about what can you give not what can you give you'll get plenty if you'll give much more than you expect to receive if you do that you'll have more than money you have a life of incredible meaning and your life will be blessed you know I stayed in a relationship for 20 years where I was really not happy I made everybody else happy which was my whole sacrifice thing sacrifice thing and um and the reason I did it was because I grew up with four fathers right I swore I'd never get a divorce so you know you build these ideals I remember there's certain things like I'd rather die than that oh what a stupid thing to say but we develop these beliefs that once they become an ideal they kind of have they possess you and they take you over so you got to be able to question anything and so the answer to your question is yes there's a time to move on there's a time to start something new there's a time to learn the lesson that this business or this relationship or this experience has given you and make a move because otherwise the real test is are you growing like if you're in a relationship you know it's a great relationship if you're constantly wanting to be better for the person you love if you don't really give a [ __ ] what they think that's not a good sign right right I mean it just means there there's not the level of in of intimacy there's not the level of connection you might have been together forever but it's not where it needs to be so it's like telling yourself the truth I think is the hardest thing for people and I think the ideals get in the way of that truth meaning the things you've you know and grandis in your mind to be absolute but I think when it comes to a business bus it's not an easy question when it comes to an investment I don't Investments it's easy I don't move to a new investment till I found a better one I don't just get pulled by the next shiny thing I really look and make sure it's there when it comes to businesses I'm pretty crazy I've stayed in businesses way too long I should have probably gotten out but I did it and then sold it and made a little money it just it was my whole thing that I don't quit so but I think there are times when you have to adapt the business to something new I mean if I was still doing what I was doing two years ago you know on the road doing what I was doing I mean I would do 115 cities on average um usually 12 to 16 countries as on a train of plane helicopter every two to three days and I I don't even and no one would have ever stopped me because they couldn't because there's so much momentum of what I'm doing but if I was doing that right now you know my 250 employees at that company would be all unemployed you know because all around the world they made it illegal to do what I was doing so you have to be able to tell yourself the truth about where you are and also though not give up too easily by saying where's the season of this business okay where's the development like if a business is really young it's a toddler business it's going to burn more cash then it's going to give you back if it's a you know if it's a business that's in that go- go phase that teenage phase you get overconfident grows like crazy and then you don't have the profits at some point when the sales slow down and you got real trouble is it a business that's aging but also I gota look at what's the industry like I'll give an example I have a friend really good guy maybe 44 45 years old Prime of his life Like You Ed really well put together I mean takes care of his body great mind great mindset without giving his personal life away he owns a a very large business in Australia dominates an industry and the industry relates to big box office supplies okay so I had him at one of my business seminars and I'm walking him through these stages just like a human being goes through life stages so does a business just like history right yes and if you know what stage you're in you know you can do the right thing at the wrong time and you don't get rewarded yes plant in the winter you don't get rewarded right buy a house sounds good 2007 maybe not the best time right you know so it's like you got to take a look at where these things fit where where is the where is the real decision- making here that makes this happen so anyway he's got this off supply business and he's young and dynamic so in his life cycle he's in his prime yeah his business is in its prime he's worked for years it's crushing it but where's the industry is that a young business a growing business yeah an aging business there's no question it's an aging business and I said to him I said you got to separate these out because if you're using your brain intelligently you got to sell this business because even though you got a great business the multiple is going to go down every year because the industry is going down yes take those resources and reinvest so again it's looking at things by telling yourself the truth seeing what stage they're in and seeing what stage the world's in you might have the best idea in the world but it's not going to work when everybody shed in their homes perhaps depending on what the product or service is so you have to that to me a breakr is a moment in time it's a moment when the impossible becomes possible and you don't just think about it but you act upon it you know it's like you can have a concept that doesn't create a breakthrough the Breakthrough is when you get to the point where you actually going to do something about it and I ask people all the time I ask your listeners or viewers as well it's like I'm sure you've had a time where you struggle with something right you're going to do something about this relationship but you keep not changing it right you know pulling back or you're going to stop smoking or you're going to go lose those 25 lounds or whatever it is and you start to make progress and then you pull back and you get disappointed and get frustrated but then there's sometimes where finally you hit this threshold you hit this moment where your brain says not in another day not in an hour I'm changing this relationship I'm losing this weight I'm making this happen and people create that breakthrough and it can be happen you know it's a difference between what triggers it versus what makes it possible what triggers it is usually pain or massive inspiration nothing in between does it most people they hit a threshold of pain and say it's like you know I ask people how many of you ever been in a relationship way too long and everybody raises their hand I go why why'd you stay you weren't happy they weren't happy it's just because of the unknown the uncertainties the the idea of change it could be worse you know to be alone but then there's that moment when you finally hit the threshold you go it's been painful in the past it's painful now it's going be painful future I'm going to change it now so the trigger that finally made that happen I'd ask your audience if they think of something where they finally broke through what was the trigger usually that moment that day you hit a threshold of I can't take anymore I'm changing or something inspired you you saw some was possibly if they can do it I can do it as well but that's what makes it possible what makes it last is a change in your emotions or a change in your belief system or a new strategy right you and I both know because you're both strategists the right strategy hell you can consume a book and remember more of it in 30 or 45 minutes than you did when you used to spend 10 days on the damn book right you know it's the right strategy but you're not going to find the strategy until it's a must for you not a should you know what I mean or it's that change in belief it's like okay I've put up with this crap long enough I'm better than this there's something more in me that you finally finding yourself or you finally get pissed off enough or you get excited enough to make that real change and so what I've studied is I like to take complex things and make them simple because I found that you know the more you know when I was really young I tried to make things more complex I think to try to convince myself how smart I was or other people I don't know what but it's stupid cuz complexity is the enemy of execution and the only way your life changes or your business changes is execution so it's like how do you make it simple and I started looking at all these you know I've been doing this this my 45th year doing this I started when I was two of course and and I started seeing these patterns all over the world working with a greatest people on Earth athletes business people the most challenged people in prisons like what are the common denominators in all these cultures and I began to see there's three things you need for a breakthrough but most of us do them in reverse order so we don't get the Breakthrough the number one thing most people do when they want to have a breakthrough they don't they want to change their body want to change their Finance they look for a strap which makes common sense that's what I used to do but the problem is strategy could be the problem and maybe you need a better strategy but that's not usually the real problem right like for example 34 of America is overweight or obese if we're the fattest humans in the history of the world we all know covid other than age the number one risk factor is obesity that's number one and yet very few people do anything about it and why is that is it because you know the strategy for being fit and strong is so complex or only the 1% know it or it costs a fortune to do it no you have to be fighting not to see all the strategies to make your body physically better they're around you everywhere so it's you could have the wrong strategy like I remember years ago on the cover of Time Magazine they had the Atkins diet and they said you know I think it was 15% of Americans were doing it well if you got to pee on a stick so you don't get too acidic and your breath is that bad it's pretty obvious that's not sustainable so sometimes it's a strategy problem but when you work for the how first and you've never figured it out your emotions get in the way it's the wrong sequence it's like the dog bit Johnny Johnny bit the dog same words different experience of your Johnny so strategy naturally is where people go but rarely do they change with that what the real problem usually is the story they've developed and a story is just a code for all the things you told yourself over and over over again till you believe them right there's an old language pattern that says tell Li big enough loud enough long enough sooner or later people believe it that was Hitler said that and so most of us are Hitler in our own mind so it's not that they can't you know what what do people say how come I can't lose BL I can't lose weight because you know I've tried everything no if you tried everything you'd be fit right they didn't try everything I've tried millions of things really name them well I've tried hundreds to name them and then they'll tell you three stupid things that don't work that they did over and over again right so it's the story I I I don't have a relationship cuz all the good ones are gone or they're gay and I'm not or I'm gay and they're not or whatever the story is the story