hey guys nurse Mike here and welcome to simplenursing.com now before we get today's lecture started please remember to access your free quiz and preview our cool Nifty new study guides not here on YouTube click the link right up here at any time during this video all right guys let's begin so how do you tell the difference between dka and hhns well dka is more common in type 1 diabetes and hhns for type two so think which letter comes first in the alphabet well guys D comes first so it's type one and H comes second so that's how you know it's type two now what is dka well guys let the name help you diabetic keto acidosis there is no insulin produced since it's type one guys we have none the body killed its own pancreas and as usual no insulin means no sugar in the cell therefore the body must burn fat for fuel resulting in fat waste and Ketone bodies are produced kind of like how a diesel engine blows off a lot of exhaust Ketone bodies are very acidic wastes so we have high acid and dka or diabetic keto acidosis now type two we have few insulins barely working so hhns or just HHS let the name help you so hyperglycemic we have the higher sugar hyperosmolar we have very thick dehydrated ated blood guys huge dehydration here and nonketonic we have no ketones and S is for syndrome now since the body has barely enough insulin to put sugar into the cell well the body Burns sugar for fuel so we don't get those Ketone bodies so guys think type two you have a few insulins working so no fat burn no ketones since the body's burning glucose now typically dka has a faster onset and consequently it's easier to fix since the patients are young with type one diabetes and hhns is a slower onet with older patients so guys it's harder to fix hhns now for the causes dka remember the three s's like high sugar so sepsis like infection guys always in enlex favorite the number one cause of dka is infection second s is for stress like surgeries or even skipping insulin guys kids in type one will get the flu or an infection and then boom end up in dka or they'll go to surgery without increasing their insulin dose and then bam dka and similarly on the other side older patients in hhns commonly caused by illness and infections so what are the main differences in the signs and symptoms all right guys that wraps it up dka versus HHS thanks so much for watching for our full video and new quiz Bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts helping us make these great videos all right guys see you next time