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What should salespeople avoid to ensure clear messaging?
Press to flip
Salespeople should avoid using buzzwords and jargon, and make sure everyone understands their definitions.
What are the costs of saying yes and no in the context of sales?
Costs of saying yes include financial expenditure; costs of saying no could be missing out on benefits and future savings.
Explain intrinsic vs. perceived value with an example.
Intrinsic value is utilitarian (e.g., a sturdy car), whereas perceived value is status-based (e.g., a luxury brand like Louis Vuitton).
Why is it important not to force a 'yes' in sales?
Forcing a yes can create resistance; showing indifference to the outcome makes the buyer feel more in control and less pressured.
Why should you reveal the value before the price in a sales conversation?
Revealing value before the price helps potential buyers see the benefits and become more willing to pay, as they perceive higher value.
How can showing both the cost of saying yes and no to a potential buyer be beneficial?
It provides a complete picture, helping the buyer understand potential losses or gains, thus making a more informed decision.
What is the significance of leading a sales presentation as a dialogue rather than a monologue?
Leading as a dialogue encourages participation and engagement, making potential buyers more interested and invested.
What is the main focus of the lecture on reasons people don't buy?
The main focus is to identify and explain the 8 reasons why people might not buy and to offer actionable insights to overcome these hurdles.
What is 'commission breath' and how does it affect sales?
Commission breath is the sense of desperation that a salesperson exudes, which can repel potential buyers.
What is the difference between decisions and choices in the context of sales?
Decisions are commitment-based and firm, while choices are more flexible and non-committal.
How does interactive engagement during a presentation increase buying likelihood?
Interactive engagement, such as asking questions and encouraging responses, makes the presentation more dynamic and helps potential buyers feel involved.
How can miscommunication affect sales?
Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and confusion, preventing potential buyers from fully grasping the benefits of the product or service.
Why is it misguided to assume everyone needs your product?
Not everyone has the same needs and circumstances; assuming universal need can lead to wasted efforts and unproductive strategies.
How can perceived need impact sales?
If potential customers do not perceive a need for the product, they are unlikely to buy it, regardless of its actual benefits.
Why is self-belief crucial in sales?
Self-belief is important because it helps in convincing others by projecting energy and authenticity, which can't easily be faked.