Transcript for:
8 Reasons People Don’t Buy

have you been out in the marketplace attempting to make sales and everybody's saying no that was my experience when I first got started in selling in fact I got started selling financial services and for the first 18 months I did not make a single solitary sale presentation after presentation after presentation after presentation so if you are not right now making sales and people are saying no more than they're saying yes and you just can't figure out how to break through this video is for you eight reasons the real reasons people don't buy from you okay what are they reason number one is they don't believe you and the reason they don't believe you is because the way you're presenting your message is telling them not to believe you what does that even mean well people don't see you through their eyes they see you through your eyes what does that mean there's a verse in um Proverbs that says as in water face anth the face so do the heart of a man to a man what does that mean it means just like when you look in some water you see a reflection of your face when you're talking to another human being you're reflecting to them who to see you as and so what we have to do is if we want other people to believe us we have to start believing ourselves which means if you got started selling the thing you're selling just so you can make money and you don't believe in the thing and you don't believe in the result and you don't believe it can help them they're going to pick up on that Vibe and one of the one of the principles that I love to operate by and I always trust this is you can lie with your words but your energy always tells the truth and so if you don't believe in your product and you don't believe in the result it can create then you are literally with your energy telling them not to believe you now maybe the reason you don't believe is because you don't believe in the product or you don't believe in yourself maybe the reason you don't believe is because you don't they they can't trust you because you can't trust you and maybe you can't trust you because because you've broken your word to yourself so many times in the past you can't believe a word you say and so what people do is they go through life- making choices and they think they're making decisions and there's a difference between a choice and a decision because to decide means de means of or from side means to cut so when I make a decision I'm cutting myself off from any other possibility than the one that I've determined that's a decision what does choose mean choose means pick one and so I can pick one today and I can change the one I picked tomorrow but when I make a decision it doesn't work like that a decision is permanent it's real now if you changed your mind you changed your mind because you never made a decision in the first place so they don't believe that's one reason they don't buy number two they don't understand and the reason they don't understand is because as my daughter loves to say and I love to quote her on this the biggest mistake in communication is thinking that it happened and so you think they heard what you thought they what you thought you said but the reality is they heard what they heard regardless of what you said and sometimes they don't understand because your communication is not clear sometimes they don't understand because my communication is not clear but sometimes they don't understand simply because when you're talking to people they translate they run what the words that you're using through their filter and then translate it via their past experiences so you say something to them and it reminds them of something that happened in the past and now they're they're literally taking that experience and then overlaying it on top of the conversation you're having listening to what you're saying translating into what they think it means and they think they heard you and you think they heard you but they actually heard themselves translating your words into their language and they don't understand and because they don't understand they can't buy a confused mind always says no so you have to make sure you do everything in your power to make it clear it's interesting how many people I hear talk and they use words that they assume everybody know knows what they mean but everybody May the people you're talking to may have the same words in the their vocabulary but they have a different dictionary that's why it's very imperative if you're selling if you're communicating that when you talk to people and you bring up a subject even it's if it's one that everybody should know what this means Define the words so everybody stays on the same page even if it's a word the symol and then and then stay away from stay away from buzzword and technobabble and Industry jargon what is that mental health trauma I help people overcome their trauma you say trauma and you mean they gotten an argument with their mother but when they hear trauma they think back to the time they were in a war zone and bombs were dropping all around them and you think you're talking about the same thing you can't be talking about the same thing like stay away from industry jargon like um I hear people say like so if I hear somebody talk about sales and they saywell this is how you sell without being salesy I don't even want to listen to that person because I already know when they say that they don't understand sales because what they really mean when they say that is how to sell without begging how to sell without pushing how to sell without convincing but they don't say that they say without being salesy but see the reason people resort to begging pushing and convincing is because they failed to s so what they're calling salesy is actually the opposite of being salesy when you're salesy when you're actually salesy you're empowering people to make a decision they already desired to make before they ever met you I don't go into a shoe store because I want to buy a car right I go into a shoe store well I don't really go to stores but when I used to go to stores and I went into a shoe store I would go because I desired to buy some shoes right so A salesperson comes up and says can I help you well that's a bad question right and they say no well they don't know where the shoes are you do maybe a better question I have a vision like if I worked in a shoe store I would say I have a vision of shoes that would make your feet look like model's feet what do you have in mind for your feet today and how can I help you find them that's a very that's a much better question right i' I just recently saw some shoes that if they were on your feet they'd make you look like you stepped off the cover of GQ magazine but what can I help you find today right and so you paint a picture with your words instead of using industry jargon paint a word picture hang it on the cor of their mind so when they walk past it they have to think of you so they don't they don't believe they don't believe you they don't understand um they smell commission breath what's commission breath that's when you are so desperate to make a sale that other people can smell your desperation that's known in the sales industry as commission breath and so what's really interesting is about human nature is people don't desire what's too readily available to them but they feel like they must have the thing that's just Out Of Reach when you lean in they lean out when you lean out they lean in give you a perfect example Boy Meets Girl boy's crazy about girl girl thinks boy is creepy all the ladies laugh because they know right boy means girl girl's crazy about boy boy thinks girl is crazy why because like why are you crazy about me see I know me why you crazy about me right something's wrong with you and and and and you got to understand it's human nature you're not going to fix it so you might as well not fight it so if that's the case now watch this Boy Meets Girl acts like he's not interested and then acts like she's the problem now she now she's interested in boy why because people desire what they can't have it's human nature so when you're selling make sure