Transcript for:
Interview Insights on Mr. Beast Production

I'm hungry! I'll write jokes for food! I wish a philanthropist youtuber would just give me 10k and not film it!

Hey! Hey! What the hell happened to you?

Mr. Beast, that's what happened to me! What we do here is go back! Okay, Content Cop from Timu back at it again. So just before I get into my interrogation with former Beast employee Jake Weddle, a lot has happened since my last video. After posting it I got hundreds of messages from former Beast employees and I had them all like send proof of former employment.

You know, just people showing their support or telling their stories of, you know, fake videos or unsafe practices, you know, toxic workplace, stuff like that. I'm not really gonna get into those claims because for one like most people want to stay anonymous which I understand. And also like I think most that stuff's just been covered with with you know the news coming out about Beast Games and everything.

And also I have like more serious allegations that I want to start covering. Also I heard from a very credible source that Mr. Beast has been sitting on a response to part one because he was worried if he posted it I would instantly respond with part two you know like a like this is kids bop Kendrick Lamar vs Drake. Also I know Mr. Beast's secret CEO has been practically like harassing my people on, you know, hey, what's in part two?

What does he know? So I will just tell you, Jake, what will be in part three, so you don't have to harass my people. It will be about serious allegations of sexual misconduct in the company and your direct involvement in covering up those crimes.

And I'll make sure to give you full credit and plaster your face all over the screen when we talk about that. So yeah, I've gotten dozens of messages from Foreign History employees of very serious allegations. So I just want to put a call to action and start this video that you know, if you have a story you can DM me Just make sure you send proof of employment first because I get a lot of DMS And like as much as I mean and joke around like I take anonymity very seriously. So without explicit permission I don't go public with anything and obviously if it goes to court I don't I would hope they would censor your information from the court documents.

I don't know Oh and former contestants, too That's another thing. I heard after posting my last video is during the hundred boys versus girls video I have people corroborating the same story that the camera guy who gave the girls a drone was making some girls feel uncomfortable. You trap these girls in a circle and make them sleep on rough turf and get them high on paint fumes and then you try to f**k them.

Okay, then. That seems really dark. No, no, it's not dark.

You're misunderstanding me, bro. I think I am. Yeah, you are. Because if the girl said no, then the answer obviously is no. No.

But the thing is, is she's not gonna say no. She would never say no because of the implication. Anyway, so that will be part three. So, you know, Mr. Beast, do with that information what you will. I know Chucky didn't want to respond to those allegations.

So anyway my interview with Jake Weddle, I chose to interview him because I thought he was perfect because he was both on camera and behind the scenes in 2019 and 2020. And also what people don't know is that he came back in 2021 to be the sole contestant of a Beast video which never got uploaded because it went very badly. He also knows about another portable document format who was working at Beast while actually on the registry. And I'll get more into that story at the end of the video. So I got his DM, drove straight to New York overnight, did not sleep, just drank a bunch of caffeine. And I also only had one microphone in the interview, which he's wearing.

So it's mostly just him talking. Also, like, final thing, people said my last video started slow. This video also starts slow.

You know, it builds up over time. But I'll do the retention thing and say, the ending will blow your mind. It's crazy.

Okay. Jake Weddle, everybody. I'm Jake Weddle.

Most people who, if you know me from Beast, I'm a deep cut. I've made a few of the videos, sometimes maybe purposefully kept to the shadows a little bit. I'm in the cutting room floor a lot of the time. But I've been in some videos, I've worked on a lot of them. I was there from 2019 to 2020, 2021-ish when I came back and did some more.

I was there when they were authentic and then I saw the transition to what I feel like is a company. It's like a TV show now. It went from Youtube guy with a camera to...

Amazon. The culture around there was very unspoken but there was a vibe. There was half the people who if you made Jimmy happy you were on the good half.

Then these people got random bonuses and were usually moved up, had more screen time and then there was people who if you had a disagreement or butt heads with Jimmy or just he didn't like you, you know you were in the other half. And I consistently was in the half that Jimmy didn't like me. That's fine.

I don't like him either. It's okay. Oh, that's so good to say.

I don't like Jimmy. I hate you so much. He didn't want anyone to get more popular or have more of a way out necessarily. Oh, I'm doing my Twitch thing on the side.

Don't do that because you could get famous and leave and talk about me negatively. And I could tell that the yes men were, you know, doing well and I was, you know, disgruntled for quite some time. So I've talked to reporters, right?

Like publicly. And I've always had to Choose my words very very carefully because I don't want to say anything I don't stand behind obviously So I used to talk to people I used to glaze Jimmy publicly for things I do genuinely think are true But then it's like well how can we just like with the working conditions? Well, I wanted a career I didn't want to you know speak ill of YouTube's golden boy, and then I'm blacklisted forever I told people I was talking to you and they go, don't what are you doing?

