shout out to the Jack of all trades missed everything meet Kevin for arranging this actual confrontation the first time in history I think that a video actually involved a confrontation yet weirdly it's not in the title however this is too good to ignore the clip's pretty short but oh my goodness is it good just remember folks when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time he he didn't want to vote for that Compensation Plan no that's true I voted for the compensation plan in 2018 it's her turn he he he said that uh he doesn't like uh paying the richest man in the world more money what's your response that's a terrible answer no now she does have a point already the idea that you don't want to pay the world's richest man even more that is a terrible answer that's the kind of thinking you might hear from a communist oh wait cforia ah hm now there now you know it's entirely irrelevant what musk's net worth is that has nothing at all to do with whether or not he's entitled to earn compensation for producing extraordinary results it's entirely irrelevant I've made the example before I'm going to make it again you ever turn up to a restaurant and go you know what this food's great but I hear they're making a lot of money so guess what I'm not going to pay for this meal they've already got enough they're making enough money anyway this should be free they don't deserve anymore you ever go watch one of your favorite bands play go you know what I heard these guys made a lot on the last tour so this ticket's free right I'm not going to pay I'll just go for free go to a lecture an event maybe even one put on by meet Kevin and say you know what what this guy's got enough money anyway [ __ ] paying for a ticket that's ridiculous he doesn't deserve more money no this ticket should be free of course not unless of course you're a psycho and or a communist it is a terrible answer it's ridiculous in fact let's just be honest here it's brain dead it is a brain dead response from a brain dead person who's completely lost the plot suffering from Elon bad syndrome is mental I I'm saying I'm saying this man committed and you voted for it to working for free no no base salary no bonus no stock Kathy owned 20% of the company so what he he said here I'm going to lay out this plan and if I achieve this from an operational point of view this is the compensation package and I'll tell you what we thought this was back in 18 because we had just published our first uh Tesla Model and I remember saying to our analyst I said he's using our model he thinks we're right he think were right I mean of course you know it's all about us no I didn't mean that but he's using our model he really thinks this is possible when no one thinks this is possible out there and we had him accomplishing those goals in five years he did them in three years and now you're going to tell him no I I didn't tell him no at all in fact it was Judge McCormick that invalidated the pay package because judges are now in oh hey here we go true nature shining through I didn't I didn't I didn't vote no even though I voted no no no no I deferred to the judge he's obviously not an activist not corrupt doesn't have her own agenda judge McCormack says it's bad then obviously that means I should vote no in 2024 despite the fact that I voted yes in 2018 because the judge said so do what you're told be obedient obey obey oby wait what's this going for my booster today and getting my older son uh oh he's excited oh me too are wait what Vegas is booming but what the finny continue we all must go out and get what's this this doesn't replace the need to get I can't say that word YouTube might do some things unfortunately hearing about a size will increase in the scam damic please be careful wear a mask and get if you don't get you will get the scamdemic eventually and new strains are worse and more contagious if you get the thing it's over for you I have no fear and I'm living my life normal again think about how amazing this feels just do it adulteries 100 times more transmissible I think you guys get the [ __ ] point I mean I'm not Hello like look hello yeah so anyway uh wait what was the point I was making oh yeah that's right blind obedience the forms of authority deference to the decision- making come on bro think for yourself oh an activist judged you some convoluted ridiculous mental gymnastics to attempt to suggest this was an invalid compensation package to Rob Muson comp years after the fact ridiculous the judge said so [ __ ] now you got to give credit to Kathy she's clearly doing her best to contain but bro if looks could kill this guy would be 6 Fe under Jesus I mean he can she's saving charge of corporate compensation no it's not about corporate confrontation Kathy and I think that's the misperception it's about corporate governance and Tesla has a a board that is not independent and it is required by the NASDAQ and Delaware to have an independent board and what the judge had said was that the package was not negotiated fairly with the board see the issue I had and why I voted against it was I thought it would be much more productive for them to do a new pay package than to regurgitate the old one that was shot down they could not if you ISS said the same thing why didn't they cut the K pay C you couldn't do that legally in this well you can retroactively like add compensations that's beside the point I wouldn't I I shouldn't even have have uh have um countenanced the point because I just don't agree with it he did it we've voted once again the shareholders have voted and I don't think court and and we voted knowing full well all the con governance issues you think were an issue but if they were an issue they were an issue back then and you shouldn't have voted for it brushi just destroyed the dude again the irony of course I don't think there's an unbridgeable IQ Gap here and I'm not sure he's realizing that he's getting completely burned to the ground it goes back to the point again we knew the terms we agreed he did the extraordinary things he should get compensated the [ __ ] end of the conversation oh but no but the judge the judge but I I don't disagree with it but the judge said do what the