Quiz for:
Ringkasan Filosofi Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil

Question 1

What is the significance of the title 'Beyond Good and Evil' in Nietzsche's work?

Question 2

What does the 'will to power' concept propose about fundamental drives of beings?

Question 3

What concept does Nietzsche suggest as a methodological approach to understand the world?

Question 4

What is the relationship Nietzsche describes between philosophers and power?

Question 5

Why does Nietzsche challenge the philosophers' assumption that 'truth is preferable to lie'?

Question 6

What characterizes 'slave morality' according to Nietzsche?

Question 7

How does Nietzsche respond to Descartes' assertion 'I think, therefore I am'?

Question 8

What does Nietzsche mean by the term 'amor fati'?

Question 9

In criticising past philosophers, which of the following metaphors does Nietzsche employ?

Question 10

Why does Nietzsche critique philosophers in their pursuit of truth?

Question 11

Which philosophical concept did Nietzsche introduce that contrasts 'will to power' with self-preservation?

Question 12

How does Nietzsche view the search for truth in his philosophy?

Question 13

What is implied by 'Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future' in Nietzsche's work?

Question 14

What role does Nietzsche propose for 'free spirits'?

Question 15

Nietzsche's criticism of 'slave morality' is primarily due to what factor?