hey good morning guys i wanted to do part two of experiencing supernatural results in prayer today and uh even the title when you think of supernatural i don't want you to think of something that you don't possess supernatural just means you're entering the spiritual realm the almighty power of god everything that is is present available there and you're just taking your attention off the the natural the physical realm and you know the sciences we'll talk about here they call the natural waking state where we're engaged all of our five senses we see things happening um that's just beta and uh unfortunately most of religion most of the things even that you taught and in uh in church etc are all there they're all invaded and uh they really don't know the cause of life and the cause of life is within it's the spirit realm and so supernatural prayer is all prayer if it's if it's done effectively and so anyway it's really accessing like i said uh the true nature of god which never changes is i am that i am it's present tense reality what are you experiencing right now and so um entering into alpha is really easy and when you do you're highly suggestive and the creative ability of god is is comes forth and and your prayers are answered starting today and that's really why i wanted to do these um i'm not really that interested in debating scripture because so much of what it what's been interpreted and mistranslated and misinterpreted really since the fourth century is has nothing to do with the what the scriptures were about the scriptures are about two love covenants first physical where the seed is cast out from the man the finished look of the man and the womb of the woman um the holy place you you come out of the garden clothed you're the god clothing you've got your eternal spirit and uh the anointing of god within you and your clothes you this is this body is the clothing of god know ye not scripture says this know ye not that you're the tabernacle of god don't you get it like god's within you it always has been always will guys never changing and that's where the theology just gets you a little wacky so they get you on these rabbit trails trying to make sense of all these scriptures that don't make sense because they're they're not talking about the two covenants they've missed it and so um and uh know you not that you're the tabernacle of god or god dwells in you now most christians when they pray they think they're praying to god and begging god or they get a prayer group together as if all these other people invade are going to do anything but you can learn how to be get results in prayer today that's really what i want to do is it doesn't take some special thing you don't need to go i kind of kind of call them faith carnivals oh we're going to do this and you're going to experience all this and most of them don't um and they might stumble on the truth every now and then but what i want you to do is be clear on the truth so you can enter into any time and get the results in prayer because this is a good dad a good father would never make it hard to receive the gifts he's freely given that's just bizarre it's strange and that's intuitive and natural to us so god could never be anything other than that and uh so it says he's given you everything that pertains to life and godliness so anything you could ever desire in life has already been given to you and uh godliness you have the ability of god you're one with him is what it says so i just want to make sure you know that you can do it today there's a that's not hard you don't need a special guy that spent years and years in prayer he god would make it easy for his kids to enter in and actually all the stories really do talk about that which is exciting so anyway i'm going to share a couple testimonies and then just really the three steps again how they experience it it's very easy and you'll start to get results today that's what's so cool about it but a couple of things on scripture i wanted to share with you uh you know one was know you not that you're the tabernacle so the creator of everything that the the power of the entire world is within you that's pretty cool uh in that spirit realm the spiritual man within you controls and bends and shapes all everything and so what you see out here is the effect of what you're doing within you know where you know scripture talks about hey don't be like don't be like everybody else where you're you're praying to be seen or heard or um you go fasting or other religious things that really are just religious exercises and you'll get you frustrated and tired and depressed and and the joy of god is like oh my god i can experience god in love that everything's been freely given and so that's really what i want to talk about this so you are the temple you're where god dwells and the spirit was in you spirit realm you can't see there's nothing observable but you can see it in your mind which is the holiest of holies so anyway i'm going to show you i've shared this with you over and over and over but i just i was hearing this last night at the fellowship and uh let me let me show you this real quick and then i wanted to show you a couple um something really fun in my opinion so here here's mark you know mark nine if you go back a couple chapters this is mark 11. mark 9 says you know all things are possible in belief or persuasion you'd be persuaded that all things are possible there's really and so it says and then if we get to here mark 11 24 says the first covenant is going to wither the withered fig tree but the second one never withers so 24. therefore i tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours and that's heiress tense it's the the closest thing we have in english is past tense so what does it mean when you're praying you're not telling me the diagnosis you're not going oh my god this happened we need to pray because i'll show you you've laid hold of something and uh true prayer is okay here here's the physical realm i know what controls the physical realm the spiritual realm so i take my attention off what i don't want and i place it on the end result is if it's already done past tense you enjoy it as if it's already done if you already had the money that you were you were desiring and you already had it would you be begging or crying or miserable no you'd be in joe how it feels so great to have all this feels so wonderful to have this um would you be telling everybody about so and so was diagnosed with this it's just drama guys the last thing you want to do is have them lay hold of that you would go it's so amazing i see them just perfect i see them full of joy i see them full of love i see them just enjoying life and it becomes so and i want to show you this believe that you have received it it's literally one word although you have received it as one word and it's this word lambano to take or receive it's like receiving a gift and i want to show you um this is really interesting from the primitive root lob meaning actively lay hold over take receive actively actively properly to lay hold by aggressive aggressively actively accepting what's available or offered well what's available everything's available i've given you all things so it's aggressively accepting oh thank you father that feels so good that i have that accepting the end result the desire is if you already have it it says actively and aggressively going i don't i know what this this is saying you know what i don't want that that's not what i want to lay hold of i can ex i can aggressively and actively accept anything that's offered well everything's offered so so pick something that's really good instead of telling me the diagnosis tell me oh it's so amazing that i've laid hold of this and we'll teach you how to do it it's pretty easy if you're trying to do it in beta it's just gonna be a mess and so anyway um let me let me share a couple testimonies and uh um no i'll tell you the three elements and then i'll i'll give you a couple of testimonies i'll show you a little video which is really really fun and exciting and um and then we'll walk through how to do it so whether it's dispenza whether it's the scriptures whether it's jose silva a lot of you guys have been introducing to you um he's getting a resurgence because vishen lacani of mindvalley is uh you know kind of doing his whole thing again there's a lot of content on the internet you can find and he was great you know all this was great but it they all have three elements at the end of the day it says number one have a clear desire of the end outcome that you desire not the diagnosis not telling your present situation not oh this has happened to me that means you've aggressively and acceptedly laid hold of that possibility that's an offering that you can accept except with initiative emphasizes the volition or the assertiveness of the receiver this is who i am this is what i have it feels so amazing that i have this much money it feels so amazing that i have this life so amazing that my body is it feels better than it's ever done you can aggressively and assertively lay hold of anything that's offered and everything is offered so i'm trying to share with people so it's taking your eyes off the problem and placing your attention on the solution all right so um and all this all the prayer verses like i said over and over are the same they're they're 100 assurance guys god would not make it hard god would not make you jump through hoops if anybody's telling you you got a hoop and spiritual warfare and all this i'll show you there's no spiritual warfare and elsa you can't even do it that means they've completely got out of beta and accepted some strange story that the causation of life is outside of themselves that there's some spirit out there that's that's doing something to them wait a minute the kingdom's within it's the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom and it's within so if you're fighting the devil what you're saying is the devil's within me because the king of the royal reign the ruins within me they don't say they don't believe that but if they actually took scripture what it says that's what they'd be doing so and you can't expand the kingdom i was joking last night ago that just means either you ate too much and have gas or you're pregnant if the kingdom's within so all these concepts that people have is somehow they're pleasing to god it's like no he wants you to wake up to the beautiful love covenants that he's freely given to you okay he's never changing so all right do you have a clear outcome of what you want number two would be like dispenza would call that a clear intention hey know what you want and you can you can if i i'm ex in this experience what would if you want the exact opposite just start get a piece of paper and start writing out i don't want this this is what i want and it's when i ever ask people when i force them to do this where they get a piece of paper and why i love people to write it out because when you when you write something out you've had to formulate a different picture in your mind of the end result you want well that's the creative ability of god that's your the creative creatures up here how you enter into the back of the kingdom in genesis is the two cherubs or the cerebrum of your mind the two creative beings