judge said the [ __ ] you no I don't it's not what I think it's what the judge in Delaware thinks and that's bro you could not you could not have planned that better exactly the judge said do what the judge said Judge Me Harder Daddy this is such weasly Behavior it's not it's what the judge said the judge said it was bad so I voted against it this time cuz the judge told me to PS go get your 29th booster uh uh moving on why I got oh my good so what's happened now is it's going bro Kathy's really having a hard time containing your that was another absolutely vicious roast not sure if you picked it up maybe he did I mean again we're just going to listen to that again just watch Kathy's response in my opinion when she says really I think what she's saying is you [ __ ] [ __ ] but I could be wrong knowing full well all the con governance issues you think were an issue but if they were an issue they were an issue back then and you shouldn't have voted for it no I don't it's not what I think it's what the judge in Delaware thinks and that's why it got invalidated oh my goodness so what's happened yeah bro she just bodied him again that's so oh bro does he know how much she's ridiculing him right now what she's saying without saying it implying that he's an absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] an NPC the judge said judge hter Daddy tell me what to do and think and how to vote this time it's not what I think it's what the judge said God so [ __ ] disgusting to see a guy who's just so compliant and differential to an authority figure oh the judge said Jesus now is it's going back to the judge in Delaware and just because we revoted for it again doesn't necessarily make it valid either so that was the problem is that we're still dealing with this you know what's been great about this whole time Andrew Ross sorin on CNBC and we used to be on the other side of Tesla regularly he is with us on this uh I think this is unamerican I really do bro I would like to report a murder again if looks could kill rip Ross Gerber look at the body language everything about this Kathy is sing and I completely agree unamerican ABS [ __ ] lutely despicable unethical snake likee Behavior it's bro where's the integrity and character of this guy no how Kathy points out that back in the day Andrew Rosen of cnbs used to be on the other side very bearish around Tessa but even he understands that this is fair what's fair is people being compensated based on extraordinary performance I couldn't agree more with Kathy Wood here not just what she said but what you know she's thinking hey uh wait for this ready but you didn't see this coming imagine imagine if a judge in who knows where decided to retroactively Rob Ross of the compensation that he's earned for managing and or Miss mismanaging can't see what I did there but I'm just kidding totally not mismanaging managing people's money for whatever they do at Gerber Kawasaki since 2018 all the fees along the way from every element of their business imagine if a judge retroactively made him pay it all back that that would be about equivalent to what's happened to musk imagine if that happened I wonder how Ross would feel then of course I know what Ross would say Ross say well it's not about what I think the judge said that I don't deserve that income and money so I'll just happily pay it back cuz that's totally reasonable cuz cuz you said so cuz you're a j Jud you're a judge you told me what to think cuz you're a judge okay I think I made my point right what an absolute [ __ ] I cannot believe I mean we're really seeing some true colors come out here now I just can't believe does he know like the entire world anyone with any moral fiber any character at all is just thinking what a scumbag look at Kathy's face bro if looks could kill one more time we got to watch this again the body language to the oh bro if there's any body language experts out there highly recommend you should react to this do deep analysis holy [ __ ] dude she mad bro rightfully so so that was the problem is that we're still dealing with this you know what's been great about this whole time Andrew Ross sorin on cmbc and we used to be on the other side of Tesla regularly he is with us on this uh I think this is unamerican I really do what's that American to let judges use some esoteric esot fairness fairness what's unfair about a stock moving from I I don't even know what on the split basis $20 to 4117 you know what's unfair about once again you're you're not talking about why this happened this happened because elon's brother is on the board of directors and Ved then and you knew it but what what I'm saying is that now the judge told me that it was bad so I had to vote now even though back in 2018 I already knew these things but suddenly it's now an issue actually the truth is it's because now that Elon bad cuz he has opinions and some of my clients don't like them therefore I need to pretend that Elon bad I I'm just I didn't mean that I should edit that out it was a joke I swear it's just the mental gymnastics this absolute [ __ ] is currently engaging in to try to justify the fact that he approves this in 2018 he posts about it saying it's extraordinary and inis high performance all this kind of stuff and then years later without any new information no because the judge told him he should vote no in essence I mean godamn what a compliant [ __ ] [ __ ] he never went through the process that's required by law to do these things correctly why is it so hard to do them correctly I disagree with you on that it's not disagree that's why I got invalidated I I disagree I think I need a shot at tequila one last thing one last thing one last thing one last thing I'll have some tequila around the whole 2018 funding secured drama after that they elevated Robin denholm whom I have known for years she was at Sun microsystem she was at uh Juniper I've known her very well she's from Australia she suffers no fools and she and Elon she is truly independent they made her the chair after that they didn't did so she was made the chair right so a next what does that tell you about governance that the SEC forced Tesla to have an independent chair because they for bro he just