React Application Creation with Create React App

Jun 7, 2024

React Application Creation with Create React App

Installation and Initialization

  • Install Node.js and npm: Needed to run and manage packages.
  • Create React App: Tool to set up a new React application with a modern build setup.
    • Search create react app on Google and follow the official documentation.
    • Install globally using:
      npm install -g create-react-app
    • Initialize new app:
      npx create-react-app my-app
    • Navigate to your app directory:
      cd my-app

Key Points

  • Use Create React App for efficiency: It sets up a standard structure and helps in saving time.
  • Optimal workflow: Simply coding without setup or packages will not be feasible. Use Create React App to avoid manual setup.

Folder Structure

  • Node Modules folder: Contains all the npm packages.
  • Public folder: Contains the public assets and HTML template.
    • Important files:
      • index.html: Main HTML file where the React app will be rendered.
      • Various image files like logos.
  • src folder: Contains the source code of the application.
    • Important files:
      • index.js: Entry point for the React application, where components are rendered.
      • App.js: Main component file.

Running the Application

  • Start the application: Use npm start to run the React app.
    npm start
  • Changing content: Modify App.js or create new components in src and see changes reflected immediately upon saving.

Practical Tips

  • Component-based architecture: Use components to break down the UI into manageable and reusable pieces.
  • Props and state: Manage data within and between components using props for immutable data and state for mutable data.
  • Props (Properties): Passed to components to configure them тАУ like parameters to a function.
  • State: Data that changes over time within a component.

Debugging & Warnings

  • Handling warnings: Pay attention to warnings about potential issues, similar to being cautious about known vulnerabilities in borrowed items.
  • Common setup issues: Be aware of common pitfalls in naming and location while setting up your project structure.

Best Practices

  • Structuring components: Organize components logically for easier maintenance and readability.
  • Use Visual Studio Code: Recommended IDE for editing React code.
  • Refactoring: Continuously improve and streamline code by breaking down into smaller components or optimizing logic.


  • Creating a basic React app with Create React App simplifies setup and follows a standard structure which makes the development process efficient.
  • Use npm commands to manage your project lifecycle like starting the app, installing packages, and building for production.
  • Understand and utilize React's architecture, component structure, props, and state management for effective UI development.
  • Follow a practice-oriented approach by consistently experimenting and applying these concepts to build applications.

Next Steps

  • Hands-on practice: Create your own app, explore the folder structure, and familiarize yourself with the components and setup.
  • Explore further: Dive deeper into props, state, and lifecycle methods in React for more advanced control and manipulation.


  • The goal is to familiarize yourself with React and its ecosystem to build interactive UIs efficiently.
  • Thorough practice and hands-on experiments will bolster understanding and proficiency.