You're gonna kill your career! It's like I have to or I'll be sad This is the moment we're gonna talk about it. So as far as that that's my covering up the why we didn't talk about xyz sooner but now you know.

What would you say is the fakest video that you worked on while you were there? Fakest video that I worked on while I was there? This is the extent of the fakeness that I was involved to.

This is like admitting to my complacency. I was a writer there and we were working on a video uh crushing my friend's car with a rock or meteor or uh something. It was a rock or a meteor in the title. I can't remember but he wanted to do a prank where unbeknownst to the person he takes a rock crushes their car.

And they're supposed to think a rock came out of space. We're gonna take a meteor and we're gonna put it on Wetto's car. We're gonna take another meteor and put it on Marcus's car.

Both of them have no idea that we're doing this. Wetto and Marcus are probably shocked. They had no idea. And so that was the one and only time I had to, huh?

My car? What? And on the fly I saw him, uh, cause Marcus was in that video, so Marcus is calling his mom. Marcus genuinely had no idea. He was, he was, he genuinely had no idea, but, uh, so Marcus is calling his mom and his mom's freaking out.

And I'm like, oh no, they're gonna call my mom next. So I had to text my mom, who I had to beg to get the title very quickly. Now I'm texting my mom, I go, Mom, I'm about to call you about the meteor thing. You have no idea?

Be surprised. And then I hit send, and then they go, call your mom now. And I call my mom and I tell her, and oh, she should have got the Oscar.

Oh my, on the fly, she goes, What?! I'm on vacation! Mom, my car has been, um, destroyed. Wait, what?

A meteor hit it. Jacob, I'm on vacation! Do you understand?

Uh, but, uh, yeah, I did that video, and they were supposed to give me 10k to put a down payment on a, uh, new car, and they wanted me to get, like, a big, flashy new car. 10k was supposed to be a down payment. And, uh, I can't afford a big, flashy new car, because I work at Beast.

So I couldn't get anything I couldn't afford the taxes on, I couldn't get anything I couldn't afford the insurance on. So I do my part of the video and I get a mom van that I could afford. And Jimmy was like, why didn't you get a cooler car?

I was like, I can't afford that bro, come on, what are you talking about? If I was working on a TV show in the 90s on a show that was a quarter as successful, I could retire today. But now I make dog shit pay making gajillionaires more money.

And I just walked into the writers room And that's one of the reasons why I left was because I just walked in there and asked for not necessarily a bajillion dollars But maybe a salary that was more proportional to the work I was doing given how much revenue that work was doing And then you know I talked about that and I talked about the writers guild and how this is what writers go to industry standard Is for the streaming internet content with ads. I thought that was the closest thing to YouTube and I didn't even bring up residuals because oh my god if I got residuals for every video I worked on, boy howdy I can retire. But uh uh yeah the other thing I talked about was there was another writer there, uh older comic, uh black guy, he had a kid and I got paid more than him and I thought that was wild because he was older than me, had a child, uh we're doing the exact same job and uh well I'm some 20 year old fucking white guy, why am I getting paid more than him? I brought that up.

And uh one of the things I didn't like about the way some of the V stuff shook out was I feel really guilty about the way it just shook out. Yeah, I was talking to this other writer. Me, it's fucked up.

That's how the pay is. I want you to get paid more because you deserve to get paid more. I don't have a kid.

And he didn't want to rock the boat. He desperately didn't want to rock the boat. I like my job.

I like my job because when you grow up with nothing, not to say that he did, but I know I did, you know. You get a little something, you don't want to lose it, so you don't want to rock the boat. But he said, hey man, if that's how you feel, you know, like if that's like, I trust you. He stood with me. He went to that meeting with me.

And I said I have my piece and he backed me up. And I said, I need XYZ or I'm out of here. And they said bet and they gave me a severance check the next day.

And they gave him a severance check the next day. And if I knew, if I knew he was going to lose his job too, I wouldn't have done it. Me? I was over the moon. I was like, you're gonna give me a check and I get to leave?

You know, I don't get to deal with the, with the, you know, how many Orbeez can I fit up my asshole every day, you know? I get to go home and you're gonna pay me to leave. I was over the moon.

And he was devastated. He did not want, I said, he just wanted to be in the room, you know? And I really regret, I really regret that.

But, you know. Me and him, we're really still tight. We're still good friends. Is he doing good?

Yeah, he's doing good. He's a good guy. I love that guy. He's doing good.

Kinda. Yeah. So maybe you're still the better? Honestly, best thing I could have done for him.

Now that he's very, very far removed from all this crazy shit, I guess. Do you think Jimmy really enjoys doing good and helping people? I think Jimmy wants to be the best Youtube.

I think he is laser focused on one goal. And I think... Whatever he has to do to achieve that goal, he'll do. And I think it was the smartest decision for him that he calculated, because he's very good with numbers.

