Transcript for:
JavaScript: Basic to Advanced

hey everybody today I decided I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to get started working with JavaScript throughout this course we'll be working on a few projects you could add to your portfolio which include but are not limited to a digital clock a stopwatch a functioning calculator a game of rock paper scissors an image slider and our final project will be a weather app that fetches data from an API if that sounds good to you I encourage you to sit back relax and enjoy the show hey if you don't mind please give this video a like post a random comment down below and subscribe if you'd like to be a fellow bro it doesn't cost you anything thank you JavaScript is a programming language used to create Dynamic and interactive web pages JavaScript runs on a web browser such as Google Chrome Safari Edge whatever you use to browse the internet basically by using JavaScript we can respond to user actions and transform user input whenever somebody interacts with our site in this example I have a calculator written with HTML it's not very pretty and it doesn't function we have the framework that we need at least though by applying CSS we can add color and style to this calculator but unfortunately it still doesn't function by including JavaScript code this calculator can perform actions and is well useful so in this video I'm going to show you everything you need to know to get started working with JavaScript I would recommend knowing HTML and CSS before starting the series I do have a full free course on my channel if you're interested in learning those or if you need a refresher if you don't know either you could probably still get by watching this video I'll walk you through both as we go along throughout the series now before we do begin you will need a text editor one text editor that I recommend is VSS code which you can download from code. visual for a step-by-step instruction of how to install it feel free to check out the HTML and CSS series with that out of the way let's Dive Right In so what we'll need to do is create a new project folder in vs code you can go to the left toolbar go to explore we will open a folder I'll place this folder on my desktop just for convenience I will create a new folder which I will name website to contain my website files let's select this folder and we are now within our website folder we'll need three files an HTML file CSS file and JavaScript file we'll begin with the HTML file we can close out of this welcome window I will name my HTML file index.html in a website the index.html file is typically used as the homepage we have our HTML file next comes the CSS file mine will be named style.css the CSS stylesheet is in charge of the overall appearance of the web page this can include fonts colors positioning stuff like that then lastly we have the JavaScript file which I will name index.js the Javascript file is in charge of the interactivity of a web page so alt together we have structure style and actions so rearrange these tabs however you like I switch back and forth between the JavaScript and HTML file quite often so I tend to put them right next to each other but do whatever is most convenient for you so to generate the necessary text to create a web page in your HTML file in vs code you can type exclamation point then hit tab so here you can change the title of your web page if you want I'll change my title to be my website and that's all we'll need for now now we'll need to link the stylesheet to the HTML file now we are going to create a link tag we can link an external stylesheet to our HTML file within the link tag there is a relationship attribute shortened to re the relationship ship will be stylesheet we are linking a stylesheet then the next attribute we need is the hre attribute where is the CSS file located well it's right next to each other we only need the file name so we are linking the CSS Styles sheet now our CSS stylesheet is linked to our HTML file now we need to link the Javascript file to our HTML file we can do that by adding a pair of script tags we will set The Source attribute to be the name of the JavaScript file index.js all right everything should now be linked together the last thing we'll need is the live server extension in VSS code go to extensions we will search for live server it should be this one we are going to install this extension so whenever we save any changes to our files the web page should refresh automatically so now let's test this you can go to file save or use the shortcut I'm just going to save everything I'm going to rightclick on our HTML file then open with live server and here is our web page but it currently doesn't have anything uh let me just minimize this I will readjust this window throughout this course I'll have VSS code alongside a web browser with our HTML file we can add elements such as an H1 element these are typically used as headers I'm going to say hello then save and that should update automatically or you can press the refresh button but since we have live server installed we shouldn't need to then paragraphs are typically used for a paragraph a text in vs code to generate a random paragraph of text you can type lauram then hit tab now we should have a random paragraph I believe it's Latin at least it looks like it to change the style of our web page we can go to our stylesheet to change the style of the body of our document we will select body I'll change the font family to something else font family how about verdana there we now have a different font to increase the font size you can set the font size property to be either in pixels or em personally I'm a fan of using em 2 em means 200% where 3 em is 300% but that's a little too big let's stick with 2 em all right and that is everything we need to get started oh important note you do want your script element at the bottom of the body of your document just in case there's an error with your Javascript file you do want all of the HTML elements to at least render first before running any JavaScript code all right so let's delete our H1 elements and our paragraph element we no longer need them for now be sure to save everything we'll work with some basic output I'm going to zoom in a little bit to Output some text you can type console.log add a set of parenthesis then a semicolon at the end within the set of parentheses to Output some text you can either use double quotes single quotes or back ticks personally I'm a fan of using these back ticks this is known as a template literal they're helpful with inserting variables which we will discuss in the next lesson using either double quotes or single quotes or back ticks we can output some text let's say the word hello be sure to save I'm holding contrl s on Windows there's no apparent output we have to go to Dev tools so right click on your web page go to inspect then console and here's our basic output hello for an additional line of output we can console.log again let's print print a different message I like pizza let's save and here's my second line of text I like pizza and I'm just going to move these windows a little bit that's better throughout much of the series we will be working with this window again you have to right click on your web page go to inspect then go to console now within our web page to create an alert box you can type window. alert at a set of parentheses semicolon to the end we'll use a template literal we'll need a set of back ticks this is an alert this should create a pop-up window this is an alert let's create another let's copy what we have paste it I like pizza let's save this is an alert okay I like pizza not sure why we need to tell a user that but we can now we have comments to create a comment you type two forward slashes comments aren't used for output they're used as notes for yourself or for other developers this is a comment so when I run this program then if we were to go to our Dev tools we don't see this comment at all they're not displayed as output they're either used for notes for yourself or for other people for a multi-line comment you can type a slash asterisk anything that comes after will be a comment this is a comment you can see that the text is green that means it's a comment again we should not be able to see these comments they're hidden I'm going to turn this JavaScript code into comments just for the next part because these window alerts are kind of annoying to be honest all right now what we're going to do is populate our web page page with some text within our HTML file I will create an H1 element H1s are usually used for headers or titles there will be no text content yet but I will set an ID I will give this H1 element a unique ID of my H1 feel free to pick a different ID something you'll remember I will also create a paragraph element I will set the ID to equal my P meaning my paragraph so remember there is no text content currently using JavaScript we will add some text content first we need to select these elements by their ID my H1 and my p uh let's do that here we will type document meaning the document of our web page do get element by ID do pay attention to the capitalization what id are we getting let's start with my H1 so copy the ID paste it within the set of parentheses be sure you're including quotes as well follow this with DOT text content we will set this equal to how about the word hello let me zoom out a little again this can be back ticks single quotes or double quotes all right let's type the word hello now when I save and and refresh the page that H1 element should display the word hello now this time let's get our paragraph element with the ID of my P my paragraph document. getet element by ID the ID that we're getting is my P will change the text content equal to uh what can we say I like pizza there we go hello I like pizza all right everybody so that's the basics of JavaScript when working with basic output you can use console.log which we will be using a lot to create an alert you can use window. alert to change the text content of an HTML element you first have to select that element then change the text content then set it equal to some text of you're choosing all right everybody so that is the very basics of JavaScript and in the next topic we will cover variables all right well it's time that we discuss variables do you remember from middle school or elementary school when you learned algebra you had to solve for what the value of x was X was some representation of a value well that's kind of what a variable is in programming it's a container that stores a value the variable behaves as if it were the value it contains there's two steps to creating a variable declaration and assignment to use a variable we have to first declare it it we'll use the let keyword then a unique variable name like X then a semicolon so what we've done is declaration each variable name needs to be unique if I were to declare another variable named X we would run into an error a syntax error identifier X has already been declared so your variable names need to be unique I can declare two variables X and Y and they both have different names that is fine but they can't have the same name the next step to create a variable is to assign it a value once you declare your variable you don't need to declare it again so I'm going to assign X to equal some number like 100 we can use this variable X and it will behave as if it was the value 100 let me demonstrate so if I was to console.log X well then it's going to display 100 if I were to change this value to 123 well X is now 123 you you can do both declaration and assignment together that would look something like this let x equal 123 this is both declaration and assignment if you're creating a program and you know what your value should be you can assign them a value right away sometimes you may want to accept some user input so then you might do assignment later in two steps it's really up to how you write your program there's a few different data types in JavaScript the first is number like 123 let's create a descriptive name for our variable like age we will store a user's age according to my analytics in YouTube the average age of my viewers is 25 so let's say that my age is 25 then if I was to console.log my age variable it would behave as if it were the number 25 let's create a few more variables another example of a number could be price let price equal 10 .99 maybe it's $110.99 or some other unit of currency of you're choosing then we will console.log price $10.99 what about a GPA a grade point average my grade point average is a solid 2.1 it's not great but C's get degrees console.log GPA 2.1 using a template literal we can insert a variable using a placeholder within console.log I will use back ticks let's write a sentence you are then to insert a variable use dollar sign curly braces place your variable name within the curly braces then we can continue our sentence you are variable age years old let's create another sentence using console.log the price is dollar sign curly braces price the price is $10.99 I'm going to insert a dollar sign before our price and that looks better feel free to choose some other unit of currency okay let's add a sentence to display our GPA console.log your GPA is colon space we're inserting a variable we need dollar sign curly braces we're displaying our GPA your GPA is 2.1 now if you need to display the data type of a variable you can use console.log then preedee the variable with the type of keyword what is the type of age age is a number type price is also a number type same thing with GPA they're all numbers let's go over a different data type let's go over strings a string is a series of characters let's say we have a user's first name to create a string you can either use double quotes or single quotes personally I like double quotes then you can type in some characters like a first name let's say my first name is bro feel free to pick your own first name I will display the type of my first name variable and it says it's a string a series of characters then I will display my name console.log first name and it is bro or whatever your first name is whatever you put here let's include our variable within a template literal your name is add a placeholder first name your name is bro what are some other examples of string maybe somebody's favorite food favorite food my favorite food is pizza type in your favorite food console.log you like at our placeholder favorite food you like pizza maybe if I like something else like sushi well you like sushi okay another example of a string could be an email let email equals then type in your email I'm just going to make one up bro console.log your email is email your email is bro let me make the G lowercase now an important thing with strings is that strings can contain numbers after bro I'll add 1 two 3 so a string is a series of characters they can include numbers but we can't use these numbers for any sort of math strings have a different behavior from numbers numbers we can use in arithmetic Expressions strings not so much all right let's turn these lines into comment then I will discuss booleans okay booleans are either true or false typically they're used as Flags in your program let online equal true booleans are either true or false is somebody online or are they offline this is either true or false I will display the type of my variable online console.log type of online so online is a Boolean variable let's display our variable within a template literal type in whatever your first name is bro is online then I will insert a placeholder add my Boolean variable of online bro is online that is true if I were to change this to false bro is online is false booleans are typically used as a sort of flag so another example could be for sale is something for sale or not let's say that we are selling I don't know cars is this car for sale I could set this to be true or false let's console.log is this car for sale then I will add my Boolean variable for sale is this car for sale that is true another example let's say that somebody is enrolled in school like in college courses we could say let is student is somebody a student are they enrolled this can be true or false console.log enrolled colon space is student is the student enrolled in classes that is true so those are booleans they're either true or false typically we don't use them as direct output like you see here we usually use them with if statements to check something like if somebody's online do this if not do something else is a car for sale if that's true then display the car if it's not then hide it we'll have more practice with booleans when we reach if statements all right now what we're going to do is we will close out a Dev tools we'll display some variables within our web page so let's delete everything we have I'll create three variables let full name equals type in your full name feel free to add a space between your first name and last name let age type in your age and let student equals if you're a student type true if you're not in school type false I am not in school anymore so I will type false we will go to our HTML file then add some HTML elements I will add three paragraph elements so that's one 2 3 I will give my first paragraph an ID of P1 then let's do the same with the other two paragraphs let's rename the second as P2 and the third as P3 so to change the text content of an HTML element we're going to type document meaning the document of our web page then we will get our element by its ID get element by ID then within a set of parentheses within a set of quotes we will select the ID that we need let's start with P1 then add do text content to change the text content then we will set this equal to a variable or a template literal let's begin with a variable so full name our P1 element should display your full name let's do this with P2 I'm going to zoom out a little bit P2 textcontent equals age it says that I'm 25 and then P3 let's display student or better yet is student let's change that is student false I am not a student but you might be though that might be true then let's display our variables along with some text using a template literal let's copy our full name your name is add a placeholder place our variable name your name is Bro Code or whatever your name is let's cut our age variable you are variable age years old you are 25 years old and then let's cut is student add a template literal let's say enrolled are you enrolled in school add a placeholder paste our variable enrolled that is false I am not in school anymore more all right everybody so those are variables it's a container that stores a value the variable behaves as if it were the value it contains there's a couple different basic data types you have strings which is a series of text numbers and booleans there's more advanced data types but we'll cover that later and well those are variables in JavaScript yeah what's going on everybody so today I need to explain arithmetic operators because well programming can sometimes involve a lot of M operand are values variables Etc in this equation 11 x and 5 are all operand operators they can include but are not limited to addition subtraction multiplication and division in this equation the addition sign would be the operator so there's a few things you should know regarding arithmetic operators in JavaScript so let's begin let's pretend that in the scenario we are a teacher we have a group of students let students equals what's a good class size maybe 30 students then I will console.log my students variable and it should be 30 let's say that a new student joins the class and I need to change this variable to increase students by one I can say students equals this will reassign my variable equals the current value of students + 1 now we have 31 students now for subtraction that is the minus sign to subtract a student we can reassign our variable students equals students minus one now we have 29 then we have multiplication which is represented by an asterisk we will double the number of students we have students equals students as Risk 2 to multiply by two we have 6 students division is a forward slash we will split our class of students into two students divided two we now have 15 all right then we have exponents exponents is represented by double asterisks what is students to the power of two 900 students that is a very large class maybe it's a lecture or something in a college so students to the power of three that would be students to the power of three would be 27,000 double asterisks is the exponent operator here's another helpful one it is the modulus operator it gives you the remainder of any division so let's say we are going to divide our class into two so modulus which is represented as a percent sign two well 30 divides by two evenly so the remainder is zero if we had a class of 31 students well there's one remainder one student students modulus 3 would divide my class of 31 students into three we would still have one student remaining since we're reassigning students we would be replacing 31 students with the value of one if you're using the modulus operator I would recommend creating a separate variable entit ly let extra students equal our students modulus 3 we have one extra student just one okay that is the modulus operator there is a shortcut for writing these Expressions because it can be kind of tedious to write the variable name twice so let's set students back to 30 I will console.log students we'll use what is known as augmented assignment operators to increase students by a number if we're reassigning it we can say students plus equals 1 or some other number students is now 31 if I were to change one to be2 it's now 32 and 33 let's do the same thing with subtraction students minus equals 1 we now have 29 students multiplication students times equals 2 that would give us 60 students students divided by equals 2 we have 15 students all right then exponents students to the power of equals 2 900 students then modulus students modulus equals 2 we have no remaining students 30 divides by 2 evenly so another place where modulus could be helpful is if you're determining if a number is even or odd 30 is an even number divided by two the remainder is zero 31 is odd the remainder is one there's also the increment and decrement operator there's a couple different ways to add one to a variable but you should be aware of all of them to increase a variable by only one you can take the name of the variable then add Plus+ Plus+ is the increment operator 30 incremented by 1 is 31 then there is the decrement operator which is minus minus 30 decremented by 1 is 29 all right then lastly we're going to cover operator precedence this is pretty important given a very complex equation such as this example in which order do you solve each part of this equation so with operator precedence beginning with the left working our way to the right you would solve anything with parentheses then exponents multiplication and division and modulo otherwise known as modulus then lastly addition and subtraction let's go through the step by step let's see what the result variable is I will console.log result so the result is 23 so if we were to walk through this step by step let's solve anything with parentheses es starting from the left and then working our way to the right there are no parentheses we can skip this step next is exponents there is one exponent here so we would solve 4 to ^ of 2 which is 16 then we will solve multiplication and division and modulus that's addition we skip that we have multiplication 2 * 3 is 6 there is no more multiplication division or modulus then lastly addition and subtraction 1 + 6 is 7 7 + 16 is our result of 23 all right I'll give you a few more exercises how about this equation the result is going to be six so there's no parenthesis no exponents we do have a modulus operator here so we solve that first 12 modulus 5 gives us a remainder of two we have some division we would solve that next 8 divid 2 is four then addition and subtraction the result is six all right here's a challenge round the result is going to be 0468 we solve anything with parenthesis first 2 + 5 that is 7 then exponents 2 the^ of 7 I might need a calculator 2 * 2 3 4 5 6 7 that's 128 then we have 6 / 128 then we have 6 / 128 which is 046 875 and that is our result all right everybody so that is everything you need to know about arithmetic operators you have operand which are values and variables and arithmetic expression and operators there's also augmented assignment operators which is a shortcut to writing these equations if you're you're going to reassign a variable then you have increment and decrement operators to increase a variable by one or decrease it by one then with operator precedence if you're solving a complex equation you solve each part of the equation following this order and well that is everything you need to know regarding arithmetic operators and JavaScript yeah what's going on people so uh today I'm going to show you how we can accept some user input in JavaScript generally there's two good ways of doing this the easy way is to create a window prompt the professional way is to create an html text box of some sort and you'll likely need a button to submit the user input let's begin with the easy way we'll create a window prompt the first thing we should do is declare all of the variables we're going to use let's create a variable named username we'll declare it but not yet assign it then when we assign it we can set username equal to then to create a window prompt we can type window. prompt parentheses then within the parentheses our window prompt can contain some text let's ask what's your username okay let's run this and see what happens what's your username I will type in my username press okay we have this variable username it will have a value but we should do something with it let's console.log our username let's try that again what's your username I'll type in my username feel free to type in yours let's check our Dev tools and here is my username so that's the easy way to accept user input with this window prompt you could assign declaration and assignment together if you want to you know that would also work now we will accept user input the Prof profal Way by creating an html text box we will navigate to our HTML file okay let's create an H1 element that says welcome we'll need a text box we'll use a self-closing input tag I will set the ID of this text box to be my text I'll create a label for this text box too because if we're a user we don't know what we're supposed to to type in here I will create a label the text within the label will be username then a submit button button the text will be submit I'll put this on a new line I'll add a Break Tag maybe two to make it look nice for the ID of the button I'll set the ID to be my submit let's see if this works this is a little Advanced when we click on this button we're going to execute a function but we need to select this button we will access the document of our web page get element by ID the ID that we're getting is the ID of the button my submit So within quotes type the name of the ID follow this with DOT onclick equals here we'll write everything we're going to do after clicking the button we need a function function parenthesis curly braces everything between this set of curly braces is everything we'll do when we click on the button so first we need a username variable outside of the function when we click on the button get the text from this text box we will reassign our username then set this equal to the text from the text box we'll use document. getet element by ID the ID that we're getting this time is my text we need the value of the text box so follow this with DOT value all right then to test this let's console log the username all right let's type in our username press submit then check Dev tools yeah there it is okay let's replace console.log we'll change the text content of our H1 element I will give this H1 element a unique ID let's say my H1 we need to select my H1 ele El document. getet element by ID the ID was my H1 we are changing the text content equal to let's use a template literal hello username all right let's try this again type in your username press submit and that should change the H1 element hello whatever your name is all right everybody so those are two different ways to accept user input you can use a window prompt or you can use an html text boox and that is how to accept user input in JavaScript all right so uh yeah type conversion type conversion is the process of changing the data type of a value to another data type for example we can convert strings to numbers numbers to booleans booleans to Strings numbers to strings booleans to numbers I think you get the idea why might we want to do this well when we accept user input the data type of that input is a string if we need to use it for any sort of math we need to convert it to a number here's an example let's say we have variable age I will create a window prompt window. prompt we will ask a user how old are you I'm going to add one to our age age plus equals 1 then console.log age how old are you let's say I'm 25 press okay let's inspect our page go to console it shows that age is 251 when we accept user input it's a string data type a series of characters by adding one we appended one to the end of our string we're not increasing our age by one we're doing string conation we are going to convert our user input into a number and this is how so after accepting our user input and before making any changes to it let's reassign age equal to and this is a function the number function it will convert another data type such as a string or Boolean into a number then we'll place our age variable within that function so now this should work how old are you let's say I'm 25 press okay 26 so that's the reason you may want to type convert because different data types behave differently along with my age variable I'm going to display the type of age what's the data type how old are you 25 press okay 26 and it shows that the data type of age is number if we removed this type conversion and then run this again it shows that our age is 251 and it's a string which is not exactly what we would like that's a reason why type conversion is important let me give you another example let's create three variables let X let Y and let Z I'll show you what happens when we convert different values into different data types let's say x is the word Pizza same thing with Y and Z I will typ Cast X as a number then we need to place X within the number function I kind of want to see what happens when we try and convert pizza into a number it's probably not going to go well let's convert Y into a string then Z will be a Boolean let's console.log X as well as the type of X let's do the same thing with y and z all right what's going to happen if you attempt to convert alphabetical characters into a number that variable will be Nan which means not a number the data type is still number though as you can see the word Pizza is already a string so converting it into a string really doesn't do anything that's why for this line the value is still pizza and the data type is still a string if you convert a string into a Boolean booleans again are either true or false converting the word pizza into a Boolean returns true and the data type is Boolean so basically as long as there's some value here and you convert it into a Boolean it will always be true let's replace pizza with zero what will happen we can convert zero into a number it doesn't contain any alphabetical characters X contains zero it's a number Y is zero but it's treated as a string Z contains true and it's a Boolean what about empty strings just a set of quotes typ casting an empty string as a number is still zero we have an empty string for y then with our Boolean it's false why might you want to typ cast a string as a Boolean that's one way in which you can check to see if user input is empty like did somebody type something in if a user skipped user input it's it's most likely going to be an empty string then you can check to see like if this is false then the user didn't type in anything and you can let them know what about a variable that's declared but not assigned a value converting an undefined variable to a number results in not a number our string is undefined and our Boolean variable returns false so that's the basics of type conversion it's the process of changing the data type of a value to another it's pretty important when you accept user input because when you accept user input it's a string data type at times you may want to convert it to a number if you need to include that number with any sort of arithmetic expressions or a Boolean if you're checking to see if that user input was completed we'll have more practice with this in the future and well that is type conversion in JavaScript why hello so today I need to explain const const short for constants are variables that can't be changed changed once you assign them in this example we're going to create a program to calculate the circumference of a circle given a radius let's define our variables first we have Pi we'll begin with using let then I'll show you the benefit of using const so let pi equals I'll use the first few digits of pi 3.14159 then we have let radius which we will assign later we'll ask for user input then let circumference I think I spelled that right I can never spell circumference all right now we need to ask the user what the radius is I will just use a window prompt radius equals window. prompt enter the radius of a circle then once we have our radius when we accept user input it's a string data type we need to convert our radius into a number by using the number function then once we have our radius we can calculate the circumference by setting circumference equal to and here's the Formula 2 * pi * our radius that the user enters in then once we have our circumference let's console.log our circumference let's see if this works enter the radius of a circle I'll enter 10 press okay their circumference is 62.8 so why might you want to use a const in this program you may accidentally or somebody else may maliciously change the value of a variable so that the program doesn't behave as intended for example somewhere within my program I will set pi to be a new number pi equal 420.69 let's run this program again enter the radius of a circle I'll enter 10 press okay and my circumference is 8,413 I may not realize that this is the incorrect answer just for an extra security measure I can turn any variables that shouldn't change to be a const a constant replace let with const and it is a good practice if you have any constants to make all of the letters in the variable name uppercase so Pi is now Capital Pi hey this is bro from the future there's one thing I needed to clarify that I forgot to mention capitalizing your constants is usually only done with primitive data types such as numbers in booleans reference data types such as strings don't normally followed this convention you'll see this in the next few upcoming videos Pi is a constant and we're assigning a number that's why I'm making it all uppercase but if this was a string normally we wouldn't that is all let's try and change that variable again Pi = 420.69 so we have an uncaught type error assignment to constant variable so JavaScript won't let us reassign constants once they are assigned once we can't make any changes to it once you declare a constant you can't change the value and that's pretty helpful in a lot of circumstances it's an extra security measure what we'll do this time is within our web page we will accept some user input via a text box we'll rewrite the same program let's create an H1 element I will set the ID of the H1 element to be my H1 and the text will be enter the radius of a circle I'll create a text box input I'll set the type equal to text the ID equal to my text I'll create a label for this input text box let's say radius I'll add a button the button will say submit the ID will be my submit then I'll add to break right after the text box to make it look nice let's get rid of console.log when we click on the submit button we will execute a function we need to select the button let's take our document get element by ID the ID is my submit follow this with DOT onclick equals a function parentheses curly braces when we click on the button we'll execute any code within the curly braces we can eliminate our window prompt we need to get the value from the text box again we can use document. getet element by ID but the ID is going to be my text the text from the text box dot value get the value from the text box box and we will assign that to radius then we will typ cast our input as a number then we will calculate the circumference but since Pi is a constant make sure that the letters are uppercase uppercase Pi once we have our circumference let's change an H3 element so let's add that as well H3 the ID will be my H3 there will be no text content then again we will get element by ID the ID will be my H3 change the text content of this element to equal our circumference okay let's try this the radius is 10 press submit and here is our circumference maybe this will be in centimet so let me change that I'll use string concatenation and just add plus CM so 10 submit 62.83 CM if I attempt to change the value of pi maybe I'll do that here pi equal 420.69 rerun the program 10 submit there doesn't appear to be a result so if we go to Dev tools go to console we have that uncaught type error assignment to constant variable so again we can't change the value of a constant there are more graceful ways of handling this we'll learn about that when we get to exception handling however this is what we wanted we do not want to be able to change the value of a constant all right everybody so those are constants it's just a variable that can't be changed once you assign it a value and well those are constants in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody so in today's video we're going to create a counter program using JavaScript HTML and CSS so sit back relax and enjoy the show all right let's begin everybody so what we're going to do is start with our index.html file We'll add any necessary elements then we will style those elements with our CSS file then lastly we will add functionality via JavaScript so let's begin with our HTML file within the body of our document I will create a label to store the count so I will create a label with an ID of count label the text will be zero it's a little small but that's okay we'll increase the font size with CSS I'll add a break afterward with the Break Tag we'll need three buttons decrease reset and increase so we have button one let's copy this button paste it two additional times the ID for the first button will be decrease btn4 button the text will be decrease then for the second button the ID will be reset button the text will be reset then increase ID increase button the text will be increase what I'm also going to do is place our buttons within a div section let's let's cut our buttons then place the buttons within the div I will give the div a unique ID of button container we'll Center align our button container so it's in the middle of the window okay that is everything we need with our HTML file let's move to our CSS file let's style the count label it's a little small right now I will select the ID count label I will display the label as a block level element I will text align Center so it's in the center of our screen let's increase the font size I tend to like to use the EM unit of measurement the text will be 10 times the size then let's change the font family pick a font of your choosing for this example I'll use helvetica let's Center the button container that should surround all three buttons as you can see here the ID was Button container text align Center okay the buttons should be in the middle one thing I forgot to do uh let's actually add a class to our buttons too class equals buttons there all right we will select the buttons class I'll add some padding padding 10 pixels and 20 pixels let's increase the font size font size 1.5 em that translates to 150% let's pick a font color I'll just pick white then a background color for the buttons background- color I'll use hsl values how's that not feeling it that's pretty good let's round the corners with border radius five pixels I'll change the cursor into a pointer when we hover over a button cursor pointer then we'll add a transition animation transition background-color after 0.25 seconds then we'll apply the hover sudo class when we hover over one of the buttons take our buttons class use the hover PSE sudo class we will change the back ground color after a quarter of a second then change the background color to something slightly darker yeah that looks good there should be a delay when you hover over one of the buttons our HTML file is done same with our CSS now we need to add functionality because well these buttons don't do anything I will individually assign all of these buttons so that each is stored within a constant so const decrease button equals then we need to select each button by accessing our document. getet element by ID what's the id we're selecting we will begin with our decrease button all right then we need our reset button reset button the ID is reset button then increase button increase button the ID is increase button we need our count label okay then we will set const count label equals then we need to get the of our count label so document. getet element by ID count label then we will use let count equal zero we'll be reassigning count we'll be incrementing and decrementing count with our HTML elements we do not plan on reassigning them so we can set them as constants now we need a few functions three functions one for each of these buttons decrease reset increase let's begin with increase so we are taking our increase button that we assigned with the onclick attribute of this button set this equal to a function what's it going to do when we want to increase this value of our count label let's increment count by one count Plus+ then we will set the text content of our label count label. text content equals whatever the count currently is let's see if this works it looks like I misspelled on click all right let's see if this works yep every time we press the button our counter label increases by one okay let's work on decrease really we can just copy this function paste it let's change increase to decrease count minus minus save everything and we should be able to increase and decrease then the reset button let's copy one of these functions change decrease button to reset button when we want to reset we will set count back to zero then update our count label with the current count which should be zero we can increase we can decrease and we can reset then increase and decrease again all right everybody so that is a counter program with JavaScript HTML and CSS hey what's going on everybody so today I'm going to explain math math is a built-in JavaScript object that provides a collection of math related properties and methods for example if you ever need the value of pi you would type math with a capital m.p then let's console.log this console.log math.pi Pi is 3.14 and the rest of the digits if you need e e is known as ul's number it's used for the base of natural logarithms we won't really using e in the series but if you ever need it it's there math does give you access to a lot of useful math related methods let's create a few variables let X = 3.21 let y equal to and let Z will be undefined if you need to round a number let's say Z equals you can type math.round method Place whatever value or Vari variable you would like to round within the round method let's round X store the result within Z then display z console.log z so 3.21 rounded is three even there's also floor floor will always round down let's change 3.21 to 3.99 let's copy this line paste it change round to floor floor always rounds down so 3.99 rounded down is again three to always round up you can use seal as in sealing the opposite of floor c l let's change 3.99 to 3.21 3.21 rounded up is four then there's truncate trunk short for truncate will eliminate any decimal portion 3.21 truncated is three another way to raise a base to a given power is to use the pow method P let's raise 3 to the power of 2 so x to the power of Y which would be 9 y to the power of X would be 8 there's a square root function sqrt let's find the square root of how about 81 the square root of 81 is 9 if you ever need to find the natural logarithm of a number you can use the log function math.log let's set X to be 10 the natural logarithm of 10 is 2.3 if you need to do anything with trigonometry there's s cosine and tangent functions let's begin with sign s n within this function you will place radians I'll set X to be 45 so Z is going to be 0.85 so that's s let's do cosine which is cosos 0.52 then tangent T and that is 1.61 let's change X to be 3.21 again to find the absolute value of a number you can use the absolute value function math.abs it's basically going to give you the same number but it's going to be positive the absolute value of - 3.21 is 3.21 basically we're eliminating the negative sign to find the sign of a number you can use the sign function s i g n so the sign of - 3.21 is1 If This Were a positive number it would be one if it's zero then the sign is zero here's a pretty helpful method we can find the maximum or minimum value from a set of values or variables let's set Z to be one y will stay as two and X will be three I will create a new variable named Max it will store the maximum value from these three variables math. Max comma separate each of the variables x y z then display the maximum within our console.log method the maximum value from these three variables is three then there's Min for the minimum let Min do min so the minimum of these three variables is one all right everybody so that's math it's a built-in JavaScript object that provides a collection of properties which was pi and d and methods such as round truncate power methods related to trigonometry and Max and Min methods they're pretty helpful if you ever need them and well that is what math is in JavaScript hey hey what's going on everybody so in today's video we're going to create a random number generator but first I need to explain how to create a random number in JavaScript let's store our random number within a variable which we will name random num to create a random number in JavaScript we can use the random method of math math. random method this will generate a random number between zero and one uh but it looks like we forgot to Output our random number so let's do do that with console.log console.log random num this will generate a random number between zero and one it will give us a number with a long decimal portion most likely let's say we would like to roll a six-sided dice I need a random number between 1 and six not including the decimal portion so the first step is that we will multiply math. random * 6 what this will do is give us a random number between 0 and 6 exclusive now I don't want the decimal portion I would like a whole integer we'll enclose this equation with the floor method of math math. floor then we will enclose our equation so now we have oops it looks like I misspelled math it should be Capital there so far a random number is going to be between zero and five so there's zero and there's five but I need one through six well we can increase the minimum by adding plus one or whatever you want the minimum to be so now that should give us a random number between one and six there's six and there's one for a random number between 1 and 100 I can set the maximum to be 100 math. random * 100 + 1 so now the number is going to be between 1 and 100 if you're looking for a random number between a certain range let's say 50 and 100 well we're going to change our equation just to make this easier to read I'm going to set two constants const Min what's the minimum let's say 50 and the max const max will be 100 let's replace 100 with our maximum and one with our minimum there's one additional change we need to make for example our random number is 139 we're multiplying math. random times 100 our maximum then adding an additional 50 to it so one change we're going to make is that we will subtract our minimum from our maximum then I will surround this portion of our equation with the set of parentheses just to force operator precedence now the random number should be between 50 and 100 so depending on the range of numbers you're looking for you can change the minimum and the maximum all right now with that out of the way let's create our random number generator let's go to our HTML file I will create a button the ID will be my button the text on the button will be roll we will roll a six-sided dice within our CSS stylesheet I will set the text of the body of our document the font family I will set to be verdana cuz I like that font two to Center align everything to make this easy I will set text align Center all right we're getting somewhere let's work on the button I will select the ID of my button I will change the font size of the button to be three em meaning 300% I'll add a little bit of padding within our button 5 pixels by 25 pixels and I will set the Border radius to be 5 pixels just to smooth the corners we're also going to need a label so let's go back to our HTML file I will add a label with an ID of my label within our CSS stylesheet I will select the ID of my label then change the font size to be 3 em so be sure to save your CSS file save your HTML file then within our JavaScript file we will need to get our button and the label we'll store those within some constants const my button equals document. getet element by ID the ID of the element we're getting is my button then we will need to get my label my label the ID is my label let's set a minimum const Min equals I'll set that to be one as if we're rolling a six-sided dice const Max equals 6 then let random num we'll declare a random number variable but not assign it quite yet okay when we click on the button we'll execute a function we will take my button with the unclick attribute I will set this equal to a function what's the function going to do it's going to roll a random number random num equals math. random times our maximum we'll enclose this equation with math. floor to round it math. floor then add our minimum then we will change the text content of my label to display it my label. text content equals our random num when we click on the button it should roll a random number uh what are we missing not a number oh okay it looks like I made a mistake I forgot to add a set of print this is after random there we go I'm going to put the number on a new line so within our HTML file I'm just going to add a Break Tag there we go let's save everything roll again so I roll a 6 3 1 2 5 3 let's say we would like to roll three dice not just one we'll make a few changes I will replace my label with label one for the ID then I'm going to add a break after okay let's copy our label paste it two times we'll need labels two and three I'll also give the labels a class of my labels we can apply CSS styling to an entire class to make it easy all right within our CSS stylesheet let's replace the ID of my label with the class of my labels be sure to save all of your files then within our Javascript file let's replace my label with label one the ID is label one copy this line of code then we need labels two and three label two label three let's rename random num as random num one copy it paste it two times then we need random number two random number three within our function for our button change random num to be random num one copy this line paste it two times then we need random number two random number three we'll change the text content of my label to be label one equals random num one copy this line paste it two times change one to B2 then for the third line change one to be three what we'll do now is generate three random numbers between 1 and six as if we're rolling three dice 232 361 225 all right everybody that's how to create a random number generator in JavaScript Hey so uh what's going on everybody today I got to explain if statements so in JavaScript if a condition of our choosing is true we can execute some code if it's not true we can do something else that's how to put it simply for example let's say we have a user's age let age equals 25 to write an if statement we can type if a set of parentheses then a set of curly braces within the set of parenthesis we can check a condition let's check to see if our age variable is greater than or equal to 18 if this condition is true we can execute whatever code is within the set of curly braces if this condition is true let's console.log a message you are old enough to enter enter this site my age is 25 this condition is true we will execute this code within the curly braces you are old enough to enter this site what if my age was 13 well if this condition is true we don't do this we don't execute it we skip over it if you would rather take a different course of action if you would rather do something else you can write an else clause if this is not true we will do whatever is within the else Clause let's display a different message you must be 18 plus to enter this site my age is 13 we will end up displaying you must be 18 plus to enter this site basically speaking if this condition is true do this else if not do this instead it's kind of like a fork in the road which path are we going to take here's another example let's say we have variable time time will be in hours in military time if our time is 9 as in 9 a.m. let's write an if statement if time is less than 12 as in noon then console.log good morning else if it's after 12 that means it's at least the afternoon console.log good afternoon the time is 9: as in 9:00 a.m. good morning what if our time was 14 like 1400 in military time well then we will display good afternoon conditions also work very well with Boolean variables let's create a Boolean variable is student if you're a student say true if not then false now with a Boolean variable if you need to check the value with an if statement you can just place the Boolean variable within the condition itself the condition either evaluates to be true or false if is student is true then console.log you are a student else console.log you are not a student is student equals false we will execute the else Clause you are not a student If This Were true will execute the if Clause you are a student you can even create nested if statements this time we will have two variables let age equals some age and let has license as in a driver's license uh that's how to spell license has license will either be true or false so in the United States you need to be at least 16 years old to have your Li we'll check that first if age is greater than or equal to 16 let's console.log you are old enough to drive else console.log you must be 6 plus to have a license if I changed my age to 15 well I'm not old enough to have a license at least in the United States it might vary depending on your country let me know in the comments section how old you have to be to get a driver's license I'm kind of curious you can use another if statement within an if statement after we check to see if somebody is old enough to have a license let's check to see if they do have a license or not so I will add another if statement within our if statement pay attention to the indentation if has license since we're checking a Boolean variable that is going to be the condition itself it evaluates to be true or false if has license console.log you have your license else again pay attention to the indentation console.log you do not have your license yet my age is 15 I don't have a license this is the result you must be 16 plus to have your license since this condition is false we skip over everything within curly Braes entirely if I set my age to be 18 you are old enough to drive but I don't have a license that's set to false you do not have your license yet so we execute this condition so we enter anything within this set of curly braces we display this message then check this if statement my condition is false then we will execute the else Clause if I set has license to be true well then you are old enough to drive you have your license all right now I need to discuss else if statements we will keep our age variable we have our if statement if age is greater than or equal to 18 then we will console.log you are old enough to enter this site else console.log you must be 18 plus to enter this site my age is 18 I can enter this site if my age was 12 I can't enter the site if there's any other conditions you want to check before reaching your else statement you can add an else if Clause then you can check another condition let's check to see if somebody's age is less than zero your age can't be below zero let's let the user know console.log your age can't be below zero I will set my age to be1 that's not possible your age can't be below zero since this condition is false we skip over this Clause then move on to the next condition else if this condition is true execute this clause which it was then it's not necessary to go to the else statement because we already executed one of these Clauses you can add as many else if statements as you would like let's add another else if let's check to see if somebody is over 100 years old age is greater than or equal to 100 console.log you are too old to enter this site okay now pay attention to this it's really important my age will be 101 you are old enough to enter this site so why didn't we execute this Clause our age is greater than or equal to 100 the order of our Clauses does matter we start at the top and work our way down and check all the conditions on the way down so with our first statement this if state age is greater than or equal to 18 101 is greater than or equal to 18 we will execute this clause and skip over everything else that comes after even though this response is more appropriate for what we're looking for we still skip over it even though this is true because we executed this one first so I would recommend that we move this Clause to the beginning and change it to an if statement first let's check to see if age is greater than or equal to 100 else if age is greater than or equal to 18 so this should work as intended our age is 101 you are too old to enter the site let's add another lsif Clause so to check to see if two values are equal you got to use the comparison operator which is two equal signs let me give you a demonstration else if let's check to see if somebody's age is directly equal to zero so be sure you're using two equal signs for a comparison not one one equal sign is the assignment operator you want two equal signs to see if two values are equal if somebody's age is exactly zero will display a custom message you can't enter you were just born if somebody's age is zero they're a baby or an infant so let's set our our age to be zero you can't enter you were just born this condition is false we skip this Clause this condition was true we execute this clause and Skip everything else that comes after using all this code let's work on an exercise we're going to create a text box and a button so somebody can submit their age then depending on what they enter we will display a message so within our HTML file we'll create a few things let's create a label the text on the label will be enter your age let's add a break after then a text box the label will be input the type will be text the ID will be my text I'll add a break we'll create a submit button button type equals submit the ID will be my submit the text on the button will be submit I will also create a paragraph element the ID let's say is result element to display a result all right that is everything we'll need so we can't see the paragraph element quite yet the text content of the result element will be one of these lines of text so let's go back to our index file we'll create our elements I will set them to be constants const my text equals document. getet element by ID the ID is going to be my text and const my submit that's the submit button document. getet element by ID the ID is going to be my submit then lastly result element const result element equals document. getet element by ID the ID is result element let's scoot these if statements down when I click on the button we will execute a function the button is named my submit my submit onclick attribute equals a function when we click on the button what are we going to do let's take all of our if else if and else Clauses cut them then paste them within the function for the button when we click on the button then we will check our age let's set this variable to be undefined then we will get our age from the text box age equals my text. value get the value from the text box and assign it to age but remember when we get text from a text box it's a string data type we need to typ cast it to a number so we will set age to equal then use the number function to convert it to a number then we can check our age we'll replace console.log with the text content of the result element result element. text content equals our message I'll use a template literal so I'll use back ticks let's copy our text paste it within the template literal then I will delete the console.log message so we'll just follow this pattern result element. textcontent equals our message all right let's see if this works so we will type in our age let's say I'm 25 press submit and we have one problem let's see what's going on oops okay so I forgot to add a set of parentheses after the function let's add that let's say I'm 25 press submit you are old enough to enter the site let's say I'm 12 you must be 18 plus to enter the site