How to Install and Use Visual Studio Code

Jul 1, 2024

How to Install and Use Visual Studio Code - Lecture Notes


  • Welcome to G script
  • Happy New Year!
  • Today's agenda:
    • Installing Visual Studio Code
    • Demonstrating a simple program using Visual Studio Code

Installation Guide

Steps to Download

  • Open your favorite browser
  • Search for "Visual Studio Code download"
  • Open the official Visual Studio Code website ([link in the video description])
  • Visual Studio Code is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux
    • This tutorial is for Windows

Installation Process

  1. Click on the Windows version to download
  2. Wait for the download to complete
  3. Open the downloaded .exe file
  4. Click "Install Anyway"
  5. Minimize the browser
  6. Follow the setup instructions
    • Accept the license agreement
    • Confirm the installation folder
    • Create a desktop shortcut
    • Select additional options (recommended)
      • Open with code for Windows Explorer context menu and directory context menu
  7. Complete the installation and launch Visual Studio Code

Post Installation

Visual Studio Code Interface Overview

  • Close the release notes and welcome note
  • Explore the main interface of Visual Studio Code
  • Extension panel
    • Shows all popular extensions

Popular Extensions

  • Python: Required for Python development
  • C/C++: Required for C/C++ development
  • Live Server: Automatically refreshes HTML code in the browser
  • Java Extension Pack: Includes test runner, Maven, project manager

Demo: HTML Setup and Live Server

Setup HTML Project

  1. Open Explorer panel
  2. Open/Create a new folder (e.g., HTML practice)
  3. Create a new file: index.html
  4. Type html and select HTML:5 template
    • Creates a boilerplate HTML template
  5. Add content inside the <body> tag (e.g., Hello inside an <h1> tag)
  6. Save the file

Using Live Server Extension

  1. Search for Live Server in the extensions panel and install
  2. Go back to index.html
  3. Click on the "Go Live" button
  4. The server starts and loads the HTML content to the browser


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  • Additional tutorials on channel for various languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C# with Visual Studio Code
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