Transcript for:
Exploring Myers-Briggs Personality Types

this is the video breakdown of the 16 myers-briggs mbti personality types i'll go over each personality type explain their strengths and weaknesses and describe their typical romantic and career lives i'll also be showing some famous and historical people of each personality type they will be ordered from most common to least common and timestamps can be found in the video as well as the description down below so let's get into it to properly break down each of the personality types i will explain the different individual traits or preferences that the personality types possess there are two different options for each of the four letters within the personality types the first letter is based on how we interact with our surroundings it is split between e for extroverted and i for introverted when we are dealing with the world outside of ourselves we are being extroverted when we are inside of our own minds we are being introverted this distinction is about which world we tend to live in more do we define our life direction externally or internally which preference gives us more energy and which world do we find draining the second letter is based on how we see the world and process information it is split up between in for intuition and s for sensing or observant the difference between the two lies in how they gather data through their senses sensors absorb data in a literal concrete manner the intuitives will tend to gather abstract possibilities from information that they have gathered sensors are very consistent and safe they may work a job for a paycheck and live a comfortable life however the intuitives may have an itch to acquire a deeper meaning in their work the third letter is based on how we make decisions and cope with emotions it is split up between f for feeling and t for thinking feelers will typically rely on their values more on their feelings of what is right and wrong to guide them whereas thinkers tend to analyze their actions and repercussions and use logic and reason to determine a plan do you go with what feels right or what logically seems right most choices in life involve a bit of both preferences however in difficult decisions is when our dominant preference will take over and help determine the outcome of our choices the fourth letter is based on how we approach work planning and decision making it is split up between j for judging and p for perceiving or prospecting this refers to our attitude towards our external worlds and how we choose to live our lives on a day-to-day basis judgers tend to want to keep their world neat orderly and established they much prefer a constructed and settled environment the perceivers prefer flexibility and spontaneity they much prefer things to be more open-ended before we get into the types let me break down the groups that each of the types fall under each of the 16 personality types are placed into one of four roles each of all of the types within a role will have two overlapping preferences or traits the first of the four roles we'll go over is the sentinel the hard working and dutiful the two shared preferences within this role are sensing and judging the sentinels are known for being cooperative grounded and practical they will feel at comfort with who they are and they can take immense pride in their positive character and general moral competence the members of this role seek order stability and security they will often go out of their way to maintain their current way of life because of this they can often become the cornerstone of their groups or organizations these people will often be reliably self-motivated careful and consistent only rarely will they need external motivation or inspiration to be focused and productive one of their primary goals is to never let people down however this comes as a double-edged sword as they expect the same treatment from others and this can lead them too much disappointment these individuals will typically prefer to collaborate within a predetermined set of rules and guidelines they can usually be found following the status quo for accepted methods rather than experimenting with unfounded methodology if it works don't break it sentinels prefer the slow and steady approach to projects this is why they will hardly veer away from traditional practices and traditions they enjoy and prefer consistency and would prefer to lead a single project to its end rather than venture off on a myriad of different tasks sentinels also thrive in scenarios where there is a clearly defined hierarchy and rules it's very important for these people to set good examples when they're given opportunities to lead they will take great pride in guiding a well-functioning team sentinels make great parents hosts teachers managers and community representatives not surprisingly 82 percent of sentinels say they would want to avoid risky or unpredictable situations sentinels tend to fall in love easier than the other roles they value practical displays of affection like making their love a delicious and healthy breakfast in general sentinels would be considered givers they aren't the type to neglect responsibilities for instance sentinels are unlikely to leave a mess even if they aren't the ones who made it and although they would appreciate being recognized for their efforts they rarely demand the attention sentinels will often work behind the scenes working as the invisible agent that holds the team together with unglamorous or forgotten tasks the principles for a sentinel would include diligence honesty and respect they're also more likely to have developed productive work habits during their days in school the sentinels are very unlikely to cut corners and settle for unsatisfactory work they're the least likely of all roles to compromise their principles to advance their career this role is the most likely to have a rigid plan for how to approach projects this brings up what might be one of their potential weaknesses if faced with unforeseen problems it's very possible that they will fail to adapt and crumble under the pressure the next role is the explorer the curious and fun seeking the two shared traits for this role are sensing and perceiving explorers will often find themselves very self-reliant and quick thinking they are comfortable and sometimes even excel at handling uncertain situations that occur throughout our days the flexibility of explorers is what allows them to adapt on the fly even if they aren't particularly prepared although explorers aren't typically obsessed with precise details they are very capable of work at a high level of precision and detail when they are passionate on a project and in the zone however most of the time their goal is workability and usefulness to perfection explorers are very capable of changing their minds easily with minimal regret or indecision they dislike monotony and they often will veer away from obligations in order to try new things occasionally clutter can build up as they've already mentally moved on to something new and fresh these people tend to enjoy being free of obligations from here they're able to pursue their own interests in their own time and manner however this interest can wane as soon as it becomes mandatory for them to complete it as an example an explorer might go all out on building a new computer and then procrastinate on cleaning or maintenance after some time the explorer's more free-form style and attitude allows them to be very socially apt and dynamic as well the spontaneity of these people drives them to find interesting people and experiences their ingenuity also allows them to get around obstacles that might prevent their good times they can become too enticed by the excitement of what happens next to let simple things get in their way explorers love to be at the forefront of things this can be acquiring the latest tech gadgets the hottest fashion trends or trying out expensive new restaurants in the area they also take great pride in introducing their family and friends to the latest and greatest discoveries that they have made and with all that it makes experience with these people almost always enjoyable and fresh ironically however their preferences on love is normally the opposite of this nearly 70 percent of explorers state that they're not easily bored by romances preferring stable and predictable relationships they love the unpredictability of life and sometimes there is nothing more unpredictable than falling in love in particular the early phases of a relationship are very energizing for the explorer as it's full of new experiences and discoveries though they are typically interested and committed in relationships they are slightly more likely than other roles to avoid commitment altogether but when they enter relationships most of them seek complete commitment they could be seen as afraid of commitment but when they fall they fall hard as they see the deeper value and meaning of long-term commitments explorers are so spontaneous that it's been said that they interact with their environments in a way that's been described as almost childlike and it's wonder and sheer fun this leads to a weakness of the explorer when faced with obligations that require frustration or work that they're not passionate about they can have immense struggles an explorer might struggle to develop a resiliency to the unglamorous routine and monotony of a school or work day their real strength comes when they are given opportunities to work on something that they are passionate about these personality types are capable of bringing any project to the next level and over time they begin to develop the necessary skills required to become proficient at the unexciting tasks eventually the explorer finds a way to balance their work life and their leisure life some might call it laziness however that might not necessarily be the case it may just be a method to cope from burnout from potential work overload this may be required for the explorer to maintain fulfillment in their life over half of all explorers say that they are willing to take risks simply for the thrill of it which is actually far greater than any other role their knack of taking risks exposes them to new experiences that allow them to grow as people they know the value in stepping out of their comfort zone next up we have the analysts thinkers not robots personality types in this role share the intuitive and thinking preference or traits members of this role have a tremendous combination that combines the rational logical thinking trait with the intuitive trait that fuels their imaginations this allows them to create out-of-the-box strategies tactics and methodologies that may appear unorthodox but incredibly effective or successful these personality types are driven to understand and create in an intellectual pursuit because of their unique combination they are quite easily capable of switching from the logical puzzle-solving side to the speculative musings of the intuitive nature however this can lead to one of their great weaknesses they love ideas and speculation so much it can often weigh out the follow through of taking action and implementing their ideas so while they may be wildly ahead of their competition intellectually they may get outpaced if they fail to take steps curiosity killed the cat and analysts are right behind them it's in their nature to be curious it's what drives them these types have a wickedly strong desire to learn not only this but they prefer to learn things for themselves rather than accept the socially accepted norms or traditional wisdom these types can often be found reading books questioning their teachers or inflicting debates almost 90 percent of all analysts will admit that they are intrigued by things that could be labeled as controversial conspiracies are among their favorites analysts are perpetual self-improvers as soon as a flaw or weakness is discovered the analyst will attack it with all their rationality imagination and intention for results to fix or optimize the situation when analysts get into flow state working on a project or a passion they can often push the boundaries of what's considered possible these personality types are notorious for being a lone wolf they see the benefit of spending their time improving rather than socializing so with that they become very selective on who they choose to surround themselves with they have no problem in spending a weekend alone and they would never find themselves bored as they are always working on something while they still need some social time they prefer to be alone than with someone that is incompatible with them most of them will experience no shame in shutting down all undesired communication far more than any other role in fact this leads them to another weakness they possess their blunt nature oftentimes makes them appear rude anti-social or unapproachable while their socially blunt style turns many away they still require social interaction they just prefer to have a small circle of friends as they are very socially selective analysts are not the type to follow trends they have little interest in following others footsteps they are also by far the most likely to consider themselves very independent so much so that it can become a point of pride for them it may even become part of their identity or self-image because of this enthusiastic determination to remain independent analysts will often refuse to take anything on faith this could be information from anyone or anything mentors teachers bosses they have a difficult time accepting things until it's been proven to them in their own minds analysts can understand and potentially even overestimate their own ability many of them believe that they would perform better than their superiors at their jobs this confidence is the highest of all the roles with this high level of confidence comes the highest levels of standards for themselves however this high level of standard can relay to their peers as well further discouraging communication when peers inevitably fail to meet the standards of the analyst this will be an important part of the analyst development as they encounter peers teachers and superiors that they consider inferior in certain ways eighty-five percent of analysts have a strong desire to become an important and successful person another interesting figure is the staggering 83 percent of analysts who think that most people complain too much about their problems and while they will most likely keep their own problems to themselves they are almost always thinking of their problems as well as how to solve them that is actually one of their favorite ways to spend their mental energy the analysts problem-solving skills and abilities are stellar and they are often very aware of it of all the roles they express the highest levels of intellectual self-confidence this provides them with a vigor and willingness to try new things that may be perceived as challenging when their confidence levels get too high they can become quite cocky as long as they are capable of balancing their logical side with their imaginative side they can remain humble the final role is the diplomat longing for connection this role shares the intuitive and feeling traits the diplomat lives up to its name by caring helping and connecting with others their biggest priorities are to be kind generous and cooperative empathy is second nature to these personalities it can often feel that their hearts and minds resonate with other people's emotions instead of understanding concepts and ideas like the analysts diplomats seek to understand themselves and others they are able to easily tap into deep insights about human nature this can give them the ability to influence other people around them despite having the ability to manipulate with this influence they tend to operate this ability with care and love their goals are usually to simply nudge other people into what they perceive as a positive direction diplomats value meaningful communication with others an astonishing 94 percent of all diplomats would prefer a deep conversation over small talk another value they hold is deep beliefs in the ideals of humanism that is altruism compassion and understanding these types truly believe that they can make a difference in making the world a better place and many attempt it every single day the combination of intuitive with feeling seems only to fuel this blind optimism this can also lead them to become hypersensitive to what they perceive as wrongdoing if this is left unchecked it can be easy for these individuals to become highly self-righteous and narrow-minded diplomats by and large are motivated by their principles rather than practicality this will drive them to stay true to their morals dreams and ideas however they can also struggle to enact the plans that are pragmatic rather than more passion driven this is one of the diplomats major areas of development through life with how much of a caring and people person the diplomat is it can be quite easy for them to be taken advantage of diplomats are capable of seeing magic and beauty in the normal everyday life because of this diplomats often seek out careers that allow for creative expression artistic endeavors and pursuits are a staple of many diplomats life experiences because of their strong desire to see the world grow and become more beautiful these types are often led by a sense of higher purpose they can frequently be found serving the greater good via activism spirituality healing and volunteering less than 10 of diplomats would prefer to spend most of their time alone the greater majority of them express a strong desire for a partner and several friends they're also more likely to feel lonely than other roles their strong desire to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion can sometimes get in the way of their desires to be authentic and genuine being disingenuous or fake can cause the diplomats to feel unrest or discomfort so finding the balance between being real and still feeling included is one of their required areas of development nearly all diplomats prefer to make long lasting positive impacts on other people this is their primary calling and only 18 percent of diplomats believe that their career is the most important thing in their lives because of this subjective goal of making the world and its people better they are the role that's least likely to consider themselves successful this can be a major weakness for diplomats as they can find themselves working towards ideals and expectations that are impossible to meet the intuitive and feeling nature of this role leads most of them to trust their gut feelings far more than every other role when they learn to hone in on that ability they can eventually learn to find satisfaction and meaning in their lives and last but not least let's discuss the difference between what's known as your identity aspect you are either a for assertive or t for turbulent in a nutshell assertive people are self-assured even tempered and usually fairly resistant to stressors throughout their day often times they will outright refuse to worry about things and may not always push themselves too hard when it comes to pursuing their goals turbulent people on the other hand are self-conscious and critical and are typically sensitive to stress these individuals are very likely to experience a wide array of emotions they are usually success driven perfectionists that are eager to improve now let's proceed into the 16 personality types isfj the defender defenders are a mixed bag with their traits as intuitive sensing feeling and judging at just over 13 percent of the population this personality types combines the best of tradition and desire to do good in the world because of this desire defenders can often be found in career fields like medicine academics and charity work the determined defenders can be quite meticulous in their work nearly to a point of perfection occasionally they can procrastinate but they can be counted on to finish the job before its deadline not only that but they will often go above and beyond exceeding expectations of others a struggle for defenders will be to stay in their ground when others try to take advantage of them with their willingness to go the extra mile cynical and selfish people are likely to attempt to use the defender's dedication to their own advantage and while the defender is an introvert they are actually naturally social what this equates to is an excellent memory not with data or information but the ability to remember people and the various details of their lives this provides them with an excellent ability to please others especially when it comes to finding and giving gifts their natural sensitivity and imagination allows them to touch the hearts of the people around them one of the strengths of the defenders includes an innately supportive nature they are true universal helpers more than willing to share their wisdom experience time and energy to those in need they also strive for win-win situations choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible the reliability and patience of defenders can be quite notable they are meticulous and careful with a steady approach this approach allows them to go the distance with their results often going beyond what is required of them enthusiasm is another strong suit for the defender their drive to be supportive reliable and imaginative allows them to pursue their interests and passions with an unmatched tenacity over time an external enthusiasm can evolve into dedication and loyalty defenders will often form an emotional attachment to any ideas or organizations that they've chosen to commit to because of their loyal nature they are very capable of the practical and mundane work that needs to be done defenders are able to recognize the beauty and harmony that they are able to create with their hard work their drive to care for family and friends allows them to do what needs to be done as far as weaknesses for the defender they are often humble and shy to a fault this is quite possibly the defender's biggest challenge in life they are so concerned with other people's feelings that they refuse to vocalize their own thoughts they can also downplay or completely fail to acknowledge and take credit for their own contributions defenders can also struggle separating personal and impersonal situations causing them to take things far too personally negativity from conflict or criticism can bleed over to and from their personal and professional lives much like the defenders desire to protect others feelings they also protect their own this causes them to repress their feelings this unhealthy emotional repression can lead to a lot of undue stress and frustration a defender's strong sense of duty and perfectionism combined with their aversion of emotional conflict lead to an emotional overload they can struggle to meet everyone's expectations including their own their reluctance to change can be another hindrance to the progression of the defender their value to withhold tradition and history can cause them to fear the unknown and last but not least in the defender's weaknesses is their altruism their strong desire to please others with a warm good-natured demeanor can lead them to feel a sense of unhappiness or leave them unsatisfied when it comes to love and relationships the defender will grow a joy that can only be found while taking care of and providing for their family the defender finds themselves wanting to secure a safe and happy home by being there for emotional and practical support for everyone in need home truly is where the heart is for this personality type this area of their life is their single biggest commitment to them they will dedicate themselves to family above all else to create the harmony and beauty they wish to see in their world long-term relationships can be difficult to find due to the defender's shyness it can sometimes take a long time for them to connect with someone else on a truly deeper level they are often found most attractive when they are in their element being themselves working within their comfort zone where they can display their kindness and dedication over time this is where a relationship with a defender is most likely to take place as the established familiarity and comfort have been developed defenders take dating very seriously and only enter into relationships when they feel they have a real chance of lasting a big reason for the defender's shyness and sensitivity is because of what lies beneath their surface this personality type holds very strong feelings they will shield themselves most of the time and when they let it free it becomes a river of emotion this can end up backfiring with defenders that are in negative or toxic relations for too long traumatizing their hypersensitive internal feelings and scarring them in the process defenders may always struggle with their inability to properly express emotion in relationships a defender may use physical effects as a stand-in for loving words this personality type takes no greater joy than in pleasing other people often times considering this a personal duty this applies to intimacy as well they typically spare no effort in this department defenders will spend tremendous amounts of energy and time finding ways to keep their relationship fun and enjoyable for their partners they do this in efforts so that they may receive commitment love and appreciation if relationships develop whereby the defender has not shown gratitude for their efforts a storm can begin to brew within them over time a lack of appreciation can cause a massive outburst of emotion that won't be able to be contained this can sometimes lead to issues within their home and relationship if not handled correctly all in all the defenders true passions in life are taking care of their families and their environment they are trustworthy loyal loving and faithful a committed appreciative thriving relationship and family is the ultimate joy for this personality type the best matches for defenders are those with the observant or sensing traits however there should be one or two opposing traits to acquire room for the couple to grow develop mature and help one another along the way though defenders can mix well with most other personality types they prefer so strongly to avoid miscommunication and conflict that it makes friends types mostly irrelevant they also make great parents with their advantage of being caring thoughtful and responsible they are often seen as ideal parents with their ability to be there as parents while also understanding them as people defenders could be considered the backbone of the modern workforce no other personality type is suited to be of service to others with their altruistic and well-rounded nature defenders excel at supporting their co-workers and customers alike their desire to please others helps to alleviate uncomfortable situations not surprisingly their uncanny ability to remember things about others makes them highly valued and well liked among colleagues between this and their hard work and dedication there's no surprise that the defender's career often progresses smoothly throughout their life defenders aren't likely to actively seek managerial positions and even less likely to brag about their career achievements as long as they are receiving appreciation they are more than happy to remain enthusiastic and hardworking in their positions with their natural caring traits the defender will make a great counselor elementary school teacher technical support or any role that allows them to help others one-on-one without having to worry about corporate politics the defenders typically will not seek out promotions or managerial positions but they can and will respect the structured hierarchy and they will fill the positions well with their ability to get things done while at the same time respecting others on the opposite end of the spectrum the defenders struggle at generating new ideas and grasping abstract concepts this makes them shy away from fields and academic research and corporate strategy these fields are too intangible and impersonal for them to utilize their strengths another challenge for defenders will be harsh or hasty changes within their environment or situation without proper explanation or warning this can feel like a betrayal directly in the face of their dedication and loyalty the defender can thrive in a strong well-developed institution alongside like-minded individuals careers in nursing as well as social and religious workers serve as appealing options it's also common to see defenders volunteering at shelters food banks and children's schools their warm service oriented nature make them more than welcome in many positions there are few personality types that are as practical and dedicated as the defenders their reliability and altruistic nature makes them great at creating and maintaining a secure and stable environment for themselves and loved ones it really is a good thing that this is the most common personality type