what if I'm 101 you are too old to enter the site what if I'm zero you can't enter you were just born I'm negative 1 your age can't be below zero all right everybody so that is everything you need to know to to get started working with if statements in JavaScript hey uh so today I'm going to explain the checked property in JavaScript the checked property determines the checked state of an HTML checkbox or a radio button element by examining this property we can determine if a check boox is checked or a radio button is selected in this program if I were to not select any of these buttons we have a different result within our HTML file we will create an input element the type is going to equal checkbox then for the ID I will set this equal to my checkbox and here is our checkbox we should probably add a label so that people know what this is for so the label I will set the four attribute to be my checkbox what's the label going to say let's say subscribe like a subscribe button utilizing the four attribute if the four attribute is the same as the ID when we click on the label it should still select the checkbox all right let's add a break then we will create some radio buttons we will again need an input element the type this time will not be a checkbox it will be radio for the ID this will be a Visa button I'm going to abbreviate button to BTN so pay attention to that then I will create a label for this radio button we will set the four attribute to be the same as the ID then the text will be Visa I'm going to add a break okay let's copy this radio button paste it two times we'll change the second visa to be MasterCard let's change the ID first Master Card let's copy the ID paste it within the four attribute of the second label then change the text Master Card then the third ID will be PayPal button then change the four attribute and the text PayPal so with radio buttons they should all be within the same group currently they're not so I can select all of them if I would like we should only be able to select one from any group we will group these radio buttons by their name attribute they should all have the same name the name let's say is card so let's copy this attribute and paste it within the other input elements now we should only be able to select one and that appears to work lastly let's create a submit button we are creating a button the text will be submit the type is submit and for the ID the ID will be my submit I will create a paragraph element will populate it with some text depending if subscribe is checked or not same thing goes with our r buttons I will create two paragraphs after our button the ID on the first paragraph let's name sub result there will be no text content to begin with we'll change the text content of our sub result paragraph with some text that states if the user is subscribed or not we'll create another paragraph for the radio buttons again there's going to be no text content I'll set the idea this paragraph to be payment result now before we move to our JavaScript file I'm just going to edit the CSS on the button to make it a little bit bigger so you guys can read it so the ID of that button was my submit we are selecting an ID my submit I will set the font size to be 1 em and that's probably good enough uh maybe I'll add one more break after the Subscribe button and the PayPal radio button just so that it's not as cramped that's decent enough okay so be sure to save your CSS file your HTML file then we are now within our Javascript file what we're going to do now is get these elements by their ID and store them within constants so they're easier to work with okay let's start with our checkbox so the checkbox had an ID of my checkbox const my check checkbox be sure to pay attention to the capitalization feel free to change that if you would like just be sure it's consistent with what you have currently with your HTML elements we are accessing the document of our web page get element by ID the ID is going to be my checkbox and that's it so let's get the other elements we have my checkbox then we have our Visa button const Visa button get element by ID Visa button then let's repeat this with our MasterCard button again pay attention to the capitalization it's pretty important then we have our PayPal button we need our submit button next my submit then our paragraph elements sub result then payment result all right here are all the constants that we'll need so when we click on the submit button we will execute a function so we are taking my submit that's the name of the button dot on click I keep on spelling on lick on click equ equal a function parentheses curly braces when we click on the button what are we going to do we recently learned about if statements we will first check the checked property of the Subscribe button we'll place it within an if statement so to create an if statement it's if parenthesis krly braces we are examining my checkbox that's the Subscribe button dot checked property this will evaluate to be true or false if this is true we will execute this code if not we do something else if somebody is subscribed let's change the text content of our sub resultes paragraph So sub result we are accessing the text content to equal maybe I'll use a template literal you are subscribed else the user is not subscribed let's copy this line paste it you are not subscribed Let's test this if I click on the check boox then press the submit button it states that I am subscribed you are subscribed if I were to refresh the page I don't click the Subscribe button press submit you are not subscribed all right we know that that works let's move on to the radio button first we will check to see if somebody selected Visa we are accessing the Visa radio button if Visa button. checked if this is true we are changing the text of the payment result paragraph payment result. text content equals you are paying with Visa let's see if that works I'll select Visa press submit you are paying with Visa all right let's add else if the next radio button is Mastercard button if this is checked MasterCard button. checked then we will change the text content of the payment result to be you are paying with MasterCard you are paying with MasterCard let's add another else if statement else if this time we are examining the PayPal button PayPal button. checked if this is true change the text content of the payment result to be you are paying with PayPal you are paying with PayPal else if none of these radio buttons are checked we will change the text content of the payment result to be you must select a payment type I will press submit without selecting a payment type you must select a payment type all right everybody so that is the checked property by examining the checked property of of an HTML checkbox or a radio button element we can determine if those elements are checked or not and well that is the checked property in JavaScript hey y welcome back so today I'm going to explain the trary operator in JavaScript you write a condition then add a little question mark kind of like you're asking a question how is this useful well it's a shortcut to if and else statements it helps to assign a variable based on a condition you write a condition then use the tary operator as if you're asking a question you can write some code if that condition is true what would you like to do then add a colon then some code if that condition is false here's an example let's say we have a user's age age equals 21 I would like to check to see if somebody's age is greater than or equal to 18 age greater than equal to 18 then I will use the tary operator kind of like I'm asking a question is age greater than or equal to 18 if this condition is true we can write some code I'll create a string your and adult then what if the condition is false I'll add a colon then I will execute this code if the condition is false you're a minor this is helpful if you need to assign a variable based on a condition so I'll create a new variable let message equals then we write our condition so if age is greater than or equal to 18 if that's true we will assign this string to this variable this message if it's false instead we will assign this one it's an alternative to writing something like this so with programming we try not to repeat ourselves if we don't have to here we're assigning message to be either this string or this one our trary operator is more condensed and I feel like it's easier to read than that if else statement it's a shortcut if you choose to use it I tend use it a lot then just to test it let's console.log our message just to be sure that it works fine console.log our message our age is 21 you're an adult if my age was 12 you're a minor let's go over a few more exercises this time we will have let time time will be between 1 and 24 like a 24-hour clock I will set time to be 6 16 16 I think would be 400 p.m. we will assign a greeting equals then we'll write a condition is time less than 12 then tary operator like we're asking a question if the time is less than 12 it's the morning good morning we'll use a colon then write some code if it's false if it's not the morning it's at least the afternoon good afternoon then let's console.log our greeting good afternoon because it's 400 p.m. what if it was 99 good morning all right I have a few more examples what if somebody's a student let is student this will be true or false if you're a student let message message equals now with the Boolean variable you can just write the Boolean variable itself is student question mark are you a student if so you are a student if not you are not a student then let's console.log our message we are a student you are a student let's set this to be false you are not a student it's very easy to read with Boolean variables you write the Boolean variable then add a question mark here's a challenge round we will have a purchase amount as if somebody's buying something if somebody's purchase amount is over $100 they get a 10% discount so let purchase amount equal let's say $125 or some other unit of currency of you're choosing let discount equals then the condition is we're checking if purchase amount is greater than or equal to $100 $100 question mark is somebody's purchase amount greater than $100 if so they will get a 10% discount colon if that's false they get no discount zero so then let's display the total console.log I'll use a template literal your total is I need a dollar sign for our unit of currency then I need a placeholder so I need another dollar sign the purchase amount minus us the purchase amount multiplied by let me scoot over a little the discount divided by 100 so the total since we get a discount is $112.50 if our purchase amount was $99 well we don't get that discount your total is 99 all right everybody so that's the trary operator it's a shortcut to an if else statement it helps to assign a variable based on a condition you write a condition add a question mark as if you're asking a question do this code if that condition is true else do this code if that condition is false I'll be using the tary operator a lot just because I feel like it's helpful and well that is the tary operator in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody so today I'm going to explain switches a switch can be an efficient replacement to using many else if statements here's an example of a program I wrote without using a switch we have a day day will normally be the number 1 through 7 if day equals 1 will console.log it is Monday which you can see here if day was two well then it's Tuesday all the way up to 7 which is Sunday I do have an lse statement that states our day variable is not a day for for example if I set day to be I don't know like a string of pizza well then Pizza is not a day but it really should be if you find yourself using a lot of else if statements I would instead recommend creating a switch here's how to create one we'll keep our day variable I'll set that to be one to create a switch we will type switch parentheses curly braces within the parenthesis of the switch we will place a variable or a value what are we examining let's examine our day variable we examine a value against matching cases to create a case type case then a value or a condition we will see if day equals 1 so day case one are these two values equal if they are then we can do something we can execute some code so add a colon then any code underneath this case will be executed if there's a match between our value or variable day and this value so let's console.log it is Monday then be sure to add a break I'll demonstrate why you need break later so day is one it is Monday let's add another case for case two in case day equals 2 so let's copy and paste what we have case 2 it is Tuesday let's change day to B2 it is Tuesday all right let's do this all the way up to case seven all right we have cases 1 through 7 if I change day to be seven well then it is Sunday you can also add a default case in case there are no matches now what if we set day to be Pizza which doesn't make sense well there are no matching cases once we review all of the cases and there's no matches we exit the switch you also have the capability to add a default case in case there are no matches what's the default behavior of the switch if there's no matching cases let's console.log I should probably use a template literal for this if we're inserting a variable our day variable is not a day so now we should execute this default case Pizza is not a day all right now the reason that that we have these break statements is to break out of the switch once we have a matching case I'll demonstrate what happens if we remove these all right let's set day to be two as in Tuesday it is Tuesday it is Wednesday it is Thursday it is Friday it is Saturday it is Sunday two is not a day so the reason that we have these breaks is to break out of the switch if we don't have them once we have a matching case we will execute the code found within that space then Cascade down and execute any code that follows after including code within different cases so that's why you want these break statements after each case to break out of the switch let's go over a more complex example let's say we have a test score variable between 0 and 100 my score will be 92 92% I will also create a letter grade variable which we will declare but not aign I'm going to examine our test score so another way in which you can write a switch is something like this I'm going to examine the value of true against matching cases which contain a condition so case then I'll write a condition is test score greater than or equal to 90 as in 90% this condition will eval valuate to be true or false if true is equal to true we will do some code if this is false we skip over it if our test score is greater than or equal to 90 let's assign our letter grade variable to equal an a then be sure to break then I'm going to test this with console.log we will display our letter grade we have an A let's do this for anything greater than 80 the user will receive a B test score greater than or equal to 80 letter grade will equal B let's change our test score to be 85 the user receives a b let's follow this pattern 70 will be a c yep C 60 will be a d 60 is D then for the default case I will set letter grade to be F letter grade equals F if I set my test score to be 33% so with the test score of 33 the letter grade is f all right everybody so that's a switch if you find you're using a a lot of lse if statements I would recommend using a switch instead it's not bad if you have a few but if you have many I would use a switch instead and well everybody those are switches in JavaScript hey it's me again so today I'm going to explain string Methods in JavaScript string Methods allow you to manipulate and work with text also known as strings in this example I have a username username equals a string of text why don't don't you go ahead and create a username variable and set it equal to either your username if you have one or your full name strings have different built-in methods where we can manipulate this text one way or another here's a few examples suppose I would like to get the first character of the string I can use the Char at method type a string or a variable containing a string then follow this with DOT by adding a DOT we are accessing any Properties or methods that the string has follow this with Char at then list an index the first character is zero the second character would be one so get the character at index zero that should be a b however if I were to run this let's go to our Dev tools uh nothing appears to happen because it's going to return a single character let's place that within console.log just so that we can see it cut this code and and paste it within console.log so the first character in my string is B but depending on what you wrote it might be different for you the character at index one would be R then two is O so that is the Char at method the index of method will return the index of the first occurrence of a character let's find the first occurrence of n o it will return an index and then again I have to console.log whatever is returned so let's place this method within console.log what is the index of the first occurrence of an o that would be two 0 1 2 otherwise for the last index let's change the method to be last index of which would be four 0 1 2 3 4 so the length property this isn't a method to get the length of a string type the string or a variable containing the string dot length this isn't a method but it's very similar so the length of my username is seven characters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so that's how to get the length of a string now we are going to trim the string maybe there's a bunch of white spaces after or before I will reassign username equal to let's take our username variable Dot and use the trim method to trim any Whit space then I will console.log my username there's my name and there's no wh space after let's add some wh space before our name yep and there's no white space to make my name I'll uppercase I can use the two uppercase method now my string is all uppercase then there's two lowercase to make all of the characters lowercase there's repeat to repeat a string within the parenthesis of the method how many times do you want to repeat the string if I were to type three we'll repeat the string three times to determine if a string starts with a given character we can use the starts with method this will return a Boolean I will store that within a result variable username dot starts with method we will check to see if the string starts with an empty space then let's console.log the result that is false my username does not begin with the space but what if it did I'll add one then that returns true this could be useful within an if statement if result if the string starts with a whit space let's console.log your username can't begin with an empty space else let's console.log the username my username has a whit space in the beginning your username can't begin with Whit space if that were false then we will display my username so that is the starts with method there's also ends withth does my username end with the Whit space it does not but what if it did your username can't end with an empty space next is the includes method does the string contain an empty space I'll split my username into two your first and last name would work as well your username can't include an empty space currently it does your username can't include an empty space if it didn't then we pass the test we will display the username all right now this time we will create a phone number let phone number equals make up some phone number including dashes 2 3 4 5 6 7890 so this phone number is a string even though it contains numbers because strings can contain numbers but we treat them as characters let's eliminate all the dashes in our phone number here's one way in which we can do that let's reassign our phone number equals our phone number we will use the replace all method which character are we replacing let's replace any dashes comma then the character to replace the dashes with or whatever you put for the first character we will replace all dashes with no characters then let's console.log our phone number and that should eliminate all of the dashes or otherwise you could replace it with a different character let's do a forward slash so 1 2 3456 SL 7890 there's also the pad start method. pad start the first value within the pad start method is a specified length how many characters should the string be I would like the string to be 15 characters long then for the second value make sure to comma separate it we can pad the start of the string with a given character let's say zero so the result is a couple zeros than our phone number pad this string with zeros until it's 15 characters long if I were to set this to 20 then we would have more zeros there's more padding then there's pad end pad the end of the string with this character until the string is 15 characters long all right everybody so those are string Methods they allow you to manipulate and work with text also known as strings we'll have more practice with these in the future and well those are a few useful string Methods in JavaScript hey everybody so today I'm going to explain string slicing in JavaScript string slicing is the process of creating a substring from a portion of another string this won't alter the original string just just to demonstrate let's create a constant for our full name go ahead and type in your full name or you can copy me I'm going to extract the first name from my full name and create a new string out of it so I'll declare this let first name equals Now to create a substring we can follow this formula we take our string in this case our full name dot then use the built-in slice method slice then we can list a starting and ending index where would we like to begin so the first character has an index of zero we'll start at the beginning index0 comma where are we going to end 0 1 2 this isn't necessarily going to work and let me demonstrate so let's console.log our first name so my first name is BR so the ending index index is actually exclusive in my full name we're ending at o but we don't include it within our substring because the ending index is exclusive I'll increase the ending index to three that should include one more character which it does now let's get the last name let last name equals again following this formula take our original string use the built-in slice method State the beginning index 0 1 2 3 4 mine will be four yours may be different depending on what your name is and the ending index four 5 6 7 and remember that the last index is exclusive so I'm going to increase that to be eight then we'll display our last name console.log last name and there's my last name so the reason that I set the beginning index to be four and not three is because we'll include that space within the result as you can see here if you're going to be creating a substring from some position all the way to the end you don't necessarily need an ending index I'm going to remove the ending index and this should work the same all right what if I need the first character in the string let first Char meaning character equals take our string we will use the slice method for the first character you can use 0 comma 1 then let's display our first character and in my example mine is B for the last character let last character full name do slice we can use a negative index even if you're using a negative index you'll begin at the end then by decreasing the number you'll work your way towards the beginning so the last character in my name is is e -2 would be de 3 is o four is c for code negative indices work as well with these specific numbers that I've listed they're only going to work if my name is exactly this what if I were to change my first name to be instead of bro broseph like Joseph then let's display our first name then our last name first name bro last name f which is not correct to make this program more Dynamic we can combine string slicing with the index of method we'll search the string for the first instance of a space then depending on where that space is we'll take the first part of our full name and create a substring for the first name anything after the space will be our last name so let's turn these lines into comments we don't need them anymore let first name equals again take our full name do slice we'll begin at the beginning index zero now where do we end we're not going to count the number of characters this time we're going to calculate it the ending index will be take our full name dot then use the index of method where's the first index of a space so that is the ending position wherever there's a space then we'll display our first name uh let me get rid of our last name there brosive now for the last name let last name equals let's copy this line of code paste it the beginning index will be f full name. index of space you can list an ending index but we don't need to we would like to extract every character that comes after this position so we don't need an ending index all right let's see if this works brosi space code we're including that space so to remedy this I can add plus one find the first index of a space then start in the position after that's why we're adding plus one then give me every letter that comes after and that works just fine broi code all right let's go over an exercise this time we will list an email const email equals why don't you go ahead and type in your email I'll make one up for me bro [email protected] I'll extract the first part of my email to be stored as a username let username equals again we're going to take our string email do use the slice method where are we going to begin we'll begin at index zero that's the beginning of a string where will we end we'll end wherever the at symbol is but we need to search for it we'll use the built-in index of method of a string email. index of what are we searching for we are searching for the at symbol and let's see if this works console.log our username yep bro one then let's get the extension let extension equals we can copy this line of code paste it make a few changes this substring will begin where the last one ended then again console.log the extension at again like I said before I would like to begin after this index I will add plus one my username is br1 my extension is all right everybody so that's string slicing it's the process of creating a substring from a portion of another string when you create a substring you won't alter the original and I've proven that by setting this string to be a constant you can't change a constant to create a substring you take the string use the built-in slice method then you can list starting or ending indices and well everybody that is string slicing in JavaScript what's up everybody so in today's video I got explained the concept of method chaining in JavaScript method chaining is a programming technique it's where you call one method after another in one continuous line of code I'll give you two examples of the same program one that uses no method chaining and another that does then we'll be able to see some of the benefits of method chaining what we'll do in the first version of this program is create a variable for a username and I will ask the user for some input using window. prompt the text will be enter your username after typing in some username I would like to to trim any white space around the username take the first character make it uppercase take all of the other characters make them all lowercase and then display the output so this program will have a few steps let's reassign our username equal to username use the trim method to remove any wh space before or after the name then I will get the first character of my username to capitalize it we'll create a variable of let letter equals our username follow this with the Char at method the character at index zero letter is going to be a variable it will hold the first letter of my username to make my letter uppercase I will reassign it letter equals letter use the two uppercase method to make that letter uppercase now with the rest of the characters I would like to make them lowercase anything besides the first character I will create a separate variable for extra characters let's say extra chars short for characters equals take our original username use the slice method we will slice our username everything after the first character if my name was bro code and I created a slice of everything but the first character extra characters would be R code without the B so then let's take our extra characters make them all lowercase extra characters equals extra characters followed with the two lowercase method then we will combine the first letter which is uppercase and the extra characters which are lowercase then store them within our username username equals our letter plus the extra characters then we will display our username console.log our username so this program does have a lot of steps we will run this program enter your username I will enter a few whites spaces type in my name but I'll mix up the capitalization press okay and there's my username the first letter is uppercase the rest of the letters are lowercase so this program does work but it is a lot to write now with method chaining we can combine some of these steps together and avoid creating variables that we don't need such as letter and extra characters so with method training what we'll do is start to combine some of these steps after getting our username we will take our username equals take our username again use the trim method we're not going to end this method with a semicolon we're going to end it with a DOT to write another method after trimming the username get the character at index zero and then why sto there let's method chain again make that letter uppercase following the two uppercase method so this will work it's kind of like in a video game how you can have a combo well this is a three hit combo boom boom boom take our username trim it get the first character and then make an uppercase all in one line of code not only that let's use some string concatenation we need to take the rest of the characters of my username make them all lowercase then combine them together again let's take our username use the trim method method chain the slice method slice the string after the first character then method chain again use the two lowercase method and that should work console.log my username we're using a lot less lines of code and I'll zoom out just so you can see everything Ander your username I'll throw in some white spaces then mix up the capitalization and that has appeared to work so that's method chaining it's a programming technique where you can call one method right after another in one continuous line of code it's like a video game combo so to say so in this case trim our username give me the first character and then make it uppercase we did method chaining here here and then we combined the results using string catenation which is something separate entirely by using method chaining this help helps you avoid creating named variables but if your method chain is too long it can become difficult to read like here I am kind of pushing the limits and well everybody that is Method chaining in JavaScript hey yeah it's a me so today I'm going to explain logical operators there's three of them and or not they're used to combine or manipulate Boolean values Boolean values if you remember are true true or false let's create a program const temp meaning temperature what I would like to do is see if my temperature Falls within a certain range this will be in Celsius let's say the temperature is 20° C without using any logical operators let's write this if our temp is greater than zero then we will console.log the weather is good else if the temperature is less than or equal to 30 30° C we will also output the weather is good else the weather is bad currently my temperature is 20° C the weather is good what if I were to change this to something ridiculous like 200° C well the weather is obviously not good Earth probably got hit by an asteroid or something or if I were to change my temperature to like 100° C well the weather isn't good either I don't know maybe the sun disappeared so what I want to do is output the weather is good only if my temperature Falls between the range of zero and 30 so we're going to change this program if our temperature is greater than zero and we'll check another condition and our temperature is greater than or equal to 30 then we can eliminate this elif Clause now let's check the temperature our temperature is -100° C well the weather is bad if our temperature was 200° C the weather is also bad in order for us to execute this if statement both these conditions need to be true this one and this one to join two conditions you use double and per and meaning and if our temperature was 25 well that falls within our range the weather is good this is true and this is true so we will execute this code if one of these was false we don't execute it at all we'll skip over it so that that is the and logical operator you can check more than one condition you can check one thing and something else now there's or which is double straight bars with the or logical operator at least one of these conditions needs to be true this has to be true or that has to be true if I were to run the same program well then the weather is good let's change the temperature to 250 the weather is good but it's not it shouldn't be so let's rewrite this program if our temp is less than or equal to zero or the temperature is greater than 30 then the weather is bad else the weather is good our temperature is 250 the weather is bad netive -250 the weather is also bad so with the orological operator we're checking more than one condition is this true yes it is -250 is less than zero or is this condition true this one is false but since at least one of these is true we will execute this code then we will cover the not logical operator let's create a new program const is sunny is it sunny outside this will be true or false we will create an if statement our condition will be is sunny is this true if it is we will console.log it is sunny else we will console.log it is cloudy is sunny is set to true it is sunny If This Were false then it is cloudy using the not logical operator we can flip a Boolean from True to false or false to true I will precede this Boolean with the not logical operator which is an exclamation point now we're checking if it's not Sunny then we will console. log it is cloudy else it is sunny is it not sunny outside it is cloudy let's change this to be true it is sunny so basic basally the not logical operator it'll change true to be false and false to be true all right everybody so that's a short topic today logical operators they're used to combine or manipulate Boolean values use and to check to see if at least two conditions are true with or at least one condition needs to be true and with not not we'll do the opposite and well that is an introduction to logical operators and JavaScript so uh yeah it's me again so today I'm going to explain the strict equality operator which is represented by three equal signs before we dive in let me make a few important distinctions a single equal sign is the assignment operator you usually see it when you assign a value to a variable the comparison operator two equal signs is used to compare two values to see if they're equal now the strict equality operator has a whopping three equal signs it not only Compares if two values are equal but if they have the same data type as well let me give you a demonstration suppose we have a constant named Pi Pi equal 3.14 pi in my example has a data type of number I'll create an if statement we will check if Pi is equal to the string 3.14 if it is let's console.log that is pi else we will console.log that is not Pi is the number 3.14 equal to the string 3.14 well according to JavaScript that is pi that's because we're using the comparison operator we don't care about the data type we only care about the value are the values equal now if I was using the strict equality operator which is three equal signs well then JavaScript tells me that this is not Pi because with the strict equality operator not only do we compare the values but we also compare the data types as well these values are both 3.14 but this one is a number data type and we're comparing it to a string so they don't match technically if we were strictly comparing the number 3.14 to the number 3.14 well then we have a match that is pi one case where this is pretty helpful is when you accept user input because user input tends to be a string data type and then just as an extra measure you can use the strict equality operator and then be sure that the value is a number data type there's also the inequality operator it will return true if two values are not equal so let's take shut up this time we will examine if Pi does not equal the string 3.14 if these are not equal this condition will evaluate to be true so this is not Pi else this is pi is the number 3.14 not equal to the string 3.14 well that is Pi still using the inequality operator these values are still the same the inequality operator will return false then there's the strict inequality operator an exclamation point and two equal signs are the values or the data type different so in this example that is not Pi they have the same values but the data type is different if I turned my variable Pi into a string well that is pi now the string 3.14 stored within Pi does equal the string 3.14 so this condition turns out to be false so we execute the L state it might take you a little bit of time to get used to this and that's okay it is a little odd but just in case you see these in the future you'll at least be familiar with them from now on we will try and use the strict equality operator if we can and well everybody that is the strict equality operator and I guess well the inequality operator and strict inequality operator in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody so today I'm going to explain while Loops in JavaScript a while loop Loop will repeat some code while some condition is true take this program for example we have a variable username if our username is equal to an empty string then we will console.log you didn't enter your name else console.log hello username if I run this program then check within our console well we didn't enter our username now if I were to change this program to a while loop while our usern name is equal to an empty string repeat this line of code Forever Until this condition is no longer true then when we escape the while loop we can print the message hello username this is what happens when I run the program we just print this line of code forever and my computer is probably going to crash I can't seem to stop help okay I think it broke a while loop will continue some code infinitely while this condition is true if it no longer is true then we can escape the while loop if I were to set my username to be something other than an empty string well we never actually enter the while loop we skip over it entirely and go straight to console.log at the end so what we do first is check the condition if it's true then we get sucked into the wild Loop and execute this forever you usually want some sort of way to exit the while loop while you're in it otherwise you get what is known as an infinite Loop so let's rewrite this program let username equal an empty string while our username is strictly equal to an empty string let's ask the user to enter in their name username equals I'll use a window prompt enter your name name okay let's try this again enter your name I'll press okay we can't seem to close this window until we type in something you can see I'm clicking on okay nothing's happening I will type in my name press okay then our console displays hello whatever your name is so that's a benefit of a wild Loop repeat some code until this condition is no longer true since we populated our username our username was not not equal to an empty string we filled username with some characters what if I instead press cancel hello null null means no value username will equal null if I press the cancel button let's append to this condition or username is strictly equal to null now I shouldn't be able to continue until I type in something and I can escape if I hit canc cancel while one of these conditions is true execute this code forever let's type in our name again and now we can escape the while loop there's also another variation of a while loop it's known as a do while loop how that works is that you can move while and the condition to the end so we'll place it here then preedee the set of curly braces with do so we will always execute this code at least once then check the condition at the end using a do while loop I don't necessarily need to set the username I can set it to be undefined if I set my username to be undefined then use a standard while loop we never execute the while loop our username equals undefined it doesn't equal an empty string or the value null so we skip over the while loop entirely so a do while loop is another variation of a while loop do the code first then check the condition at the end so there's a few different ways you can write the same program all right let's go over another example we'll create three variables let logged in logged in will be false to begin with to log in we have to type in a matching username I will declare a username but not a sign it and a password so let's create a while loop how do we escape the while loop let's say while not I'll use the not logical operator while not loged in once we're logged in once this is true we escape the while loop we will ask a user for their username username equals window. prompt enter your username let's ask for a password as well password equals enter your password I'll add an if statement within the wild Loop we'll check to see if our username is strictly equal to then make up some username my user name and if our password is strictly equal to some password like my password if our username and password both match these values then we can log in so logged in will equal true then I'll console.log a confirmation message you are logged in else let's console.log another message invalid credentials please try again all right let's see if this works enter your username I am just going to press okay enter your password I'll type in something legitimate so I'll type in my password uh invalid credentials please try again that's because I didn't type in a username I'll type in my username be sure it matches my username my password and we are now logged in so since we set logged in to be true when we go back to the beginning of our while loop this condition is no longer true while not logged in but since we're logged in we escape the while loop now another variation of this is the do while loop let's cut the condition along with while add it to the end then add do to the beginning so we'll check to see if we're logged in at the end it pretty much does the same thing but with one exception in this program how this is different is that I can set logged in to be true to begin with we still receive that prompt I'll type in my username type in my password we are currently logged in so we do not continue the wild Loop if we used a standard while loop and We Begin by being logged in well we never ask for any of this we never enter the while loop while not logged in do all of this but since we are logged in we don't do any of it all right everybody so that's while Loops repeat some code while some condition is true while some condition remains true execute this code forever and until it's no longer true and well everybody that's while Loops in JavaScript all right what's going on people so today I'm going to discuss for Loops a for Loop will repeat some code a limited amount of times with the while loop a y Loop can repeat some code infinitely with the for Loop we can do something a certain or limited amount of times here's an example let's say we would like to display the word hello three times with the for Loop we can write something like this now to create a for Loop type four parenthesis curly braces within the set of parenthesis we have up to three statements the first is that we can create a temporary counter much like we're assigning a variable let's create a counter named I let I I is a common naming convention for counters within a loop I meaning index so let I equal what number would we like to start at let's start at zero then semicolon this is the first statement we'll create a counter to keep track of the number of iterations the next statement is the condition in which we continue the for Loop we will continue this for loop as long as I is less than or equal to two that's if we're going to execute this for loop three times 0 1 2 that would be a total of three then the third statement we can increment or decrement our counter I so let's increment our counter by one during each iteration by typing i++ and that's a for Loop I is set to zero will continue as long as I is less than or equal to two then during each iteration we will increment I by 1 that means we will execute this for loop three times what are we going to do when we execute each iteration let's console.log hello so this should display the word hello three times yep hello three now if I were to instead console.log I we can see what I is so during the first iteration I our counter is zero then one then two if I wanted to count up to 10 I could change my condition to be this I is less than 10 so we begin at zero then we count up to 9 so if I need 1 through 10 I'll set I in the beginning to be 1 then continue as long as I is less than or equal to 10 there so we have numbers 1 through 10 using a for Loop we can even increment by a different number instead of incrementing our counter by one let's increment by two so I + = 2 so then we should count up by twos 1 3 5 7 9 if I want to start at two I can change our counter to start at two count from 2 to 10 but increment by two 2 4 6 8 10 if we would like to count down let's start at 10 then count down to zero let I equal 10 will continue as long as I is greater than zero then iusus to decrement hey for fun after we escape the for Loop let's console.log happy New Year it's as if we're counting down to midnight on New Year's Eve 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Happy New Year or we could count down by two i - = 2 10 8642 or three or whatever number 10741 happy New Year or whatever number you want now I'm going to cover continue and break this time we will count to 20 we need a for Loop we'll create a counter let I equal I'll set I to be 1 that's our first statement our condition is is we'll continue as long as I is less than or equal to 20 then increment I by One during each iteration so to test this let's console.log I so we have the numbers 1 through 20 so with continue we can skip an iteration I'm going to write an if statement if I is equal to now there is a Superstition that 13 is an unlucky number let's say if I is equal to 13 we will skip that iteration I know it's a weird example so if I is equal to 13 let's continue continue will skip this iteration of the loop else we will console.log whatever I is so now when I run this program when I run this program we skip over 13 we jump from from 12 to 14 so if you ever need to skip an iteration you can use the continue keyword now there's break break will break out of the loop entirely we've seen this keyword in switches to break out of the switch if I equals 13 then just exit the for Loop entirely so in this example we count up to 12 but since I now equals 13 we break out of the loop entirely we don't continue the rest of the iterations all right everybody so those are four Loops you can repeat some code a limited amount of times there's up to three statements we can write we can create a temporary variable that serves as a counter a condition in which we should continue then we can increment or decrement our counter and those are four Loops in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody in this video we're going to create a number guessing game using JavaScript so why don't you go ahead and sit back relax and and enjoy the show all right let's get started everybody so the first thing that we're going to need is to set the minimum and the maximum numbers in our number guessing game so we'll create two constants const minum for the minimum I will set my minimum to be one but feel free to pick a different number if you would like then a maximum const Max num I will set my maximum to be 100 so what we got to do is generate a random number between our minimum and our maximum inclusively so let's create another constant const answer then we'll generate a random number between 1 and 100 our minimum and our maximum to do that we can type math. random the random method of math will generate a random number between zero and 1 we will multiply this by within a set of parentheses the range between our maximum minus our minimum then add plus one let's see what we have so far just to test everything I'm going to console.log our answer okay let's inspect go to console here's my answer currently 56 point and then a bunch of decimal places after I will round our answer by enclosing this equation with math. floor to round down okay let's see what we get again 39 89 20 7 71 27 177 46 okay that seems like it's working what if we have a higher minimum let's say between 50 and 100 well I have 7 22 43 numbers that are below our minimum so if we have a minimum besides one I will add to the end of this equation our minimum again okay let's see if that works so if I need a random number between 50 and 100 this equation should work 97 80 79 52 all right that seems like it's working so this is the equation you'll need to generate a random number between your minimum that you set and your maximum but let's change our minimum back to one and make sure our maximum is 100 all right let's move on to step two we'll create a variable named attempts to keep track of the attempts it takes a user I will set attempts to be zero and let guess I will declare this variable but not assign it quite yet we'll take care of that later I will also create a Boolean variable named running and I will set this to be true the reason that we have the Boolean variable running is so that we can exit the game when it's over we'll set running to equal false so to keep the game running we'll use a while loop while running equals true now if this is a Boolean variable you don't necessarily need this portion equals true you can just set this to be while running while this Boolean is true keep the game going then when we want to exit the game we will set running to equal false so that will be at the end now we need to accept some user input I'll do this with the window prompt we will set our guest to equal window. prompt I'll use a template literal guess a number between I'll add a placeholder our minimum through add another placeholder our maximum all right to test this I'm going to console.log the type of guess as well as what guess is there's something I need to show you guess a number between one and 100 I'll guess something right in the middle 50 let's inspect go to console so my user input of 50 is a string data type we'll need to convert it to a number for comparisons so after we get our guess let's reassign it and typ cast it as a number type let's try that again guess a number between 1 and 100 I'll type 50 okay inspect console we have our guess of 50 and it's a number data type what if you were to type in something that wasn't a number like a string of characters such as Pizza here's the result if you type cast some characters that are non-numeric you know the number Z through n you'll end up with not a number Pizza can't be converted to a number unfortunately I will delete this line of code we no longer need it I'll add an if statement there's a function to check to see if something is not a number is not a number function if our guess is not a number if this evaluates to be true let's add an alert window. alert please enter a valid number guess a number between 1 and 100 what if I type pizza please enter a valid number now what if somebody types in a guess that's below our minimum or above our maximum I'll add an else if statement else if our guess is below our minimum or our guess is above our maximum will window. alert please enter a valid number again guess a number between 1 and 100 what if I type in 150 that's above our maximum please enter a valid number please enter a number between 1 in 100 netive -1 please enter a valid number if the user's guess is a number and it's between our range between the minimum and the maximum we'll execute an L statement if they reach the L statement that means they have a valid number we'll increase our attempts variable by one attempts Plus+ to increment it if the guess if the yes is less than the answer then will window. alert too low try again else if the guess is greater than the answer will window. alert to high try again if the guess isn't lower than the answer and the guess isn't higher than the answer that means the guess must equal the answer within an else statement we'll congratulate the user they have the right answer window. alert correct the answer was and I should probably use a template literal for this if we're inserting variables the answer we'll let the user know how many attempts it took it took you the variable attempts then the word attempts at the end of our lse statement we'll move running equals false to within the lse statement at the end to exit the game we no longer want to play once we have the correct answer all right and this should work let's try it guess or not number between 1 and 100 I'll guess something right in the middle 50 too low try again okay so the answer is between 50 and 100 75 too high so it's between 50 and 75 62 two low 68 two high so it's between 62 and 68 65 too high 6 three to low 64 yeah correct the answer was 64 it took you seven attempts and we can exit all right everybody so that is a number guessing game in JavaScript hey welcome back so today I got to explain functions in JavaScript a function is a section of reusable code you declare that code once and you can use it whenever you want all you have to do is call the function to execute that code here's an example we'll create a function to sing Happy Birthday whenever we call this function it's going to sing Happy Birthday so to declare a function you type function a unique function name let's name our function happy birthday because it's well the happy birthday function then you add a set of parentheses then you add a set of curly braces any code we write between this set of curly braces we can reuse whenever we want so what do we want to do exactly with this function I'll create the lyrics to my own happy birthday song console.log happy birthday to you let's repeat that again happy birthday dear you happy birthday to you trust me I'm going somewhere with this so we have a function when we run the program it currently doesn't do anything to execute this code within the function function we have to call the function by its name happy birthday then add a set of parenthesis so now we should execute this code yep happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear you happy birthday to you so to call a function you type the function name then you add a set of parentheses I like to think of the parentheses as two telephones talking to each other that's how I remember it so if I were to call this function again what do you think's going to happen well we're going to execute this function twice three times we'll execute it three times as many times as I want in fact that's what a function is it's a section of reusable code reuse it whenever you want you just have to call it you can send a function some values or variables let's change our happy birthday function I will turn this line into a template literal let's replace you with the placeholder then we'll add a username I'll add one one more line we'll use a template literal you are insert a placeholder age years old so when I run this program we have an uncaught reference error username is not defined at happy birthday so our happy birthday function doesn't know what our username is or the age so we can send some information to the function when we call it so within the set of parentheses what would we like to send this function let's send our name so whatever values you place within the function be sure to comma separate them so why don't you go ahead and send the happy birthday function a name and an age but there's one step missing these are known as arguments they're data that you send a function but you need a matching set of parameters within the parentheses of the Declaration in a way we can Define some temporary variables and they're all comma separated we will Define a username parameter as well as age now this function should work properly happy birthday dear bro code you are 25 years old so these are parameters and what you send to the function are arguments let's call the function but send different information happy birthday uh how about SpongeBob SpongeBob will be I don't know how old he is according to SpongeBob lore but let's say he's 30 years old happy birthday dear SpongeBob you are 30 years old how about Patrick this time it's his birthday everybody gets a birthday Patrick will be 37 happy birthday dear Patrick you are 37 years old so that's a benefit of passing arguments to a function when the function receives this data it can do something with it now the order of the parameters does matter if I were to switch age and username here's what happens happy birthday dear 37 you are Patrick years old with the arguments that you're passing to your function you'll want to be sure that the parameters match up all right now I'm going to cover the return keyword we'll create a few other function examples we'll create a function to add two numbers function add then we'll need two arguments which we will name X and Y so when we invoke this function I would like to add X and Y together I'll create a temporary variable named result just to store the result result = x + y so I'm going to add two numbers together let's add two and three together and let's see what happens well nothing appears to happen well we can send some data back to the place in which we call a function but we need to use this return keyword let's return the result so 2 + 3 should be 5 after this function resolves think of this function becoming the value five so we'll probably want to do something with that value I'll store that with within a variable let answer equal add 2 and three then let's console.log the answer which should be five when you return something from a function after you resolve the function think of it as becoming whatever is returned in this case it's our result or otherwise I can place this function within console.log if we don't plan to to store it at all so add two and three then display the result which is five there is a shortcut too you don't necessarily need to declare a variable within this function we could shorten this to return x + y that is also valid so that should return five okay let's create a subtract function function subtract will return x - y but we need a matching set of parameters because I forgot that okay let's see what happens when we subtract 3 from 2 that'll give us 1 Let's multiply function multiply we'll multiply X and Y together return x * y we will multiply 2 * 3 which is 6 divide we need parameters X and Y then return x / y then we will invoke the divide function pass into two and three and the result is 0.666 repeating let's go over a more complex example we'll create a function to determine if a number is even or odd here's the function function is even we have one parameter a number so when we invoke the function we'll have to pass in a number so when we receive a number how do we check to see if this number is even here's one solution we'll use an if statement if our number modulus 2 modulus gives you the remainder of any Division if this number divides by by two evenly if this is equal to zero and yes I'm using the strict equality operator I'm trying to use that more often if our number is divisible by two then let's return the Boolean value true else will return false okay let's console.log let's check to see if a number is even let's start with 10 is 10 even that is true how about 11 that is false 12 12 is even so that's kind of cool if you would like a shortcut for this you can use the trary operator that would look something like this we are going to return then a condition what are we checking is our number modulus 2 strictly equal to zero question mark so that is the tary operator the question mark if it is true then we will return a Boolean value of true colon false if it's false is 12 even that is true is 13 Even no it's not it's odd how about 14 that is true all right last example I think we're probably getting the hang of this now we'll create a function to see if an email is valid function is valid email what kind of information are we going to send we'll set that up as a parameter we will need an email we'll invoke the is valid email function and pass in an email why don't you type in your email I'll just make one up bro so when we invoke this function this string of text will become our email we'll check to see if our email contains the at character we'll use an if statement if email and there's a built-in method for this the includes method if our email includes the at character then we will return true that is a valid email they have the ad character else we will return false is my email valid that is true let's remove the at character brof maybe it's a website or something that is false let's try another email again we're going to invoke the function is valid