Transcript for:
IGCSE ICT Paper 3 Tutorial (November 2023)

hi everyone n SPI here from Sunny Cyprus and welcome to today's tutorial this is a tutorial I've been asked to create by many of you guys it is the November 2023 paper paper 3 for the ICT IGCSE examination and it's very popular because it is exam period in some countries right now and this is the most recent paper 3 um which exists right now now as always I've taken a quick glance at the question paper this is something you should do as well before you start working and as always in the like the most recent paper 3s it's not very packed it's not like the paper to um but you do need to pay special attention to the questions and you need to take your time so that you don't make mistakes and any time you do have at the end remember make sure you're looking at your printouts make sure you're looking at the question paper and seeing everything that's been asked for you from the question paper you can actually see it in the printer outs so you don't work from the electronic files now for the web design I use Dream Weaver I do know some of you use things like notepad or not Plus+ you actually write the code so I applaud you for that um I will be where I'm going to be taking my HTML source code and my CSS Star sheet I will have that um on screen as well so you can pause it and you will be able to see the code that's being generated just so it can give you a tip on how to write that code so um in said about the paper let's get started okay so the first step is make sure you got all the files needed for the examination inside a folder somewhere on your PC and make sure all the files are there we're going to open up the question paper I've got the electronic file here you probably have a paper version as well so here's a question paper and the question paper starts off so there's the first page up there it starts off by saying make sure you have the source files so quick step you're going to double check you've got all the correct files now step one one take uh task one evidence document create a new word process document make sure that your name Center number and candidate number will appear on every page of this document doesn't say where so you can put it anywhere you like save this document in your work area as n23 evidence followed by your Center number candidate number and it gives you an example and you're going to use this evidence document for the evidence okay so let's get started with that I'm going to right click in my folder new word document um I'm going to save this as n23 evidence N2 2 three evidence and then I want my center number Cy one27 and then my candidate number 1 2 3 4 and I'm going to open this now n23 evidence is small letters so I need to make sure I do that I'm just going to double click in the header and I'm going to enter my details and again it doesn't say where to add your details now in this particular case we're creating the evidence documents so I'm going to be putting little labels whenever I'm going to add a spreadsheet or sorry a a screenshot so as to help the examiner so now I can minimize that and get on with my paper so we've done task one that was painless I don't think I get any marks for that right task two file management create a new folder called TGs in small letters locate the following files and store them in your TGs folder so I'm going to be taking these files here and putting them inside the TGs folder display the contents of your TGs folder showing the folder name the name file names and file extensions and image Dimensions okay take a screenshot to uh of this folder and place this in your evidence document so let's begin with that first step I'm going to right click in my folder I'm going to go to new create a folder and call it TGs with small letters that's how it was named now I'm going to select all the files that it told me so I want n23 feed that one MP4 uh 23 giraffe head logo text n23 text and GS so I'm holding the control button for multiple selections control X to cut I'm going to open my folder and I'm going to paste so there are my files and you can see I've already got my computer set up should show everything but um the the essentially what you would do is one of the best views is going to be content View and that's this view here and if I close that preview there you can see that it shows me the dimensions of the video the pictures the file name the extensions and the file type and when it was modified now if you don't have this and it doesn't show this you can also do this from the one of my favorite views the details views but what you don't get by default is is the dimensions of pictures and videos so I'm going to add that I'm going to right click on any one of these headings here I'm going to click on more I'm going to scroll down and I'm looking for Dimensions now it's in alphabetical order so this shouldn't be too difficult to find there it is there click on that click on okay and now it's added the colum with the dimensions so if there's any other field that I would need to show evidence of uh the details view is probably the best because you can add anything you like so I'm going to take a quick screenshot of that and I need to make sure that I'm also taking a screenshot um with the folder so you can see this bit here that needs to be displayed otherwise you lose the marks that's evidence that you've made that folder so I'm just going to remove the Highlight there and I'm going to put this in my evidence document so this was number one file management press enter and put my picture there now again guys me I'm using dark mode please don't use dark mode it doesn't print very well I'm going to choose save and close there now I've done that I can go to my question paper again we go to task three and here we see we're going to be creating a web page let's just so you're working as part of a team of web developers at toar web and have been asked to create parts of a web page parts of a web page and edit a stylesheet so I'm going to be edited so it's going to give me a stylesheet for a local giraffe Sanctuary the web page and stylesheet must work in any browser all color codes must be in hexadecimal make sure that your Star sheet contains no HTML make your HTML and Star sheet as efficient as possible so efficient programming techniques are required so starts off number two create in your TGs folder a web page called TGs HTM and this this web page must be created using a single table and work in all browsers the table must have a structure like this now can you see it's not giving me any Dimensions there are no percentages there were no uh pixels saying the dimensions of this table um let's just see what it's