of your mind and the finished work the sword that turns within itself i mean it's not the sort of intimacy of a man and woman in intimacy this impregnation of life is in yourself is what he's talking about so once you formulate this is what i want i go if you had that what would it be and here's how it always oh that's amazing that's number two what emotions would you be experiencing if you already had it well that's where you want to spend your your time that's where you want to dwell and just spend that time in the finished the prayers if you already have it i feel so amazing that i have that that would be you know when you're like what would you do if you had the money that you were praying for oh my god it feels so peaceful i feel so at ease i'd feel so in awe of how good god is yes that's prayer that's called intimacy within the sword that turns within so you enjoy it as if it's already real and then the third is is really how do you get into that alpha or meditation or prayer and that's quite easy you can do it with breathing i'm gonna i'm gonna share what i was sharing in the online fellowships last week you can do it completely rest in your your physical body and your mental state just by doing some visualization with the presence of god which i've found is a lot of people you guys are responding to even more than counting down from 10. and it's great and if you do those three things that's it you go oh thank you father now i know what i just did in the spirit realm is on its way in the physical it's not going to take forever start looking for results quickly there will be little serendipitous things that happen connections that happen like this happen where you're excited about i believe i've already received it well if i believed i've already seen it i'm not walking around miserable looking why isn't it why isn't it working no no you completely laid hold of something else then you've laid hold of why is it not working if you really go this is who i am and you place your attention on it um and you have feel the emotions it's already real guys you're not you're not even doing that it's like oh it's so amazing that i already have this so and the beautiful benefit about that is if you go into alpha over and over you know a few times and then you do it a couple times a day that doesn't take forever um all the your body goes into complete rest your mental faculties go into complete rest and all the energy that people are doing is fighting the devil or the world or the this party or that political party or the economy all that you know what that your body starts to get out of whack a little bit so once you get into alpha this really peaceful state all that energy that was going to tension to fear uh depression all these different things which religion accelerates because you're something missing um you're away from god and god's not happy nothing could be further of the truth you know he could never be unhappy with you ever he's never unhappy with anybody any choice that they make is a possibility the journey is learning to live that i have everything in abundance in love where i would never need to take from somebody if you feel the desire to go i need to fight this or do that or this guy wrong mary you're into that you're in beta guys when you get into alpha as dispenza calls it this generous present moment it's you can't be angry in there you can't be worrying in there you can't feel stress you can't feel depression you're just in this beautiful i just start smiling if you ever watching i know i'm in it where i'm like oh it feels so good when i'm praying for somebody i see that joy of them of already experiencing it an email and go oh i'm blown away how fast this worked god you're so good to me you how do you how do you you have to smile and that's that beautiful place and you know what your body goes okay it's not time to be depressed all that energy that i was using for tension depression tense muscles things not working in your body the body just naturally heals the natural state of a body's homeostasis guys you'll naturally heal mentally physically if you just do some basic things every day go go experience the the oneness of god the joy of god all right let me show you a testimony how fast this works and i want to show you a little clip and then i'll just walk you through it so this i just received this i shared this last night it says a big thank you for the teachings on youtube i want to let you know that you're reaching people my friend recently had back surgery and it was tuning out turning out to be slow convoluted recovery with other ailments appearing his knee started to hurt too and more x-rays were ordered on top of the prescribed long healing time there were lots of pills medicine he's in construction he's a salt of the earth guy so he's not interested in anything that has the woo factor the faith carnival's like home come meet this guy well what if you can't meet that guy you need to know how to do it right now because the kingdom's within you and you have everything you need the true ministry is to go there's nothing wrong with you never has but never will present every man complete in christ the anointing you're you have everything you have everything that pertains to life and godliness it's within you do you know who you are that's what that's what they say and know ye not that you're the tabernacle do you understand that every answer the access to everything is within you and simply when you go in to enjoy it it starts to bring it into physical reality that's it and they tell you all these other stories about what the scriptures mean that have nothing to do with that but i felt