If I donate to charity, people can't say I'm shitty. If I donate to, if I give this homeless guy 10K, what do you mean I'm a bad guy? But I've always thought, if you're going to do something nice for somebody, and you stick a camera in their face while you do it, You didn't do a nice thing for somebody.

You gained something. There was a homeless guy on the street and you saw an opportunity for yourself and your image. And you gave one guy $10,000 who needed it to eat.

And now the revenue you generated from that video is way more than what you gave. I think when he's generous on camera, it's the least authentic thing in the world. There's an element of, you know...

Oh, hey, you're crying. That's so good for camera. You know, I'm so glad he's...

If you're crying because you're so thankful that you got XYZ, and then you go, oh, I'm so glad he needed it that bad so I could come in and... Can you cry more? Oh, it's so good for the camera if you could... Oh, I just need...

It made me uncomfortable that I was working there, and I didn't like it, and I vocalized it sometimes, and I think that's why I wasn't on camera as much as they said I was going to be. I was told at one point that I was gonna be like fourth banana, you know, it's gonna be Jimmy, Chris, Chandler, me, you know And then that never happened. I remember talking about that like hey, I let my contract set XYZ And then I got the severance checks. So, you know, whatever how that record so after your severance checks How was your relationship with the company? I know you appeared in videos after that, right?

Right So so in videos where I was appearing in later that that's why you keep nice publicly if you're nice in public Hey Jake was nice in public. Let's have him back for something. You know, yeah, sure. So I was hoping they'd call back, you know.

And I appeared in some videos after I left. I think one of them was three days in a maximum security prison. If I did do many challenges in that, I got paid.

I was clocked in with a rate and I would get paid and compensated for those. But there was one video I was in, I got paid a lot for it, but it didn't come out. It didn't come out because it didn't go well.

There was a video that came out probably a year ago, something like that. It got a lot of hot water when it came out. It was the surviving $10,000 every day you spend in solitary or surviving solitary for whatever. It was one of those solitary confinement videos that got a lot of media attention because everybody saw the premise and thought, What?

You shouldn't do that. And people don't know that was the second attempt. The first attempt was on me.

And it didn't go well. I was already planning on moving to New York, and I had worked at a couple of YouTube companies after Beast, and I had a little bit of change in my pocket, the most change I had in my pocket ever. Small potatoes compared to Beast bullshit, but I thought I had enough to move to New York or whatever. And I get a call from somebody over there, and they go, hey, they want you for a video.

I was like, oh, amazing, great, cool, thank God. What's the video? And they tell me the pitch. They try to make the pitch sound like it's going to be like a walk in the park. The pitch.

Which is a hundred days in solitary confinement. But don't worry, like you only have to last like 30, we have like a video. They're pitching it like a, oh at first it's gonna be like a luxury vacation.

You're gonna have like a hot tub and your ice cream machine. And like part of the video is gonna be you deciding like, what items am I gonna get rid of, you know, today? And like the choice. They were like, it's only gonna be bad for the last like five days tops when you have like nothing left. You're the first, it's gonna be like a breeze for most of it.

And by the end of it... after 30 days you're gonna get three hundred thousand dollars because it's ten thousand dollars a day and i don't know man i grew up poor in north carolina i said excuse me you i'll yell dance for you if you put that kind of money in my face sure they were like you're gonna be locked in this room and we gotta make sure you're on all the time we're gonna have cameras on you all the time and you're perfect for this because you never shut the up uh yeah on paper i was like okay i can do this and i was they always they always cut me out of the videos they always became that was you know editors have told me that uh it's because you have too much of a personality and so with this video i thought this is perfect it's a video they can't cut me out of i'm the guy and so i thought well if i have to do this if i have to do solitary confinement in order to do the things i want to do then i will do that that i held my tongue and i swallowed my pride and i tried to do one one one last ride uh and uh i get there and at first it's fine and uh i mean they just freshly painted the set you could smell it you know which that's probably not good you know the smell of fresh paint in your surroundings for the next xyz time uh it looked good on the visual like the key looks good on camera you know it's movie magic bullshit it was a terrible facility i mean he was in one of the studios the they had to like get like a separate like tank for you know septic stuff uh you Yeah, there was a hot tub in it. Yeah, there was an ice cream machine.

Like, things were cool and funny on paper. But when you think about stuff, a hot tub that's not connected to a filtration system, give it three days, it's going to stink. You know, there's not like a hot water mechanism.

So the hot tub was a lukewarm tub at best, which I was a silly complaint, but the shower was always cold. And you're taking like a quick shower. And I had cameras 24-7 on me. and the ice cream machine, let's talk about that for a second, ice cream machine has two modes on and off raking of smelly dairy mildew like so I got to choose which scents was assaulted at a time I couldn't have all of them good uh so the little thing started to build up you know there was a the bug thing wasn't like terrible but it was a factor and at first it was fine you know and you're you're playing it up like because you know it's a video And it got to a point where like they weren't turning the lights off. You know, I asked them, I said, can we like have like nighttime hours? You know, they said no because it would fuck up the time lapse shots.