owned gold she backed even Court oh God damn it this guy is so dumb that great setup he's just admitted that they have an independent chair on the board after say oh [ __ ] dude I me this is what happens when there's dead set at least three maybe four standing deviations between two people and one of them doesn't realize it on off the board but the majority of the board's supposed to be independent and it's not and that hasn't been rectified and that's what I'm saying Tesla needs to focus on selling cars that's their job now this is a controversial take but I don't actually care if this is focused on selling vehicles I care a lot more about how they're progressing with AI just just quietly the fact that this is the main conversation around Tesla is a failure in selling cars and that's what we have to deal with next week when they report their numbers is what are the numbers that test and so this is all just conjecture either way and it's a big waste of time if they would have gone through I that's a big waste in time I I do not think that that the courts I don't think the courts should be I don't think the courts should be determining corporate compensation just I could not agree more stay the [ __ ] out of it now look I have a funny feeling and that's all it is cuz I can't actually read minds that at this very moment Kathy Wood is thinking what a gigantic sack of [ __ ] of course we'll never know but holy [ __ ] dude I have to say in a weird way this whole drama around musk's conversation has actually been incredible it's revealed the true nature of many so-called tuls and or investors hope for Ross's sake that no judge ever decides that he should pay back every scent he's earned since 2018 cuz obviously he'd just comply like the gigantic sausage wallet that he is wow anyone want to guess uh which of these two people Kathy or Ross lives in cforia anyone want to take a guess I think I'll leave it there you know what while I'm at it I thought part two why not read some of the comments on this video first of all everyone should check out Kevin's what's this Kevin's courses on wealth and private live streams just wonder if he wears clothes on those if not Kevin let me know I'll sign up now some comments I thought this will be insightful because obviously I'm extremely deluded and I'm an Elon Fanboy and a Tesla Fanboy and I also hate Communists so I may possibly have a very biased interpretation of this interaction and assessment of Ross's character and his nature as a person Kevin being a very neutral moderator there stunningly so I would not be able to contain myself so well done to Kevin for remaining neutral I don't think he's swayed his audience too much who knows I didn't watch the full video Let's see what some of the comments look like Ross by the way these are sorted just by default which is top rated Ross is a oneman clown show Kathy is fabulous Ross is disgusting Kathy is right it was unamerican Ross I had a hard time getting a hotel room so the economy must be doing well Kathy you're at a conference I'm guess that was something else had occurred and he's Rec quoting it that'd be pretty funny if Ross was infering the economy is doing well cuz he had a hard time getting a hotel room while he's literally in town for conference Cathy's class Ross simply doesn't possess the intellect to compete with her dude that's absolutely on point wow shocked at how clueless Ross scuber is embarrassing for him Ross is a punk Ross by the way these are I mean I'm not randomly editing out comments that are just this is in order for how they're being presented to me on YouTube by the default sort setting Ross is disconnected from the reality of average people that's true Ross is the ultimate creep Ross is absolutely wrong and he blames his incompetent thinking on a corrupt judge that's fair Gerber is so hard to listen to he's a suit for sure as a corporate finance director I can't believe someone is the head of any business let alone an investment firm while saying I don't look at the data I guess that's also a quote from another point in the video Ross Gerber equals clown I hate Ross so I'm in Kathy's side without watching video well shouldn't prejudge somebody but I guess they've seen enough of Ross to have made up their mind anyway Gerber getting checked was long overdue way to go Cathy Ross forgets that people don't don't go to Vegas unless they have money you can't say that what happens in Vegas is how it is in general I'm guessing they were talking about the economy and he was using some anecdotes from Vegas let's move on Kathy was very sharp here much respect to her great example of what TDS does to a person fair enough I can't take Ross seriously better yet I can't take his shoelace seriously and then some an arrogant prick with three first names wrote 4 SD IQ Gap I wonder if that means standard deviations I wonder what he's describing there Kathy is a g Ross is such a slime ball just because of middle and lower is still swiping the credit card doesn't mean those classes isn't struggling Ross is clueless if he doesn't like how Elon runs the company why does he own the stock Ross is your typical slime ball wouldn't trust that dude to borrow a dollar what Ross is one of those people you hear talk and you instantly get angry well in Kathy's case that seems to have been correct why does anyone give Ross the time of day by the way spoiler alert cuz it's entertaining like a clown in the circus I used to like Ross and I had investments in Gerber he comes off as a genius at first must be the suit but the more he talks about things he doesn't understand or has emotions attached to the less I trust his opinion watching this I just lost all respect for Ross Ross loves Biden what a total clown I lost my last bit of respect for Bross Gerber I mean these this is in order guys I'm not editing anything out like this is real time no sneaky [ __ ] here I'm not even going to edit out the comments that were unrelated to the interaction between Ross and Kathy about the econ but this is just here is how they appear tell Ross to go dump his whole fun into aramoto then clown Ross is a clown Ross can identify the bias of someone filling out a survey but he can't identify the bias of