is what'll keep you like I'm sure you know Jim you've have so many great strategies you share with people haven't you had times when you give someone an answer right there in front of them and they just can't even see it right they don't believe it cuz the story is literally blinding them in Psychology we call a skuta a blind spot but then there's one level deeper than even the story and that's your state the mental emotional physical state you're in because when you're in a low mental emotional physical state you can have all the brain capacity in the world but you're not going to use it and so when you're in a lousy State you come up with a lousy story and then no strategy works it doesn't matter what it is if I don't know if you've ever noticed if you ever gotten really angry at somebody and then suddenly you remember all the ways they've ever screwed you over you've been upset with them right but but on the other hand you fall in love and what's wrong with life nothing I have no money it doesn't matter we're in love it's all wonderful right so the sequence in which we do things accelerates or decelerates or stops progress when it comes to a breakthrough and what I found is change the state first if you like we can you and I can talk and give people a million strategies but if I'm sitting here at home in this state and I'm just listening like this and nodding like this yeah that makes nothing's going to happen so the Reon reason that I've done events over my lifetime and the reason why I do immersion events you know know 10 12 14 hours a day you learn a little bit at a time like language you don't remember the language a few years later but I drop you in Rome and say you got no teacher and you got 60 days I'll be picking you up I'll pick you up 60 days an hour you're going to be speaking Italian right especially if I put you maybe with some passionate people who are really going for it in their life you're going to have a whole different state about you you're going to develop a new story and you're going to figure out the strategy so I think the the challenge for most people especially with covid is we've all had our state dropped people have been isolated they've been pushed at home they've had expectations that have fallen away like I remember a year ago a lot of people are like all right we got vaccines now it's a new year it's going to be a brand new thing you know 2021 now this year you talk about people don't even have any goals or anything because they've gone into learned helplessness because they've been disappointed so many times they start thinking the problem is forever no problem is forever no war is forever no pandemic is forever your your mind is weak now and it's gotten weak habits and you're in a lowered state so you start to believe that and so it's like you got to change people's State first then you got to give them the story that can help them then you give them the strategies that work and there even if you don't give them the strategy they'll figure out their own strategy you're a perfect example of that right you figured it out because you got yourself to the point where it's like I've got to turn this around and then you have something that you can give and that expands your life as you've experienced Jim uh right now you know out of covid so many people have been shut down in terrible place and you know I'm sure you've seen that drug overdoses are the largest they've ever been in history was over 100,000 people last year suicides one out of four kids under the age of 30 according to the CDC whether they're accur or not I don't know have considered suicide sometime in the last two years because we all need a compelling future we need to look something to look forward to so Stanford came to me and the their genetics lab has been doing research on depression and what they found was that on by doing meta studies is only 40% of the people who go in for therapy who they get drugs and therapy together usually only 40% make any Improvement 60% don't improve at all that's not a lot more than what you can get on some placebos MH and so uh they approached me and said a couple of people went through one of your programs one was clinically depressed they're not anymore but we don't have any science on this would you be one of us do a science test I said sure So they came out to this state with Destiny seminar I do which helps people to change their values and belief structures I don't tell them what they need to be but they figure out what it needs to be and it changes the way you perceive life the way you experience life how you feel what you do it's a rewiring of your model of the world basically in six days and so they said we're going to model this after the greatest breakthrough they found in science that no one able to follow up on they about two years ago John's Hopkins did a study on depression and they gave people psilocybin right which comes from magic mushrooms and they did therapy for 30 days and at the end of it 53% of the people were depression free 30 days later never happened like when we say 40% are helped the average amount of help is 50% less depressed right that's what the average is some people completely turn around some people don't all in this one 53% of the people so it's four times the result of any drug that ever been done but unfortunately Soul C's not legal so they're still working on that and they said we're going to copy that exact study and we're going to have a a group that they compared to which is didn't go to the seminar the comparison group is going to do gratitude journaling and so forth because positive psychology talks about that and they said that's probably what this seminar does is just positive thinking well the cool thing was when they came out the results were so amazing at Stanford that they went and had two new additional double blind people do the research because it just seemed so ridiculous at the end of oh the first week 63% of people had no had no depression symptoms at the end of 6 weeks it increased Due Time 100% of the people had no no depression symptoms 19% of the people had uh suicidal ideation zero had suicidal ideation it blows away any study it just came out it's coming out next week in the psychiatric Journal which is Journal amical medic Association psychiatric Journal are the two top journals in the field they can't even believe it so they're going to do more and there the the actual scientific article says this is more powerful than any drug therapy or any forms of normal therapy combined and what are we doing we're getting people to change basically those three questions to some extent because your values control what you focus on if you're security driven and you're here down in my basement right now you're like where where's the exit right you came down a slide like how do I get out of here right if you're Adventure driven you don't care you don't even know where it is so your focus is controlled by your values and your belief systems right the meaning of things is controlled by your belief systems so those three decision-making things you know what I'm going to focus on what does it mean what I'm going to do shift and one good example this Jay is maybe your audience can relate to this if we just took three patterns so let's say Focus most people have a focus either on what they have or what's missing we both we all do both but what do you think most people focus on more often what they have or what's missing what's missing that's right now even Achievers do that like it's not like somebody who's not successful it's one of the reasons you see these Achievers that no matter what they do it's never enough because think about it if you're always focusing what's missing from your life how can you sustain happiness it's software that will not allow that you'll feel happy for a little moment then you notice it's missing again um what do you think's more often people focus on what they can control or can't control well they can't control yeah in my seminars it's can control that's why they go I want to learn how to take control of my body or my finances or my business whatever it is so it's the opposite but the average person it's what they can't control and with covid there's so much you can't control around you that people really sunk in that well how's someone going to feel just everyone think about it if you're constantly focused on what's missing from your life and what you can't control and then I'll add one more do you focus more on the past the present or the future we all do all three but we tend to have one we focus more on where do you think more people focus past that's right and Achievers focus on the future and happy people on the present I think most people who are driven have drive already it's really about directing that drive it's really about strategy um but I do believe in passion I do believe in energy because without high levels energy you don't do anything anything um but most of my focus is really how increase the quality of life for people and I've basically spent my life studying who are the most successful people on Earth in various areas your body your emotion your relationship your finances you know your business and I've tried to apply those things to myself first to prove they work to me and then I've been able to take them to tens of millions and hundreds of millions of people through events and programs and I love to do it in a way that actually creates change you know Harvard did a excuse me Stanford did a study they came to me during Co because as you know uh you know people of depression shot through the roof as people were shut down we've had the largest number of people overdose on drugs in our entire history of the country and you know if you go traditionally to deal with depression how do you do it well you maybe go to a therapist and they work very hard to help you and more than likely they give you a medication and you know Across The Meta studies they explained for me at Stanford that only about 40% of people actually are helped 60% after a year have not improved at all the 40% that do improve if you go across all the meta studies their average Improvement is about 50% they're half as depressed as they were now some people are totally cured and some people not at all of course but it's pretty pathetic when you think about it because placebos can almost have that impact and so they came to me and they said you know Tony they some of the people from the Stanford genetics lab actually attended My Date With Destiny seminar it's a Six-Day total imersion program where you basically find how your brain creates meaning how you value things how how to shift that and they were radically shifted one was very depressed so they said there's no real data would you be aing to do a study on how using no drugs what kind of impact we could find so they took a group of people and they they did a a group they modeled the the most successful study ever Dan was done recently two years ago I think it was at John Hopkins they used psilocybin which is basically magic mushrooms and and therapy for a month and they produced result unlike anything you've ever seen 53% of the people after 30 days were no longer no symptoms whatsoever being depressed which it's like four times more than