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What event led Mars Corporation to market green M&M's as aphrodisiacs?
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A legal issue with a rival candy named 'The Green Ones.'
According to color psychology, why might red be more stimulating than green?
Red has longer wavelengths, which tend to be more stimulating than shorter wavelengths like those of blue or green.
How did Mars Corporation initially respond to the rumors about green M&M's?
They initially ignored the rumors.
Which color is found to be more stimulating over green in terms of arousal?
Red is found to be more stimulating than green.
What role did the old commercial link between green M&M's and home runs play in the development of the urban legend?
It contributed to the metaphor of reaching relationship milestones, thereby linking green M&M's to romantic success.
What was the significant finding concerning mixed M&M's in the experiment?
The group with mixed M&M's had significantly higher attractiveness ratings overall.
List three theories that explain the origin of the green M&M's aphrodisiac rumor.
1) Association with nature and fertility, 2) Rarity of green M&M’s in early mixes, 3) Commercial influence linking green M&M’s to home runs (relationship milestones).
Which group had the highest attractiveness rating in the experiment?
The control group (no M&M's) with a rating of 6.84.
What future steps are suggested for research on M&M's and attraction?
More extensive participant sets are needed, and there’s interest in involving viewers in future tests.
What were the average attractiveness ratings for the green M&M's group and the red M&M's group?
Green group: 6.24. Red group: 6.48.
What implicit insight does Mars Corporation's marketing reaction provide about urban legends?
It shows how companies can capitalize on and perpetuate urban legends for commercial gain.
Describe the experiment designed to test the aphrodisiac effects of green M&M's.
40 participants were split into four groups (green M&M's, red M&M's, mixed colors, no M&M's) and rated the attractiveness of photos.
What do studies say about the effect of the color green on arousal?
The color green is less arousing compared to red, as it makes the skin clammier but not as stimulating.
What was the final conclusion regarding the effect of green M&M's on libido?
Green M&M's do not significantly affect libido, and mixed colors seem to increase mood and attractiveness ratings.
What is the primary focus of the investigation in the green M&M's urban legend?
Exploring the myth that green M&M's are aphrodisiacs.