email don't actually go there I don't know what's going to pop up uh that is not a valid email all right how about Zucker Borg that is a valid email it contains an at character and for something like this if we're returning either true or false we can use the tary operator return then our condition is we're going to check if our email includes the at character then add the tary operator if this is true return true else we will return false so these should be the same which they are all right everybody so that's an introduction to functions it's a section of reusable code you declare some code once and use it whenever you want you call the function to execute that code if you need to send your function some data you'll need a matching set of arguments and parameters and you can return something too with the return keyword we'll have more practice with this in the future don't worry and that is an introduction to functions in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody so today I'm going to explain variable scope in JavaScript variable scope is where a variable is recognized and accessible in this beginner's tutorial we'll be discussing the differences between a local scope and a global scope suppose we have a variable let X = 1 each variable name needs to be unique within that scope I couldn't declare another variable named X where I set X to equal 2 if I were to run this we have a syntax error identifier X has already been declared you can reuse the same variable names in your program as long as they're within different Scopes to demonstrate let's create two functions function Function One within function one we will declare a variable x x = 1 then we will console.log whatever X is then let's create function two by copying function one and then paste it function 2 x will equal 2 console.log x if I were to invoke Function One X = 1 if I were to invoke function 2 well x = 2 so we have two variables with the same name in our program that's legal as long as they have different Scopes any variable declared inside of a function has a local scope or anytime you declare a variable within a set of curly braces there's no naming conflicts because they're within different Scopes that way you can declare variables with the same name which we've done with X now functions can't see inside of other functions within function two we will declare variable y equal 2 then console.log X within function one we will console.log y if I were to invoke function one we have an uncaught reference error why is not defined at Function One one functions can't see inside of other functions function one has no idea what Y is we've declared that within another function it's kind of like functions are neighboring houses you can't necessarily see inside of your neighbor's house function one has no idea what variable Y is likewise function two if I were to invoke it function two has no idea what X's each of these variables are declared inside of a function so they have a local scope a global scope for a variable is any variable declared outside of a function with Function One let's get rid of X and we will console.log X function two we will get rid of y console.log x if I were to declare a variable outside of these functions let x equal 3 I'll invoke function one we'll display x x is three let's invoke function two x is three any variable declared outside of a function has a global scope it's available through the whole program a global variable is recognized and accessible from anywhere hey this is bro from the future I was editing this video and I thought of a really good analogy for Global variables let's say that a function is a house we live in function one and our neighbor lives in function two we can see inside of function one but we can't see inside of our neighbor's house at function two any anything that's declared in the global scope isn't found within any houses it's outside everybody can plainly see it it's kind of like a creepy stalker that's under a street light at 3:00 in the morning everybody while inside of their house can still see everything outside that's an analogy I thought was kind of accurate to describe a global scope however it's not recommended to declare Global variables in a large program just because you can have naming conflicts in a large program I might accidentally reuse the variable X or change it somewhere X is a very common name for a variable so in a large program I would stick with local variables but in a small program like this it's fine when inside of a function we'll use any local instance of a variable first if it's not found we'll look at the global scope So within Function One let's declare X to be one within function two we'll declare X to be 2 and then within the global scope we have xal 3 if I were to declare function one do you think X will equal 1 or 3 well it's one if we have two variables with the same name and they're in different Scopes we'll use the local version first that's why X is one and not three if I were to invoke function 2 well xal 2 if these local variables weren't available we would use the global version instead where x equals 3 all right everybody so that is variable scope it's where a variable is recognized and accessible you have a local scope that's anytime a variable is declared within a set of krly braces that variable is then only accessible to anything within that set of krly braces and a global scope is where a variable is declared outside of any functions it's available throughout the whole program and well everybody that is variable scope in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody in today's video we're going to create a temperature conversion program using HTML CSS and JavaScript so sit back relax and enjoy the show all right let's begin everybody we will begin within our HTML file make sure you've linked a script to your Javascript file which we'll fill in later so within the body of our document we will create a form element within our form we will create an H1 heading for the title of this program which we will name temperature conversion is good after our H1 element we'll create an input element this is a self-closing tag it's a text box since we're going to be converting temperatures I will set the type to be number so that should give us some arrows to increase or decrease the number or type one in if we need to I'm going to give this text box an ID of textbox we'll be referring to this text box by its ID later I'm also going to go ahead and set an initial value of zero then we can increase or decrease the number like I said before it is a little small but with CSS we will increase the size what I'm going to do now is create two radio buttons along with labels so we have input input is a self-closing tag the type will be radio and for the ID this will will be a radio button to convert to Fahrenheit I can never spell Fahrenheit we'll want the radio buttons in the same group I will set the name of the group to be unit oh looks like I misspelled type there we go so I'm going to place our radio button on a new line so within our first input element I will add a line break all right so after our first radio button I'll create a label for it label this lab will be 4 2 fah and the text will be Celsius to Fahrenheit or if you prefer you could create like an arrow I don't really like the look of that let me use an emoji instead so on Windows to create an emoji you can hold windows and semicolon is there an arrow that'll work so when you click on the label you should also be able to select the radio button that's because the four attribute is the same as the ID attribute of the radio button okay let's copy both the first radio button and the label then paste it but change Fahrenheit to Celsius let's switch these around Fahrenheit to Celsius to Celsius I'm also going to add a line break after our first label so right here as well as here Google wants to translate my web page from German to English it's probably because of the word fahrenheit I'm guessing now I'll create a button the type will be button the text will be submit there is an onclick attribute for buttons onclick when we click on this button we can execute a JavaScript function eventually we'll be creating a function named convert actually let's take care of that now before we forget So within our Javascript file function convert we'll fill this in later so when we click on the button we will execute the convert function then lastly we're going to display a result whatever the new temperature is we'll use a paragraph element the ID will be result and just as a placeholder for now I'm going to type select a unit all right so far so good let's style this program with CSS now be sure to save your HTML file we'll move on to CSS we will first change the body of our document let's change the font family of the body of our document I'll pick aiel with a backup of son serif I'll change the background color too background- color I like using hsl values let's type a color such as black we will change the color to be hsl I'll go with a very light gray color like 95% so the background is going to be slightly light gray we'll fill in the form section to be Pure White we will select our one element that's going to be the header I'll pick a color again I'll be using hsl values let's go with I don't know blue feel free to pick a different color if you would like that's not bad then we'll fill in the form our form contains pretty much all of these elements so let's select our form I will change the background color I'll just copy this line and paste it but I'll I'll make this Pure White I'll text align Center everything within this form so everything should be centered I'll set a Max width of the form because right now it's taking up 100% of the width of the web browser so max width will be how about 350 pixels we would like this form to be within the middle aligned horizontally we can set margin to be Auto to automatically Center that I'll add a little bit of padding around the elements within our form padding let's do 25 pixels I'll smooth the corners of the form using border radius border radius 10 pixels then I'll add a box shadow box Shadow the first value is the horizontal off offset let's set that to be 5 pixels then the vertical offset I will set that to be 5 pixels the third value is the blur radius because right now it's fairly concentrated let's stick with 15 pixels not bad you can also select a color again I'm going to use hsl values you can also change the transparency I'll set mine to be 30% or approximately 30% 0.3 not bad so that's my box Shadow now we're going to change the text box so this text box does have an ID text box let's select this element by its ID I'll set the width to be 50% it's going to take up 50% of the width available let's text align Center the number is going to be right in the middle let's change the font size let's do 2 em for 200% I'll add a border to pixel solid then I'll pick some hsl values for the color I'll make it a little transparent maybe like 80% let's select a border radius for pixels to smooth the corners I'll add a little bit of margin below the text box margin-bottom 15 pixels is good that's going to push the radio buttons down further just to give this text box more space let's work on the radio buttons next so we are selecting the labels so let's take every label I'll change the font size so it's a little a little bigger 1.5 em for 150% I'll make the font weight to bold just to bold it there let's select our button we are selecting our button I'll add a little bit of margin above the button margin-top 15 pixels let's change the background color of the button pick a color I'll pick red and again I'm going to use hsl values because I like them Ah that's decent I'll change the font size of the button 1.5 em for 150% I'll remove the border border none I'll add some padding 10 pixels for the top and bottom of the button 15 for the sides I'll round the corners with border radius border radius 5 pixels I'm going to change the font color color white then when I hover my cursor over the button I will change the cursor to be a pointer and that appears to work now so when I hover over the button I'll use the hover PSE sudo class to change the background color of the button we are selecting our button then select the hover sudo class we'll make the background color just a little bit darker we'll change the lightness of our hsl value to be like 10% darker so I have 60% I'll change that to be 50 so now the background should change when I hover over the button lastly let's change the CSS properties of the result so this should have an ID of result result I'll make the font size a little bit bigger font size 1.75 em is good and I'll make the font weight bold font weight bold all right and that is all the CSS we need be sure to save everything and then we will move on to our Javascript file all right so what I like to do is at the top of my JavaScript program I will declare all of the constants and variables that I'll need so let's get our text box I'll set this to be a constant const text box equals document. getet element by ID the ID that we're selecting is our text box we'll need the two Fahrenheit radio button let's copy this line paste it get the ID of two Fahrenheit const 2 Fahrenheit get element by ID 2 Fahrenheit then 2 Celsius 2 Celsius const 2 Celsius the ID is 2 Celsius so that will be this radio button copy this line paste it then we need the result to display the result result get element by ID result within our HTML file we don't necessarily need to select a unit anymore We'll add that later if somebody presses submit without selecting a radio button then we need let temp for the temperature when we click on the submit button we will execute this function convert so what are we going to do within this function we'll begin with an if statement we'll check to see if our two Fahrenheit radio button is selected so take two Fahrenheit we'll use the checked property if this radio button is checked it's going to return true if it's not it's going to be false else if 2 Celsius is checked to celsius. checked we'll perform some different actions else let's change the content of our result so here result. text content equals select a unit let's see if this works be sure to save everything I am not going to select a radio button I'm just going to submit and that's correct select a unit we didn't select one let's be sure that these two radio buttons are working just temporarily I'm going to change the result within the if and else if statement you selected two Fahrenheit and you selected 2 Celsius I just want to be sure that these radio buttons are working so let's convert 2 Fahrenheit submit you selected 2 Fahrenheit we'll select to the second radio button you selected 2 Celsius okay we know that this program is reading these radio buttons successfully so we no longer need these two lines of code we're going to get the number from our text box we'll store that within temp temp for temperature temp equals take our text box access the value within so when we accept user input it's of the string data type I'm going to typ cast the value as a number so we can use it with math okay then we're going to take our temperature and convert it to Fahrenheit here's the formula temp equals temp * 9 / 5 + 32 then we're going to update the text content of the result result. text content equals our temperature then I'm going to add plus Fahrenheit so to add the degree symbol on Windows you can hold alt then type 0176 on the numpad so this will be Fahrenheit let's type 100 De Celsius to Fahrenheit that gives us 212° fah 10 would be 50 1° c would be 33.8 0 is 32° F if you would like to add some Precision following our temperature there's a built-in method to fixed We'll add one point of precision this will give us one digit past the decimal place 0° cus converted to Fahrenheit is 32.0 De F 10° C is 50° F let's copy these three lines then paste them within the else if statement we'll keep this line the same but we'll change the formula temp equals within parentheses temp - 32 * 5 / 9 then change fit to Celsius so what is 32° fah converted to Celsius that is zero 100 is 37.8 all right everybody so that is a simple temperature conversion program using JavaScript HTML and CSS hey what's going on everybody so today I'm going to explain arrays in JavaScript think of an array as a variable like structure that can hold more than one value for example let's say we had a variable named fruit go ahead and pick pick a fruit I'll pick an apple our variable can store one value but we can turn a variable into an array and it can store more than one value and we can do so by enclosing all values with a set of straight brackets now my variable of fruit is now an array it can store more than one value just be sure that each value is comma separated this time I'll add an orange and a banana just to make it more obvious that this is an array I'm going to add an s so that my variable name is plural it's not mandatory but it helps with readability I now have an array of fruits but let me show you something if I were to console.log my array of fruits well JavaScript is going to print out all of the elements in this array each item each value is known as an element we have three elements if you need to access an individual element following the array you have to add an index number enclosed in straight brackets if I would like the element at the first position that would have an index of zero that would give me an Apple fruits at index of one would be orange fruits at index of two is banana if I were to attempt to access the element at index 3 well it's undefined we only have three elements within our array 0 1 2 arrays always begin with zero you can even change one of these elements by accessing that array at a given element let's access our array fruits at index zero I will set the equal to be a coconut so now we have coconut orange banana let's change fruits at index one to be a coconut Apple coconut banana index 2 will be a coconut Apple orange coconut if I set fruits at index 3 to be a coconut let me console that log that too fruits at index 3 we can add a new element to that array otherwise to add an element there's a built-in method of arrays fruits do push to push an element to the end I will add a coconut to the end of my array Apple orange banana coconut then we have pop pop is going to remove the last element Apple orange undefined the unshift method will add an El m to the beginning take our array use the unshift method unshift I will add a mango to the beginning of my array mango Apple orange banana then we have shift to remove an element from the beginning fruits. shift now we have an orange banana and my last two elements are undefined to get the length of an array there's a length property let's create a new variable let num of fruits to store the number of fruits that we have type the array name do length then let's console.log the number of fruits we have we have three fruits I'll add another I'll add a coconut to the end and we have four so that's how to get the length of an array there's a length property type the array name do length we can find the index of an element if there's a match let index equals let's search for an apple fruits. index of method what are we searching for let's search for an apple then I will display the index so our apple is located at index zero let's search for an orange that's index one banana that's two coconut three what if we search for an element that doesn't exist like a Maino well this method will return ne1 that could be helpful within an if statement you can check to see if this method returns negative 1 then if it does that means the element wasn't found and you can let the user know if index equals -1 display that element wasn't found now if you would like to Loop through the elements and display them there's an easier way to do that you can use a for Loop so four there's up to three statements we'll need a counter or some sort of index let I equal Z that's the first statement we'll continue this as long as I is less than our fruits array do length property then we will increment I by One if we have four elements we should execute this Loop four times during each iteration I will console.log our fruits array but the index instead of being like Z 0 1 2 3 a hard number we'll use our counter our index of I and let's get rid of that line now we should Loop through all of the elements of this array and print them out individually using a for Loop we can even increment by different number like two i+ equals 2 so here we're only displaying the apple and the banana if I set index to be one then increment by two will display orange then coconut so using a for Loop there's a few different ways in which you can display the elements of an array if you need to display the order of this array in Reverse we can change this around we will set our counter I to be the length of our array then we'll continue as long as I is greater than or equal to zero then iusus there's one change I'm going to make we have undefined coconut banana orange Apple so the length of my array is four but if I were to access our array fruits at index 4 where would that be 0 1 2 3 that's out of bounds I'm going to set our index to be fruits. length minus one 0 1 2 3 our length is 4 minus 1 is a total of three now we're printing our array in Reverse coconut banana orange Apple there's also an enhanced for loop it's a shortcut to displaying the elements of an array you can write something like this let fruit of array fruits really this variable can be anything but I like to write a singular version of my array name then during each iteration I will display each fruit apple orange banana coconut this is an enhanced for loop it's kind of like a shortcut to displaying the elements of an array if this array name were I don't know like meets you could say let meat of meats and then display each meat but of course they're still fruit that's a shortcut you can use now to sort an array you can use the sort method fruits. sort and that should sort the elements in alphabetical order apple banana coconut orange to sort them in reverse order you can tack on the reverse method to the end fruits. sort method. reverse method now they're all backwards in Reverse alphabetical order orange coconut banana apple all right everybody so that's an introduction to arrays we'll have a lot of practice with this in the future so if you don't remember everything that's okay an array is a variable like structure that can hold more than one value a variable can hold one value an array can hold many and well everybody those are arrays in JavaScript hey everybody today I'm going to explain the spread operator in JavaScript the spread operator is represented by three dots the spread operator allows an iterable such as an array or string to be expanded in two separate elements what this does is unpack the elements here's an example let's create an array of numbers pick some numbers I'll just pick 1 through five one 2 3 4 5 then just to test this let's console.log my array numbers in this array what if I would like to find the greatest value well one way which I could do that is let's declare a maximum let maximum this is going to be a variable equals I will use the max method of math what would happen if I place our array within this method then I will display our maximum so we have not a number using the max method we can't place an array directly within this method however by utilizing the spread operator we can spread this array into different elements so we will preedee this array with the spread operator we are going to unpack the elements now if I run this program again we have our result of five when you use the spread operator imagine that you're opening a box and taking out all the contents inside like you're unpacking something let's find the minimum this time let minimum equals math.min we will pass our array of numbers then use the operator to spread our array into different elements what is the minimum value from this array that would be one you can also do this with strings too you can separate a string into different characters let let's create a username equals type your name first name and last name I will create an array named letters letters equals we'll create a new array let's take our username it's a string and use the spread operator then I will display our letters console.log letters and here's my name divided into different characters what we have is an array of characters with my array of characters I can join them back together and insert characters between each element I will method chain the join method after our array We'll add a dash between each character so now my username is all one string but there's a dash between each character okay now this time we're going to create an array of fruits we'll make a shallow copy of an array using the spread operator add some fruits I'll add an apple an orange and a banana then I will console.log my fruits I can create a shallow copy of this array using the spread operator a shallow copy means it's a different data structure but it contains identical values I'll create a copy of fruits named new fruits equals an array let's take our fruits array then use the spread operator let's display new fruits and it should be an identical copy yep there's no apparent change we have two different arrays but they contain identical elements we can combine two or more arrays using the spread operator let's create an array of vegetables let's add some carrots celery potatoes I'll rename new fruits as Foods let's add our array of fruits we're spreading it comma then we will spread sprad our vegetables array then we will display our array Foods this array contains all of the elements from these two arrays fruits and vegetables we can use the spread operator to combine arrays we even have the capability to append separate elements along with unpacking these arrays I will also add eggs and milk we have all of the elements from our two arrays plus a few extras egg and milk all right everybody so that's the spread operator it's three dots it allows an iterable such as an array or string to be expanded into separate elements and well everybody that is the spread operator in JavaScript hey hey hey what's going on everybody today I'm going to explain rest parameters in JavaScript rest parameters is a parameter prefixed with three dots they allow a function to work with a variable number of arguments by bundling them into an array it's very similar to the spread operator which we talked about in the last video the spread operator expands an array into separate elements rest parameters do the opposite they bundle separate elements into an array spread will spread an array into separate elements rest parameters will bundle separate elements into an array it effectively does the opposite how could rest parameters be useful let me give you an example say we have a bunch of different food const food one food one equals Pizza we'll create a few different food variables let's start with four food one food two food three food four we have pizza hamburger hot dog and sushi I'm going to create a function that uses rest parameters it's going to Output all food that I send it we'll pretend that we're opening a fridge imagine that all of this food is in a fridge oh open fridge fridge short for refrigerator to use rest parameters I need three dots we're going to stick all of this food into an array but what should the array name be let's say Foods that's descriptive then I'm going to console.log my array of foods now I'm going to call this function open fridge I will send this function a variable number of arguments this method is going to display an array we have food one pizza food 2 hamburger hamburger is also within our array food three hot dog food four Sushi let me add one more food let's add Ramen food five will be Ramen then I will add food five you can see that I can send this function any number of arguments that I would like this function is is designed to accept any number of arguments I could combine this function with the spread operator when I'm displaying my Foods array all of these elements are in an array but I could separate them back into separate Elements by using the spread operator which is the same three dots as the rest parameters rest parameters are used as parameters the spread operator is used whenever you have an array or any sort of collection of something so now when I combine the rest parameters and the spread operator I can display all of my separate elements you can even use rest parameters to stick all elements within an array so this time I'm going to create a separate function to get food we will use rest parameters our array name will be Foods all we're going to do is return Foods take all of these separate elements stick them within an array then return that array so I'm going to create a new array const Foods equals call our get food method pass in a variable amount of arguments let's pass in food one food two food three food four and food five and then we got to display it console.log my array Foods so that's how the rest parameters can be used to combine elements and bundle them into an array then if you want you can return the array or do whatever you want with it let's go over a second example we'll create a method to sum a bunch of numbers together function sum we will use rest parameter so we can accept any number of arguments our array name will be numbers what we'll do within this method is have a result result equals equal 0 we'll keep track of the current sum within our result I'll create a for Loop to iterate over our array for every let number of numbers take our result plus equals the current number and then we are going to return our result now we'll have const total equals in our some function pass in as many numbers as we would like let's start with one oh then I should probably display the total console.log I'll use a template literal your total is I'll add a placeholder total your total is $1 let's add a few more arguments two the total is now $3 three $6 4 is 10 5 is 15 let's create a function to calculate an average let's copy our sum function let's name this function get average all we have to do when returning our result to get the average is divide our result by the length of our numbers array divided by numbers. length property that will give you the average so now const total equals get the average maybe these are test scores one student got a 75 another got a 100 another student has 85 90 and a 50 let's console.log the total the average is 80 let's go over example three you can use the rest parameters to combine strings together we will create a function to combine strings we'll send in a title like Mister a first name such as SpongeBob a last name Square Pants he's the third we still need to make this function though but const full name equals whatever string is returned all right let's work on this function function combine string let's make this plural strings we need to use rest parameters let's name our array strings an easy way to do this is to return our array of strings and use the built-in join method to join all of the strings together but but we'll add a space between each string all right we should now have a full name variable that's all of the strings combined so let's console.log our full name Mr SpongeBob SquarePants the third that's one way in which you could use the rest parameters to combine a bunch of strings into one such as if you're creating a full name all right everybody so those are rest parameters they allow a function to work with a variable number of arguments by bundling them into an array it's the opposite of the spread operator the spread operator expands an array into separate elements the rest parameters bundle separate elements into an array and well everybody those are rest parameters in JavaScript hey everybody so in today's video we're going to use JavaScript HTML and CSS to create a dice roller program this is an optional project you will need some images of dice to work with if you're able to find some images of dice I would save them somewhere maybe on your desktop once you have images of your dice we're going to create a new folder new folder I'll name my folder diore images then take all of your dice images move them to that folder and now we are ready to begin we'll create all of the HTML elements that we'll need I will create a div section this div will have an ID of container to contain our program I'll include an H1 heading with text of dice roller after this H1 element I'll create a label the label will have text of number of dice afterwards I'll use an input element I'm going to zoom in a little bit temporarily with this input element I'll type in a number of dice I would like such as 1 2 3 however I can type in characters which I would like to avoid I will set the type attribute of the input element to be number we're indicating to the user to select a number and not type in anything although there are ways to circumvent this this will be good enough for now for the input element we can set a default value I will set the value attribute to equal one for the default we can go below zero I'll set a minimum with the Min attribute Min equals 1 we can't go below one but we can select any number one or above now we'll create a button the button will have text of roll dice the button will have its onclick attribute I keep on spelling on lick onclick attribute set to a JavaScript function let's say roll dice we'll still need to Define this function in JavaScript after our button I'll create two div sections the first will have an ID of dice result this will display some text the numbers of the dice we roll the second development will be for the images ID dice images and that is all the HTML that we'll need let's head to our CSS file and I'll Zoom back to 100% let's select our ID of container # container I will change the font family to a sance s font such as Arial with a backup of s serif I will text Al line Center increase the font size in this project I'm going to use RM instead of em because we'll be working with a lot of different font sizes em is the font size relative to the parent RM is for the root for this specific project I'll stick with RM and I will set the font weight to be bold let's style our button next we are SEL cting our button I'll increase the font size of the button to be 1.5 RM I'll add a little bit of padding 10 pixels by 15 pixels I will set the Border radius to round the corners 10 pixels remove the Border because it's ugly border none pick background color for the button I'll pick something blue but I like using hsl values something like that looks good I will change the font color to be white and I will set the font weight to be bold not bad when I hover my cursor over the button I will change the cursor to be a pointer let's change the background color of the button when we hover over it we are selecting the hover suda class of the button let's take our background color I'll increase the lightness by 10% so that should change when we hover over the button now when I click on the button I'll increase the lightness even more to show that it's active with our button we will select the active pseudo class I'll set the lightness to be 70 % so when we click on the button it should flash momentarily which it is let's style the input element cuz I can barely see it with our input element I need to scroll down let's increase the font size to two RM I'll set a width of50 pixels text align Center and font weight bold with our HTML file we do have two empty div elements currently we'll style these at the end once we get our images to populate we'll style that last with the onclick attribute of the button we set a function of r dice now we need to Define it within our Javascript file we will Define a function to roll dice we have a lot of constants to declare I'll create a constant for the number of dice we would like what's the value of this input element I will Define const num of dice what is the number of dice we need to roll equals document. getet element by ID the ID of this input element is I actually forgot what was it oh we didn't set an ID okay let's do that okay so for input element the ID will be num of dice num of dice but I would just like the value I will access the value of whatever this input element is for the next constant we're going to get the dice result this empty div section const dice result equals let's copy this line of code but we don't need the value we just need that ID dice result then let's do this with dice images so we can copy this paste it const dice images the ID was dice images I'll create two empty arrays const values this will be an empty array we'll store all of the dice rolls the numbers then we'll need an array of images const images this will be for the images of the dice at this point in time we're going to create a for Loop that will Loop once for every dice that we roll we have to generate a random number between one and six for each dice we're rolling if I'm rolling three dice I need a for Loop to iterate three times let's create a for Loop let I equal 0 continue this as long as I is less than the number of dice then increment I by One during each iteration I need to generate a random number between 1 and six I'll store that within a constant const value that will be the random number equals math. random method this generates a random number between 0 and 1 but I'm going to multiply it by six to give us a random number between 0 and 5 it's not going to be a whole number though so I'm going to round it using math. floor then enclose this part of our equation now we should get a random number between zero and five but I need a random number between 1 and six so I'll add one to the End plus one so now we'll get a random number between 1 and six just to be sure that this all works temporarily I'm going to con console. log our value if I roll one dice we should get one random number one let's try three dice 546 324 all right we don't need this console. log statement anymore we know that it's working with these values I'm going to push them into our array of values take our array of values use the push method add our value that we randomly generate during each iteration and let's see if this works I'm going to console.log my array of values just to be sure that there's some numbers in there let's roll for dice inspect console I have an array of four elements the number 6326 so that does work all right here's the tricky part I need to take my array of images use the push method I will create a string representation of an HTML element I need to get one of the images found within the SCE images folder using angle brackets I will create an image element I will set the source equal to that folder name so my folder name was dice uncore images dice uncore Images slash so with my images it might be different for you mine are labeled appropriately you know for one two for two three for three so on and so forth I will use a placeholder add our value this number then follow this with the file extension of the images my images are PNG images do pay attention to that after we exit this for Loop we should have an array of HTML images then we're going to take our dice result constant change the text content to equal all of the values all use a template string I will display the word dice at a placeholder I'm going to join all of the elements together all of the values to do that you can take your array of values use the built-in join method and I will join them all by a certain character or characters I will join all of these numbers by a common and a space let's see if this works I'm going to roll one dice yep dice I rolled a one I rolled a four I rolled a three let's roll two dice I have 2 comma 5 four comma 6 2 comma 2 comma 3 6 comma 3 comma 2 then we have to get the images let's take our dice images constant access the inner HTML set this equal to take our array of images use the built-in join method I'm not going to join them by any character I'll join them by an empty string and let's see if this works I would like one dice yeah there it is two and three now for some reason if your dice isn't displaying with our image element I will set the alt attribute to equal a string of dice space add a placeholder value let's say I get the folder name wrong I will rename this as dice image I'll attempt to display one dice dice three dice four dice three so in case our image can't display for some reason will at least display the alternative text this is good for troubleshooting and for screen readers for accessibility let me correct the name of the folder again so with our dice images at least for me they kind of big and I'd like to space them out a little bit our last step is we're going to go back to our CSS stylesheet I will select the ID of dice result that's going to be for this title right here I'll add some margin around this text right now it's kind of compressed I will set margin of 25 pixels then with our dice images ID dice images with my ID of dice images is take each child image set a width of 150 pixels should be good yeah they're a lot smaller now I'll add a little bit of margin too margin 5 pixels yeah that's not a bad looking program all right everybody so that was a dice roller program you can make using JavaScript HTML and CSS impress your friends and that's pretty much it hey what's going on everybody so in today's lesson we're going to create a project where we Generate random passwords this will help us solidify our understanding of functions and random numbers this will be an exercise for beginners by setting different options we can change the format of the password and well let's begin everybody all right let's begin we'll need to let our program know what the length of our password is going to be let's create a constant to store that const password length set this equal to maybe 12 but we can adjust that accordingly we'll create a Boolean to specify if our generated password is going to contain lowercase characters we'll create a constant include lowercase do we want to include lowercase characters we can set this to be true or false we will set this to be true do we want to include uppercase characters include uppercase I will again set this to be true do we want to include numbers const include numbers I will set that to be true do we want to include symbols const include symbols we'll Define a function at the top of our program function to generate password we have a lot of parameters to set up we're going to pass in all of these constants as arguments so we have a length include lowercase include uppercase include numbers and include symbols when we call this function we have to pass in all of these arguments so we will call our generate password function pass in our password length include lowercase include uppercase include numbers and include symbols at the bottom of our function we will be returning a password but for now I'm just going to write an empty string because we still need to determine what that password is going to be after finishing the generate password function this will return a string a string password we will store that within const password equals whatever is returned from the generate password function and just so that this is more readable although not necessary I'm going to place each of these arguments on a new line because I'm OCD about things being an alignment and then at the very end of this program I will display a template string of generated password I'll add a a placeholder then we'll display our password that we generate so right now it's not going to display anything we're returning an empty string but that is everything we need outside of this function to generate our password basically we're passing in options when we generate our password do we want to include lowercase characters uppercase characters numbers and or symbols we have a number and a bunch of Boolean values within our password we're going to create a few constants within this generate password function we will create one long string of all of the lowercase characters chars equals I'm going to go through the alphabet we will have one long string of alphabetical characters and I think I got all of them so there should be 26 now we're going to do this with uppercase characters const uppercase chars equals I'm going to turn on caps lock go through the alphabet we'll create a constant of number characters number chars equals 0 through 9 and symbols const symbol chars which symbols would you like to include I'll just add a bunch that's probably good enough for now feel free to add more or less we will create a variable for allowed chars meaning characters and an empty pth password let password equal an empty string if some of these constants are true we would like to take that corresponding set of characters and concatenate it to the allowed Char string so what we'll do is take our allowed characters variable use string concatenation by using plus equals we'll check to see if include lowercase is true or false we can use theary operator for that if we would like to include lowercase characters we will string concatenate our lowercase chars our lowercase characters otherwise we'll concatenate an empty string let's do this with uppercase characters with our allowed characters let's string concatenate and check if we're including uppercase characters question mark if this is true we will concatenate all of the uppercase characters we've declared otherwise we'll concatenate an empty string so we don't include them let's do this with number chars include numbers are we including numbers within our password if so we will return our number Char string and then symbols are we including symbols within our password if so concatenate our string of symbol character all right just to test everything afterwards I'm going to console.log our allowed characters so right now I'm going to switch all of these constants to be false so right now we're not including any characters if I were to set include lowercase to be true we would include all of the lowercase characters that's one long string Let's test uppercase yep we are including all of the uppercase characters include numbers yes that works and include symbols that also works at this point in the program we're going to have one gigantic string of all of the possible characters before we move on with the program I do want to run some checks using some if statements first let's check to see if the password length is zero or less than zero right now it's set to 12 using an if statement if the length the length of the password is less than or equal to zero we need to let the user know that the password length must be at least one we will return a string password length must be at least one right now we're not generating a password we're returning an empty string if I set the password length to be zero we will generate this message pass password length must be at least one or even a negative number like1 password length must be at least one let's set that back to be 12 what if we don't select any options what if all of these character options were false we can check the length of our loud characters variable so if our loud characters length property is strictly equal to zero this will only be possible if all of these options are set to false we will return a template string at least one set of characters needs to be selected and let's see if this works yes it does at least one set of characters needs to be selected I can select any options that I would like like I will set these all to be true now here's the hard part for as many iterations as our password is we will select a random character from all of the different possibilities we will use a for Loop we will let I be our index our counter we will continue this for loop as long as I is less than the length the password length then increment I by One during each iteration if our password length is 12 we will execute this for Loop a total of 12 times now we will generate a random index const random index equals we will use the random method of math this generates a random number between 0o and one I can multiply this number that's randomly generated by the length of our allowed characters let's say we're including only lowercase characters well this is a total of 26 characters in the alphabet if I'm taking math.random * 26 I'll be given a random number between 0 and 25 but I will need to round it down let's enclose this equation with the floor method of math to round down math. floor we'll use string concatenation with our password Cur our password is an empty string but we will use string concatenation we will string concatenate a randomly chosen character from our string of allowed characters password plus equals our allowed characters at the index of random index then at the end of this program we will return our password and let's see if this works let's close out of this function we don't need it anymore and let's see if this works yeah there's our password so every time I run the program I get a new random password and I can turn these options on and off let's set all of these options to be false to begin with and I will set the length to be zero let's see what happens password length must be at least one all right how about a password of 10 10 characters long at least one set of characters needs to be selected let's select only lowercase characters yep we only have lowercase characters let's allow uppercase characters now let's allow numbers I didn't get any of that time let's do it again okay there's a number I guess numbers don't come up very frequently and let's include symbols and there's a few symbols in there all right everybody so that was an exercise to Generate random passwords it should give you some practice with functions and working with random numbers and well everybody that was a random password generator in JavaScript hey welcome back everybody so today I got to explain callbacks in JavaScript a callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function they are used to handle asynchronous operations such as reading a file Network requests or interacting with databases these activities take some time to complete now with JavaScript we don't necessarily wait for a process to finish before continuing with the rest of the program for example if we were to read a file if it takes a long time to read that file JavaScript might continue on with the rest of the program we might attempt to display the contents of that file before we're finished reading it that's where callbacks come in we're telling JavaScript hey when you're done call this next when you're done reading the file then display the contents only after that process is complete I'll I'll give you a few examples of the syntax of a call back we'll start with something really simple we'll create a function to display the word hello this will be the hello function then I will console.log the word hello so I can invoke this function hello to execute it hello what if we were to create a function for goodbye function goodbye we will console.log goodbye okay after hello let's invoke goodbye we have hello then goodbye what if my hello function takes a lot of time to process well JavaScript isn't necessarily going to wait around before executing the goodbye function I'm going to add a few lines of code you don't need to copy this these few lines of code are going to make us wait for 3 seconds you don't need to write this this down but do pay attention we will execute the hello function followed by the goodbye function but we're going to pretend that our hello function takes a little bit of time to process so now we have goodbye already executed followed by hello but it should be the other way around I would like to guarantee that the goodbye function follows after the hello function well I can do that by adding a call back to the goodbye function after the hello function is complete we'll get rid of the this goodbye function invocation to use a call back you pass a function as an argument to another function we will pass the goodbye function as an argument to the hello function So within the set of parentheses type the name of the function goodbye now be sure you don't add a set of parentheses after the function name you'll call it right away we are passing the name of the function as an argument but we need a matching parameter I will name this parameter callback and after everything within this function is complete let's take our call back then invoke it by adding a set of parentheses invoke meaning call all right now let's see what happens we have our hello function followed by the goodbye function in that order let's create another function what about a leave function we'll tell somebody to leave console.log leave I will pass pass the name of this function as an argument to the hello function leave is now our call back after executing the hello function we will execute our call back and in this case it's the leave function let's create another function for wait function waight console.log wait we'll pass the name of the function as an argument to the hello function wait is now our call back we will execute the hello function followed by the weight function so by using callbacks we are guaranteeing that the function passed in will execute next you can pass callbacks as well as other arguments to a function let's go over a second example I will create a function to sum two numbers together X comma y I'll also add a call back call back X comma y we have three parameters total within the sum function we will create a local variable of result add x + y and then I will call my callback then I'll pass the result as an argument to the Callback function then I will create a function to display the result to my console display console there is one parameter we have a result argument we're receiving then console.log my result all right now we will invoke the sum function but we have three arguments that we need to pass in a call back a value for x and a value for y let's invoke the display console function as a call back again be sure to not add a set a parentheses after the name because then you'll invoke it right away X will be 1 y will be two and let's see the result the result is three So within our sum function calculate the result first then after that process is finished then display the result to the console let's create a separate function to display the result to our document object window our web page basically uh let's pretend that this wasn't here I'll create an H1 element with an ID of my H1 I will create a separate function display page to display on the web page I think display Dom would be more appropriate but I haven't explained what the document object model is yet so let's just work with display page we will accept a result I will change the text content of the my H1 element document. getet element by ID the ID was my H1 we will change the text content to equal our result that we receive as a callback we will use the display page function display page there and the result is three after this calculation processes execute the call back and this time we are passing it to the display page function that we created all right everybody so that's a call back it's a function that is passed as an argument to another function they're used to handle asynchronous operations operations that may take a variable amount of time such as reading a file Network requests or interacting with databases we're not exactly sure when these processes are going to complete by using a callback we can ensure that a function executes after these processes are complete and not before accidentally all we're doing is saying hey when you're done call this next we'll have more practice with callbacks especially in the upcoming topics and while everybody those are callbacks in JavaScript hey it's me again today I'm going to explain the for each method in JavaScript the for each method is used to iterate meaning Loop through the elements of an array and apply a specified function to each element you have an array we can use the built-in for each method of arrays and send each element through a call back to a function here's an example I'll create an array of numbers let numbers equals 1- 5 then I'm going to create a function to display each element function display there will be one parameter an element we will individually display each element within this array console.log each element I can display each element of this array by using the for each method we will take our array dot use the built-in for each method then pass a call back as an argument we will pass our display function as an argument so this should display all of the elements in my array to the console 1 2 3 4 5 believe it or not the element argument is provided for us with the for each method behind the scenes the for each method will provide to a callback an element index and array argument an element for the current element that we're on when looping through this array an index that keeps track of the current index number and the location of the array itself in this case it would be numbers that's why when we pass the display function as a call back we're already provided with an element argument behind the scenes so we're using the for each method to display all of the elements of this array let's use the for each method again to double each element before displaying it I will create a new function function double to double the value of each element element index and array are provided for us automatically for each element what are we going to do let's take our array at index of index index keeps track of the current index number so during each iteration it's going to increment by one starting with zero we will take our element multiply it by two all right so let's take our numbers array use the for each method then pass a call back to our double function so now all of these elements should be doubled let's triple them now we'll create a function for triple function triple we will set the parameters to be the same but we will multiply each element by three then passing a call back for triple so now we have 3 6 9 12 15 they're all tripled let's Square each element function Square again the element index and array arguments are provided for us take our array that we receive at index of the current index number set this equal to to square a number we can use the power method of math then raise a base to a given power we are raising our base of element to the power of two if I pass our Square function as a call back to for each we will now Square each number before displaying it 1 49625 then this time let's create a cube function function Cube raise our element to the power of three pass our Cube function as a call back to the for each method and now each number is cubed 1 8 27 64 125 let's create a more practical example I will create an array of fruits let fruits equals some fruit we have an apple we have an orange a banana and a coconut we'll create a function to display each element function display it's kind of like what we did before an element argument is going to be provided to us during each iteration let's console.log each element and then we will use the built-in for each method of our array fruits fruits. for each we will pass our function as a call back to display each element of this array Apple orange banana coconut let's create a function to make all of these strings uppercase function uppercase we'll need an element index and array element index array during each iteration let's take our array that we receive at the index of our index equals take the element that we receive use the two uppercase method so we have an uppercase function that utilizes the two uppercase method remember that a method usually belongs to something this method belongs to the element that we receive functions are Standalone before displaying each element within my array of fruits let's take our fruits array use the for each method then apply a call back to uppercase to make all of the elements uppercase before displaying them what I'm going to do is copy all of these elements so they will begin uppercase I'll create a lowercase function function lowercase we have our element index and array with this line of code we will use the two lowercase method within the for each method we will pass our lowercase function as a callback to make all of the elements lowercase let's set the elements of our array to be all lowercase again this will be a challenge round we will capitalize the first letter in each element of this array we will create a function function capitalize the element index and array arguments are going to be provided to us take our array that we receive at the current index set this equal to we're going to get the first character in each element we will take our element get the first character Char at index of zero method to uppercase to make this letter uppercase then we will strink catenate our element use the slice method we'll create a substring begin at index one this portion is going to create a substring of every character besides the first the first character we're going to make uppercase so now this should work so let's take our capitalize function pass it to the for each method and now the first character in each element is all uppercase all right everybody so that is the for each method it's used to iterate over the elements of an array and apply a specified function as a callback to each element you take your array use the for each method then pass a call back as an argument it's really useful if you need to apply a function to each element of this array and well everybody that is the for each method in JavaScript hey it's me again today I got to explain the map method in JavaScript the map method accepts a callback and applies that function to each element of an array it's very similar to the for each method however it returns a new array that's a key difference for example let's create an array of constants I'm picking constants just to demonstrate that we're not changing any