you would normally see and so um but unfortunately it's an illegal drug and they're still trying to figure out how to utilize it so they wanted to use this event so they put one group and they mirrored them they had a group do positive journaling from Stanford and they end the group that went through the seminar and about 177% had um tic um focus on suicide the rest were depressed clinically depressed and after 30 days this is the part they couldn't believe they literally uh double blinded this twice by two other organizations CU they just couldn't believe it 100% of the people were absolutely free of any symptoms and none of them tic Suicidal Thoughts at the end of 30 days then they did a study following people 11 months later from the general population who went to one of my programs digitally for four days just a weekends called Al the power then and they found 70% reduction in negative emotions 52% increase in positive emotions 48% drop in anxiety but 11 months later they still had the same numbers and it was still Co that's why they 11 versus 12 months so there are tools out there that can make a difference and so to think that's motivation certainly knowing what drives you is important if you're overweight what drives you is food right you know let's be honest everyone's driven the question is about what are you driven to relax are you driven to change the world are you driven to get healthy and so my focus has really been finding those strategies and I'm really excited I've been doing this for this is my you know 45th year doing this I started when I was 17 believe it or not I'm 62 and I've seen just about than you can imagine in 195 countries working with people and you discover that it's just patterns like you have extraordinary patterns not blowing smoke you and I are good friends but I was blown away by you as a man not only as a leader but as a human being why is it that we often wait to experience pain before we decide to change a part of our Lives make a different choice to create a shift why is it that we wait so often for stress and pressure I had that question was burning in me cuz you know I was traveling around have the privilege of this stage of life you know traveling around the earth working with people from every Walk of Life right 100 plus countries I've worked in and I'd see the same problems even though You' me in different cultures like you know go to an Asian culture it's not about the individual it's about the group right but I'd still see the same problems and then I got obsessed with it like okay what what's the common Human Experience because I'm seeing the same problems even though it's a different culture even though it's different beliefs right and I began to realize that there are certain human needs and there were six that I identified that I've used ever since and it's helped me understand and so one of those needs needs a certainty and it's the base human need certainty that you can avoid pain and that you can be comfortable is the most basic need it's a survival need because if you have continuous pain that's continuous damage continuous damage equals Death right but what happens for people is most people that first basic need is where they live they don't grow another need the second need is uncertainty because ironically if you're certain all the time you're bored out of your mind if you're completely uncertain you're kind of freaked out and a balance is not it it's the ability to use both enter both worlds and then there's the need for significance which is a big part of our culture today thanks to social media um that need to feel special unique important right it can be very positive emotion or need it can be very negative depending upon how it's used how it's directed and then there's the need for connection and love which everybody has and those four needs everybody finds a way to meet if if you have to lie to yourself work 20 hour days you're going to find certainty somehow you're going to find variety you're going to find some form of significance some people do it by tearing other people down some people do it by working harder you know it's different you're going to find some level of at least connection if not love but the final two what make people feel alive which is growing everything in the universe grows or dies and contributing everything in the universe contributes or it's eventually eliminated by Evolution so those are the spiritual needs growth and contribution where you get Beyond yourself and I think that the majority of us don't take moves because of fear and fear is just uncertainty it's that base need if when I go around and I describe this in more detail and I work with a big audience 15 20,000 people and I'll say how do a set of exercises and them figure out where do they get what triggers them to be certain or uncertain what triggers them to have variety and so forth so they understand that like everything I do is to meet these needs but then I get them to say what are your top two not what you think they should be not what you want them to be what are they and 90% of the people in our culture are certainty and significance are significance and certainty even though they really want love so they have this route like if I can be successful enough then I'll be worthy of it or if I can just control it enough and know it's that way but you can't control love right right and so most people are they're trying to meet their needs in a kind of a backwards way and I think that that fear that uncertainty is what keeps most people from growing until they get enough pain and then that pushes them through a threshold where their needs aren't being met they got to change and unfortunately most people wait till they have enough pain now I that's not my preference your happiness will never last as long as it's got expectation behind it don't get me wrong I have businesses I run them we manage them but I know that people are going to screw up or my idea screw up is different than I think they should be and sometimes their screw up will turn into something even better right I got to give it room so what I did was I began to realize I made the decision it's the most important decision I believe of your life that I'm not going to suffer anymore Life's too short to suffer and I'm going to live in a beautiful state every day and the way I do it is I catch myself and I start to get that sense of stress I let it go and I see the ID go by so your thoughts thoughts about this person messing up your business or not falling through if I was in a room with 10,000 people I guarantee you 60 70% of the business owners have the same thoughts at times right I ask people all the time tell me your most stressful thought oh I'm worried about my children this may happen how many of you have had that thought everybody uh I might not make it financially love how many you had that everybody my point is it's not your thought it's the mind not your mind when you think it's your mind you identify with it and it's you can't separate from yourself right but when you realize these thoughts been around for millions of years and I'm just thinking the same thought that so many people thought before like how many people have ever thought I'm going to kill the son of a now you didn't do it you didn't believe you're really going to kill them but you felt it you said it you were there right so we all have thoughts it's only the stressful thoughts we believe that mess us up so what I try to show people is if you can start to realize these thoughts have been around for millions of years if I told you a million you know thousand hundred years ago that we're going to go to the moon and back you called me a lunatic or crazy if I said 100 years ago you're going to have a little box like this it'll fit in your pocket and you can click on it and you can see what the weather is any place you can click on it and see a live person on the other side of the earth and talk to them by looking this box and the way it works is invisible waves are traveling around the earth and it pulls invisible waves in the Box you go like read between the lines there's no way you dumb idiot it's never going to happen so what I want you to realize is thoughts are invisible waves when you turn on a TV it takes invisible wave and depending on the channel you're going to see a love story or an adventure or a drama or a comedy or horror the way you use your body determines which of those thought waves come through you one moment you're pissed off the next moment somebody makes you laugh you change your body you change the channel you change what comes through you so what I've tried to do in this area beautiful state is simple yeah first identify where you're suffering what's your favorite flavor are you a worrier are you a pissed off person stressed angry is that you do second of all decide you're going to kill that monster while it's little you're not going to wait till it's Godzilla taking the city you're going to break the pattern you start to feel the stress you see it as thoughts going by and then you focus on something to appreciate andjoy or love appreciation love and joy destroy suffering you can't be grateful and angry simultaneously it's possible you can't be worried and fearful and and grateful simultaneously so I tell people gratitude is one of the emotions to cultivate that'll destroy the suffering that's what we teach people to do where focus goes energy flows most people are focused on what they're afraid of and so more fear comes their way and it's easy because we all have a two million year old brain that's designed to look for what's wrong to protect so we protect ourselves to fight it or to run for it or to freeze right that's the way our old brain is wired it's a two million year old brain but that brain's never going to make you happy you have to learn to take control of your focus and if you focus on oh my God it's never going to work or you listen to somebody who tells you oh you know CO's going to be here forever we're never going to have any freedom again and you focus on that you can get really depressed as most people have we've had 100,000 people overdosed on drugs we have more depression and more people in a suicidal mode than we've ever seen in the last two years because people need a compelling future you can deal with a tough today if you got a compelling tomorrow and so what I help people do is design that but once you change your focus you'll change how you feel focus and feeling go together I just hate to see people limit I hate to see people suffering suffering I suffered enough myself I don't want anybody else to suffer and I I'm lit up by being able to see people readly take control of their life and we can't control everything obviously there are things beyond our control but there's so much within our control that people give up because they're afraid or they don't want to fail or they're just pissed off or frustrated overwhelmed or stressed and so uh what I've managed to do is to take fundamental principles that can change the way you think and the way you feel and the way you behave your finances your body your emotions your relationships I've been obsessed for principles that can make that happen but I'm pretty good at creating an environment where I create