going to say each table cell is identified with a letter which must not appear in your final web page place in cell a the image that that that add appropriate alternate text to all images use inline style attributes to make sure that the logo fits the full width of cellb so it's not saying anything about the size of the table the celles it's not saying anything about borders um I'm assuming a star sheet here if I remember correctly so you're going to add text in cell D the video and Source tags are going to be inserted there and there you go you got a sty sheet and if we look at when we're going to be making the Star sheet and there you go can you see it then it's going to tell us in the Star sheet to nominate the size of the table so it's going to be 85% of the browser window okay and borders and grid lines must not be visible so it if I start now I can just create a table it doesn't matter what I do I'm not going to set Dimensions or anything anything important because these are going to be overridden by the Star sheet so whatever I add it will be overridden so let's begin I'm going to start off by opening up Dream Weaver now again I use Dream Weaver guys um if you using anything else by all means the coding is going to be the same so you can use the coding which I'm going to be displaying here now I'm going to start a new web page file new HTML and I'm just going to click on Create and then first step is I'm going to go to file save as and I'm going to save this in my folder in the TGs folder as TGs TGs HTM HTML that's fine click on Save there we go okay so the next step is I'm going to identify how many rows and columns I need so remember the trick I've uh taught you in previous tutorials you're going to extend all the lines so extend that line and then that line and you see they're a little bit tricky here because they've made column um cell C and D taller making it look like it's actually two rows but it's not and then I'm going to extend these lines so we got that one that one that one that that that and that so now if I look at this table I can see this is a three row by3 column table so that's all I needed to know I just need to make a 3X3 table and you can you can identify the type of table really easily when you do that process of ex uh extending the lines first step is I'm going to click in the Wizard wig area because currently my in Insurgent point is outside of the body tag so clicking in here we'll put my Insurgent in the body tag making sure my table is visible I'm going to go to insert table and I'm going to create a three there you go three by three table now this says the table um is going to be 100% it doesn't matter we can make it what we like so I'm just going to leave it 100% if you like because we've read the question paper we know it's going to be 85% of that um window we can make it 85% now but I'm going to leave it like that so you can see that everything is going to be overridden border thickness yeah leave it at zero it didn't ask for anything and again we saw that in the Star sheet um later when we attach it it's going to override the properties for the border so here it is I need to make my table look like this so I'm going to merge the First Column and then merge that part there so first part is I'm going to select these three here which is basically a row span and down here I've got my merge button in the properties if you can't see the properties make sure you go to window and click on properties or I can simply right click and go to table merge sales and you can see the code here it's a let's just do that so row span three because it's spanning over three rows and then I want to do a COR span of two because I'm going to merge these two cells here again I can just rightclick table add merge sales and that will put the call span to all right that's our set up now I need to place in cell a the giraffe so in cell a that's that big one here in here so I'm just going to go to insert image and because I've saved my HTML file the same folder I can find everything here now it doesn't say that the images should be 100% width of the cells or anything like that so I'm just going to add the pictures in I'm not going to make any changes um in Cell B I want the logo so so B is that top one it's actually really small there it is there so I'm going to go to insert image I'm going to put that logo in there and then in uh F the image n23 head so f is that bottom one down here right down there so F the image and two three head so insert image and I'm going to put the head of the dra okay now I need to add my um my appropriate text now this is I've got my my uh screen zoomed in so it's easier for you guys to see but I think I may Zoom it out in a short while because it's just going to make it easy for you to follow but anyway I'm going to click on my giraffe here and I can add here's my my image source for my giraffe in the code I can add my alternate text but in Dream Weaver I can just add here image of a giraffe standing remember don't just put one word standing um it's there as alternative text for visually impaired people so make it a little bit easier the head of a g and up here I'm going to put for this picture here I'm going to type in alternative text the toara giraff S logo okay so i' I've placed my alternative text and if I go back over here now it just says then use inline style attributes to make sure that the logo fits the full width of cell b so for this particular one if we have a look I'm just going to make that a bit bigger over here on the text we can see that this image here it's got its Dimensions width is 800 and height is 200 which basically means my uh logo is not going to be adjusting size it's a fixed size and I want that to be the full width of it its containing cell so I'm just going to delete that code from there now you can you can mess around with the widths and Heights at the bottom I don't do that because half the time they don't work I'm just going to delete the height and then for the width I'm going to make this 100% and remember we remove the height so because we want the height to adjust automatically uh so if you do put the height attribute it's going to implement it if you don't put a height attribute then it will adjust automatically maintaining the aspect ratio so now when I click on this side there we go that's adjusted automatically and slightly looks a little bit better now can I change these as well yes I could and would I lose marks for doing something extra no providing that if the result does not affect something else that I should be doing but I'm not going to adjust anything just to see what comes out of this if I don't do anything at all personally I would also adjust