confident to tell them about your videos you you talk like a regular guy and other guys can relate to anyway to keep it short couple days ago i sent him a link to um uh your meditation and prayer on healing today he visited me buzzing out on all how all this pain is gone his knee a little longer hurts he looks amazing he's waving his whole body around like like a kid to show me how good he feels he even built a fence today he is delighted and amazed he only did the prayer twice see this doesn't take forever guys it doesn't need prayer warriors i'm the this warrior oh go away so there's no warring in the spirit realm in alpha there's nothing to war because every every desire is already present real time i am i am so you know only did the prayer twice and was blown away with the results it made me smile then he said youtube played an automatic sermon probably from religious guy after a video from another guy who was lecturing us about how we need to do this and that to improve ourselves and to please god he told me said nah mate that's not the go and he turned it off he's keen to hear more of the messages and as a friend i'm so happy to see the spirit doing beautiful things in him so big thank you for what you do you're reaching people others can't it makes a big difference so that's cool um now a lot of you i'm gonna show you this little video uh and i'm just gonna do a few things in it um but i want you to watch it if you're if you just feel impressed and uh a bunch of you sent it to me so that's why i'm like you know what people should take a look at this here um and i'll i can't show the whole thing probably just because of copyright issues with youtube but i'll i'll put the the uh um i'll put the website address in the in the comments so you have it i'm just going to show you a little clip but um let me uh so this is helene hadsell and a lot of you guys sent me this and i think it's wonderful so uh she was the the personal relations manager for jose silva so she was very close she got to see these thousands and thousands of people she got to see him where he would he would he would put them into a really suggestive state just means their mind and their body are calm but you're you have full faculties yet you're not hypnotized where you can't be you can't control yourself and you would show them you'd say hey this this marker's a hot poker and immediately the body would respond anyway this is this lady the pr manager so um she won every contest the reason i like to show this people is like every possibility is acceptable every possibility and uh um aggress so lombano believe you have received it and then it will be yours as you can aggressively accept anything that's offered well she tells how she goes you know what i saw this uh she started to enter into kinds of contests and raffles and she would win them all and the reason i like to show this because it's statistically impossible to do what she does in the beta realm in the natural realm she can you can't do it it's like if you had a million to one odds it cut multiplied by a million one odds now you're you're one in a trillion well most people don't even believe that that they could have that like are you telling me there's tens and tens of times more than all the people in the world is my possibility to do this yeah but all things are possible in the spirit realm where this is it's not a big deal so she won houses and cars anything she ever desired she goes you know i just see myself enjoying it i enter the contest and she if you listen to the whole thing she goes i know there's no competition because whatever i whatever you and i aggressively lay hold of it becomes ours we enjoy it in the spiritual so i just want to show you this because she says something really simple here but this is who she is that's why i wanted to give you an update hopefully it comes out where you can hear it tell us about how you then started with contesting yes norman vincent peale had the book called the power of positive thinking and i had picked it up read it and there were two things that really enticed me to research further and that was when he said you can have anything you want provide me you know what it is see yourself as a written edition all right now i want you to watch the whole thing if you want but here's what she said how do you do all these things how do you win cars and presents and anywhere she wanted to go you know she talks about either i wanted on my 40th birthday wanted to sit on a a street side cafe in paris um i wanted to have this and so she she received all of it she aggressively received it i want a new home okay i'll enter in so they went in and they started to just enjoy their home she says when she read norman bin's appeal power positive thinking it's a great book that it gets a little religious in some places but it's a great book uh barbara read it multiple times she says you can have anything you want doesn't this sound familiar i've given you all things that pertain to life and godliness every prayer is yes and amen in scripture it's yes so be it that's what you want that's what you want to lay hold of so be it everything is yes amen in the kingdom whatever you desire even the negative which is the journey is to go stop doing that it's not very pleasurable so because you can have anything you want provided you know what it is it's clear intention what is the end result of the goal and you see yourself already having it now is that a simple formula that's it and that's how she statistically broke every odd one new card no problem what kind would you like what color what what brand oh you want a nice white range rover no problem see