elements in this array we have const numbers I'll select the numbers 1 through 5 to keep it simple I will create a function to square each number function Square we have one parameter we have an element all I'm going to do is return math.pow this will raise a base to a given power we are raising our element to the power of two then returning it we're going to take our array of numbers use the built-in map method then pass in our function as a call back the map method will return a new array we will create a new array to store the values that are returned so I will create const squares equals numbers. map and then let's display our squares I'll use console.log for now console.log our squares here are all the numbers squared 1 4 9 16 25 let's create a function to cube these these numbers now we'll copy and paste our Square function but change it to cube we'll raise our element to the power of three const cubes equals take our original array numbers dot use the map method pass in a call back to the function we would like to use Cube then we will console.log R array of cubes and we have some new numbers 1 8 27 64 125 the map method is very similar to four each but after completion the map method returns a new array we still have our original numbers whereas in four each we'll change them that's a key difference let's go over a new example we'll create an array of students const students equals for my first student I will pick SpongeBob then Patrick Squidward Sandy that's good enough I will create a function to make all of these strings uppercase function uppercase there is a single element remember the element is going to be provided for us with the map method element index and array but we only need element in this case I will return our element dot to uppercase method and that's it we'll create a new array students what can we name this uh students upper I suppose we will take our array of students use the map method pass in the function we would like to apply as a callback then I will console.log students upper within my array all of the students names are all uppercase let's create a function for lowercase function lowercase to lowercase I will create a new array const students lower equals the name of the array students map pass in our function as a call back then display the array of students lower now all of the names are now lowercase all right third example this one is more practical we'll create an array of dates const dates equals certain regions will order their dates differently for example you might have the year followed by a month then a day we're going to rearrange the order of these dates using the map method so come up with a few dates I picked 2024 January 10th 2025 February 20th 2026 March 30th feel free to rearrange these however you want I will create a function to format dates we have one parameter a single element within this function I will create a temporary array named Parts we're going to split each date into parts and it within an array within this function const Parts equals element. split we are going to split each element but where we are going to split at each dash for example with my first element we'll split this date into 2024 that will be the first element 1 and 10 then we'll reformat these parts I will return a template string so I'm going to need some placeholders ERS so dollar sign curly braces let's take our array of parts at index of one that will be the month I live in the United States we arrange our dates with month then day then year I will place my month first forward slash let's include another placeholder Parts at index of two that will be the day of the month slash Parts at index0 that will be the year we will create a new array const formatted dates equals take our original array dates use the map method then pass the function name as a call back then after I will console.log our formatted dates and and here they are for me the dates are now January 10th 2024 February 2nd 2025 March 30th 2026 feel free to arrange these however you like all right everybody that is the map method it's very similar to the for each method the math method accepts a call back and applies that function to each element of an array however it returns a new array when it's finished that's nice if you need to preserve the original array that the elements came from and well everybody that is the map method in Javas script hey again everybody it's me big surprise there today I'm going to explain the filter method in JavaScript the filter method creates a new array by filtering out elements in this example we'll create an array of numbers we will filter out any numbers that are odd let's add the numbers 1 through 7 now we need a function function is even we have one parameter we have an element that's going to be provided to us by the filter method we are going to return then write a condition we will take our element modulus 2 the modulus operator gives you the remainder of any division you can use modulus 2 to check to see if a number is even if this condition is zero strictly equal to zero then we will return true we will be returning a Boolean true or false the filter method will take any values that return true and stick them within a new array which will effectively filter out any elements we don't need that don't return true let's see if this works I will create a new array even nums equals take our original array use the filter method pass in a call back is even we will display console.log our new new array even numbers and there we are 2 4 6 let's do this with odd numbers function is odd take our element modulus 2 is this strictly not equal to zero that means the number is odd let's create a new array let odd nums equals our original array numbers do use the filter method passing a call back is odd let's check out our new array odd nums there we are we have the numbers 1 3 5 7 any numbers that are odd let's go over another example I will create an array of Ages I'll use const this time instead of let const ages Pretend We're teaching a college class we might have some students still in high school let's say a student is 16 another is 17 two or 18 19 20 and then we have somebody that's just a little bit older they're um 60 we'll use the filter method to filter out anybody that is under 18 we will find all of the adults we will need a function function is adult we have one element as a parameter that's going to be provided to us we will return a condition return check our element is it greater than or equal to 18 so that's our function let's create a new array of adults equals take our original array dot use the filter method pass in a call back is adult then display our new array console.log adults we have five elements the age of the students is 18 18 19 20 and 60 let's do this with is children to find anybody that's under 18 is child function return element less than 18 we'll create a new array const children equals take our original array use the filter method passing a call back is child then display the new array we have two students that are children one is 16 the other is 17 last example we'll create an array of words const words add some words I think I'll add some fruit I'll add an apple orange banana kiwi pomegranate and a coconut I will filter out any words where the length of that word is above six so we will create a function function get short words we have an element as a parameter we will return a condition we will check if our element access the length property of that element they're strings so they all have a length property how many characters are they long that's the length check to see if the length of this element is less than or equal to six if it is return true if not return false we will create a new array let's call this array short words equals take our array use the built-in filter method pass in a call back get short words then we will console. log the new array short words in our array there are four elements with the length of the characters of each string is six or under Apple orange banana kiwi then to finish this off let's get any long words we'll create a new function get long words check the length of the element to see if it's above six then we will create a new array const long words equals take our original array use the filter method pass in a call back get long words then we will display our new array long words within our original array there's two words that are considered long pomegranate and coconut these words each have more than six characters coconut is seven pomegranate is 11 all right everybody that is the filter method it creates a new array by filtering out elements your callback is likely going to checking condition does each element pass this condition and well everybody that is the filter method in Javas script what's going on everybody so in today's video I got to explain the reduced method in JavaScript the reduce method reduces the elements of an array to a single value in this example we'll create an array of prices as if it was a shopping cart we'll sum all of the prices within our shopping cart and return a total we'll need an array to work with const prices equals an array think of some prices type in anything as as long as it's a number I'll keep this simple and use whole numbers I'll add something that is $5 another that is 30 10 25 15 and 20 we will create a variable for a total const total equals take our array of prices we will use the built-in reduce method of arrays but we do need to pass in a call back to a function we need to create a function that will sum all of these values let's create a function to sum our sum function will have two parameters the first will be an accumulator the second will be the next element all we're going to do is return our accumulator plus our element I'll explain how this works momentarily I just want to be sure that everything runs fine first within the reduce method we'll pass in a call back to the sum function that will return a single value a total in this case let's see what our total is console.log I'll use a template string pick a unit of currency I'll pick American dollars add a placeholder let's display our total so my total is $15 if you would like to add cents to the end of that you can follow this with the two fixed method then add two decimal places for sense all right so how does this work exactly we have two parameters accumulator and element it might be easier if I were to rename these parameters you can rename parameters let's say accumulator is the previous element element is the next element we're returning the previous element plus the next element during the first iteration we'll have 0 and five well 0 + 5 would give us 5 five is returned to the accumulator whatever value is returned becomes the accumulator during the next iteration so now our accumulator is five the next element is 30 then we are going to return the accumulator + 30 which is 35 we'll return this to the accumulator during the next iteration the accumulator is now 35 the next El element is 10 35 + 10 would give us 45 return that to the accumulator and add the next element 25 so you just follow that pattern all right let's go over another example we'll create an array of grades const grades equals these will be some number grades 75 50 90 80 65 and 95 we'll find the maximum value from this array we'll create a constant to hold the maximum value what is the maximum score const maximum equals take our grades array use the built-in reduce method then we need to pass in a call back to the reduce method we need a function to get Max there's two parameters an accumulator and the next element like I said feel free to rename them we will return the max method of math math. Max pass in these two parameters accumulator and the next element within the reduce method we'll pass in a call back to get Max the value returned will be the maximum grid from this array so let's console.log whatever the maximum is the maximum score from this array is 95 let's do this with the minimum let's copy this function change any instance of Max to Min get Min math. Min let's create a new constant const minimum equals our array of grades use the reduce method to return a single value then passing a call back to get min let's console.log the minimum the minimum score from this array is 50 all right everybody that is the reduce method it's a built-in method of arrays to reduce the elements of an array to a single value you can use it to sum the elements of an array another possibility is to find the minimum or maximum value from an array and well everybody that is the reduced method in JavaScript hey everyone so today I'm going to explain function expressions in JavaScript a function expression is a way to define functions as a value or a variable not to be confused with function declarations where you define a block of reusable code that performs a specific task we're already familiar with function declarations such as this function then you create a function name such as hello in this example let's console.log the word hello with the function expression we can assign a function to a variable or pass it as a value to another function so this time we're going to write a function expression I will create a constant named hello equals a function parentheses curly braces we'll do the same thing we will console.log hello and if I were to run this the identifier hello has already been declared so for now I'm just going to remove this function declaration all we're doing is assigning a function to a variable to use the function that's stored within we have to take our variable name and add a set of parentheses to invoke it kind of like it's a pair of telephones talking to each other hello using JavaScript we also have the capability of passing a function as a value I will introduce the set timeout function there's going to be two parameters a call back to a function and an amount of time we're going to wait then execute this function this will be in Mills 3,000 milliseconds translates to 3 seconds let me put this function back after 3,000 milliseconds I will execute the hello function 1 2 3 hello instead of using a function declaration we are going to pass a function expression as an argument to the set timeout function instead of a call back we will create a function we will pass an entire function as an argument what are we going to do we will after 3 seconds console.log thee word hello and let's see if this works just to prove that I'm not a liar 1 2 3 hello in JavaScript it is legal to pass an entire function as an argument or treat it as a value we'll use previous examples of the map filter and reduce methods of arrays I will create an array const numbers equals the numbers 1 through six 1 2 3 4 5 6 I would like to square each of these numbers what we've done in a previous lesson is declare a function function Square we had one parameter in that example we had an element what we did is we returned math.pow to raise a base to a given power we're raising our element to the power of two the map method will return a new array const squares equals numbers. map we're passing in a call back to square then console.log squares this works we are using a function declaration but this time we will now use a function expression we will treat this function as a value let's cut this function replace the call back then paste it within the map method then we just need to remove the name we don't need a name and this is still going to work yeah it still does we don't necessarily need to think of a function name one of the benefits of doing this is that we're not polluting the global Nam space with function names we're only going to be using this function once there's no need to declare a function let's create a function expression to cube these numbers now as a beginner it might be helpful to write out your functions as a declaration first then transform it into a function expression function Cube we have our element as a parameter I'm going to copy this return math.pow element to the power of three we will create a new array const cubes equals numbers. map we don't need to pass in a call back we will cut this entire function paste it within the map method then we don't need the name then console.log cubes there are all the original numbers cubed all right I think we're starting to get the hang of this let's quickly use the filter method to filter out any even or odd numbers I will create const even nums equals take our array numbers we will use the filter method then we will pass a function expression as an argument there's one parameter an element we are going to return element modulus 2 to see if it's divisible by zero is is the result strictly equal to zero let's see if this works console.log even nums there they are we have 2 46 let's do this with odd numbers odd nums use the filter method again all we're going to change is strictly not equal to zero return any odd numbers 135 then lastly reduce we will sum all of the elements of the array const total equals our numbers do reduce pass in a function expression we have two parameters an accumulator and an element we will return accumulator plus our element return the total which is 21 we already do have some practice with map filter and reduce instead of using function declarations than passing a call back we can pass an entire function expression as an argument to these methods in the next topic I'll discuss Arrow functions which shortens the syntax even further you'll like Arrow functions all right everybody so those are function Expressions they are a way to define functions as a value or a variable we've both defined a function expression as a variable we stored that within this hello variable we've also passed entire functions as an argument which you can do with JavaScript there's a few benefits of function Expressions one of which is you don't need to keep on thinking of function names you can perform a function once then just forget about it they're also used in callbacks and asynchronous operations higher order functions closures and event listeners these are topics we still need to discuss but we will be using function Expressions a lot don't worry we will have more practice and well everybody those are function expressions in JavaScript hey hello there so today I'm going to explain Arrow functions in JavaScript an arrow function is a concise way to write a function expression it's good for simple functions that you only use once here's the formula you have your parameters Arrow then some code you would like to perform here's an example suppose I have a function declaration I have the hello function I'll work going to do is console.log the word hello to use this function I need to call it by its name add a set of parenthesis this will display the word hello a concise way to write the same function is to use an arrow function we'll begin with a function expression then convert it to an arrow function just so we understand the differences this time I will create a constant hello hello is going to be a constant that stores our function expression if I were using a a function expression we would say function parenthesis curly braces then the code we want to perform console.log the word hello this would do the same thing hello a more concise way to write this function expression would be to use an arrow function following this formula we list our parameters we don't have any we need a set of parenthesis Arrow then some code we would like to perform I'm going to console.log the word hello and that works we're sticking an arrow function within a variable or named constant to invoke the arrow function within we just follow that constant or variable with the set of parentheses like we're calling it as if it's a pair of telephones talking to each other you can send some arguments to an arrow function we'll need to set up the parameters I will have a name parameter within our code let's console.log I'll use a template string hello add a placeholder add my name parameter now I need to pass in an argument because right now it's hello undefined pass in your first name as an argument hello bro within your code if you need to include more than one statement you'll need to enclose all of that code within a set of cly braces let's add a new line console log you are old hello bro you are old okay let's set up another parameter this time we will accept an age argument let's transform our second console.log to be you are at a placeholder our parameter age years old now we'll pass in a second argument for age hello bro you are 25 years old so that's the basics of an arrow function you have your parameters Arrow then some code you would like to perform there's no need to create a function declaration let's go over another example we have the set timeout function this function accepts a call back then a given amount of time we are then going to execute this code this callback after 3 seconds 3,000 milliseconds I will execute whatever this call back is let's create a function to say hello again function hello we will console.log the word hello I will pass in a call back after 3 seconds we say hello in place of a callback I could use a function expression let's cut our function remove this argument then paste our function expression remember we don't need the name for a function expression this works as well hello or otherwise we can use a more concise Arrow function we will pass that as an argument we have our parameters we don't have any Arrow then some code console.log the word hello after 3 seconds we display the word hello now we'll use Arrow functions with map filter and reduce we have an array of numbers const numbers equals the numbers 1 through six let's start with using the map filter to square each of these numbers but we will use Arrow functions const squares equals our original array number numbers. map normally we would pass in a callback as an argument but we're not going to do that we'll use an arrow function we have one parameter an element arrow take each element use math.pow to raise our element to a given power then let's console.log our squares console.log squares there they are here are all the original num squared 1 4 9 16 25 36 let's Cube each number const cubes raise our element to the power of three console.log are cubes there are all the numbers cubed we'll use the filter method to filter out any numbers that are odd const even nums equals rray numbers we will use the filter method we can pass in a call back but we don't need to we will pass in an arrow function we have our element as a parameter Arrow we don't necessarily need a return statement if we have only one line of code take our element modulus 2 is it divisible by two and does the strictly equal Z if it does it's an even number let's console.log our even numbers 2 46 let's do this with odd numbers odd nums take our element modulus 2 is it strictly not equal to zero display our odd nums 1 35 and lastly let's do reduce we will get a total by summing all all the elements of this array const total equals our original array reduce pass in a call back or an arrow function this time we have two arguments an accumulator and an element we have an Arrow return our accumulator plus our element then display the total our our total is 21 all right everybody so those are Arrow functions they're a concise way to write a function expression they're good for simple functions that you only use once you list your parameters within a set of parentheses an arrow then some code you would like to perform in this example we've written a more concise way to use the map filter and reduce methods normally we can pass in a call back as an argument a function expression or an arrow function and well everybody those are Arrow functions in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody in today's video I'm going to discuss objects in JavaScript an object is a collection of related properties and or methods properties are things that an object has such as a first name or an age a method is a function that belongs to an object for example I have a person object our person can say hello and they can say by methods are just functions that belong to an object what can this object do objects can represent Real World objects such as people products or places in this example we'll be creating some people objects people from the show SpongeBob we'll start from scratch though we'll create a person object I'll use a constant although it's not necessary const person equals then add a set of curly braces we'll start with any property properties you can add as many properties as you would like they're in key value pairs this person will have a first name key colon then some value this person's first name will be SpongeBob separate each key value pair with a comma let's include a last name property last name colon space will be Square Pants add a comma when you're done with this key value pair We'll add an age property of 30 age has a different data type it's a number the first two in my example were both strings SpongeBob and Square Pants let's add a Boolean is employed col in space I will set that to be true he has a job at the Crusty Crab okay that's good enough for now I would like to access these properties let's console.log if I need one of these properties take the object you're referring to in this case person dot the name of the property let's do first name person. first name property that would give me SpongeBob let's do this with last name take the object name dot the name of the property person. last name is SquarePants let's do this with age person. AG is 30 person. is employed is set to true all right let's create another object we'll create an object for Patrick const person now objects can't have the same name objects need different names for example I can't have two person objects they can't have the same name syntax error identifier person has already been declared I will rename our first person as person one our second person will be person two then any place in which I'm referencing person will now need to be person one let's reuse these same key value pairs person two's first name will be Patrick his last name will be star Patrick will be I don't know how old he is according to the TV series let's say he's 42 is Patrick employed no he just watches TV all day now I would like to access person 2's properties okay well console.log person 2's first name person 2's last name Person 2's age person two is employed okay for person two we have Patrick Star 42 false so those are properties of an object they're key value pairs add as many as you would like in this example these properties mimic real world attributes that a person might have like a first name last name age whatever you can think of but not only that objects can have dedicated functions that we refer to as methods what sorts of actions can these objects perform for example a person could eat they could drink they could sleep what sorts of things do people do so just to keep this simple I am going to create a function to say hello we'll start with person one say hello col in space this will be a function expression what are we going to do when we invoke this function let's console.log what would SpongeBob say if he's greeting somebody hi I'm SpongeBob be sure you're not including a semicolon at the end that should work let's test it I'm going to have person one invoke their say hello method hi I'm SpongeBob let's add a say hello method to Patrick person two we'll change the output if say hello what would Patrick say hey I'm Patrick dot dot dot now we'll have person two use their say hello method hey I'm Patrick you can add as many methods as you would like so with these functions we're using a function expression if you prefer you could even use an arrow function list your arguments Arrow then the code you would like to perform this would work too let's add an eat method eat function we'll use a function expression for SpongeBob let's console. log what is SpongeBob eating I am eating a crabby patty we'll include an eat function for Patrick as well what's Patrick going to eat Patrick is eating I'm eating roast beef chicken and pizza and if you would like you can use an arrow function for this example list your parameters Arrow then the code you would like to perform it's not necessary but I do like Arrow functions person one SpongeBob will use his eat method same thing goes with Patrick person two so SpongeBob is eating a crabby patty Patrick is eating roast beef chicken and Pizza all right everybody so JavaScript objects are a collection of related properties and or methods properties are what an object has methods are functions that an object can perform they can represent Real World objects such as people products or places properties are key value pairs methods are functions that belong to another object and well everybody that is an introduction to object-oriented programming in JavaScript hey so we got to talk about this this is a keyword it's a reference to the object where this is used the object depends on the immediate context if we had a person object and we're accessing their name property we could replace person with this as long as we're within the context of that person object we'll create an object const person one let's add a property for name the name will be SpongeBob and a favorite food property fave food SpongeBob likes hamburgers more specifically Krabby Patties I will give SpongeBob a say hello method this will be a function all we're going to do is console.log I'll use a template string hi I am I'll use a placeholder let's attempt to use person one's name let's see what happens let's take our object of person one I will invoke their say hello method let's see what happens hello I am and there's nothing here for the name inside of this object of person one if I would like to access one of these properties I'm going toe received the property with this this do the name of the property and that should work hi I'm SpongeBob we're using this within the context of person one it would be like us saying person one. name there would be no difference this is a reference to the object we're within if I said this do favorite food well favorite food for short hi I am hamburgers it would be like like us saying person one. fave food let's add another method I will add an eat method let's console.log I'll use another template string add a placeholder is eating add another placeholder this. fave food let's have person one use their eat method SpongeBob is eating hamburgers the cool thing about the this keyword is that if we create a new object with these same methods we'll use the second object's properties let's copy person one paste change person one to person two the name for person two will be Patrick favorite food will be Pizza let's have person two use their eat method SpongeBob is eating hamburgers Patrick is eating pizza since we're in the context of person two now imagine we're replacing this with person two person 2.n name Person 2. fave food if you were to use this outside of any objects I'm going to console.log this what we're returned with is a window object basically we're returning the window to see our website technically we're inside of an object already our window object and we have all of these properties but since we're using the this keyword inside the context of person one and person two we'll instead make a reference to those objects hey one thing I forgot to mention the this keyword doesn't work with arrow functions for example with person two let's convert this to an arrow function blank is eating undefined when you use this within an arrow function it's making a reference to that window object still our window object does have a name that's why it's appearing empty but fave food is undefined because our window object doesn't have a favorite food property all right everybody so that is the this keyword we will be using this keyword a lot all it is is a reference a reference to the object where this is used and that is the this keyword in JavaScript what's up people so today I got to explain Constructors in JavaScript a Constructor is a special method for defining the properties and methods of objects in Prior videos we've constructed objects like this we would declare an object assign it some properties and some methods you know this works but what if we have to create a lot of objects here I'm manually creating three different car objects that can be a lot lot of work what we could do instead is use a Constructor to construct these objects automatically all we have to do to construct these objects is passing some unique data to the Constructor to construct these objects here's an example we are going to create a function car do pay attention to the capitalization we'll need to set up some parameters what sorts of properties will we accept when we construct a car object how about a make model year and color these are arguments we'll receive when we construct a car object to assign these properties we're going to use the this keyword doake equals the make that we receive let's do this with model this dood model equals the model we receive this doe equals year this do color equals color that's good enough for now our car Constructor is a reusable method where we can define the properties and methods of objects we create to use this Constructor I will create an instance of an object I will use const car1 will be our first object equals we'll need to use the new keyword type the name of the Constructor car car is a special method we'll need to pass in some arguments we'll need a make model year and color in that order my first car feel free to send some different data to the Constructor but for me my first car will be a Ford make sure each value is comma separated Mustang the year will be 2024 and the color will be red we should now have a car object with the name of car one and I'm going to console. log car 1's properties car 1. make Ford let's do this with the other properties we have model Mustang year 2024 and color red now this method is reusable we can reuse it to create other car objects let's create const Car 2 equals new car we'll pass in different data this time the make will be Chevrolet I will pick a Camaro the year 2025 and the color will be blue now I can display car 2's properties let's select car 2make car 2. model car 2. year car 2.c color we have a Chevy Camaro year 2025 the color is blue let's create one more car same process as before const car 3 equals new car I'll go with a Dodge Charger the year 2026 and the color will be silver let's access K 3's properties car 3. make car 3. model car 3. year car 3.ol Dodge Charger 2026 the color is silver another thing with these parameters too you can name these parameters anything when we assign these properties it can be kind of confusing like this. make equals make really we write our Constructors this way just for readability technically this would work if we renamed our parameters for example make will be parameter a model will be B year is C color is D then be sure to change these when we assign them A B C D this would still work however this Constructor isn't as readable like what the heck is a b c and d it would be good practice to clear clearly Define our parameters for readability purposes all right now let's add a method we'll take this. Drive equals a function we console.log I'll use a template string you drive the I'll add a placeholder this do model With Cars 1 through three let's use the drive method car 1. drive you drive the Mustang car 2. drive you drive the Camaro and car 3. drive you drive the charger all right everybody so that's a Constructor it's a special method for defining the properties and methods of objects it helps with code reusability we can reuse it to create many objects instead of having to type them all out manually and well everybody those are Constructors in JavaScript all right let's do this thing so I got to talk about classes and JavaScript classes are an es6 feature that provides a more structured and cleaner way to work with objects compared to the traditional Constructor functions that we're normally used to classes are going to be really helpful when we reach future topics such as the static keyword encapsulation and inheritance in this example I have a Constructor for a product our product needs a name and a price for example we have a shirt and the price is 1999 instead of using a Constructor method we're instead going to use a class our class will include a Constructor so let's start from the beginning to create a class you type class then the name of the object so our class is going to serve as a blueprint our objects will be products then add a set of curly BRAC to use a Constructor we can use the Constructor keyword within our class list any parameters we will have a name and a price for each product we will assign the properties of equals the name parameter that we receive this. price equals price I will also create a function our function will be display product now in inside of a class you don't need to use the function keyword when we would like to display this product we will console.log product colon space I'll include a placeholder let's also output the price price pick a unit of currency I'll use American dollars this do price let's create some product object objects const product one equals to create a new object we have to use that new keyword the name of the class product The Constructor is going to be called automatically but we do need to pass in a name and a price as arguments we will pass in a shirt the price will be $19.99 just to be sure that everything works let's invoke the display product method product one do display product method here are the details of our product object product shirt priced $19.99 let's create a few more so this class is reusable product two will be pants I'll pick 2250 for the price let's display product two product two and we will use use the display product method of our class product pants the price is $22.50 uh looks like I only have one decimal point I'm going to make one change after the price I will use the two fixed method and set this to be two decimals there 2250 all right product three const product 3 equals new product our third product is going to be underwear this underwear is really expensive it's $100 it's really good underwear guys product 3. display product product underwear price $100 here's a challenge round I'm going to add another method this method will have one parameter sales tax we'll create a method to calculate a total including tax so let's create a new method inside of a class we don't need the function keyword calculate total there will be one parameter sales tax all we're going to do is return this. Price Plus to calculate the sales tax we'll take this. price times the sales tax assuming it's a percentage okay let's display product one product one. display product I'm also going to create a constant for the sales tax that's not going to change const sales tax let's say the sales tax is 5% 0.05 I will create a variable const total equals let's take product one use the calculate total method but we have to pass in sales tax we can either pass in this number or this variable once we have our total let's display it console.log I'll use a template string total price in parentheses with tax I'll add a placeholder display the total pick a unit of currency I'll use American dollars then I'll add two fixed two to set it to two decimal places all right our product is a shirt price is $1 199.99 total price with tax is $20.99 9 let's do this with product two product two. display product product two. calulate total pants 2250 total price 2363 let's check out our really expensive underwear product 3. display product product 3. calculate total our underwear is $100 including sales tax it's $115 all right everybody so those are classes they're an es6 feature that provide a more structured and cleaner way to work with objects compared to the traditional Constructor functions that we learned about in the last video classes are going to be really helpful with a few upcoming topics and well everybody those are classes in JavaScript hey people let's do this thing so the static keyword static is a keyword that defines Properties or methods that belong to a class itself rather than the objects created from that class in summary a class own own anything static not the objects so what we're going to do is create a class for math utilities class math util for short we'll create our own version of Pi we'll use the static keyword the name will be Pi Pi will equal 3.14159 just the first few digits I'm going to zoom in a little if I would like the static property I have to access it by its class so let's console llog the name of the class math util dot the name of the property Pi our static property is 3.14159 I don't need to create an object in order to use this property I don't have to type const math UIL one equals new math youtil I would have to type math util one that's the name of this object in order to access Pi all I have to do is type the name of the class and that's pretty convenient anything declared as static belongs to the class itself and not any object created from that class so now we're going to create a static method we'll use the static keyword we'll get a diameter once we pass in a radius as an argument get diameter we have one parameter a radius all we're going to do is return radius time 2 okay let's console do log again we have to type the name of the class Matthew till dot the name of the method get diameter we have to pass in a radius though let's pass in 10 our diameter is 20 let's create a new static method for get circumference get circumference the formula is going to be we will be returning 2 times this meaning Matthew till. pi times the radius we receive let's console.log let me make the C Capital the name of the class Matthew till dot get circumference pass in a radius the circumference is 62.83 let's create one more for get area static get area we need a radius we will return this Pi time radius time radius so that's Rus squared console.log Matthew till the name of the class get area pass in 10 and the area is 31415 in the next example we'll have a mix of regular properties and methods and static properties and methods this will be example two we'll create a class of users class user we'll create a static variable to keep track of the amount of users we create user count I will set that equal to zero I'll include a Constructor let me just space this out a little our Constructor is going to be automatically called when we instantiate a new object we need one argument though when we create a new user we need a username once we have our username we will assign this do username equals username not only that but when we create a new user I'm going to increase our user count by one just so we can keep track of how many users we create so inside of the Constructor you can write additional code it's not only for assigning properties let's take user do user count Plus+ to increment it let's create some user objects const user one equals new user pass in a username I'll pass in SpongeBob then let's console.log user one's username which is SpongeBob let's attempt to access user one's user count with user one's user count we get undefined that's because our user doesn't have user count as a property it's static that means it belongs to the class not any objects created from the class to access user count we have to type the name of the class user in this case we have one user let's see what happens when I create a new user object user 2 will equal Patrick our user count is now two let's display user 2's name yep we have SpongeBob and Patrick the total user count is two let's create a third user user three will be Sandy console.log user 3. username our user count is now three we have a static property that's keeping track of the amount of users we create let's create a method the first one will not be static say hello all we're going to do is console.log I'll use a template string hello my username is I'll add a placeholder this do username let's have user one use there say hello method same thing with user two and user three hello my username is SpongeBob Patrick and Sandy now we'll create a static method we'll get the user count get user count console.log I'll use a template string there are I'll add a placeholder user. user count users online now in order to access this method I have to type the name of the class user. getet user count oops and I can't conso that log that user. getet user count there are three users online all right everybody so that is the static keyword it defines properties and methods that belong to a class itself rather than any objects created from that class in summary the class owns anything static not the objects and well that is the static keyword in JavaScript hey what's up everybody so in today's video I got to explain inheritance inheritance allows a new class to inherit properties and methods from an existing class these two classes have a parent child relationship a child will inherit properties and methods from a parent it's kind of like a family tree a child will inherit genes from a parent inheritance helps with code reusability because we don't need to keep on repeating the same properties and methods if all the children share them here's an example we'll create an animal class class animal will have a property of alive if you're an animal you start off being alive all animals should be able to eat and sleep we'll create methods for those we'll have an eat method all we're going to do is console.log I'll use a template string this now I'll add a placeholder this do name is eating and a Sleep Method sleep this name is sleeping animal will be the parent class we'll create children classes that inherit these properties and methods let's create a few children classes class rabbit our rabbit class will inherit all the properties and methods of the animal class to declare a parent child relationship the child will extends the parent animal for the rabbit I'm going to give this class A Name name equals rabbit this will be a property if you're familiar with the static keyword you can make the static now we'll create a fish class that also extends animal class fish extends animal fish will have one property name equals fish and a hawk class class Hawk extends animal will have one name property Hawk all right let's see if this works if we create a rabbit fish and Hawk object they should have access to these properties and methods let's create const rabbit equals new rabbit const fish equals new fish const Hawk equals New Hawk all right let's see if our rabbit has an A Life Property console.log take the name of the object rabbit do access a property or method alive that's our property the rabbit is alive but what if the hawk swoops in and kills the rabbit let's change the alive property of the rabbit rabbit. alive equals false the rabbit is no longer alive now let's see if our rabbit has access to a eat and Sleep Method rabbit. eat this rabbit is eating and sleep rabbit. sleep the rabbit is sleeping Let's test this with fish fish. alive fish. eat method fish. SLE method the fish is alive the fish is eating the fish is sleeping and Hawk hawk. alive hawk. eat method hawk. SLE method the hawk Is Alive the hawk is eating the hawk is sleeping our children classes of rabbit fish and Hawk all inherited the properties and methods of the parent animal class this helps with code reusability because I don't need to declare all of these properties and methods within each of the children classes like this we're saving a lot of lines of code it's not that apparent with just a few child classes but imagine if you had hundreds of different child classes well by using inheritance you would be saving a lot of time but not only that the children can have their own unique properties and methods too for example rabbits will be able to run but fish and Hawks can't run that's a method that only belongs to rabbits within our rabbit class let's create a new method a run method we'll console.log I'll use a template string this add a placeholder is running within our fish class let's create a swim method swim this this.n name is swimming and Hawks will be able to fly we'll create a fly method this this do name is flying let's minimize these classes let's take our rabbit object display the alive property the eat method the Sleep Method and the run method rabbit. run method the rabbit is eating the rabbit is sleeping the rabbit is running now let's do this with fish fish. alive fish. eat method fish. SLE method now does the fish have a run method it does not fish. run is not a function run is a method that belongs to the rabbit class fish can't run because well they don't have legs we did not give our fish class a run method they can swim though but they can't run fish. swim method the fish is swimming let's do this with Hawk our Hawk cannot swim but it can fly we'll use the fly method the hawk is eating the hawk is sleeping the hawk is flying and of course our rabbit can't fly or Swim does our rabbit have a fly method it does not rabbit. fly is not a function all right everybody so that's inheritance it allows a new class to inherit properties and methods from an existing Class A Child inherits properties and methods from a parent it helps with code reusability I don't need to declare all of these properties and methods for each of these classes I can simply reuse it that helps us follow the dry principle don't repeat yourself and well everybody that is an introduction to inheritance in JavaScript yo what's going on everybody so in today's video I'm going to explain the super keyword in JavaScript super is a keyword that's used in classes to call the Constructor or access the properties and methods of a parent the parent is also known as the super class it's very similar to the this keyword this refers to this object super refers to the parent of that object here's an example we'll use inheritance to create a parent class of animal class animal our animal class will have three children also known as sub classes class rabbit extends animal class fish extends animal class Hawk extends animal we'll add an empty Constructor for now for the animal class then we need a Constructor for the rabbit class so rabbits they'll have a name property a and a run speed we'll assign these properties within the Constructor equals the name that we receive this. AG equals age this. runp speed equals run speed let's copy this Constructor now with fish fish don't have a run speed but they'll have a swim speed let's replace run speed with swim speed copy The Constructor again paste it Hawks in this example won't have a swim speed they'll have a fly speed though replace swim speed with fly speed now let's attempt to create some of these objects const rabbit equals new rabbit we need a name for this rabbit you could just say rabbit or if you want to be creative you could say something like Bugs Bunny uh but let's just stick with rabbit to keep it simple our rabbit will be Oney old and has a run speed of 25 mph if you use kilm feel free to use kilom let's do this with fish const fish equals new fish the name of our fish will be fish our fish is 2 years old and has a swim speed of 12 mil hour then with Hawk const Hawk equals New Hawk our Hawk will have a name of Hawk our Hawk will be 3 years years old and has a fly speed of 50 mph so when I run this program we have an uncaught reference error must call Super Constructor in derived class before accessing the this keyword so what JavaScript is telling us is that before we can use the this keyword we have to call the Constructor of the parent the super class within each of these respective Constructors we will invoke the Constructor of the parent the super class with the super keyword so let's do that for for each of these Constructors now our program actually runs now so one of the benefits of using Constructors is that if there's any properties that the children all share in common we can send them to the Constructor of the parent as you can see we're repeating ourselves a lot each of these children classes has a name and age property that we're assigning to each we would like to follow the dry principle don't repeat yourself so why don't we write this code once and reuse it so within the Constructor of the parent will accept a name and age property we'll assign equals name and this. AG equals age now we can remove that within each of the child classes so we don't repeat ourselves there's less code to right now but we do need to pass in these arguments to the parent Constructor name and age for each and that's all there is to it in this example when we construct an object either a rabbit a fish or a hawk we'll accept three arguments a name age and either a run speed a swim speed or a fly speed depending on the animal that we're creating any properties they share in common we can send to the parent Constructor it helps with code reusability and there's a lot less to write it's not that evident with three children classes but imagine if you had hundreds of different classes like what if this was Pokémon there's like what a, Pokémon now we would have to copy and paste those properties like a thousand times for each if we're constructing individual Pokémon but since all of them share those same properties we can write it in one place and make any changes only in one place so let's test this to see if it works let's console.log our rabbit's name which is named rabbit let's console.log the rabbit's age the rabbit is Oney old and let's see if the rabbit has a run speed 25 as in 25 mph let's do this with fish fish. name fish. AG let's see if the fish has a run speed name is fish Age Two run speed is undefined because fish can't run because they don't have legs but they do have a swim speed though swim speed 12 milph then Hawk hawk. name hawk. AG hawk. flyp speed name is Hawk age 3 the hawk has a fly speed of 50 mph so that's how you can use the super keyword in a class to call the Constructor of the parent it helps with code reusability any properties that the children share in common in this case a name and Age The Constructor of the parent can take care of that we don't have to repeat the set of code every single time for each child we write it in one place and reuse it another thing you can do too with the super keyword is extend a method from the parent so what we're going to do within the animal par class is create a move method within this method we will console.log the following message the at a placeholder moves at a speed of add a placeholder speed mph for miles per hour or if you prefer you can use kilometers our move method will have one parameter a speed that we need to pass in to use So within each of these children classes we'll write a method that also extends the move method of the parent rabbits will have a run method we'll output the following message console.log I'll use a template string this add a placeholder can run let's copy our run me method paste it for fish but change swim to run because fish can't run this can swim then with Hawks they'll have a fly method fly this this. name can fly with our rabbit object let's invoke the run method this rabbit can run let's do this with fish fish. swim this fish can swim and hawkfly Method this Hawk can fly within each of these children classes we're going to extend the move method of the parent animal within the run method of our rabbit class not only are we going to Output this message we'll also extend the move method of the parent and display that message as well to refer to the parent class we use the super keyword it's very similar to this but it means the parent use the parents move method but we do have to send a speed argument let's send the Run speed of the rabbit this. runspeed let's do this with our fish class we'll extend the move method super. move send in this. swim speed and Hawk super. move this. flype speed now let's take our rabbit use the run method and we should extend the move method this rabbit can run the rabbit moves at a speed of 25 mph let's do this with fish fish. swim the fish can swim the fish moves at a speed of 12 mph and hawk hawk. fly method this Hawk can fly the hawk moves at a speed of 50 mph so that's how you can use the super keyword to extend a method of apparent all right everybody so that's the Super Key word it's a reference to a parent it can be used to call the Constructor of a parent and or access the properties and methods of a parent and well everybody that is the super keyword in JavaScript hey hello so uh today I'm going to explain Getters and Setters in JavaScript Getters are special methods that make a property readable Setters are special methods that make a property writable we can use use Getters and Setters to validate and modify a value when reading or writing a property it helps with validation when creating an object or updating one of its properties here's an example we will create a class of rectangle we need a Constructor we will have two parameters a width and a height we will assign this. width equals width this. height equals height now let's create a rectangle object const rectangle equals a new rectangle for the width let's say -1 million something ridiculous and for the height I want the height to be Pizza the word pizza then let's console.log our rectangles width and the rectangle height we have created a rectangle object with the width of 1 million and a height of pizza which doesn't make any sense we could use some validation when creating an object we don't want people to enter in garbage values like negative a million or string when we're expecting a positive number for the width or height that's where Getters and Setters come in we'll begin with set letters when setting one of these properties either initially through a Constructor or updating one of them later such as setting the width or height equal to some value we can go through a Setter first outside of our Constructor we will set a property we'll begin with width this will be a special type of method the parameter will be new width what do we want to check before assigning this property using an if statement let's check to see if the new width that the user sends us is greater than zero if it is we will assign this doore width using an underscore prefix it tells other developers that this is a private property you shouldn't touch it at all you could say that this private property of width is different than our standard width property we will assign the private property of width equal to the new width we receive else let's console. error not log we'll use error this time width must be a positive number all right let's see what happens width must be a positive number and our width is currently undefined which is good okay let's do this with height let's copy our Setter for width paste it but change every instance of width to be height set height New Height be sure to use that Camel case naming convention if new height is greater than zero assign the private property of height equal to the new height else console. error height must be a positive number and there we go that worked width must be a positive number and height must be a positive number our width and height are currently undefined in order to set the width and height we have to pass in a positive number for the width I will say three for the width four now when we access width and height those numbers still aren't showing up that's because these properties are writable via Setters but they're not readable that's where Getters come in we'll create two Getters one for width we'll need to use the get keyword get width this will be another type of method all we're going to do is return this private width and that appeared to work we have three for the width let's do so with the height we will return this private height we have three and four Now by using Setters we can even update those values later let's take our rectangles width set that equal to be five take the height set it equal to be six and that also appears to work but again if I try and update those values to some garbage values like negative a million and the word Pizza we get those errors again and our our object retains its initial values that we previously assigned it three and four with Getters we can even use the property accessor that dot to access a property that doesn't necessarily exist for example we will get area we'll perform a calculation we will return this private width times this private height so now we can access area as if it was a property we have three for the width height four our width times our height gives us an area of 12 our area isn't a property technically it's not found within our Constructor but we can access it as if it was a property with a getter with Getters you can even add additional logic I would like to preserve the initial values of our width and height when I return their value I will use the two fixed method to give each of these a Precision of one let's do that with the width the height and the area but that's going to be a little more complex we'll enclose width time height then add to fixed one and why stop there I'll add centimeters to the end of each I'll use a template string add a placeholder then add CM for M 3.0 cm and the area 12.0 CM let's make that centimet squared because it's area Technically when you're assigning values even when you're initially creating an object you can go through the Setters for input validation when you retrieve values and try and read them you can add additional logic too let's go over a second example we will create a class of person we need a Constructor we will accept a first name last name and an age this. first name equals first name this. last name equals last name this. AG equals age let's construct a person const person equals new person let's enter in some values that don't make sense the person's first name will be the number 420 their last name is the number 69 their age is the word Pizza let's console.log our person objects first name which is the number 420 their last name 69 and their age the word Pizza we need to validate this input before