these this one here to be 100% % height and this one here I don't know I I would have a look and see what the final result looks like but let's leave it exactly as the paper tells us so that's that part done placeing cell D the text n23 text.txt so uhhuh and then in E we want that t so let's go place that so I'm going to go to my folder so my folder is here I'm going to open up n23 T text and I'm just going to copy that crl a contrl c let's just close that now put that down and I want this to go inside cell D cell D is this one here so i' got a b c d e and f and I'm going to paste that in there so I've got my text then it says placing cell e the text page created by let's just copy that saves me a bit of time uh by toara and then it's got a full stop space last edited by so I'm going to copy that and that's going to go in cell e so it's a c d this is e here there and I'm just going to paste that there right let's go back again okay uh followed by your name Center number and candidate number so I need to add My Name by now again this is looking really messy that's fine just leave it alone let's just do what it's it's telling us to do and don't forget mine is going to look look a little bit more messy because my screen is actually zoomed in so I've added that information there let's jump over so Place paragraph break after the full stop in cell e so there was a full stop here somewhere where yep there it is there okay so we want to go to that full start now I could just press enter but the correct way to put a break would be to use the BR tag so clicking on here will actually put my insertion point in the code here and right after the full stop I'm going to put a break so colon BR and now when I click over here we can see that has started with a new line okay so that's put in that break in there so next step set all the text in cells d and e in style H2 so I'm going to select that go down here and just choose heading two and again you can see that tag there heading two opens it and then closes at the end of that text and I'm also going to select this text here and make that heading to now remember I'm going to give you a copy of this code as well when I take the screenshot and you you can pause the video to have a look at the code in in a neater fashion as well instead of it being clumped up like that okay so let's jump back over here so number five use video and Source tags to place in cell C the video file n23 feed set the video width to 480 pixels and the height to 360 pixels include video controls display an appropriate text based error message if the browser does not support this video type okay so let's go to this one here I'm going to go to insert HTML HTML 5 video that adds this uh control here so it's inside the TD uh the video and then it's got the first attribute which is controls and what I'm going to do now is I want to click down here in the properties and put the source so I'm going to click on the folder there's my video Source double click on that so it's added the source and we just bring that in there so you can see so there's the video controls and we'll see what that is in a second and I've also added my video file then the next thing I need to do is to set the width to 480 pixels and the height to 360 so I could I can show you here again so if I click on this thing here down in the properties you got the width and the height now I could just put one in here and see what happens so the width is supposed to be 480 so if I put 480 and make sure that's pixels when I click over here look look at that it's actually put the width for me so it's actually work or I could just type it straight after the video uh tag so I want the height as well this one I'm just going to type this one in height equals to speech marks and that should be 360 okay now when I click on this side we see the widths adjusted the Height's also adjusted as well so perfect so these things here for videos usually do work for images sometimes they do sometimes they don't we won't get into the dos and don'ts and why it doesn't work the idea is you should understand a little bit of HTML coding to be able to do um some simple uh adjustments like this what width height breaks and so on right the final thing is um I need to add an appropriate text message if this video file format is not supported I can add that right after just before my video tag closes or I can just click down here with the video selected when I've got the fallback text here I can say um video file type is not supported by your browser now remember don't just put one word there um make it a little bit more realistic and ass soon as I click over here we can see there you go it's added before the video tag that text for me so basically that will display if some of these browser cannot support to play that video so what is the controls it asks us to put controls equals controls there's the code there I'm going to do a quick save file save and I'm going to open my HTML file so you can see what the controls are so the controls essentially are these things here where we got the the volume the size and the play button now if I was not to use those controls and I was to put here get rid of that part there because I've had I've had a student don't ask me about this and now I save this controls to save and open that file again we can see there are no controls on this video and I'm clicking on it and it won't play there's no way to get this thing to work so we need the controls so that the user can actually control that video type and you can see my my web page is actually not looking too bad it's it's it's reasonable so right let's go back and I'm just going to click on undo so my controls go back great file save okay so now let's go back to the question paper Okay so the next step is we're going to open the Star sheet um have I done everything there yes I have open the Star sheet n23 gs. CSS and correct the mistake in the CSS edit the Star sheet to meet these specifications what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to Dream Weaver and usually whenever it says you have to edit something it usually means that that code is totally messed up so let's go have a look first file open and I'm going to open up my Star sheet there it is there now this particular Star sheet obviously it doesn't seem to have errors in there um it just wants us to modify this Star sheet so that it it it has basically the attributes which they want which are described over here so I'm not going to delete all of that I'm just going to modify this so essentially it says that the table must uh be aligned within the browser windows so that's going to be the margins left and right of the table I don't care about