brain take here we take is Made Simple Windows Spotlight for desktop on Windows 11 rolled out recently as a new feature as I have posted previously where before that um window Spotlight was only available on the lock screen on both Windows 10 and 11 and as mentioned is now a new feature window Spotlight for desktop on Windows 11 where you get different daily images of the day that Microsoft rolls out um you get about four to six new images give or take every day and then those do change more or less on every on a 24-hour basis every 24 hours and if you right click on the Windows Spotlight desktop icon on your desktop you can click on switch to next picture and then just choose a um image that you as an example would like to keep as your wallpaper and your background for the day now um since the feature rolled out I have been using Spotlight on desktop for my desktop backgrounds and wallpapers and in that regard I have been getting quite a few requests and comments on the channel asking in from viewers where they can download and get the images displayed on my windows 11 desktop in their videos so um in this video I thought um it would be a good time just to make a video to show you how you can find the windows 11 desktop Spotlight images their location and how you can save them manually for future use and reference and um the images that do roll out every day for the desktop Spotlight um are actually saved onto your local Drive although it's not easy to find them as they are hidden in an app data folder that's a hidden folder so if you would like to save an image so as an example I like this image which I do so now I want to save this and keep it permanently for future Houston reference how to get to the windows 11 spot plot the desktop images location and how to save them manually in Windows 11 we just head to the file explorer head over to your C drive or the drive your operating system is installed on and yeah we want to go to view show if you haven't done so already and enable hidden items which will show the hidden folders and files because the the images are like are located in a hidden folder then we navigate to users your main user folder open that and then you navigate to app data which is a hidden folder and then you click on local and yeah you want to go and navigate to packages double click on that and open that and this is where the folder is located with the images and I suggest you just go to view and click on large icons because it just makes reading the text a lot easier as it is quite a mouthful and quite a long title so what we're going to look for here is a folder called Microsoft Windows content delivery manager so just to scroll down Microsoft Windows I'm looking for first of all so I'm just going to find that Microsoft Windows here we go so it's called content delivery manager and ends in EWR so I'm just going to say that again delivery manager and all that ends in EWR so that's the folder you need to navigate to and open and then we go to um local state open that folder and here we need to open assets and this is where the daily images are located and as you can see there are some here from previous days and um this will change periodically but you will more or less find the image you are looking for here and here's the image that was displayed that I wanted to save and manually so what I do is I'm just going to copy that's and I'm just going to head to my pictures and paste it in there but now you'll see when I paste it in it's is basically um there's no image viewed that's because it's lost its image properties um copying and pasting it from that um that Windows Microsoft Windows content delivery manager local state assets folder it's lost its image properties so all we do here in this regard you can rename the title obviously and I'm going to re keep the title and I'm just going to put dot jpeg on the end so dot j p g so it turns it into a JPEG image and hit enter and you can see there's the image and now if I just click on that you can see the size is 700 781 kilobits and um it's 1920 by 1080p that's the dimension and I'm just going to open that and there I have my Standalone image now that I've saved from the windows Spotlight desktop images and now if I want to use that um as my wallpaper as an example you could just right click on that and set as desktop desktop background and if I hit the now Windows Spotlight has been removed and I've replaced it now with that Windows Spotlight desktop image that I've saved manually now from the Microsoft dot Windows content delivery manager folder local state assets folder and that's where it was located so that's how you can find those Spotlight images for your desktop on Windows 11 and save them manually for future use and reference so thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one