Transcript for:
Two-Foot Spins on Roller Skates

[Music] two foot spins and we're going to start with three quick tips [Music] so tip one you need to know in which direction you prefer to turn so you can do this without skates and literally just turn around in a circle and feel which way feels most natural most people prefer to spin counterclockwise it's just one of the kind of left-handed right-handed things i like to be different and i prefer to spin clockwise but it's entirely up to you for tip two you need to know which is your dominant foot now you probably know this if you've been skating a little while if you find your left foot is your most dominant foot so you're better balancing on your left chances are you'll probably like to spin counterclockwise and if you prefer your right foot the chances are you will like to spin clockwise it's just kind of how it works if you're different it's fine tip three is wheels the harder your wheels are the easier it will be to spin so on this floor my wheels can do this see how slippy they are that's going to make it really easy to spin as with most things in skating the upper body is going to help you so if you're going to spin clockwise then you're going to use this shoulder to take you around so if you start square and you pull so you pull this shoulder back and if you're going to go counterclockwise you do the same thing but with the left shoulder so as you pull in you take this shoulder back and that will give you momentum so this shoulder leads you into the spin or this way so now we're actually going to spin so if you can do a heel toe manual this is going to really help because one foot's going to be more on the toe and one foot's going to be more on the heel so you can kind of choose again which feels most comfortable to you for me i have my right foot more toe and my left foot more heel this is because wheels they want to go forwards they don't want to go sideways so by lifting some of the weight off it means they can rotate easier i'm going to spin clockwise so i need to think of my right foot is going to be skating backwards but my left foot is going to be skating forwards like this so you can kind of pump the spin round so if you imagine pulling the shoulder and pulling back your body will naturally so when it starts you need to think about pulling this one backwards and pushing this one forwards so it's creating tension but i always say bend your knees don't it's like a hilltoe manual you need to lift thinking about this one going backwards and this one going forwards and my shoulder pulling me we're gonna pump the spin so what i mean by that is that one and then we're going to do it again so we're going to pull that shoulder back so if you think about your bubbles when you're pulling you're doing the same thing here and you're pulling your feet round [Music] and you can keep doing this and this will turn into a spin so by pulling in faster for your arms in and pulling the shoulder back you'll go faster and faster so think about toe and heel you've also got to think about lifting yourself so what you want to do is turn this momentum into spin you don't want to be traveling across the floor when you're spinning because that means your momentum is going into the travel and not into the rotation so to do that you don't bend your knees if you bend your knees you start to travel because the momentum is going down not up [Music] right so i'm just going to show you the exact same thing but counter-clockwise so it's the left shoulder and you're going to pump exactly the same you're going to pull this back that's it so you should feel that it takes you so if you want to spin faster the idea is you do this because that will make you corkscrew so you'll get faster and faster so when you're going counter-clockwise the left foot is the one going backwards and the right foot is the one going forwards and you can heel toe whichever way you feel the most comfortable so when you first try this skill you'll probably find that your feet are quite sort of hip distance apart because you're doing this pumping action and that's totally normal as you start to feel that spin your feet will come closer together and to spin really fast what needs to happen is one foot will almost remain in the same place and the other one will spin around it and your feet will come in so i'm here but to be able to spin fast i need to be here so my feet are much closer but you'll see to get the speed i actually start off with them wide and pull them in and that in action is what tightens everything up and makes me go faster so if you watch that [Music] the idea is that this two-foot spin can lead in to you doing a one-foot spin so when you get faster feel that you're getting more weight onto one foot so then you'll be able to lift the other one spinning is really hard to do on roller skates so be patient with yourself it is not an easy skill to master i'm katie you're watching skatey and i'll see you next time bye [Music] oh no i'm not ready slipped so as with most as with most things in skating it's yes the upper artboard oh i kind of speak tonight it's so if you can do a hilltoe menu this uh it's gone what's it gonna do