the top and the bottom so the first step is with my table tag selected here I'm going to click to make sure my CSS designer properties are available if they're not you can just click on window and just make sure CSS designer is there and the next thing that I do I always do and my students is make sure you expand this a little bit to the left so this small properties window takes so as I expand that takes the whole height of the screen making it so much easier to work with so here's my margins so there okay so there's the margins here I'm going to adjust the margins of the table tag I've got the table tag selected and I'm going to change the left and right to Auto so I'm going to click on the PX here Auto and change that to Auto so that's giving me the code margin uh Dash left Auto margin Dash right Auto next so it says the table must fit 85% of the browser window so for that I want to go to the width of my table so here's the width I'm going to click here where it says Auto and I'm going to change this to percentage change that to 85% and now I've got here width 85% okay next one so now it says uh table borders and grid lines must not be visible so table borders and the grid lines so if I go back I can see here I've got the table tag and I've also got the TD and both of these are exactly the same and it says that borders should not be visible ible so I can get rid of this line from here okay because it's exactly the same for the table which is the external line and the internal line so I can get rid of that one and the reason I'm getting rid of it is because it says I need to use efficient programming techniques and I'm just going to put here comma TD uh sorry table so this property affects both the table and the TD tag and for Border I'm just going to put that to zero now do I need to get rid of the solid and the color black well I can it really doesn't make a difference the fact that I've got this to border 0% 0 pixels means there's going to be no borders there so that would work and we need that border um zero in there because if in the HTML code the border of the table is one or two if I don't put here the border is actually zero it won't override it and take the borders away so this is why we need that border zero okay so let's go over here table cells must have padding of 20 pixels okay so let's go back so the the padding the cell padding is part of the TD so I've got here the attribute here for TD and table I'm going to need a new one just for the TDS so I'm going to click on plus sign TD press enter enter there and now I'm going to go to the cell padding here and it says 20 pixels so what I'm going to do I'm going to click on that link here and that's going to change all of these at the same time so instead of me having to enter it four times I can just enter here the value 20 and when I click away all of these are 20 because it's linked all for top bottom left and right so table cells must have padding of 20 pixels we've done that the background color of the web page must have so here here we can see it's got this background color and it's got the red the blue the red and the green so this should be RGB first the red so this should be a a b e d8 that's the correct order so let's go back and that is the background so for the background image I'm going to use the body tag so I'm going to add body enter and enter and then from here when I go to the background properties in my CSS here I can now see the background color and I'm going to enter the hex code remember not to remove that hashtag so the red component is a a the green is b e and the uh the blue component is d8 okay presenter there and there is my background color okay next part Styles H1 and H2 must be set so that the browser selects and displays comic SS Ms if this is not available the browser must select comic SS font and if neither of these are available the default s Sur font okay so I'm going to just add just the H1 tag for now and then I'm going to attach the H2 as well so H1 let's generate a new one there and I'm going to go to my font over here my CSS Stars my designer and now for the font family I'm just going to choose anyone that has sa Sur at the end just to make my life a little bit easier so I don't have to type everything out um so yep that one will do I'm going to select that one so for the font family I'm going to delete all of these and I'm only going to leave let's just delete slowly I'm only going to leave the last one which is sa Sur and that's the font that will be selected if nothing else exists so the first one that I need is let me just copy this the comic SS Ms so I'm going to the first font is this one now this is got spaces so I need to put this in speech marks and that way it knows that comic SS space SS space m is the name of one font not three so that'll be the first choice then it's going to add let's copy this one over here comic SS then it will if you can't find that one it will use that font again I need speech marks for that because it's got a space in between and then I need to put a comma here so there we go the first font that will be used will be comic SS M if that's not available comic SS and if that's not available the default sensory font great okay um stars H1 and H2 must be blue with no other color components so RGB red green blue um so I'm just going to go over here I'm going to so this is again for H1 and H2 so let's just put that H2 before I forget so this is for both H1 and H2 and also the color of H1 and H2 is the same so let's just click over here we're just going to use the color so click on the text and go for color and I want has to be blue with no other color component so 0 0 for red 0 0 for green and FF for blue and there we go so heading one and heading two has that color and that font family anything else place your name Center number and candidate number as a comment at the start of the Star sheet Save Your Star sheet in the TGs folder place a copy of your Star sheet in your evidence document make sure that the contents are easy to read okay so um let's get on with that so the first thing I need to do is to put a comment at the top so I'm going to go to the very top I'm going to press enter and I'm going to write a comment now if you can't remember how to enter a comment and you're using dream just go to file new create a new CSS and you can see there's the comment it's a SL star and once you've seen that and you close it with a star slash as well once you've seen that you can copy it like that and close that you don't need it and up here you can paste it so I'm just going to get rid of what's inside here cy1 127 1 2 3 4 and you can just type that in but you have to make sure you close that star slash