The time lapse of what? Me sleeping? Or me not sleeping? Yeah, I saw in other videos they did a like, oh, you're gonna get xyz hours of sunlight.

Oh, great! Want to know how they figured that one out? I didn't have it! You know, one of the things was you got to take away your clock so you didn't know what time it was.

Okay, I got no access to the sun. I got no access to the clock. I don't know, like, the lights are on me all the time. I wasn't sleeping. I could not sleep.

And I have insomnia problems now, but they might have started there. I had good people looking out for me. I had a lot of good people looking out for me saying, we gotta stop. So I didn't have them. I just wanted to turn the lights off.

And I'm vocalizing to people, I wish the lights would turn off. And I go up to my friend, my good friend. And I go, they're not turning the lights off.

He goes, what? That's a war crime. We're not allowed to do that to terrorists. Oh!

Oh good! 24 hours breaking the Geneva Convention, I guess, is what we're doing. So, you know, they're either giving me melatonin.

You know, it's not helping, you know, and then Jimmy would come in like every other day for like an hour, you know, to check in on me because he's doing other stuff. You know, I'm just the guy in the cage over here. He'll come back to me in a minute. And so he'd come by, he'd get the shots, he'd leave.

Sometimes he'd have a note from the director over the phone that would really piss me off. This is the note I got from the director from Jimmy when I'm receiving some cash. Jimmy said, can you say to the camera how thankful you are that now you can pay back your student loans?

You know how hard it was to do a take of that? To pretend to make it genuine? I don't want to have student loans, I don't want to be in a cage.

But Jimmy's the guy with the money, and if you do what he says, he'll do what you want. Oh, you want your student loans paid off? You'll be in this cage. You have power over people when one person doesn't have...

resources and the other one does and they all go over your head and you go of course of course yeah i agreed to it i needed it of course there's something about like having the cameras out all the time like i was i was i was not having a good time but we were filming a video so i was trying my best to be funny you know i'm a dark comic yeah i got bits about i had a very traumatic life i have my my dad is in jail for sexual assault of a minor, you know, so this kind of stuff is very near and dear to my heart. You know, I don't fuck around with this shit. Yeah, I have jokes about that in my act. You know, I joke about it because, you know, that's what you do in a traumatic experience.

You know, abusive relationships, I get out of it, the first thing I do is I do a tie-fying about it. You know, so I'm in this situation where my mental health is not good, my physical health is getting worse, but we're filming, so I'm doing bits! I'm talking to the camera!

And I'm being, you know, like, hey, it's been a couple days, I'm not doing so hot, you know? Which, if I'm filming a video, that's what I should be doing for the camera, but it was too real. If they're faking videos, why couldn't we fake this one? You know, if we're allowed to let these cast members have some time off of this difficult challenge, how come we couldn't turn the lights off? How come we couldn't maybe not have some time lapse footage for ten seconds?

Did you try to get out? Yes! I was starting to calculate, uh, oh, I don't know if I could do a 30. Uh, how much, uh, can I, well, how can I manage to get out of here sooner?

Uh, and still have a video and still, uh, have some cash and, um, get the plug, man. I, I just, I just, I didn't. Since we're doing time-lapse shots and since they insisted on time-lapse shots, I said, alright, we're gonna do time-lapse shots bet. I put my, I put my YouTube. On with the whiteboard they gave me.

And I was like, alright, yeah, go ahead and scrub that footage. You know, you got that whiteboard. Oh, oh no, either that goes in, or this footage is unusable. And then, you know, Jake Ward came in and erased it.

Don't put that, don't, hey, we can torture him. Don't you dare let him get a plug in there, you know? So, like we were playing up the joke, you know. It's like, I'm the boy in the cage, you know, whatever.

Look, I'll play into a joke, whatever, it's fine. It's just something weird about when Jimmy jokes. I have jokes about my dad because I love jokes about my dad. I'll joke about my dad all the time.

I guess he's a shit. I have a dad. I have friends that make fun of my dad. That's fine because I know their intent.

I know where they're coming from. When Jimmy joked with my dad and I still thought it seemed weird. I don't like it.

We were doing that one of those hide and seek videos. Again, you know, at the time they were a lot realer. So I got caught and when you get caught, you know, you go to the place where you get caught.

And I don't know if there's footage of this, I don't know, I definitely didn't make the final cut. But he says to me, alright, you're going to jail, you're gonna like your debt. And like, it's a joke, but when my friends do it, it's fine. And Jimmy just wasn't my friend.

He was my boss. And that wasn't cool. And so now, I'm locked in a cage at his whim.

