foreign [Music] processes life and mind our systemic processes you can either you can also write down their like body and mind if life and mind doesn't make sense body and mind the reason why we say life and mind or like I said maybe it's put body and mind in there as well is because how are you experiencing this life this world this reality how are you experiencing it you're obviously experiencing it through your body okay so what's going on around you okay and what you have here is body and mind or systemic processes so my body and my mind is one thing okay so how I will experience it in my body is what I will experience in my mind so let's say behind this door stand somebody that is really really depressed and if you get the four following questions right I will donate 100 000 rent to your favorite charity the person standing behind that door please note that person is depressed is that person behind that door standing open and upright or maybe a bit slouched over is that person talking loud with confidence or is that talk person maybe talking a bit softer with modern a lot of confidence is that person speaking with a bit of Rhythm and Tempo or is that person speaking maybe a bit slower how do we know these things because we've done that to ourselves the times that we were usually the most depressed I don't know about you or the times that we have felt the most depressed or have been in the most or the the most um or felt the the most degree of being in a negative state was the times we were usually busy with doing stupid things okay it's the time when you were laying in the bed or whatever the case might be not compactive at all not doing the things that you should be doing the time that you felt the most depressed I can guarantee you was the times that you were like lazy it was the times that you were not busy with something productive it was like it was the time that you were doing dumb stupid stuff and what I mean by that is the following I'm not saying that everyone in the world that is the breast walks around like this that's not what I'm saying very often people that's really depressed that goes every single day to their jobs with their smiles and their masks and they go home and the thing they go into that type of Moodle mode which is the which is the default mode you get what I'm saying and then we become so good at hiding that default mode that we put on the smile and this mask and whatever the case might be but nonetheless what I want to say with regards to life body and mind is they put people they take the breast people they make them smile at themselves in a mirror for a half an hour literally smile at themselves for an half an hour they put eegs and monitors on their mind and they literally start to see how the mood and the brain waves start to change just by doing something like smiling to themselves they put people in the fetus position you know the feet disposition and they let them sit like that for an hour or 20 minutes they literally can see the mood or the the the the the brain waves going down going down going down going down how great do you feel after a workout awesome why because the body was in motion now think about this you have electrical impulses okay listen to this so you have electrical impulses so you've eaten there's electrical waste constant obviously there's constantly impulses that because how do you know that your your foot is sore there's an electrical impulse that says there's like last night I can't believe it I walked I walked a thorn-like went right through my shoe right into my foot like right through my shoe but what happened I felt something but in order for me to have felt something there had to be an electrical impulse that went through my foot down up into my mind to say hey something is not right there now obviously that happens in a moment in an instant so everything that we experience in our body is electrical impulses so what happens you step into something that electrical impulse shoots through to your mind that is then that you feel then then you feel something then you attach you attach a certain emotion do that specific thing which is just a limited category of things that we think we can experience that you attach to that specific thing and then that thing that electrical impulse that you have now labeled because feelings and emotions are two different things so that emotion okay you feel that specific way then you attach a certain emotion to that thing to say this is the emotion that you're experiencing that emotion then puts you into reflects in your physiology because it puts you into the state of mind does that make sense so whatever the body is experiencing it will reflect in the mind and whatever if you feel bad and depressed and down and out and a bit tired and negative in the mind and you start running and you go for an exercise it will shift the whole experience in the body to something more compelling why because listen to this everything like I said is Just Energy signals so energy emotion is energy in motion that is what emotion is emotion is literally energy in motion that's why we always say motion equals emotion when you start moving motion it will start to release and certain emotions that you can experience so can you always take control of your mind how you feel in your thoughts no it's difficult do you have control over your body no I'm not talking about physical physical limitations but can you take control of your body can you lift your arm can you stand up can you walk can you maybe go for a jog if you're fortunate enough to jog yes that will influence the mind so life and mind the by the mind and the body are one thing the mind and the body is one thing and we can use that to our ability and almost I don't want to use the word manipulate but use that to our advantage to uncover certain blind spots in our brain does that make sense no that doesn't make sense to anyone we can use our body in certain ways and certain techniques in certain ways to uncover certain blind spots in the brain and you're going to learn how to do that with a certain techniques that we're going to do okay I mean literally to tell you guys okay last example to use with body and mind or life and mind or systemic processes you have a friend Ruth right you you know her really well she she can just approach you and you know something's wrong how because you see her without even communicating with her you can see in the body language in how they carry themselves something's not right and it doesn't have to be a necessarily I it it literally they can be normal and you can pick up there's something not right they can walk normally attack normally you can pick up something's not right why because whatever happens here needs to reflect here and I'm gonna prove that to you tomorrow in our first practical exercise I'm going to prove to you how amazing your brain already is and how quickly it can pick up signals and how you can know what's going on in someone's Mind by literally having them not saying absolutely anything I'm going to show you tomorrow how somebody can sit in front like that how James is sitting right there with his arms crossed no expression literally just like that I can I will show you and prove to you how I can ask him a question say what is your favorite color without you saying anything and you'll be able to go obviously there's a there's a there's a there's I'm giving you a choice between two things is it this person or that person so I'm gonna calibrate him I'm gonna ask him is that person or that person and I'm going to ask you who of those two people who's the longest one you don't have to say anything and you'll be able to in his body language be able to see oh it's the it's the person he dislikes oh that oh that's the person he likes oh that's the person who dislikes just in his body language that is basically what they call mind reading and all those things the mentalists you know if you're a mentalist look it's a very very subtle art it's a very difficult skill to learn but it's far you're far more powerful and you're far more let me rather say that you are far more capable of doing certain things relating to the mind and the body than you think why because you're a human being and these things only work on people that's alive so it only works doesn't it only does not work with people that's dead and hopefully all of you guys are alive [Music]