you're operating from a place of understanding that you are the one with the goods so you don't have commission breath and don't have a desire don't be married to your desire for them to say yes I don't really care what they say like I don't it it it literally matters not I don't care if I'm selling oneon-one if I'm selling one on many here's what I know I know there are people out there who desire the result that I can produce and if they say yes I say congratulations if they say no I say congratulations either way I'm good with it I'm so cool with it I don't want to fool with it stop trying to get people to buy stop looking for people to sell your stuff to make make yourself more findable for people who already desire to buy what you already desire to sell see you know comment in this in the comments make a statement in the comments you know if there are things already you right now have on your list of things when I get the money I'm buying this name what that thing is in the comments because you know I'm telling the truth well the person who sells that thing when you come up with the money and you're in their presence how hard do they have to work here's the answer not very well what if there were thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands or millions of people in the world who would already love to buy what you'd already love to sell if they only knew you existed would you be attempting to turn a no into a yes or would you just make yourself more findable for all the yeses out there so they smell commission breath so they don't buy and I don't buy from people with commission breath because I don't want to be the solution to your problem in fact I should only be selling to you when I know I'm the solution to yours let that one grow on you um they don't see the need like and the one of the reasons people don't see the need is because people who are obnoxious in sales are obnoxious because they think everybody needs this there's I mean other than food oxygen and water pretty much some clothing there's nothing that else that everybody needs so if you think everybody needs your stuff because it's that great you are delusional okay so they don't see the need what else next reason people don't buy is they don't believe it's worth the money now I know here's what happens most people when they when people aren't buying the first thing they do is they start lowering the price because they think the price is too high it's not that the price is too high it's that the value is too low and when I say the value is too low I'm not even talking about the intrinsic value of the offer I'm talking about the perceived value of the offer because offers have two values they have the intrinsic value that's the utilitarian value and then they have the perceived value that's the status value right that is the the felt value and people will pay more for a higher perceived value than they will for a higher intrinsic value like a car is a car is a car is a car so why are some cars 30,000 and some cars 300,000 why well because the $300,000 car has a higher perceived value the tires are not more round than the tires on the $30,000 car the air conditioner is not much colder the car's probably faster but we have speed limit so what difference does that make and so so it's like it's like how does Louis Vuitton sell a an imitation leather belt for $795 because they pack it with perceived value Louis Vuitton has persuaded millions of people to believe that if you put my initials on your clothing or your handbag or your wallet it makes you more valuable what so they don't see the value they don't believe it's worth the money and the only way to help them see that it's worth the money is for you to uncover more value and I did a whole video on how to increase the perceived value of your offers so or of your products so you can go watch that video it's I did release it a couple weeks ago okay so they don't believe it's worth money um they haven't counted the cost this is when you have somebody in front of you and this product is a product that would absolutely benefit their family or their person but they say no why because you showed them how much it cost if they say yes but you failed to show them how much it cost if they say no when people ask you well how much is it you assume you know what they mean and you tell them the price when somebody asks me how much is it I always say um I'm not sure what you mean are you asking me how much it cost if you say yes or are you asking me how much it cost if you say no and I let them tell me which answer they're looking for and guess what if they say well I want to know how much it cost if I say yes great I'm going to tell you that but first I'm going to tell you how much it's going to cost if you say no why because you should never reveal price before uncovering value because if you do the answer is always no it doesn't even matter if it's something like this video what did I do I uncover the value I'm going to show you the eight reasons people don't buy what did I do I uncover the value first now if I only show you six reasons the number one comment I'm going to get in the comments is where are the other two reasons what are the other two reasons right because I said eight and people were taking notes and they're like okay that's one that's two that's three that's four that's five okay there are three more right what did I do I uncovered the value before I revealed the price and now clearly people will be able to say see on YouTube how long this video is before they start watching it but anyway um they haven't counted the they haven't counted the cost you revealed the value you revealed the price before you revealed the value so that's two separate ones they haven't counted the cost that's number six you revealed the price before you revealed the value and the last one's blow your mind this is the biggest this is probably the biggest sales mistake anybody who sells anything ever makes matter of fact I think I should turn it into a course and sell it to you just kidding okay so um they didn't participate in your presentation people do things for their reasons not yours if you do a sales presentation as a monologue you are almost forcing people not to buy what you have to do is you have to learn how to lead and Pace a conversation what does that even mean number one you have to ask a lot of questions ask a lot of what ask a lot of questions and then when you ask a question wait for an answer wait for a what answer wait for an answer you want to make statements and ask them to repeat it if you're doing a presentation on zoom and you make a statement you ask them to repeat it in the chat you say Okay type in the chat yes type in the chat okay type in the chat I'm in get people responding to you the more they do and the more they say when you are selling to them the more likely they are to buy the less they say and the less they do the less likely they are to buy what you are selling period And I see people do presentations all the time and it's a monologue by the way this is why this is one of the main reasons I can go it's not the only reason but it's one of the main reasons I can go in and do a repitch for somebody after they make their offer to their people who love them and their people don't even know me and I can stand up and do almost as many somewhere between half as many and as many sales as they did to Their audience after they thought man I just I just made all the sales in the room no you didn't and one of the main reasons is because you were talking to them I was talking with them it'll change the game you'll increase your Revenue it doesn't matter if you're selling cars houses Insurance courses it doesn't matter the more they say the more they do the more likely they are to buy if you will follow these principles I promise you your sales will increase in multiples probably 100 200 300% over what they are right now maybe even more so I trust this video helped you those are the eight reasons people don't buy your stuff fix any of them your sales will improve fix all of them your sales will improve drastically thanks for watching we'll see you on the next video