because if you don't then all of this is seen as a comet you can see it's all gray now and that basically means none of this will be red okay so you have to make sure you close that star and that slash right and the next thing is all right Save Your Star sheet in your TGs folder so I'm just just going to go to file save as it hasn't say what name I'm going to give it so I'm just going to overwrite that one just cancel I'm just going to click on save file save you could give it a new name but I'm just going to click on save so that's all saved and now I'm going to go to my question paper and that oh I do see I've actually highlighted that bit there uh I needed to attach the Star sheet I didn't attach the Star sheet so let's just go and attach it now quickly it doesn't make a difference um it's not an action that you have to do beforehand so I'm just going to go to my web page and let's just get rid of that bit there and from here I'm going to go to class at the bottom in the properties now there's multiple ways of attaching Star sheet this is just my preferred way attach Star sheet browse I'm going to go find the Star sheet and there it is there I click okay and I should be able to see all the things that I've added in that uh um in that Star sheet now in this window this is because it's zoomed in it's not so clear so I'm just going to go to file save and I'm going to open this in my browser and see what it looks like there and there we go it looks great and so we can see here our table doesn't have borders that's the first thing we can see that it's in Center aligned in that window so we it's 85% of the window size and you've got the equal gap on left and right right so on this side and this side if I adjust this there you go table changing now we can see that the banner at the top the logo actually changes um as I'm changing the size of this window but the other pictures aren't and that's because the banner at the top they asked us to change its width to 100% of the sale whereas the pictures in the video they didn't ask us to do that now could we have changed them yes we could would we lose marks no we wouldn't because they didn't ask us to apply any kind of WID or um sizing to those images providing that we maintain the aspect ratio we could have made these as well 100% but that's not an issue this works fine and it fits nicely in my browser window here so everything looks good all right so now that that works we know that works and we've tested it let's just go back to the question paper see what we had to do so we attached it we made the Styles sheet everything works well um we are now going to do right so we now need to put a copy of the Star sheet in our evidence document so and make sure that the content is easy to read okay so let's go back and we're going to close that close that go to our CSS we're going to take a copy of this contrl C to copy go to my word my evidence document I'm just going to write here number seven because this was question number seven stylesheet and paste there now that's spreading over a couple of pages because it's got some paragraph spacing so I'm just going to select that code go to the paragra you don't have to do this but just get rid of this after space after on the paragraph but if you put it like that it's so much need to so much easier for your examiner to see this and I'm just going to leave that there for you so if you are actually writing this in code using uh notepad++ or any other type of text editor that's the code that you're going to be writing or something similar to that so you can pause the video and have a look and just double check what you're doing okay so um I've added that just click on Save go to my question paper Now display the web page in your browser take screenshot evidence and place this in your evidence document make sure that all the page can be seen all the text can be easily read the address bar is fully visible now it doesn't say that has to be all in one screenshot but we've seen that in my example here I can actually put this in one screen screenshot so effectively you have been doing this correctly you can fit it in a screenshot now please be very careful with your screenshots because that's the evidence that you've done the work so I'm going to create a new screenshot and I'm going to take the whole browser window have a look at this I'm going to take that whole window and what I need to make sure is in this I can see I'm just going to Ink on this and I'm going to remove it I can see this is Center aligned in this area here so got equal gaps on this side I can see the address bar at the top which shows the name the folder and the name of the file where this HTML file is and I can see all the components clearly and I also can see that this is inside a web browser okay so these are the things you need to be careful of and just make sure you're giving the examiner exactly what they're asking for so I'm just going to go here go down that's number eight eight web page in browser do you have to write these things no should you no but it is good because the the better it is for the easier is for the examiner the better he'll be nicer it'll be to you I'm just going to adjust the text wrap here and put that in front of text so I can just move this into the margins just make that a little bit bigger but that's more than fine and that should print nicely all the text is easily readable my address by is easily readable so I can move on click on Save and now I can go back to this display the HTML Source in your editor take a copy of the HTML source and place this in your evidence document okay so let's go back into Dream Weaver and this one going to display my source code so that's the source code the HTML source code is this here so I'm just going to click in here crl A crl C go to my evidence document click here now this is uh this text just bring that down a a bit hit my enter button there we go now this text is quite long so I'm going to go to the next page uh to get all my code on one page so this going to be number8 8 HTML source code enter and paste that there and it's doesn't have any paragraphs uh spacing afterwards so I'm going to leave that like that get rid of any unnecessary spacing look at that all of my code on one page and that's really neat okay so I'm just going to take that in a bit more so guys there's the code um again if you are writing your HTML in using HTML code that's the code for you to write or something similar and um yeah perfect we can move on from that click on Save now I can go back to my question paper Okay so we're going to start with task number four which is spreadsheets and we're going to have a look at the paper we're going to