assigning the properties that's why we need Setters we will set the first name property this is a special type of method the parameter is going to be a new first name we need to be sure that this value passed in is a string and the length is greater than zero we could write something like this we need an if statement let's check the type of our new first name is it strictly equal to a string and is our new first nam's length property greater than zero if all of that checks out we will assign this this private first name equal to the new first name we receive else let's console. error first name must be a nonempty string let's see if this worked I'm going to save first name must be a non-empty string and currently our first name is undefined okay that worked let's copy our Setter for our first name paste it change every instance of first name to last name new last name check if the type of our last name is equal to a string and if our new last name the length of it is greater than zero if it is assign the private last name property equal to the new last name else last name must be a non-empty string that also worked our first name and last name are undefined let's do this with age set our age the parameter is going to be new age using an if statement is the type of new age strictly equal to a data type of number and is our new age greater than or equal to zero if it is take this private age equals our new age else we're going to console. error age must be a non negative number we can no longer assign pizza for our age unfortunately all right we have our setter set up now let's work on the Getters let's assign some legitimate values for the first name SpongeBob last name SquarePants age 30 we don't have those errors anymore that means they're set but those properties aren't readable that's why we need Getters let's get the first name get first name return this private first name there's SpongeBob his first name get last name return this private last name there's his last name let's create a getter for a full name too let's console.log a full name even though we have no property for that that's undefined we'll use a getter to mimic a full name property by just combining the first name and the last name properties get full name return I'm going to use some string cination this private first name plus a space character this private last name and there's his full name SpongeBob SquarePants and the age get age return this private age and SpongeBob is 30 all right everybody those are Getters and Setters Getters are special methods that make a property readable Setters are special methods that make a property writable by using a combination of both we can validate and modify a value when reading or writing a property and well everybody those are Getters and Setters in JavaScript hey what's good everybody so in today's video I'm going to give you a lesson in destructuring in JavaScript destructuring allows us to extract values from arrays and objects then assign them to variables in a convenient way we can use straight brackets to perform array destructuring or curly braces to perform object destructuring I'll give you five different examples example one swap the value of two variables we'll have let a equal 1 let B equal to to use array D structuring we need a set of straight brackets add the variables a comma B this will equal we're creating a new array on the right hand side B comma a on the Le hand side of our equals we're using destructuring on the right hand side we're creating an array let's see what's within variables A and B console.log variable a then variable B so if these values are swapped we should have two then one not one and two that's example one we can use destructuring to swap the value of two variables example two we can swap two elements in an array let's create an array of colors const colors equals an array pick some colors I'll go with RGB so that would be red green blue let's add black and white suppose I would like to swap the position of the first element and the last element this first element has an index of zero this particular last element has an index of four again we're going to use array to structuring we need a set of straight brackets we'll take our array colors at index of zero comma rray at index of four we want to swap red with white 0 1 2 3 4 that's the fourth index equals we're creating a new array by using Straight brackets colors at index 4 comma colors at index zero then let's print our array console.log R array of colors there we go we have white green blue black red that's how we can use destructuring to swap two elements in an array example three we can assign array elements to variables we'll declare a bunch of variables const we'll use destructuring we're destructuring an array we need a set of straight brackets we'll create some variable names first color Second Color third color I will assign this equal to our array Colors Let's print these variables console.log our first color we have red second color green third color blue you could combine array D structuring with rest parameters we have two colors left let's assign that to a new array we'll use rest parameters I will name this array extra colors then we will console.log extra colors and that should be a new array that has the remaining colors black and white that's how to assign array elements to variables using destructuring example for extract values from objects we'll create two people objects const person one person one will have a few few properties first name will be SpongeBob last name will be SquarePants age will be 30 and a job meaning occupation not John job his job is that he is a fry cook all right let's copy person one looks like that n should be capital in last name all right let's copy person one paste it change person one to person two the first name of person two will be Patrick last name star age will be 34 person two is not going to have a job property he's unemployed using destructuring I can extract values from these objects we'll create a few variables const we'll use object destructuring we need a set of curly braces this time we'll create these VAR variables first name last name age and job now this equals let's start with person one let's display these variables console.log first name is SpongeBob last name SquarePants age 30 job fry cook let's do this with person two Patrick Star his age is 34 person two does not have a job property person one does though our job variable is undefined as you can see here you can set default values when using destructuring if somebody doesn't have a job property we'll set job to equal unemployed let's see if that works yep Patrick Star age 34 his job is he's unemployed that's how you can extract values from objects values extracted can even have default values all right last example we can destructure in function parameters we can pass an object to a function and destructure it when it's passed in let's create a function we will create a function to display a person with the parameters we'll use destructuring we're destructuring an object we need a set of curly braces we'll receive an object such as this I'm going to invoke display person we'll pass in person one as an argument when we receive person one as an argument we'll destructure that object right away we will create a first name parameter last name age and job all we'll do is print a few lines using console.log I'll use a template string let's say Name colon space I'll add a placeholder first name and last name let's add a new line age call in space add a placeholder age then lastly job job colon space add a placeholder job we're passing in person one and D structuring it we should display name SpongeBob SquarePants age 30 job fry cook let's pass in person two as an argument name Patrick Star age 34 job is undefined again we can set a default value when destructuring if an object doesn't have a job property we will set that equal to be unemployed Patrick Star age 34 job unemployed then if we pass in person one again his job should not be unemployed he's a fry cook there is a job property so we do not use the default value all right everybody so those are a few examples of destructuring there's a lot you can do with destructuring you use a set of straight brackets to perform array destructuring or curly braces for object destructuring they allow you to extract values from aray and objects then assign them to variables in a convenient way and well that is destructuring in JavaScript so uh yeah we're doing a thing today today I got to explain nested objects in JavaScript nested objects are objects inside of other objects they allow you to represent more complex data structures a child object is enclosed by a parent object by using nested objects we have the cap capability of creating some very complex data structures for example a person object could contain an address object as well as a contact info object or a shopping cart object each item in your shopping cart is an individual object such as a keyboard a mouse or a monitor each of these child objects would have their own properties and methods for example a price a name specifications on the item a shipping method nested objects are just objects inside of other objects let me give you a basic example we'll create a person object const person equals an object we need to set a curly BRAC a person might have a full name property I will set that to be SpongeBob in this example SpongeBob SquarePants an age of 30 is SpongeBob a student is student he's in boting school so let's say that's true objects can also contain array we'll create an array of hobbies to declare an array you need a set of straight brackets what sorts of hobbies does SpongeBob have he knows karate he does jellyfishing I need one more uh let's say that he enjoys cooking now we're going to create a nested object this person object will have an address object so we need a set of curly braces a few of the properties of the inner address object could be a street SpongeBob has an address of 124 con Street his City will be bikini bottom and a country we won't do a full address but I think this is good enough for this example so SpongeBob lives in the ocean let's say that his country is international waters I'll just abbreviate International our person object has a nested address object inside of it to access some of these properties of our person object we would type the name of the object use the property accessor which is dot then the name of the property full name SpongeBob SquarePants let's print his age 30 is SpongeBob a student that is true I'm going to display the array of hob person. Hobbies this will give you an array but if you need individual elements you have to list an index number so Hobbies at index zero would be karate one is jellyfishing index two is cooking let's console.log our person object dot the address object this would return an entire object if you need one of the properties within this object that's within the person object you would have to follow the inner object with the property accessor again that dot person. address. Street which would give you 124 con Street the city person. address. city Bikini Bottom person. address. country international waters so when accessing a property within a nested object you have to use the property accessor t that dot if you would like to Loop through the properties of a nested object you can write a for Loop like this for const property in person. address console.log take our person object access the nested object address then use the index of operator the straight brackets give me the current property and there we are all right let's make something a little more complicated we're going to create a class that utilizes nested objects so we will begin with class address our class will have a Constructor for an address we need these three things feel free to add more if you would like a street City and Country then we'll assign these properties this. Street equals Street this. City equals City this. Country equals country now we'll create a person class class person our person class will also have a Constructor we'll need a name age and an address for the address I'm going to use rest parameters we can pass in different parts of an address and store it within an array when we create a person object we will assign equals name this. AG equals age now for the address we're going to construct an address object this. address equals a new address we're going to call the Constructor of our address class and pass in our address I'm going to utilize the spread operator to spread our address we'll send our address object a street City and Country all right let's construct some of these person objects const person one equals a new person this will call the Constructor but we have to pass in arguments to match the parameter a name we'll just do a first name to keep it short an age SpongeBob will be 30 we also need an address a street City and Country 124 con Street City will be Bikini Bottom his country will be international waters and just for readability I'm going to put the address on a new line let's create person two person two will be Patrick age 37 Patrick will live on 128 con Street he'll have the same city and the same country then let's make person three person three will be Squidward age 45 Squidward will live on 126 constr all right let's see if this all worked console.log let's start with person one person one. name which is SpongeBob age 30 let's get his address address and this returns an object which is good that's what we wanted we have a nested object an address object for some of the properties within that address object we have a street City and Country we use the property accessor again of dot give me the street 124 con Street the city bikini bottom and the country international waters all right let's confirm this with person 3 just to be sure it all works person 3 give me the name Squidward age 45 address gives me an object we'll use the property accessor again give me the street 126 con Street the city beini bottom and the country international waters this will also all work for person two if it worked with person one and three all right everybody so those are nested objects they're objects inside of other objects they allow you to represent more complex data structures a child object is enclosed by a parent object in this example our address is the child object of the person object we're creating a new object within our person object and well everybody those are nested objects in JavaScript hey what's up everybody so in today's video I'm going to show you how we can work with an array of objects in JavaScript what we'll do is create an array of fruit objects we'll create five fruit objects to create an object you need a set of krly braces each object will be comma separated just for my own readability I'm going to place each object on a new line objects can have their own unique properties and methods our first fruit object will have a name of Apple a color of red and calories meaning calories per serving of 95 this is our first object let's copy these properties paste them for object two change name to be orange color will also be orange calories 45 object three name will be banana color yellow calories 105 object 4 coconut color white calories 159 then our last object will be pineapple color yellow calories 37 all right and here is our array of objects there's a lot we can do with this if you ever need a property within one of these objects of your array you would take the array in this cas fruits add an index number dot the name of the property for example name I need the name property of the first object which would be Apple so let's test that console.log what is the name property of our aray fruits at index zero that would be apple one is orange two is banana three is coconut four pineapple let's select a different property let's go with the calories 95 45 105 159 37 that's how to access a property within an array of objects to add a new object you can use the push method let's take our array of fruits use the push method we will push a new object into our array the name will be grapes Color Purple calories 62 then let's console.log R array console.log fruits so we have six Apple orange banana coconut pineapple and grapes uh which I misspelled grap you can use the pop method to remove an element fruits pop this should remove pineapple Apple orange banana coconut no pineapple or splice splice will remove elements at certain indices fruits. splice let's select indices 1 through two all we're left with is Apple coconut pineapple you can use the for each method to Loop through the elements of your array let's display each object's name fruits. for each we need a call back a function expression or an arrow function let's use an arrow function for every fruit do this console.log each fruit this will return entire objects for one of the properties we'll select dot the property name we have all the fruit names let's go with the colors and the calories there we are there's also the map method the map method will run each element through a function and return a new array let's create an array of fruit names const fruit names equals take our array of fruits use the built-in map method we'll use an arrow function for every fruit Arrow return the fruits name then we will console.log our array of fruit names and here's our array of fruit names let's do this with colors fruit colors return every color property of each fruit then console.log our fruit colors red orange yellow white yellow let's do this with calories fruit calories return each calories property console. log our fruit calories array so the map method we'll return a new array let's cover filter filter will return a new array after using each element and checking a condition let's return a new array where the color of each fruit is yellow there's two const yellow fruits equals take our array of fruits use the filter method we have one parameter a fruit Arrow then a condition we'll return this fruit if the fruit's color property is strictly equal to Yellow then console.log our array of yellow fruits and there's two bananas and pineapples they color are both yellow let's create a new array of any fruits that are low in calories where the calories are below 100 const low cal fruits take AR array of fruits use the built-in filter method for every fruit Arrow check the calories of each fruit is it less than 100 if it is put it within this new array and here we are we have three fruits that are low in calories Apple orange pineapple the calories are 95 45 37 they're all less than 100 let's find any high calorie fruits change our rate to be high Cal fruits where the calories of each fruit is greater than or equal to 100 console.log AR array of high Cal fruits there are two banana and coconuts the calories are 105 and 159 let's use the reduce method now I'll admit this is going to be a little tricky but I'll try my best to walk you through it the reduce method will return a single value in this case an object one of these objects let's return the object with the greatest amount of calories we'll store that within a constant const Max fruit equals take array of fruits use the reduce method there's going to be two parameters an accumulator which keeps track of the greatest value during each iteration and the next element but I think we should rename these let's rename our accumulator as Max it's going to be the current record holder of the object with the greatest amount of calories element will be fruit meaning the next fruit here are the two parameters Arrow what are we going to check is our fruit the next fruit in line are the calories greater than our current record holders calories max. calories just for readability I'm going to put this on a new line we're going to use the trary operator is this true does the next fruit have more calories than our record holder if it does will return our fruit meaning the next fruit colon meaning otherwise return the max again let's see if this works let's console.log our fruit with the maximum amount of calories which is our coconut with 159 calories if you just need the calories you would type dot calories that will just give you the calories but in this case we're returning an entire object object let's find the fruit with the least amount of calories let's copy our code paste it and make a few changes Min fruit change Max to be Min the condition will be is the calories of the next fruit less than the calories of the minimum record holder then console.log our Min fruit which is our pineapple with 37 calories all right everybody so those are a few ways in which you can work with an array of objects there's a lot you can do with them you can map you can filter you can reduce you can splice you can pop you can push all sorts of things and well that is an example of an array of objects in JavaScript yo so uh what's up today I'm going to be talking about about the sort method in JavaScript the sort method is used to sort elements of an array in place however with the sort method we sort elements as strings in lexicographic order not alphabetical if I could summarize what lexicographic means it means alphabet Plus numbers plus symbols as strings let me give you an example with just alphabetical characters I have an array of fruits to sort this array I can take the array name fruits use the built-in sort method then console.log my array of fruits let me expand this and here's my array all sorted when sorting we treat any elements as strings what if my array were numbers I'll add the numbers 1 through 10 in a somewhat random order let's change our array to be numbers numbers. sort con cons. log numbers here's the result we have one then 10 then the rest seem to be in order we're not sorting this array numerically we're sorting this array lexicographically we're treating each of these numbers as strings that's why we have one then 10 10 isn't at the end where we expect it would be there's a couple extra steps we need to do involving sorting numbers inside of the sort method we have to write a custom comparison function this is normally a call back but you can write a function expression or even better yet an arrow function we'll write an arrow function in this case let me zoom in with an arrow function we first need parameters we'll have parameters A and B we'll examine two contiguous elements 1 then 10 10 then two 2 then 9 9 and three so on and so forth then we need an arrow then we'll write a minus B our function a minus B will return either a negative zero or positive value depending on what values we're examining the sort method will sort those values into place depending on what the value returned is our array should be sorted you can see that 10 is at the end instead of right after one for reverse order you could say B minus a now we're starting with 10 and ending with one you can even sort objects by a given property let's go over that example we will create an array of people const people equals this will be an array will include four objects all comma separated the first will have a name property of SpongeBob age 30 and a GPA GPA 3.0 I'm going to zoom out for the next object just going to put that on a new line let's copy all these properties change name to be Patrick age will be 37 GPA 1.5 again for the next object we will have Squidward age 51 GPA 2.5 then lastly we'll have Sandy name Sandy let's make Sandy 27 GPA of course it's going to be a 4.0 I would like to sort this array of objects by each person's age we'll take our array of objects that's stored within people use the built-in sort method use our Arrow function a comma B Arrow we'll take parameter a that's person one do access their age property minus parameter B access their age property and that's all you got to do now let's console.log R people there we are we have Sandy who's the youngest then SpongeBob Patrick Squidward for reverse order you'll just change a to be B and B to be a Squidward Patrick SpongeBob Sandy or we can sort by a different property let's do GPA this time a. GPA b. GPA we have Patrick with the lowest GPA followed by Squidward SpongeBob Sandy then reverse order would be b. GPA minus a. GPA Sandy SpongeBob Squidward Patrick let's try sorting by the name property and see what happens minus b.n name we have SpongeBob Patrick Squidward Sandy but that doesn't seem to make sense these aren't in alphabetical order if you need to sort by a property that contains a string within an object there's a different formula we will take do use the buil-in local compare method compare to b. name this method will examine two strings for lexicographic order now these are all arranged lexicographically starting with Patrick then Sandy SpongeBob Squidward for reverse lexicographic order we would take b.n name. local compare then examine I've just now realized that there's a lot of SpongeBob characters whose first name starts with an S like we have three right here Squidward SpongeBob Sandy Patrick all right everybody so that is the sort method it's used to sort elements of an array in place it sorts elements as strings in lexicographic order not alphabetical and well everybody that is the sort method in JavaScript hey everybody in today's video I'm going to show you how we can Shuffle the elements of an array using JavaScript this is an optional video you might find this topic helpful if you're interested in making a game using JavaScript or any sort of application where you need some Randomness in this example we'll create a deck of cards our deck of cards will be an array we have an a for Ace the numbers 2 through 10 let me finish typing those in J for Jack Q for Queen k for King I'm not going to include any suits for these cards such as Ace of Hearts Ace of clubs that might be overkill for this example one method you might see floating around online to shuffle the elements of an array is to use the sort method then pass in an arrow function where you take math. randomus 0.5 I would not recommend using this method just because the results of this method aren't perfectly uniform let me console.log cards this array appears shuffled but it's not that uniform but not only that the larger the array becomes this method becomes increasingly more inefficient I would not recommend using the sort method to shuffle an array instead I would recommend using the fer Yates algorithm we'll create a dedicated function for this so we will Define a function to shuffle there will be one parameter and a array then to invoke this function we'll type the function name pass in our array of cards so what do we want to do exactly we're first going to Loop through the elements of this array we'll start at the end and work our way towards the beginning we'll use a for Loop to decrement So within our Shuffle function we'll create a for Loop we will declare index of I let I equal R array do length then minus one that's the first statement our array has 13 elements but the last index is 12 because array start with zero if the array's length is 13 we need to subtract 1 to get 12 which would give us the ending index of 12 we'll continue this loop as long as I is greater than zero then iusus to decrement now we have to generate a random number between the end and the beginning somewhere within this range we'll create const random random will store a random number take math. random method times I our index + one we'll need to round this number we're now going to enclose this equation with math. floor to round down math. floor and enclose this equation all right during the first iteration of this Loop we should generate a random number between the end and the beginning we'll swap our king with a random element within this array so to swap two elements of this array we can use destructuring in this context to use destructuring we'll take our original position array at index of I during our first iteration that will be the king we'll swap our King with our array at a random index the one that will be randomly generated equals our array at index IND of random comma array at index of I then to finish using destructuring we need to enclose both sides of this equation with an array there and that will swap two elements of your array now if I run this program this will Shuffle the elements of my array I would recommend using a dedicated Shuffle function because in a game it's likely you're going to shuffle something more than once throughout that game like I said this isn't a necessary topic to continue on with the series but if you're ever interested in making a game using JavaScript or need some element of Randomness well then this function would work great and that is how to shuffle the elements of an array using JavaScript what's up everybody so in today's video I'm going to explain date objects in JavaScript date objects are objects that contain values that represent dates and times these date objects can be changed and formatted to suit our needs here's an example we will create a date object that contains the current date and time to do so let's create a constant named date date will be an object we will call the date Constructor with the new keyword date then pass in no arguments for the current date and time so I'm going to console.log my date object which gives me my current date and time as of right now I'm filming this video on a Thursday November 9th the year 2020 23 at about 7: in the morning so depending on when you're watching this video the date and time is going to be different if you would like to create your own custom date and time object you'll have to pass in some arguments you can follow this order for the date Constructor the first argument corresponds to a year then month day hour minute second and milliseconds even so for the year let's say 2024 the month zero corresponds to January one is February then that means a month of 11 is December let's say January so that will be zero for the day one for the 1 for the hour uh 2 2 in the morning this is in Military Time by the way for the minute 3 minutes after the hour for the seconds 4 seconds after the minute we can even add milliseconds if we would like so for the milliseconds let's say five and here's my new date object Monday January 1st 2024 about 2 in the morning passing in a string representation of time to the date Constructor is also valid let's say the year is 2024 January 2nd for the time you're going to type t for time 12 noon then add Z for UTC time and there's my new date again Tuesday January 2nd 2024 6: in the morning another format you can use is within the date Constructor pass in a given amount of time in milliseconds since epic if I could describe epic I would describe it as when the date your computer thinks time began if you were to pass in zero to the date Constructor you'll be given a date and time around December 31st 1969 So within the date Constructor you can pass in a given amount of milliseconds since this date so if I was to pass in 1.7 billion milliseconds what I'm telling the day Constructor is give me the date and time that's 1.7 billion milliseconds since that epic date when I pass in 1.7 billion milliseconds the date that I'm given is Tuesday November 14th 2023 about 400 p.m. passing in milliseconds would be good for some sort of timer now let's use the current date and time I will pass in no arguments you can extract individual values from a date object I would like the year const year equals take our date object I will use the get full year method to get the year then I will console.log the year and this will be a number 2023 let's get the month const month equals our date object use the built-in get month method then I will console without log the month currently for me it's November not October so remember January is zero December is 11 let's get the day const day equals date get date not day if you get the day that will give you the day of the week like Sunday Monday Tuesday that sort of thing let's console.log the day so for me it's the the 9th let's get the hour const hour equals date get hours plural console.log the hour for me it's 7 in the morning let's get minutes const minutes equals get minutes console.log the minutes it is 7:45 in the morning get seconds get seconds console.log the seconds so 745 21 seconds after the minute now if you need the day of the week here's what you can do const day of week equal equals date get day that will give you the day of the week console.log day of week for me that is for Sunday is zero Monday is one so that means it is Thursday now with the date object you can even set the date with a method let's console.log the date I'm GNA set the Year date set full year I will set the year to be 2024 yep Saturday November 9th 2024 let's set the month set month I will set the month to be January so I will pass in zero Tuesday January 9th let's set the day that would be with set date not day I will set it to be the first January jary 1st the hours with set hours let's go with two for two in the morning set minutes 3 minutes past the hour set seconds 4 seconds past the minute you can even compare dates as well let's create two date objects const date one equals a new date I'll pass in a string representation of a date we won't include the time though for the year let's say 2023 December that would be 12 31st New Year's Eve basically and for date two let's say date two is New Year's Day 2024 January 1st using an if statement let's compare to see if date 2 is greater than date 1 if it is then let's console.log happy New Year so date two is greater than date one we'll print happy New Year let's change date two to be 2023 December 30th well nothing happens then but that's to be expected all right everybody so those are date objects they're objects that contain values that represent dates and times these date objects can be changed and formatted to suit our needs and well everybody those are date objects in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody so in today's video I got to explain closures in JavaScript a closure is a function defined inside of another function the inner function has access to the variables and scope of the outer function by using closures they allow for private variables and state maintenance JS libraries and Frameworks such as react View and angular use closures all of the time you'll see closures fairly often with function-based components you have functions inside of other functions let me give you a very basic example we'll have an outer function named outer within the outer function we'll have a function named inner the inner function has access to everything within the outer function this scope if I was to create a variable let message equal the word hello within my inner function I can use this message variable console.log my message now if I invoke the outer function nothing appears to happen when we call the outer function we're now within the scope but then what there's one of a few things we could do if I would like to call the inner function from within the outer function I would need to call it somewhere here let's call the inner function at the end there we go we have displayed the word hello everything within the outer function is part of a closure we have a function defined inside of a function this inner function has access to everything within that scope includ cluding this message variable one benefit of using closures is that any variables are considered private outside of the outer function I will attempt to update our message message equals goodbye now this doesn't work as you can see this message variable is in a different scope it's kind of like it's in another dimension what we've done here is we have created a different message variable in a different scope outside of the outer scope I have no way of accessing the message M variable so that's one of the benefits of closures you can encapsulate variables and make them private let me give you another example a closure can maintain the state of a variable we'll create a counter program so I'm going to create a function to increment within the increment function I will set a count variable equal to 0o I will increment our count by one then console.log I'll use a template string count increased to I'll add a placeholder we'll display our count variable now anytime I attempt to call the increment function it'll increase our count by one but if I was to execute this function again well we're redeclaring this variable of count we're resetting it every time we call this function I can't get the count to go past one because we we keep on resetting it but by using a closure we can have state maintenance we can maintain the state of this variable and remember where this variable was previously I mean I could take this variable and declare it outside of the function but then we don't have any security for that variable I will set the count equal to a million we're maintaining the state of that variable but it's not private anybody and anything can access and change that variable a closure maintains the state of a variable and makes it private what we'll do is enclose all of this code within another function we'll create a function to create a counter how do we access the scope within the create counter function here's another possibility we will return an object we will need a set of curly braces our object will have a property of increment and its Associated value will be a reference to increment there is a shorthand version of this you can just use the function name as a property we're returning an object with the method of increment so now I'm going to create an object named counter counter equals invoke the create counter function this will return an object that has an increment method so I'm going to take our counter object use the increment method count increase to one not only do we have an increment method we have a count variable as well you could say that what we've done with this outer function it's very similar to creating a class we can use classes to instantiate objects in this case we used a function to return an object so if I was to take my counter and increment it again our closure should maintain the state of that variable count count increase to two it's not resetting every time we call the method count increase to three let's attempt to access our count variable counter. count equals z then I will console.log our count reference ER count is not defined let's attempt to display our count variable console.log take our counter object access the account variable it is undefined we don't know what it is it's hidden your closure can have more than one function so what we'll do is create a get count function we'll use the get count function to return our count if we need access to it function get count we will return our count variable within the return statement we're returning an object we will add another property of a reference to the get count function so now within our counter we have a method to get the count variable let's console.log I'll use a template string the Curve current count is I'll add a placeholder take our counter object use the get count method the current count is three if I was to increment our counter again well that increased to four all right last example we're going to create a closure for a game where we keep track of points we have a score let score equal Z we'll Define the function function increase score we'll have one parameter points in order to score some points we have to pass in some points as an argument take our score plus equals R Points then let's console.log I'll use a template string plus add a placeholder R Points then I'll add pts meaning points it's shortened let's create a function for decrease score change increase to decrease score minus equals points minus points and then let's get our score function get score return the score if I need to increase the score I will invoke The increased score function but I have to pass in points we scored five points let's do this again we scored six points let's decrease the score I will subtract three points minus three points let's get the current score console. log I'll use a template string the final score is add a placeholder get score the final score is eight I'm going to add points after that eight points all right problem with this is that we can take our score and set it to anything you scored like a kajillion points so for some security let's enclose all of this code within a closure I'll create an outer function function create game this will return an object let's cut all of this code paste it within the outer function of create game and then at the end we will return an object that has references to these functions return an object we need curly braces for that a reference to increase score decrease score and get score so now I will use the create game function to return an object const game game will be our object we will invoke the create game function and return an object so now if I want to increase the score decrease it or get the score I have to use the methods of this object game. increase score game. decrease score and game.get score we have five points six points minus three points and then we have the final score of eight points well everybody those are closures think of them as a function defined inside of another function the inner function has access to the variables and scope of the outer function these are used frequently with JS libraries and Frameworks such as react View and angular especially when you work with function based components and well everybody those are closures in JavaScript hey what's going on people so in today's video I'm going to explain the set timeout function in JavaScript the set timeout function allows you to schedule the execution of a function after an amount of time in milliseconds the times are approximate they vary based on the workload of your JavaScript runtime environment I wouldn't recommend using set timeout for anything precise like a stopwatch it's an approximation to use the set timeout function you pass in a call back to a function and a delay in milliseconds here's an example I will create a function to say hello all we're going to do is window. alert the word hello I will use the set timeout function pass in a call back we'll pass in a call back to say hello then execute it after 3,000 milliseconds so 3 seconds let's see if this works 1 2 3 hello an anonymous function works too so instead of a call back we'll use an anonymous function function parenthesis curly braces window. alert the word hello 1 1000 2 1000 3 1000 hello or even an arrow function we have parameters Arrow what are we going to do window. alert the word hello 1 1,000 2 1,000 3 1,000 hello you can use the clear timeout function to cancel a timeout before it triggers but we have to pass in a time out ID so what we'll do with this set timeout function is assign it to an ID stored within a variable or constant const time out ID equals our set timeout function that'll display the word hello I can clear this time out with the clear time out function but I have to pass in that ID as an argument immediately after calling the set timeout function we will cancel it let's try it 1 1000 2 1000 3 1000 yeah nothing's happening we canceled it all right what we'll do this time is create a button using HTML when we click on the button we'll set a timeout to display the word hello so let's clear all of this go to our HTML file we'll create a button the button will have text of start and I'm going to zoom in I will set the onclick attribute to equal a function we will start a timer then add a set of parentheses when we click on the button do this function So within our Javascript file we will create a start timer function function start timer we will set time out I'll use an arrow function let's window. alert the word we will display the word hello after 3,000 milliseconds all right so nothing's going to happen until I click the button I'm going to click it now 1 1,000 2 1,000 3 1000 hello let's create a second button to clear the timeout if we need to stop it let's copy our first button paste it change the text of the button to be clear we will clear the timeout but we'll need another function clear timer so there's our second button we'll need a timeout ID so outside of this function I will declare a variable of let timeout ID when we start our timer we will assign the set timeout function an ID of timeout ID then we can stop it using this ID we will create a function to clear the timer we're going to use the clear timeout function clear time out we need to pass out a timeout ID as an argument which we will do and then just to be sure that everything works within both these functions let's console.log something let's say the word started within our start timer and within our clear timer let's display the word cleared just so we know that these functions were called so I'm going to save everything I'm going to start the timer but not clear it let's start now 1 1,00 21000 3 1,000 hello let's go to our console and it says that we started well starter I clearly can't spell today started we're going to start then cancel start 1 1,000 to 1,000 clear and nothing happened let's go to our console and expect console we started set timeout and then we cleared it all right everybody that is the set timeout function it's a function in JavaScript that allows you to schedule the execution of a function after an amount of time in milliseconds execution time may vary based on the workload of the JavaScript runtime environment and well everybody that is the set timeout function in JavaScript hey what's going on people so in today's video we're going to create a digital clock using JavaScript HTML and CSS so let's get started the HTML for this project is going to be very minimal I will create a develop the ID of the development will be clock Dash container within this development we'll have a nested development with an ID of clock we have a clock within a clock container as a placeholder temporarily the text on the clock will be 0 0 colon 0 0 colon 0 0 000000000000 0 and I'm just going to zoom in temporarily and that is all the HTML that we need let's head to our CSS stylesheet let's begin with the body I will set all margin to be zero originally let's select our clock container ID clock container I'll use flex box for the clock container display Flex I will justify content in the center justify content Center if you would also like to vertically align you'll need to add the following two lines of code I will align items Center this CSS property will vertically align any elements but the clock container itself is kind of small for example I'll add a border of two pixel solid the elements within the clock container are aligned both horizontally and vertically but the container itself is kind of small to vertically align this element within the window itself we'll have to increase the height of the clock container I will add height of 100 VH for the viewport height and we can remove the Border yep the clock is now within the middle of the container both horizontally and vertically but if you prefer it to be at the top you can eliminate these last two lines it's up to you let's style the clock itself we are selecting the ID of clock I will change the font family to be monospace this is the normal size when I'm zoomed in to 100% I will set the font size to be 6.5 RM then set the font weight to be bold and text align Center if you would like a background image for the body of your document I just so happen to have one right here it's a picture of Central Park in New York this is optional but if you would like to include a background image of this project within your CSS stylesheet you'll add the following CSS properties I will set the background image property to be a URL so what is the name of that image I'm going to copy the name of it and paste it within this URL function I'll set the background position to be the center right now we're seeing the top left of the image instead of the center background Position will be Center if you're using a small image your image might be repeating itself to take up all the available space to prevent that you can set the background repeat property to be no repeat mine already wasn't repeating though but yours might be then we'll set the background size to cover by adding this property this image will cover the entire window and maintain its aspect ratio if you do have additional content besides this clock you can keep the background in place when you scroll down by adding this property background attachment to be fixed this property isn't going to be apparent because we don't have a scroll bar but if you did have a scroll bar the background will stay in place at least let's head back to our clock element I will change the color the font color to be white if you would like a background blur effect you'll add this property we'll set the backdrop filter property to be a blur function the greater the number the more blur effect you're going to have so this is five pixels if I were to increase this to 50 well there's a lot of blur then I'll set my blur to be five I would just like a little bit as if we're looking through glass I'll increase the width to be 100% to take up 100% of the width of the web browser width 100% to give this glass look a foggy appearance we can add a background color that's slightly gray background- color let's select gray but I like using hsl values so for the lightness I'll set it to be 100% but I'm going to lower the alpha down to like 10% now the background has a foggy glass appearance if you were to increase the amount of alpha that'll increase the lightness I'll keep mine as 10% 0.1 for the alpha all right now we just need to get this clock to run so let's save everything go to our JavaScript file we will create a function to update our clock immediately when we begin this program we will update our clock once immediately now we need to get the current time let's declare a constant of now what is the time right now this will be a new date object to get the hour we will say const hours equals use the builtin get hours method then let's do this with minutes con minutes equals now. get minutes method and seconds const seconds equals now. get seconds I'm going to change the text content of the clock to be a time string it will be a template string how do we want to arrange our numbers const time string equals a template string first We'll add a placeholder for our hours colon minutes colon seconds then we will select the ID of clock document. getet element by ID the ID that we're getting is our clock change the text content to equal our time string when we save the time on the clock should update currently for me it's 8:00 for each of these placeholders for hours minutes and seconds I would like each to take up two digits We'll add some zeros for padding for example this time will be 08006 there's a built-in string method for that so with hours minutes and seconds we will convert these to Strings we'll use method chaining then add to string do this for hours minutes and seconds with strings there's a pad start method for the first two characters pad them with a zero let's copy this method and paste it for minutes and seconds now when I save an up the time we have zero padding 08 01 54 in this case to get this clock to update every second will follow update clock with the set interval function set interval works like set timeout except it will call a function repeatedly not just once but we need a call back the call back will be update clock call this function after every 1,000 milliseconds and now our our clock should run currently this clock is in military time although I'm recording this at 8 in the morning if you would like this clock to be a 12-hour clock then add am or p.m here's the following changes we're going to make we'll declare hours with let instead of const so we can change it and reassign it we'll create a new constant of meridium 400 a.m. or p.m. this will equal hours is ours greater than or equal to 12 we'll use the erary operator to check this if ours is greater than or equal to 12 meridium will be PM otherwise it will be am then after our meridium we'll reassign hours hours equals hours modulus modulus gives you the remainder of any division ours modulus 12 if this is zero we'll use the or logical operator or 12 after seconds We'll add a placeholder for our meridium currently we lost our padding for the hours so we're going to cut this part of our code to convert ours to a string and Pad it we'll take ours equals hours to reassign it follow hours with converting it to a string using the two string method and Pad it before displaying it all right and that has appeared to work all right everybody so that is a digital clock program you can make using HTML CSS and JavaScript hey what's going on everybody in today's video I'm going to show you how we can create a stopwatch program using JavaScript HTML and CSS so sit back relax and enjoy the show all right let's get started everybody we will create an H1 heading with textt of stopwatch and I will give this H1 element a unique ID of my H1 then we'll create a container for our stopwatch this will be a div element this div element will have an ID of container to contain everything our container is going to have two sections two developments the First Development is going to be for our display ID display I'll give this development some initial text as a placeholder we'll have zeros for hours minutes seconds and milliseconds then our next development will have an ID of controls for all the control buttons within this development of controls we'll create three buttons the first button will be start the ID of this button will will be start button BTN short for button then I will set the onclick event handler equal to a JavaScript function we will eventually create a start function we still need to Define it let's copy this button paste it twice the second button will be for stop the ID will be stop button the onclick attribute will be for a stop function the text on the button will be stop and then we have a reset button the ID is reset button the onclick attribute will be for a reset function the text on the button will be reset all right and that is all the HTML that we need let's go to our CSS stylesheet I will first select the body of our document we'll use flexbox to display everything because I like flexbox display Flex the flex Direction will be a column then I will align items Center I'll set the background color of this application background-color pick a color again I like using hsl values I'll set the lightness to 90% our container is going to be a lighter color we will select the ID of my H1 that's going to be the heading I will set the font size to be 4 RM the font family I will pick Ariel with a backup of s's serif for the font color I will set the color property to be pick a color I'll pick black but set the lightness to 25% all right now we are going to select the container that contains everything besides the heading this area we will select the ID of container I will use flex box within the container display Flex the flex direction will be a column and aligned item Center let's add a border a border around the container 5 pixel solid and I will round the corners border radius let's do 50 pixels and I'll add a little bit of padding padding 30 pixels and I will set the background color to be white background color white we'll work on the time display next select the ID of display I will set the font size to be 5 RM for the font family I'm going to set it to be monospace and the font weight I will set to be bold I'll change the color I'll set the lightness to 30% I'll give a text Shadow to the display so it looks like it's somewhat 3D like it's popping out so text Shadow two pixels and two pixels for the vertical and horizontal offset and a blur of two pixels now for the color I'm going to lower the alpha to 75% or so that's not bad bad then I'll add a little bit of margin to the bottom margin bottom 25 pixels now we have to style the buttons we will select the ID of controls but I would like the button elements within the controls after selecting the ID of controls select any buttons within that element we'll increase the font size of the buttons font size 1.5 RM I will set the font weight of the buttons to be bold I'll add a little bit of padding 10 pixels by 20 pixels I'll add some margin around the buttons 5 pixels I'll set a minimum width of the buttons to be 125 pixels let me scroll down I'll remove the border border none set the Border radius of the buttons to be 10 pixels change our cursor to be a pointer when we hover over the buttons let's see if that works yes it does then set the font color of the buttons to be white now let's color the start button we will select the ID of start button set the background color pick a color I'll start with something green pick whichever color you would like I'll pick this shade of green here are the values when we hover over the start button we will access the hover sudo class of our start button I'll decrease the lightness by 10% let's copy the markup that we have for the start button paste it twice we'll add color to the stop button and the reset button I'll set the stop button to be red here are the hsl values that I picked when I hover over this button I'll set the lightness to be 10% darker for the reset button I'll set that to be blue when we hover our cursor over the reset button I will set the lightness to be 10% darker not bad for all of the buttons I'm going to add a transition effect transition select the background color we will create an ease transition after 0.5 seconds we will ease so when you hover your cursor over the buttons there's going to be a slow transition when we hover okay and that is all the CSS that we need we will now go to the Javascript file to add some functionality let's declare all the variables we'll need we'll get the ID of the display and store a reference to it const display equals document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is display this ID we will create a timer let timer equals null timer is going to hold the ID of set interval so we can keep track of it and stop it if we need to then we need a start time let start time equal zero let elapsed time equal zero let is running this will be a Boolean which I will set to be false if the stopwatch is currently running we will flip this to be true and flip it to be false to stop it what are the functions that we need we have a start stop and reset function function start function stop function reset We'll add one more function of update to update the display function update we'll begin with the start method we'll enclose everything within our function within an if statement we need to check to see if our stopwatch isn't running if our stopwatch isn't currently running if not running then start the stopwatch we need to set the start time the start time equals we will get the current date date do now minus the elapse time which will be zero initially so just to demonstrate what the start time is I'm going to console.log my start time so the start time is going to be in milliseconds since epic epic basically speaking is when your computer thinks time began we will set our timer equal to the set interval function we will call the update function every 10 milliseconds so if I was to display my timer console.log timer this is what it is our timer stores a unique ID to work with this function if we ever need to stop it we'll take the Boolean variable of is running set it to be true because our stopwatch is not running now we need to go to the update function to actually get it working we need to get the current time const current time equals access our date use the now method what is the date right now we will calculate the elapse time equals the current time minus our start time whatever that was when we initially pressed the start button so the current time minus our original start time gives us the elapse time and this is going to be in milliseconds we need to convert the elapse time into a readable format using hours minutes seconds and milliseconds we'll begin with hours let hours equals take our lapse time divided by to convert milliseconds to hours we can follow this formula elapse time divided by 1,000 milliseconds * 60 seconds times 60 minutes we don't want any decimal portions with our hours we will enclose all of this with the floor method of math now we're going to do something similar with minutes let minutes equals take our lapse time we need to convert milliseconds to minutes divided by 1,000 milliseconds in a second times 60 seconds in a minute then modulus 60 modulus gives you the remainder of any division we don't want our minutes display to hit 60 or go above 60 once we hit 60 it'll reset back to zero enclose this formula with math. floor to round it math. floor okay then we have to take care of seconds let seconds equals take our lapse time divided 1,000 to convert milliseconds to seconds modulus 60 and close all of this with math. floor to round it now for milliseconds let milliseconds equals take the elapse time which is already in milliseconds modulus 1000 milliseconds is normally four digits we're going to divide it by 10 we only want the first two digits divided by 10 en close all of this with math. floor math. floor then let's change the display we'll access our display access the text content of the display set it equal to a template string if you would like to display the hours it's optional we will add a placeholder for hours colon placeholder minutes colon placeholder seconds if you would like to display the milliseconds we can add a placeholder for that colon placeholder milliseconds let's see what we have so far I'm going to hit the start button and here's what we got so the stopwatch is running but we should add some zeros for padding so I'm going to refresh to stop it we'll convert hours minutes seconds and milliseconds into a string then add some padding of zeros to it if the number is only one digit not two we will convert our hours minutes seconds and milliseconds into a string before displaying it so let's take hours equals hours I will typ cast it