Transcript for:
Military Training Experience Lecture

all right it is what is it 5 5 around 5 a.m. 5:40 the alarm's about to go off I have no idea what to expect let's see how the boys handl [Applause] you hear like a little alarm then you just hear the speak and I'm like oh here we go like the first I remember just laying there and I sort I was like you got to get up but it's good though sort of disciplined you I remember waking up instantly and making our bed straight away you have to make your bed then you have to get change almost instantaneously it'sit it's a bit weird isn't it cuz obviously cuz our first time about our phones like ages and you're waking up you're thinking what's the actual time cuz you can't really check from there so you had no idea what the time was people who have their shoes on Us's go [Music] move your head and look at your right God the song amazing they they sang a song called Anor which is like the the Korean Navy song and it was just it was amazing it was an amazing experience 1,500 of them sang in unison which was very impressive I'd say to do the stretches which was tough at 5:30 in the morning definitely yeah 5:00 a.m. sorry I'm smashing this [Applause] going back to the SLE well found it tough falling asleep but after it was fine the Navy song was so sick that was called anchor what have to take this off kept whacking me in the [Music] face blankets are wrongly made up made yeah yeah that wor we'll fix it we'll fix it great thank you very much always put your name tags on your right [Music] chest this is this is your blanket and first fold it twice to make it go half y it and then see yeah nice let me do let me do it a little space Oh you need a little space interesting okay okay qu yeah yeah and then yeah yeah yeah once ah interesting brilliant it looks really good wa oh it looks great looks almost too good should we change it no jokes no jokes I feel like we need to stand yeah every get wear caps when you leave the BS I it I Pro [Music] it so hungry so hungry we getting used to it's rice for breakfast [Music] [Applause] guys what do you think this is like squid this is the first one had it's good for breakfast but at home what would you have for breakfast at home you usually don't have breakfast don't have breakfast yeah Fair off okay but if you live grandma Yeah Grandma prepare breakfast every what's your favorite Kew oh K nice okay this this is like dinner food yeah so be like me waking up and having a pie do you know what as F no no I only I only know F chips so this would be like waking up and haven't fishing chips in the morning which to be honest I wouldn't mind or or if I have a takeaway and your pizza cold the next day for breakfast have you ever done that never had C really really really good all right we'll change your life but how do you think we're doing in the army training it's not about the channel this is yeah you think so we're doing really well okay that's good thank you you guys huh for for your help very helpful yesterday he was mad he was he was mad yesterday the DI the DI he was they always I like I like the idea that everyone goes through the same experience all all men go through the same experience in their country but then again I'm happy it's not in England yeah yeah I'm happy it's not in England but in England it's a very much it's a very individualistic life you you're focused on yourself you're self support and nothing else matters but here you work as a group if england were at War I think many English people wouldn't want to fight no but in Korea at least everyone has basic training so they know how to yeah so sir do you want my milk right I'll take it down Bobby will take it oh you're going to smell yeah I [Music] [Music] know it's perfect mhm yeah good okay what's your name Yen Yen s okay beward be oh backwards this was be there's a roll of toilet paper before you go into the toilet take whatever L roll you need before you go also do not flush the L roll then where did you wipe your the bin what so you just do it out in the open what out in the open wait so you take the toilet roll put it go back inside no there'll be a bin in the cubicle there's a bin in the cubicle not saying out next to the [Laughter] uros all right guys guys we have to get up right now we got three minutes is going to come after us and kick our office for go straight straight line straight line straight [Music] line not too SM too smiley for the Navy this is far more serious than I [Music] thought I'm nervous you miss you miss texting your misses yeah yeah that's all right it'll be fun what day is it today by the way I don't know what day we are military day that's what we are [Music] so we got here on the coach we marched towards this new training area and then we made our way to this massive field I guess where we've been lining up amount of soldiers there were was ridiculous I'll still I'll have that image in my mind for the rest of my life it was ridiculous spread out tired man it's a p well it's not good after that we started our first exercise which I thought was a warm up it was definitely not a warm up we started to do various exercises each one more intense than the last [Applause] I'm too old to this I'm too why you too Harding there was one exercise where we had to hold our arms I you know exercised a lot you know I went to the gym a lot to prepare my body for the intensity uh but nothing could prepare me for that that was on another level exhausting it was tiring I I can barely hold mine up this is tough I need a warm up it's it's Relentless every single part of my body hurts and you know you're going to have to go again and it's already hurting before you start the next beer [Music] as a head master of these boys over the years we talk about being Enterprise and having that c do attitude like we talk about that a lot being resilient throwing yourself in finding things difficult is fine but giving up I don't really think is an option and I think they risen to occasion I think they are resilient I think they have that CLE attitude just immensely proud of [Music] it's Relentless really regretting those 70 push-ups I did the other day now I don't if you can tell there there's loads of little stones just like cuts into your hand it really hurts this is by far the worst one I think I struggled the most with like the the first training bit where like it was push-ups and then put your leg up for about 30 minutes and then it was just on and on and yeah but that was the hardest part set oh my God I don't have any ABS oh I've only got one pack it's tough mon stop back to back physically the worst thing I've done in a while everyone's groining come on legs out you got this you've got this come on legs up keep pushing off come on come on fighting push push stand up stand up I think the hardest bit was when I couldn't feel my legs definitely I think my mentality going into all the exercises was push until I faint push until I I I don't I can't do it anymore and I think that's the way you