Notes on The Human Voice: Powerful Speaking Habits

Jul 27, 2024

The Power of the Human Voice


  • The human voice is a powerful tool, capable of starting wars or expressing love.
  • Many people feel unheard when they speak.
  • The lecture focuses on improving our speaking habits to foster change.

Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking

  • Gossip: Speaking ill of those not present; breeds mistrust.
  • Judging: Difficult to listen to someone who is critical of you.
  • Negativity: A negative mindset is hard to engage with.
    • Example: A personal anecdote about a negative conversation with the speaker’s mother.
  • Complaining: Widely prevalent in cultures but spreads misery instead of positivity.
  • Excuses: Blame-shifting hinders responsibility and listening.
  • Embroidery (Exaggeration): Leads to diminished language quality and potential lying.
  • Dogmatism: Confusing facts with opinions disrupts effective communication.

Positive Approaches for Powerful Speaking

  • The four cornerstones of effective speech: HAIL
    • H: Honesty - be true and clear in what you say.
    • A: Authenticity - be yourself and stand in your truth.
    • I: Integrity - keep your word and be trustworthy.
    • L: Love - wish others well; tempers honesty with kindness and removes judgment.

Enhancing Your Speaking Toolbox

  • Importance of the way speech is delivered in addition to what is said.
  • Key tools to improve speaking:
    • Register: Location of voice affects perception of authority (chest voice is more powerful).
    • Timbre: The quality/texture of voice can be improved with training.
    • Prosody: Variation in pitch and tone adds meaning; avoids monotony.
    • Pace: Adjust speed for emphasis and clarity.
    • Silence: Use silence effectively instead of filler words (ums/ahs).
    • Pitch and Volume: Alter pitch for emphasis; use volume strategically.

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises

  • Recommended vocal warm-ups enhance speaking effectiveness:
    1. Arm stretch, deep breath, and sigh.
    2. Lip trills (Ba, Ba, Ba).
    3. Tongue exercises with la, la, la.
    4. Rolling R sounds (Rrrrr).
    5. Siren exercise (weeeaawww).


  • Current speaking habits often result in ineffective communication.
  • Envision a world where conscious sound creation and reception are the norm.
  • Aim to enhance listening and speaking environments.
  • Encourage the spreading of this idea for better communication.