And I have to do things to get the cash I need to live. And I got these cameras on me all the time. And I was unwell. I had editors coming up to me. Saying, you good, bud?

And I was like, yeah, why? You're clearly unwell. And he goes, well, because the footage you're sending in is haunting.

Because I'm trying to be funny, but I am... mentally decaying so I'm doing bits. Someone said there is a horror cut of a video in this and I'm sitting like who's watching this? Like who who wants to see this? What is fun about this?

The video. And so I the thing that made me want to I got to get out. I can't do another day in a year. Jimmy comes in and I'm asleep. I don't know what time it is.

I don't know it's like two or three or whatever. He's like why is he sleeping? I don't know because I can't sleep. And he comes in he wakes me up.

Uh, and he goes, ask me why I have two briefcases. And I'm like, why do you have two briefcases? And he goes, oh, because this one's for today.

Yep. And this one's for the challenge. And I go, what's the challenge today?

He goes, you're going to run a marathon. You're going to do 22.6K, whatever it is. And you're going to do it on that treadmill over there.

The first challenge I did was a Rubik's Cube. And I'm dyslexic. I'm dumb. I don't know how to do a Rubik's Cube. And he goes, your first challenge, Rubik's Cube.

I was like, oh, I don't want to do it. I was like, on camera. I don't want to do it. He goes, just do it for the thing. I kid you not, yeah.

Like, there was an element of, oh, Jake will do what we want because he's in-house. Yeah, that's one of the reasons why they got me. Jake's an inside guy, so he'll do whatever.

We can push him a little extra hard, because we know he's good. We know he's-I couldn't say no to the treadmill thing. Yeah, so I-People who run marathons train forever, and it's still hard. Again, Ryder!

The only day I run, I don't run, you know? Let alone a marathon, let alone training for it. So, I was in a sunlightless- You know... Did you try to say no?

Like, did you have a choice, or...? Based on the Rubik's Cube thing, and based on all the other stuff, like, they gotta... There was so much pressure to just do it, just do the thing, you know?

You know? And I... If I refuse, it's just... That's the whole video! I guess the budget's, you know...

So much money up in flames! Because Jake said he wouldn't want to do the thing! And so I wanted to be a good sport, and I wanted to get the boost, and I wanted... the cash and so I start running at 12. I was able to take some breaks and I asked him how long do I have? He goes until I get back and I'm running until 3 a.m.

I got off the treadmill. The blisters I had on my feet were like you wouldn't believe all over just these big red. I couldn't walk. My muscles were like just The lactic acid, I got off the treadmill and then the people that came in to like ice my feet and make sure I was good. Then that's when I was like, I'm done.

I can't. I'm done. I'm done.

I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. I'm out.

And that's when I'm, yeah, I get the psych in and talk to the psych about how I'm not well. And like I said, there was a lot of good people over there that was saying, you got to pull him out. Yeah, I had friends that did some freelance work.

And they would tell me, they'd be like, Yeah, everyone knows you over there, everybody loves you. And they'd go, Oh, Jake, wow, I love that guy. Shame what happened to him. Like I'm a ghost. And I asked them, I said, how much longer are you guys going to keep me in here?

And the guy goes, realistically, like, at least seven more days? No. No.

And they didn't let me leave right away either. They wanted to make sure, you know, everything was fine. So I just, you know, slept for a while.

They turned the lights off. And they brought, it's like they brought it on my friends, you know, to make it. They brought it on people I liked and Jimmy. Then everybody was around me making sure I was good, making sure I was okay. But Jimmy had his like, he was sitting in the chair turned around like an evil villain.

Swear to God, everyone was looking at me and he was like Lex Luthor over there. He turns around, he stands up, he does the exact same thing when he's pretending to have a human connection. You know when you're watching a video and he's like, oh stop, you're gonna make me cry.

And he like touches his eye or whatever as if he's crying. He's just, I didn't have to pretend to do that shit. He says, as if rehearsed by his lawyers. Yeah, you know, your mental health is the most important thing.

You just want to make sure you're okay. And the last thing we want you to do is... I can almost hear the word She come out of his mouth. The S, he just stopped right before I got out.

I did not get the 300k. What I got, he goes, think of it this way. At least you get to keep what you earned. You know, you were in there for XYZ days. You did XYZ challenges.

So you got, you know, a hundred thousand, some change, you know, give or take. You know how much money I spent in taxes in 2021? I spent $44,000 in taxes.

Max is alone. And now, I spent all that money on doing stand-up. I just, I bought plane tickets to go do comedy festivals.

You know, my family back home, I gave them a bunch of stuff that they needed. And I haven't been back on a beast set in any official capacity or unofficial capacity since then. And then they did a video with somebody else, and they worked out the kinks. And then I still got in some hot water and I knew what I've wanted to say a lot of this for a long, long, long time. And I feel good now.

