Transcript for:
Creating Unique Designs in Illustrator

all right hello and welcome back you guys so now we we practiced our fill-in stroke we got our pattern now i'm going to show you how to possibly use this pattern that is not so cheesy so right now when i look at this pattern i changed it at the break to peacock and i look at it and i go you know it's a can pattern from illustrator i just dumped it in there but if i want to use this and make it a little bit more abstract i mean if you're doing this for a zoo and you're talking about the peacock exhibit you're right on but if we're just trying to get you know color and shape and form and something interesting as a background this is not it so let's talk about how we can change this effect a little bit i think the easiest way is to use the scale tool and the scale tool can scale you know a vector shape and if you look back in the the course objective for number one again you can read the definition for vector shape but it can also scale just the pattern so let's go over to the tool box which is this beautiful guy here on the left and we're going to count down six tools one two three four five six oh seven sorry seven tools i can't remember everything we're gonna click on the scale tool to box in a box and we're gonna hold option and what option does is it brings up a dialog box now a lot of you guys accidentally pull up these dialog boxes and you go oh my god no a box and then you cancel it and click it away don't do that because these dialog boxes help us accomplish what we're trying to do so if you click on the scale tool and you don't see the dialog box you're not scaling properly so here we are with the scale tool and you see i set it on 50 but i turned off my transform objective object transform objects i've turned that off and i just have transform pattern on so if you hit the preview button and you turn this on and off you can see when that is scaled down to a very small size the difference that it that it makes also you can scale it up and look at that now that doesn't look like a peacock anymore that looks like i don't know something else a little bit more interesting a little bit more abstract so you can take a pattern in its most simple form and it's most generic you know we call it canned form you know we just poured it out of the can um you know spaghetti sauce poured out the can no sugar added secret italian ingredient you know no spices no garlic nothing like that canned and we can use it or we can spice it up a little and make it bigger and make it more unique and less noticeable as a canned piece so that is how we scale um you're going to definitely try this on your logos for your homework and the last piece i want to show you now i'm going to hit command minus to scale down a little bit and i'm going to close some of these boxes up just going to hit the little x and close them x to close x to close x to close okay the last thing you're going to be allowed to do or use for your homework to create these i call them in quotes bastardize logos don't call the logo please saw me this is a fun job fun project this is not like work for hire we are going to use the effects up here in the illustrator section now you guys better write this down because i know i've been teaching this class for 17 almost 17 years everybody tries to use these photoshop effects and if i was there live and you guys could answer me i would say what program am i teaching you that's right i'm teaching you illustrator so for homework you're only allowed to use effects from the illustrator bucket if i see you upload something with a blur man i'm going to do some commenting on that and i'm going to make sure everybody knows that you were under the photoshop effects we could do photoshop effects in a couple weeks in photoshop so let's stay up here now here's what we're going to do i'm going to select the selection tool which grabs the whole entire marvel logo i eat the sandwich bag with the peanut butter jelly sandwich inside and i'm going to go up to effects i'm just going to choose one for right now so you get an idea of what it does i'm going to do distort and transform and i'm going to choose twist under twist it's a very simple dialog box you can change the angle and then you can hit 70. and look what it does see that it twists it's like chubby checker doing the twist you can hit 200 and preview and it twists so what i want you to do is i want you to experiment with i don't know all of these cool little things under effects and we can just play with them you don't have to save them you can do them a little tiny bit you can do them a lot okay and you can save these as you go and this is how you're gonna build on these three different versions okay so that's pretty much what you're gonna do for the homework and i'm gonna show you how to save in a few minutes and i'm gonna reiterate all the tools that you're gonna be allowed to use okay so just one more time effects illustrator anything under here you may use all right go