a community very quickly where 10 20 30 40 50,000 people in in a room for 3 or 4 days with me you know people who wouldn't sit for a three-hour movie because you know someone spent $300 million on it and you've been there I have 15 20,000 people there for 50 hours in a weekend and nobody leaves they can vote with their feet and they get their money back anytime they want they don't it's a stadium full of people who become alive in their different religions different backgrounds different belief systems different sexual preferences different political views and yet we come together for a high are good and to me that's the most extraordinary experience but there's an energy to it also because ideas when people say knowledge is power it's it's a lie knowledge is not power it's potential power you know execution trumps knowledge every day of the week and my job is to get people execute when you get people execut they get momentum and when they get momentum it's self-fulfilling right okay I know who I am now I know what I'm capable of and you tend to go to higher and higher levels of contribution of impact and success I looked for who are the people producing the greatest results not who can talk a good game who's producing the result a lot of people can talk about it it's interesting I'm a results guy and I believe in modeling my original teacher was a man named Jim ran you've probably heard of and he used to always say success leaves Clues if you want something make it a study immerse yourself so when I wrote money Master the game I said okay I've been coaching Paul tutor Jones one of the top 10 Traders for 25 years I know more than most people ever know in a lifetime but I want to know it all so I'm going to interview 50 of the smartest Financial people on Earth Ray do icon i Warren Buffett I want to interview people that started with nothing and became multi-billionaires and they're all different but my whole belief is you look for there's like three skill sets that we all should have if we're great and you're really good at these gy I'm not throwing smoke your way it's just the truth what's made you great what makes me great what made you know what made you know everything take off for any type of business or life is understanding pattern recognition if you understand pattern recognition you know what to do with Finance if you understand pattern recognition you know what do in business if you're great at pattern recognition with music you can do an amazing job if you're good at pattern recognition with dancing you can move your body in ways most people never dream of the people that become Masters at pattern recognition but then pattern utilization they recognize the pattern but then they use it those are the people that have extraordinary lives and then there is one third level and that is pattern creation where you literally start you played other people's music so much and now you know enough that now you're able to create your way of doing things I think those three skill sets are there so my process is who's the best in the world on Earth and how to get access to them and at this stage of my life that's not that difficult to do but even with the money book I knew some of them but then I'd say listen I I get four or five people I knew to were to refer me and I'd say give me 30 minutes my average interview was three and a half hours I remember Jack ble who's now passed away who created Vanguard saying I invited Tony Robbins into my house for 30 minutes and three and a half year hours later I had the most probing interview of my entire their career um because you know I'm pulling those tools out and once they saw the level I was playing the game at then they wanted to help and that's you know now Ray Doo is a good friend of mine so the people I have access to that I can pitch and catch with because I immerse myself and because I learned from all the people around them it gave me a greater base so that's what I chew with anything but then I try to take that complexity like Finance with all these people and all the different approaches some are macro Traders you know some are value Traders Etc and say what are the common denominators how do I simplify that so we can actually use it so you can follow through and that's my process it's one of things I'm behind I have about a dozen really important things to me feeding people's most important to me providing fresh water I do that in India for quarter a million people a day personally I'm going to get that to a million people the next few years about infrastructure uh freeing you know boys and girls women or about 80% of them I mean there's a new child abducted every 30 seconds there's 6 million people in slavery around the world children in slavery sexual slavery uh We've saved about 3,800 just in the last couple of years I've gone on the operations myself undercover and but what I work with Underground Railroad because they're former Seal Team 6 CIA FBI and we teach the local government what to do to capture these people so it's not just all save some kids right now but showing them what to do for the future um but I'm also you know I'm involved with so many different things and my answer is if I think it's it's core to humanity then I'm interested food is air is you know I've planted 10 million trees in the last year and a half you know I'm fortunately have my own private jet but I'm conscious of that so it's like how many trees does my whole lifestyle take it's about 3,000 trees I said I don't plant you know 10 million I said screw it I plant 100 million so I planted 10 million already I'm on course to do the 100 million just like feeding a billion people so it's it's the things that matter that's what gotes me but I do things spontaneously I was in San Francisco and I read in the newspaper that while I'm there there to see Mark Ben off and I see that the the the toughest part of San Francisco is called the tenderloin district and there's these nuns there that feed the poorest of the poor and they're being evicted and you know it's the richest one of the richest cities in the world more billionaires there Tech billionaires than anyone no one's doing anything so I just I went over knocked on the door introduced myself found out who the person was who was you evicting him called him up and said look I'm a I'm an owner too you have the right to evict anybody but you really want to be the hatest man hated his man in San Francisco I said why don't you let him stay nine months I'll get him out within nine months I'll pay you the additional rent and I did and then you know the nuns like they're looking for a place to lease and all of a sudden I get a call from the realt TR because they're looking for a place to buy and I called the nuns and said you know some money I don't know about the God will provide as they stare at me so I bought him I bought him a place there you know and then and my friend Mark Benny off and bought them a home just to live in so you know I I do things spontaneously I love those things as well but I mean Life The Secret of living is giving I know that sounds corny but I a tough time in my life I remember I was driving on the street in this 1968 Volkswagen I was working so hard and I was so frustrated things weren't going the way I thought they should and I was like what's wrong and then I pulled over the side and I still have today this written Journal WR the secret deliv giving is giving I started to cry cuz I lost the giving mode I was just I got into the business mode and to me like I said business is a spiritual game if you're focused on giving if you're doing more for your client or customer anybody else you will dominate doesn't matter what industry you're in and that's what I've been able to do with you know my 50 plus companies it really comes down to anyone can learn anything if it's important enough to you what makes it important to me is not just my own life it's like if I have a problem my shoulder my neck whatever and I can solve it I know that there are millions of other people can be helped by it so it's like my drive is not just for me that wouldn't be enough cuz it's easy to meet your own needs it's not that difficult but if you can find something that you care about more than yourself your daughter your son your family your business your mission your community whatever it is that's really the secret to energy and vitality and strength and really learning and I think the other thing is um complexity is the enemy of execution and one of the things I want to do with people during this challenge is take things that seem so complex and make so simple so you do it if you have a business and you got this huge complex plan you hired a giant consulting firm they put it all together it never gets implemented you know it you've been in your companies why because they make it so complex and it's somebody else's plan what I really want to do for people at this challenge is get it really simple things you can do right now to change your life you can go to experience it that day and then you get momentum day one day two day three day four and all of a sudden now what used to be hard to do is easy to do and I think for anyone you got to understand anyone can learn anything if you can just break it down to its simple core and that's what I try to do most I start with the mind and emotions and uh to me that's not I don't tell people to believe uh spiritually or religiously but I believe prayer is a very useful thing reminding yourself you're not the center of the universe and asking for guidance and help and other things do that I I personally believe that but not everybody does and I don't tell people they have to but it starts there but there's also when you have a spiritual side of your life there's a lot less anxiety because you believe there's something greater than yourself and then you do your part like you said I use I use a similar metaphor when I say it's you know trus in God and tie up your camels you thing right but uh what what most people don't know is the power of their mind so there's an entire last two chapters of the book if no one that reads anything else they say please read those two chapters because if you do everything physically well and you don't manage your mind and emotions you'll get sick that's really the essence of it I I used to have all these fancy things but it's like today I just I just want to help if I can be helpful to somebody it gives me tremendous Joy I might my my hats say you know be a blessing and you're blessed right that's what these little hats are I I don't have a non-religious symbol like a lucky symbol but it's amazing how lucky you get when you're working hard to be a blessing and you know it's amazing what happens for people so um my life is already so blessed and and whatever happens when I'm gone is gone but while I'm here I want to live fully and I want to touch as many lives and help as many people as I can and keep growing myself when I was growing up I grew up very poor and I'm the oldest of three and I had to do all the shopping all the grocery shopping on my bicycle come home make the meal and I was happy with all that but then right when you want wanted to be done with your work and go watch sports or do something great I had to wash the dishes so I