read everything that is there so it says here you're going to create a spreadsheet to calculate the income and expenditure of the sanctuary for one year all currency values must be displayed in toara dollars so that's going to be a dollar sign and to two decimal places well two decimal places well that goes by default if you use currency open and examine this file in your spreadsheet software and very important for you to examine it remember these newer syllabus papers they're all about you examining the data and understanding that data save this as a spreadsheet with the file name tjs Center number candidate number place in the header left aligned your name Center number and candidate number right align automated file name with its file path so let's begin with that so first step is to open the n23 TGs that's going to be back one step so that's the TGs folder which had my web page in there I'm going to open this one up and the first thing I'm going to do before I start examining this I'm going to save it with file save as and I'm going to save it with the name first of all make sure it's an Excel workbook change it to TGs underscore Center number underscore 1 2 3 four my candidate and then click on Save just going to check up here there it is there's my file there and this is an Excel workbook file just make that a bit bigger for you all right so um first step I need to examine this so I'm just going to select all of these and just double click between two columns so I can make sure everything is readable that okay so I can see here I've got an income and over here expenditure and then I've got some titles here so this is probably for the income I'm going to be calculating some kind of total here this is the expenditure area and again the total so in income and expenditure all right see what the difference is with and oh there you go we got a profit and a loss so depending on if we've had more income than expenditure then we've got profit otherwise it's a loss and then we've got a balance a balance of what we'll see in a minute so probably be anyway we'll see what that is but we can see we've got income and expenditure I'm a little bit familiar what's going on so we've got income from entrance fees a sh feeding donations an expenditure on staff uh feed utilities okay all right I'm comfortable with that so I'm going to go to my question paper and start moving forward with that okay so now we want to put left aligned your name Center number and candidate number uh that's in the header you can see that there and right align the automated file name with its file path okay so let's go here we're going to go to view going to go to the page layout we you can see the header section up here so on the left hand side I want your name Center number and candidate number and then on the right hand side in the header again right line I want the automated file name with its path so I'm going to first put the file path so that'll be displayed first and then the file name and now if I go to view normal oh actually let's just click over here there we go we can see the file path and the file name my details on the left uh let's just put that correctly and now I can go back to my normal view so if I click here go back to normal and if I do go to do a print out now file print I should see up here my details great okay so next part number 10 it says insert insert two new columns to the left of column A insert in column A the text is shown so that would be that text there okay format the spreadsheet to look like this okay so this is where um whenever I'm doing these videos I always leave something out you always call me out on it guys and I'm really happy that you do because it means you're paying attention so I'm going to try and undo all this without making any mistakes let's see if you can find a mistake this time all right so I'm going to go back to my spreadsheet here and the first step is to insert two columns so from here I'm going to go to column A I'm going to rightclick insert and right click insert and that now has given me two columns as requested and I'm going to add the now I'm going to try I'm going to open a little program here you might actually like this so I don't normally do this I'm not affiliated with any programs guys so this is this is not a sponsored Channel but going to show you a little program I use quite often it's called turbo top okay and I kind of like this it puts this uh down in your taskbar down here and what it does it allows you to float a window on top so it's always on top so I just want to put my question paper on top so I'm just going to put let's just bring this question paper here okay I'm just going to make that small okay I just want to make it small just so I can see it and work and while I'm working I've actually got that question paper there now when I go to down here my task I go to Turbo top I can see my o there if I click on this now even as I'm working here can you see I'm clicking here this window is always on top and that's just going to help me to make sure I'm not going to make any mistakes hopefully all right so let's begin so inside a um I know it's pretty small but we'll get there um in A2 two I want month and then after that in A3 I want previous month and that is um so Row one and two are a little bit bigger okay so I'm just going to select Row one and two I'm just going to expand them a little bit and then Row three is about double the size and this one here is text wrap so I'm going to select that I'm going to go to alignment and just bring that there I'm just going to put wrap text click okay now if it doesn't wrap properly for you so let's say um this column was this big and you wanted month to start on the other one then if you hold the ALT key on your keyboard down and press enter it will wrap it around so it will break that line for you that's a a nice little tip there for you okay um so I've done the two columns s column B is very tight just about that letter size and I can see I've got the same for column H and column M I'm just going to do that now anything that I see now I'm going to do now and hopefully I'm not going to miss anything out this time around okay next I can see I've got that income and expenditure in fact it actually says here the sales just make that b bigger the sales C1 G1 and then i1 to uh to L1 N1 N2 have been merged and Center aligned with 16 point white text on a solid black background wrap all text as shown place in cell G4 right so I'm just going to go do that part now so let's just make that a bit smaller so I've got the view of what's going on so I'm selecting this up to G and I'm going to merge I'm going to merge in center and then this one is up to l i