as they're dedicated and caring nature makes them absolutely essential and invaluable in many areas of their own lives as well as many others esfj the consul at 12 of the population the console is our second personality type in the sentinel role it possesses the traits of extroverted sensing feeling and judging these individuals are attentive to details and people focused they enjoy taking part in social and community settings their achievements are led by their decisive values and eagerness to provide guidance to others the console personality is often seen as the popular type in high school they may have been the cheerleaders or the quarterbacks completely setting the tone for what is cool they're often in the spotlight leading their teams forward to victory and glory later in life however consoles continue to enjoy supporting friends and family they're often the ones organizing gatherings and making effort to ensure others are happy councils are most certainly social creatures at heart they thrive on staying up to date and in touch with their friends and family's lives and what they're doing scientific theories deep discussions in politics are unlikely to capture the console's interest for long their focus is typically more concerned with their appearance fashion as well as their own social status and the standings of others gossip and practical matters are some of the go-to subjects for conversation and interest but consoles will typically do their best to do good with their social status and abilities consoles are altruistic in their core they take the responsibility to do the right thing very seriously they will typically base their moral compass on the established traditions and laws they will generally uphold authority and rules rather than drawing their morality from philosophy or mysticism they can struggle to understand that people are different from them and come from different backgrounds with varying perspectives what may seem right to them isn't always an absolute truth and that can be a challenge for them to comprehend this personality type enjoys any position in life that allows them to participate in a meaningful way just like the defender they love to be of service to others and they also need appreciation and gratitude for their services their respect for hierarchy allows them to do their best to position themselves with some authority both at home and at work this allows them to keep things clear stable and organized for everyone consoles can always be found when at a party they're the supportive and outgoing ones that find time to chat and laugh with everyone consoles truly enjoy hearing about their friends relationships and activities they greet people with a warmth and sensitivity oftentimes capable of remembering intricate details that others consider unimportant if the vibe of the room is not right or there is tension consoles can sense it immediately and will try to restore harmony and stability to the group they spend a good amount of their time and energy establishing social order they much prefer planned and organized events over open-ended or spontaneous activities when they are at the helm of the organizing they will invest great amounts of effort into it with that effort invested they can sometimes get their feelings hurt when their ideas are rejected or if people just aren't interested consoles may struggle to understand that social events aren't for everybody the council's biggest challenge is their hyper sensitivity they must learn over time to accept others differences and the criticisms that they will be subjected to over time they realize their best option is to focus on what they do best be a role model take care of what they're in control of and enjoy the appreciation that they do receive strong practical skills are among the console's primary strengths they make excellent managers of day-to-day tasks and routine maintenance they enjoy ensuring that those who are close to them are well cared for their strong sense of duty and responsibility allow them to strive to meet their obligations though the core of this may sometimes come from a sense of social expectations rather than intrinsic value consoles value stability and security with that comes a high level of loyalty to protect the hierarchy and status quo they make very trustworthy and committed partners and employees they often become pillars within their respective groups and teams this applies to both their personal and professional realms the warm and sensitive nature of the console helps them to ensure stability within their environment they seek harmony and care deeply about others feelings careful not to offend or hurt them they make great team players and will always seek to achieve win-win situations the console's naturally social personality makes them very good at connecting with others their personality traits come together to make consoles very comfortable and well liked they have no problem with small talk or following the social cues in order to help gel their communities on the other hand the biggest strength is also their biggest insecurity their eagerness to be well liked leaves them overly worried about their social status this impacts their decision making so much that it can limit their creativity and open-mindedness consoles tend to place so much importance on what is socially acceptable that it can leave them inflexible at times they can be highly critical of anything unconventional or outside the mainstream this can cause them to sometimes push their own beliefs too hard to establish the mainstream this personality type can also be very vulnerable to criticism their conflict-averse nature makes it especially challenging to change their negative tendencies they can become defensive and hurt quite easily especially if a person close to them criticizes their habits traditions or beliefs the neediness of consoles can be overbearing at times if they don't feel that they are receiving appreciation for their efforts they may start fishing for compliments in an attempt to receive the reassurance they crave consoles can sometimes be too attentive to those around them they can overwhelm those that don't wish to receive it making their good intentions ultimately unwelcome the console can sometimes neglect their own needs in this process as well with the console's high evaluation of validation and sense of belonging romantic relations can hold a special level of importance to them for it's from this type of relationship that the console can receive the highest level of support and devotion they deeply value feelings of security and stability that can come along with strong romantic relationships this same need for validation discourages consoles from casual flings they much prefer knowing that their partners will always be by their sides offering unwavering support marriage and family are the ultimate goal with that in mind they take every stage of the relationship very seriously nearly everything about the console's relationship is based on satisfying mutual needs this goes from creating understanding early on to building mutual respect and support for one another's opinions and goals feeling loved and appreciated has a huge effect on the console's mood and self-esteem the console's disliked towards conflict and criticism can make it challenging to address any problems that come up within their relationships if there is no feeling of support during moments of criticism from their partner they can be deeply hurt realizing their partner doesn't respect their dreams or opinions is one of the most painful experiences that they can undergo despite their ability to remain tough and tireless in the face of a hardship they need to know without a doubt that their partners are behind them one hundred percent less mature consoles can lack the inner strength and wisdom to attract this in healthy ways their neediness can compromise their own principles and values in exchange for their partner's approval not only is this unappealing but it can very easily lead to emotionally abusive relationships which reduce the console's self-esteem even further another struggle will be their fixation on social status and approval it's common to see a console's social circles and families opinions play a bigger part in their choice of partners than even their own values consoles are happy to take care of mundane responsibilities to help take care of the people they love and ensure a higher quality of life they may struggle to make sure that they build relationships that allow them to satisfy their own needs and dreams with partners who appreciate their efforts fully and reciprocate them as well the people of this personality type are typically very traditional in how their relationships develop according to their own established dating rules and norms things like don't call first or not putting out until the third date etc when a consul's relationship enters the sexual stages they will continue this emphasis on tradition with established gender roles and socially acceptable activities nevertheless consoles are very centered in the physical world with elaborate emotions because of this they tend to be highly affectionate and sensual and their overall great sexual partners consoles will go to great lengths to make their partners happy and passionate intimacy is a great way to do so only after becoming incredibly close with another individual will they start to open up to experimentation and trying new things with a willing partner the neediness of consoles makes certain personality types better suited to meet those needs partners should generally share the console's sensing or observant trait introverted partners can also suit them well as a counterbalance to their extroverted nature the logical addition of a thinker can also be beneficial for the consul to encourage them to grow as a person the very social consul will have no problem establishing and maintaining friendships their loyalty and warmth will typically stand by their friends no matter what they can prove to be a constant source of emotional support and encouragement on the whole the console is pleasant and sincere their energy combined with their social aptitude allow them to win over many new acquaintances and friends their support and dedication only serves to strengthen those friendships over time the love of life and communication ensure dull moments are very rare between themselves and friends console's parenting skills flourish as they're given an opportunity to display their affection warmth and dedication in ways that have immeasurable amounts of positive impact they are firm yet sensitive and have a great ability to establish rules and authority without becoming overbearing their use of compassion and support allow them to smooth over the occasional miscommunication or difference of opinions having children is often times the epitome of a console's life goals and they will cherish every single minute of it with a trait that allows them to express themselves strongly the console can lead with a practical sense and social vigor the careers these individuals find most fulfilling usually revolve around making the best use of their strong suits they are well organized and enjoy bringing order and structure to their workplaces they typically work best in environments with clear established hierarchies and tasks the console can work through the monotony and routine work without challenge they are happy to do what needs to be done consoles will have a natural fit within careers as administrators the practical skills they possess combine well with their reliability making them very good accountants though they much prefer working as personal accountants allowing them to help and interact with people directly their need for human interaction prevents much joy for purely analytical careers they find it too dull and they feel a need for emotional feedback in order to be truly satisfied at work as they are great listeners and enthusiastic members of any team they are excellent workers in the medical field as well as social work their comfort with authority also makes them great teachers of any age just like with many areas in a council's life the best careers for them are the ones that provide the ability to be appreciated and know that they've helped people knowing that they've done something valuable for another person is a big deal for them with their altruistic nature since they tend to provide so much they can sometimes find it easy to work their way up in the career field this also makes religious work and counseling feel particularly rewarding for them consoles overall thrive in busy social situations where their practical knowledges and skills can be fully utilized renowned for their social and administrative skills consoles are tremendous at creating and maintaining a secure and friendly environment for those around them few other personalities can match their practical and caring nature istj the logistician coming in as the third in the sentinel role at just under 12 percent of the population the logistician's personality type has introverted sensing thinking and judging traits they tend to be reserved yet willful with a highly rational outlook on life they are methodical in their delivery and they compose their actions carefully some of the logisticians defining characteristics are their integrity practical wisdom and endless dedication to duty this makes them a vital core of many families and organizations that uphold traditions rules and standards law offices regulatory bodies and the military make excellent homes for the logistician to thrive in logisticians are one of the few personality types that can actually enjoy taking responsibility for their actions and because of this they can take immense pride in their work that they do with that said they will give their all to projects that they choose to work on holding back none of their time and energy completing each task with patience and accuracy assumptions are not something that logisticians will make often as they prefer to analyze their environment check the facts and arrive at a practical course of action these types are no-nonsense types that make and stick to their decisions they will discover and relay the facts necessary to achieve their goals this can lead to issues when others don't immediately grasp the concepts and conclusions that they've come to they can sometimes struggle to handle a certain amount of indecisiveness however they can absolutely lose their patience with others when their conclusions are questioned with impractical theories and outlooks and occasionally the logistician will become notably harsher and angrier as their deadlines approach logisticians are notorious for their ability to keep their word if they say they will get something done they do it and they meet their obligations no matter the personal cost again this can be an issue when they encounter people who are unable to keep their word in the same manner the two biggest pet peeves for these people are dishonesty and laziness their hard work ethic combined with the inability to accept others can lead to them preferring to work alone if this is not an option they prefer to work in environments with clearly defined hierarchy where they can set and achieve their goals without worrying over others capability and reliability the logisticians sharp fact-based minds prefer autonomy and self-sufficiency rather than reliance on someone else this dependence on others can often be seen as a weakness or a liability in their own mind their passion for duty dependability and personal integrity discourage them and have taught them that it is a trap that must be avoided the sense of personal integrity is at the core of the logistician this goes beyond their hard work too they adhere to establish rules and guidelines in almost any situation regardless of the cost they are capable of admitting their own mistakes and telling the truth even when the consequences could be disastrous honesty is far more important than emotional responses to this personality type their blunt approach often leaves others with the impression that logisticians are cold and robotic they can also struggle to express emotion or affection properly but they most certainly do have feeling and can become deeply hurt just like anyone else their commitment to excellence allows them to accomplish many things in life but it can become also a core weakness other individuals can take advantage of the logistician's desire for stability and security occasionally they can find co-workers friends or family shifting their responsibilities onto the logistician knowing their dedication will make up for lost ground and since logisticians tend to keep their opinions to themselves and let the results speak it can result in them being taken advantage of for long periods of time before the truth is unveiled in more long-term projects and challenges the logistician can neglect to care for themselves choosing to focus on tasks at hand combine this with others tendency to leave additional work for them a serious emotional strain can develop if that emotional buildup goes unexpressed for too long it can result in an outburst that may be too late to fix but when they feel their hard work and dedication is appreciated they can lead tremendously satisfied and fulfilled lives the single biggest strength for the logistician is their honest and direct nature integrity is truly the heart of this personality you will hardly ever see them using emotional manipulation mind games or telling lies to help manage the situation that they are in among the most strong-willed and dutiful of all personality types these people will embody the integrity of their actions staying focused and working hard on their goals they meet their goals period the logistician is incredibly responsible they recognize the value of giving someone your word and how important it is to keep that word they would rather work themselves to the bone with extra days and lost sleep than fail to keep their word they also remain loyal even in the darkest of situations in the face of a project or a task the logistician will typically remain calm and practical they recognize that losing their temper and breaking down at the sign of a hardship can lead to a broken promise so instead they choose to remain grounded and make clear rational decisions they will also understand their own strengths and utilize them whenever possible to yield the best results one of the primary goals and strengths of the law distinction is their ability to create and enforce order this can be vastly effective and their chosen paths and they believe that their goals can be accomplished best when everyone involved knows their roles to a t when guidelines and rules are unclear people can break these rules and undermine the efforts this will rarely be tolerated by logisticians although they are sentinels they retain the knowledge almost as well as the analyst personality role although one of the primary differences is that they focus more on facts and statistics than concepts and their underlying principles their natural ability to be a repository of information allows them to apply their strengths to a variety of situations making them a sort of jack of all trades and of course when these strengths are mirrored you can begin to see their weaknesses the primary of which may just be their stubbornness the logistician relies on facts and facts alone they tend to resist any new idea that isn't supported by them this factually driven personality can find it difficult to accept that they were wrong but they can occasionally just miss important facts along the way these personalities can come off unintentionally harsh or insensitive their simple philosophy of being honest can hurt some of the more sensitive personality types the logistician will only rarely tap into their emotions for consideration and even then it will typically only be to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said the very rigid and structured latistician will struggle to bend the rules or try new things in effort of progression their reluctance to try new things out of the box can limit their team's full potential and they can often break down or become paralyzed in environments with no structures put in place with the mentality of facts are facts logisticians can lose respect for those who disagree or challenge these facts they can be very judgmental when it comes to people who are willingly ignorant of them as well the logistician can occasionally get to a point where they believe only they can produce the optimal results within a team when they continue stacking additional responsibilities you will inevitably reach a breaking point and when they reach this breaking point they will blame and punish themselves unreasonably they believe that the responsibility of failure is their own fault and no one else's their dependability translates well into romantic relationships as well the logisticians can be seen as the epitome of family values and they encourage traditional household and gender roles they tend to see the family structure guided by clearly defined expectations and honesty their reserved nature can make dating them quite a challenge at first however they are absolutely dedicated partners lotisticians can often be seen devoting tremendous thought and energy to ensure stable and mutually fulfilling relationships the logistician typically refuses to participate in blind dates or random hookups the risk and unpredictable nature of these situations does not appeal to them they are much more into conservative methods of dating like dinner with an interested co-worker or acquaintance and if they're particularly adventurous they might agree to an organized meeting through a mutual friend just like most scenarios in their life they approach relationships from a very rational perspective their ideals for compatibility are mutual satisfaction of daily as well as long-term needs and just like with their tasks in every other area they will stick to their relationship commitments until the very end their organized and dutiful nature also helps to maintain functionality and stability within the home and relationship they have no issues with completing necessary daily household tasks as they apply the same sense of duty to their home life their by the book nature does not translate into extravagant or exotic intimate lives though they are very dependable lovers that very much want their partners to feel satisfied the more adventurous personality types may become impatient with the logisticians but when the comfort has been established they can learn to try new things logisticians are more than capable of providing good emotional support to their partners however their weakness isn't noticing that it is necessary they are not naturally receptive to their partner's emotions it may need to be clearly defined for the logistician to address the matter and unfortunately that can sometimes be too late another glaring issue is their deep belief in facts and winning arguments they fail to recognize the hurt that they are inflicting on others if their partner is a particularly sensitive type there may be massively difficult challenges ahead of them sometimes the logistician's sense of morals and commitment can set the entire tone for the relationship a logistician can make a fantastic partner for more timid or flighty personalities providing an anchor of stability confidence and strong determination partners who also possess the sensing or observant trait are the best fit for the logistician having one or two opposing traits will also benefit them as well particularly those with extroverted or prospecting traits this can create a balance to the relationship and allow both individuals to expand from their isolated worlds as far as friendships the logistician is not spontaneous in this department either they are not particularly playful or talkative but they are loyal trustworthy dependable and honorable they tend to stand by their friends sides no matter what with the deep commitment that they provide to other important sources of their lives logisticians will almost always have at least one intuitive friend in their inner circle though they may not always agree on things they can possess a mutual respect for one another's approach to thinking logisticians are among the more stricter parents often holding high standards and expectations they establish stable clearly structured environments for their home and children they will almost always have a goal of helping them to develop and understand the hierarchy and structures of the world as far as an optimal career path for logisticians they are capable of doing many things many will do well in flexible work like consultants and sole proprietors however where they're really going to thrive is more long-term stable careers with growth opportunity the single most common career paths among this personality type revolve around institutions of respected tradition security authority and consistency careers like military officers judges lawyers police officers and detectives are all very popular choices among logisticians these in particular are appealing as they offer the same principles and conservatism with clearly defined societal roles however these personality types can work well in other fields as well their reliability objectivity and sharp eyes allow them to work remarkably well as accountants auditors data analysts business administrators and financial managers they can even function well as doctors that identify report and correct the problems that they are introduced to most of the time the career path of a lot of station will have them working alone which is usually that way by choice in order for them to work well within groups there should be clearly defined roles and responsibilities within their work environment if role responsibilities are in question the logistician can have a tremendously challenging time with it they have very strong opinions about how things should be done and if responsibilities are in question the logistician will become quite vocal about their opinion on how things should be done one of the career struggles of the logistician is remembering that career paths can easily change over time they can sometimes refuse to accept this with grace and elegance as they might view change and new ideas with disdain along with the new social and political changes logisticians may struggle to adapt to the increasingly open and social requirements of modern work life their struggle to sense others feelings can almost be alienating when it comes to more sensitive types this also applies to both co-workers and customers service positions and emotional demanding careers like counseling are almost always a bad fit for this personality type the ideal career path for the logistician places facts above feelings and allows them to upload the rigid standards that are at the core of society in their mind rules are the basis for everything that we enjoy in the modern world if they need to they're happy to take on the roles as defenders of these ideals few are as practical and dedicated as the logistician personality types their reliability and hard work creates and maintains a secure and stable environment for themselves and those close to them these traits and more make them invaluable to many areas of our world isfp the adventurer this explorer personality type makes almost nine percent of the population it consists of the traits introverted sensing feeling and prospective these personality types will typically have very open minds and they approach life new experiences and new people with very grounded warmth they have an uncanny ability to stay in the moment and this helps them discover exciting new potentials adventurers are the epitome of true artists though this is not necessarily in the bob ross painting happy little trees kind of way more so on the aesthetics design and unconventional choices and actions that push the limits of social conventions these personalities rather enjoy questioning the status quo or the traditional expectations with expressions and experiments and beauty and behavior they hate the feeling of being boxed in the adventurer's personal world is filled with colors and senses they are inspired by connections with people and new ideas they can take great joy in reinterpreting these connections reinvesting and experimenting with both themselves in different perspectives they are the only personality type to explore experiments in this manner they exude a sense of spontaneity making them unpredictable to everyone including close friends and loved ones despite their wicked sense of spontaneity they are introverted at their core after they've dispensed their expressions they will need to recede back out of the spotlight by themselves to recharge their batteries they utilize this time for introspection and continued assessment of their principles they are not the type to dwell on the past or the future they instead examine themselves and think about who they are as a person when they've recharged they emerge from