swore someday I will never do the labor washing dishes I will afford a dishwasher I will find some way to not have to do dishes I tell you this a background because when I told him I couldn't be a Furniture mover he looks down and goes oh only one other job left dishwashing now dishwashing in India is a different labor than you might picture in your kitchen you're in this ashram and I report and there's these Nook solids and yogurts on the floor and you're standing in your bare feet and you're taking these filthy dishes coming across and it's 4 hours a day for six or seven days I'm telling you I was so angry I was so mad I was mad at myself that I was there I was mad I was and I was washing these dishes and upset and plus I was a vegan and you know I didn't like the fact there was milk on the floor I was judgmental about everything in the middle of all this stuff after about an hour of being angry I got tired of being angry and some part of me kicked in and goes damn whatever you do you're the best at it why don't you be the best damn dishwasher so I start washing these dishes with a frenzy I'm like come on guys speed this thing up and something magical happened the thing that I thought was most disgusting and filled with labor and work became play and I started to laugh at myself and I thought what an ego jerk you are to think that you're below washing some dishes and then I got beyond my ego and jerk into why not just enjoy whatever you do and then when you do all of a sudden it's not work anymore and that was my great spiritual breakthrough I eventually did meet with his Guru and try to straighten him out but um he didn't think very much of an 18-year-old kid straighten him out he laughed quite a bit he did talk to my partners and said I think you guys should just you know keep teaching what you're teaching and Fit for Life went on to be one of the most successful books in history uh but I can't claim credit for that I was a part of that little piece but I will tell you that if you can get over what if you can get yourself to love to do the stuff you hate to do then there's no limit to the success you can have in your life if you can take the things that you're afraid you'd have to do to succeed in your business or to succeed in your life or uh to succeed in your relationship there are things everybody doesn't want to do and the more focused you are on how you're not going to do that the more life seems to bring those things up for you and makes them barriers and that's why you're successful all successful people tend to focus on the future all people that are overwhelmed tend to focus on the past because you can't change it but so you say the past is past so let it go right so imagine just for a second somebody's home they were they're a strong smart person but they're not feeling strong and smart because they've been sedentary they're not using their body and when you don't use your body you don't have that kind of energy I don't care who you are right you're constantly hearing fear coming at you from all the news that's around there and so people tend to focus on What's Missing what they can't control and they think about the past and will the future ever be like that but none of these patterns are going to help you but you can change all three you can train yourselves to focus on what you're grateful for what you have and you can always build on success that's what creates momentum you can train yourself to be able to say Okay if that was missing that's no problem with it here's how I'm going to go after it here's how I I can find the answer if I don't have the answer and you can train yourself to enjoy this moment while you're building your future so those three decisions alone I could give you a dozen but I'll give you an example I ask people sometimes in seminars and I've got you know 15,000 30,000 people in a stadium and I'll say how many of you know someone who takes antidepressants and they're still depressed and 90% of the people raiseed their hand all over the world and so how could you take anpress and still be depressed well because all they do is numb you in fact on the side of the box it says can create Suicidal Thoughts so numbing you doesn't deal with a problem as long as you're constantly focusing on what you don't have or is missing as long as you're focus on what you can't control you're going to find yourself not having what you want so it's not that difficult but what people need is they need to shake it up you can't do these things just being in your head sitting here at home in your head because there's not enough energy the one factor that changes anybody's life is energy and that's so that's why I've done my Live Events and that's why I started doing digital events I didn't want to do like a webinar I wanted to do something was a true event that's why I built a stadium 20 foot high LED screens I created Total interact ability so we have people from 195 countries participating in real time able to talk to them connect with them like they are live event bring them up large have the impact so I didn't let you know Co stop me from being able to help and serve people because people need a new environment We All Need A New Perspective without it you're just going to keep doing the same old stuff and if you want 2022 to be different than 2021 or 2020 it's not going to come by hoping it's kind of like coming up with a vision coming up with a plan building a few skills so that you stay strong no matter what they do in the external environment momentum is everything right the hardest part in life is creating momentum so when that all happened you know I have built something of momentum over you know 40 years literally at that point around the world and you know what do you do all of a sudden when you know suddenly they say you can't do an event with more than 10 people and you've got 15,000 people scheduled to take over the stadium and you know you know what I did I went we're going to Vegas they're never going to shut down Vegas right but then they shut down Vegas I was like I know I'm going to rent a church a mega church from a buddy of mine in Houston 15,000 people they're not going to keep Costco open and shut down the church they kept Costco open and shut down the church so I got to the point where like what do you do and when you think there's nothing you can do that's when you can do something when you think I don't know what to do that's when you know what to do if you just push yourself and so I was like I pulled my team together I saw a guy do like a webinar with 2 52 in screens and I said I'll kill myself first I said I got to create an experience for people they need it desperately wherever they are in the world so literally I pulled out a tape recorders like okay here's what we're going to do we're going to do 20 foot high LED screens 50 ft wide highest resolution in the world 67 you know 50° 180° around me around the back I'm going to call my buddy Eric ywn and I'm going to see if Zoom we can expand him from the little thousand to 20,000 or 30,000 I'm going to hire a firm to create an app so they can shake it so it sends a signal and you can hear reality of people clapping because the more shake it the louder it gets and I I just started creting the whole thing in an hour there so when I was done my my CFO says uh Tony um you know after you saw all the numbers he was over 20 million bucks by the time we're done she's like Tony um should we rent some of this first and said to him I said listen of all first of all you can't I said go do your best not what I'm looking for I said second of all this is going to be this way for a while yeah and we're going to use this to help more people and then you know when things go back to normal we get to go do that too I just did a date of Destiny where I had you know uh 10,000 people from 97 countries and then I had 500 people in front of me because I built a studio so that there's 40 foot high ceiling so I could literally lift the 20ft screen and so now I have a hybrid event people don't want to come personally I'm there people people that want to be in the middle of the night in some other country are able to participate but all that comes from just taking action and momentum if you build momentum you can accomplish anything you've seen it in sports you see a team that's dominating and then somebody steals the ball and the momentum changes yeah your job right now is to create momentum and that that's why I'm building this challenge is basically to say to you let's do a breakthrough for you right now so you know it's real let's get you get a real result let's get you to shift yourself physically and mentally and emotionally so you can build that momentum because it takes so much energy to rock it out of the atmosphere takes very little to take it out of the solar system so that momentum I think is critical so if you're feeling sad or frustrated Co you don't know what's happening in the future and you're uncertain and go like oh what do I want I don't know because your mental emotional state is the single most important ingredient to not only success but fulfillment and most of us do not know how to manage it when I say manage it I'm really talking about your mind and your emotions right those are the two things that if you can Master those because most people try to Master the outside world and you can't control the outside world you can influence it but the one thing you can control is how you use your mind what you do with your emotions and if you think about the quality of your life you know again look at people who supposedly have everything and they're miserable I get those phone calls from the people that are so quote famous the great actors the great musicians they won the Academy Award They just won the gold medal and they're literally depressed and the reason is because they thought getting something would eventually make them feel a certain way and it does for this long and then you're off to the next thing and then well when you work so hard for something forever like that it's not there so what I really like people to understand is that the quality of your life is the quality of your emotions if you have a billion dollars and every day your habitual emotions are feeling frustrated and stressed and overwhelmed your life is called frustrated stressed and overwhelmed if you have three beautiful children and a great husband or a wife or boyfriend or girlfriend and every day you worry your life is not love your life is worry doesn't doesn't matter how you have this beautiful family so think of it emotions control the quality of our life and we have habitual emotions that's why you'll see people who you know they're always angry about something I'm sure you know somebody like that or they're always worried about something if they're not worried about somebody they know they worry about something they don't even know right or you know some people that are you know think they're funny and they're not but they have a good time you know who do you want to hang out with so learning how to direct your emotions and emotions create everything everything you want in your quote unquote success will be driven by having certain drives of emotion and you know think about it emotions create Wars emotions create peace