That's how you get that off. So I just want to hop in here and show some text that Jake sent me after this interview. This is July 29, 2021, a few days after he got out of solitary. How are you feeling after a few days?

Better. I still couldn't sleep even a few days out, but I almost have my sleep cycle back on track. My legs and joints are good, but the blisters on my feet still hurt to walk on. Medical advice I got was not to lance them and just let them go away with time. I'm mentally still in an uneasy place, but I've gotten back on better help.

My therapist is a little concerned, but we are working on things."Mind you, this is not supposed to be a traumatic life event. This is supposed to be a Beast video. Hey Jake, hope you're doing okay. Me and I just wanted to check in on you. Hey, I'm good and I appreciate that. I'm not exactly 100%. I feel like mentally I'm still recovering a bit. But back in therapy and my therapist is concerned. Haha, but my legs and joints feel better. Like I can walk. But my feet are still covered on those blisters and those hurt to walk on. But I was told the best thing to do is stay off my feet and let them heal. I'm in rally with my family. Also, it'll be like a month before I get the money. And they aren't giving me all the money. They're giving me... what I won up to that point in the game, which was also a slap in the face, but hey, I'm out. I'm alive. Therapist who knows and cares about you. The whole thing was so fucked and honestly, fuck them for not giving you the money. Me and I are wishing you the best with your recovery and please feel free to reach out if you need anyone to talk to or need a place to crash in New York. Hope you're doing well, man. That video you uploaded is money. So good. I appreciate. I'm doing better physically. Mentally, I'm still kind of in a place. I still can't sleep. I've slept five hours in the past three days, marathon included. I don't know what's wrong with me. Lots of thinking, too much one might say. Hope they're taking care of you where they can. I mean, I was kind of shocked they didn't pay me for the full 25-30 days. They paid me what I made up to that point. Like, even when we have to pull the plug for my mental health, the mechanism of the game is still at play. I'm just happy to be out. I still can't walk well, but it hurts less. And like I'm not famous enough to burn a bridge, so at the end of the day I'm still Jimmy's bitch. Like if I was Carl and he did that to me, I'd ruin him. And they want to do it again, that could be your leverage. If the guy breaks down also, two is better than one. Yeah right, I told them everything they did to me that they can't do again in order to make sure the other person doesn't break down as fast. But like the way the video is meant to function is the problem. It's a bad idea full stop. It sounds clickbaity, sounds right up Jimmy's alley. but it's morally unethical like on every level. Off-camera breaks, lights off at night, visitation, take the marathon out. Marathon is a video in itself. You can't expect someone to exert themselves like that for 45 seconds of content. The challenges really made it feel dehumanizing, felt like a parody of Mr. Beast. I felt like the homeless guy they could exploit. It felt like if Jeff Bezos had a gimp. It felt like if Jeff Bezos had a gimp? Part of me wants the footage burned and part of me... thinks that there's a great horror cut in there. LMAO, he was so fake when he came in and said he cared about my mental health. They must have programmed the care about mental health update. He said, we also don't want you to, and I swear to our Lord and Savior, he stopped himself from saying sue. Also, as far as like, he could have said no, he could have left at any time. I want to show this segment from an internal document at Mr. Beast called How to Succeed in Mr. Beast Productions. Specifically on page 19, there's a paragraph called, No does not mean no. already insane, because it's sort of, it seems to be co-opting the popular anti-ripe slogan, which is a terrible look given the allegations that are going to be coming out very soon. It reads, When dealing with people outside Mr. Beast Productionss, never take no at face value. If we need a store to buy everything inside of, and you can call the local Dollar Tree, and the person that answers says no you can't film here, that literally doesn't mean shit. Talk to other employees and see if they are fans or if any have kids that are fans. Try talking to their boss, their boss's boss. Have me DM them on Twitter and try their social team. If all avenues are exhausted and you are left with a no, that doesn't mean don't try the other dollar trees because the manager of those could be huge fans and willing to bend the rules. Basically what I'm trying to convey is what we call pushing through no. Don't stop because one person told you no. Stop when all conceivable options are exhausted. This is one of many tools that when combined dramatically improve your probability of success when producing here. So yeah, this idea of like pushing through no's is a big component to working at Beast. And the way that it manifests itself a lot of the time is like a director might tell a producer, hey, we need access to 30 acres of farmland by Tuesday or we lose half a million dollars. Now, if you're the producer, you obviously know that means get it done or you'll lose your job. So what can happen is like a producer is calling up farmers saying, hey, I need to use your land. And the farmer might be like, OK, but, you know, I have animals. You can't be making really loud noises, no pyrotechnics, and you've got to clean everything up. So the producer is sort of incentivized to lie and say, or maybe the producer doesn't even actually know total contents of the video, right? Things changed last second. So they're very like, they're financially incentivized to be manipulative and sort of, they're put in positions where it's like, oh, it's either the producer's job or a civilian's job. Like where it talks about, hey, maybe the manager would be willing to bend the rules. Well, you shouldn't really be pressuring civilians to bend the rules that could get them fired, you know? I'll show you a real life example. This is unused evidence from part one. I had seen this Reddit post. titled Mr. Beast Leaving Trash Behind and Debris at Film Site in Aden, North Carolina. Apparently he left a large boat in a pond as well as debris around the film site in the bottom of the pond weeks and weeks after the agreed time frame. This actually rendered it unsafe for campers and almost delayed the camp's opening date multiple times due to not being able to get in contact with Mr. Beast to get the stuff cleaned up out of the area. So I actually know that this is from a Mr. Beast video called Protect the Yacht, Keep It. Where at the end of that video he actually says Yes, he says at the end of the video that they made sure it was cleaned up I was actually on site For part of this production. I was at this camp. So I decided to send an email out to the camp basically saying hey I heard these rumors. I'm investigating a similar incidents and the camp responded actually not denying the claims going on to say I am sure that there are no perfect film productions just as there are no perfect people. I am grateful for the opportunity that we had to host the production crew and because grace has been offered to me so freely, I will choose to offer the same."So clearly alluding to the fact that there was a wrongdoing by Mr. Beast's production team. And that's like sort of the thing is if you're around Greenville you know these stories of people working with Mr. Beast and it being extremely unprofessional, them not doing what they say. But they sort of get by a lot on their good public image. And, like, I mean, this camp offered to host them completely for free. And I guarantee, like, if you went to the lake at the camp and you went magnet fishing, like, you'd find all sorts of debris that's still there to this day.

