Transcript for:
Efficient Learning Through the Study Cycle

Want to become a more efficient learner?  Put the study cycle to work for you.   This five-step proven approach helps students  create a process for learning that can be easily   applied to their coursework. The five steps are  Preview, Attend, Review, Study, and Check. Step 1: Previewing. When you preview before class, you  can understand the big picture.   Skim through your text, PowerPoint, or videos. Note any bold and italicized print, headings, formulas, graphs,   and other images. When you have the big picture,  what you experience in class makes more sense.   Step 2: Attend, Go to class. It seems obvious, but  attending class is an essential step. Being engaged   by taking notes and asking questions will help you  feel more connected and get more out of class time.   Step 3: Review. As soon as possible after class, take  8-10 minutes to review your notes, fill in the gaps,   note any questions you still have, and highlight  important points. These first three steps: Preview,   Attend, and Review, will help you get the most out of  class. Reviewing after class helps me reinforce new   concepts which really makes me feel more confident. Step 4: Study, Dedicate study time between each   class. Use this time to engage with and process the  material through active learning strategies like   summarizing, concept mapping, practicing problems, or  group study. Ask critical thinking questions like   why?, how,? and what if? Remember to study in  small increments using focus study sessions.   Step 5: Check. Check your learning by teaching the  material, quizzing yourself, or working problems   without using notes. Periodic checking will  help you refocus and adjust your learning or   methods if needed. Checking my learning by  testing myself has made a huge difference   now I can see what material I need to  work on, and focus on that before the test.   The Study Cycle is designed to work the way  your brain learns best. This method helps you   move information from short-term to long-term  memory and reach higher levels of learning.   Start using the study cycle today and you'll  be a more confident learner in no time.