hello everyone i am sir anjavir and welcome to the fifth episode of eabp in taglish [Music] previously we discussed thesis statement and how we can write one easily for this session we'll talk about a concept not often practiced by many but it's actually very helpful in writing that is outlining outline usually we tend to write our thoughts straight to our composition okay i mean sen gagawan and scratch or draft hopefully after you watch this video maria likes helpful and outlining in your writing activities spirulina outlining an outline is a written plan that serves as a skeleton for the paragraphs you write the bixby outline skeleton or framework some composition or essay it is a summary that gives the essential information that will be included in the paper book speech or any similar document supporting details at examples now why is it important that we make an outline first it gives us an overview of the topic and it enables us to see how various subtopics relate to one another next recording the information in our own words help us test how much we understand what we read and finally it is an effective way to record needed information from reference books you do not own you research for related literature palazzo future researches nino outlining and help you organize the data you gather from various sources like books articles journals or studies remember we have two types of outlines the writing outline and the reading outline what's their difference cinderella a reading outline is what do you make when you study a paper [Music] and explain an author on the other hand the writing outline is what you make when you're about to write an essay kombucha the writing outline is your draft kompa and moya arranged young thoughts mode in it the reading outline is for analyzing a paper while the writing outline is for organizing your thoughts or your ideas before you write your essay now before we discuss the basic steps in making an outline let us first talk about the two systems of outlining idiom format the sinusoidal chapagoan outline the first one is the decimal outline it is a system of decimal notation that clearly shows how every level of the outline relates to the larger whole simple detail ideas are organized using numbers tapos data [Music] from the words alphabet and numbers a form of data we use letters and numbers to organize our ideas this is how it looks like [Music] now let's talk about how to make an outline since mas madras the manga meet an alpha numeric outline first of course is the title of the essay so that learn that is a top center then write a thesis statement we learned from our previous episode non-thesis statement i am submarine ideas the mini guy says next we use roman numerals for some major parts now adding sa an introduction body at conclusion roman numerals after the roman numerals we use capital letters for main ideas [Music] and so on small letters indentation is very crucial to every outline sections equivalent abs pentana indentation among roman numerals among capital letter arabic numbers at among small letters in writing outlines you have the freedom to write it in any way you want as long as it is an informal outline but if you're making an outline for a submission a limbaugh bypass a must feature more or cemented mobile checking tabat ango outline a young formal outline megan ty on two types of formal outlines the topic outline in the sentence outline mandarin but the difference is that in topic outline we only write words or phrases key words no information was about section que of course for sentence outline we write full sentences full sentences outline but its advantage is that the actual essay writing to understand outlining better let's have a very easy example let's say you are tasked to write an essay about moving on from a romantic relationship for the title for the thesis statement you will just write what you want to put in your essay and the bio major points negotiabin about the topic now moving on halimbawa an isis month this statement i moving on from a past relationship may be really painful but it is possible and you can begin by loving yourself by spending more time with loved ones and by doing things that make you happy so on a roman numeral introduction mo just write the roman numeral one then introduction tapos vienna introduction mo halimbawa angus begins a young introduction i moving on is difficult even [Music] [Music] the fallen love is quick and very unpredictable but to recover from it takes a lot of time that was the introduction additional we only focus on the essential information then we put our second roman numeral and that second roman numeral will serve as the body of your essay since a body not in the discuss that major points nothing about the topic thesis statement sadness statements loving yourself spending time with loved ones at doing things that make you happy is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can love yourself by improving yourself you don't improve [Music] improve yourself by making a better version of yourself and by developing your skills and talents and capital letter b statement that then another way to move on is to spend more time with loved ones i think second main idea you'll spend more time with loved ones arabic number one go back to your roots and go back to your roots so you explain musha by adding again small letter a and small letter b musta means to go back to your roots i take time to reconnect with your family another explanation of going back to your roots could be engage in family conversations more when there are chances of [Music] that they can spend more time with their family for the moment now they could spend more time with their friends so adding arabic number two illigaimo ang [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the road to fully move on from a past relationship it's a long and an easy one but step by step you can get there and that's it that is your outline if you can observe we used here a sentence outline again as i have said a while back if you use the sentence outline you can just combine the sentences from the sections and create the essay from them and that's it that's outlining i hope you realize how convenient writing is if you practice outlining once again thank you for staying with me until the end of this video please subscribe to our channel so you would be updated of our next uploads i am sir andre avir and this is capp in taglish you