their domicile renewed and transformed an adventurer thrives on finding ways to demonstrate and push their passions this can sometimes be expressed in risky behaviors like gambling or extreme sports this risky behavior is more common in this personality type than many others fortunately for them their ability to stay in the present moment allows them to do better in these risky situations than many others as well adventurers have a unique ability to connect with others using an irresistible charm and they will almost always know just the right thing to say to persuade someone that may be considering an act that could be risky or reckless when others criticize the adventurer's action it can end badly however many can handle the constructive criticism accepting it as another perspective to push their passions in new directions but many will take the comments in a more biting and harsh sense this can push adventurers to lose their tempers in extravagant manners despite this adventurers are typically sensitive to and in tune with others feelings and they do value the harmony that can be achieved by people a well-learned and mature adventurer is able to receive criticism and move beyond the moment as if it never happened arguably the single biggest challenge for any adventurer is their failure to make plans for the future they don't necessarily plan the future in terms of assets or tangible values instead they plan actions and choices as an establishment to their sense of identity as if they were building a portfolio of life experiences the more notable adventures can act with tremendous charity and selflessness however there exists another branch of adventurers who live with a much more self-centered identity acting in selfishness manipulation and notable egoism that is why it's very important for this personality type to take ample time to reflect on their sense of self who they want to be and where they want to go in life the adventurer will almost always be a very charming and charismatic character they will appear relaxed and warm with a live and let live attitude this will make them naturally likeable and popular their natural intonation with others emotions helps them to establish harmony and good will among peers minimizing conflict and increasing functionality the ever-imaginative adventurer can draw creativity and insight from various sources to create bold and wild new ideas that speak to people's hearts and emotions it can be challenging to verbalize this talent on a resume but their vivid imagination and exploratory spirit can help them out in a number of different ways throughout life despite being shy to initiate the first interaction they have a wildly passionate heart full of feelings when they find something that excites or interests them they have little trouble leaving everything else behind in pursuit of it the adventurer's curiosity allows them to see things that normally go unnoticed they also prefer to explore and discover things for themselves rather than accepting others words for it they can create and possess bold and wild visions for projects and debatably their biggest strength is their artistic and creative framework they are able to conjure and encapsulate their ideas in creative and tangible ways with remarkable beauty adventurers have a specific way of visualizing things that can resonate greatly with their audience and this leads to the adventurer's weaknesses right at the top of the list we see a fierce preference for independence their freedom of expression is almost always their top priority traditions rules and anything else that interferes with their artistic expression can seem like a wicked sense of oppression for the adventurer this makes rigidly structured academics and work a great challenge for them coinciding with this is their unpredictability what can be a refreshing and rejuvenating date can also be an awful experience in other scenarios they have a severe dislike for long-term commitments and plans this can cause strain in the adventures relationships and can even cause financial hardships later in life being so full of emotion and living in the present moment when situations get out of control the adventurers can sometimes completely shut down this can prevent them from utilizing their personal charm and creativity and cause a much more unenjoyable experience for themselves and those around them the overly competitive nature of adventurers can cause a quick escalation of small things into intense battles this can cause them to make choices that may affect them negatively long term in lieu of short-term glory with skills that can be difficult to be quantified accurately it's easy for the adventurer to have a fluctuating self-esteem with such a creatively suited suite of skills it's easy for the adventure to be dismissed which can cause a hurtful or damaging blow to their pride especially in the early stages of their lives and without proper support they can begin to believe the naysayers surrounding them the mystery of adventurers makes them difficult to get to really know and understand although they are emotional people they guard their sensitivities carefully this vulnerability causes them to listen more than to express adventurers will often intently focus on their partners with little interest in swaying the mood or tone of a situation with their own feelings with their difficulty in becoming vulnerable and expressing emotions it can be a challenge to find people who can accept them for who they are but when they have found that person they can be very warm and enthusiastic partners as an adventurer's relationship grows their partners can come to find their vibrancy and spontaneity par for the course however even long-term partners can be surprised by the secrets adventurers have kept through the years with the tendency to avoid planning they will usually let their partners take the lead when it comes to logic and strategies this is balanced by their ability to hardly ever run out of things to do in the present moment they love to find ways to surprise their partners in fun different ways they love to find situations to surprise their partner in fun unique ways it is very important for adventurers to receive acknowledgement for the love and attention they distribute although they would never request it it can really hurt them to not receive this appreciation these expressions of gratitude can be in any form but their preferred method of delivery is through actions not words it is crucial for them to know and understand that their feelings are shared being such an emotional and sensitive type they can also be incredibly vulnerable and may require a certain level of emotional support when the adventurer feels the support and appreciation they need they feel comfortable doing anything and everything for their partners they are remarkably sensual and this can become very clear in their sex lives adventurers can appear shy in public but behind closed doors with the trusted partner the mask can come off they don't hesitate to involve every sense available in the moments of intimacy very few people get to see this side and it's always a pleasure to experience for their partners adventurers require fresh possibilities in rigidly planned relationships where they can't feel that fresh exciting opportunity of something new they can begin to question their position within a relationship when adventurers learn the skills necessary to work within the confines of plans as well as properly express their emotions they can be a wonderful partner partners that share the observant sensing trait usually smooth out some of the more challenging elements of mutual understanding relationships with people who have the extroverted and judging traits also help adventurers to learn and grow as a person as far as friendships adventurers are some of the most comfortable individuals you can find they're typically very laid back and spontaneous and they won't bog down things with drama arguments or structured long-term plans intellectually exhausting past times like debating won't keep their attention for long they are very much about the here and now and they love spending time with their friends doing casual and fun activities while no personality type is completely prepared for parenting the adventure personality type will often feel right in their element with it their natural practicality warmth and relaxed nature help them to become grounded and appreciate every joy and challenge that comes with raising a child as far as a career path adventurers truly need more than just a job their motivations are not wealth power structure advancement or security they are more aligned with their greatest need artistic and creative freedom they desperately crave a tangible outlet for their imagination as a chance to express themselves artistically this personality type unsurprisingly make natural artists musicians photographers and designers it's not uncommon to see an adventure take on websites like etsy where they can express themselves and not be confined within the structures of a 9-5 their competitive nature also allow them to become tremendous solo athletes as well careers that require long-term planning or certification like psychology counseling and teaching are not something you will see adventurers pursuing often many of the career routes will revolve around freelance and consulting work that they are passionate about some may organize charity events work with hospitals or lay stone to help make a house adventurers have the wonderful ability to always find a way to make the world a little bit more exciting and beautiful while earning a living in the process in general they seek out positions that give them as much wiggle room as they can achieve to do things their own way and being able to be the spontaneous charming and fun people that they are they would much prefer to be around similar individuals and just like with most other personalities they require a certain degree of appreciation to really thrive within team environments all in all there are very few personality types as colorful and charming as the adventurer their kindness and artistic skills excel in certain but not all environments however their down-to-earth attitude make them a pleasure to be around in almost all scenarios estj the executive as the third member of the sentinels the executive possesses traits extroverted observant thinking and judging only just behind the adventure executives make up 8.7 percent of the population they are said to possess great fortitude and they are known to emphatically follow their own sensible judgment on life they can often serve as the stabilizing force among their peers and family offering solid direction amid diversity executives are advocates and representatives for tradition and order capable of utilizing their understandings of what is right wrong and socially acceptable to bring their families and communities together executives value honesty dedication and dignity which makes others in turn value them for their clear advice and guidance most of the time executives are happy to blaze the trail for others on challenging paths in life they take pride in bringing people together so you can often see them taking roles as community organizers working tirelessly to bring everyone together in a celebration of cherished local events they could also be seen on the other end adamantly in defense of traditional values that hold families and communities together their high priority on values and leadership put them in high demand and democratic societies in fact many of america's presidents have been the executive personality type but these individuals understand that authority must be earned so they tend to lead by example demonstrating dedication and purposeful honesty they will utterly reject the notion of laziness and cheating they also believe that hard manual work is an excellent way to build character executives are very aware of their surroundings they live in a world of clear verifiable facts and even in the face of heavy resistance they stick to their principles and push an unwavering vision of what is and what is not acceptable they are more than willing to express their opinions as well they are happy to dive into the most challenging projects attempting to improve action plans and sorting details along the way the more ambitious and apt executives can make the most complicated tasks seem easy and navigable these personality types prefer to work in groups but they expect their reliability and work ethic to be reciprocated executives intend on meeting their promises if partners and peers attempt to jeopardize their plans through incompetence laziness or dishonesty they will not hesitate to show their wrath by any means necessary this can have a side effect of leaving an impression of inflexibility which is a trait shared by all the sentinel personalities executives will stand by their values not out of stubbornness but because they truly believe that these values are what make society run smoothly in many ways executives make the model citizen they are happy to help their neighbors uphold the law and try their best to make sure that everyone participates in the communities and organizations that they hold dear it can be a struggle for executives to recognize that not everyone will follow the same path and contribute in the same manner this trait can develop over time as true leaders will recognize the strength of each individual as well as the group the individual may hear out others and may even bring individuals ideas to the table so they can most accurately understand how they are able to lead the charge most effectively the executive's raw dedication and commitment levels are staggeringly high they will always want to see things to completion with a borderline ethical obligation they refuse to give up even when tasks seem difficult or boring to others as long as they feel something is the right way to do it they will see it through the end no matter what along with their dedication the executives can be remarkably strong-willed this is how their dedication remains so strong they won't give up in the face of adversity or opposition they will defend their ideas and principles relentlessly in order for them to budge at all you better expect to prove your point clearly and conclusively being direct and honest are among the executive's most visible and tangible strengths they trust facts much more than abstract ideas or opinions they respect and appreciate straightforward statements as information is king to these types and they will in turn return the honesty even when it's not desired executives are loyal patient and reliable they work endlessly to exemplify honest and reliability as they consider stability and security paramount their reliability makes them very responsible as members of a family company or community these personality types thrive when working within an environment consisting of order and consistency thus they work hard to create this order within their communities unpredictability is not something they seek to establish or encounter and last but not least for the executive strengths is their high level of organizational skills their commitment to truth and clear standards make them very capable and confident leaders they also have an easy time delegating and distributing tasks to others fairly and objectively making them tremendous administrators as well with this strict rigidity and structured nature bring some notable weaknesses because they are so focused on facts and nothing else they can become inflexible and quite stubborn for them everything is just an opinion until it's been thoroughly proven and this can often cause them to outright dismiss things that might work better their strong preference in adherence to tradition causes them to be uncomfortable with unconventional situations when they are forced to try unproven solutions they can become very uncomfortable and distressed abandoning methods that have previously worked in exchange for new experimental methods can risk their image of reliability the executive's strong sense of right wrong and socially acceptable can cause them to be negatively judgmental towards others their compulsion to create order can often extend to all things and everyone involved they tend to ignore the possibility that there very well could be multiple ways to get something done and they won't hesitate to vocalize their dislike of certain things people with this personality type take pride in the respect of their friends colleagues and community members they are very much concerned with public opinion although many would fail to admit it being too focused on their social status they can occasionally neglect their own needs in the process the executive's heavy need for respect can make it difficult for these individuals to relax or they can risk looking like a fool to others the greatest underlying weakness of the executive is their great difficulty in expressing emotions and feeling empathy they will often get so caught up in the facts and most effective methods that they will forget to consider other sensitivities or what might make them unhappy they fail to recognize that others might consider an hour-long detour a breathtaking adventure rather than just arriving late unlike other personalities the executive's relationships don't change much as they progress through the stages of relations their values of honesty and straightforwardness never change they will be clear about who they are what they like and what their goals are from the start and they intend on sticking to these statements until the very end this rigidity requires a certain type of partner that is able to take them at face value and follow suit and when that partner is found extremely stable relationships can blossom despite being committed to their ideals they understand the benefit of personal character development and growth and they place a high priority on these rather it's just that their moods goals and desires may slightly shift as their relationships develop executives almost always take their relationships very seriously they're willing to put in tremendous amounts of effort into ensuring that they remain strong and committed and those efforts will generally pay off for them and even though they are not particularly spontaneous or unpredictable they do very much enjoy taking their partners out to have fun social activities and events are some of the executive's favorite ideas of a good time and they tend to bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm to the table to keep things interesting for everyone involved the executives approach to tradition convert over to their intimacy as well they are less interested in wild ideas and poetry and instead seek a more stable and consistent sex life than anything else nevertheless they never fail to bring their characteristic vigor to the bedroom this touches on one of the challenges for executives relationships in emotional intimacy touchy-feely moments are not something executives will typically seek or provide they prefer to find more tangible ways to express their affection and emotion this might become problematic with partners that are more sensitive the executives will take a very rational approach and address conflict head-on with simple statements of fact subtlety and emotional tact are often neglected entirely in these situations while their approach is appreciated by many for some it can leave them feeling uncomfortable from such a direct approach this can be a struggle in relationships for executives as they fail to read the emotional side of other people if this skill is not improved relationships can be a great challenge for the executive these people possess strong principles and self-confidence these qualities can be effectively utilized to protect their partner reliably and consistently however their stubbornness can sometimes damage more sensitive partners fragile and easily hurt feelings so with that said executive partner well with people that possess observant sensing traits in order to minimize the communication barriers of course one or two opposing traits can also be beneficial for character and personal growth as far as friendships executives serve as strong traditional friends who appreciate the same loyalty and shared values in fact their friendships are often defined solely by their mutual activities and routines more than the sense of intellectual or unseen compatibilities nevertheless executive friendships based on dependability and mutual interest can be powerful connections that can last a lifetime the executive's hard work tradition and respect mantra are perhaps best exemplified in their relationships with their own children they could be seen as the classic 50's era father figure strict guardians of the family traditions who have no trouble enforcing the previously established rules and standards since they are often seen as model citizens they expect their children to uphold that same image continuing the positive example that they have set not surprisingly the executive's career path are often as clear and straightforward as they are as a person their defined structure allow them to go down many directions however they almost always end up in situations where they have the ability to exercise their affinity for organizations and structure their profound respect for tradition stability and security will often land them in positions where they can envision clear paths to increase responsibility and dependability this sense of loyalty will normally manifest in executives staying with a single employer as long as possible their reverence of established institutions also lead them to work within well-respected organizations like law enforcement military service hospitals and prominent legal firms their distinctive traits will often lead them forward to management positions over time their highly valued traditions are often recognized and cherished regardless of their chosen industry on the opposite end they loathe disorganization inaptitude laziness and especially dishonesty so when these values are not followed executives don't hesitate to let their disapproval be shown but as long as everyone follows the rules and stays within the confines of their roles executives can be incredibly efficient employees as well as leaders their strong work ethic and self-motivational skills make them great in sales positions as well this applies to retail positions part of office teams or even as independent agents all in all their traits will almost always combine to make the clear path to advancement within their organizations the levels of reliability and practicality seen from the strong-willed executives are hard to match their administrative skills lead them to being tremendously effective at creating and maintaining a secure and stable environment esfp the entertainer the first of the explorer types that we're going to go over the entertainer comes in at 8.5 percent of the population these types possess the traits extroverted observant feeling and prospecting the entertainer loves vibrant experiences engaging in life eagerly and taking pleasure in discovering the undiscovered not surprisingly they can be very social often encouraging others to encourage in mutual shared activities if anybody is going to be found randomly breaking into song and dance it is most likely going to be the entertainer personality these people will often get caught up in the excitement of the moment and they want everyone else to feel that way too this is arguably the single most generous of all personality types when it comes to sharing their time and energy and when it comes to encouraging others no other personality can do it with such irresistible charisma and tenacity many actors possess the entertainer personality type as they love to put on a show for others they can often be found chatting with unique and provocative wit soaking up attention making every event feel like a party there are very few pleasures for the entertainer that can stack up to the fun that they can have with a good group of friends along with their strong aptitude for communication they will have a strong sense of grooming fashion and a well-decorated and aesthetic home and environment they quickly develop a keen eye for fashion knowing what's appealing and attractive the moment that they see it and they aren't stuck on the aesthetic either they have little hesitation to swap up their surrounding to reflect their personal style at a moment's notice they have a natural curiosity that allows them to explore new designs and styles with relative ease although they may not always seem like it they understand that the show is not always about them they are remarkably observant and very sensitive to others emotions entertainers are often the very first to provide help to someone by offering to talk out their challenging issues or problems they will happily provide them much needed emotional support and practical advice however when the problem is about themselves the entertainer is far more likely to avoid the conflict altogether than to address the problem head on entertainers typically enjoy a bit of drama and passion in their lives but not so much that it becomes the focus of criticisms arguably the single biggest challenge for entertainers is that they so often focus on immediate pleasures the single biggest challenge for entertainers is that they so often focus on the immediate pleasures that they completely neglect the duties and responsibilities that make those luxuries possible repetitive tasks complex analysis and analyzing statistics are not easy activities for the entertainer they much prefer to rely on luck opportunities or simply ask for help from their extensive circle of friends it's important for this personality to challenge themselves they should keep track of long-term plans like retirements or health reliance on others to take care of those things will not always be feasible entertainers recognize and value high quality and fidelity this in itself is a good trait to have but when it's combined with the inclination to be a poor planner it can cause them to live beyond their means credit cards or loans can be especially dangerous for particularly risky entertainers they are sometimes more focused on jumping on opportunities than planning out long-term goals this can cause them to have some activities and events become unaffordable and this can cause one of the entertainer's highest points of anxiety or unhappiness realizing that they are boxed into their circumstances unable to join in their friends this can be an absolute low for this personality type as they feel a dire need for laughter playfulness and fun with their friends if they can learn to keep their ducks in a row they'll be ready to dive in all the new and exciting experiences the world has to offer the strengths for this personality type are fairly straightforward the entertainer is known for never holding back their bold desire for new experiences allows them to easily step out of their comfort zones when others may not be so willing because of this desire to discover new experiences the entertainer has little to no challenge with dropping or foregoing traditions their originality allows them to constantly find new ways to stick out from the crowd along with their boldness and originality comes a fine level of aesthetics and showmanship they have the ability to inject their artistic creativity into their own words actions as well as their sense of style and fashion to them every day is a performance and they love to show that they can put on to an entertainer the world is meant to be experienced they don't necessarily enjoy discussing the philosophical what-ifs of life this makes them very practical the entertainer is very much about living in the moment with their constant seeking of performing and experiencing the now they can be incredibly observant among this social butterflies arsenal is one of the most powerful assets their excellent people skills they are usually talkative witty and they'll almost never run out of things to talk about for these people satisfaction and happiness derive from interaction with other people so it makes sense that they would excel at it along with these strengths it's natural for them to possess some weaknesses entertainers are strongly emotional making them very vulnerable to criticism oftentimes they'll feel as though they're being backed into a corner and will sometimes lash out accordingly an entertainer's biggest weakness is almost certainly their sensitivity their sensitivity can make it difficult to address any weaknesses that they may possess and while these social butterflies love communication they hate conflicts and will ignore or avoid it entirely they will typically just say or do what needs to be done to remove themselves from unpleasant situations seeking something more enjoyable to them and along with their constant pleasure seeking comes the very real challenge of preventing boredom they can often find a way to occupy themselves but it can occasionally involve risk or self-indulgent