Transcript for:
Foundations Lesson: Closed Syllables and Sounds

hi third grade it's mrs d'amico here with you ready to go over our lesson in foundations for today today we did unit one week two day three so let's get started with our drill sounds warm up ready a apple ah a squash ah a wash e tch catch and fan anne and it should be a n fan anne ung lung ung i n k pink ink very good okay third grade i have this word up on the screen in front of you can we tap this word together ready go s stomp like you may stomp your feet when you march is this word boys and girls a closed syllable you should be nodding your head yes it is a closed syllable and now i need you to remind me how do you know it's closed why is it a closed syllable word it's a closed syllable because it has one vowel and the vowel is short because it's closed in afterwards by a consonant or consonants okay so that's what makes it closed okay now that we've reviewed what a closed syllable is i want to point out in the screen there are five cards down here that are exceptions to that closed syllable rule exceptions mean they don't follow the rule that we just talked about so they don't follow it because you'll notice when we review these flash cards that the vowel sound like in st ah is not short so that's why these are closed syllable exceptions let's review these together now ready ind find eind ild wild isled old [Music] cold old olt alt o s t post host very good and through all of those five closed syllable exceptions boys and girls you will notice that that vowel sound is a long vowel like i'm and i'll and old and old those are long vowels and ost okay nice work now look at the word that i built for you on your screen when we tap this word just like we talked about yesterday when you see a glued sound you are going to glue your three fingers together okay so let's tap it old see what i did old cold okay that's how you would correctly tap that word with that closed syllable exception now i want to take a second with you and review how to properly mark a word if it has one of these closed syllable exceptions okay so with the word cold first thing i'm going to do is scoop the syllable okay and then i'm going to say indicate here that it's a closed syllable exception so i'm putting an x over the c it's a closed syllable exception then i'm going to mark that the vowel it's an exception because the vowel sound is long instead of short so i'm going to mark it with a macron there okay now we're going to go into your student notebooks and we're going to go into the syllable section which is on page 22. we're going to look at the closed syllable exceptions okay so it's right here on page 22 in your notebook okay we've already talked boys and girls about closed syllables and we have some examples up here and now we're looking more in the middle of the page where it talks about exceptions it says on that page end isled old oat old and oast words the vowel is usually long even though it is in a closed syllable that's why it's an exception because it doesn't follow the short vowel sound rule okay you will see the examples they put for you on page 22 of closed syllable exceptions the first word is cold right and they marked it for you remember they scooped it first marked it as a closed syllable exception with an x and then they put the macron on top of the long vowel sound same with the word boat like a boat of lightning they wrote it out scooped it marked it as a closed syllable exception and put the macron above it to mark the long vowel we're going to add another word next to cold okay so let's write the word wild okay so think which glued sound means i old right it's i l d so spell it first see if you can mark it and then press play to see if you got it correct okay check to see how you did with wild w-i-l-d did you scoop it put closed syllable exception and then put your macron above the eye since it's long hope so now go next to bolt we're going to add another example of a word with a closed syllable exception your next word is kind say it kind it is always nice to be kind to others so go ahead and spell it first try to mark it on your own and then check back with me and see how you did okay check and see how you did with kind on the very end here next to bolt did you spell it right k i n d scoop it closed syllable exception marked the i with the macron since it's long very good okay third grade now we're going to go and do some echo find letters so if you were at school you would be using your letter title tile board your magnets to point to the letters but since you aren't at school you can simply point for this one to the sound on your screen okay the first sound that i want you to find is say it right point to the sounds or the cards that make the sound hopefully you remember there is more than one so we have ch chinch did you find that and tch catch remember we talked about last week the difference between these two tch goes at the end of a word with a sh right after a short vowel okay um let's do the next sound how about you find me ink ink right that is right here that's one of those glued sounds we talked about okay when you tap them since it's three letters you put three fingers down for that sound how about all all very good how about xs that's been a tricky one x fox right how about what w w h whistle very good now we're going to do echo find words so if you're at home and you don't have the tiles with you i'm going to need to you to go get a piece of paper and a pencil so that you can practice spelling words with us okay so if you need to pause the video until you get your materials that would be great all right hopefully you have your materials our first word that i want you to spell is cold say it cold let's tap it first and remember the trick old cold go ahead and build it if you were at school and had your tiles your word cold would look like mine up here you would use the c as your beginning sound and the o l d cold old as your glued sound okay hopefully you spelled it at home correctly let's actually say it spell it say it ready cold c-o-l-d cold nice work your second word that i want you to spell or build is champ say it champ let's tap that one ready ch champ remember that am in the middle go ahead and write it all right check your work and see how you did ch champ short for champion right okay so let's go ahead and say it spell it say it champ c-h-a-m-p champ nice work the third word i want you to spell is the word blank say it blank your paper should not be blank after you do your work let's tap it first ready blank go ahead and try it hit pause and then see how you did okay here it is check your work at home please blank let's spell it b l a n k blank the fourth word i want you to spell is the word strong say it strong let's tap it on strong go ahead and try that one pause the video until you have it okay let's see how you did this time did you spell strong let's spell it s-t-r-o-n-g [Music] strong very good let's do one more the last word i want you to spell is scold say it scold as a teacher i don't like to scold children for not listening scold let's tap it before you write it ready s old scold go ahead and let's see how you did with the last one scold s-c-o-l-d scold very nice the last thing we did in foundations today was everybody got another cursive practice page for the recent loop letters that we've been learning lowercase b f and k and you'll notice the difference between yesterday's practice and today's practice these cursive letters are all connected so when you do your b's trace them first and then try to keep going without picking up your pencil and you'll do the same for f's and k's and then they want you to start putting different letters together loop letters that we have learned like if you go down here here's the word be so you can start making that word on that line and here's the word fee and feel and elf because those words contain all of the loop letters that we have been learning in cursive so practice our loop letters that we've been learning at home today and that's all i have for you so i'll see you again next time thanks