have to do it because they do push you until your limit right oh I can't do this anymore oh my God I'm dead don't crack push through CH push for you're doing great well done do you help man thank you oh super man that last one was rough I'm sweating my leg's on fire so we're doing a whole day of this it's 9:45 what's the time now 9:45 yeah we did a good it yeah it feels like it it feels like it should be 12 then they said we're going to go carry some logs and I thought you know what carry some logs that's great that's fine that'll be that'll be quite fun oh this is intimidating [Music] uh we're going to carry the logs 110 kg each this is why I've been going to the gym every [Music] day Bobby out except except for Bobby what can I not try to give it a go can I give it a [Music] go I think with the logs I don't know why but I think we initially all went in feeling pretty confident to we're only carrying about like 12 K yeah it should be fine I think we can do this that's a British line that's a good CU learn from us that's a 10 out of 10 9 out of 10 the Queen's queue was a 10 out of 10 oh yeah to be fair how do you think they would do they're really good so I think I'm I trust on them there you go how's you feel out Jen you're trusted I know I'm trusted yeah not do this start in high order exactly the order that he put you in oh so that means I've got most of the weight one two three gosh okay fair enough we're going straight all right hello ow that is a sharp log is your so tall you're not doing anything are you Hur you're supposed to be in highight order Max we had to hold a log it was 110 kg and we had to put on our shoulder we had to walk around in C like a massive compound Bobby could surely do this one I wanted to do it and they said I can't yeah Bobby you could have done this I I I I said myself come in can I do it yeah come get in man can I please can I please do it because I'm using cuz I'm using my shoulder you're going to start moving it there's all sorts of exercises yeah I feel like it's resting on my shoulder quite a lot I feel like Max is in the wrong yeah why you're not holding I'm holding your all right go then oh my God yeah see what I mean you've been holding nothing though please don't say anything hold it over your hand 3 two one your arms your arms punished for chatting so serious holding holding it holding your hand guys up Up 3 2 1 left stra in your ass I'm trying come on bro this is not working we need to drop and then go again everyone put on your shoulders and then go one more time one go 3 two 1 two one stop moving stop moving [Music] smile smile hold over your straighten your arms straighten arms guys stop pushing for hold your weight hold your weight backwards backwards back [Music] back go 3 2 1 don't smile don't show your tee shut it down boys this is our last warning I think definitely underestimated how intense it would be obviously I had some sort of sense of what I was getting myself into but like nothing compared to what I actually I was expecting it to be hard but nowhere near as hard as this nowhere near as as fully immersive as this so you dip in experience a little bit and then dip out again none of that has been the case it has been completely full on like you got to give absolutely everything it's the mental strength the physical strength everything and it's just fly [Music] [Applause] exhausting set now this one's chest chest onto left [Applause] on chest down six [Applause] [Applause] moving the log was way more difficult than keeping it still Next Level difficult on your left your head off your head [Applause] there's something so impressive and Unforgettable about hundreds of voices shouting together through the agony you know it helps you all push through together as a [Applause] collective Cross Your Hands Over the Bar what it's going to break my skull my gosh should I take my hair make a circle P your head P your head head head on the head everyone's head right heads if everyone puts it on their head it would hurt as much my head is bruised still so I think that was probably the hardest part and probably the only parts of it where I thought do I even want to do this anymore are you are you you are you oh oh are you are you are you you who are you okay turn right turn right there was a moment when I was up on the hill filming and you could just tell the tension rising and gradually across the field people started screaming out try to put pressure on your head as much as it hurts you want who are you are you it felt like physical and psychological prodding like they were just pushing you beyond they took you to where you thought I can't do anymore and then just keep pushing and then we carried it on our head and I was like oh God I'm going to get brain damage here that was when I started screaming he's screaming Josh I think it's like a high pitch like I was like oh God one of the one of the soldiers is really injured guys push with your necks [Applause] sit down sit down oh my God I expected the physical push I can do the physical push but that psychological push was it's tough it's tough leg straight guys leg straight let's go all at the same time straight up I think the toughest bit was we didn't know when we would put the log down and he just kept going he just kept going I think it was just just getting through it persevering everyone after each other you want to finish together so as painful as it is and as long as it was you just keep going left left chess ch ch forward slowly okay I I have so much respect for all the kids and they're doing it for such long periods like this is 2 days obviously we got chucked in at the deep end but it was just so tough the whole thing has been like one of the toughest things I've ever done but so rewarding let ball left [Applause] [Music] foot thank you experience man in hindsight yeah in hindsight time to get less and less fun the log on the head was absolutely horrific screaming yeah because I was taking bloody a lot of weight you look done really well there I was getting so annoyed cuz I felt bad lot M honestly I wouldn't be envious yeah don't be envious like I would have happily been you I can't lie it Zero's smiling whole time I don't mind the smiling that's that's Min smiling wouldn't have helped anything but you're not here to have was it is it like normally your training is normally this hard or not normally that's hard right hard okay yeah is that hard that's hard for you guys as well yeah so they just throw us into the deep end we got thrown into the deep end straight away and the thing is that no amount of gym or Preparation can help you for stuff like that it's mental it's in the head it's in the head like just just hold your hands above your head for 40 minutes or it was 100 kg log on your head like there's nothing you can do to prepare you are you a very good man honestly what's this afternoon this morning was like a warmup for you been a pry warm up warm up oh KS oh [Music] Jesus this is tough this is tough this training is no joke