behaviors that are enjoyable in the moment but they may have harsh consequences long-term not surprisingly entertainers make very poor long-term planners to these people things just come as they are and they rarely bother spending time considering the steps leading up to the moments or the consequences after and last but not least for the entertainer's weaknesses is their lack of focus any activity that requires long-term dedication and attention to detail can be particularly challenging for this personality as far as academics go dense unchanging subjects like literature are much more challenging for them to grasp than dynamic relatable subjects like psychology when it comes to romantic relationships entertainers are the social fun-loving free-spirited partners that live for the moment and squeeze every single bit of excitement that they can from any situation they follow their same life philosophy with dating with an ever-present freshness and energy that can be found nowhere else however these relationships aren't always building a foundation for the future sometimes there are simply just unpredictable events that can be enjoyed in the moment for the entertainer with some of them they do enter relationships it won't be quick or easy and when the entertainer's enjoyment fizzles out it's often gone for good these personality types also re-evaluate their situations and commitments constantly just like they do for everything else in life they are all about living for the enjoyment of the moment if an entertainer enjoys a relationship one week they may lose interest the next week and they will very seriously consider breaking things off some entertainers are willing to work on relationships instead of breaking it off but it takes a certain level of maturity and experience for them to understand that it can be worth the time and effort and the partners that are with the entertainer are in for an unforgettable experience they almost always have some new and exciting activity on their minds and they genuinely enjoy spending time with their partners not surprisingly entertainers enjoy physical intimacy immensely they are affectionate inquisitive and open-minded lovers who share joy and pleasure with willing and reciprocative partners communication and conversation is about as expected for the entertainer they much prefer to focus on the fun and quirky subjects rather than deep soul-searching topics history and the future sciences and politics are all outside of the realm of the entertainer's interest as it adds too much weight to the light and free vibe of the entertainer another issue that can arrive within the entertainer's romantic relation is when partners criticize them on the other hand this can lead to another issue when there is no other opinion or a suggestion of growth or improvement for the couple if there is only an echo chamber of positivity and reinforcing immature behavior it can limit the entertainer's progression and growth as a person the unfortunate reality of most entertainers is the tendency to hop from partner to partner sabotaging long-term goals and planning in the process it can take a large amount of maturity and life experience before an entertainer is capable of building relationships it takes time and conscious focused effort on their part and neither of them are their strong suits luckily they will typically have no problem finding others that they can get along with they are likable people who can enjoy life's small pleasures and their difficulty in settling down can prevent them from staying with someone who doesn't truly make them happy which is a blessing for many when it comes to parenthood entertainers make for some of the most relaxed fun-loving parents of all the types it makes sense with their fun-loving almost childlike innocence when it comes to enjoying life they have little difficulty enjoying time spent with their children and they are often overjoyed to see the wonder and awe within their child career paths are somewhat obvious for the entertainer they can be exceptional at some career paths and absolutely miserable in others something unique about this personality type is their ability to mirror those around them so if they are at a party or a concert they will reflect that mood giving the image of being the party person on the other hand they can quite easily reflect sympathy or empathy in moments of sadness and when it comes to crisis they can easily adapt to the intensity of the situation at hand so with that said they do well in careers that work with others the entertainer is a natural event planner sales rep tour guide or trip planner in each of these paths they excel by creating a sense of excitement stimulation and novelty between themselves and their customers or clients even in the most frustrating situations entertainers can enjoy spending time with others and getting to know them better they really have a knack for making other people happy this gives them the ability to make tremendous and inspiring counselors personal coaches social workers and consultants who work to improve employee or customer satisfaction entertainers come equipped with the brilliant ability to respond with resourcefulness and passion when help is required this makes them amazing medical professionals particularly emts paramedics and nurses their ability to quickly ascertain information about others helps them get directly to the core of the issue when dealing with sick or injured people they thrive on intense energy or emotions so these places work quite well for them some of the more reserved entertainers may enjoy making people happy in other ways too some prefer to create happiness and excitement by creating beautiful works their plentiful creative energy allows them to pursue fulfilling careers in music photography fashion or interior design their sense of aesthetic and design is unmatched by any other personality type and their sense of style is notable on the other side of the coin jobs that have little to no human contact focusing on data can be absolute torture for the entertainer if there is something they are forced to endure they will almost always need opportunity to blow off steam with friends after work but by and large careers like technical writing or data analysis don't work well for the entertainer on top of their distaste for repetitive schedules and structures the entertainer quickly finds that the administrative work is not for them though the passions are different from one entertainer to the next the need for freedom novelty and human contact remain consistent among nearly all of them they have a need to be appreciated and liked an ideal circumstance for the entertainer to enter into would be an environment with a bit of chaos and the opportunity to navigate the problem with an all-star crew of capable friends who were also happy to take action as a team the entertainer gets its name for good reason they are fun to be around and live life with a carefree fun-loving vibe that few others can match they seek the more thrilling sides of life and this comes with pros and cons nevertheless the entertainers give a wild ride to themselves and to those around them enfp the campaigner our first member of the diplomat role comes in at 8.1 percent of the population the campaigner has the personality traits extroverted intuitive feeling and prospecting these personality types tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their extreme sense of hope and good will towards others their vibrant aura and energy can flow in many directions the campaigner is a quintessential free spirit they are outgoing open-minded and openhearted they have a certain lively upbeat approach to their lives and they can easily stand out in almost any crowd even though they can very easily be the life of the party they are far more than just a drive to have a good time these personalities are far deeper than that and they have a longing for more meaningfulness as well as a drive for emotional connections with other people the friendly and outgoing campaigners are devoted to enriching their relationships and social lives they have a social and easygoing exterior but beneath this lies a rich vibrant life they have a very healthy dose of imagination creativity and curiosity that they need to utilize despite being extroverted they can occasionally be quite introspective they can quite easily ponder a deeper meaning and significance to many things including life itself this can even arise in the form of daydreaming when they should be paying attention to something else campaigners tend to believe that everything and everyone is connected or significant in some way they wish to gain insight into these things by seeking connections with them these personality types are very independent and creative always seeking to find magic and meaning in everyday life and when something sparks their imagination they can gain an enthusiasm that is highly infectious while they're in the zone these personalities will radiate a positive energy that can draw in others occasionally campaigners may even find themselves filling the role of leader or guru by their peers however this initial exhilaration of inspiration can slowly fade causing the campaigner to struggle with the self-discipline and consistency required to excel at certain projects the campaigners strike a balance between seeking out life's joys and pleasures without becoming shallow in the process they can transform instantaneously from impassioned idealist pondering deeper meanings to the life of the party the carefree figure on the dance floor the flexibility offers them capabilities of intense and deep thoughts and feelings as well as kicking back relaxing or having a good time in any case campaigners seek to connect emotionally with others there are a few things that give as much joy to them as a genuine heartfelt conversation with people that they admire these people truly believe that everyone deserves to express their feelings and their empathy and warmth creates spaces that even the most timid of individuals are comfortable opening up inside of campaigners inner senses and intuition may lead them to read into other people's choices at this point they may continuously contemplate others actions or intentions instead of just asking them outright this inner stress is common amongst campaigners this personality type can spend a lot of time exploring and discovering different relationships feelings and ideas before they land on a path that feels truly fulfilling but when they do finally find that path their imagination empathy and courage can light up the world around them looking at the top of the campaigner's strengths we see curiosity these people can truly find beauty and fascination in nearly anything and everything in their lives these open-minded and imaginative people will easily venture beyond their comfort zones exploring new ideas experiences and adventures the level of perceptiveness of the campaigner is quite high no one is unimportant in their lives and this allows them to sense subtle shifts in other people's moods or expressions these people are also sure to fully utilize their caring considerate nature enthusiasm comes second nature to this personality type when the campaigner finds passion in a subject or a project they are excited to share that joy and excitement with anyone that will listen and they're often just as eager to hear out other people's ideas and opinions that leads us to our next strength their excellent communication they are filled with things to say but they can also be caring and compassionate listeners as well they are arguably the single best communicators across the board able to hold a positive and enjoyable conversation with nearly anyone this personality type lives in the moment and seeks out meaningful conversations but they're also quite festive and it can be a great pleasure for them to share that joy with others these strengths all culminate to make someone who is remarkably warm-hearted and approachable combined with an altruistic spirit and friendly demeanor the campaigner excels at many social elements of life they strive to get along with nearly everyone around them and their acquaintances and friends lists are often plentiful this leads into some of the weaknesses for the campaigner and at the top of that list is their tendency to be a people-pleaser this personality type can be very uncomfortable with the thought of other people disliking them they will occasionally allow themselves to be treated poorly in effort to win them over unfortunately this can fail to win over other people and it can cause undue stress a campaigner may find themselves having a revolving door of interest this can cause them to lose focus on projects especially those that are lesser disciplined this same lack of focus spills over into other realms of their life such as the tendency to be disorganized their enthusiasm towards the next new thing causes them to lose interest in other things and oftentimes they will find things stack up like chores maintenance or paperwork this disorganization that accrues can be a great source of stress throughout their lives the ever people-pleasing campaigner will often bite off more than they can chew in effort to support or uplift others until they learn to set boundaries they can sometimes overcommit themselves to a project the optimism of the campaigner is rejuvenating and enjoyable most of the time it can occasionally lead them to make naive or poor choices especially when it comes to believing in someone that has prematurely earned their trust this can sometimes burn them long-term and make it difficult to accept hard but necessary truths and to share them with others campaigners have a very positive and upbeat attitude that allows them to rarely ever seem upset or discontent on their exterior however that may not be what their internal feelings reflect this conflicting feeling can give inner thoughts of not being good enough this can reside in many areas of their life when it comes to romantic relationships it can't be fully explained how much campaigners care about loving and being loved this is a truly passionate warm and open-hearted personality type throughout their life they exude hopes of attaining their dreams ideas and experiences and they bring every ounce of this passionate energy to their romantic relationships campaigners find relationships to be beautiful and exhilarating to them it's an opportunity for two souls to explore the world together and connect on the deepest levels of connection there are many campaigners who seek a deep and meaningful connection with another person as a result of this desire many of them can feel a bit empty or uninspired when they're not in a relationship their dedication is a very appealing trait but it can occasionally lead to an over-investment of self into their relationship status when the heart calls they rarely hold back however people of this type can fall in love easily and when they fall they fall hard they will engulf their romantic interest with affection and only hope that what they feel is real and worth the investment campaigners are truly optimists at their core and they never let practical challenge or inconveniences of a partnership trouble them this could be a major reason why they generally don't shy away from long-distance relationships they view distance as not a factor when it comes to the true power of love being the optimist that they are they can often look over the potential issues and only focus on the joys of the relationship while constantly looking for ways to improve their dedication this personality type is known to occasionally throw caution to the wind in a dating game with rules and requirements this can feel like a breath of fresh air to many it is just a fact that not every other personality type can withstand or tolerate the container's passion or intensity some people just need more space and less emotions and the campaigner may find themselves feeling insecure or needy if their partner cannot match their own enthusiasm campaigners typically understand that lasting love takes effort and commitment but they may be surprised to find the result of a lasting relationship requiring so much time and work these personality types long for the highest forms of mutual acceptance they seek to know and unconditionally accept everything about their partner just as they long for that same person to know and unconditionally accept them in return the campaigner feels very energized in the unpredictable and exciting early stages of their relationship more so than the established long-term stages of a relationship when the practical matters like chores household responsibilities and other obligations things can lose a lot of their luster for the campaigner over time they may feel a longing for the early days where dates were new and exciting with things being learned all the time rather than considering who needs to unload the dishwasher as campaigners grow and learn they can find ways to balance their spontaneous passionate nature with the stability and consistency that's required of long-term relationships these personalities possess a trademark sensitivity and goodwill which can transform mundane tasks into creative and meaningful expressions of love the generous and giving campaigner has a lot to offer in the realm of friendship they can occasionally struggle with offering too much to their friends making them unable to reciprocate this can leave the campaigner feeling lonely or isolated they can also struggle accepting that not everyone wants to be their friend when it comes to parenting they can find one of their great joys in life and sharing their sense of wonder and inspiration with their children this can be the ultimate sense of fulfillment that they can experience seeing their child light up with curiosity about the world the career paths interests hobbies and ideas for the campaigner are abundant this can ultimately lead them to struggle to fit everything they care about into their lives maybe i could fly helicopters and be an oceanographer who writes songs and cooks so it's safe to say that many campaigners can find choosing a single career path to be a daunting overwhelming and scattered task it's very likely that they will feel torn in multiple directions and become uncertain of how to honor their passions they can very easily be pulled with different options while attempting to pull in a steady paycheck however they do have some serious advantages they come equipped with a boundless curiosity and imagination to launch themselves forward in almost any profession and it's not an issue of trying to find an option that interests the campaigner there's just far too many fascinating possibilities to explore with a positive mindset the campaigner can find pleasure and fulfillment in nearly any job their ability to brighten the environment around them allows them to impress and gain the admiration of all the right people they can easily boost the morale of a less than happy workplace in order to feel fulfilled the campaigner needs to meet certain criteria within their career path the first is the belief that what they do aligns with their core values and the second most campaigners feel best suited in jobs that fully utilize their talents without these two core elements it can be a challenge for the campaigner to maintain motivation and drive in a job these personalities may feel something lacking if they take on careers that prevent them from using and improving their people skills campaigners can also thrive in careers that offer learning opportunities and room to express their creativity this can especially be the case when they're given the ability to experiment with side projects of interest some careers that campaigners typically excel at non-profits public service counseling education public or customer relations hospitality media entertainment social media communications and the service industry in general jobs that allow them to balance their creativity with a sense of human connection do well for this personality however they have also been known to do well in technical and scientific fields where they can stand to have a positive impact on human health and environmental impact the monotony that comes along with many nine to fives can have a draining and demoralizing effect on the campaigner while they can handle predictable and repetitive jobs it tends to make them feel not only bored but also a bit disheartened they do benefit from the structure and accountability but over time they can lose steam in work environments with strict regimentation and hierarchy campaigners will pursue variety and they love to ask questions and with a career that allows for this personality to grow and explore they can turn their greatest strengths into assets luckily there are many career avenues where the creativity of the campaigner can turn into a profitable asset their enthusiasm and empathy can turn each workday into an opportunity to learn something new and above all else it helps them make the world a better place one of their greatest goals the creativity and charismatic enfp the campaigners are known for their idealism and enthusiasm truly a great personality type to have on nearly any team istp the virtuoso this explorer personality type consists of the traits introverted observant thinking and prospecting the virtuoso will typically have a very individualistic mindset busy pursuing their goals without much need for external connection they proceed through life with a high level of inquisitiveness and personal skill with the capability of varying up their approaches as they see fit virtuosos prefer to explore and discover life with their hands and their eyes examining and physically interacting with the cool rationalism and spirited curiosity this personality type is a natural creator in life they are capable of moving from project to project and they have fun making everything useful or superfluous they truly enjoy learning from their environments as they proceed from day to day these people often become mechanics and engineers for good reason they find no greater joy than getting their hands dirty by breaking things down and putting them back together probably improving it in the process this personality type will often explore their ideas through creating troubleshooting trial and error and first-hand experience it gives them great joy when others can take an interest in their projects and despite being an introvert they can sometimes enjoy sharing their projects themselves overall these types do enjoy lending a hand and sharing their wisdom with those that do care about it overall these types do enjoy lending a hand and sharing their wisdom with those that they care about despite appearing quite simple at a glance the virtuoso can be very deep and enigmatic they're friendly yet reserved calm with hints of spontaneity extremely curious with the ability to keep deeply focused on task virtuosos can be incredibly difficult to predict even by those close to them they can remain steady and consistent for a long while but inside of them is brewing up a storm of impulsion that may leap them forward into a wild and new direction they are less following an intricately well-charted path instead it's more about exploring the viability of a new interest their decisions often stem from their sense of practical realism at their core is a strong sense of direct fairness and equality often employing a do unto others attitude and this translates to the negative side and they won't hesitate to retaliate if they feel wronged the permissive and allowing nature of these personalities is often expected to be returned when the virtuosos make an attempt to be involved perhaps they may tell an insensitive joke or get too involved in another's project or suddenly change their plans because something more interesting came up over time the virtuoso will have to learn that many other personality types have more firmly drawn lines of rules of acceptable behavior than they themselves do not everyone wants to hear an insensitive joke this can result in a backlash from others when the virtuoso steps initially over those first bounds this can result in a backlash from others especially when the virtuoso initially steps over those boundaries it doesn't help that the virtuoso has a particularly challenging time predicting emotions this is really just a natural extension of their fairness especially with how difficult it can be to gauge the virtuoso's emotions and motivations early in life they will do much experimenting and exploring relationships through their actions instead of empathy and this can lead to some very challenging and frustrating situations in general these personality types will struggle with boundaries and guidelines as they much prefer the freedom to go outside of the box from time to time it can be massively pleasurable to the virtuoso to find an environment where they can work with good friends who can understand their unpredictable style creativity sense of humor and hands-on approach to practical solutions among the top of the virtuoso strengths is their raw energy and optimism they can always be found involved in some project or another these cheerful and good-natured people rarely get stressed out and would much prefer to go with the flow of things another of their primary strengths is their creativity and practicality when it comes to practical matters mechanics and crafts they can be incredibly imaginative they come up with novel ideas easily and they love to get hands-on the virtuoso has a unique mixture of spontaneity and rationality their logic based mentality can quickly shift to fit new situations on the fly with flexibility and versatility while the flexibility does come with some level of unpredictability these personalities are able to store up and draw upon their spontaneity at a later time essentially utilizing their vibrant energy when it's needed most despite all of their thrill for action virtuosos are able to stay surprisingly relaxed in most scenarios they live in the moment and go with the flow while refusing to worry too much about the future the virtuoso's weakness can reflect off of their strengths despite going with the flow so easily they can just as easily ignore it entirely choosing to move in another direction with little concern over others thoughts their stubborn level can be quite high especially when someone tries to change their habits lifestyles or ideas through criticism they typically won't mind vocalizing their irritation either the logic based virtuoso will try to meet others halfway with empathy and emotional sensitivity however it rarely seems to be taken the right way this resulting awkwardness can cause them to refuse to even try on future occasions the privacy and reservation of the virtuoso is apparent in most of these individuals they are notoriously difficult to get to know on a deeper level they are true introverts and they keep their personal matters to themselves and like many other introverts they often just prefer silence over small talk this personality type adores the new and novel this gives them great insight as someone who tinkers with things but this can prevent them from focusing intently on things long-term once something is thoroughly understood they can simply get bored and move on mentally to something new and more interesting to them along with this lack of interest and long-term plans comes a distaste for commitment they much prefer to approach things in a day-to-day basis the feeling of being locked into something for a long period of time can be downright oppressive to the virtuoso between their high level of stubbornness difficulty with others emotions focus on the moment and easy boredom they can easily find themselves in unnecessary and unhelpful situations just for fun they tend to push the boundaries and have been known to escalate conflicts and danger just to see where it goes naturally this can lead to disastrous consequences both for the virtuoso and those around them romantic relations for the virtuoso can be a challenge for everyone involved those that date them are in for a complex and interesting time the ever-changing virtuoso can easily go from being aloof and detached to passionate and spontaneous living in the moment and loving it as long as they are given the space they need to be themselves they can most certainly be capable of a steady partner for life the dating life for a virtuoso can be particularly daunting with their already flighty nature their sense of living in the moment leads them to explore new activities and experiences regularly if a date doesn't seem to measure up they have no issue walking away and if they are not given the necessary space physically and mentally they can feel the need to depart from their relationship despite not liking having others try and change their own habits they have no reservations about attempting to change their partner's habits most of the time they will simply be attempts and encouragement to relax and have a little fun these personality types are not very strict or