Question 1
What should you avoid in your sales communication to enhance understanding?
Question 2
How can you show the cost of saying no in a sales pitch?
Question 3
How does desperation negatively impact sales?
Question 4
Why should a salesperson be indifferent to the outcome of a sale?
Question 5
Why is clear communication essential in sales?
Question 6
Which type of value refers to status-based worth?
Question 7
What is an effective strategy to maintain engagement during a sales presentation?
Question 8
What type of value focuses on the utilitarian benefits of a product?
Question 9
How can a seller convey authenticity in their pitch?
Question 10
What does ‘commission breath’ refer to in sales?
Question 11
Why is it incorrect to assume that everyone needs your product?
Question 12
What is the difference between decisions and choices in a sales context?
Question 13
Why should value be shown before price in sales?
Question 14
What is meant by 'perceived need' in sales?
Question 15
Why is self-belief important in sales?