to i1 to L1 merge and center and then we've got this profit loss one here which is in N1 and N2 which has been merged there we go it actually says it down here so it's actually there and so I'm just going to select N1 and N2 merge those and you can see in this case it's not wrapping it around so I need to go and wrap that as well let's just move that out the way so wrap text click okay and I'm just going to click before the L and I'm going to press alt and while I'm pressing that press enter to break that oh actually mistake before the slash as I said I'm going to try not to make any mistakes this time so I'm going to select this one this one and this one with my control button I'm going to make the text White and the FI color black now I can also see it's a sensory font and it's Center aligned and horizontally am vertically so I'm also going to adjust that so that they are vertically aligned as well um on this side in column A I want the months so I'm going to start January click away I'm going to just copy this down so it auto fills the rest of it up until December perfect I'm going to double click here to make sure that fits column A is Right aligned so B is narrow C all of the numbers are right aligned so now I've got these things here these are Center aligned and they're also vertically aligned the balance I'm going to do the same with that okay um is anything that I'm missing I'm going to I'm going I'm just going to pause this video for a second for me I'm just going to double check because I don't want to make any mistakes on this one okay so I do have something which I did spot I forgot to add this to be 16 points there we go that's a bit better and I also need to format all my numbers so I'm just going to move this window out the way now I'm going to format all these numbers from now I mean chances are I'm going to have to do this again after those when I put some other things in there as well but it wants it as dollars so I'm just going to go for currency in fact that's pounds no I want dollars I'm going to go to more number formats click here and just go down and find English United States there we go click okay all right so I've got my dollar signs in there um I think I formatted everything I'm not chopping anything off everything seems to be wrapped correctly if I have me something out by all means give call me out on it all right so the next part of this question paper is as follows so I've done that number 10 place in G4 a function to calculate the total income for the month of January so this is January and then for the month of January the total income is this one okay that's a simple sum function equals to sum and it's really unusual because a lot of these things that they're giving you to do these days in the spreadsheets are so basic just really easy functions there we go and it's automatically picked up the currency symbol now it hasn't told me to copy this down yet so I'm not going to okay so then it says play so we've done that place in L4 a function to calculate the total expenditure for the month of January so now we're going to do the expenditure so the total that one there for January so that's going to be an equal sum again because this is all the expenditure for January now this hasn't adjusted so I'm just going to double click here I can tell that there's a number there because of those hashtags double click there we go okay let's jump over again place in N4 a formula to calculate the profit for the month of January the profit is the total income minus the total expenditure okay is that it simple so in N4 equals to the total income minus the total expenditure guys this paper is just it's a joke for igcs level if you ask me but anyway it's good for you guys um back to the question paper place in 04 a formula to calculate the balance now this is the one that we didn't figure out at the end of January this is the balance from the month before so the month before added to this month's profit loss so in 04 I want the month before so if I if I'm in February the month before would be the balance January so maybe that's what this is for and that should also be uh money currency I'm just going to click on that click on the format painter and click on that there and adjust that so I'm assuming that it's going to be equals to whatever's inside here plus whatever's inside here that makes sense whatever your balance is from the month before you add it to your profit loss if it's negative it goes down if it's positive it goes up okay makes sense so I'm going to say that's done rep replicate formula entered in steps 11 to 14 for each month okay so now we're going to replicate that so I'm going to click here copy that one down that was the first one that was the second one and that was the third one and that's the fourth one oops and it should actually copy that now I always like clicking on one of these I've duplicated clicking on the formula bar and just making sure I don't have any issues with absolute or relative references so that one's okay so for this one yep it's using the correct ones escape and this one it's doing that minus that which is okay and then for this one it should be the top one plus the bottom one okay so that looks good I'm just going to do a quick save here file save and go back to my question paper Okay apply appropriate formatting to all numeric data well I've done that already haven't I um I've already put all my uh units for currency dollar signs apply conditional formatting to all cells in the range N4 to N15 so that if the cell contains a negative number it is shown as white text on a red background okay so N4 which is this one all the way down to N15 we're going to do some conditional formatting go to manage rules from here we're going to add a new rule that rule is going to be based on the contents of that cell so a format only cells that contain a cell value less than zero I'm going to format the background so the fill color is going to be red and the font color is going to be white like that click okay oh actually I'm on the wrong one no I am no I'm not I'm I am I'm on the right one N4 to5 I thought it was going to be on the balance okay uh apply and okay so I can see I've got three items there which are negative and those have been highlighted just double checking um I do want N4 to N15 correct okay so the next one placing your evidence document a screenshot showing the conditional formatting rule cell range and format okay okay so let's just go back to that so again I'm going to select the CES go to my conditional formatting manage rules and I'm going to double there you go I can just use this um I can open this up but this won't show the range so I'm just going to click on okay