traditional when it comes to dating oftentimes they may attempt to introduce sex into a relationship early on the sensual virtuoso is always ready to make use of all of their senses they tend to view intimacy as a form of art performance and source of pleasure a virtuoso's partner may find over time that intimacy may be the closest they get to an open emotional expression it may appear as if the virtuoso does not have feeling but it's quite the opposite their difficulty lies in expressing it they prefer to conceal and protect these feelings as they struggle to learn to deal with them and express them properly the virtuoso may feel as if something is mutually understood when in reality their partner is lost this is an especially apparent issue when the topic of furthering relationships comes up the discussion of securing commitment especially early on may cause the virtuoso to all but panic the concept of having no way out of anything including a relationship can terrify this personality type they prefer to see life as every day offering new opportunities and continuous review of their obligations from moment to moment while becoming a lifelong partner with the virtuoso is possible it's necessary for them to experience a natural progression of day-to-day decisions on their own personal time their partners should not take this too personally as it's just how the virtuoso's minds work they live in the present moment and engage with their senses they really just need to know that they have the control and freedom to be passionate about something without worry of criticism or being questioned with that said it can massively benefit the virtuoso to learn to be a bit more expressive and comfortable with the consistency and follow-through the best partner for this personality type are the observant sensing trait as they can normally share an interest in the world and what is here and now and naturally one or two opposing traits can help them grow in other directions when it comes to friendships virtuosos have no problem making acquaintances however just like their romantic relationships getting beneath the surface can take time it can feel questionable whether or not the status is worth pursuing especially with how fly by nature they can be the career paths of the virtuoso may be the hardest to pin down of all the personality types they thrive on diversity and unpredictability and it's nearly a requirement for them they are natural born problem solvers with a determined focus on practical solutions very few personalities are quite as fascinating by figuring out how things work how tools can be most effectively used and how facts can be put together to yield immediate and satisfying results their special mixture of curiosity and hands-on vigor make them excellent mechanics engineers forensic scientists and graphic designers while their practical nature is nearly unmatchable abstract theory and purely academic work rarely hold the interest of the virtuoso they crave variety action and the occasional dose of adrenaline in their work rigidly structured environments leave them bored tired and unfulfilled whereas jobs that focus on crisis response and management like firefighters paramedics pilots and police officers are practically made for the virtuoso what might be essential for them is the certainty that they are not stuck they require a freedom to wander the freedom of claiming their own schedule responsibilities and preferably their own environment and most of all the ability to avoid inflexible commitments that is why entrepreneurship is also a very appealing avenue for this personality type other career paths that may interest them are freelance positions like blogging systems analysts or drivers it's also possible for them to find enjoyment in becoming an athlete or perhaps a forest ranger all in all the virtuoso has a natural skill with troubleshooting a relaxed and self-confident nature with a results-oriented focus they understand that risk often equates to reward and if they can use these skills and perspectives with responsibility and maturity they are a highly desirable employee in many areas of the workforce the bold and practical virtuoso is known for their technical mastery and willingness to improvise they are very good at finding unique solutions that can seem impossible for many others they are a very valuable personality to know and to be acquainted with infp the mediator the next of the diplomat personalities is the mediator at 4.4 percent of the population their personality traits are introverted intuitive feeling and prospecting these quiet individuals are typically open-minded imaginative and they apply a caring and creative approach to nearly everything they do in life despite having a quiet and unassuming exterior they actually have a very vibrant and passionate inner life their levels of creativity and imagination are off the charts and they are happy to lose themselves in daydreams creating all sorts of stories and ideas in their minds they can also have a profound emotional response and connection to the music arts nature and the people that they surround themselves with the ever idealistic and empathetic mediator seeks a deep and soulful relationship with others as their name implies they truly feel called to help others and with the rarity of this personality type it can make the mediator feel lonely or invisible simply floating in a world that doesn't seem to understand or appreciate the unique traits that they offer mediators possess a sincere and genuine curiosity about the complex depths of human nature these personality types are introspective to the core and they're incredibly attuned to their own thoughts and feelings they long to understand the people around them as well these people are very compassionate and non-judgmental these people are very compassionate and non-judgmental and they're always willing to hear out and support other people when they are approached with requests for comfort they feel honored to listen and help in any way empathy is arguably the mediator's greatest asset but like many things it can become a liability at times they can occasionally become quite vulnerable to internalizing other people's negativity until a mediator can learn to set healthy boundaries they may often feel overwhelmed by how many wrongs exist that need to be set right in situations where the mediator must pretend to be something that they are not it can cause them a source of great discomfort they are very sensitive and much prefer to stay true and commit to their authenticity these people tend to seek out opportunities for creative self-expression many famous mediators are poets writers actors and artists their knack for self-expression can be seen throughout many areas of a mediator's life they may even reveal their inner thoughts and secrets through metaphors artistic endeavors and fictional characters within their stories for it's within these vast imaginative landscapes that mediators can explore their own inner thoughts and find their place in the world this is a beautiful trait but it can cause them to daydream and fantasize too long and fail to take action this is something that many mediators must learn to avoid so as not to feel frustrated or fulfilled it will take time for them to learn the steps to turn their dreams and ideas into a reality this inner exploration and rarity amongst similar peers can cause the mediator to feel directionless or stuck until they find that sense of purpose for their lives and for many of them all they know that they want to do is uplift others or connect with others that are suffering they need to find an outlet to properly focus their emotion and efforts otherwise they can end up exhausted and just spinning their wheels the mediator could be seen like flowers in the spring as their creativity and idealism can bloom even after the darkest of times of course they know that the world won't ever be perfect but they still care about trying to make it better however they can this quiet belief in themselves and what they're doing may explain why these types can inspire kindness compassion and beauty everywhere they go the strengths of the mediator are not surprising with empathy being at the very top of their skills and they don't really just care about other people in an abstract sense they actually feel other people's emotions joy and elation to sorrow and regret naturally they tend to be very kind and thoughtful the idea of hurting another person is something that never comes to mediators the generosity of them is nearly unmatched succeeding at another's expense is something that will never give them joy just the opposite in fact they feel a strong calling to share the good things in their lives uplift others and establish credit where it's due these people truly wish to see a world where every voice is heard and no needs are unmet the open-mindedness of the mediator is incredibly high with absolute tolerance and acceptance of others they will always try their hardest to not judge others beliefs lifestyles or decisions they much prefer this compassion over finding faults they are even able to find and feel empathy for those who have done them wrong this can lead them to befriend many people even total strangers brewing within the mediator is a storm of creativity they genuinely love to view things from unconventional perspectives they rather enjoy allowing their minds to wander through various ideas possibilities and daydreams when the mediator's creativity is able to capture an idea concept or project in their mind their passion itself will latch onto it with their whole being while they may not always be outspoken about these passions the feelings that dwell within them are vast and strong the mediator can also be highly idealistic rarely do they ever lose sight of their desire to live a meaningful purposeful life they want badly to be someone that helps others and leaves the world in a better place unfortunately we have the other side of the token for weaknesses of the mediator they may struggle to understand that nothing in life is perfect and that can be quite difficult truth for the mediators to accept not surprisingly this personality can be a hopeless romantic wearing rose-tinted visions of what their lives could be and should be like and unfortunately this can set them up for major disappointment when their reality inevitably falls short of their dreams and wishes even though mediators strive and long for connection with others they don't always know how best to approach it mediators can be reluctant to put themselves out there in a way that would help them make new friends or become involved especially in newer environments resulting from this these people may sometimes feel lonely or isolated the mediator's imaginative and introspective approach doesn't always heed well in the realm of productivity in all reality many of them will feel frustrated with how difficult they can find it to buckle down and really get things done it's not that they're lazy or incapable it's that they have different ideas and ideals that they fail to commit to action the emotional attunement of the mediator can be a great strength or a crippling liability if they don't establish boundaries they can very easily begin to absorb other people's negative moods or attitudes with their emotional vulnerability taking this one step further their eagerness to help and please others can be a major source of stress for the mediator with their natural search for harmony and acceptance if others dislike or disapprove of them mediators may become fixated on attempting to clear the air and change their mind this strong desire to please others can drain their energy making their inner wisdom and awareness a hindrance over anything mediators truly believe in and rely on their unique abilities and potential this can cause them to have unrealistic expectations for themselves and their capabilities if these potentials are not met they can blame themselves for being useless selfish or inadequate if this is not addressed and changed this can discourage them or even cause them to give up on their dreams the dreamer and idealist inside the mediator make for whirlwind romances these personality types believe in the power and significance of true love and they live with the hope to never settle for anything less this is a good and bad thing as they approach romance with high and heavy expectations they can spend years daydreaming about their perfect relationship with dreams of how it would feel to share their innermost personality and self with another person when they finally enter relationships it can be somewhat of a shock to them they will be forced to face a challenge of being in a relationship without sacrificing their ideals their expectations go across the board as they want to find more than just a partner they want to connect with their soulmate luckily their thoughtfulness and open-mindedness generally allow them to consider going out with a variety of different people in fact they pride themselves on their ability to see beyond other people's superficial traits like appearance social status or possessions their primary focus is instead on deeper more meaningful signals of compatibility a mediator's belief on relationship is that two people can form together in a relationship to make each other better and happier than they were before even with the open-mindedness of the mediator they can still formulate preconceived standards of their significant other they can borrow a vision based on a fictional character a person they once met or just standards that they have set for themselves about how their partner should be and when they finally meet someone they can't help but compare this person with this idealized notion of who they thought their soulmate might have been this unfortunately can make long-term relationships challenging for the mediator until they mature and come to grips with their unrealistic expectations of others for many it's not possible to live up to the mediator's fantasized and idealized soulmate as stated with time many mediators can learn that true love doesn't just magically happen and it takes understanding compromise and work no partner is perfect and even the most beautiful and loving relationships will have their unique challenges when these things are learned and accepted the mediator can find tremendous joy in the effort required to strengthen a relationship the devoted and loyal mediator has the capability of respecting their partner's independence and they accept their partners as they are however their constant pursuit of growth and progression is always on their mind and they are more than happy helping their partners when they feel unhappy or stuck their unique combination of compassion and insight are used to understand the people they care about while drawing upon their creativity to think of new and meaningful ways to make their partner feel special mediators truly commit and dedicate themselves to helping their partners improve their lives it can even become a negative thing if they neglect their own needs in the process nevertheless there are perhaps no other partners as supportive and devoted as the mediator and their presence can make a massive difference in many people's lives another potential issue within relationships is the desire to avoid conflict and hurting their partner by neglecting to share important matters in effort to save their feelings this will be an opportunity for growth as open and honest communication is necessary in these effective relationships even when it's not easy these moments of candor can truly improve or transform our relationship for the better mediators bring their whole heart to any relationship they encourage and support their partners through and through and when they grow in their relationship weaknesses learning to openly communicate and staying true to themselves they can find out what it truly means to love and be loved outside of intimate relationships mediators may find themselves in a contradiction these natural introverts crave alone time but their longing to help others makes them feel lonely it's not surprising that these personality types vibe well with those that are similar to themselves friendships are truly a precious commodity for the mediator valuable and effective but not quite as common parenthood is one of the greatest gifts for the mediator they experience elation seeing the wide-eyed wonderful children have when they see the beauty in the world they focus on building a stable foundation of support and acceptance as they want to assure their children never forget exactly how much they are loved for who they are in their career paths a mediator strives to find a job that's suiting of their strengths and also feels fulfilling like many others they want to spend their day doing something they truly love without too much stress or drama an ideal path would be something that doesn't involve too many demanding social interactions or phone calls their introverted nature would find that far too draining even more ideal would be careers that meet their practical needs while fulfilling their dreams just like with romantic relationships they may drift for a time in search of a perfect job presenting itself if they don't become assertive in their search they can end up feeling stuck or worried that they're not living up to their true full potential unfortunately there is no such thing as a perfect job so the mediator may continuously question if they should settle for what they consider a less than ideal position but fortunately for them their creativity independence and sincere desire to connect and help others in nearly any line of work it's not uncommon to see mediators natural curiosity and self-expression as tools in the realm of writing they could seek out novels freelance niches or even work in communications in the corporate field or perhaps a non-profit organization their vast reservoirs of imagination can improve and enrich any fundraising or marketing materials with vivid new life this personality does not typically seek the spotlight but many can find the performing arts the right outlet for their creativity entering fields in drama or dance these people are able to draw from their wealth of imagination or create tremendous interpretations of other creators work this allows them to be amazing playwrights composers or choreographers at the end of the day mediators truly seek to feel that their work is helping others in some way many of them are able to become fulfilled in fields focused on service just like counseling psychology teaching social work health care massage therapy or physical rehabilitation careers that help change someone's life for the better are the most meaningful for this personality type while mediators can adapt to situations they may struggle to work in high stress hectic or bureaucratic environments competitive or critical work environments can be too frustrating or stressful for most mediators as well careers that reward excellent work from independence are usually the best fit for mediators though they may benefit from a little bit of structure and oversight to prevent them from getting lost in their mind or procrastinating despite their particular strengths and weaknesses they are surprisingly resilient and don't always need ideal conditions to thrive professionally their values and ideals define their lives if they can pursue a sense of mission or purpose in their work they can overcome many challenges before them there are very few personality types that can match the poetic and kind-heartedness of the mediator their approach to making the world a better place allows them to thrive and overcome many obstacles and challenges throughout their life and all the while making other people's lives better estp the entrepreneur the fourth and final explorer type is known as the entrepreneur extroverted observant thinking and prospecting are the four traits they are known for being energetic and very action-oriented they boldly navigate through whatever they face uncovering life's opportunities as they plow forward they also tend to be quite social in their personal pursuits as well these personality types will always have an impact on their surroundings and it's typically easy to spot them they are usually found laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy sense of humor it's in their nature to love being the center of attention if ever asked to volunteer to come on stage they will happily oblige discussions of abstract concepts or theories typically won't interest the entrepreneur they prefer a more energetic conversation with a healthy dose of intelligence and they enjoy conversations about what already is but they'd prefer even more to just go and do it these personalities are known to jump before they even look ahead of them luckily they're good at fixing their mistakes as they go entrepreneurs are more likely than any other personality to make a major change in their lifestyle or participate in risky behaviors they truly live up to the moment and dive into action head first these personalities really enjoy drama pleasure and passion but mostly because they find it logically stimulating this forces them to make critical decisions in life based on facts in the immediate present in rapid fire response this type of personality can struggle in highly organized environments like school they are quite intelligent but they find the regimented lecturing to be too formal they prefer a hands-on learning approach entrepreneurs can struggle with this until they mature and learn to accept that these things are just a means to an end as well as something that may open new doors to opportunities another quirky treat of the entrepreneur is that they will typically value their own senses of morals over anyone else's in their eyes rules were made to be broken this can cause them to develop a certain kind of reputation seen good or bad if they learn to minimize their troublemaking and utilize their raw energy and focus through the monotonous work they are true forces to be reckoned with entrepreneurs can possess and innate perceptiveness about them and can often notice very minute and small changes this can be very minor things like a slight shift in facial expressions a new style or theme or even a subtle and broken habit this allows them to pick up on people's hidden thoughts and motives where other personalities wouldn't even notice the basic change to begin with entrepreneurs will notice the change almost immediately and their vocal self will not hesitate to point it out or question the change this questioning will often come out in a form of communication that can be very insensitive to others while they typically never mean to cause hurt they would do well to remember that not everyone wishes to have their secrets and decisions pointed out however there are some circumstances where it would serve to benefit the situation especially in some corporate environments where emergencies and crises can require such action this rush to action can occasionally get them too caught up in a moment and take things too far with little to no concern for other sensitivities or even their own health and safety the entrepreneur personality is always full of passion and energy with good supply of rationality they can occasionally become distracted within their own mind but all in all they are inspiring convincing and colorful nature make them great fits within group leader positions they excel at this as they pull everyone along the paths that need to be traveled with excitement and fervor everywhere they go employing their traits in a constructive and rewarding manner is the true goal and challenge for this personality the ever youthful exuberance and energy of the entrepreneur gives them tremendous advantages over others that may be more stagnant in their approach to life these personalities live to push boundaries and take things to the next level with new ideas and approaches entrepreneurs enjoy learning different forms of information and philosophies however they don't enjoy this for a purely data sense instead they enjoy finding ideas that they can implement with their own life and the scenarios they experience through life most of the time they are very practical and rational the originality of the entrepreneur is to utilize their unique mixture of boldness and practicality they love to consider and experiment with new concepts and solutions and they tend to formulate things in ways no other would think about their level of perception they have a very capable sense of noticing subtle shifts or changes that allows them to make changes on the fly especially when time matters most these changes aren't typically very apparent and they're able to make connections in logic when needed entrepreneurs don't beat around the bush they communicate with clear direct and factual questions and answers they don't play mind games with others and they see things for what they are not what others may see the social nature combined with their uncanny sense of perception make them natural group leaders however this isn't something that they normally seek they can excel in many environments that can make use of networking opportunities and social interactions when these strengths are over asserted we can begin to see their weaknesses peak through most of the time entrepreneurs will find emotionally charged situations awkward and difficult to navigate their blunt and direct nature can make them come off as insensitive especially with their lack of concern in pointing out issues they can occasionally neglect their own feelings as well until entrepreneurs develop a sense of patience they can struggle in many areas of their life they need to feel a sense of excitement and accomplishment so they can move at their own pace assisting others that can't keep up with that pace may be a frustrating challenge for this personality the thirst for progression and excitement can lead the entrepreneur to take risks without considering the long-term consequences of their actions these personalities may even intentionally take risks simply out of boredom this drive for progression often allows them to notice potential opportunities from a mile away and they will occasionally jump at that opportunity completely disregarding rules or social expectations in the process while they will often get what they want out of the process it can create some unexpected social blowback the always present here and now entrepreneur can sometimes miss the bigger picture their tendency to live in the moment focusing on small subtle shifts can miss the mark when all of the parts don't fit together in the end the final and perhaps most notable weakness of the entrepreneur is their refusal to be boxed in these defiant individuals struggle to work within the confines of repetition hard-line rules or sitting quietly while listening to lectures their action-oriented hands-on approach can have a difficult time in environments like school and entry-level work these environments can be tedious and require a high level of dedicated focus until they can work their way into more open-minded positions entrepreneurs living for the moment mentality can make them absolutely amazing dating partners however planning for the long-term potentially mundane romantic relationship or marriage may not be for them they enjoy the here and now and their improvisational style can create a never-ending supply of activities ideas and hobbies to involve themselves within and they fully support their partners to join entrepreneurs can actively enjoy conversations of new ideas concepts and the occasional philosophical discussion but they need to build off of it exploring actions that can be taken alongside the conversation there can be talks of awful food we all consume but there needs to be a step of the healthy diet that needs to be implemented to combat the issue not surprisingly the entrepreneur will typically have no real sexual reservations to them it's a fun physically enjoyable act with a partner they are open to new ideas and their keen level of perception keeps them well tuned to their needs of their partner where the real issue arises is when the partner needs to feel a more deep meaningful spiritual connection than just the intimacy from physical acts some personalities need for sex to feel like a genuine expression of love an entrepreneur won't always understand or feel that desire they can become easily bored so long-term developed relations can be rarer among this personality type deeper more emotional levels of intimacy require the entrepreneur to expose themselves to risk or to feel stuck and neither of them are strong suits the excitement seeking nature of the entrepreneur is also difficult for many personality types to keep up with and if their partners can't keep up they may feel a need to move on entirely we are all aware of the time and effort required to make a relationship work while it can be a challenge for this personality type they are capable adaptable and curious individuals that can certainly work towards keeping the