Understanding Sociology as a Science

Sep 20, 2024

Lecture Notes: The Science in Social Science


  • Sociology is a type of science focused on the social world, not the physical world.
  • Uses principles and methods similar to "hard" sciences like biology or chemistry.

Sociology and the Scientific Method

  • Sociology utilizes the scientific method:
    • Develop a testable theory about a question.
    • Gather empirical evidence to test the theory.


  • Philosophy that phenomena can be studied through direct observation.
  • Founder: Auguste Comte.
  • Positive Theory: Objective, fact-based.
  • Normative Theory: Subjective, value-based.

Types of Sociological Inquiry

  1. Positivist Sociology

    • Focus on systematic observations of social behavior.
    • Objective, relies on empirical evidence.
  2. Quantitative Research

    • Studies observable relationships using mathematical/statistical methods.
    • Examples: Income distribution, household statistics.
    • Distinction between median and mean values.
  3. Qualitative Research

    • Information not in numerical form.
    • Uses interviews, questionnaires, first-hand observations.

Challenges in Sociological Research

  • Human behavior is unpredictable and hard to control.
  • Ethical considerations in research.
  • Observer effect: Hawthorne effect example.
  • Limitations of positivist sociology: Not all facts are observable or objective.

Interpretive Sociology

  • Focus on meanings people attach to their social world.
  • Less quantitative, more qualitative.
  • Aims to see the world from the subject's perspective.

Critical Sociology

  • Emphasizes the need for social change.
  • Values can drive research topics and questions.
  • Example: Jane Addams and Hull House.

Conclusion & Next Steps

  • Overview of sociology as a science and its methodologies.
  • Introduction to positivist, interpretive, and critical sociology.
  • Future topics: How sociologists conduct research.

Additional Information

  • Crash Course Sociology is filmed in Missoula, Montana.
  • Supported by Patreon, with special thanks to patrons like David Suchowski.