Like, they didn't clean it all up. So in the case of Jake Weddle, like, I'm sure that there were producers who were in a position of, hey, if Jake gets out early, we don't have a video and your job is at risk. So there's a tremendous amount of pressure on top of, like. Him being delirious from not sleeping and everything to just manipulate him into staying. Which, you know, I'm sure this isn't like technically against the Geneva Convention on torture because he wasn't technically a prisoner.

Like, he could have left at any time, but because of the extreme pressure to stay in, it's not really a reasonable expectation that he could have just, you know, walked out. Because of the implication. I think Jimmy is a awkward kid who maybe...

Yeah, I had it a little rough growing up. I can't speak on that, but I do have empathy for it. Because I had it rough growing up and I think when you're hyper fixated on something like I love stand-up, he loves YouTube, everyone fixates on a thing. I think he just wanted to be the best Youtube so bad and because the industry's metrics rewarded some not great behavior. If you're just going on autopilot based on what the numbers say, you know, you can do some things that maybe aren't good, but reap reward.

And I think Jimmy just did what the industry and maybe what this. The system that we have set up demanded and he didn't care who got hurt. And I think Jimmy surrounded himself with really, really not so great people.

And those people were the ones making the decisions. And I want to say really important. There are so many good people that work at Mr. Beast who are damn good at their jobs. Like, when Jimmy comes in and asks for something impossible, it's these people's jobs to do it. And they shouldn't be able to make it happen, and they do.

And so... I don't think people wanted to talk about stuff because I didn't want my friends to lose their jobs. I don't care about my fucking job, I don't buy in a hole, I don't care.

But I don't want my friends to lose their jobs. You know? I don't want anyone's reputation to be fucked.

You know? But... Let's just go back to my dad for a second, if I may.

My dad was this, you know, just like a swing coach, your neighborhood swing team, everybody loved him. Behind closed doors, he was a real piece of shit. And so when stuff starts hitting the fan, what?

Him? No, surely. And then, you know, everyone thought my mom was the bitch, you know, for not, you know.

But then the news broke, you know, that he did what he did to one of the students of the team. And it's like when that comes out, you're not surprised, you know? You just go, when I saw my dad in the news, I said, oh, you idiot. Like, I wasn't like, no, I was like, oh, dumbass, goddammit. But I wasn't surprised.

And it was just a consequence that's happened to somebody who was really good at avoiding them for a long time. And I don't know, everybody loves Jimmy. And behind closed doors, he is not super great. And that image is. cultivated purposefully and intentionally and it's branding it's marketing it's youtube okay so i guess yeah just one final question serious note uh obviously the ava chris tyson drama and um you know that's a known issue of traditional media uh did you know witness or hear about any Sexual misconduct at the company.

It's crazy. I probably hung out with Ava the most out of the main cast just because I was on Beast Hacks. Now Beast Reacts. I don't know if it's still out. That was a lot of fun because it was just being silly and goofy in front of the camera.

And Ava was the only person who was willing to film. Everybody else was too busy or didn't want to and I was just trying to do my job. Sometimes there'd be like an off-handed joke.

That's a little gross. I mean, I'm a stand-up so I'm... very desensitized to that.