this is a better screen because we see the sale range here so I'm just going to use that one and take the whole screen there and that shows the range the formatting and also the condition cell value less than zero go to here go down go to new page conditional formatting This was um number 17 17 this okay that's good enough save and minimize that and now I can go to my question paper and now we've got save your spirit print your spreadsheet showing the formula make sure that the row and column headings are displayed page orientation is landscape and the contents of all sales are fully visible and can easily and can be easily read now it doesn't say how many uh Pages it has to be so it can be more than one page so let's go have a quick look over here on our for on our spreadsheet first step I'm going to go to view and I'm going to go to sorry uh we're going to go to formulas and we're going to go to uh show formulas at the top now next step I'm going to click in this corner um tab up here and then double click between two columns and that's just going to adjust all the widths of all the columns to make sure that everything is displayed so I can see all my formulas are displayed everything here is displayed and now I'm going to go to the print so I'm going to go to file print and I can see that it's not showing everything it's two pages that's fine I can print that like that it's not an issue but I I want to make make it fit so let's just go add before I forget um the row and column headings because we need to show uh page or row and column headings are displayed so there they are and now what else I'm going to do I'm just going to go to the page setup go to the margins now it didn't tell me I have to uh put any fixed margins so I am allowed to change these if I want to so I'm just going to reduce the left and there we go by reducing the left and right margins is actually made a bit more space for my my table to fit on one page and again that just makes everything easier for the examiner um my details are on the header and the file name and path in the header as well all is good so all I have to do there is just go to print now um I can print to my PDF printer there's really not much Point doing this you would choose your printer and click on print okay so once I've done that I'm just going to go back and we're going to go to the next part which is now it says print your spreadsheet showing the values make sure that the print out fits on a single landscape page so now it has to be a single landscape the row and column headings are not displayed and all the contents are fully visible and can easily be read all right so let's go back and we're now going to go back so we're going to go to our formulas remove the show formulas again I'm going to click on this corner tab up here double click between two columns and because everything's changed I just want to make sure everything is absolutely fine so now what we're going to do we're just going to make sure that these B H and M are smaller everything's fine nothing has been messed up so that's good so I'm going to go to file print uh again I'm just going to make sure this is landscape before it was already landscape so I didn't need to change that um um so that it's landscape I want to get rid of the row and column headings so I'm going to go to sheet and remove that and it's kept my margins from before so now that the table is actually a little bit narrower as well then um it fits perfectly on one page the header is displayed and everything is visible so now I can go ahead and print that off okay so I will just print that again uh print it to my PDF printer you will print to the actual printer enter and yep there you go let's go to the next one so we go back and now we go to our question paper Okay number 20 says the October donations were entered incorrectly okay in October the donations were 421 correct this data in the spreadsheet and print the spreadsheet showing the values the print out fits on a single landscape page row and column headings are not displayed and the contents of all CS are fully visible okay so basically exactly the same as before only this time we need to change uh donations so these are donations and for October so ah there we go so this instead of it 421 it's actually 42.1 enter and we can see now we had a loss that conditional formatting has worked so that's turned red these values from here on would have changed as well so these are the things that the examiner is going to be looking for in this printout so they know that you've actually done this correct so what I'm going to do now I'm just going to print that off file print uh again I mean this is the settings are just like before but just double check them print single landscape so I'm on landscape um it's a single page no row and column headings displayed everything is visible so I will just print from there okay I think that's done do we have anything else in this paper Okay so tfy printing the evidence document make sure that your name Senter number and candidate number appear on every uh page of your evidence document save your evidence document print your evidence document so all I really need to do now is just go here open this up save power print I hope I haven't forgotten something in the evidence document but please don't count that as a mistake if I have um the idea is once you've got all your printouts you're going to spend the rest of the time that you have so I'm going to call that evidence okay so the idea is guys that now that you have basically finished this um what an easy paper that was relatively easy you can see it takes time for you to analyze the spreadsheet you need to take some time with the Dream Weaver part or the web uh design part just be a little bit patient it might look a bit messy just double check that you doing everything correctly with the spreadsheet analyze that data first be careful that you don't change any of those values by accident especially when you're duplicating formulas down and be really meticulous about the formatting because every single thing that you miss is one Mark now if I have missed something in this paper call me out on it I really don't mind if if you do call me out I'm going to be adding any mistakes that are called out and are actual mistakes I will be pinning them as a comment uh the pinned comment of this video so anyone watching this video you can actually see if there are any errors that have been identified apart from that if you are taking this exam you found this useful um if you have learned something new as always make sure you like make sure you subscribe I'll see you again in the next video take care and good luck with your exams byebye