eventually emotions are what you get you in a relationship emotions how we all got here you know if somebody had sex and that was driven by emotion so we are incredibly emotionally unfit today you know we're fearful about everything it's nobody's fault it's just culturally we've been conditioned to get everything instantly by having it in our fingertips in our phone or our iPad or our computer whatever the case may be and so now when people don't get what they want immediately I'm sure you've seen somebody standing on the street corner and they're banging on their phone like give it a minute it's going to a satellite and back you know people today have zero patience and then that messes up the next part that's really your life quality of life is quality of your emotions but your emotions are magnified by the quality of your relationships if you have terrible relationships it's going to be hard to stay in a great emotional state and so what I try to teach people is what do you do to take control of your mind and emotions and fundamentally the most basic thing you got to do especially at a time like Co is you got to every day have a couple of simple practices one of those is every day you got to feed your mind and when I say feed your mind I mean consciously seek out something that's going to give you new insight new inspiration new way of looking things because otherwise today the news follows you right it's in your pocket in the news people are good people but they're doing their job what's their job make as much profit as possible how do you get the most profit get the most people to watch I get the most people to watch Fear if it you know if it if it bleeds it leads is the phrase they use in journalism right and we've seen so much fear built up now that most people have lost their faith and you can't lose it fortunately it's just a muscle that needs to be regained but you have to fill your mind you have to pursue it great ideas are not going to interrupt you they have to be pursued and the good news is today if you get away from just the traditional news you can do go to podcasts like boss babes you can go to different locations you can get another perspective and you can feed your mind but if you don't feed your mind my original teacher was a guy named Jim Ron and he used to say Tony I got a question for it he said what if your worst enemy puts sugar in your coffee what's going to happen to you when you drink that coffee he said you're gonna have sweet coffee he said you know what if your family member your friend Your Love by accident drops one drop of strick N9 what's going to happen when you drink that coffee he said you're going to be dead and he goes That's Right life is sugar and strick nine so watch your coffee like every day you got to stand guard at the door of your mind especially at times like this when there's so much fear so you feed your mind and then the second thing you got to do is the mind and the body work together meaning fear is physical but so is courage have you ever been so scared that you know like you have a hard time swallowing or you feel like in your gut you know that kind of fear that's physical yeah but courage is not that you're not afraid courage is you're scared you know wet lless but you're going to do it anyway right that it's a muscle and courage comes from doing something physical so every day you got to feed your mind and you got to do something physical to push yourself beyond what you're normally comfortable with meaning go for a jog or a run or walk really fast or go lift some weights a little more than you're used to because every time you push yourself to go beyond what's comfortable you get more comfortable with a bigger Challenge and pretty soon what was hard is easy and it isn't just the weight or the run is what happens to your mind and emotions because they work together and then what you got to do is really you got to find a great role model and decide what do I want to go after and let me have them show me a way show me the way at least the pattern rather than me learning by trial and air and then I got to take action and then ideally I got to help somebody's worse off than I am because that'll give me fuel that'll remind me that my life is there you know you know I feed you know 100 million people every single year now but it's because somebody fed my family when I was young and it wasn't the food it was that Thanksgiving somebody showed up with a surprise and it showed that they cared so I think if you learn to take control of your emotions then you can take control of your entire life but without that it's just a pipe dream it's just more New Year's resolutions and within six or eight weeks you're back to where you were before you got to every day feed and strengthen your body and you got to do something even in the middle of covid if it's still there even if lockdown because if you don't take care of your body it affects your mind doesn't it I mean think about this what is it that screws up everybody's life fear is the number one thing that's keeps people from doing what's necessary and anger and rage while it can mobilize us if it becomes part of your life on a regular basis it destroys it so how do you balance that out well fear anger they're both physical aren't they think about what do you feel like if you're really ever been so afraid that your throat got really dry you feel this feeling in your gut right that's physical courage is also physical again courage does not mean you're not afraid courage means you're afraid but you do it anyway right it's a it's a way of being in your body so one of the things that I started doing early on is understanding and those of you who spent 4 days with me you know day and night cuz we did it it's in your body still how to change the way you feel instantly by a radical change in your body and so I really want to recommend you do something at least five days a week first thing when you wake up in the morning I don't it doesn't have to be an hour workout even 30 minutes it can be something as little as five or 10 minutes there is not a day when I wake up I've shared with some of you this already first thing I do I go outside if I'm lucky enough to be at one of my homes anyway I have homes in different parts of the world because I've traveled the world and done this I'm very fortunate but I have a cold punch I've installed in everyone 56 degrees am I home in Sun Valley idah oh I don't have a cold punch I don't need I walk through the snow in the winter or in the summer I walk through the grass and I get in the river and then the literally the river is usually about 39 to 42 degrees to give you an idea every cell in your body is moved the blood brushes do everything right and I do it for two reasons there's never a day I look forward to doing it I don't go oh I can't wait to go in there I do it number one because it transforms your body the blood the lymph flow is unbelievable from a health perspective you just go in for a minute pop out and it's like a different world right I don't care what it is or you can take a freezing shower would be the minimum why you could do this if you couldn't do this but it's about changing your body so radically and it's also about developing a simple daily discipline it's like I don't negotiate with myself I tell my brain I don't go oh wait I'm not ready or let me let me count to 10 or maybe I'll do it tomorrow that pattern of thinking is what destroys most people's lives and their dreams you can settle for a life like most people have or you can create your dreams but to do it you need to be able to push yourself so you need to train yourself in little ways or it could be just going and lifting weights and you're going to do like 10 minutes of pushing yourself or a Sprint or really fast walk anything because when you get your blood pushing when you push Beyond what's comfortable it develops this determination inside you this sense of will that you will then use everywhere else I always say if you discipline yourself in one area your life you're going to be able to do even more in other areas you get momentum momentum is everything so if you train your mind great but you got to train your body as well in some way and I don't care again if it's five or 10 minutes or you really push yourself or a full-blown workout it's got to get there because when you do that regularly you're going to find yourself having a better mind the mind and body can't be separated they're completely connected you work on both of them you're going to have a different world and you're not going to be shut down when other people like oh it can't be done just move I'll handle it it's a different way of being isn't it why is identity so important for us to shape a positive powerful identity well first of all so everybody understands what I mean by identity is we all have a way of identifying ourselves we have a way of labeling ourselves so most of us came up with our labels based on how we behaved but really smart people can do stupid things really nice people can be mean mean people can be nice and so if you judge yourself too soon in most people's identity their labels for themselves who they think they are has been based on their past and often many years ago and so they don't update it so the the metaphor i' give for identity is like it's your comfort zone it's not your goals so if you like if you took a temperature in the room and said 68 degrees is my comfort zone physically emotionally financially I want more in my relationship I want more physically energy wise I want more financially in my career but this is what I'm used to and so what happens people stay in their comfort zone for the most part and then let's say something happens and you dip you're a 68 degre or that's your mentality and you drop down to 62 61 60 somewhere around 60 or 59 the heaters kick on and go whoa whoa whoa you're 68 degree or what the hell are you doing we've all experienced that all of a sudden you go I'm not going to live like this anymore I'm not going to be in this relationship I'm not going to be fat like this boom and you get this drive and you start to change but what most people don't understand is it happens on the upper end too meaning let's say you got momentum you start crushing it you start doing even better than you think you go from 68 to 70 88 you're 98° financially emotionally spiritually whatever the metaphor is and then what happens you're goes hey hey hey your brain goes who the hell do you think you are you're not a 98 degree here right get back to 68 and if nothing else the heater stop you lose your drive and that'll drift you back and not enough the air condition can kick on you start to kind of sabotage yourself till you get back to your comfort zone so unless you expand your identity changes temporary it's like when someone says to me I stopped smoking it's been 8 days and I go why you C and I say why you counting so you can tell people how long you lasted this time like if I went to somebody and and I said do you hey you know leis you want a cigarette you're not going to say what brand is it you're go no I'm not a smoker notice how people I'm not one of those that's not my identity identity is the strongest force in the human personality if you look L's Armstrong who has a