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Introductory Calculus and Differential Equations
Sep 11, 2024
Introductory Calculus Lecture Notes
Practical Information
Dan Chibotaru
Lecture Schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 AM
Total Lectures:
Lecture Notes:
Available online (written by Kath Wilkins)
Problem Sheets:
8 problem sheets, first two available online
4 hours of tutorials in college
Recommended Reading:
Mary Boas' "Mathematical Methods in Physical Sciences"
Syllabus Overview
Focus Areas:
Differential Equations (7-8 lectures)
Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)
Line and Double Integrals (3 lectures)
Application: Compute arc lengths and areas
Multivariable Calculus (final lectures)
Topics: Surfaces, gradients, Taylor's theorem, critical points, Lagrange multipliers for optimization
Differential Equations Introduction
An ODE involves an independent variable (x) and a dependent variable (y) along with its derivatives.
The order is determined by the highest derivative present.
Example ODE:
Simplest form:
dy/dx = f(x)
Solution: y = ∫ f(x) dx
Examples from Physical Sciences
Newton's Second Law:
F = m * a, where a = dV/dt, resulting in second-order ODE.
Electrical Circuits (RLC Circuit):
Kirchhoff's law leads to a second-order differential equation involving current (I(t)) and charge (Q(t)).
Integration Techniques
Integration by Parts:
Derived from the product rule of differentiation.
∫ u dv = uv - ∫ v du
∫ x² sin x dx
Recursive Integration Example
Integral of cosⁿ(x) leads to a recursive formula:
iₙ = (1/n) cosⁿ⁻¹(x) sin(x) + (n-1)/n iₙ⁻²
General Solution to Separable Differential Equations
dy/dx = f(x) * g(y)
Method: Separate variables and integrate each side.
Final Note:
Care needed when dividing by functions that could be zero.
The first lecture laid the groundwork for differential equations and integration techniques.
Next lecture will continue with more examples and applications of differential equations.
Full transcript