as a string follow this with the pad start method for the first two digits at a zero let's do this for minutes seconds and milliseconds minutes seconds and milliseconds we should have some zeros for padding to make each display two digits and that does appear to work nice now we just need to get the stopwatch to actually stop right now there's no functionality going to our stop function we need to check to see if our program is running is this variable is running true if is running if that that's true then stop the stopwatch we will use the clear interval function we need to pass in that unique ID for the timer this will stop the stopwatch from running then we will calculate the elapse time elapsed time equals the date right now date. now method minus the original start time then set is running equal to false because the stopwatch is stopped it's not running anymore now we can start the stopwatch and we can stop it we can start it and we can stop it the last thing we need to do is reset the stopwatch we can really just copy everything that we have when we initially assign these variables we need to clear the timer clear interval p pass in our variable timer that contains the ID of the set interval function the start time will be zero the elapse time will be zero is running will be false change the text content equal to all zeros this is for the hours minutes seconds and milliseconds all right let's see if everything works just fine we can start we can stop we can start we can stop we can reset we can start and we can stop all right everybody so that is how you can create a stopwatch program using JavaScript HTML and CSS hey what's going on everybody so today I'm going to explain es6 modules in JavaScript a module is an external file that contains reusable code that can be imported into other JavaScript files let's say you write a really difficult program well any part of that program you can import into a different application if you don't feel like rewriting it modules can contain variables classes functions and more es6 modules were introduced as part of the ecmascript 2015 update using modules we can create some reusable code that can be used in different programs different JavaScript files so what we'll do in this example we will create a new file I'll create a module for some math utility functions this file will be math u.j it's a separate Javascript file from our index file we will import this module mathu till. JS but in order to do so within our HTML file we have to set the type attribute equal to module we'll now treat our index file as a module we can Import and Export other modules freely but we have to be sure to include this attribute and set it equal to module So within our math util module we can write some reusable code for other programs so let's define what Pi is Pi equal 3.14159 we'll create a function to get circumference you have to pass in a radius though that's going to be the parameter function get circumference we need a radius we will return 2 * pi time radius then we'll create a function to get area get area we still need a radius we will turn Pi * radius * radius then get volume to get the volume of a sphere function get volume again we need a radius we will return 4 * < * radius * radius I can reuse these variables and functions for any JavaScript program that I have I can import them in order to do so though we need to be sure that we prefix each variable function or class or anything else with the export keyword so that we can import it elsewhere so let's be sure we do that all right be sure to save everything we can close out of this module then from our index CSS file I will import then we're going to use object destructuring we need a set of curly braces from the location of that module so these files are right next to each other relatively speaking the right next to each other I would need slash the name of that file math util and this is a Javascript file now anything I would like to import I'll place within the set of curly braces we're going to be using object destructuring from this JavaScript module I would like Pi comma separate each entity then I would like get circumference get area get volume I can now use these variables and functions as if they were already part of my Javascript file for example I'm going to console.log Pi and Pi does have a value because we imported it let's get the circumference but we do need to pass in a radius this is a function that we have imported from that mathutils module I will store the result within a variable const circumference equals we'll invoke the get circumference function from that module I'll pass in 10 then we're going to display the circumference I'll use console. log I'll use a template string include a placeholder display the circumference plus a unit of measurement like cenm 62.83 one8 CM this isn't necessary but I'm going to round this number to two decimal places using the two fixed method of numbers let's round to two decimal places let's create an area variable const area equals get area I'll pass in 10 for the radius let's copy this line and paste it because I'm lazy let's display our area variable with cm cubed 31416 cenm cubed then we'll create a volume variable const volume equals get volume I will pass in 10 and then we will display the volume volume cm cubed and our volume if we pass in a radius of 10 would be 1,256 64 cm cubed all right everybody so those are modules they external files that contain reusable code that can be imported into other JavaScript files you can write variables classes functions and more that can be reused in other programs you just have to be sure to import them and well everybody those are es6 modules in JavaScript yo what's going on on people so in today's video I got to explain what asynchronous code is in JavaScript synchronous is code that executes line by line consecutively in a sequential manner synchronous code waits for an operation to complete for example if I were to use console.log Let's Pretend We're performing some task it doesn't matter what the task is we will pretend that task one is complete then we'll move on to task two then task three all this code is synchronous we're executing this code line by line we can't move on to task two until we complete task one there is an order of events that we need to follow it's code that waits for an operation to complete now on the other hand asynchronous code allows multiple operations to be performed concurrently without waiting asynchronous code doesn't block the execution flow and allows the program to continue imagine that asynchronous code is kind of like a time traveler a time traveler can move out of the flow of time but the rest of the world continues time resumes normally asynchronous code doesn't block the execution flow time moves on with or without it asynchronous code is typically found with input output operations Network requests and fetching data anything that could take an indeterminate amount of time so for example I will use the set timeout function after after 3 seconds I will execute a function let's console.log let's say task one we'll change these three lines to be task 2 task three task 4 I will finish Task 1 after 3,000 milliseconds now check this out we've already completed task 2 3 and four but task one finished last that's because set timeout is one of many asynchronous functions s the rest of the program isn't going to wait around for it to complete it runs concurrently with the rest of my code that's why task one was completed at the end and not at the beginning there's different ways to handle a synchronous code we're already familiar with callbacks but there's also promises as well as a sync and a wait we still need to discuss these topics in the future but we're already familiar with callbacks if it's crucial that task 2 through 4 finishes after task one we can use a callback we don't necessarily know how long this asynchronous function is going to take what we could do in this example is create a function function Funk one meaning function one I will execute this code within function one then we will accept a callback as an argument then we'll have function Funk 2 to do some synchronous code function two will have tasks 2 through 4 after task one is complete I will invoke my call back to function two so with an arrow function I have more than one line of code I need to add a set of curly braces after task one I will invoke that call back so then if I call function one I have to pass a call back to function two so Now function one is asynchronous but I need this synchronous code to execute after task one is complete and now that should work one 2 3 there it is we have task one which is asynchronous followed by task two task three and task four so by using callbacks that's one way in which we can handle asynchronous code but we still need to discuss promises a sync and a wait which are future topics all right everybody so that is what a synchronous code is synchronous code executes line by line consecutively in a sequential manner asynchronous code allows multiple operations to be performed concurrently without waiting asynchronous code doesn't block the execution flow and allows the rest of the program to continue asynchronous code is commonly found with input output operations Network requests and fetching data usually anything that takes an indeterminate amount of time and well everybody that's what asynchronous code is in JavaScript hey people so in today's video I'm going to explain error objects in JavaScript and how to handle them an error is an object that is created to represent a problem that occurs errors occur often usually when we accept user input or establish a connection it's an object that's created to represent a problem so for example I am going to console.log the word hello and then afterwards I'm going to display a message to indicate that we have reached the end of the program you have reached the end this runs as it should right let's say I misspell log as leg well we encounter an uncaught type error there's many different types of Errors console. leg is not a function type errors tend to happen when we try and access something within an object that doesn't exist one big issue that we run into is that we prematurely exit the program it never finishes executing we have not reached the end errors when they're uncaught interrupt the normal flow of our program another example of an error would be a reference error I will console.log X but X isn't defined we have an uncaught reference error X is not defined and again it interrupts our program we never reach the end errors can be generated for all sorts of issues such as network issues promise rejection which we still need to talk about and security errors when we encounter a problem when doing one of these things an error object will be generated and it interrupts our program there's a solution though and that is to handle these errors when they occur we can do that with try catch and find blocks with the tri block we can enclose any code that might potentially cause an error such as if we're trying to establish a connection to something if that connection fails an error can occur if we don't handle it it's going to interrupt our program so all of this code I will place within a tri block we will try all of this code but we need a catch block too the catch block has one parameter it will catch an error object then let's console.log the error object to see what it is so let's run this we have a reference error a is not defined see now we are reaching the end of the program the program is not being interrupted we have gracefully handled this error before it was uncaught but now it's caught for catching errors I wouldn't recommend using console.log rather I would use console . error this will highlight any errors that occur and still handle them it's good for debugging we can clearly see the error reference error X is not defined and again it doesn't interrupt our program we still reach the end now optionally you can add a finally block the finally block always executes regardless if an error comes up the finally block is usually used for closing files closing connections or releasing resources usually when you open something or establish a connection you need to close it afterwards you don't want to leave it open that's where the finally block comes in do any cleanup at the end whether or not an error occurs so just to test this I'm going to console.log this always executes I'm going to console.log X we have a reference error it is caught so it doesn't interrupt anything we're still executing the finally block and we reach the end of our program if we don't run into any errors I'm going to console.log hello there are no errors that occur we don't end up catching anything this always executes the finally block and we reach the end of our program so any code that is considered dangerous where it could cause an error you'll want to surround with a tri block and then catch them in the future if you ever open any files or establish a connection you'll want to finally block two close those connections but we haven't discussed that yet errors can also occur when accepting user input because we don't know what the user is going to type in in a worst case scenario a user could type in a malicious script in this next example I'm going to create a constant for a dividend and a advisor const dividend equals window. prompt enter a dividend with division a dividend is the number that is being divided and we need a diviser a divisor is the number we're dividing by enter a divisor then I'm going to create a constant result result equals our dividend divided by our diviser console.log the result what is 1 / 2 0.5 now mathematically speaking we can't divide a number by 0 if you attempt to do this in JavaScript I will divide 1 by zero you end up with infinity we can intentionally cause errors then handle them with try catch and optionally finally blocks so this code is considered dangerous I'll place it within a tri block we need to catch any errors catch an error object if it occurs then console. error the error object so just to test this instead of console. log I'll misspell log as leg I should probably add a message just to confirm that we have reached the end you have reached the end 1 / 0 type error console. leg is not a function but we still reach the end our program isn't interrupted within a tri Block in certain situations we can intentionally cause an error I'm going to use an if statement if our divisor is equal to zero then I will throw a new error object we're calling the error Constructor to constru conu a new error object within the Constructor we have one argument we can pass in a message what is the error going to say you can't divide by zero okay let's try this enter a dividend one enter divisor I'll type in zero then press okay we have a caught error you can't divide by zero our program isn't interrupted we still reach the end let's change console. Le back to log cuz I forgot to do that what if somebody attempts to type in something that's not a number enter a dividend one enter a divisor I'll type in the word Pizza not a number you have reached the end I would like to throw a new error when somebody doesn't type in a number what I can do is that with our prompt I will typ cast it as a number if somebody enters in some non-numeric characters for either the dividend or the diviser we will store within there not a number so let's check that with an if statement if is not a number if our dividend is not a number or our divisor is not a number let's throw a new error throw new error values must be a number I will divide one by the word Pizza error values must be a number we still reach the end of our program with error objects you can even create your own in certain situations and then you can handle them however you want all right everybody so those are error objects and how to handle them an error is an object that is created to represent a problem that occurs they occur often with user input or establishing some sort of connection to handle them you can use try catch and optionally finally blocks which are mostly used for cleanup if there's any code that can cause an error place it within a tri block and catch any errors that happen and well everybody that is how to handle errors in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody in today's video we're going to create a calculator program using HTML CSS and JavaScript so let's get started all right let's do this thing everybody we have a lot of buttons to create but we'll need a container I will create a div element the div element will have an ID of calculator within the div element we'll create an input element the input element will have an ID of display to display the numbers that we type in I don't want somebody to enter in some text for the display I would like this display to be readon I will add the read only property so we can't type in anything even though I'm trying I will create a nested div element that has an ID of keys for all of the keys we need to add a lot of buttons we'll begin with the first I will create a button element the text on the button will be plus I will set the on click attribute of this button to be a JavaScript function we still need to Define this fun function eventually we'll create a append to display function we have one argument to pass into this JavaScript function a character of plus that's our first button let's copy this button and paste it 13 additional times if I counted right okay the second button will be seven the character we're passing in is seven followed by 8 9 minus 4 5 six asterisk for multiplication 1 2 3 forward slash for division then zero and here are the new buttons I miscounted we need to add one more a DOT for a decimal now we need an equals button we're going to arrange that a little different let's create a button with the text of equals the onclick attribute of this specific button is going to be calculate then we need a button to clear our screen the text on this button will be capital c for clear the onclick attribute of this button is going to be clear display and that is all the buttons we'll need so let's save everything and let's go to our CSS stylesheet I'm going to zoom back to 100 % first let's style all these buttons I will select all buttons for each button I will set the width to be 100 pixels the height to be 100 pixels so they're even I would like rounded buttons I will set the Border radius property to be 50 pixels so they're circles let's remove the border border none I'll change the background color of the buttons background- color I'll use hsl values I'll set the lightness to be 30% so they're darker for the text of the button I will set the color to be white for the font size I will set that to be 3 RM set the font weight to be bold then when I hover my cursor over one of the buttons I would like my cursor to be a pointer cursor pointer now we have to arrange these buttons properly let's select the ID of keys keys is a development that's containing all of the buttons this element all of the buttons are within to arrange these buttons in a grid we can set the display property to be a grid for this calculator I would like four columns to do that I will set the grid template columns property to be we'll use the repeat function of CSS I would like four columns then to arrange these buttons evenly you can use one f r f FR stands for fractional unit one F FR indicates that each column should take up an even amount of space so now we have Columns of four if I were to set this to three we would have Columns of three but I'm going to use Columns of four because I would like all of the operators on the left hand side I'll set the Gap to be 10 pixels that is the gap between each of the rows then I'll add some padding of 25 pixels that's padding around the keys let's select the ID of calculator I'll add that to the top to keep everything organized with our calculator I will select a font family of aiel with a backup of s serif let's pick a background color for the calculator I will select something darker I'll set the lightness to be 15% I'll round the corners of the calculator border radius 15 pixels the corners of the calculator are smooth now then I will set a Max width of the calculator to be 500 pixels if any elements overflow I will set that to be hidden this is mostly for our display if we have a very long equation all right next let's select the display right now it's kind of small we are selecting our ID of display let's set the width to be 100% I'll add some padding of 20 pixels for the text of the display I will set the font size to be 5 RM let's text a line left I'll remove the border border none and I'll change the background color I'll just copy this property because I'm lazy let's increase the lightness to 20% then we'll select the body of our document I will remove all margin margin zero I would like the calculator to be in the middle of my window right now it's in the top left corner if you would prefer it up here you can leave it as is I will set the display to be Flex for Flex box justify content in the center for a horizontal alignment M for vertical alignment we can set align items to be Center but we do need to increase the height of the body of the document so it's 100% I will set the height to be 100 VH for 100% of the viewport height that should place the calculator in the middle of the body of our document both horizontally and vertically for the background color I'm going to decrease the lightness slightly for the background color I will set the lightness to be like 95% okay let's go to the bottom of our CSS stylesheet when I hover over one of these buttons I would like to increase the lightness so with all buttons with the hover sudo class change the background color so the lightness is 40% instead of 30 now these buttons light up when we hover our cursor over one of the buttons now when I click on one of the buttons I'll increase the lightness further so it flashes we are selecting the active pseudo class now let's take our background color property increase the lightness to 50% when we hover over a button it lights up when we click on it it flashes momentarily so with all of these operators I would like all of these op buttons to be a different color I'll pick orange we're going to give each of these buttons a new class let's head back to our HTML file beginning with the plus button I will set the class equal to operator Das BTN for button so let's copy this class paste it for our minus button multiply button divide button and the clear button now we will select the class of operator BTN for button let's change the background color I'm going to set the background color to be orange I've already pre-picked a color when I hover my cursor over one of the operator buttons I would like the color to be a lighter orangee instead of gray let's take our operator button access the hover sudo class I'll increase the lightness to 65% then when I click on one of these buttons I would like the lightness to increase further with the operator button class with the active pseudo class increase the lightness to 75% so when I click on one of the operator but buttons it's going to flash momentarily all right and that is all the HTML and CSS that we need now we just need to add functionality let's go to our Javascript file for our Javascript file there's not a lot we have to write first we need to get the display element so what was that ID display const display equals document. getet element by ID get the ID of display we have three functions to create a function for append to display calculate and clear display these three functions function append to display there is one parameter input because we were passing in a character when we call this function then we have a function to clear display then a function to calculate we'll begin with a pen to display all we're going to do is take our display this element access its value append it with plus equals our input and let's see if this works seven I forgot to change the font color of the display so let's do that within our display element let's set the color to be white okay that's much better 7.13 + 5 equals okay we know that that works when I click on the clear button I would like to clear this display let's access our display element at access the value property set it equal to an empty string 3.14159 when I hit clear it should clear the display lastly we have calculate let's take our display elements value property set it equal to now we're going to use the eval function the eval function takes an expression such as 1 + 2 + 3 and evaluates it and gives a result it's kind of like it's its own built-in calculator so to say evaluate the value within our display display. value so if I add 3.14 plus 1.01 I'm given a result of 4.15 now for some reason if we get an error for example 7 + equal well we have a problem let's go to our console we've encountered an uncaught syntax error because we never finished our equation in the last lesson we learned about error handling this is dangerous code it can cause an error let's surround this code with a try block we will try this code and catch any errors that happen so we need a catch block now catch any errors we will change the value of the display to equal some text of error all right and that should work 3.14 times equals that results in an error we can clear it and then start over what's 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 that would be 10 all right everybody so that is is a calculator program you can make using JavaScript HTML and CSS impress your friends all right what's going on people so today I got to explain what the Dom is in JavaScript the Dom is the document object model it's a JavaScript object that represents the page you see in the web browser and it provides you with an API to interact with it the web browser constructs the Dom when it loads an HTML document and structures all of the elements in a tree like representation within my HTML document we have our HTML element as the root element the HTML element contains a head element and a body element and many various elements can be found within each of these they're arranged in a tree likee data structure but we access this tree like data structure from the document object in past lessons in order to select an element by its ID we would type document dot then follow it with a method like get l element by ID and then we would select an element by its ID our document is an object it contains properties and methods and other nested objects if I was to console.log the document well then it's going to display my HTML document now you can also use dur meaning directory this will list all of the properties of this object so here's my document object and all of the different properties it contains it's one gigantic object for example we have a title the title of the web page that would be found right here near the bottom document but you can change it I will access our document as if it was an object because it is access the title property change it to something else like my website now if I display the title that property has changed it's now my website dynamically after the page loads I would like to change the background color of my document later on in the series we're going to create a toggle button to toggle between light and dark mode just to give you an example if I need to change my theme to be dark mode I could access the document object access the body access the style then change the background color property to some color let's stick with black for now I'll use hsl the Hue will be zero saturation will be 0% and the lightness will be 15% even though we have no CSS we're still able to dynamically change the background color let me give you another example we'll create an H1 element this H1 element will say welcome I will give this element an ID ID welcome- MSG meaning message and I'm just going to zoom in a little I will create a constant of username type in your username or your full name I'm going to conditionally change the content of this HTML document I will get this element by its ID our welcome message const welcome message I'm using camel case naming convention for this so I will access my document use the get element by ID method that ID was welcome- message MSG for short I would like to update the text content of this element I'll take my welcome message access the text content of it then appen some text using stringy catnation I'll use the tary operator to see if my username is strictly equal to an empty string is our username empty did somebody not type it in question mark If username is empty I will append our welcome message with guest otherwise our username my username has a name it's not empty it will display my name welcome Thro code if it was empty if somebody didn't type it in it will display welcome guest so that's an introduction to the document object model the document object model is a JavaScript object that represents the page you see in the web browser and it provides you with an API to interact with it the web browser constructs the Dom when it loads an HTML document and structures all of the elements in a tree likee representation by using JavaScript we can access the Dom dynamically after the page loads and change the content structure and style of a web page and well everybody that is an introduction to the document object model in JavaScript hey it's me again so today I got to explain element selectors in JavaScript element selectors are methods used to Target and manipulate HTML Elements by using these methods they allow you to select one or more multiple HTML elements from the Dom the document object model these methods are built-in methods of document the Dom we can select Elements by an ID a Class A tag name and then there's query selector and query selector all these methods return something different either an element an HTML collection or a node list one method you're probably already familiar with is get element by ID so in this example within our HTML document we will create an H1 element I will create a heading for my sample web page I'm hungry so I'm going to talk about food my heading is going to be food are us it's like Toys R Us but it's with food I'm going to give this H1 element an ID of my Dash heading so going back to our Javascript file I can select this element by its ID I'll store a reference to it const my heading equals we're accessing the Dom with document. get element by ID that ID was my heading I can access this element this H1 element using this reference so let's take my heading access its style access its background color so with CSS properties in JavaScript if you're accessing them through the Dom they have a camel case nameing convention if you're selecting these properties with CSS they have a hyphenated naming convention so do pay attention to that so with the background color I will set it to be yellow as if we're highlighting it you could also apply different CSS properties let's take my heading access its style access the text align property and set it to be Center and it's now centered now if I was to console.log this element of my heading this is what we would see it displays my HTML element including its style if it has style for some reason if this ID doesn't exist for example I'll misspell heading as heading with an extra G well this returns null if I were to eliminate these two lines of code you can see that null get element by ID returns a single element if it finds it or null if it doesn't the next method is get Elements by class name this returns an HTML collection it's similar to an array but it's limited in the built-in methods that it has So within our HTML document I will create three separate div sections this first development will have a class of fruits my first fruit will be apple so let's copy this development paste it two times I'll change the second to be orange then banana all right going back to our Javascript file I will use this method of get Elements by class name this will return an HTML collection it's similar to an array but it's not technically the same so const fruits this will be the name of my HTML collection equals docu doent we're accessing the Dom get Elements by class name what is the class name that we're getting fruits let's console. log fruits just to see what it is what are we working with so fruits is an HTML collection my collection contains these three elements we have three objects within this HTML collection if I was to take a look at some of these properties we should have text content so for the first element we have text content of Apple for the next div element which has an index of one the text content is orange we can assume that the next element has text content of banana to change something about one of these elements let's begin with the first element we have an HTML collection of fruits to select one of these elements you'll use an index so let's take our HTML collection of fruits at index zero that's going to return the first element our div element of Apple I will access its style access its background color set it equal to be yellow as if we're highlighting it there we are Apple it's highlighted for the next element I will increase the index to one that will select our orange and then two would be banana if I would like to iterate over all of these elements I can use an enhanced for Loop we'll say let fruit of fruits HTML collections are iterable we can iterate them with an enhanced for Loop let's take each fruit access its style access its background color then set it to be yellow and that should highlight all of them now HTML collections don't have a built-in for each method HTML collections do allow for live updates but unfortunately they have a limited amount of utility methods if I attempt to use our HTML collection of fruits then attempt to use a for each method here's what happens we have a type error fruits. 4 each is not a function HTML collections don't have a for each method we're not able to use that what we could do is typ cast our HTML collection as an array let's access the class of array then use the from method this will return a new array of fruits we'll typ cast our HTML collection as an array then you could follow this with the for each method if you so choose for each element within our array after type casting it let's take each fruit I'll use an arrow function what would we like to do let's take each fruit access its style access its background color then set it to be yellow as if we're highlighting it and that does work get Elements by class name will return an HTML collection of all matching elements that share this class if you would like to use array method me with this HTML collection you would want to typ cast it to an array all right now we have get Elements by tag name within our HTML document we'll create two unordered lists I will create an H4 heading of root vegetables let me scroll down I will create an unordered list with a few list items three should be good for my first list item that will be beets beets are a root vegetable carrots and potatoes let's copy our unordered list and our H4 heading paste it change the second H4 heading to be nonroot vegetables my first list item within this other list will be broccoli celer and onions I just picked three vegetables kind of at random with our next method of get Elements by tag name I can select one of these elements by their tag name H4 unordered list list items take all matches within our HTML document stick them all within an HTML collection I will create const const H4 elements equal alss we're accessing the Dom use the get Elements by tag name method let's select all H4 elements then I will console.log my HTML collection of H4 elements let's see what it is so it looks like this HTML collection has two elements two H4 elements the text content of the first element is root vegetables then we can assume that the other element is non-root vegetables yes it is non-root vegetables we can access individual elements of this HTML collection by an index let's take this reference of H4 elements access the first index access the style access the background color set it to be yellow as if we're highlighting it and that should highlight root vegetables the next index of one would be non-root vegetables to apply CSS properties to all of the elements I can use an enhanced for Loop for let H4 element singular of H4 elements plural take each H4 element access its style access its background color set it to be yellow and that will highlight all of the H4 elements let's create another HTML collection of all the list item elements we'll create another reference to all list item elements so that'll be beets carrots potatoes broccoli celery and onions const Li elements equals document. getet Elements by tag name the tag that we're selecting is all list item elements so using a for Loop let's iterate through them let Li element singular of Li elements plural for each list item element access the style access the background color then set it to be a different color let's say light green and now all list item elements will be a light green color and again since the these are HTML collections not arrays they don't have any array methods but we can typ cast them so that they do if I wanted to change the background color of these with the for each method of arrays I'm going to typ cast our HTML collection of H4 elements as an array I will access the class of array use the from method pass our HTML collection of H4 elements as an argument if I wanted to use the for each loop I can method change follow this with for each what do we want to do for each of these elements take each H4 element use an arrow function do this take each H4 element access its style access its background color set it to be yellow and that does work so let's do this with our list item elements I'll just copy this because I'm lazy we'll type cast our list item elements HTML collection for each list item element take each list item element access its style access its background color set it to be light green and that does work to that is the get Elements by tag name selector it will select all elements with a matching tag name throughout your document it returns an HTML collection now we're going to talk about query selector query selector will return the first matching element or null if it doesn't find any matches I will create a const of element equals document. query selector query selector will return the first match to select an element by a class name we'll use dot the name of the class these three elements have a class of fruits let's select that dot fruits if I was to take this element access its style access its background color set it to be yellow which element do you think is going to be selected the first Apple it's the first matching element Cory selector only returns a single element the first match if I selected a tag name of H4 that would select root vegetables even though we have two H4 elements the first matches selected if I selected the first list item element that would select beats that is the first list item element on my web page if I changed this to UL meaning unordered list it would select the first unordered list if I attempt to select something that doesn't exist like any ordered lists well they don't exist there's no matches if I was to console.log my element it would return n there's no matches so query selector selects the first matching element or null you can select a class or a tag name then the last method we'll discuss is query selector all this returns a node list a node list is similar to an HTML collection except it has built-in methods similar to arrays however no lists are static HTML collections are live since node lists are static they do not update automatically in the Dom HTML collections are live they will I'm going to select all elements that have a class of fruits I'll create a reference to this const fruits equals document. query selector all we are getting a class of fruits I can access this node list by an index number let's select the first element access the style access the background color set it to be yellow and that will select Apple let's select the next element that's orange the next would be banana let's select all list item elements I'm going to rename this though let's rename fruits as Foods let's select the first element that would be beets the next element would be carrots then potatoes broccoli celery onions so if I was to console.log Foods this would give me a node list with six elements node lists do have a built-in for each method let's use that we don't need to typ cast it as an array take our node list of foods use the built-in for each method what do we want to do take each food use an arrow function do this take each food access its style access its background color set it to be yellow this will take all list item elements change the background color to Yellow as if we're highlighting them all right everybody so those are different element selectors get element by ID get Elements by class name get Elements by tag name query selector and query selector all there is a lot of overlap where you could select any number of these to select something but they each return something different personally I like using a combination of get element by ID and query select all but that's just my personal preference in conclusion element selectors are methods used to Target and manipulate HTML elements they allow you to select one or more multiple HTML elements from the Dom once you select your element or elements you can make any sort of changes that you would like and well everybody those are element selectors in JavaScript yo what's going on people so today I got to explain Dom navigation in JavaScript Dom navigation is the process of navigating through the structure of an H HTML document using JavaScript HTML elements include but are not limited to the following properties for D navigation we can get the first child the last child the next sibling the previous sibling a parent or all the children of an element so for this exercise within our HTML document we're going to create a few unordered lists of course these unordered lists are going to be for food because I like food the first unorder list will have an ID of fruits let's create a few list item elements an apple an orange and a banana we'll need a few unordered lists to work with let's copy this unordered list and paste it twice the second list will be for vegetables pick some vegetables I'll pick carrots onions potatoes the third unordered list will be for desserts I'll pick cake pie ice cream that is good enough for now heading back to our Javascript file I will now discuss the property of first element child our unordered lists are elements they each have their own children a child element is any element found within this element our unordered list of fruits has three children Apple orange banana vegetables has three children carrots onions potatoes desserts has three children as well cake pie and ice cream let's say that our unordered list of fruits is a parent well Apple would be the firstborn orange would be the middle child and banana would be the last born if these were actual children so think of it that way so so I'm going to create a constant of element I'll be using this as a reference document. getet element by ID I will get that unordered list of fruits I'm storing this unordered list within this element I will create a reference for the first child equals take our element access the first element child if I was to take this element change its style access its background color set it to be yellow which element is going to be highlighted Apple if I selected a different element like my Ida vegetables the first child would be carrots then desserts the first element child of desserts is cake they are the firstborn children they're at the top Within These un ordered lists if you used query selector all I'll give you a demonstration I will select all unordered lists const UL elements equals document dot query selector all select all unordered lists this will return a node list node lists do have their own built-in for each method take all UL elements use the built-in for each method what do we want to do iterate over every unordered list element do this let's create a reference to the first child equals take our unordered list element access its first element child then store it as a reference let's take our first child access its style access its background color property set it to be yellow that will highlight all of the first element children of all the unordered lists so that's how you can use Query selector all to select all of the first children of all matching elements now we're going to access last element child with our unordered lists if we're select ing our elements of fruits vegetables and desserts this would return the last child banana potatoes or ice cream depending on what we're selecting if these were actual children these three elements are the last born they're the youngest I'm going to create a reference to an element equals access the Dom get element by ID I will get my ID of fruits I will create a reference refence to the last child equals take our element get the last element child take our last child element access its style access its background color set it to be yellow so that will highlight banano if I change the selected element to vegetables that would select potato es if I selected desserts that would select ice cream they are the last element children found within each of these elements if I were to use Query selector all to select all unordered lists let's create const UL elements equals document. query selector all select all unordered elements this returns a node list they have their own built-in for each method take our node list of unordered elements use the built-in for each method take each unordered list element use an arrow function to do this I will create a reference to the last child equals take each unordered list element access the last element child take the last child during each iteration access its style access its background color set it to be yellow and that will select banana potatoes and ice cream select all unordered lists take each of their last children change the background color to be yellow so that is the last element child property in this next example I'll demonstrate next element sibling but we're going to make a few changes going back to our h HTML file we will give each of these list items a unique ID so let's start with the first the ID will be Apple for the first list item element I'll copy this ID for each of these elements and then change them in a moment so we have apple followed by orange banana carrots onions potatoes cake pie then ice cream if I'm selecting my unordered list of fruits Apple orange banana or the children they are all siblings to each other if I were to select Apple then get the next sibling that would be orange if I select carrots the next sibling would be onions if I selected cake the next sibling would be pie so let's create a constant of element equals document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm going to select is Apple I will create a reference to the next sibling equals take our element access its next element sibling take our next sibling access its style access its background color set it to be yellow if I'm selecting Apple the next sibling to that would be orange if I were to select orange the next sibling would be banana if I were to select banana well banana doesn't have a next sibling it's the last in line we wouldn't be selecting anything there is no next sibling for banana if I were to select carrots the next sibling is onions if I selected onions the next sibling is potatoes if I selected cake the next sibling is pie if I selected pie the next sibling is ice cream what if I SEL selected fruits vegetables or desserts what would be highlighted I will select the ID of fruits that would highlight my unordered list of fruits these three unordered lists of fruits vegetables and desserts they're all children of the body they're all siblings to one another it's kind of like if the list item elements of Apple through ice cream are all children the unordered lists of fruits vegetables and desserts are the parents and the body is the grandparent if I select the unordered list of fruits the next sibling would be vegetables by accessing the next element sibling of my unordered list of fruits that selects my unordered list of vegetables if I selected vegetables then get its next sibling that would give me this unordered list of desserts all right then we have previous element sibling if I select an element we'll get the the previous element sibling so if I were to select orange that would give me Apple if I selected banana that would give me orange if I selected onions that would give me carrots I will create a constant for element equals document. getet element by ID I will select orange const prev meaning previous sibling equals take our element access the the previous element sibling if I were to take my previous sibling access it style access its background color set it to be yellow the previous sibling of orange is Apple the previous sibling of banana is orange if I selected onions the previous sibling is carrots the previous sibling of potatoes is onions the previous sibling of pie is cake the previous sibling of ice cream is pi if I selected the first sibling then attempt to get the previous sibling well we don't select anything the previous sibling of a first child doesn't exist if I selected the previous sibling of my unordered list of vegetables that would select my unordered list of fruits if I selected the unordered list of desserts that would give me vegetables now we have the parent element property whichever element I select will get the parent the parent is the element that contains it const element equals document. getet element by ID I will select Apple const parent equals access our element access the parent element let's take our parent access its style access its background color set it to be yellow that will highlight my unordered list of fruits if I selected orange well that wouldn't change the parent is still fruits same thing goes with banana if I selected carrots well the parent is vegetables that unordered list if I selected ice cream while the parent is desserts so that's how to get the parent of an element you can access the parent element property the last property we'll discuss is children we can return all of the children of a selected element I will create a const element equals document. getet El element by ID I will select my ID of fruits I would like all children of this element I'll create a reference to Children equals take our element access the children property if I was to console.log Children this is what we're working with by accessing the children of an element that returns an HTML collection this HTML collection has three list item elements HTML collections don't have a built-in for each method I would need to typ cast it as an array using the from method of arrays let's take all of our children convert it to an array then method chain the for each method let's take each child from children then do this take each child during each iteration access its Style access its background color set it to be yellow so this will highlight all children of a selected element Apple orange then banana if I selected vegetables that would highlight carrots onions potatoes if I selected desserts that would highlight cake pie then ice cream you can even access these children by an index number let's say you would like to highlight a middle sibling orange onions or pie let's take our children it's an HTML collection access it by an index number so let's access children at index one of desserts that would highlight pie let's select vegetables that would highlight onions then fruits would highlight orange all right everybody so that is an introduction to Dom navigation it's the process of navigating through the structure of an HTML document using JavaScript there are several different properties that you can use to navigate through HTML elements and well everybody that is an introduction to Dom navigation in JavaScript hey everybody in today's video I'm going to show you how we can add and change HTML elements using JavaScript so sit back relax and enjoy the show I'll break down creating an appending element El to the Dom in three simple steps we'll create the element add any necessary attributes or properties and then append the element to the Dom will be the final step but before we do begin within our HTML file we'll create a few boxes for this exercise these will be developments with an inner paragraph the first will have text of box one with this development I will give it an ID of box one and a class of box let's copy the div element paste it three times for a total of four boxes we'll create box two box three and box four I'll apply the following CSS properties we're selecting the Box class add a border 3 pixel solid set a width to be 100% and a height of 125 pixels and we are ready to begin step one we need to create the element in order to work with it right I will create a constant of new H1 H1 equals we will select our document use the create element method then as a string pass in the type of the element we would like to create we'll create an H1 element we now have an H1 element to work with which we're referencing as new H1 let's add some attributes and CSS properties let's do one for now now I will take my new H1 element access its text content set it equal to I like pizza and then we just have to append this element to the Dom to do that we will access our Dom with document what element would we like to select let's select the body element of our document and then we will use the append method pass in our HTML element as an argument and there we go there's our H1 element when you append an element to a parent this new element is the last child you could prepend if you would like it to be the first child so let's use the prepend method change aend to prepend and it's now at the beginning let's add an additional attribute we will take our new H1 element set the ID attribute equal to my H1 and let's see if that worked I will rightclick on this element inspect it here's our H1 element it's the first child because we're prepending it this H1 element has an ID attribute set to my H1 let's change the CSS properties of this element I will access new H1 access its style access its color the f color let's set it to be red but better yet let's set the color to be tomato because I like tomatoes I think that's a better looking shade of red let's also Center the text new H1 access its style access the text align property set it to be Center and the text is now centered when I append this element I would like to append it to within box one I will select box one as the parent rather than the body we will access our document we need to select an element we will select box one we could use document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm going to select is box one I will then follow this with append append our new H1 element so our H1 element is now within box one and not outside of it like it was previously I could append this H1 element to box two but I would have to select it we will get element by ID select box two to put it within box two box 3 and box four when I'm appending this element to box one it is the last child of box one if there are any child elements within this box which there is we have a paragraph element that H1 element will come after and not before so if you would like this H1 element to be the first child we can prepend it I'm going to copy this because I don't want to rewrite it we will prepend prepend my new H1 element take box one prepend the new H1 element so my H1 element is now at the top it's the first child the paragraph element comes after let's do this with box two box 3 and box four what if we would like to take our H1 element and sandwich it between box one and box two I could select box two and insert that new H1 element before it here's how I will create a reference to box 2 equals document. get element by ID we will select the ID of box two access our document access the body because box two is a child element of the body use the insert before method there's two arguments the new element and the current element the new element is going to be new H1 that's what we're trying to add the current element is the target we're selecting box two in insert the new H1 element before box two and this is what that looks like this H1 element is now between box one and box two take the new H1 element insert it before box two if we were to do this with box one well then it's going to be before box one let's try this with box three our H1 element is before box three and box four what if these elements don't have IDs how do we select them then here's how we will use Query selector all to select everything that has the Box class I will create a constant of boxes this will be a node list access our document use Query selector all select everything that has a box class we will use the the insert before method access our document access the body insert before we have the new element to add and the current element the new element is new H1 the current element is our node list of boxes we can access a specific element from this node list with an index if I accessed boxes at index zero that would give me box one boxes at index one that's referring to box two box three and box four so you could use Query selector to select many elements store it within a node list then select those specific elements with an index number this is optional but at any time if you need to remove an HTML element here's how let's append our new H1 element we need to select the location in which we can find that element it's within the body of our document document.body use the remove child method we will remove our new H1 element and it's gone what if this H1 element was within box one all right I will append our new H1 element to box one and we need to add the IDS back to these boxes because I forgot to do that we're pending our new h one element to box one when I try and remove it it doesn't work it's still there we need to select box one and not the body of our document because box one is the direct parent of our H1 element not the body the body in this case could be like the grandparent instead of selecting our body we will get the ID of box one or some other element selector to get box one I'll use get element by ID because it's easy get element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is box one remove the new H1 element that's found within it and it's gone if at any time you need to remove an element select the parent of that element then follow it with the remove child method pass in the element you're trying to remove as an argument in this last example we're going to work with ordered lists so going to our HTML file we will create an ordered list with a pair of of O tags I will give this ordered list an ID of fruits we'll add a few list items the first list item will be for an apple the ID will be apple we'll create a list item element for an orange ID will be orange and a banana ID banana I'll add a little bit of CSS styling going to the CSS stylesheet I will select the ID of fruits I'll add a border of three pixel solid for this demonstration and increase the font size to 2 RM all right and that's what we need to work with we'll now be creating a list item element I will create a constant of new list item equals document. create element what is the type of element we're trying to create a list item element let's set any attributes or properties that's step two let's take our new list item set the text content to equal coconut we'll append this element if I were to append this new list item to the body of my document it's the last child of the body we're not adding it to this ordered list now that we can see it I'm going to add a few more attributes and properties let's take our new list item access its ID attribute set it to be coconut let's change the font weight new list item access the style access the font weight set it to be bold and the background color access the style access the background color I'll set the background color to be light green we have our list item element if I append it to the body it's now the last child of the body of my document not this ordered list found within the body if I were to prepend it this is what would happen prepend the new list item it's now the first child now we'll select our ordered list of fruits get element by ID fruits append the new list item and it's now at the end at number four let's prepend to the ordered list get element by ID fruits prepend our new list item our coconut is now at number one how can we insert our coconut between Apple and Orange here's how since these list item elements have an ID I could use that let's get the ID of orange const orange get element by ID orange instead of selecting the body we're going to select the ordered list that has an ID of fruits document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is fruits select the ordered list of fruits insert the new list item before the orange our coconut is now at number two let's insert the coconut before the banana the ID was banana const banana insert the new list item before the banana our coconut is now at number three you could insert before Apple too I will get the ID of apple const apple insert the new list item before the apple and it's back at the beginning what if these list items don't have IDs let's eliminate those we would need to use Query selector to select all list items from the ordered list of fruits so I'm going to use Query selector all select the ID of fruits then select any list item descendants within this ID this will return a node list that stores all of the current list items within this ordered list we need to select our ordered list of fruits not the body document. getet element by ID I will select our order