Transcript for:
Overwatch Gameplay Improvement Guide

I have created a simple guide that you can apply to your own gameplay right away all you'll need is your own brain and to trust me and I guarantee you'll improve from this video this is not clickbait and I've tested it for a long time and I've had nothing but positive feedback on it this video is going to help so many people and I'm excited to finally share these tips with you so I can hear all about your sargents my name is atan and if you don't know who I am I'm somebody who's known for my really big Sr numbers and my educational content where I help people climb and teach them how to play the game so with that out of the way let me show you what I can do let's get into the list the list contains six Concepts which are Corners cooldowns teammates objective check roles and lastly ebb and flow a corner is a point on the map that will separate two open line of sights which are especially important in OverWatch 2 now that shoots are gone I'm looking at you healers because they are the building blocks of our success in overwatching climbing because they create a ton of consistency by reducing our chance of dying randomly to the millions of things that can kill us and I don't expect you to be tracking enemy positions and cooldowns and creating these mental maps at all let me explain a little further imagine you're an Anna who's sitting behind her team in the open she feels safe she's scoped in pumping heels like normal but erotic appears out of nowhere you try to run the safety but you're in the open he predicts you it's his hook you're dead your team loses this common scenario that happens let's play that back and Implement corners Diana is now pumping heels in third team's line of sight she can sell you all of them as normal however this time when she sees the road dog because she's hugging the wall she can put a directional input instantly duck behind it and even if the hook were to hit her it would snap and break off and she would be safe but what other benefits can our Anna have other than dodging threats that she's not been tracking every time that the Anna has to reload she will be remaining in the line side of the enemy if she's not playing around the corner though she's making herself vulnerable as she cannot even fight back she cannot interact or heal but they can shoot at her so if she will go to behind that wall she could take cover reload then peek back out and she reduces her chances of getting picked immensely now I use Anna in this example but the same thing can be applied to a tank that is low in cooldowns or resources and then needs to hide semi can apply to a DPS I remember this Grand issue that a lot of the community was facing where they were dying a lot and they felt so bad playing support and said the role was bad Etc because there were no more Shields to keep them safe because these shields are movable walls that created this comfortable lifestyle that required no concern for their own safety and now that Shields are gone you can quickly see why people started to feel the heat this is why Corners are so so important and we will be coming back to them as we go through the other examples pull Downs are crucial for your success as an OverWatch player not only will playing around cooldowns assist you in your consistency in climbing it will also teach you to recognize when others are making a mistake or each cooldown timing differs from character the character to start with what they mean to OverWatch as a whole pack I think that the best way to describe it is is that cooldowns are cyclical and what this means is is that almost every hero will be in this cycle where they will get their cooldown use the fight fall back wait for it when they have it up again they'll go back in fall back wait go in fall back wait and it becomes a cycle which is a very simple to understand cycle for example let's look at tracer uh Tracer is a hero that has three blinks and a recoil which has a very long cooldown damn it if this Tracer were to engage a fight with only two of her blinks and no recoil you'll find very quickly the enemy team will Dispatch over almost instantly she can't Dodge most of their things and she can't really run away either which is why the correct cycle for a tracer is for it to have at least two of her blinks and her recoil meaning that she can now look for an aggressive play or a punish and then recall out the safety and while she's waiting for her cooldown it doesn't mean she cannot fight just means she will have to respect the fact that her engaging without it will be much much riskier furthermore in this category I would like to add that this also applies to our ammo and to our HP all of these are resources that we want to have when we engage an enemy to maximize our strength and our chances by having as many resources as possible okay overall learning the game it might be very difficult to keep track of all of these or look down in the middle of the fight which is why when you reload you're going to be moving behind a corner as we discussed earlier you're going to be able to look at your cooldowns when you're in animation and look at your HP and then go back into fighting now if you get a pick or an advantage that takes us to The Next Step now we might all know what roles are but I think it's really crucial to look at the obvious things and break them down because sometimes those can give off a lot of information a lot of meaning that we will potentially forget in the chase of something more complex and advanced as you know there is one tank two damage dealers DPS and two supports everyone I want you to listen up very closely because what I'm about to say is so complicated so complex it would Revival the intelligence of Nobel Prize winners all right tanks are thank you yeah guess what thanks for Tanki they're really hard to kill they have damage mitigation they have abilities that do that or Shields they have larger Health pools they get crowd control they got a new tank passive they're beefy meat shoots that are supposed to be difficult to kill damage dealers are often squishier units but they have a varied range of play Styles usually they have a very low crowd control but a lot of power in their kit to get a lot of kills quickly on top of that they have a new DPS passive which increases their reload time after getting an elimination which can also be triggered on assist and they get more movement speed lastly our supports now these are the glue that hold everything together you remember the really tanky tanks well those tanky tanks become invincible when you add an inner pocket when you add insane heals and survivability they have crowd control they have a lot of things they even have a lot of damage to be able to do you so it's incredibly tough to take down a tank that has these supports behind them because on their own they're already tanky but with them it's it's insane so this is why we need to stop wasting our ammo which is a resource we need to stop wasting our abilities which is a massive resource of trying to take down tanks where we could be playing the map and looking for routes and ways to bully out supports and or kill them and or get picks once you start taking out supports you will see all those tanks that you hit fall down so so quickly supports now also have their own passive which is after a period of time of not taking damage