mixed identity now in the culture this is a guy that had to win and found a way to win so when he was told he had cancer in his lungs in his brain and in his testicles and he rides a bike and he's going to die his answer was no I'm a champion I find the way I will find the answer and he did now unfortunately he bent the rules around the sport and it kind of ruined his reputation obviously but that mentality his identity is why he survived other people told they have cancer and they're like it's over they give up they start arranging their Affairs and so that psychological difference is the number one thing I work with people on Because unless you expand your identity you're going to basically keep where you are you might improve a little or not you might go up and down a bit but you're going to stay within a realm if you're going to have an explosive breakthrough to another level physically mentally financially spiritually then we got to not only give you the tools we got to shift that internal sense of who you really are and have you find that you are more than anything that's ever happened to you that you can handle whatever shows up even if it's incredibly scary or uncomfortable just to entrepreneurs in general uh and you're an entrepreneur wildly successful entrepreneur and uh you work with and are friends with many many of the top entrepreneurs in the world what are a few of the common attributes of the super successful entrepreneurs that you've seen that might not be the obvious ones that you know come to mind well gosh you know uh I give you one example CU I just talking to him yesterday Mark benof is a dear friend of mine and he runs a company called salesforce.com he founded it Mark went to my Unleash the Power Within event about 15 years ago he went to it three times you know you know repetitions the mother skill he immersed himself in it again a pro not going to do something average comes up to me and introduces himself and says Tony he saids you've changed my life I'm working for Oracle I'm leaving I'm starting this company salesforce.com we're going to change the business world I never we're going to do a hundred million in business I was teasing me other night he's going to do 7 billion this year right and I've been on a 15-year Journey with them you know what what do they have in common they have a sense of something they want to serve greater than themsel you know the only challenge sometimes in network marketing and I think what gives it a bad reputation for some people is you get people in there that really act like they're doing it for something large than themselves but it really is only them now there's nothing wrong with you wanting to profit and be successful but motive does matter and the most successful entrepreneurs have a motive that includes them but they want to do something that's going to change the world make the world different it's like you know when you're trying to meet your own needs you get a certain level of of insight if you're trying to meet the needs of a your family you you get a different level of insight cuz life supports whatever supports more of life more people if you're trying to support your community different if you're trying to you know have an impact on the world it's even larger and I found in network marketing you find a few missionaries that are like those other entrepreneurs that really is their mission they'd honestly do it for free and you know they want to make money and they do make money but if you're only doing it for the money the unfortunate part is um people sense that and then they feel like it's just a transaction as opposed to an experience of added value there's only one way on Earth to really become wealthy and that is do more for others than anybody else is doing you mention you reach out to someone you'll text someone you'll send a voice note or a video message uh or maybe you're calling them or just saying hi to them and telling them you're acknowledging something that they're doing well that you appreciate I don't think that many people do this why is this so important for you personally and why do you think this would help so many people get out of themselves M eles and overcome anxiety and stress if they did this even a couple of times a week I know you do this every day but just a couple texts a week why was this so valuable for people well number one I love people so I love to sincere if you just call someone to make a compliment and it's not sincere anybody can feel that I don't do that [ __ ] you know it's like I I pride myself on finding the goodness in people or the skill sets in people and I also know that what is acknowledged tends to grow so from standpoint of that I want them to feel that feeling of being appreciated I want them to know I see what's happening behind the camera so to speak you know it's like that's what matters it's not how everybody else sees you it's how you really are and then it also deepens every relationship you have when you sincerely acknowledge somebody and you notice something other people don't notice and so it deepens the connection and to me quality of life is a quality of two things your emotions and your relationships and you know if my emotions are terrible my relationships are going to be terrible but if I have great emotions and I can extend that out to help other people then it just makes me feel more alive so I I do it for me and them it's it's a virtuous cycle fundamentally the most basic thing you got to do especially at a time like covid is you got to every day have a couple of simple practices one of those is every day you got to feed your mind and when I say feed your mind I mean consciously seek out something that's going to give you new insight new inspiration new way of looking things because otherwise today the news follows you right it's in your pocket and the news people are good people but they're doing their job what's their job make as much profit as possible how do you get the most profit get the most people to watch I get the most people to watch Fear if it you know if it if it bleeds it leads is the phrase they use in journalism right and we've seen so much fear built up now that most people have lost their faith and you can't lose it fortunately it's just a muscle that needs to be regained but you have to fill your mind you have to pursue it great ideas are not going to interrupt you they have to be pursued and the good news is today if you get away from just the traditional news you can do go to podcasts like boss babes you can go to different locations you can get another perspective and you can feed your mind but if you don't feed your mind my original teacher was a guy named Jim Ron and he used to say Tony I got a question for it he said what if your worst enemy put sugar in your coffee what's going to happen to you when you drink that coffee he said you're going to have sweet coffee he said you know what if your family member your friend Your Love by accident drops one drop of strick nine what's going to happen when you drink that coffee he said you're going to be dead and he goes That's Right life is sugar and strick nine so watch your coffee like every day you got to stand guard at the door of your mind especially at times like this when there's so much fear one of the things you have to understand about life is everything changes and everything ends and that kind of sounds heavy on the front end but it's a truth if everything changes and everything ends number one it should make you appreciate what you have right now and then my view is what's next is always better if I make it so it's my job to make it so and so I think you know for me I look at it and say you know when you said uh genius is a young man's game I think that's total [ __ ] um I think passion is the Genesis of Genius if you got enough passion you're going to find answers nobody else does but most people run out of fuel meaning they get tired they get exhausted they get burned out they get uh you know the law of familiarity they're around something so much they take it a little bit for granted and I've managed to see something in myself that I found in every great leader that I've ever respected and that is I I I value intelligence immensely but I know really smart people can't fight their way out of a paper bag pragmatically right I'm sure you do too what I see is the one common denominator of people that are successful over a lifetime is the sustained hunger Hunger is the number one Factor when I see somebody I don't give about age they AR en care with their background is if they're hungry to improve to change to make something happen I mean if you look at Richard Branson he's as hungry today in his late 60s as he was at 16 years old in that cryp starting virgin leave look my buddy Mark benof you know he's like he's I don't think in his early 50s right now Mark is more hungry today than when I knew him 12 14 15 years ago when he was first coming up with the idea I'm going to you know he went to one of my seminars over and over again the upw you know which one he went like four or five times and he was sitting in the front row he's a tall guy introduced himself and said you've convinced me I'm going to leave this company I work for as an employee here and I'm going to go start this new company called salesforce.com wow and he says Tony we're going to do hundred million in business we're going to change business now he's doing whatever 30 billion right know it's but it's because he hasn't lost the hunger and I think the law of familiarity is what destroys a relationship you get around somebody enough you love them and but you don't have the same passion same aliveness and I'm just not willing to settle for a life without passion and aliveness that's just like there's so much to learn there's so much to grow there's so much to give and I'm I'm wired to grow and give and I I I think anybody who gets wired to grow and give is going to have a really fulfilling life it doesn't matter what you choose to do you're going to be alive because you're going to make progress and because you made progress you have something to give them three skills will make you successful no matter how long you live no matter what changes in society skill number one it's the ability to recognize patterns you're really good at you do it in finance you do it in business I'm not just blowing you smoke it's why you're successful because when you recognize patterns it allows you to go to the Second Step which is use them if you recognize Financial patterns you can do great things you recognize patterns in business you can turn around any business you know that's what I've been doing I have 105 companies now we do7 billion dollar in business and I have no business background but I recognize the patterns and I studied the billionaires that started with nothing and said what did they do how did they do it how' they turn it around so if you can recognize patterns and if you can use them you got a great Advantage but then gradually over time like you know if you go to play the piano you usually play other people's music initially and then there's a point where you come through now you start creating patterns and when you start creating patterns that's when you become a dominant force in business in life in