ordered list of fruits insert the new list item before list items at index zero now will'll insert the coconut before the Apple let's increment our index to one our coconut is now before the orange now it's before the banana and now it's after the banana if I need to remove this list item I would need to select it first so let's append the new list item to fruit I will get the ID of the ordered list of fruits remove the child of new list item and it's now gone all right everybody so that is how we can add change and remove HTML elements using JavaScript hey everybody in today's video I got to explain Mouse events in JavaScript so sit back relax and enjoy the show the first thing I need to discuss is event listeners an event listener listens for specific events to create interactive web pages a few types of events we'll discuss are click events when we click on something Mouse over is when we hover over something and mouse out is when we're hovering over something and then leave that element to add an event listener you'll use the add event listener method pass in an event type including but not limited to this could be clicking on something hovering over something or leaving the confines of an element and then a call back to a function what do you want to do when you interact with something for example I could use the click event and then change the color of something when I click on it going to our HTML file I will create a development for a box the ID of this development will be my box the text on the box will be click me then for fun I'll add an emoji because I like emojis let's apply some CSS styling because it's kind of small let's select the ID of my box change the background color to light green or some other color of you're choosing set a width of 300 pixels a height of 300 pixels I'll increase the font size to something large like 4.5 RM I'll set the font weight to be bold I'll use flex box display Flex align items in the center and text align center that is good enough for now be sure to save everything we're going to select the ID of my box we'll store that as a constant const my box equals we'll need to select it by accessing the Dom document. getet element by ID I will select select the ID of my box and then we can work with it easily we'll take my box add an event listener that's a built-in method my box. addevent listener we need to pass in an event type and a call back to a function I want to do something when I click on this box the event type is going to be click and now we need to call back to a function we'll Define a function to change the background color function change color there's going to be one parameter an event then we will pass in a call back to change color now the event parameter event is an object it's provided to us automatically by the web browser when something happens when an event occurs like when I click on something event is an object that contains information about something that happens that event for this demonstration temporarily I'm going to to console.log my event so let's click on the box then go to inspect console and here's my event when we clicked on that box the web browser provided us with an event object it's a pointer event this object contains details about what happened exactly for example we have the target what did we click on WE clicked on the div element with an ID of my box and here are all the properties and methods of that box that's the target we have a time stamp of when the click occurred the type of the event click which matches up with the event type and coordinates of where we clicked on the screen event is an object that's going to be provided to us through the web browser automatically we don't need to explicitly pass in an event object with this call back it's provided to us behind the scenes I'm going to change the background color of our box when we click on it we will access our event op object that's provided to us access the target the target is what we clicked on there's information about our Target within the event object then I will take the style of the target set the background color property to be a different color I will set it to be red but I prefer the shade of tomato because I like that color now when I click on the box the background color changes but why stop there let's also change the text content I'll add one more statement to the change color function again we will access our event access its Target access the text content of the target to be ouch and then I'll add an emoji that's a good one when I click on this box not only does the color change but the text too now you don't necessarily need to pass in a call back you can also pass in an anonymous function or even an arrow function so let's copy these two lines of code we'll reuse it later we no longer need to define a function within the event listener instead of passing in a call back we'll pass in an anonymous function we have one parameter and event that's going to be provided to us when we click on my box do this change the background color and the text now we could even use an eror function I have a preference for Arrow functions because they're concise with their syntax with an arrow function we have one parameter an event if you have a single parameter you don't need to enclose it within a set of parentheses we have one parameter of event then do this do all this code and that should still work when I click on the box the color changes as well as the text so when you add an event listener you can pass in a call back or an anonymous function or an arrow function it depends on what your preferences are personally I like Arrow functions we have a few other Mouse events to discuss Mouse over and mouse out Mouse over is when you hover your cursor over something so let's take my box add a new event listener an element can have more than one event listener add event listener we have an event and a call back as arguments the event is going to be Mouse over for the call back I'll use an arrow function we have one parameter of event Arrow do this let's copy these two lines of code I'll change the background color to be yellow like it's a warning and the text content to be don't do it that's a good face when I hover my cursor over this element the background color and the text is going to change the event that occurred is mouse over it's when you hover your cursor over something Mouse out is when you leave a specified element so when I leave the box I would like to change back the background color and the text content We'll add an additional event listener my box add event listener the event type is going to be Mouse out then I'll write an arrow function we're provided with an event Arrow do this let's change the background color and the text content I will revert the background color to be light green and the text to be click me whatever the text content originally was when I hover my cursor over this element we get that Mouse over event but when I leave we get the mouse out event when I click on the this box we get the click event when I leave the Box we get the mouse out event again to reset it essentially for the last part of this demonstration we're going to create a button when we click or interact with the button then we'll change a separate element this box so within our HTML file let's create a button with text of Click me I will give this button a unique ID of my button and I'll increase the font size with CSS we will select my button I will increase the font size to be 3 RM just so it's not so small let's select the ID of my button const my button equals document. getet element by ID my button I'll add the event listener to my button not my box if I was to interact with this button with the way it is now when I hover over the button we've created a mouseover event and the button changes when I click on the button we're changing the HTML and CSS of the button because the button is what has the event listener we're selecting the target of the event to change which is the button that is what we interacted with when we interact with our box it doesn't do anything it doesn't have any event listeners the button does though we're going to replace the event Target with my box when we interact with the button change the background color and the text content of my box so then when I hover over the button the Box changes when I leave it reverts back to normal when I click on the button then we've created a click event all right everybody so that is an introduction to Mouse related events you'll need to add an event listener an event listener listens for specific events to create interactive web pages a few events we've covered include click Mouse over and mouse out to add an event listener take an element use the built-in add event listener method pass in an event type and a call back Anonymous function or an arrow function to do something and well everybody those are Mouse related events in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody in today's video I'm going to give you an introduction to key events in JavaScript so sit back relax and enjoy the show so what we've discussed in the previous topic is event listeners an event listener can be added to an HTML element they will listen for specific events to create interactive web pages we'll be discussing key down and key up there is a third type of key event called key press however according to the official documentation this event isn't compatible with all web browsers so you should avoid using key press a key down event occurs when you press down on a key a key event occurs when you release a key by adding an event listener to the Dom document we can detect when we press down or release a key here's how we will access our Dom then add an event listener add event listener we have two arguments the event type and a call back when we press down on a key let's do something doesn't matter what key it is any key for this next argument I can either pass in a call back an anonymous function or an arrow function I like Arrow functions so I'm going to use an arrow function we're provided with an event parameter when something happens within our web browser an event object is created we can access it so I'm going to console.log this event object and we'll see the details of it be sure to select your web browser I'm going to press the q key then let's go to inspect console and here's that event the web browser provided us with a keyboard event the key pressed was Q there's a relevant key code of 81 and there's other properties too like was the ALT key being held down at the time it wasn't same thing with the shift key and the target which is the body of our document I'm going to Output the key property of the event we'll press a different key I'm going to hold down the F key I'm not releasing it I'm holding it down we're going to consistently fire key down events I would like to detect when I release a key I will use the key up event so let's copy this paste it the event is going to be key up I'll display something else I'm going to use a template string I will display key down equals then I will display this events key let's do this with key key up too I'll just copy this key up equals event. key let's go back to our console I'm going to hold down the S key then when I release it we'll have a key up event key up equals s oh one more important thing the arrow keys we have Arrow up arrow down arrow left and arrow right if you ever would like to make some sort of game the arrow keys are also accessible now what we'll do on key down and key up is change an HTML element so to make this simple within our HTML document I'm going to create a div element this div element will have an ID of my box I'll add some text an emoji all right let's add a little bit of CSS we will select my box I will set the background color to be light blue we haven't picked light blue yet I will set a width of 200 pixels a height of 200 pixels a font size of 7.5 RM I'll use flex box display Flex justify content Center aine item Center this part is important for the next exercise we are going to set the position to relative for relative positioning I'll set the body of my document to have no margin margin zero all right we are ready we are going to select the ID of my box const my box equals document . getet element by ID the ID that I'm going to select is my box when I press a key down I'm going to change the text content of my box mybox do textcontent equals I'll pick a different Emoji let's do that one and I'll change the CSS mybox dostyle do background color equals tomato or some other color of you're choosing so when I press down on any key the HTML and CSS is going to change I'm going to release that key but we don't revert back to normal our HTML element stays that way what we'll do is that when we release a key we'll revert these changes by going back to the original so let's take my box change the text content to equal an emoji because I like emojis we'll use the original one then I will set the background color to be light blue now if I were to hold down a button the HTML and CSS is going to change until I release that button which I am about to now in 3 2 1 go I'm going to try and press the space bar as fast as I can seizure warning let's go okay it's about time we move on what we're going to do now is using the arrow keys move this element we're going to create a const of move amount when pressing an arrow key how far do we want to move this element let's say 10 for 10 pixels I will create a variable for X think of these as coordinates I will set that to be zero and y y will also be zero X for any horizontal movement and Y for any vertical movement document. addevent listener when we have a key down event I would like to do something I'll write an arrow function we're provided with an event do all this code I only want to do something if a user uses an arrow key so if I was to console.log my event then access the key property let's go to inspect console select your document I would like to do something only if the key pressed is Arrow up arrow down arrow left or Arrow right I don't want any of the other keys I can write the if statement if access our event access its key follow this with the starts with method does this key start with arrow will only enter the SI statement if the key of the event is Arrow up Arrow down arrow left or Arrow right then we'll write a switch we haven't written any switches for a while we will examine the key of our event with switches we examine a value against matching cases if we have a case of Arrow up if the key of our event matches the case of Arrow up then do this we'll take our y-coordinate subtract our movement amount which is 10 Yus equals the movement amount and then be sure to break to break out of the switch then we need a case for arrow down arrow down y+ equals our movement amount Arrow left Arrow left X for the horizontal axis minus equals the movement amount and then Arrow right arrow right X plus equals the movement amount then outside of the switch but within our if statement we're going to access my box access the style access the top property set it equal to a template string we're going to take our variable of Y for the y-coordinate then add pixels take the top property of my box set it equal to the y coordinate we're going to copy this and do this with the left property set it equal to X in pixels be sure to select the body of your document we can move right with the right arrow key down left and up or diagonal if I hit two keys at once the arrow keys have a default Behavior to scroll you can see that if we go down too far we have a scroll bar on the right hand side we can prevent the default behavior of a key we just have to add this line of code take our event then follow it with the prevent default method so when my element Scrolls off screen it'll disappear we're not going to scroll with it to increase the distance in which this element moves we can increase the move amount let's set it to be 100 now we're moving a lot further with each key press hey this is bro from the future there's one more thing I would like to add to this project when pressing down on a key let's change the text content and the background color much like what we did with the first exercise then when we release a key we'll revert the HTML and the CSS back to normal we're combining the first exercise and the second one and this is the result when I move the arrow keys this guy's going to freak out until I Let Go pretty exciting all right everybody so that is an introduction to key events in JavaScript you're going to add an event listener to the document when you select your document and press a key when the key is pressed down that will create a key down event when you release a key that creates key up event and well everybody that is an introduction to key events in JavaScript hey everybody in today's video I'm going to show you how we can show and hide an HTML element using JavaScript in this video you'll need an image to work with once you find your image add it to your website folder then we are ready to begin we're going to create a button and an image element let's start with the button the text on the button will be initially hide to hide an element I will give this button a unique ID of my button I'll add a break then we'll create an image element this is a self-closing tag with this image I will set the source equal to either the relative file path or the file name so my file is car.jpg it's a little too big I'll set the width attribute to be like 400 pixels that's a decent size I will give this image a unique ID of my image my IMG and just so we can see this button I'm going to apply a little bit of CSS to the button let's select the ID of my button take the font size I will set it to be 2 RM that's decent enough all right let's go to our J Javascript file I'm going to create a reference to my button and my image let's start with the button const my button equals document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is my button let's create a reference to my image as well my IMG the ID was my IMG when I click on this button I would like to do something we will take my button and add an event listener add event listener there are two arguments an event type and a call back to a function the event type is going to be click when we click on the button we're going to do something for the call back we'll write an arrow function we are provided with an event parameter by the web browser Arrow do this when when we click on the button what code do we want to perform we're going to take my image access its style access its display property set it to be a string of none so when you click on the button it's going to hide the image the display property is set to none not only that let's change the text on the button after we hide the element let's take my button change the text content equal to be show because now I want to show the element so hide become show when we click on the button a second time nothing happens we would like to toggle between hiding and displaying this element we'll write an if statement let's check to see if the display of my image is strictly equal to none is the display of my image currently none if so we're going to set the display to Black block because it's a block level element take my image access its style access its display property set it to be block then within an lse statement place these two lines of code and we will change the text content of my button to be hide now when clicking the button we can toggle between hiding and showing this element the image now let me demonstrate something if we were to take my button then add it after the image here's what would happen let me add a break too so by setting the display To None we don't Reserve any space for that image my button moves up near the top of the window until I show it again another option if we would like to reserve some space for the image is to toggle the visibility not the display property replace display with visibility we're going to check if the visibility is hidden set the visibility equal to be hidden if we would like to show the image the visibility is going to be set to visible when we toggle the VIS ility of this image we at least reserve the space for it the elements that come after aren't going to shift near the top of the window you can use visibility or display depending on the project you're creating all right everybody so that is how to show and hide HTML elements using JavaScript so uh yeah I should probably talk about nod lists today a no list in JavaScript is a static collection of HTML elements they can be created by using query selector all we can select Elements by an ID a class or an element type nod lists are similar to an array but they don't have a built-in map filter or reduce method they do have a for each method at least though an important thing to note with node lists is that they won't update automatically to reflect changes to the Dom for example if you were to remove an element from the Dom and it's within a node list you would also have to separately remove that element from the node list so what we'll do in this example is create four buttons they'll all have the same class we'll have button one with a class of I don't know what's a good name my buttons the class all right let's copy this button paste it three additional times we'll have button two button three button four and I'm going to add a little bit of CSS to these buttons let's select the class of my buttons I'll increase the font size so you can see it font size for RM add a little bit of margin 10 pixels remove the border border none smooth the corners with border radius 5 pixels add some padding 10 pixels by 15 pixels I'll change the background color to something blue background color blue but I'll select hsl values I'll turn the lightness to like 60 okay that's decent and the font color will be white okay that's good enough for now one way in which we can create a node list is by using query selector all we've talked about this in a previous video but I'll show you a few more advanced things we can do with node lists we can select Elements by an ID a class or an element type we will create a node list of let buttons equals document. query selector all let's select all elements by a class we need to use dot then the class name my buttons we could select Elements by an element type if I would like to select all buttons I would just type in button the element type but I would like to select only elements by this class now that we have our node list I am going to console.log my node list of buttons and we'll take a look at it here's my node list it contains four elements button one button two button three button four we do have a length property a few methods entries for each item Keys these are all different methods for each is what we're going to be using a lot here's how we can change the HTML and CSS properties of all elements within a node list we can use the for each method of a node list and iterate through all of the elements so we will take our node list of buttons use the built-in for each method then write an arrow function we are provided with an element Arrow do something but I'm going to rename element as button just so it's more easily understandable during each iteration we're provided with a current button what would we like to do to that button well let's change the background color button. style do background color I'll set it to be green that should update the color of all the buttons not just one of them we're iterating through all of the buttons within this no list change all of their background colors to be green let's change the text content too take each button access the text content I will set it equal to be I don't know an emoji or something let's do that the text content and all the buttons is is going to change maybe let's append an emoji not replace the text content that's better that is how you can add and change HTML and CSS properties with a node list use the for each method then write an arrow function to do something in a similar way we're going to add an event listener to each button that will listen for a click so again we're going to take our node list of buttons use the buil-in for each method for each button Arrow do this we need to add an event listener to each button we will take the parameter of button add an event listener within our event listener we have an event type and a call back to do something the event type is going to be click instead of a call back we'll write an arrow function we are provided with an event Arrow do this event is proved provided to us through the web browser when something happens we will access the event objects Target meaning the button that we click on that's going to be our Target access the style access the background color property let's set it to be red or better yet tomato because I like tomatoes each button has an event listener it will listen for click events when we click on a button the background color is going to change we're going to add an event listener for Mouse over and mouse out let's begin with mouse over again take our node list of buttons use the for each method for each button Arrow do this take that button add an event listener with event listeners we have an event type and a call back the event type Tye is going to be Mouse over when we hover our cursor over something what would we like to do we will write an arrow function event Arrow do this let's access the events Target that should equal our button that we click on access the style access the background color so with the current color I'm going to go back to my CSS I will copy this color paste it but make the lightness 10% darker now when we hover over one of the buttons the background color is going to change I'll set the lightness to like 40% to make it much more apparent there that's better now when I leave one of these buttons I need to revert that color back to the original really we can just copy all this code replace Mouse over with mouse out and set the background color back to the original each button now has a mouse over and mouse out event listener here's how you can add an element to a node list I will create a new button const new button equals document. create element what element are we creating a button so with creating an appending HTML elements there's three steps this is step one we need to create that element first step two is to add any necessary attributes or css properties so let's take our new button change the text content of the button equal to be button 5 I would like to give my new button a class of my buttons we're going to access the class list property new button. class list when working with an element's class we work with class list not class so the class list equals the class of my buttons then we have step three now we have to append this element to the Dom what is the parent element of this new button going to be well in this case it's going to be the body of my document we're going to be adding a new button right here the parent the enclosing element is the body in this case access our document select the body append Child new button and there's button five since we added our class of my buttons that's why it has all these CSS properties if I were to remove this line of code we get the default appearance for a button I'll talk more about class lists in the next video there's a lot you can do with them now if I was to console.log my node list of buttons here's what we have we have five buttons within our Dom but within our node list we have four buttons button one 2 3 four button five isn't within this no list no lists are a static collection they won't update automatically to reflect changes to the Dom even though button five is within the Dom we would need to manually add it to our no list if we want to work with it so to do that we can just use Query selector again and select all elements by the class so let's reassign buttons since we're reassigning buttons that's why I declared buttons with let instead of const so we're able to reassign it because if this was a constant we couldn't change the elements within it so buttons equals document. query selector all select All Elements by a class class my buttons and then again let's console.log my node list of buttons inspect console and there we go our node list has five elements button 1 2 3 4 5 even if you were to add an element to the Dom that same element isn't going to be automatically added to your node list I would recommend using query selector all again just to update it here's how to remove an element from a node list when you click on it we'll have to give all of these buttons an event listener they will listen for a click event when we click on one of these elements remove it from the Dom and the node list here's how again we will take our node list of buttons use the built-in for each method for each button within our node list do this take each button add an event listener we are provided with an event type and a call back to a function the event type that we're listening for is click the call back is going to be an arrow function we're provided with an event Arrow do this to remove an element from the Dom when you click on it we will access our event object access the target use the built-in remove method to remove it so let's see if this works currently let's remove button 2 1 4 3 so those buttons are gone but let me show you something I'm going to console.log my node list of buttons after each click even if I were to remove these buttons from the Dom they're still within the node list even after all the buttons are gone our node list still has four buttons so we do have to update that manually here's an easy way how to do that we're going to use Query selector all again we'll reassign buttons equals document. query selector all select all elements from the Dom that have a class of my buttons then just to see if this works let's console.log my node list of buttons now when we click on a button it should be removed from the Dom and the node list when I remove all the buttons our no list is then empty all right everybody so that is an introduction to node lists they're a static collection of HTML elements they can be created by using query selector all we can select Elements by an ID a class or an element type they're similar to an array but there's no map filter or reduce method and do remember that nod list won't update automatically to reflect changes to the Dom and well everybody that is an introduction to node lists in JavaScript hey everybody so in today's video I got to explain class lists in JavaScript class list is an element property it's used to interact with an elements list of classes meaning CSS classes by accessing the class list property of an element we can make reusable classes for many elements across your web page if I have a CSS class I can dynamically add remove toggle replace or check to see if an element contains a certain class so what we'll do in this example in our HTML document is create a button the button will have text of my button the ID of this button will be my button we'll apply a little bit of CSS initially let's select the ID of my button we'll be applying just a few properties let's increase the font size to for RM oh not 43 four go back go back go back I'll add a little bit of margin of 10 pixels remove the border with border none border radius to smooth the corners 5 pixels and add a little bit of padding 10 pixels by 15 pixels that's good enough for now we're going to create a CSS class of enabled we won't apply it right away though we'll apply this class to this button using JavaScript if an element is enabled let's change the background color to be something blue I'm going to use hsl values though and I will set the font color to be white so this button doesn't doesn't have this class yet we'll add that in dynamically using JavaScript we'll create a reference to this button const my button will be the name then we need to select it document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is my button to add a class to an element take that element my button access the class list property follow this with the add method we will add the name name of the class enabled and now my button is enabled we have appended the CSS properties dynamically so if I were to inspect this element I'll rightclick inspect we have added that class of enabled to the element so my button has an ID and a class of enabled to remove a class again take that element of my button access the class list we will use the remove method method we will remove the class of enabled and it's gone let's right click on the element inspect so our class list is empty we have added and then removed that class of enabled we're going to create a new class now of hover when we hover over an element apply these CSS properties it's kind of like we're using the hover sudo class but we're using it a little bit different we can add or remove this class dynamically at will if we apply this class let's set a box Shadow to give the element a 3D pop effect for a horizontal and vertical offset let's set those to be zero each let's add 10 pixels for the blur effect and I will set the color to be I don't know let's set it to be black but set the alpha down to like 20% and then when I hover I would also like to set the font weight of that element to be bold let's add the hover class so the appearance of this button changed I would like to apply this class of hover only when I hover my cursor over the element We'll add a mouse over event listener we will take my button add event listener we have an event type and a call back to a function the event type will be Mouse over when we Mouse over this element we are provided with an element object event Arrow do this we will access our event objects Target meaning the button take our class list and add the class of hover and let's see if this works if I hover my cursor over the button we apply the hover class now when I leave the button I would like to remove it really we can just copy the code for the event listener paste it replace Mouse over with mouse out then we will remove that class so now we can apply that class and then remove it with mouse over and mouse out there's also toggle if we toggle a class we'll remove it if that class is present add that class if it's not so let's replace add with toggle do this for both Mouse over and mouse out and that should work the same when we hover our cursor over the button we will toggle the class of hover if we have a mouse out event we will toggle it again to remove it now we're going to use the replace method to replace one class with another we'll create a new class of disabled we'll be replacing the enabled class with the disabled class when we click on the button so with the background color of the disabled class let's set the background color to be Gray again I like using hsl for the colors I'll set the lightness to be like 60% I'm trying to get a faded appearance and for the color let's pick a light shade of gray using hsl values I'll set the lightness to be 80% going back to our Javascript file let's add the class of enabled my button access the class list use the add method we will add the class of enabled then we'll add an event listener to the button we will take my button add an event listener we have an event and a call back the event is going to be click I would like to do something when we click on the button we will receive an event Arrow do this take our events Target access the class list we will will use the replace method replace the old class with the new class replace the enabled class with the disabled class there's two arguments the old class and the new class replace the old class with the new class then when we click on this button we'll replace the enabled class with the disabled class then we have the contains method if an element contains a class this will return true and if it doesn't it returns false So within our event listener let's add an if statement and an else statement we'll check to see if our events Target access the class list we will use the contains method if we click on the button and the class contains disabled what do we want to do does the class list contain disabled let's change the text content take our vents Target access the text content I'll append an emoji what's a good one that one else replace enabled with disabled let's click on the button we'll replace the enabled class with the disabled class our button is now disabled if I were to inspect this element the class is now disabled if I were to click on this button again well our class contains disabled that was true so we end up doing this code where we append to the text content of the button now the nice thing about using class lists HTML elements have a class list property we can reuse CSS classes amongst many HTML elements we'll create an H1 element now the text of this element will be hello I will give this element a unique ID of my H1 I'll increase the font size so we can see it select the ID of my H1 I'll increase the font size let's try five RM let's create a reference to my H1 const myh1 equals document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is my H1 we'll add the enabled class to myh1 myh1 do classlist do add not ass add enabled and there we go we have added these CSS properties to this element and because I'm lazy I'm going to copy all this code where we add an event listener to my H1 so let's replace my button with my H1 now when we click on this H1 element we can disable it we'll replace the enabled class with the disabled class and if you don't believe me let's take a look the class of my H1 is now disabled if I were to click on this element again while the class list contains disabled so we execute this if statement where we change the text content of that Target now here's a challenge round we're going to create four buttons and store all of those buttons with then a node list so let's create a button with the text of the first button being button one I will give this button a class of my buttons let's copy this button paste it three times button one button two button three button four let's remove the CSS from my H1 select the class of my buttons keep these three classes of enable hover and disabled okay let's eliminate all this code we'll create a node list to contain all these buttons we can use const if we don't plan on adding or removing buttons or let if we do let buttons equals document. query selector all select all elements that have a class of my buttons we'll apply our enabled class to all the buttons so we will take our node list of buttons use the for each method for each button within our node list do this take each button access each button's class list property I will add a class of enabled and we have applied that class to all the buttons If you need to remove a class you can do the same but replace add with remove move now when we hover a cursor over one of these buttons we will toggle the hover class we need to iterate through our node list of buttons take buttons use the built-in for each method for each button within our node list do this take each button add an event listener the event listener has an event type and a call back to a function the event type will be Mouse over when we hover a cursor over it we will be provided with an event argument Arrow do this access the event object access the target meaning the button that we hover over access the class list property we will toggle the hover class so when we hover our cursor over one of these elements we will apply the hover class now when our cursor leaves one of these elements we would like to toggle that class again let's copy everything we have here paste it replace Mouse over with mouse out when we leave one of these elements toggle the hover class again to remove that class now when we click on one of the buttons we're going to replace the enabled class with the disabled class take our node list of buttons use the for each method with each button Arrow do this take each button add an event listener we need to select the event type and a call back to a function the event type is going to be click the parameter is event Arrow do this when we click on one of these buttons we'll replace the enabled class with the disabled class take our event object access its Target access the class list property we will replace replace the old class with the new class replace the enabled class with the disabled class and let's see if this works when I click on a button we'll replace the enabled class with the disabled class the last thing we'll do is that when we click on a button that's disabled we'll change the text content we'll have to use the contains method So within our event listener I'll add an if statement if access our event access its Target access the class list property use the contains method does the class list contain the class of disabled if it does we'll access our event access the target of that event change the text content of that element I'll append an emoji that one I like that emoji if the class list of that element isn't disabled it doesn't contain the class of disabled we'll execute an L statement where we disable it by replacing the enabled class with the disabled class we have three event listeners Mouse over Mouse out and click we're utilizing all three of these custom classes enabled hover and disabled we can hover over these elements then we'll have Mouse over and mouse out events then when I click on one of these buttons we can apply that disabled class within our click event listener we have an if statement if we click on an element that's already disabled append the text content all right everybody so that is the class list property it's used to interact with an elements list of classes their CSS classes they allow you to make reusable classes for many elements across your web page and well everybody that is the class list property in JavaScript hey what's going on everybody in today's video we're going to create a game of rock paper scissors using JavaScript so sit back relax and enjoy the show all right let's do this thing we're going to create an H1 heading with text of rock paper scissors for a title we'll create three buttons the first one will be for rock you can add some text of rock but you know what I like using emojis I'm going to use an emoji instead I would like an emoji of a fist and I'm going to zoom in until we add some CSS let's create a button for paper that'll work and scissors maybe a p sign with each of these buttons I will set the onclick event handler equal to a JavaScript function we'll name the function play game now with these functions we're going to pass in an argument the first will be a string of rock now if you use double quotes HTML is going to be confused where this event handler ends our argument is going to be a string but it's going to be within single quotes because we're already using double quotes let's copy this attribute cuz I don't feel like typing it again the second argument will be for a string of paper and then scissors let's enclose our buttons within a div element this div element will have an ID of choices let's cut our buttons and paste them within the div element outside of the div element we'll create create another div element we will display the Player's Choice player colon space the ID of this development will be player display this will display the word rock paper or scissors depending on which button we pick let's do this for computer text will be computer ID computer display we should display a result who won the ID will be result display just for some temporary text I'm going to add it's a tie when we style this with CSS I would like to be able to see the updates we'll get rid of this pretty soon eventually we'll add in a score tracker but we'll do that after our game is at least working okay let's head to our CSS stylesheet I'm going to zoom back to 100% let's select the body of our document I will set the font family to be aial with the backup of s serif let's set the font weight to be bold throughout this application I will set any margin to be zero around the body use flex box to display the elements display Flex the flex direction will be a column and align items Center let's select our H1 element I need to increase the font size font size 3.5 RM for a color pick a color for me I'll set the lightness to 20% now we're going to select our development of choices actually let's make this a class class choices select the class of choices add margin bottom of 30 pixels within this development we need to select all the buttons we will select the class of choices select all buttons within this class we increase the font size to 7.5 RM these buttons need to be big I will set a minimum width of 160 pixels at a little bit of margin between each button zero pixels on the top and bottom 10 pixels on the sides for the buttons I would like rounded Corners I would like these buttons to be a circle I can set the Border radius to something massive like 250 pixels that will give us some rounded buttons and pick a background color background color I want something blue I've already pre-picked a color so I'm going to use this now when I hover my cursor over one of the buttons I would like my cursor to change into a pointer and that does work let's also add a transition effect let's change the background color to e after half a second let's access the hover sudo class of all the buttons of choices take the background color I'll set the lightness to be 20% lighter each button is going to light up when you hover your cursor over the button then we'll work on the display displays next we're going to select the player display and the computer display these are ideas player display and computer display let's set the font size to be a 2.5 RM and for the result display where it says it's a tie that's the ID of result display set the font size to be 5 R and I'll add some margin to the top and bottom 30 pixels to the top and bottom zero on the sides okay that is good enough for now so we no longer need this placeholder for the result display let's add some functionality we have a lot of constants to declare const choices choices will be an array of strings we'll have Rock paper and scissors we need to get the player display and the computer display so we can update them const player display equals document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is player display then we have computer display computer display and a result display this one it's empty currently const result display equals document. getet element by ID result display we'll factor in scoring later we need a function of play game that accepts one argument the Player's Choice function play game we have one parameter player choice when we play a new game we have to pick a choice for the computer between rock paper or scissors what we could do is generate a random number between zero and two rock is index zero paper is index one scissors is index 2 we'll create a constant within play game of computer Choice I'm declaring it within the function so we can update it every time we play a new game equals take our array of choices at index for the index we'll generate that random number using the random method of math math. random method * 3 then we need to round it because it's not going to be a whole number math. floor to round it down so the computer's choice will be a random index between 0 through two which will give us randomly either rock paper or scissors hey this is bro from the future one thing that would be good for us to do is along the way use console.log just to be sure that what we've been writing has been working so within our computer's Choice let's console.log whatever that is so if this does work after clicking one of these buttons the computer is either going to pick rock paper or scissors the computer picked scissors just now scissors scissors it really like scissors apparently so yeah the Player's Choice is being populated with the string of rock paper or scissors I just wanted to confirm that and we need a result what are we going to display to the screen result will be an empty string for now first let's check to see if the Player's Choice is equal to the computer's choice that means it's a tie if Player's Choice is strictly equal to the computer's Choice maybe we both pick rock well well then we'll take our result to be displayed and set it equal to be it's a tie else somebody is going to win let's add an else statement we can use a switch we can examine a value against matching cases we'll examine the Player's Choice does the Player's Choice match the case of rock do these two Val use match if so we'll use the tary operator we'll check the condition of if our computer's choice is strictly equal to scissors if so question mark That's the tary operator if we pick Rock and the computer picks scissors we will return U win otherwise if this condition is false well that means the computer picked paper if our choices already don't match and we picked rock that means they either picked scissors or paper if they didn't pick scissors that means they picked paper so they win that means we lose you lose whatever string is returned we're going to assign it to result result equals whatever is returned either you win or you lose then we should add a break after this case all right let's copy this case and everything within it let's paste it if the Player's Choice matches the case of paper and the computer's choice is strictly equal to rock that means if that's true you win else you lose let's copy this case and everything within it case scissors if the computer's Choice equals paper then you win otherwise you lose after we move beyond the IFL statements we need to update the text on the screen so we will take the players display set the text content to equal a template string of player col in space add a placeholder the Player's Choice did we pick rock paper or scissors then let's do this with the computer's Choice select the text content of the computer display the text will be computer we will display the variable of computer Choice the one that was picked randomly and take our result display which has no text content currently set it equal to be result okay let's see what we have currently let's pick Rock it's a tie paper you win scissors you lose what we'll work on next depending on the result that's displayed if we win I would like the text to be green if we lose I want the text to be red going to our CSS stylesheet we're going to add three classes green text red text pick a font color pick something green and for the red text pick a red font color if we win or lose we're going to add one of these classes to the class list of our result display so going back to to our Javascript file after we display the result now we're going to add a switch we're going to examine our result we will add a case of you win if our value matches this case let's take our result display access the class list use the add method add the class of green text then break let's copy this case paste it we will add a case for you lose add the class of red text if we lose let's see what we have currently if we win you get green text if you lose you get red text but now if it's a tie we have red text with each new game we should reset the color back to the original so before updating the color and displaying it let's take our result display access the class list use the remove method remove any class of green text and red text let's see if this works you lose it's a tie that's black you lose you win the colors seem to be working all right now let's add scoring mechanism we'll have to head back to our HTML file after our result display we're going to create a div element the first div El will have a class of score display the text for the score display will be player score colon space then we'll add a span element within with text of zero row I will give the span element a unique ID of player score display the reason I'm putting this number within a span element I'm going to style this number different from the rest of the div element the player score okay let's copy this div element and paste it we need another for computer computer score the ID of the span element will be computer score display going back to our c a stylesheet we'll add the following after our result display we will select the class of score display increase the font size font size will be 2 R for the actual numbers I'm going to change the color with the CSS property where the font color is green I'll add an additional selector let's select the ID of player score display I would also like that to be that shade of green and for the red text let's select the ID of computer score display so the computer score that number will be red okay now we just need to add functionality to the scoring mechanism so back to the top we're going to select the ID of player score display const player score display equals doc min. getet element by ID player score display and we need the same thing for the computer computer score display and we need a score value a number so we can work with it let player score equals zero let computer score equals z going to the bottom of this function within our switch within our case of you win we're going to increment our player score player score Plus+ then take our player score display and update it access the text content set it equal to whatever the player score is then let's do this with our computer computer score Plus+ that's if we lose and computer score display equals the computer score and that should be everything let's see if this program works you lose you win you win it's a tie you win you win you lose the player score is four the computer score is two all right everybody so that is a game of rock paper scissors you can make using JavaScript hey what's going on everybody so in today's video I'm going to show you how we can create an image slider program using JavaScript you will need some images to work with I would recommend finding three or more somewhat related images to whatever you would like to create an image slider for once you find your images put them within your website folder and we are ready to begin okay let's do this thing everybody so we will create a development to contain everything this development will have a class of slider within this development we will create another development this development will have a class of slides to contain our images within this inner div element we will create three image elements the first image will have a class of slide with this image element I will set the source attribute to be a relative or absolute file path let's begin with image one whatever you currently have I'll copy the name of this image including the extension so my image has a name of image 1.jpg and for some reason if this image can't display I'll add some alternative text with the alt attribute let's say image number one and there is my image I will copy this image element paste it twice or once for every image that you have then I have image two and image three let me change those we have image two and image three so you should have three or more images depending on what pictures you're using and how many then we're going to add some Arrow buttons for the time being that will be down at the bottom so we will create a button element now you could use a left angle bracket let me zoom in but I think there's a better option there's a unic code character for a left pointing angle bracket which looks like this we will use the Unicode character of Ampersand # 100094 I think that looks better but you do you all right then let's create a right angle bracket with another button the number is 1 95 so that will create a button with an arrow that points to the right for the previous button the left one I will assign a class of prev meaning previous and the next button will have a class of next when we click on these buttons we'll call a JavaScript function we need to set the onclick vent Handler equal to a JavaScript function for the previous button we'll call a function of prev slide meaning previous and for the next button we will call a function of next slide to go to the next slide okay and that is all the HTML that we need for now let's go to our CSS stylesheet we will select our class of slider that contains everything class slider we're going to use relative positioning these elements will move relative to their normal position using relative so we have position relative I will set a width of 100% as well as margin Auto to to Center everything horizontally now just in case if our images are really big I will set the Overflow property to be hidden so take our class of slider select all the images with these images I will set their width to be 100% and for now I will set the display property to be none we don't want to display all the images right away so they should disappear let's add a little bit of functionality before continuing let's go to our Javascript file I'm going to create a node list of all the images within our class of slides so I will create a constant of slides which will be a node list equals document. query selector all we will select all elements within the class of slides that are images image elements we will also declare an index of the current slide let slide index so this will be zero initially to start at the first slide we'll be using the set interval function set interval will return an ID that we can work with so we will declare a variable to hold to that let interval ID for now I'll set it to be null meaning no value okay let's declare our functions we will have a function to initialize our slider this will populate our web browser with the first image when we call this function then we need a function for show Slide there will be one parameter an index an index of the next slide we would like to go to a function for the previous slide prev slide and a function for next slide function next slide within our function of initialized slider we will take our node list of slides at index of our current slide index which will be zero initially I will access the class list and add a class of display slide which we still need to work with and then we will call this function right away okay we need to build this class still display slide we will select all image elements that have a class within their class list of display slide if an image has this class we will set their display property to display as a block we should get our first image if you would like although it's not necessary we could display this image after all of the Dom content loads by using an event listener here's how if you would prefer to wait for all the Dom content to load we can take our document add an event listener we will wait for the event of Dom content loaded once all of the Dom content loads pass in a call back to initialize slider so this would work too and I would say it's the preferred way rather than just calling this function initially wait for all the Dom content to load then display our first image by calling this function within the initialized slider function we will use the set interval function we will call the next slide function after a given amount of seconds let's say after 5 seconds I would like to go to the next slide and display the next image whatever is next within our node list in order for us to work with this interval this function is going to return an interval ID so we can clear it later if we need to we will take our interval ID set it equal to the set interval function so I am going to console.log my interval ID just to see what it is so let's save and run everything go to console so this interval has an ID of one if I need to clear this set interval function I can access it by its ID which is currently one and we can get rid of this line to avoid displaying an image if we don't have one we can wrap these two lines of code within an if statement we will check if our node list of slides its length property is greater than zero if we do have slides then display it and use the set interval function if there's no slides no images then don't do this okay then we're going to go to the next slide function we're going to increment slide index by one slide index Plus+ and then we will will call the show slide function pass in our slide index after incrementing it and that is all we need for next slide then we have the show slide function within our show slide function we will access our node list of slides use the for each method to iterate through all of them I would like to take each slide Arrow do this take each slide access its class list then remove a class from the class list we will remove the class of display slide if it's time to move to the next slide we don't want to display the current slide anymore we'll remove display slide so that it's no longer displaying as a block remove these properties then outside of this for each method we will add display slide to the next slide then we will take our slides at index of slide index access the class list of the next slide then we will add a new class add the class of display slide so that it displays as a block and let's see if this works after 5 Seconds we should move to the next slide and that does in fact work let's wait again for the next slide and that has worked too we need to reset our slide index because right now we're going out of bounds we only have three slides in this example within our show slide function We'll add an if statement and an lse if statement if we reach the end of our slides we need to reset the slide index and set it back to be zero if our index that's passed in is greater than or equal to our node list of slides length property if we reach the end we need to take our slide index and reset it to be zero now if we go backwards with the previous button if our index is less than zero we will take the slide index set it equal to our slides length property minus one to set it to the end if we're on the first slide and we hit the previous button that will bring us to the last slide these images should Loop let's see see if that does work so we're on