they will start regenerating their HP teammates are an unavoidable thing that we will all have to deal with on our journey to climb whether it be them feeding not grouping up together so we can all walk in S5 or playing weird hero picks that we hate we always have to remember that we are not in control of their keyboards and only in control of ours which is why I heavily encourage you to spend all that time worrying about yourself and not your teammates and making yourself as consistent as possible so we are not a part of that problem so when we have our cooldowns when we have a pick we have a numbers advantage and we really want to engage and take space it is crucial to get into the habit of turning your screen around to look behind you to see who's alive where the resources are if they're also ready to go if they have their cooldowns this is a crucial technique that is criminally underused and it's a really really good idea to get into the habits of trying to gather as much information and update yourself as much as possible because this can stop you running alone towards enemy team as a tank because you assumed that the heroes were behind you now like my teachers used to say assuming just makes an ass out of you and me now once we get more quick at gathering information from our teammate check we can introduce an objective to check this is just a quick little reminder to ourselves that we need to make sure that either our teammates are on point so that you avoid the scenarios where enemy gets an extra touch because nobody was pushing the cart or we see nine or we're not capturing the King of the Hill and lose a couple percent too much about that Adam in trouble Mendo trying to run away again it's an objective-based game where killing enemies is fun at the end of the day it's just a tool to increase the success of completing those objectives or removing a resistance and lastly we have ebb and flow now I do want to put a warning out there that this is the hardest one as this concept is more abstract in nature there's not a very obvious examples and require you to understand other fundamentals to compose an understanding however I will go over it because once you do get it over which will transform into a much clearer game that you can then start the theory craft your own ideas and solutions to problems that you'll see in your games first I have to go over what space is this is a term you've probably heard from around before but it is considered widely by all coaches the sort of building block that everything else exists it's like the root of a tree it just spreads throughout all the other Concepts space is the area where teams are allowed to move between it's something that you can give it's something that you can take it's really simple actually to understand it's just very complicated to apply let me give you an example what allows you to walk out of your spawn door there's no Reinhardt using his shield and his HP to stop you from doing so therefore that is space that you can maneuver through if you were to get to a choke which is a tight little space that is being blocked off by a tank it'll often be very difficult to push through as he's commanding that space from you now often I like to use an example of an attacking team and a defending team the attacking team groups up together they will try to move through space to attack the defending team they will use their cooldowns to do so the tank usually goes first to create that space the defending team and says no no no you can't do this we're gonna fight back we're gonna push back they'll use their cooldowns and their resources to push the attacking team back but they can't really do that all the way and so the attacking team has taken a little bit of space if successfully gone in use their cooldowns fallen back resettled look for a new opening and again as they get their cooldowns back they push again they try to get a pick or find an angle that the defending team isn't holding and then they fall back around a corner get their cooldown go back in and it's this back and forth is ebb and flow such as the waves on the beach the wave goes in the wave comes back the wave goes in the wave comes back it's a very natural thing that The Siege just does as is the nature of OverWatch without this going in attacking and falling back it would not exist let me give you a little example of how we can apply previous Concepts to this such as a DPS one let's say a Genji with a flanker and flanking means that you were playing the back line to assassinate to capitalize on cooldowns or people out of position if the attacking team is waiting for their cooldowns getting ready to go in and the Genji then strikes he does desynced himself from his team he's no longer an ebb and flow enemy team focuses him down because he's an enemy territory and is quickly dispatched off our Genji player in the situation should have waited looked through the wall looked for his teammates saw them go in and then jump in himself from behind no longer being the Target no longer being the focus and the enemy team will have lower cooldowns as they had to use those to trade with the attacking team you can see the difference in both scenarios one he gets focused down the other is capitalizing off of his team's engage something that I've often seen with students is that when they are introduced with all this new information they're excited they're ready to go and they lose they make mistakes and they play slower and they play sloppy but I want you to know that this is a very normal experience especially if you're less used to the game and can't gather on previous games experience but it's a completely normal and okay thing because your automated Baseline your level of play is probably around whatever rank you float around most of the time when you introduce active thinking and decision making often when you're presented with a something that you're supposed to react with quickly you have to spend extra time thinking because you're doing something abnormal you're breaking that autopilot which results in you being a slower and getting punished however the more you stick to it and the better you get at it the quicker you'll be able to react to that information and eventually you will out shine that automated level that you previously had and that is why you experience that initial drop off but if you stick to it I guarantee because what I've noticed is that most people below Diamond are nowhere near having this as a baseline level of fundamentals meaning that I'm so confident that you will at the very least get there and this is something that you will be taking all the way through it never goes away you'll always need to learn it so make it Baseline automatically start learning the best spots to play in start playing around your cooldowns to get into the cycle start learning OverWatch apply it to your hero and then when you do that and you understand this you can play any hero you want and you will improve so so so much as a player thank you very much for giving me your time please subscribe to the channel I would really appreciate it I'm going to work hard on bringing better content to give me feedback ask me questions I'm happy to help but we'd love to do more of these because the win-win right you get NSR and I gain your sub much love everyone good luck on the climb I'm looking forward to seeing your OverWatch 2 gains