Master React by Building 25 Projects

Jul 13, 2024

Mastering React by Building Projects


  • Create 25 React projects from scratch
  • Guaranteed to help in frontend/browser coding rounds
  • Sanum, experienced React developer, will guide through

List of Projects

1. Accordion

  • Single and multi-selection accordion
  • Learn state management and conditional rendering

2. Random Color Generator

  • Generate random HEX and RGB colors
  • Use state to manage colors

3. Star Rating Component

  • Create a star rating system
  • Hover and click events to change star ratings

4. Image Slider

  • Fetch images from API
  • Implement slider functionality

5. Load More Data

  • Load additional data from API on button click
  • Ideal for infinite scroll implementation

6. Dynamic Navigation Menu

  • Create nested menus and dynamic rendering
  • Recursive rendering for complex data structures

7. QR Code Generator

  • Generate QR codes based on input
  • Uses a third-party library

8. Light/Dark Mode Switch

  • Toggle light and dark themes
  • Store theme preference in local storage

9. Scroll Indicator

  • Display scroll progress indicator
  • Use window scroll events

10. Custom Tabs

  • Create tabs with dynamic content
  • Manage active tab state

11. Custom Modal Popup

  • Create a reusable modal component
  • Show/hide modal with state management

12. GitHub Profile Finder

  • Search for GitHub profiles via API
  • Display user profile information dynamically

13. Search Autocomplete

  • Implement autocomplete search from API data
  • Handle filtering and display suggestions

14. Tic-Tac-Toe Game

  • Create a playable Tic-Tac-Toe game
  • Manage game state and determine win conditions

15. Feature Flags

  • Use feature flags for dynamic UI updates
  • Toggle features without changing code

16. Custom Hooks

  • Create custom hooks for various functionalities
    • useFetch: Fetch data from API
    • useOutsideClick: Handle outside clicks to hide an element
    • useWindowSize: Get window dimensions and update on resize

17. Scroll to Top/Bottom

  • Implement buttons to scroll to top or bottom
  • Scroll to specific sections of the page

18. Weather Application

  • Search and display weather data from API
  • Display detailed weather information

19. Food Recipe Application

  • Fetch and display food recipes
  • Add recipes to favorites and view detailed info

20. Shopping Cart with Redux Toolkit

  • Implement add/remove items from cart
  • Calculate total price and manage cart state

21. Expense Tracker

  • Track and display expenses and income
  • Add new expenses/income and display in a chart

22. Blog Application (MON stack)

  • Create, update, delete, and list blog posts
  • Full-stack application with MongoDB, Express, React, and Node


  • Each project is designed to teach React concepts
  • Completing these projects is beneficial for frontend development interviews

Project Breakdown

  • Note: Each project comes with detailed steps and instructions on implementing the required features and functionalities