flame alive with maturity and development they can improve their weak traits like emotional sensitivity and long-term planning to find a tremendously happy and fulfilling relationship many children would view the entrepreneur as the perfect parent playful and fun-loving flexible and understanding the entrepreneur genuinely enjoys raising a child and can make sure everyone is having a good time their natural curiosity and spontaneity is perfectly suited to the wonder and constant desire that the children possess in the adventurous career path of the entrepreneur you will see one theme throughout nearly all of it action these people think on their feet and they are tremendously good at quick decision making in the heat of the moment another applicable trait to their career journey will be their social good-natured persona they will always seem to make friends and connections nearly everywhere they go these people understand and make use of this asset as network building the social ingenuity and intelligence mixed with the entrepreneurs naturally bold and improvisational skills allow them to excel in positions of sales business negotiations marketing or even action or environments of tense and rigorous competition their self-confidence is very high and they trust themselves to make the right calls in these situations they don't sit around waiting for things to happen they understand risks are a part of life and they are more willing to take them while this can occasionally get them into trouble it can sometimes pay off and it might just be the right thing to do to boost them up in their career ladder secure but boring jobs are not as appealing to the entrepreneurs with their restrictions rules and highly structured environments they are the type to live life on their own terms and no one else's this makes them marvelous business people and freelancers roles that allow them to delegate the more tedious parts of work like accounting researching and so forth to others that are better suited the ever curious and energetic entrepreneurs have a calling for action some may do things like drive an ambulance maintain the peace or save the lives of others with their own two hands their impatient and observant personality allows them to take the whole situation or environment at a glance and act accordingly to what needs to be done emergency responders like paramedics police officers or soldiers can be a great fit for this personality type one of the more notorious fields would be the thrill of competition derived from sports here they are granted an opportunity to push the peak of their physical limit in effort to win this makes them great athletes coaches or commentators these personalities revel in coordinated team efforts and a well-executed plan any position that can hone in on this trait is perfect the charming appealing and attractive entrepreneur can be easy to spot in a crowded room they thrive on improvising with their focus completely on the moment at hand finding exciting new ideas to explore and experience are some of their favorite topics their creativity and down to earth attitudes make them a desirable personality to have in almost any group intp the logician possessing the personality traits introverted intuitive thinking and prospecting they are flexible thinkers that enjoy taking unconventional approaches to many aspects of life their blend of seeking out unlikely paths and willingness to experiment lead to very interesting destinations in life logicians typically pride themselves on their unique perspective and vigorous intellect much of their time will be dedicated to puzzling over the mysteries of the universe this is the major reason why many of the most influential thinkers philosophers and scientists have been logicians they often let their ideas speak for them which can often make waves in their environments people of this personality type hardly ever stop thinking it's in their nature to lose themselves in thought every hour of their day can be filled with thoughts of new ideas questions or insights it can be such intense thoughts that they could lead to full-fledged debates within their own mind more often than not they would prefer to be within the realm of their own thoughts as they find them endlessly fascinating in fact it's easy for others to think that logicians experience a never-ending daydream they can also come off as pensive reserved or even detached unless the logician focuses their entire willpower on someone in particular and this can be an uncomfortable situation for most people in any case these people are true introverts and will lose their energy quick with extensive socializing after too much of this they will require time alone to recharge within their own mind however this doesn't make them unfriendly or uptight by any stretch when this analyst connects with another personality that can match their own mental energy and tonality these personalities can absolutely light up with enthusiasm being able to swap ideas and enjoy a lively conversation with another curious individual can be exhilarating one of their favorite things to do is recognize and analyze patterns they are usually unsure of how they are even capable of doing such magnificent acts their uncanny knack for spotting minor discrepancies or irregularities grants them a sort of sherlock holmes level of detection this can come with some drawbacks as well they shouldn't always be held at their word for face value they simply have active minds that overflow with ideas and theories that they haven't solidified all the way through they also have no problems considering new information that will make them change their mind they often won't even realize that they appear to have already made up their mind in another direction this personality type will also play devil's advocate often to keep an interesting and fruitful discussion going the best conversations to them are those that are essentially brainstorming sessions with plenty of room for unconventional thoughts and possibilities logicians often spend their whole day pondering various ideas and what-if scenarios but that can be the extent of their practicality as turning those unconventional ideas into a reality doesn't always hold their interest long their strong suit is far and away the dissection of tricky multifaceted problems and developing solutions for them very few personality types can match the logician's creative mind and potential these personalities love to try and understand the workings and mechanics of the universe but the area that often eludes them and perplexes them is human nature just as their name implies the logician feels more comfortable within the realms of logic and rationality illogical irrational choices made out of emotion will baffle them even when they do these things themselves that's not to say that they don't want to support others emotionally they simply just lack the understanding it's almost beyond their capabilities their logical minds will often over rationalize how best to approach these situations and may opt to say or do nothing at all and this analysis paralysis can transfer over to other layers of the logician's life as well these personalities have the capability of over-analyzing even the smallest of decisions this can make them feel stuck or seemingly ineffective the non-stop thoughts that swim through their minds can even exhaust them over time making them struggle to get things done luckily for them and those around them they normally don't stay stuck in that rut for too long they possess strengths and traits that include the ability to pull themselves up by the bootstraps leveraging their creative and open minds they can reach their full potential as thinkers and as happy satisfied and well-rounded people at the peak of their strength is their incredibly analytical minds they love to analyze every little thing that they come across this can be from the initial research data to the behavior of people this ability gives them insight into spotting unexpected patterns and connections that others might overlook the unrelenting mind and imagination of the logician can formulate creative and counter-intuitive ideas of course not all of these ideas are realistic but their willingness to think unconventionally can produce incredible innovations these unconventional ideas and concepts would go by unnoticed if it weren't for the open-mindedness of the logician their curiosity and drive to learn allows them to be receptive to new and unorthodox ways of doing things their intellectual pursuits are bountiful and never ending they could be obsessed with programming an app then immediately find themselves entranced by videos about building diy electronic devices logicians will go all in on newfound interests when inspiration hits them yes they do have an open mind but not so open that their brains fall out they do care about the truth and facts but rather than the face value with their ideology and perceived ideas they want to understand what's going on under the hood and why things are the way they are this makes them skilled at combating bias or misinformation even when it's not easy and they are of firm opinion that other people should be honest with them in return like with any personality their strengths can reflect into weaknesses from time to time logicians in particular are known to get lost in their own thoughts even when they're with other people this can cause them to lag behind in social situations when their mind has dragged on a subject for too long making them lose their grasp on the situation at hand this can cause a feeling of discomfort or disconnection with others much like other personalities with a strong basis on rationality they may underestimate the importance of emotions compassion etiquette and tradition and as a result they may have inadvertently come off as insensitive or unkind though they may have been genuinely well intentioned the logician's strong sense of imagination on what could be better a constant search for improvement in the things around them can lead them to a sense of dissatisfaction or frustration this mindset can become overwhelming to them at times trying to reinvent the wheel instead of a more pressing need or responsibility in the moment this personality type can take immense pride in their knowledge and in the act of sharing these ideas they can often take for granted the way their mind works and having to explain their rationale to others can cause them to become quite impatient if the contact doesn't follow along with their ideas or seem interested the logician may give up entirely with a dismissive never mind the constant quest for perfection will be something that can stand in the way of actually completing a project they may even get so consumed in the analysis of various options that they may never reach a decision at all they have also been known to completely give up on projects that don't live up to the ideal vision that they have in their mind when it comes to romantic relationships the logician offers an unusual combination of personality traits that can yield pleasant and enjoyable experiences with their romantic partners on the surface they may appear reserved and cerebral but when their guard has been let down they can carry a playful fun and creative side underneath to keep things fresh and exciting they can come up with clever unexpected ways to make their partners feel significant and loved as a natural introvert the logician will need a certain amount of alone time but just like many others they crave companionship the ideal romantic partner for them presents themselves as an equal who can challenge their ideas while enjoying life together at their core they want to spend their life in pursuit of learning and growing in order to have a lasting relationship they will need a partner who can encourage this pursuit of knowledge and perhaps even partake in the quest with them unfortunately for the logician it can be difficult to find these qualities in a partner especially since they tend to drag their feet when it comes to the pursuit of meeting new people they're so focused on their tasks at hand that when someone of interest does come along it can still take them time to work up the courage they are still faced with the risk of rejection to ask out another person and be in the center of attention in such an emotionally sensitive and vulnerable position isn't easy for this personality type but when the logician has entered into a relationship they will take it very seriously it can take a while but they seek out people that they can connect with on a real level someone who possesses a mind they can respect and company they can enjoy from the onset of any relationship the logician will be direct blunt and honest they want to cut to the chase and they typically won't act coy when they feel like something needs to be said they don't filter themselves as they feel the best approach is to be forward and direct in fact they encourage their partners to treat them the same way and can see the concept of beating around the bush as being rude or bad manners they will take it as a point of pride within their ability to constantly uphold a direct forward honest form of communication especially with its benefit of avoiding misunderstandings the logician's long-term needs are quite simple with gifts surprises social plans or elaborate date plans all ranking fairly unimportant for them it may unfortunately not appear on the logician's radar if their partner does want these things they may fail to recognize the importance these things may have to their partners something they will need to work on will be the special effort and attention required to express affection in a way that their partner resonates with if they neglect to adapt to this their partner can very easily feel ignored under appreciated or even unloved luckily the logician's trademark ingenuity can massively help to counteract this situation the logician is prone to shutting down before disagreements or emotional turmoil arises they can also lack the patience or ability to slow down and really listen instead using their powers of logic to rationalize the situation and prove their partner wrong other times they may be too uninterested in delving into deeper emotional matters or simply offer easy logical and low effort solutions to these problems in matters of emotion or conflict logicians can possess a certain willful ignorance they may fail to recognize the importance of addressing people's feelings or emotions including their own the logician will learn over time that people's emotional needs are very important matter that need to be recognized and addressed properly this can be a hard pill for them to swallow and that a major life philosophy has changed like that but it's best for them as they can learn to incorporate these abilities even if it doesn't come naturally to them it is possible for them to reach an emotional middle ground with their partners in moments of conflict or disagreement the most significant aspect of a relationship is that they can break the logician out of their own world where they mostly reside this grants them the pleasure of experiencing the depth of joy and pleasure that can be experienced in the present moment a loving romantic relationship can truly be a transformative experience for the logician it can reveal aspects about themselves that they never knew before their vivid and wild imagination can be fueled by a love interest creating some of the most thoughtful impressive acts and gestures imaginable and the very best of them will be able to do this without ever losing their sense of self in the realm of parenthood logicians can find children an irrational mess a spontaneous whirlwind of action and emotions nevertheless these personalities can find a great sense of meaning and joy out of parenting being able to teach their children about the world is among the great pleasures they can have in life career paths are an interesting suite for the logician their tendency to be free thinking and quite eccentric may cause them to struggle finding work environments that are designed for their unique skill set of course with time and ingenuity the logician can find work that takes full advantage of their skill set creativity an innovative spirit a passion for ideas these are among a few rare qualities that this personality type possesses so while career fields that most optimally utilize these traits are rare they have little trouble standing out from the crowd for this ability the logician seeks to explore the mental faculties and limits of various theories and ideas they want to understand why things are the way they are and the inner mysteries of the universe and reality itself it should come as no surprise that logician is the personality type most likely to consider becoming a professional gamer this quest for knowledge is unrelatable to many other personality types and it's no surprise that logicians are often mathematicians analysts scientists researchers or participation in more abstract fields like physics engineering and other tech jobs can also be a perfect match for this personality bonus points if there is an opportunity to be creative they also much prefer to craft their own forms of navigating problems instead of implementing others solutions the logician can thrive in almost any environment that allows them to invent or experiment with a new process this could be management merchandising or even teaching which would give them even more satisfaction this personality type can often be difficult for co-workers to understand the logician's actions are not motivated or influenced in pursuit of impressing anybody else their drive originates from their curiosity and high standards of excellence that they set for themselves this high standard leads them to pursue notable results they are most alive and in essence themselves when they can fully immerse themselves in a project they are passionate about these personalities can become quite agitated and annoyed by anything that interrupts their intense level of focus and engagement logicians prefer to go at their own pace especially if they're forced to wait around for other people's input it only makes sense that many of them prefer a more self-directed approach to careers with relatively minimal hierarchies laboratories are ideal fits as well as other environments that allow them to carry out tasks and explore ideas without others looking over their shoulder other common options include self-employment consultancy and freelancing and although the people skills of the logician can be lacking the rise in jobs demanding an understanding of these complex systems and critical thinking make this personality type a tremendously valuable asset to many different industries these personality types may struggle to find satisfaction in service industries or people-oriented positions they need to keep their minds engaged with new ideas this isn't always possible in service industries but logicians can adapt to them in certain situations although they may prefer to work alone they can be the quintessential element to the success of any group or collaborating effort as long as they manage to focus on working effectively with a variety of people they can find themselves in remarkably high demand this personality type has weaknesses like the rest of them but their complex and unique skill set allows them to thrive in the particular situations with which they are best suited with gifts that include innovation rationality and the ability to envision a better future and how to get there entp the debater the highly logical analyst known as the debater consists of personality traits extroverted intuitive thinking and prospecting these personalities are bold and creative capable of deconstructing and rebuilding ideas with a magnitude and mental agility their goals are pursued rigorously and vigorously plowing through any resistance they might encounter the aptly named debater is the epitome of a personality that thrives on mental sparring they have a wealth of quick wit broadly accumulated mental libraries of knowledge and the capacity for connecting and utilizing various ideas to prove their point this personality will almost always play devil's advocate simply to take on the mental challenge they thrive on dissecting arguments and reconstructing their beliefs and ideas in a concoction of well-thought-out points they are so experienced with this that they will eventually learn when they can further emphasize their victory with unusual and advanced strategies for debate and sometimes they simply debate for the fun of it the debaters have an interesting combination of being honest to a fault and will argue endlessly for something that they don't even believe in it's very common to see them step in another's metaphorical shoes to argue a point from their perspective they do this to sharpen their wit and better develop a sense of reasoning for both sides of the spectrum which they will often move around in it's important to note that this personality isn't seeking a form of mutual understanding like the diplomat personalities seek this is simply a way for the debater to seek knowledge and in their eyes there is no better way to gain insight than to attack and defend an idea from every angle debaters will often have a particular pleasure when they can play the role of the underdog they enjoy the mental exercise required when questioning the conventional this trait makes them a unique and valuable asset when it comes to reworking existing systems or models they love to shake things up and push things in clever new directions encouraging others to question things along with them unfortunately this trait comes with its limitations when it comes to implementing their ideas and managing the day-to-day mechanics of them they would find themselves miserable the debater loves to brainstorm and think big and actively avoid getting stuck doing grunt work whenever possible the rarity of this personality type allows them to have just enough distinction to think of their ideas without much competition this also allows for the more populated and fastidious personalities to handle the logistics of implementation and maintenance the debating nature of this personality can be a great asset when it's called for but when it's taken too far it can step on others toes especially when it's the toes of their boss or significant other and the debater doesn't hold back with a sensitive or compassionate bravado either certain types of similar personalities can get along exceedingly well with the debater but the more sensitive types can find them rude or inconsiderate this unfortunately can lead to many bridges being burned for the debater in search of fun and knowledge and often times this happens without them even trying to be offensive early on they can fail to understand that certain people can't handle having their beliefs or ideology questioned as brazenly as the debater often does this is not with ill intentions however as the debater themselves prefer not to be coddled and they dislike when people beat around the bush so they are not offended in the least when people treat them in the same manner these personalities are renowned for their vision knowledge confidence and keen sense of humor the debater may be considered at a disadvantage when it comes to the length of time required to harness their natural abilities it can take a very long time for the debater to fully develop their intellectual independence and free form vision when these traits have grown to maturity they can be incredibly valuable assets to nearly any corporation or large team in any case they won't always be the best for following through on these grand ideas that are created when the debater has finally landed a position where their ideas can be utilized they will forever be dependent on others to assemble the ideas and parts of their vision together but if they need to spend too much time battling for consensus on their ideas they may find that they don't have the necessary support to be successful as a whole they play devil's advocate so often that it can be the greater intellectual challenge to understand a more sentimental home team kind of perspective they will eventually learn to consider compromise alongside logic and progress at the top of the debater's impressive stack of strengths is their wealth of knowledge and wisdom just like the other analysts they love to learn something new especially abstract concepts and ideas they don't always consume the information for any planned intention or purpose other than finding it interesting and to increase their knowledge base the flexibility of the debater's mind can be astounding they are able to instantly shift from one idea to another without any effort they can very simply draw upon their supply of knowledge that they have accrued over countless occasions of proving their point as they see fit it comes as no surprise that the ever flexible debater is capable of disregarding convention and tradition quickly and easily existing systems and methodologies are always subject to scrutiny and their ability to formulate bold new ideas is exquisite they can be given the most challenging of tasks and given enough time they will delight with opportunity to conquer the problems in whatever creative ways their mind can muster being able to debate a point from any angle is their specialty so it only makes sense that they are excellent brainstormers utilizing their knowledge and originality they can spiderweb into a series of subtopics and explore every aspect of a subject at hand they have no issue ruthlessly abandoning options that don't work or present more problems than benefits debaters are simply irreplaceable in brainstorming sessions their way with words and natural wit make them incredibly charismatic by default confidence quick thinking and creativity are just a few of the traits that allow these types to create a style of communication that would be seen as charming entertaining and informative the exuberant energetic nature of the debater is truly impressive their enthusiasm and boundless hype can put in long days and nights spent trying to find a solution to their problems stretching into their weaknesses the debaters are not surprisingly the most argumentative of all the personalities their biggest strength and weakness comes from their enjoyment of mental exercise through debating an idea or philosophy certain personalities won't appreciate their beliefs being deconstructed and broke down and it can lead to moments of great tension along with their argumentative nature comes along the need to win their arguments and in the process of winning they can occasionally take a point too far becoming insensitive to certain people in the process the issue is only magnified by their difficulty in accepting emotions as points of validity in debates these personality types can take great pride in their mental fortitude when it comes to debating however when others fail to bring quality ideas the debater can judge not only the idea but the people presenting them as well and if an idea can't hold up to the scrutiny their idea is simply not worth considering that great mental flexibility comes with the side effect of a challenging time staying focused boredom can come far too easily for the debaters and they may find fresh ideas and concepts too appealing to stay focused on another subject while the grander picture may be perfectly envisioned by the debater the implementation of the practical matters can be a tremendous struggle for the debater they may lose interest rather quickly and the consequence may result in a delay in seeing their project come to light the romantic side of the debater is also rich with depth and a slew of complex opportunities these personalities will imagine all the ways they can experience exciting new things together as a partnership this can be a disappointing process if their partner can't match up to their expectation and when the debater is lucky enough to find someone who also loves their exploration of the intellectual it may become a match made in heaven even from the onset of a relationship a debater will test the boundaries and a limit of their potential partner they are curious about their open-mindedness and spontaneity and may playfully challenge them in matters of wit dating a debater can be a delightful and fun experience as they tend to make use of their charisma and enthusiasm to surprise their partners with fun new ideas and experiences one of the primary sources of enjoyment through life for a debater is their constant search for self-improvement and naturally they want to bring their partners along for the ride and they have two modes growing or stagnant and they don't buy into traditions for the status quo they can be as demanding of a partner as they can be exciting and enthusiastic this constant demand for improvement can be a draining element for other personalities and it can wear down their partners over time it can take time for the debater to learn that a little time to breathe and slow down can be