Amazon Elastic Cache for Redis Lecture Notes
- Presenter: Sambhu from CloudTech
- Topic: Amazon Elastic Cache for Redis
- Purpose: Demonstration on configuration and usage
Key Points
What is Amazon Elastic Cache?
- In-memory caching service
- Reduces backend server calls by storing cache entries
Caching Mechanisms Supported
Advantages and Disadvantages
- Performance improvement by reducing database queries
- Scalability (scale in/out)
- Cost-effective
- Reliable
- Optimizes deployment and management of distributed caching environment
- None specifically mentioned
Use Cases
- Backup applications
- E-commerce sites
- Streaming platforms like Netflix
- Applications with high database query loads benefited by caching
Configuration Steps for Redis Cache
Configuration Process
- Select Region: Example used Virginia
- Search & Select Elastic Cache on AWS Console
- Create Subnet Group: Necessary before creating cache
- Use default VPC
- Select at least 2 subnets
- Create Cluster: Using Redis
- Default VPC and settings
- Subnet group created previously
- Network settings (IPV4, Subnet group)
- Security group and parameters
- Optional: Replication, encryption, automatic backup
- Launch Cluster
- Create Lambda Function
- Specify Python version
- Configure VPC, subnets, and security groups
- Add Redis dependency using AWS layer
- Configure environment variables (host, port, password)
- Deploy function
Example Code for Lambda Function
import os
import redis
host = os.environ['HOST']
port = os.environ['PORT']
password = os.environ['PASSWORD']
if not host or not port:
return {'statusCode': 500, 'body': 'Missing required parameters'}
client = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, password=password, decode_responses=True)
client.set('CloudTech', 'Elastic Cache Demo from Lambda Python')
value = client.get('CloudTech')
return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': f'Value from cache: {value}'}
Connect to Redis from EC2
- Launch EC2 instance
- Configure security group
- Connect via SSH and install redis-cli
Commands for Redis Connection
- Set and Get values:
redis-cli set key value
redis-cli get key
- List all keys:
redis-cli keys *
Additional Notes
- Telnet Option: Alternative for redis-cli
- Updating Configuration: Modify environment variables in Lambda instead of redeploying
- Redis cache effectively bridges backend and improves application performance.
- Telnet can be used as a workaround for redis-cli installation issues.
- Encouragement to subscribe and share the channel for more tutorials.
Next Steps
- Upcoming videos on Memcached configuration and other caching mechanisms.