someone traveling to Las Vegas and spending money not normally a fan of Kathy Wood but she really nailed this discussion and comes across as a lot more grounded than I expected it's wild to see how disconnected from reality Gerber is I was thinking sure he may be really in his own bubble and has very different lifestyle than the average US citizen he must at least be looking at data to make up for that but apparently not the respective of Vegas is America made me spit out my beard now that's interesting more discussion around the economy apparently Ross was according to a quote earlier he said he doesn't look at the data and he's just bringing up some anecdotes I heard there was a clown called Ross the clown in California is that true Ross sucks so much Trump should ask Kathy to be his vice president zero Integrity based on the vote any investor would have to question how a fund manager would respond if asked to do something that they had promised to do that's a good point someone that does not feel the need to be true to their word should not be trusted to manage your money by the way I completely agree don't trust a dumbass with your money if you trust someone like this then you deserve to lose your money I mean it's kind of hard to argue Ross is a goof needs to finally shut his mouth okay so Trump fired Russ from The Apprentice everything makes sense now actually he had a hard time getting a room because government is housing illegal immigrants in hostels hotels Kathy thumbs up Ross thumbs down if you think Tes is a car company that should primarily be focused on selling cars you have zero idea what tesar is another great comment totally agree Ross the clown Ross is the biggest waste of space for a human such a clown Ross Gerber not even competent enough to properly tie his own shoelaces Ross is so disingenuous he has no honor he lies he would not know good corporate governance if it bites him on the ass the internet never forgets Ross Ross is of bad character I would not do business with a man like him I'm going to wrap up here guys I mean look I don't want to punch a low character piece of [ __ ] when they're down but I just thought it was worth sharing some perspective here just to see do people agree with Ross I mean after all he's loud he's everywhere great business strategy to get people on board with your company and earn those well-deserved management fees or whatever however gets compensated but I just thought it was worth sharing something cuz obviously I'm extremely biased and so here's a more General audience on Kevin's Channel responding to what Ross had to say in conversation with Kathy to say the man has no honor is absolutely on point don't forget want more content Early Access bunch of perks click the links in the pin comment ag1 is awesome I've been taking it daily now for more than 3 years it's a great way to fill a nutritional gaps it's packed full of vitamins minerals and Whole Food Source nutrients plus has prebiotics probiotics and adaptogens to improve gut health regularity and help your body handle stress I'm always looking for an edge to help me feel and perform my best which is why I haven't missed a day of 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the afternoon Pleasant side effect is that my coffee intake has imploded and it's almost down to zero one more yeah why not I honestly feel younger and will be continuing to use ag1 this stuff really is crazy good I didn't think it would be but this stuff is awesome it really is what everyone is saying one more don't mind if I do I've just received my third month supply I've drank it every day I have so much energy throughout most of the day I'm productive started a new business started socializing refurbished the boat it's no coincidence thank you for your persistence your integrity and your insights now look these are not my words these are not my testimonials this is what you guys and girls are saying maybe it's 100% placebo effect but even if that's the case I think it's money well spent click your link at the pin comment or head to drink smmr and get yourself a free 1year supply of vitamin D3 plus K2 and five travel packs if you're still skeptical hey I don't blame you everyone on the planet seems to be promoting ag1 now but guess what they weren't nearly 3 years ago when I had this to say privately to my Patron audience before there was a relationship when I was asked about what I was doing for my health energy and so on just sharing my genuine honest thoughts about a product I'd recently discovered that was at the time called athletic greens now ag1 if I could only recommend one supplement to take athletic greens and I'm not getting paid to say this athletic greens is a [ __ ] game changer I just I cannot believe how effective this is no longer having a lack of energy in the afternoons it's [ __ ] amazing there's only one thing to recommend seriously try athletic greens you won't go back so obviously just like Elon Musk is a liar or fraud a con man a scammer a fake engineer and T is going bankrupt you shouldn't trust that guy from about 3 years ago who without any Financial incentive was promoting this product to his audience on patreon when they're asking about health and what he's doing for supplements cuz obviously there was some other reason he recommended that obviously not sure what it was but don't trust that guy and all the testimonials like my mental game has improved with ag1 I feel better than ever I'm so impressed I've bought it for both my parents I feel more focused and have better digestion incredible difference no more afternoon fatigue it's relieved gut issues these are all just obviously fake testimonials from fake people right wrong just try it unless you hate yourself if you hate yourself you don't even want to risk possibly feeling better this is not for you but for everyone else what's the worst Could Happen try for a month see how you feel it's a no-brainer just click the link in the pin comment or head to drink smmr you'll get a free 1-year supply of vitamin D3 and K2 plus five travel packs and you'll take the Colossal risk that maybe you might have a similar experience to some of the people whose testimonials we've read in this video