a blessing for the relationship but if their enthusiasm is accepted with mutual appreciation it grows into a loving and successful relationship with cornerstones of strength depth and spark perhaps the most vibrant and expressive outlet for the debater's relationship is their sex life their exploratory and curious enthusiasm can be fully expressed in new unabashed ways they happily try new things and encourage the same from their partners and although they still approach this life with the same quest for excellence here they are granted an opportunity to improve and grow in areas outside of the realm of academia when the debater recognizes their weaknesses and makes efforts to improve them they can go from good lovers to fantastic partners their glaring weaknesses of emotional obliviousness can get in the way of their advanced state of a relationship it takes a great deal of learned experience and maturity for the debater to understand their faults and put in the time and effort required to work around them and consider other people's feelings in the process the best and most compatible personality traits for the debater are other intuitive types with one or two opposing traits to bring balance and opportunities for growth between the two more sensitive partners may require additional time to adapt to this type but the depth and strength of this personality can make for a tremendous romantic partner parenting can be a notable life challenge for the debater but just like any good challenge they can be completely up for it the intolerance of intellectual equals can make them frustrated but their distaste for rules and regulations allow them to give their children the freedom necessary to explore and learn independently on their own while still providing the loving and attentive support that they need when it comes to career paths the debater has the advantage of being naturally engaged and interested in productivity and helpfulness however this isn't necessarily a people-oriented helpfulness that the diplomat personality type offers the debaters are naturally inclined to focus on developing solutions to diverse and interesting technical and intellectual problems it can take this personality type a while to fully mature and develop their skill set but once their skill set is capable of being fully utilized these traits can translate well into almost any career that stimulates their mind they thrive in careers that grant them the ability to flex their mental muscles by developing new approaches ideas and projects that allow them to push the limits of their creativity of course there aren't an infinite amount of careers that can allow them the full use of their brain power but you can commonly find debaters in entrepreneurship engineering acting or photography any career or company that can benefit from a new line of thinking can serve the debater well the intellectual power of the debater is impressive but unlike the introverts of the analyst group these personalities gain the added benefit of being excellent communicators and although they can make formidable leaders with a social adaptability they dislike the constraints of managers and in being managed themselves when chosen as leaders however they can show a clear path forward inspiring others with logical reasoning and their intellectual prowess and when other types bring emotional appeal in the matter the debater can use sound reasoning facts and a unique perspective to shift the minds of those in power the most rewarding careers for the debater allow them to utilize their wealth of ideas most effectively by allowing their natural spontaneity to shine through in their intellectual pursuits not surprisingly the debater who values knowledge so highly can make brilliant psychologists attorneys system analysts and scientists they can also make for tremendously effective sales reps rationalizing customers purchasing decisions with their wit and insight what is perhaps most important in the choice of a career field is the debater's sense of personal freedom in order to truly feel fulfilled and satisfied these people need to apply their skill sets fully to comprehend and solve a problem at hand if they are forced to get bogged down by politics rules and structure they can feel stuck or unable to reach their full potential because of this desire to be more flexible and open they can make great freelancers consultants or software engineers the key then is to have the patience necessary to land a position that allows for these freedoms and opportunities it can take a decent amount of time for colleagues managers and subordinates to recognize the value that these people really offer to any team unfortunately quantifying their achievements can be a challenge but once they've got their foot in the door the sky is the limit in conclusion the debater comes equipped with a powerful intellect and a vivid imagination their mental prowess allows them to overcome or outmaneuver obstacles that may seem impossible to others after the debater can learn the navigation of their unconstrained rationalism and social misunderstandings they can lead tremendously successful and fulfilling lives enfj their protagonist the next of the diplomat roles is the protagonist with the personality traits extroverted intuitive feeling and judging these very warm direct and forthright types love to help others and they tend to have tremendously strong ideas and values they back their perspectives with an exuberant creative energy to achieve their desired goals as their name suggests the protagonist feels a calling to serve a greater purpose in their life these personalities will be on a constant mission to impact other people in the world at large their moral compass is strong and they will even fight for an opportunity to do the right thing the protagonist lives up to its name and they are a natural born leader you can often find these people taking up roles as politicians teachers and coaches on top of a strong sense of moral obligation their charisma and passion allow them to inspire other people around them and this applies to every aspect of their lives friendships careers and romantic relationships these people will feel a profound sense of joy and fulfillment and they can guide their peers to grow as a human being values and morals are so important to these people that they will adamantly vocalize them with absolute authenticity and an altruistic demeanor with the ability to vocalize comes a considerate sensitivity and insight that will appeal to others and resonate strongly with them a true hero in their own story they're able to pick up on people's hidden motives beliefs and agendas oftentimes their protagonists won't even fully understand how this ability works themselves they simply have an innate grasp on other people's minds and hearts almost immediately these glimpses of what's hidden beneath grant them additional ammunition for their ability to persuade and inspire others effectively unlike the debater personality the protagonist's ability to change other people's minds originates from their purity of intent they are not motivated by attempts to manipulate or gain power over others they're also not fighting for positions simply for the thrill of the fight and the knowledge gained from it instead the protagonist seeks to find a common ground and to most effectively reach the common ground they develop a sensitivity eloquence and grace about approaching situations especially when concerning matters that are close to them protagonists have a desire to help others to solve their problems often going above and beyond for them most people are grateful for their assistance and advice and the protagonist typically earns a solid reputation because of it these personality types are not afraid to put in the work and back up their claims with action but this strong desire to improve themselves and those around them can have negative consequences at times they can occasionally push their beliefs too hard and those around them may feel judged unfairly or even disliked and protagonists are people too and they can make a mistake or give bad advice from time to time as well nevertheless the protagonist is almost always well-meaning as a devoted altruist they are ready to stand at a moment's notice and fight for the ideas and people that they believe are right and good this strength and desire to make the world better only serves to foster their leadership skills especially when it's on a common goal of the greater good their strongest and most effective ability to lead is to lead by example even in their normal work a day lives they can discover and fight for new ways to handle tasks with compassion care and dedication their innate desire to improve things within the world translates to an infinite opportunity to lead the world to a brighter future the strengths of the protagonist are aplenty coming in at the top we have the valuable trait of being receptive to things and situations in life they can be vocal about their own thoughts but they understand that other people are capable of bringing brilliant ideas to the table and they're more than happy to fully hear them out letting someone down is a tremendously harsh feeling for the protagonist especially in situations that they are passionate about as a result these personalities can be willing and capable of going to the ends of the earth to fight for their beliefs in the everyday life of the protagonist they take great pride and pleasure in their hobbies and interests and just like their willingness to fight for beliefs they carry that same passion with them in their pursuit of passion projects the protagonist carries with them a tremendous and deep desire to be a person that betters the world becoming a force for improvement and what is right this altruistic personality truly believes that they can bring people together toward the cause of making the world a better place and perhaps the single most visible and tangible strength to the protagonist is their bright aura and charisma their ability to resonate with others and vibrate on similar frequencies make them incredibly valuable leaders in nearly any industry rolling over to the other side of the spectrum we see their weaknesses their protagonist tends to put a massive amount of pressure on their shoulders when they fight for a cause and unfortunately their visions may not always have a realistic or feasible outcome it's very possible that a protagonist bites off more than they can chew causing undesired consequences this personality has a strong sense of morality and drive to fight for what they feel is right and they often assume that everyone should share these same ideals they can sometimes glaze over the fact that not everyone shares the same principles it can be a shock to their system when protagonists receive this life lesson for the first time and just with the nature of their desire to advise and help others some of their attempts at helping others can come off as abrasive or even condescending while their intentions were truly out of love or positivity their interactions may come off as patronizing especially to the more sensitive types the abundance of energy and fervor for self-improvement is something that not every personality type shares the protagonist has this in spades but they may not realize that others won't have that same drive for these others the energy can come off as too intense and as a very compassionate individual their protagonists can easily identify and even take on emotions and problems that others have however this trait can unfortunately leave them drained and exhausted unable to perform at their full potential thereafter the defining characteristics and traits of the protagonist translate clearly into their romantic relationships their level of intensity and passion is immense and they rarely ever settle for anybody that doesn't meet up to their ideals and just like their ability to read others hidden feelings and agendas they cut right to the content of their partner's character soul and being they are more interested in being with a good person than a good looking person though if they can have the best of both worlds of course they will strive for that the charisma and natural vibrancy of the already outgoing protagonist makes them come off as a bit flirtatious even when it's not intended nevertheless their standards are very high for themselves and of course their partner it can take a notable length of time for the protagonist to find someone that truly meets up to their high level of expectations for moral fiber and strong character but when they do find that person they commit fully as they do in their crusades their confidence and charm makes it advantageous for them to make the first move rather than playing koi or waiting for confirmation of reciprocated feelings protagonists are so comfortable with these bold actions and willingness to become vulnerable that it can come off as wildly unusual but appealing and attractive to other personalities naturally they will inevitably face rejection a time or two in the process of finding a compatible partner this can only serve to make them stronger in the long run in earlier stages of the romantic relationship protagonists will focus on a deeper conversation instead of surface level nonsense they really want to get a feel for their partner's character their dreams goals and aspirations the things that they want to accomplish in life and as is applicable for the protagonist they will go to extreme measures to support their partner in reaching these goals these things can become so important to the protagonists that they will take on and merge their partners goals into their own and unfortunately this can have a series of repercussions causing them to potentially sacrifice their own goals interests or other relations sometimes they may even end up pushing their partners in ways that aren't even ready for them one thing that often happens in this situation is their partner becomes insecure and may lose interest in sharing that part of their life another more impactful consequence is that their partner may begin to lose attraction for them much of the appeal of this personality type is in being an anchor with their commitment to a pursuit of bettering the world being their own leader and moral compass respect can be lost when that person can be so easily controlled or swayed to a particular action or belief when this is under control for the protagonist they can become some of the most coveted personality types to have as a romantic partner their strong dedication to fighting the good fight carries over perfectly to a committed and healthy relationship their people skills are a blessing to relationships as well their sensitivity to others subtle shifts and moods and tone can make them tremendous support to their partners when they can keep a balance between their own needs and their partners there are very few personalities that are better suited for healthy successful romantic relationships and these beneficial traits carry over to all their relations work friends and otherwise perhaps nowhere else is this as apparent as in parenthood their strong desire to make the world better makes them perfectly suited to raise strong successful independent and overall good people career paths are not surprising either with their overall drive to do what they love doing helping other people and making the world better with the protagonist's high level of emotional intelligence and social skills they can thrive in almost any field that has interaction with people industries like human resources event management public relations or recruiting are all common routes for the protagonist to take their altruistic side can also shine through in fields that grant them ability to directly advise or guide others like teaching coaching or counseling these personalities often find themselves in positions with influencing capabilities public office or leadership roles of all kinds of organizations are great fits other options include consultancy advisors to people of power or managers their true strength comes with their core mission to improve the lives of other people at large their natural skill in picking up subtle shifts in mood can make them incredibly valuable and skilled in sales marketing advertising customer service and even product development much like other particularly suited personalities the protagonist may find repetitive or isolated work very boring or frustrating when they fail to see their meaning or impact of helping people within their job they won't experience a feeling of fulfillment or satisfaction these personalities would ideally hold a position where they can improve the world and possibly even leave a legacy behind and with their abundance of strength and skills it's very possible for them to do exactly that the many gifts of the protagonist allow them to envision and fight for a better future for the world at large and when they see that vision and how to accomplish it they fight for it with everything that they have intj the architect this rare analyst personality type possesses traits introverted intuitive thinking and judging these people are mental warriors that find great joy in perfecting the precise details of life they use their ample creativity combined with a healthy dose of rationality to conquer their problems at hand they live in their internal world which is almost always private and incredibly complex the highly rational and quick thinking architect will often struggle to find others who can keep up with their incessant consideration and analysis of anything and everything the quirky combination of traits allow this personality to have bold and unrealistic dreams and ambitions while also being the harshest of pessimists the architect is usually very aware of their mental prowess and they may be very cynical of others and human beings in general they can often feel superior in some ways feeling as though most people are lazy unimaginative or just incapable of understanding the depth and complexities of their mind not surprisingly the architect can come off as a nerd or bookworm in school environments however this is not viewed as a negative thing from the perspective of the architect in fact they derive much of their self-confidence and self-esteem from their base of knowledge that they have acquired they will often embrace the ill-intentioned taunts of name-calling as a compliment toward their abilities and this view in direct opposition of most people is a theme that's common throughout most of the architect's life this personality type is usually very confident and competent in their ability to learn and master any topic that appeals to them their intense focus and drive toward learning makes them single-minded with little tolerance for distractions from their work like idol gossip or small talk that's not to say that this personality type is dry dull or humorless underneath their serious exterior often resides a sharp sense of wit and occasionally crass sarcastic humor at the core of the architect you will find one resounding philosophy question everything unlike many other personalities the architect will hardly ever trust the status quo conventional wisdom or people's experience they much prefer to explore and discover life's mysteries on their journey of self-improvement and the quest for knowledge they are very willing to break the rules or risk disapproval or shame from others on this journey they employ a wealth of insight logic willpower creativity and one of the most tenacious drives of all personality types these people can ruthlessly defend their ideas and beliefs with cunning and tact backed up by endless sources of evidence these personalities will almost always prefer to work alone independent of others very few things frustrate an architect as when their ideas and passions are being throttled or held back by others either waiting for a green light or having to explain themselves to those who aren't as intellectually apt the architect is typically comfortable making important decisions without needing the approval or guidance of anyone else this lone wolf approach may appear insensitive and inconsiderate of others ideas wishes and goals the architect is one of the most polar extremes in the introverted sense their social ineptitude can cause them to feel cold and distant it doesn't help that they feel no need to be polite with pleasantries and acts of social norms this strong desire to be right regardless of being liked lends themselves to a particular story archetype if their protagonist is the hero of the story the architect is often the villain many popular fiction villains are actually modeled directly off of this personality type the architect places no value on common social practices or norms most of them seem like a waste of time to them and while they don't mean to they can easily come off as rude or offensive when in reality the architect may just be blunt honest and direct these less than stellar engagements and interactions with others can leave the architect with little to no interest in interacting with people whatsoever that's not to say that the architect is completely void of a desire for social interaction they are just much more particular on those they choose to surround themselves with in order to feel a meaningful sense of communication the architect needs to feel a mutual sense of values and priorities luckily when an architect is in their element their profound confidence and passion for their interests seem to draw people in socially professionally and romantically the architect is not very easy to understand they are imaginative while still being decisive curious while also focused and ambitious yet reserved and private until their inner workings are understood it can be a challenge for some to even associate with the architect no other personality type approaches life quite like them for these personalities life is a tremendously complex game that can be won with proper use of strategies philosophies and strong consideration of the next move they can absolutely come out on top they also never lose faith that their ingenuity and insight can muster up a way to overcome any challenge that appears throughout their lives just like every personality the architect has a host of strengths and weaknesses at the top of their strengths is a tremendous rationality these people truly pride themselves on their wisdom knowledge and insight any situation or scenario can become an opportunity to expand their knowledge and exercise their thinking abilities this makes them privy to developing seemingly unrealistic solutions and turn them into a reality the architect's supply of knowledge and insight did not arrive by accident few other personality types are as dedicated to forming rational well-researched opinions while they enjoy considering the abstract and theoretical they base their final conclusions on research and analysis this gives them ample confidence and assurance in standing up vehemently for their ideas even when the opposing beliefs stand in their way to the architect conforming with the masses is akin to mediocrity the creative and motivated architects feel a need to do things their way very few things frustrate them as much as being forced to follow rules and the conventional ways of thinking or approaches to problems determination is another strong suit for the architect their ambitious and goal-oriented nature allow them to commit wholeheartedly to a project or a passion their creative minds allow them to develop strong visions for how to be successful and very few things can stop them from making these visions a reality the architect is very open-minded and very willing to hear out new ideas and concepts their curiosity allows them to curb their skeptical nature and as long as these new ideas are irrational and based on research they are willing to change their own opinions this innate drive to live outside of the conventions and forge their own path allows the architect to travel down a variety of different routes to find success in many areas of life these strengths can be examined and magnified to easily find their weaknesses as well the confident and well-researched architect can make mistakes like everyone else and their intelligence can blind them into thinking they're foolproof especially when it comes to others that they may feel are inferior in some way the arrogance of this personality type can make them become sharp harsh or single-minded in their pursuit of being correct in the mind of an architect there is only rationality matters of emotion can be completely foreign to them and they can lose their patience when it comes to anyone who values feelings and emotions over fact and logic the architect's ability to control and suppress their emotions and feelings leads them to believe that others should have the same level of restraint this and other expectations of others can cause them to be overly critical of many other people in their lives the strong-willed and passionate architect refuses to follow anyone or anything without understanding the inner workings and why things are the way they are they might question authority or even downright oppose them this can sometimes make for a far worse and less productive way to spend their precious time and last but not least is the architect's tendency to be romantically clueless their endless drive to seek rationality and meaning in life can make them frustrated with deeper more abstract concepts like love throughout the early phase of a relationship they may find it difficult to understand what is happening and how to properly act it's a game that they haven't mastered yet when a romantic relationship falls apart for reasons beyond them they can become cynical and negative about relationships and avoid them all together just like with every other aspect of the architect's life they approach their romantic relationships with strategy and clever tactics and approaches at each stage of the relationship they are likely to have clear-cut goals and plans for attaining them what they fail to realize is that romantic relationships aren't always structured and rational as they would prefer these things have a certain layer of unpredictability with emotional involvement that may not make sense this personality type will struggle much more than most others in their pursuit for finding a compatible partner because of the architect's never-ending pursuit for improvement of themselves and everything around them it can make their reality much less ideal than the dreams and fantasies in their mind it may be impossible for someone to live up to the unrealistic expectations of the architect these personalities value and care deeply about intelligence and depth they also demand an open and honest line of communication between them and their partner these things to the architect are at the core of any desirable relationship unfortunately architects can really struggle with the social etiquette and niceties of dating and relationships these conventions are used as a sort of social lubrication to make dating feel less overwhelming and some architects may flat out refuse to play along with these games or even find the world of dating impossible unenjoyable or not worth pursuing over time an architect can grow learn and mature to the point that they understand the usefulness and purpose of these romantic rituals but until they learn these things themselves they may consider dating to be too irrational or not of interest to them oftentimes the single best strategy is to focus entirely on what they enjoy rather than struggle with the unwritten rules of dating their ability to envelop themselves in their world utilizing the flow state to ponder and achieve solutions to the problems that they face is when they seem most attractive to others these personalities are able to pursue their passions allowing their confidence creativity and intelligence to shine through when architects enter into committed relations their partners may quickly find that conventional displays of affection are not their strong suit in fact they may spend more time thinking about love than expressing it this depth of thought does have benefits it allows them to reach within the depth of their mind to create unconventional and unforgettable acts of love and affection that others would be jealous of but by and large emotions are an intangible concept that must be experienced and cannot be easily learned through research alone when issues or conflicts arise the architect may treat them as a puzzle or challenge that needs to be solved this over analysis may be overkill to solving a problem when all the partner really needs is an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on this ability to console or support their partner emotionally is not natural for them and it can take time to develop these skills despite the challenges faced in romantic relationships the architect can recognize it as a challenge and put in the effort necessary to work through these struggles this is one of the architect's biggest areas for improvement