I didn't hear anything that was like, whoa, that's crazy. The reason I messaged you instead of talking to reporters sweetly like I have been was when I saw the Discord stuff. When I got there, it was like 2019. So I guess if the timelines add up, that would have been handled, for lack of a better term.

And then they started bringing more people on. Maybe they thought they had that under the rug. All right, we handled that. Now let's bring in some writers. And when I saw it, all that stuff started coming out.

And the potentiality as of this moment of recording. I know this has been happening fast and stuff has been coming out so fast. Just the potential that Jimmy could have been in those Discord chats.

or even the potential that he participated in those discord chats after the shit he did to me and if you're gonna make fun of my dad i don't care what happens to me and my career reputation after this i had to i had to say some stuff so whatever happens happens at this point uh outside of it chris tyson did you ever hear about any sexual misconduct at the company I've heard rumors. I can't confirm or deny anything. I don't have any tangible evidence, but I've heard stuff that I, if it could be investigated, that'd be great. But it's like water cooler talk.

But I've heard things, yes, of course. I heard, you know, people have been let go for sexually assaulting some very young people with the idea. The idea that Jimmy didn't know or that Jimmy was covering stuff up.

He didn't want stuff to come out. You know, he's very careful about his image. You know, the tangible proof that he knew but covered it up.

How do you prove that, you know? Well, there was a known sex offender, registered sex offender, convicted sex offender on the registry and everything who worked there. And like you can, you know, someone pees in public, you're on the registry, you know, you get it.

You can still have a job after you're on the, that's not one, that's one thing. You know, you go to prison, you get rehabilitated, that's one thing. You know, if you do your time, that's fine. I think there should be rehabilitation in this country.

But that guy, from what I hear, I can't confirm or deny, from what I hear, he's on the registry for doing some not great stuff to some underage people. And they knew that he's working at a channel that has underage people on and around and is targeted to underage people. And they covered up the fact that not only did he work there, but he was like the manager when it all started.

And you know that he knew because he'll be in videos. He'll be in thumbnails. He'll be around whenever he is.

He's wearing a mask. Why would you wear a mask? Why would you conceal your face? It's like, what are you concealing? That you are a registered sex offender?

And that your face could be looked up on a thing? How much more can you literally cover up a sex offender with a physical mask? Like, do I have to... Is it more on the nose?

I don't know why they let him go because there's rumors back and forth. So I don't know why they let him go, but he did leave at one point. Even if... That guy didn't do anything.

They still knew about it and he was still around. And what if he's one of the people in the Discord servers? What if he's not?

I don't know. But when I was there, they called him Delaware. It's like, why do you call him Delaware?

I didn't know. Apparently they called him Delaware because he's not allowed to go back to Delaware. That's his nickname? Colloquially?

Like, you know, it's Delaware. Don't ask me why, you know. The fuck? And should we do it on?

The likelihood that he didn't know is astronomically low. All right, so finally I have a recorded phone conversation. The person on the other end of this line is a different former Mr. Beast employee talking about Delaware. Also, apparently before this phone conversation got recorded, the person on the other end of the line said that the Mr. Beast team was actually trying to expunge Delaware's record off the registry. I was like, screw it, I'm gonna fucking make myself for like eight hours by myself.

You know, I'm gonna get actual, whatever. And, uh, I recently told the other guy on the phone, and I was like, we're gonna get some hate mail. Okay, so Reed is Mr. Reed's former manager who was in the last video telling Jimmy, you know, hey, don't promote gambling to children.

So, you know, I think, I think Reed. Reed's taken two W's this month. You know, don't promote gambling to children and don't have offenders on payroll.

Also, yeah, just from where I'm sitting, it seems extremely unlikely that Jimmy wouldn't know. But, you know, I know that that's I'm sure that's the defense he'll go with. So I'll just say preemptively, like, you know, if somehow Jimmy didn't know about Delaware, I think it's still such an extreme level of negligence. Like what?

You're not doing background checks. Everyone at your company knows, but somehow you don't know. I think that needs more of an explanation than just saying, I didn't know. Well, how didn't you know?

How did this person get into the company? A company that makes content for children and is around children. So yeah, Jimmy, I think we need an explanation from you, or your lawyers and PR people and representatives and spokespersons on how you could have not known that there was an offender at a high level in your company.

And while you're responding to that, why not just respond to the allegations of rigging contest videos and selling fake signatures, running illegal lotteries, the dangerous conditions on the set of Beast Games. You should address those too. So yeah, just let us know. Okay, that was my interview with former Mr. Beast employee Jake Weddle. I know he will be coming out with a logger cut of this interview as well as other content.

So I just wanted to shout him out. Jake Weddle, top link in the description. I've waited a long time to talk about a lot of this publicly, so thank you for doing what you're doing.

So long, goodbye. I'll see you when I see you. You can pick the street.

I'll meet you on the other side.