the marketplace and with your children or anywhere else give more than you expect to receive if you are constantly trying to take care of people give to people if you're your worst time of your life you can give to people I promise you everything change I won't tell you the whole story bore you with it right now because I want to do this real quick for you but you know one of the most difficult times in my life when I was completely broke not not even enough gas in my car trying to figure out how to survive not able to pay my rent and I I had own B with the story but I had an experience where I took the last $19 I had and I gave it to somebody who else that needed it and afterwards I was euphoric it made no sense but it was the first time my life or you know people say I got to get Beyond scarcity you never get Beyond scarcity you got to start be on scarc you got to declare you got to take the last seeds you got and plant them and I remember you know the next day I got to check for $1,200 which in those days I could have survived on for almost a month from somebody that owed it to me and not paid me for two years the very next day after I gave every dime I had and had no idea I was even going to eat I just it was the right moment it was the right situation and I just I did what was right so find someone who's worse off than you are in the middle of Co do something for them and I promise you you'll remember how great your life is and you'll feel fulfilled because we all it's not about us you know what I mean it's like it's not about me it's about we and the more you can get connected either people you love or even strangers and do things not for brownie points just because it's right somehow inside your own soul your own Spirit you remember that problems are not permanent only your Soul's permanent and you remember that I'm made for more than just solving this stupid little problem it just it lifts the human spirit I don't believe I'm everybody's teacher or I've got it all handled but I've spent 42 years looking for answers of when I was growing up um you know they called me a motivator they called me a guru and I hated those terms because I'm not better than anybody else and I thought who's influenced my life I'm an athlete so coaches did and I was actually much better athlete than some of my coaches but they still were invaluable to me because they saw what I couldn't see because I was in the forest I was on the court right they were outside of it and so that's why I started to call myself a coach not a guru and also because I want people to know it there's nobody broken you don't need to be fixed you might have some beh behaviors that don't work you might have some habits you might have some thinking habits emotional habits and we're the only humans the only creatures that should say on the planet that can think of thought and get ourselves angry think a thought and get worried think of thought and get excited think of thought and feel grateful think of thought and be pissed off and most of us just don't know how to run the show and so what I try to do that that documentary is a kind of a 2-hour summary of a sixday seminar I do uh called Date With Destiny uh but you get to see somebody who's suicidal there are many people like in a room of you know 2 3,000 people there's always a half dozen people dozen people are suicidal saw there's a woman there that was um in this cult down in Brazil remember her I just saw her it was just in Brazil just literally a week ago and that was what 5 years ago that film was made and she has written a book she's gotten out of the cult she's got other people out of the cult she's become a Healer and she's I'm just really really proud of her so seeing the change last cuz most people think if you're going to change that fast first of all they don't think it's possible but it is you know you get upset that fast you get wired that fast you get conditioned that fast but to see five and 10 years later the people's lives are changed it's important for people to see so they know that you really can produce change in a moment that is lasting you're really talking about the most important Concept in lasting change identity we all Define ourselves in certain ways and most of us defined ourselves years ago and we haven't done an update and now you're in an environment where you're constantly told how bad it is how terrible it is so that stimulates the old part of the human brain the fight ORF flight mechanism the part of your brain that's always looking for what's wrong so you can hide from it you know or you can fight it or you can freeze and hope it doesn't notice or you can run from it and so that part of her brain is never going to make you happy it's an important part there's no saber-tooth tiger for us to run from anymore or fight right not for most people but now we get that about what are people saying about me online or you know or do I have enough money in a country that even if you have very little money in America even if you're in quote unquote a poor environment you know I I support I provide 100 million meals a year I'm almost to a billion meals now I'm at 825 million meals to give you an idea in the last seven years so I'm in helping everyone I possibly can but you got to help them here and here too you know so I use the food as the excuse to get into here and here and start showing people what's possible and I think we're in a place right now where a lot of people are in this learned helplessness and they don't realize you know if you if if as an identity if identity is how you've identified yourself and you see yourself as a procrastinator why cuz you procrastinate so many times and disappointed you don't want to be disappointed so now you're a procrastinator you're no longer disappointed you feel certain you'll never have your goals but you feel certain that's what most people do in their life but if you set let's say a thermostat in this room at 78 degrees and the temperature drops far enough something's going to happen because the computer's going to go hey hey hey you're a 78 degre or what are you doing here at 68 and the heaters kick on and suddenly you get this drive I'm sure your listeners or viewers have had this experience many times in life we're finally This Not Another Day not I'm changing this relationship I'm losing this waight I'm going to finally do something and then you push push push now some people push push push and they go beyond their comfort zone beyond what they expect not their goals it's what they're used to it's their comfort zone and let's say that 68 degrees is where they're used to financially it's not what they want or their relationship or spiritually or physically and they grow to 88 98 99 degrees suddenly the brain goes hey hey hey what are you doing here you're you know you're you're not a 99 degree you're and then all of a sudden the heater stop and you lose your drive and if that's not about the air conditioners kick on and you start to sabotage and you go what happened to my life so identity is the number one thing I work to change with people to expand it not to get rid of it but expand your own sense of who you really are and what you're capable of and people think they're going to get identity by like people say to me I have no self-esteem I hate that word so overused and abused I don't have my self-esteem cuz when I was growing up my parents said these terrible things and those terrible things I said isn't it convenient you only remember those things you know they said a million things but suddenly you've H in on those but let's get real someone can tell your whole life you're a piece of crap and you can say screw you read between the lines and make your life work someone tell your whole life you're beautiful you're intelligent you're the smartest person in the world and you don't believe it because self-esteem doesn't come from what people say about you self-esteem is earned within yourself it's esteem for yourself which only comes by doing things that are incredibly difficult and then your brain goes this is who I am the reason I've done firewalks for years I used to do skydiving but you know it's hard to get 30,000 people in the middle of the air above New York middle night but the reason I did these metaphors was because when someone does something they once thought was difficult or impossible and you get the other side the brain goes if I can get myself to do this what else can I get myself to do it changes their identity when your identity expands your whole world expands it's about growing and giving I me know that's overly simplistic but that's what I want for her it's like you know it's about laugh loving growing giving you know and giving passionately and generously and graciously it doesn't I don't mean just money I mean of your presence you know it's very easy to say hello and not be there it's very easy to say I love you and you know it's just a habit you know about you know depending on which studies you read about 47 to 52% of things we do are just habit the cool thing about habit is it allows you do other things like you know trying to drive a stick shift car in the beginning is way it's overwhelming now it's one thing I can do 20 other things right but the problem with it is technology has made us become more and more habitual and less and less connected and so from my daughter I wanted her to experience love that's what life is to me and when you are loving you have to grow to keep loving and you when you're growing and you're loving you're going to give and to me if that's all she does if she learns that life is not what you're here to get it's what you're here to give that you're being called to find what you're called for and I don't know what you'll be called for she you know May she might sing she might draw art she might just be a mom she not just one of the most important things in life she might I don't know what she'll do and I have no frame of reference about how she's going to do it I have only one frame of reference she's going to be a person that's earned it and she going to be a person who's proud of herself because the earned part to me is where the pride comes it's like I have this amazing life you could take away all the toys and things that I have you couldn't change who I become as a man yeah and and also because I never had those things and I earned those things there's there's the the stories and the examples and you know what it's like right to conquer all the challenges to get there I want my daughter to have all those experiences but to me life is love and life is growing and giving it's really that's what the whole game is about as far as I'm concerned because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you are different you are special believe Nation you made here all the way to the end and I love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hasht believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for some incredible Alex hosi motivation check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there most people most Champions do not have something that you do not have they lack something that you have for a champion in the Physical Realm a lot of times it's they don't have an off switch they just keep going and so to the same degree