and they can serve to benefit greatly by experiencing the emotional depth and loving side of life they also provide a very unique experience for other personality types providing a more stable thought out approach to life that some of the more extroverted energetic types lack the darkly sarcastic and quick wit of the architect is truly not enjoyable company for everyone and they really don't mind that as they don't seek popularity or reverence they are difficult to get close to but like-minded friends can have some of the deepest and most intricately evolved conversations imaginable while the naive and irrational traits of children can frustrate the architect they can still appreciate the awe and wonder that children occasionally experience but in general parenting may not come easy to this personality type however it does open new opportunities for them to learn new skills and develop their cognitive flexibility and reactionary skills they often attempt to foster their children's independence rather than force pointless rules at the end of the day they want their children to be as strong intelligent and capable as they have turned out themselves the individuality and quirkiness of the architect lends themselves well to certain career types over others and they refuse to settle when it comes to their careers their minds crave challenges as well as developing elegant and efficient solutions to them no other personality can match the architect's ability to build on complex ideas and principles to develop clearly defined actionable strategies most architects know exactly what they can provide to an organization and jobs that fail to utilize their abilities and wisdom are not worth their time the architect may struggle with certain career paths particularly when starting a new industry when they're tasked with mundane routine tasks their minds quickly become bored nearly to the point of agony these personalities are bursting with unique unconventional approaches that could be used to optimize the efficiency of any organization however their distaste for office politics corporate structure or social norms can make it a struggle for them to get on other people's good sides this forces architects to work their way up via their actions instead of relying on their social skills to schmooze the bigwigs they let their results speak for themselves and when the other members of a team fall victim to group think mentality the architect can easily see through and find the true cause of the problem as well as how to fix it the architects actually feel that insight grit and commitment are the best ways of getting to the top when others get ahead based on their social skills or nepotism they can find it incredibly irritating they truly believe that everyone should complete their work at the highest possible standards and when they feel that others aren't carrying their weight they can come up with creative ways of letting their opinions be known but by and large the architect prefers to work alone without the reliance on others to thrive in their environment if they must work with others they much prefer a small group of other great minds free from second guessing superiors or curious onlookers over the career of an architect they may feel a need to evolve or take on bigger more elaborate responsibilities they may even be drawn to positions that give them influence over an entire company or organization's general strategies it's no wonder that many architects pursue influential roles like systems engineers project managers marketing strategists military strategists or even systems analysts the mental prowess of a learned architect can allow them to exceed in nearly any role they see an approach of intelligence combined with hard work as the road to success while some careers with emphasis on social components aren't always preferred they know the benefit of looking beyond surface value a creative architect can use their vision and depth to improve nearly any position they choose to take on in a vacuum architects are the model employee and co-worker they put their nose to the grindstone they are a wealth of knowledge and common sense and they don't particularly enjoy frivolous conversation they aren't always the crowd favorites but they don't mind as long as the mission is being accomplished all in all the strategic and intellectual mind of the architect can navigate and triumph over obstacles that can seem unbeatable to most others and when they learn to improve their weak emotional and social skills they can reach their full potential as an impressive and accomplished individual entj the commander the final of the analyst personalities is the commander with traits extroverted intuitive thinking and judging overall this personality is a decisive individual who loves momentum and accomplishment they tend to gather the ample information required before developing their wild and creative visions however they don't take long before they decide to dive in and act upon their visions much like the name implies the commander is a natural-born leader they were born with the gifts of innate confidence and charisma this personality exudes honor and authority in a manner that can draw crowds and coordinate others toward a common goal as an analyst commanders are also defined by a ruthless level of rationality they use their drive persistence and sharp minds to reach any goal they decide to set this personality type has such a verbose and larger than life persona that it can sometimes overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personalities but in reality the commanders have been responsible for many of the businesses institutions and organizations that we use every day the raw confidence that the commander possesses reassures them that with enough time they are more than capable of facing and conquering any challenge this defining trait makes them tremendous entrepreneurs with an ability to enact strategies with a long-term focus aside from running the ship themselves they can easily take the helm of a previously existing company when these mighty extroverted personalities are granted positions of influence they can push forward and pull the rest of the team along with them achieving spectacular results all the while commanders also enjoy a battle of wits with others when it comes to negotiations they can be relentless dominant and unforgiving and when in battle they rarely settle for anything less than complete and total victory they just want to win they want to make sure that they are the undisputed victor in any future battles and much like other analysts the commander has a level of respect for others who are able to stand up to them on an intellectual basis and able to act with the same level of quality as the commander these personality types have a certain ability to recognize talents that others may have this allows them to further excel in team building efforts recognizing how to most effectively spend the team's time the same ability to recognize talents also grants them insight into failures or shortcomings these types can bring these things to light with an almost nasty level of bluntness and insensitivity despite being a strong speaker and leader emotional expression is a weak point for the commander just like the rest of the analyst types however this can be especially apparent with this personality type's vocal nature they have little issue in verbally destroying those they view as inept inefficient or lazy the commander tends to view emotional displays of sensitivity as a weakness this personality type will benefit from learning the importance of functional team morale as human beings instead of as just a bunch of cogs in a machine despite this weakness they are the living embodiment of an alpha a winner a powerhouse they thrive on knowing the weight of their impact when they learn the power of having a team work with them they can absolutely lead them to the top they have an undeniable ability to delegate responsibilities to those who most efficiently complete them and after the emotional weaknesses have been fostered they can do well in almost any situation when it comes to highlighting the commander's strengths we see their efficiency right at the forefront they place such a value on their projects being as efficient as possible and they naturally understand the value of delegating tasks to those that are more efficient at them they also continuously seek to weed out elements that could potentially sabotage their progression while this constant quest for efficiency comes off as strenuous and draining for others the commander is energized by it this allows them to continue going with the vigor and energy required to plow forward in the more challenging situations and environments the extroverted nature of the commander is fueled by their high degree of self-confidence they trust their abilities beliefs and capabilities as individuals as well as leaders hand in hand with their confidence is their charisma and natural ability to inspire others their monumental persona seems to invigorate and uplift others to come together and create results that could never be accomplished alone as winston churchill said if you're going through hell keep going and the commander embodies that sentiment perhaps more than any other personality nothing gives these strong-willed personalities more fulfillment than conquering a challenge or obstacle in the way of their goals commanders don't just excel at certain aspects of leadership they thrive in all areas of pushing a project forward from sudden crisis management to navigating the strategies and key steps to incorporating a bigger picture taking a mirror to the strengths of the commander we can read between the lines and see their weaknesses all the confidence and willpower they possess can occasionally cross the line they can sometimes become far too stubborn and confident digging their heels in their position and refusing to loosen their grip commanders have little to no patience for ideas that don't live up to their expectations of what should be this is doubly the case when opposing ideas are based on emotional considerations they also don't hold back when it comes to vocalizing their thoughts the commander's intolerance translates over in their low level of patience for others it can take other personalities more time to think the commander can sometimes mistake this as stupidity or a lack of interest for a project at hand the quick thinking and vastly intelligent commander can look down on those that they feel are intellectually inferior to them an overbearing commander can make even mildly timid people feel overwhelmed or inadequate next to them this hunt for things that makes sense to progress a team can put little to no consideration on others feelings potentially hurting allies in the process the commander's obsession with efficiency blatant disregard for the feelings of others and drive to win can absolutely make them cold inconsiderate and ruthless in their quest for domination much like other areas of the commander's life they approach dating and romance by setting goals and enact plans to achieve them they're naturally capable of working towards these goals with an infectious enthusiasm and impressive energy being the natural leaders they are they instinctively take the lead and responsibility when it comes to the outcome of a relationship they want to make sure the relationship proceeds smoothly and without major complications and they actively pursue ways to achieve a mutually satisfying and rewarding experience between both partners but just like how they treat their professional avenues with businesses they are in these relationships for the long haul between their natural intensity and the personal responsibilities they take for the results of the relationship they are constantly coming up with new ways to keep things exciting and interesting especially during the initial dating stages however they do take long-term possibilities into consideration if they feel like a relationship has no long-term capability they have no qualms with cutting their losses and moving on to greener pastures this can come as a surprise to their partners when they suddenly appear to have lost the infatuation of the commander in question the ruthlessness of the commander can come up from time to time within their relationships this will be the single largest hurdle for many of the more sensitive types it's only time before the partners of the commander are subjected to their emotional ineptitude at least until they mature and learn the value of curbing these acts for the sake of their partner's emotional state unfortunately these acts of dominance and insensitivity can easily break relationships apart early on if the commander's relationship makes it past the dating phases and their future seems valid and full of potential they can continue to impress their partners with vastly exciting and creative experiences this is particularly prevalent in the commander's sex lives calling it dynamic would be an understatement as they are often the ones to encourage exploration and exciting new ways to express their affection and enthusiasm while these acts of exploration can seem wild from afar they are often planned well in advance with some level of predictability to their sex lives there can be far more spontaneous acts found in other personality types there are far more spontaneous acts found within other personality types because of the growth-oriented philosophy of the commander they are willing to listen to and act upon criticisms as long as they are logical and rational it can come as a surprise to them that their partners may not be so open to suggestions of improvement to their lives it can be a challenge for the commander to learn that some people much prefer a more emotional form of support than the suggestions of how to fix problems outright this will be a major opportunity for the commander to grow and mature unfortunately many of them realize this at later stages of their lives commanders are best suited with other intuitive types with one or two opposing traits to contribute towards balance and a mutual growth for opportunities a well-learned commander that has had time to mature and grow can surely learn the importance and effectiveness of incorporating elements of emotions and feelings into their logic and rational mindset all relations and friendships for the commander are built upon ideas and the pursuit of improvement and progression when they can find similar individuals the brainstorming sessions are vastly intellectual conversations that are worthy of writing books about and perhaps in no other area do their weaknesses become apparent than parenthood their intolerance of irrationality can make it especially frustrating for them but nowhere else in life can they discover and feel true cases of progression than in parenting when they learn the patience and adaptability required for raising a child they can make absolutely incredible parents the world of careers is where the commander's boldness and courageous drive are fully utilized the commander could very well be the single best suited personality for the leader of a team or organization and no one knows it better than the commanders themselves they practically live for it and they receive a special kind of joy when they're at the helm of a project leading a team to success their abundance of vision intelligence and determination grant them the requirements necessary to lead a project to fruition the high level of self-confidence and assertiveness that can tarnish romantic relations actually translates into highly beneficial outcomes in the world of business they will often possess a very admirable authority with the ability to keep people on track and get tasks done efficiently and optimally this makes commanders natural leaders in executive positions as well as entrepreneurs they thrive in positions with enough height to see the horizon and the company at large there is no such thing as failure in the eyes of a commander they either win at all costs or go down fighting in a blaze of glory most of the time however they develop a strategy to achieve their goals and execute the plans necessary with a cold and ruthless precision this personality will not hold back when it comes to pinpointing shortcomings or inadequacies within an organization this can make them well-respected attorneys or judges they also carry a singular vision with high standards and by extension their team their relentless drive to be efficient and effective makes them incredible corporate strategists unlike the introverted analysts they are granted the gift of gab making them tremendous public speakers with clear and concise communication this makes them a great fit for business administrative positions as long as their projects don't involve too much of routine or mundane nature the unquenchable thirst for knowledge also makes them wonderful university professors much like the architect they will struggle with entry-level positions within their career being tossed around every position that doesn't fully utilize their unique skill set will leave them deeply unsatisfied and unfulfilled these types crave leadership and responsibility with ample opportunity for growth and opportunities their minds function incredibly well within managing others as a larger machine to most efficiently complete a task or function they are leaders and visionaries not day-to-day administrators or grunt workers but getting to the point in your career where your traits are recognized may not be easy but luckily commanders are up for the challenge commanders can and will overcome any seemingly unbeatable obstacle with their impressive wit intellect and strategic thinking with a bit of work on their emotional sensitivity and overwhelming rationalism they can become world famous leaders that can leave a legacy behind them infj the advocate the rarest personality type of them all the advocate possesses the traits introverted intuitive feeling and judging this diplomat personality has a tendency to approach life with a deep thoughtfulness and vast imagination they possess many personal values inner vision and a quiet principled version of humanism and it's these things that guide them throughout the complexities of life despite being so rare they can make some of the biggest impacts on the world around them they are often deep within thought pondering life with their deep sense of idealism and integrity but this doesn't mean they don't take action far from it they will take tangible and concrete steps towards the realization of their goals leaving lasting impressions in the process the complexity and versatility of the advocate is impressive they can speak to others with a great conviction and passion standing up for their beliefs and ideals then the next day they may prefer to be soft-spoken preferring to let situations calm down and keeping the peace rather than challenging others the advocate truly wants to do what's right they even want to help push the world towards fostering this type of behavior as well these personality types can use their vast imagination creativity and sensitivity to uplift and motivate others and spread compassion many advocates make it their life purpose to simply help others they find injustice troubling and pursue altruistic means rather than personal gain this grants them the courage and confidence to stand up for what's right or when someone is facing hardships or unfairness some of these personality types also strive to fix the largest problems that societies face hoping that unfairness and hardships can one day be a thing of the past the introverted nature of the advocate can make them quite reserved but when they do communicate it's in a manner that is warm sincere and sensitive interacting with an advocate's emotional honesty and insight can leave other people in awe making powerful impressions of those in their path these personalities very much value deep authentic relations and connections with other people they're also likely to take other people's emotions and feelings into consideration when interacting with them making them very easy to talk to despite this they are still introverts that need alone time to recharge and decompress advocates have been known to concentrate so intently on their beliefs and ideals that they neglect to take care of themselves they're so concerned with achieving these ideals that they can sometimes experience burnout and high levels of stress when they've reached this breaking point they can actually take on an ill temper a trait that is rarely seen within this personality type these personalities can also become overly sensitive in the face of conflict or criticism and even constructive criticism can deeply hurt the advocates this personality type may make it their mission to fix inequality or unfairness their deep drive to fix the world and its faults leaves them well suited for rights movements or organizations for the betterment of humanity at the top of this personality's strengths is their boundless creativity these types love to find the ideal situation for people they care about preferably with win-win outcomes to discover these outcomes they use their vibrant and vivid imaginations and strong sense of compassion another great advantage of the advocate is their emotional insight they have a wonderful ability to understand people's deeper intentions feelings or needs advocate is easily among the most strongly principled of the bunch their beliefs are so profound and deep that they have been known to commit their entire lives to a cause that means much to them other times they can simply spread awareness of an issue at hand passion is definitely a strong suit for the advocate as they pursue their beliefs and ideals with a single-mindedness that can be a surprise to many good enough is rarely good enough for these personalities their passion is the single most visible strength that bleeds through in many areas of their life at the core of the advocate lies in altruistic and genuinely good and well-mannered nature they are always seeking to use their strengths for the greater good of the world and the people at large and they prefer not to succeed at other people's expense they will take time to consider how their actions have consequences on others on the other end of the spectrum we see the core weaknesses of the advocate as a sensitivity to criticism when their principles values or beliefs are questioned or challenged they may react strongly they can occasionally become defensive in these situations especially in matters close to their hearts the sensitivity to criticism can lead these personalities reluctant to fully open up to others when the already introverted advocate has pushed too hard they can clam up and shut down this can make them reluctant to ask for help when they need it most the idealistic philosophy of the advocate will sometimes make their goals and dreams unrealistic to accomplish even the most influential of advocates simply will be unable to end world hunger their constant quest to make the world better can leave them distracted from other things that may be a bigger priority at the moment the massive dreams that these personalities have can lead them to distress they often fail to break these bigger visions into more manageable steps or phases if they fail to understand their limits by recognizing the small steps required they can end up frustrated and unsatisfied with this relentless perfectionism and drive to better the world the advocates may neglect to worry about self-care with the proper measures to blow off steam and recharge the advocate is very susceptible to burnout and exhaustion perhaps in no other area does the pursuit for meaning and purpose shine more clearly than the advocate's romantic relationships these types refuse to settle for just anybody they seek true love with a high level of depth and meaning the advocate may take ample time to find a compatible partner their unrealistic goals for the world carry over to their sometimes unreasonable expectations for a partner these people's refusal to accept anything less than true love may cause them to only settle for the perfect partner or a relationship that simply is not realistic if the advocate can learn to balance their idealism with realism they can eventually find a satisfying and fulfilling relationship that will fundamentally enhance their lives there are some things they refuse to settle for however and they care very much about mutual core values this ultimate condition helps them find people that will have long-term compatibility with them though it may take time to find this elusive relationship when achieved they never take it for granted these individuals seek ways to help both themselves and their partner grow and improve their connection with one another this deep level of commitment understanding and pursuit of improving everything around them can yield some of the most beautiful and amazing relationships imaginable the warm caring honest and insightful advocate really seeks to understand and accept their partner for who they are and the characteristics and ideals that they embody and they have the ability to make their partner feel loved and accepted for who they are as a person and not what they possess they have tremendously effective abilities to make their partners feel heard and understood in ways that they may have never experienced before these personality types will begin to express love in ways that truly go outside of the conventional and beyond the physical they will eventually grow so close to someone that their intimacy will reach new levels of emotional connection entering something almost spiritual they crave for the ability to connect with someone on the deepest level as possible mind body and soul advocates know full well the opportunities that loving relationships bring to both people they understand that there is room for people to grow and learn and there may be no better way than learning these things from your partner in the realm of parenthood advocates have all the right traits to raise wonderful caring and successful people their ability to support and encourage them at all times can be tremendously effective and their overall goal of raising them to be independent and overall good people not surprisingly advocates typically seek a career that aligns with their instilled values and ideals over roles that can stand to provide status or material gain their creative and imaginative nature allow them to think of many ways the world can become a better place within the positions of their industries their dreams may be so complex and layered that they can find a number of different fields that they could contribute towards this may lead them to become overwhelmed over which option to choose from probably the most fulfilling roles for an advocate involve knowing that they are helping and connecting with people their strong desire to connect makes them great advisors counselors psychologists social workers teachers yoga instructors or spiritual leaders the healthcare particularly within holistic branches can be a very appealing path as well some of these personalities also make inspiring and compelling communicators including writers bloggers storytellers and screenplay writers their artistic side can also make them wonderful musicians photographers designers and artists of all kinds these outlets in particular allow for deeper themes of personal growth and development while inspiring others many advocates are drawn to non-competitive or behind the scenes roles but unfortunately these jobs can lead to unfulfillment or frustration if they are not granted opportunities to grow or make a difference because of this some advocates opt to seek out leadership positions or start their own business this grants ample opportunity to grow while still employing their full range of integrity and creativity to their entire position and much like other personality types if any job is overly repetitive promotes or allows conflict or lacks opportunity for growth the advocate will become incredibly frustrated and unfulfilled nevertheless advocates can do well enough in nearly any field however to reach true fulfillment and happiness they need to find a job that aligns with their values with some level of independence when they can grow and learn alongside the people they are helping they will feel as if they're living their life purpose in conclusion the advocates are known for their imagination compassion integrity and deeply ingrained values and principles unlike many of the idealistic personalities the advocate can easily tap into their passion and from here they can develop ideas and plans and quickly act upon them this took me weeks to write edit and produce so do me a solid and tap the like button also i would love to see if our statistics were accurate for the personality types so let me know what your type is and if the details lined up for you what would you guys like to see a full video breakdown on next let me know in the comments thanks so much for watching cheers