our green car and we should go to our blue car next and that does work our initialized slider function is done if we click on the next button we should be able to go to the next slide right away now we have to work on the previous button and add some functionality to that within the previous slide function we will take our slide index and decrement it with minus minus then call the show slide function pass in the current index now we should be able to move forward and back now if we hit the previous button CU we want to look at an image the timer is still going we'll still go to the next slide if we would like to take some time to admire one of these images we can clear the set interval function by using its interval ID so if somebody were to hit the previous button let's clear the timer we will use the clear interval function we will pass in that interval ID our set interval function is still going to move the slides forward but if I were to hit the previous button that interval is going to stop we are done with all of our JavaScript functionality we're going to apply some CSS styling to the buttons and even add a transition animation to the next image we will style our buttons next within our class of slider select all buttons I will set the position property to be absolute positions an element relative to its parent meaning the slider element with absolute positioning I will set the top property to be 50% these buttons will then be positioned on the Y AIS at 50% meaning the middle then I will use the transform property I will translate them on the Y AIS by minus %. Translate Y is a function we're moving these buttons up by 50% of the element's height that will put this button right in the middle take 50% of the height of the button Move It Up by that amount I'll increase the font size font size 25 pixels or better yet let's do like 2 RM okay now for the background color I'll set it to be black but I'm going to lower the alpha on it so it's transparent I'll set the alpha to be 50% and for the font color color I'll set that to be white okay you can see our two buttons are overlapping currently I'm going to remove the border around the buttons order none and change our cursor to be a a pointer if we hover over one of the buttons so these buttons each have a class previous and next let's select the previous class I will set the left property to be zero to left align it and with the next class that's the next button I will set the right property to be zero to align it to the right I'm also going to add a little bit of padding too around the buttons let's add some padding here padding 10 pixels by 15 pixels that looks pretty good we are going to add an animation at Key frames we need an animation name we will name this animation fade for a fade effect from this property of opacity I can't spell today 0.5 meaning 50% two this property opacity one for 100% when a new image is displayed the opacity is going to be 50% so it's transparent then after the animation is complete set it to be one for 100% now we just have to utilize this animation of fade all images that have the display slide class we will set their animation name when that image is displayed to be fade how long do we want this animation to take we will set the animation duration to be about 1.5 seconds okay let's see if this works we should get a fade animation when each new slide appears we can move forward and we can move back all right everybody so that is an image slider that you can create using JavaScript HTML and CSS hey everybody in today's video I got to introduce to you the wonderful world of callback hell callback hell is a situation in JavaScript where callbacks are nested within other callbacks to the degree where the code is difficult to read if you Nest too many callbacks within other callbacks your code starts to form a pyramid and it's really difficult to work with callback hell is an old pattern to handle asynchronous functions in Java Script nowadays we have promises as well as a sync and a wait to avoid callback hell which we'll discuss pretty soon to help us avoid callback hell we should be familiar with what it is I'm going to create four tasks these will be functions function task one these will be synchronous functions we don't need to use callbacks for synchronous functions then we'll change these to be asyrus functions within task one we will console.log task one complete okay let's copy task one paste it three times for a total of four tasks we'll have task two task three and task four in order from the top down we will execute task one followed by task two task three and task four when all four tasks are complete we will console.log all tasks complete these functions work synchronously they're all in order task one is complete then two 3 then four then we get the final message of all tasks complete but what if these were asynchronous functions they're not going to follow this order from the top down so to make these functions asynchronous one thing we could do we can enclose this code within the set timeout function set timeout set timeout takes two arguments a call back and a time in milliseconds in which to complete this code for the call back this could be a call back an anonymous function or an arrow function I'll write an arrow function parameters Arrow do this say the task is complete after 2,000 milliseconds let's do this with the other tasks too so task two will be complete after 1 second 1,000 milliseconds task three will be complete after 3,000 milliseconds now task 4 task 4 will be complete after 1,500 milliseconds okay let's try this again I need these tasks to be completed in order starting from one all the way to four it says that the tasks are already complete then the tasks are completed in this order task 2 task 4 Task 1 and task three so that's the problem with asynchronous code asynchronous functions can complete at any time the rest of our program doesn't wait around for them to finish if I absolutely need these tasks to complete an order starting with 1 then 2 3 4 each of these functions can accept a call back so we need to set up that parameter after we say that that task is complete we will execute the call back to the next function so let's do this with the rest of the tasks if we need these tasks to complete an order starting with one we would take one and there's one parameter a call back we'll pass in a call back to task two we can pass in a call back and Anonymous function or an arrow function I like Arrow functions though parameters Arrow do this what are we going to do when task one is complete we'll call task two task two also accepts a call back again this can be a call back an anonymous function or an arrow function this will be an arrow function parameters Arrow do this what do we want to do when task two is complete call task three task three also accepts a call back we'll use an arrow function parameters Arrow do this now when task three is complete guess what we're going to do call task four task four task 4 accepts a call back we'll do this parameters Arrow then would like to console.log all tasks complete all tasks complete this should work now task one complete task two complete task three complete task 4 complete all tasks complete so what we've done is use callback hell it's where you're nesting callbacks inside of other callbacks if you have a lot of tasks to complete an order it can become very unman manageable hey this is bro from the future one thing that I wanted to mention is that four levels of callbacks isn't too unreasonable but when you add additional levels on top of that that's when you're starting to approach the levels of callback hell where the code can become unmanageable and really difficult to read what I've written in this video isn't too unreasonable but hopefully you can see how we've come to start that pyramid pattern that is all all right everybody so that is callback hell it's a situation in JavaScript where callbacks are nested with other callback where the code is difficult to read it's an old pattern to handle asynchronous functions in some upcoming videos we'll be discussing promises as well as a sync and a wait to avoid callback hell and well everybody that is callback hell and why you should avoid it in JavaScript what's going on everybody so in today's video I got to talk about promises in JavaScript A promise is an object an object that manages asynchronous operations such as querying a database space fetching a file Gathering resources those you could consider asynchronous operations they can take an indeterminate amount of time you can wrap a promise object around some asynchronous code the promise object promises to return a value that promise object will be pending then either that promise will be resolved if the task completed successfully or rejected if it failed for some reason maybe the promise couldn't fetch that file resolved if it did A promise is an object will create a new promise object with new prom then pass into a function usually you see this is an arrow function there's two parameters resolve and reject Arrow then do some asynchronous code so in this demonstration we're going to be doing some chores if you live with your parents maybe your mom asked you to do these chores or with the roommate these are the tasks you need to do or your significant other wants you to do these tasks anyways we have some chores to do we have to walk the dog clean the kitchen and take out the trash I'll create functions for each of these chores first we'll start by using callbacks then I'll demonstrate the use of promises and how they're helpful so let's create a function to walk dog to make this asynchronous I'm going to add a set timeout function this takes a call back and an amount of time in milliseconds to complete this code let's say walking the dog takes 1,500 milliseconds what code would we'd like to perform let's write an arrow function to keep it simple parameters Arrow do this let's console.log after completing this chore you walk the dog okay that'll be the first function let's create a function to clean the kitchen function clean kitchen this will take a long time 2,500 milliseconds let's say when we complete this task we will print you clean the kitchen and a third function take out trash you take out the trash taking out the trash it's really quick it takes half a second 500 milliseconds if I need to do these chores in order I would need to use some callbacks after walking the dog we will call a call back to clean kitchen after we clean the kitchen we will take out the trash we need to modify these functions so that they accept some call backs after our code is complete we will invoke the call back call the Callback so let's add that parameter to each of these functions now if we want to call all these functions in order we would have to start using call back hell which we learned about out in the last video so first I would like to walk the dog I will call that function pass and a call back but we'll use an arrow function then we will clean the kitchen pass in a call back I'll use an arrow function take out trash and we'll pass in a call back to do this when we complete all the chores console.log you finished all the chores okay let's see if this works you walk the dog you clean the kitchen you take out the trash you finished all the chores if we have a lot of callbacks to work with we'll end up going to call back hell you don't want to go to call back hell so what we'll use instead are promises with all of this asynchronous code we'll wrap it within a promise by using a promise we don't need callbacks instead of using callbacks we'll use method chaining we'll method chain our Pro promises here's how how we'll modify these functions is that at the end of each function we will return an object return a new promise return a new promise object and follow this formula we have two parameters resolve and reject resolve reject Arrow do this asynchronous code within an arrow function take all of the asynchronous code cut it place it within the promise our promise promises to return a value it's either going to be resolved or rejected we're going to modify this function we don't need to work with call backs anymore we can get rid of those get rid of the parameter and the portion of the code where we call the call back if we would like to display a message when the promise resolves when it finishes successfully we will instead call the resolve parameter it's a function this message is the value the argument that we're passing in after you finish walking the dog here's your completion message when the promise resolves let's modify the rest of the functions so that they use promises we will return a new promise two parameters resolve reject Arrow do this asynchronous code let's cut our current asynchronous code paste it remove the call back parameter we don't need it anymore and we don't need to call the call back when this promise resolves pass along this message you clean the kitchen let's do this with take out trash we will return a new promise two parameters resolve reject Arrow do this cut the asynchronous code paste it within the promise remove the call back and where we call the call back when we resolve this promise pass along this message we no longer need to use callback hell instead we're going to use method chaining first we're going to walk the dog clean the kitchen and then take out the trash in that order we will call the walk dog function and then we're going to Method chain follow this with the then method walk the dog then what is what we're saying the walk dog function does provide a value parameter this message we can use that message for something that's going to be stored within value that's going to be the parameter that's provided to us take the value let's print it console.log my value so when I run this program we should only be walking the dog you walk the dog and nothing else looks like I misspelled resolve as resolves there after walking the dog I would like to clean the kitchen so I need to call that function next within our Arrow function we'll write more than one statement we need to enclose this within a set of curly braces print our value and then do this function return clean kitchen and then call it we'll add another then method then take the value provided by clean kitchen that will be this one take that value arrow console.log that value you walk the dog you clean the kitchen then we'll take out the trash at the end we'll add another statement to this then method we will return take out trash invoke this method then we will take the value provided to us when it resolves this value do this code console.log that value you walk the dog you clean the kitchen you take out the trash so after taking out the trash that's our last chore let's add another line of code after displaying you take out the trash let's console.log you finish all the chores you walk the dog you clean the kitchen you take out the trash you finished all the chores by Method chaining then methods it's a lot easier to write than nesting call backs now sometimes with asynchronous functions depending on the task the task May Fail let's say we're trying to locate a resource a file if we can't locate that file and we're using promises we don't want to resolve that promise because we couldn't locate that file instead we want to reject that's what happens when an asynchronous function fails to do something when inside a promise so let's change our functions around within set timeout let's create a variable const dog walked did we accomplish this this will be true or false we'll use an if statement if dog walked then we will resolve it if we walked the dog else we will reject we'll pass in a different value you didn't walk the dog okay let's do this with the other functions let's create a constant of kitchen cleaned equals true if our kitchen is cleaned if that is true we will resolve this promise you clean the kitchen else let's reject pass along this message you didn't clean the kitchen and lastly take out trash const trash taken out let's set that to be true if the trash is taken out resolve the promise else we will reject you didn't take out the trash if a promise might reject there's one more method we need to add to the end of this chain we need to add a catch method to catch any errors this will catch any Rejects this is similar to error handling we'll be provided with one value an error Arrow do this let's console.log or even console. error the message provided to us with reject that's what the error is going to be we'll successfully walk the dog that will be true and cleaning the kitchen will be true but taking the trash out will be false we weren't able to complete this chore these are the results you walk the dog you clean the kitchen you didn't take out the trash how dare you we'll keep on completing these tasks until we fail at one of them so if walking the dog was false that was our first task this first promise was rejected we don't even attempt to resolve these other promises all right everybody so those are promises they're an object that manages asynchronous operations you can wrap a promise object around some asynchronous code these promise objects promise to return a value they will be pending until they complete then they'll either be resolved if that task completed successfully or rejected if it failed for some reason and well everybody those are promises in JavaScript hey everybody so today I got to talk about a sync and a weight in JavaScript a sync and a waight are two keywords by using these two keywords together they allow you to write asynchronous code in a synchronous manner a sync makes a function return a promise a wait makes an async function wait for a promise we'll discuss async first in this sample program from the last topic we have some chores to do we have to walk the dog clean the kitchen and take out the trash each of these functions returns a promise a promise that can either resolve or reject based on the code that's written if the dog is walked if if that's true resolve if it's false reject a function can be declared with a sync a function declared with a sync will return a promise however that promise that's returned doesn't resolve or reject in a way you could say it's an empty promise if I were to run this code this is what happens uncaught reference error resolve is not defined if an asynchronous function returns a promise that either needs to resolve or reject adding a sync to it really doesn't benefit us a sync works together with a weight by using these two keywords together when calling all of these asynchronous functions in order we don't need to Method chain then statements there's a more synchronous manner in which we can write the same code but we'll need to contain it all within an async function async function we'll create a function to do chores then we will need to call this function somewhere let's do so right here first we need to walk the dog walk the dog returns a promise that's where the await keyword comes in a wait makes an async function wait for a promise before continuing we're going to create a constant of walk dog result equals use the await keyword await walk dog then we will console.log the walk dog result you walk the dog now let's do this with clean kitchen we're going to be writing this code in a synchronous manner line by line linearly we will create a constant for clean kitchen result equals await the next promise await clean kitchen then console.log clean kitchen result let me close this you walk the dog you clean the kitchen and last we have take out trash const takeout trash result equals a wait take out the trash then console.log the result you walk the dog you clean the kitchen you take out the trash let's add one more line when we finish everything one more line of code you you finished all the chores you walk the dog you clean the kitchen you take out the trash you finished all the chores let me show you what happens if we attempt to use a weight within a function not declared with a sync uncaught syntax error a weight is only valid in async functions that's why a weight depends on async a weight makes an async function wait for a promise before continuing now if your promises can reject let's say that dog walked is false uncaught in promise you didn't walk the dog we'll surround all of this code within a tri block then catch any errors catch one parameter of error we can console.log or console . error the error you didn't walk the dog all right everybody so that is a sync and a wait a sync makes a function return a promise a wait makes an async function wait for a promise by using these two keywords together we can write asynchronous code in a synchronous Manner and well everybody that is a sync and a wait in JavaScript what's up everybody so today I got to talk about Json files using JavaScript Json means JavaScript object notation it's a data interchange format most of the time it's used for exchanging data between a server and a web application they can have a few different formats usually you'll see a Json file as an object an object made up of key value pairs or you may see them as an array an array of values or some combination of both you can have an object where one of the values is an array and or you could have an array of objects like this just to understand the format we'll create a new Json file let's go to our website folder create a new file we'll create an array of names the file extension is Json we'll Begin by writing an array with a set of straight brackets let's add a few names just some first names SpongeBob Patrick Squidward Sandy this is a valid Json format let's create a new Json file just for a single person this will be an object new file person. Json this time we will create a single object this object will have key value pairs we will have a name key and a value of SpongeBob each key value pair is going to be comma separated SpongeBob will have an age key of 30 and a Boolean of is employed is SpongeBob currently employed that will be true this is also a valid format our Json file contains one object an object made up of key value pairs objects can even have arrays as one of their values we will create an array of hobbies what what does SpongeBob like to do this will be an array jellyfishing karate and cooking let's create one more Json file we will create a Json file for people this will be an array of objects people. Json we're going to create an array of objects within this array we'll create one object what key value pairs should this object have we'll just reuse what we have for SpongeBob excluding the array to keep it simple okay that will be the first object let's create another object we need another set of curly braces the second object will have a name property of Patrick age 34 is employed will be false the next object this will be for Squidward age 50 is a employed true he works at the Crusty Crab one last object name Sandy age 27 is employed false Sandy is self-employed all right we have an array of objects each object can have its own unique key value pairs so let's close out of these Json files but we'll hold on to them so Json formats they're one long string to represent that object or array using the stringify method of Json we can convert a JavaScript object or an array into a Json string so let's copy what we have for names I will create a constant of names equals that array we'll convert it to a Json string const Json string equals access Json Json is a built-in object that's provided to us to work with Json files we will use the stringify method then pass in our array or our object currently if I were to console.log my names before stringifying it here's the result we have an array of strings to work with after using the stringify method on names we'll be given one long string to represent this array if I was to use this on an object let's copy what we have for person I will create a const of person this will be an object I'll just paste what I have for SpongeBob first let's console.log person here's my person object then let's stringify it and display the Json string Json files work with one long string that represents an object or an array let's stringify our people it's an array of objects const people equals paste what we have let me show you what happens when I console.log people before stringifying it we have an array of objects each object has its own key value pairs then if I was to stringify it here's the result one extremely long string now we'll use parse parse converts a Json string to a JavaScript object so let me reformat these to convert these objects or arrays into a string we can surround them with a pair of back ticks so let's rename these let's say Json names Json person then Json people these objects and arrays are all in a Json format to convert them to their original form we can use the parse method of Json I will create a constant of par data equals Json parse pass in our data of Json names and then let's console.log let me show you Json names first before parsing it we have a string representation of an array but after parsing it it becomes a JavaScript array let's do this with our string representation of an object Json person normally it looks like this and then after parsing it we have a JavaScript object and then Json people it's an array of objects then we'll parse it and here's the result an array of objects now I'm going to show you how we can fetch a Json file we'll talk about fetch more in the next topic fetch is a function as an argument we can pass in a relative or absolute file path or a URL we'll discuss that in the next topic I would like to get my Json file of let's go with person so I will list the relative file path these files are right next to each other I just need to type person. Json fetch returns a promise we will follow this with the then method then do this we'll be provided with a response object take our response Arrow do this we will take our response object convert it to a Json format using the Json method then let's display what we have currently then take the value arrow console.log that value let's see what we have yep there's SpongeBob we have successfully fetched a Json file let's do this with our array of names we have an array of strings of first names and people people. Json we have an array of objects one object for each person if you would like to iterate through all the objects let's rename value as values we'll use the built-in for each method of arrays values. for each take each value Arrow do this console.log each value now we're iterating through and printing each object if you would like some of the specific properties like make name follow the value with name SpongeBob Patrick Squidward Sandy or age or is employed oh and another thing that I'm forgetting be sure to add a catch method to catch any errors just in case we can't fetch this Json file for some reason console.log or console. error the error message we'll talk about fetch more in the next topic all right everybody so those are Json files Json means JavaScript object notation it's a data interchange format it's mostly used for exchanging data between a server and a web application Json files are usually objects or an array or some combination of both to convert a Json object to a string you can use the stringify method to convert a Json string to an object you can use the parse method to fetch a Json file you can use the fetch function which we'll talk about next and get more in depth with and well everybody those are Json files using JavaScript well it's going on everybody so in today's video I'm going to show you how we can fetch data from an API using JavaScript and at the end of this video we're going to create a project where we can fetch some images of Pokémon depending on what Pokemon you type in so sit back relax and enjoy the show all right people so we got to talk about fetch fetch in JavaScript is a function it's used for making HTTP requests to fetch resources including but not limited to Json styled data images files resources of that nature the fetch function simplifies asynchronous data fetching it's used for interacting with apis to retrieve and send data asynchronously over the web fetch has two arguments a URL of the resource and an object an object of options I won't be talking about options in this video that's more advanced JavaScript one of what you may see is a method property the default is get to get a resource you can use post to send some data put to replace some data and delete to delete some data so the default is get but we don't need to explicitly state that we'll just be focusing on getting data with only a URL to fetch something we have to use the fetch function and pass in a URL what I thought we could do for this video is fetch some Pokemon data from the Pokémon API if you want to follow along you can go to this URL I would like to fetch some data on Pikachu because everybody knows about Pikachu and here's some of the data on Pikachu this resource is one gigantic object Pikachu has a name an ID number a type Pikachu's an electric type there's stats such as his attack power HP there's even image Sprite which we'll work with later we will copy this URL and paste it within the fetch function we will pass in a string representation of this URL the fetch function is promise-based it's either going to resolve or reject so we should add a then and a catch method to catch any errors error Arrow do this let's console the error if there's an error once the promise resolves will be provided with an object a response object take our response object Arrow do this for the time being let's console.log our response just to see what it is exactly so here's our response object the body contains the data we're looking for for Pikachu this response object has a status code of 200 that means it's okay here's where you may see that status code of 404 if you can't locate a resource it has an okay property if fetching this resource was okay this is going to be true if not it's false there's also a URL here too now our next step is to convert it to a readable format there's a few different methods there's array buffer blob text and Json these are all methods we're interested in the Json method in this example so our next step is to take our response object convert it to Json using the Json method this is also promise based once this promise resolves let's follow this with a then method then take the data our Json data that's going to be returned to us Arrow do this let's console.log my data just to see what it is so after fetching data on Pikachu convert the response object to a Json format and here's my data for Pikachu we have a name an ID Pikachu stats such as his HP and attack and wait and many more things with this Json data you can access one of the properties I would like just Pikachu's name data. name Pikachu data dot weight how much does Pikachu way 60 60 units of something whatever unit of measurement they use in Anto what is Pikachu's ID 25 near the end of this video we're going to fetch the Sprites of the Pokémon now for some reason if we try and access a Pokemon that doesn't exist as of the filming of this video SpongeBob is still not a Pokemon we get a status code of 404 meaning we could not find this resource SpongeBob is not a Pokemon unfortunately so even if we can't locate a resource our promise is still going to resolve it's not going to reject we need to check to see if our response is not okay let me demonstrate I will console.log my response object here's my response object it is not okay your response will be okay if the status is within the 200 range since we have a status of 404 we couldn't locate this resource okay is false we're going to throw an error if our property of okay is false within our first then method we'll write a few statements we need a set of angle brackets before continuing let's check to see if our response access the okay property then use the not logical operator if our response is not okay if it's false we're going to throw a new error and then catch it using the catch method we can write a custom message let's say something like could not fetch resource if our resource is okay we won't execute this code otherwise we will return our response object in a Json format let's try and retrieve Pokemon data on SpongeBob okay we have an error but we have caught this error using the catch method error could not fetch resource then let's get data on Pikachu again and there Pikachu and his ID number if you would prefer to use a sync and a weight here's how let's delete all this we will create an async function so that we can use a weight within it I will declare a function to fetch data no parameters do all this we will create a try and catch block try and catch catch has one parameter an error if we receive an error let's console. error the error within our Tri block we will create a constant of response the fetch function is going to return an object a response object we will await our promise that's returned by fetch then we need to get that URL again let's get data on a different Pokémon another Pokemon that I like is tyion honestly I think tyion is my favorite Pokemon all right here's the stats for tyion I'm going to copy this URL pass it to the fetch function as a string once the promise for fetch resolves we have to see if the response is okay we'll use an if statement if our response object is the okay property not okay if our response is not okay if we can't locate this resource then we will throw a new error let's say could not fetch resource if our response is okay we will create a constant for our data equals await take our response and convert it to Json this also returns a promise that's why we're using a wait then we will console.log our data and then we have to call the fetch data function because I forgot to do that call fetch data and here's the stats for tyion Name tyion ID 157 tyion is a fire type that's how to use a sync and a weight to fetch a resource now that we know what we're doing we're going to create a text box and a button to search a Pokemon and pull up a Sprite of that Pokemon and display it so going to our HTML file we will create an input element with the type attribute of text because it's a text box I will set the ID of this input element to be Pokemon name it's a little small right now we haven't applied any CSS I will add a placeholder of enter Pokemon name then we need a button I will create a button element with text of fetch Pokemon I will set the onclick event handler equal to a JavaScript function let's call that function a fetch data then I will add a break after fetching some Pokemon data we have an image to work with I will set the source currently to be an empty string I will display some alternative text if we can't display the image of Pokemon Sprite and I will give this element an ID of Pokemon Sprite to not display the image currently we can access the style access the display property and set it to be none then if we do want to display it we can set display to be a block let's go to our Javascript file within our Tri block we will create a constant of Pokemon name equals document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm selecting is Pokemon name access the value of this input element now if somebody types an uppercase characters I'll take the value make all the letters lowercase I will method chain the two lowercase method two lowercase method with our fetch function we're going to use a template string with a pair of back ticks for the Pokémon's name we will use a placeholder and pass in our Pokemon name variable so now when I type in a Pokemon's name like Bulbasaur we should get data on that Pokemon if it exists so let's go to inspect console and here's data on Bulbasaur Bulbasaur's ID is one Bulbasaur is a grass type and I think he's a poison type too if I'm not mistaken this Json data also has Sprites images of each Pokemon we're going to fetch the front default so we don't need console.log anymore we'll create a constant of Pokemon Sprite to get that image equals take our data access the Sprites property get the front default Sprite then we will get our image element this one that has an ID of Pokemon Sprite const image element equals document. getet element by ID the ID that I'm getting is Pokemon Sprite we will change the CSS of this element take our image element access its source attribute right now it's currently empty our source is an empty string set the source equal to our Pokemon Sprite this is a constant then we will take our image element access the style attribute access the display property and set it equal to be a block because right now it's none now when I type in a Pokémon's name like Charizard and fetch that Pokémon we get the image of that Pokémon it is a little small however it is a Sprite Sprites tend to be very small or we can get meww or whatever other Pokemon you can think of I think there's like over a thousand Now where's tyion there's tyion all right everybody so that is how to fetch data from an API you got to use the fetch function it's is used for making HTTP requests to fetch resources you can fetch Json style data images files the fetch function simplifies asynchronous data fetching it's used for interacting with apis to retrieve and send data asynchronously over the web and well everybody that is how to fetch data from an API using JavaScript hey everybody so in today's video we're going to create a weather app that fetches data from an API you can look up any didn't get the weather if that sounds good to you then sit back relax and enjoy the show if you would like to follow along you will need your own API key the API that we'll be using is you do need to sign up for an account though it is free to sign up for an account you can go to sign in if you're currently not registered you can create an account for free once you're signed in you'll need an API key go to my API Keys it may take you some time to get an API key generated for you mine took about 15 minutes and once you get it make sure it's active we will need that API key about 20 minutes into this topic hopefully for you by then it'll be generated okay let's do this everybody we will Begin by creating a form element the form element will have a class of weather form our form element is going to have an input element and a button within this input element we'll type in the name of the city we would like to retrieve the weather data 4 so the type of this input element is going to be text for some text the class will be City input so a user can type in the city and we'll add a placeholder let me zoom in a little so you can see it the placeholder will equal enter City then we'll need a button let's create a button element with text of get weather the type of this button will be submit it's the submit button for our form after retrieving the weather data we'll display the weather data in a card format like a Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh card so we will create a div elopement with a class of card but before applying some CSS we should at least add some placeholder elements so we can style them and see the changes for the time being let's create an H1 element we will be deleting these elements later so don't get too attached I will set the class of this element to be City display We'll add a sample City let's say Miami or pick a city if you're choosing then I will create a paragraph element the class will be temp display meaning temperature let's say the temperature is 90° fah or pick something in celsius if you're on Windows to add a degree symbol you can hold alt then type 0176 Miami is going to be 90° F then we'll create a paragraph element for the humidity class equals humidity display for the text let's say humidity colon space then a percentage 75% then we need a description of the weather this will be another paragraph element the class will equal description display desk meaning description for the description let's say clear skies I'll also display an emoji depending on what the weather is the class will be weather Emoji I'll use a sun for some reason if we can't display the weather data such as if we can't locate a city let's add the following paragraph the class of this element will be error display We'll add the text of please enter a city that is all the HTML that we need for now we're going to apply some CSS styling next so now let's head to our CSS stylesheet we are going to select the body of document select a font family I will pick Ariel with a backup of s serif I'll change the background color of the body background color pick a color I'm going to use hsl values I will set the lightness to be 95% so it's a light gray color I will set all margin around the body to be zero then I'll use flexbox to display the element elements display Flex the flex direction will be a column to arrange all the elements in a column then align item Center to horizontally align all the elements align item center now we'll select the class of weather form that'll be this form that has an input element and a button all we'll do is add a little bit of margin around the entire form 20 pixels then we'll select our city input that's going to be the text box class of City input I will add some padding of 10 pixels let me zoom out to 100% increase the font size to 2 RM set the font weight to be bold I'll add a border two pixel solid and pick a color but all lower the alpha so it's transparent to 30% there's our border currently border radius around the corners let's do 10 pixels add some margin of 10 pixels that'll separate this element from the button and set a width of 300 pixels okay let's style the button next okay we are going to select all buttons that have an attribute where the type equals submit so that's going to be for our submit button that says get weather let me scroll down okay I'm going to add some padding around the button 10 pixels by 20 pixels I'll set the font weight to be bold I'll increase the font size to be to R pick a background color for the button I'll pick something green but I'll use hsl values I've already pre-picked a color let's go with 122 the 39% and 50% that's a good shade of green I will set the color to be white for the font color remove the border border none and Border radius 5 pixels to round the corners then when we hover our cursor over the button I would like it to be a pointer and that does work when we hover a cursor over the button we'll use the hover Pudo class to change the background color so let's take our button for the type attribute is submit access the hover sudo class take our background color make it a little bit darker I'll bring down the lightness by 10% so it's at 40% so that does in fact work okay then we're going to select our card class that contains all the weather data so we will select the class of card for the background we're going to do something a little bit different we're going to use a linear gradient instead of selecting the background color we will select the background I will use the linear gradient function there's three arguments think of a linear gradient as a slow transition between two colors we need an angle in degrees we'll say 180° for now then a color let's pick something blue and orange I'm going to pick some colors that look a little bit better so for blue let's set the Hue to be 210 100% for the saturation and the lightness will be 75% that's a good shade of blue and for orange we'll use another hsl value for the Hue I'll say 40% the saturation will be 100% And The lightness will be 75% so I'm hoping with this linear gradient the background color looks kind of like a sunrise or a sunset once we have our background I will add some padding of 50 pixels I'll add a box Shadow to this card we'll add a vertical and horizontal offset of two pixels each and a blur effect where the radius is 5 pixels then we'll pick a color I'm just going to lower the alpha to 50% not bad this gives our card a 3D pop effect I will set a minimum width of this card to be 300 pixels then we have to align everything within it I'll use flex box because I like Flex box display Flex Flex direction will be a column and align items Center to horizontally align the items there we go then we'll select all H1 elements that's going to be our city name select all H1 elements increase the font size to be 3.5 RM I'll remove any margin from the top margin top will be zero and add margin to the bottom of 25 pixels then we'll select all paragraphs that's going to be everything underneath our city select all paragraphs increase the font size to 1.5 RM there's a lot of natural margin between the paragraphs let's set all margin to be zero to see what it looks like okay let's add a little bit of margin five pixels on the top and bottom zero margin on the sides that's a lot better we'll select the city display and the temperature display we're going to be selecting two classes City display comma our temp display take these two classes apply the following properties you know what for our font size let's set that to be 3.5 RM we can honestly remove that from H1 for the font weight I will set that to be bold for the color I'll make the color a little transparent I'll set the alpha down to 75% so that our city and our temperature they're both going to be transparent then I'll add some margin to the bottom margin bottom 25 pixels okay let's select our humidity display class humidity display set the font weight to be bold and add some margin to the bottom of 25 pixels then we'll select our description display which we shortened to desk display for the font style I will set it to be italic and the font weight will be bold I'll increase the font size to 2 RM then we'll select our weather Emoji so class weather Emoji remove all margin around the Emoji margin zero then we'll increase the font size of the Emoji the size will be 7.5 RM so it's kind of big then if for some reason we display an error we'll display this text so this class is error display I'll set the font size to be 2.5 RM the font weight will be bold I'll set the color to be something transparent I'll lower the alpha to 75% okay that is all the CSS that we need let's go back to our HTML file we can delete everything within the card class we just wanted to see what it would look like with the elements populated with our card element I will set the style attribute to be take the display property set it to be none we don't want to display the card at all until we get the weather data until it's returned to us our HTML is done our CSS is done then we're ready to add some JavaScript functionality we'll declare our constants that we need const weather form equals document dot now since we're not working with IDs we can't get element by ID we're working with classes we can use Query selector or query selector all so I'm going to use Query selector this will return the first element in this class we only have one element with this class class weather form we'll store a reference to it const City in input equals document. query selector we are selecting the class of City input that's going to be this text box const card our card is what contains all the weather data document. query selector select the class of card and give me the first element now we'll need that API key const API key equals now here's my API key please don't try and use this one specifically I will be deactivating it at the end of this video hopefully by now you should have that API key given to you first we'll take our weather form We'll add an event listener this is our form the text element and the submit button when we click on this button the event type is going to be submit after we attempt to submit this form we'll do the following code we'll have one parameter an event that's going to be provided to us Arrow do this we'll fill this in later we'll declare our functions that we need we will need an async function to get weather data there will be one parameter a city that's going to be passed in then we'll need a function to display weather info there will be one parameter data the data will be in a Json like format we'll create a function to get weather Emoji based on what the weather is there will be one parameter a a weather ID then we'll create a function to display to the screen any errors if there are any function display error there will be one parameter a message a message to be displayed to the window within our event listener once we have a submit event once we click the button forms do have a default Behavior where they'll refresh the page we would like to prevent that so let's take our event use the prevent default method to prevent the default behavior for a form we don't want to refresh the page then we'll have to get the city the value within this text box const City equals take the city input access the value store it within this variable it should be a string we'll use an if statement if City if there's a value within here this this will be true we can use it within an if statement if there is a city do this else we'll call the display error function else we will display an error we will pass along the message to please enter a city let's fill in the display error function we want to be sure that it works before continuing the display error function is at the bottom will be provided with a message to display we will create a constant of error display equals document now we'll create an element create element we will create a paragraph then we'll need to change the text content of this element error display access the text content set it equal to be our message then we're going to add the class of error display we would like these CSS properties take our error display element access the class list then we will add a class we will add the CSS class of error display then we will take our card element which normally displays the weather data take our card reset the text content if there is something there we'll set it to be an empty string so normally with our card the display is set to none we'll set the display to be a block or even Flex access our card access the style access the display and I will set the display to be Flex to display it we will take our card we will append a child element append child we will append this par paragraph of error display to the card now if I were to not type in anything and just press get weather we get this error message please enter a city to our card I'm just going to round the corners to make it look better border radius let's do 10 pixels that's better okay moving on if we do have a city if there's text within here we will try some code because it might cause some errors we will catch any errors that happen we have one parameter of error if there's an error we can console.log or console. error the error then let's call our display error function we'll pass along the error and display it now we need to get the weather data within our Tri block we will create a constant of weather data equals now we need to await get weather data function and pass in our city so with the weight we can only use a weight within an async function since we're within an arrow function we could declare this Arrow function as an a sync function so let's preedee our event parameter with a sync so that we can use a weight we're going to wait for this function to return the weather data once we receive our weather data we will call the display weather info function and pass along that data the weather data okay this function is complete once you've typed everything in I'm going to close this function and we can close our display error function too now once we want to get our weather data after we have a city now we actually need to fetch the weather data we'll have to create a URL we'll create a constant of API URL this is what we'll pass to the fetch function we will use a template string be sure to use a pair of back ticks we'll need to get the following URL at this web page we need to find the API call where we can pass in a city name we can copy this within our template string we'll paste it we'll replace the city name with the placeholder and use our city variable for the API key we'll use a placeholder pass in the API key this is what we'll pass to the fetch function we will create a response const response equals a weight we can use a weight because we're with within an async function we will fetch our API URL once we have a response let's check our response let's console.log our response just to see what it is okay I will type in the city of Miami get weather our data should be within console.log here's our response it has a status of 200 and it's okay we need to check to see if our response is not okay what if we couldn't retrieve the data I'll make up some gibberish City let's go to inspect console we have a response status 404 the response is not okay we'll write an if statement if our response is not okay we will throw a new error and pass along the this message could not fetch weather data else if our response is okay we will return the response and we will await our response convert it to a Json format using the Json method so at the end of this function return an object that's in a Json like format this data is going to be returned to our event listener after we get our weather data we need to display it we'll work on the display weather info function next this one let's console.log the data we receive I will type in Miami so it looks like that worked we have a name of Miami for the city we have the weather which is an array it's an an array of objects we have coordinates clouds pretty much anything you can think of regarding the weather let's get the name within main there is temperature the temperature will be in kelvin we need to convert it I'll get the humidity within weather it's an array of objects we will get the description overcast clouds and this ID eventually we'll use the ID to return an emoji there's different weather codes I'll explain that later so we're going to use some object destructuring const use object destructuring with a set AC krly brackets we will access the name property and create a variable of city city will be Miami in this case then we will access main main is a property that contains an array take main use object destructuring again now we're within a nested object I would like the temp and the humidity then let's select our weather so whether it's an array of objects we'll have to use array destructuring followed by object destructuring give me the description and the ID we have to set this all equal to data to use destructuring and let me organize this to make it look nice our data is one gigantic object that has nested objects and nested arrays so after destructuring we'll have these variables the city the temperature the humidity a description of the weather and an ID for the weather code now we can use these like variables so with our card currently we're not displaying it now I would like to to display it we are going to take our card set the text content to be an empty string if there's already some text here we would like to reset it such as if there was an error message take our card access its style set the display property to be Flex for Flex box just to be sure that this is working I'm going to get the weather without entering a city after we do type in a city it should reset that's good that's what we wanted or if we make up some gibberish we have that error could not fetch weather data but then if we type in something legitimate and get the weather it'll reset that's what we would like okay now we have to create the elements the elements that we previously deleted from the div element we need to recreate those we will create a constant for City display to display the city document. create element our city display was an H1 element let's copy this line of code and paste it a few times four additional times we have City display temp display for the temperature that was a paragraph element humidity display humidity display that was also a paragraph element a description display which we shortened to desk desk display that was also a paragraph and a weather Emoji weather emoji and that was also a paragraph okay now we need to change the text content of each of these elements but they're empty so to say let's take the text content of our city display. text content property equals our city variable that we destructured okay let's see if that works I'll type in a city get weather oh and then we need to append it take our card append child we will append the city display element let's try that again type in Miami get the weather that should display Miami let's try Dallas Texas Dallas Oh and before displaying it we need to add the class list the CSS class for the city display after adding the text content we will take our city display access its class list add the class the CSS class of City display so then when we type in a city we should have that CSS styling all right now we have to add the temperature following the same format we will take our temp display access the text content equals I'll use a template string with a pair of back ticks I'll add a placeholder pass in our temperature add a degree symbol you can hold alt then type 0176 for a degree symbol now this is normally in kelvin actually I don't think Kelvin uses the degree symbol but we'll be changing that momentarily take our temperature display access its class list add the following class add the CSS class class of temp display then we have to append the element to the card element take our card we will append a child element of temperature display so now we should see the temperature but it's going to be in kelvin we have the city and the temperature for the temperature if you would like Celsius let's use deg CI you have to subtract from the temperature 200 17315 okay but now we should probably round it so let's enclose this equation with a set of parentheses follow this with the two fixed method of numbers to round it to one decimal place 15.6 de C if you would like a Fahrenheit temperature this is the formula take our temp in Kelvin minus 273.15 we will multiply this by 9 / 5 plus 32 so let's enclose this all within a set of parentheses so now we should get that temperature but in Fahrenheit oh and then add F to the end 60° F then we'll get the humidity so take our humidity display element that we created access the text content set it equal to be a template string using a pair of back ticks let's add the word humidity coin space add a placeholder display our humidity variable We'll add the class list of humidity display humidity display access its class list add the following class of humidity display then we have to append the element to the card element card. append child append our humidity display so we should get the humidity Miami 60° fhe humidity 81 let's add percent 81% yep that does work then we'll add the description a description of the weather take the element of description display access the text content equals the description then add the CSS class to the class list for this element description display access the class list add the following class of description display then add the element card. append child we will append our description display let's type in Miami get the weather currently in Miami there's overcast clouds now we have to get an emoji based on the weather with our element of weather Emoji we will access the text content equals we will call the get weather Emoji function but we have to pass in a weather ID so we will pass in the ID variable that we receive from data once we get our weather Emoji we'll work on that momentarily we'll take our element of weather Emoji access the class list add the following CSS class of weather Emoji then append it to the card card. append child we will append our weather Emoji all right now before we canest it we need to fill in the get weather emoi function so with this open Weather AI there are different group codes so our weather ID is going to be either within the 200 range meaning a thunderstorm the 300 range means drizzle 500 is rain 600 is snow 700 is atmosphere such as Mist smoke or even a tornado 800 exactly is a clear sky anything greater than 800 means clouds so our weather ID is going to be one of these codes so we're going to use a switch we will examine the Boolean value of true does the value of true match one of these cases we'll have a case for group 200 if our weather ID that we pass in is greater than or equal to 200 00 and the weather ID is less than 300 that means there's a thunderstorm we will return an emoji a thunderstorm Emoji thunderstorm I don't like the look at that one that's better okay group 300 is a drizzle so let's copy this case because I don't feel like retyping it if our weather ID is greater than or equal to 300 and less than 400 that means we have a drizzle we'll just add an emoji of a raining Cloud so group 500 is also rain but it's a heavier rain so let's copy this case paste it if our weather is greater than or equal to 500 and less than 600 will return rain as well group 600 is snow if our weather ID is greater than or equal to 600 and less than 700 we will return a snowflake meaning snow then we have group 700 if our weather ID is greater than or equal to 700 and less than 800 we'll return some fog Emoji 800 exactly means a clear sky we can display the sun if our weather ID is strictly equal to 800 exactly we'll return a sun emoji anything within the 800 range means clouds so if our weather ID is greater than or equal to 801 800 means clear sky so with this group code it only goes up to 809 if our weather ID is less than 810 return a cloud then let's add a default in case we get a weird weather code default return I don't know a question mark we get some unknown weather phenomena UFOs or something I don't know okay and I think that should be everything let's close out of this close out of these functions and now if I were to type in Miami and get the weather in Miami it is 60.3 De F humidity 81% there's overcast clouds and we get a cloud Emoji because it's cloudy let's try Dallas we have a clear sky 45° fah humidity 63% clear sky and we get a sun emoji all right everybody so that is a weather app that you can make using Java JavaScript HTML and CSS