yourself enjoying i'll smell that beautiful leather smell that just feel the joy of like oh my gosh it feels so good to be driving this and it becomes you can aggressively hold of anything now how away that's not your job the job that's that's the spirit realm arranges and orders everything into the physical realm so that's what she did now that's pretty cool whether it's a house a trip uh health um presence anything she wanted and she could do it over and over and over breaking every statistical uh well all things you can everything's available in the spirit realm right now present tense what are you enjoying so all right so um i'm going to walk you through what my friend tim shared last night here at the fellowship so he had a friend who was a government worked for a government contractor in sales and uh little did he know he was he was out selling and um fulfilling these government contracts and getting new contracts well the company he was working for was defrauding the government so one day he was sharing the story um federal agents knock on the door and you know say hey you've been depriving the government here's all these things so big legal challenge and uh telling them you know here could be the end result you could spend this much time in prison this is how much money you could be and so tim correctly goes no no let's lay hold of what the end result what we want so going down this whole legal legal thing tim finally teaches him i said you know what what do you want he goes i want to walk out of the courtroom completely free no money no prison time etc so he goes all right so see yourself so he said the the guy got a picture of um himself walking out of the courthouse with his hands up just complete joy which is the second thing what would you be experiencing what so he's got the outcome that i want no money completely free um all charges dropped and he walks out and he goes now what would you be experiencing i'll be so happy i've got my arms are praised i'm just in pure elation i feel so relieved oh my god i'm so glad i came out of that all right now the third thing really so we know what we're gonna do the third thing is really how do we get out of beta and really into prayer into that secret place where the scripture talked about entering the secret place and whatever you're doing there the whole world will see me it'll manifest physically all right so this is this is really simple so there's a couple things you can do and one is countdown if you count down from 50 to 1 25 to 1 10 to 1 that's great because you you're placing your attention off the problems and you're actually causing your whole body to rest 25 24 23 and you'll immediately learn how to do it faster and faster now another way i'm going to teach you tonight is just to visualize the presence of god i know he's in and through you and all over but this is just a way to really relax your your head and body so sorry so what we desire is this this guy free the emotions is a good experience now how do we keep going to alpha the third step so we enter in in the spirit realm perform it in the spirit realm so we know what's going to happen in physical and by the way this this long legal battle everything transformed in three days when tim taught him how to do this three days it was all resolved the the company owners confessed that they were the ones doing it that the sale his friends the salesman had nothing to do he didn't know what it was happening three days guys so this isn't forever and ever never be you know so here's what i like to do and i'll just step you through it real quickly so i like to experience god as like this beautiful you know in scripture that the writers of scripture were trying to describe the spiritual god that the kingdom nothing in this you can't observe the kingdom the kingdom's within so they called the clouds when they would sit there and just look at the sky the chariots of the gods like oh that's how god rides he can go anywhere at any time on the clouds in the spirit so i like to look at this beautiful cloud and you might pick a color like to me it's like blue it's this and it's peaceful it's loving it's joyful everything's good about it so watch this so i just get thank you father close my eyes thank you father it feels so good here it feels so great that all things have been given to me and i can choose the the life of my dreams it feels so beautiful it feels so peaceful thank you father for your presence and i just see this beautiful cloud start to touch my hair and i'm doing this in the spirit realm i'm seeing it in my imagination it feels so wonderful and you just feel it touch your head you probably feel your hair follicles tingle a little bit and just this beautiful present this beautiful this warm cloud of his love his presence is completely peaceful and it touches your forehead in the back of your head and it goes down your eyes and everything is just peaceful it's full of love all your cells all your tissues everything in you your organs everything's functioning in complete love and perfectly everything's resting and enjoying life it just feels so peaceful it feels so wonderful in the presence and i just feel it go down your neck and your shoulders and your arms just this beautiful cloud of his warmth his goodness just goes right out of your arms and through your fingertips it just goes right over your chest and your back you can feel it just kind of like dripping down you and enveloping you it just feels peaceful here it feels joyful here and i tell myself this i talked myself through it it feels so wonderful going right through the center of me and every cell every tissue every organ is functioning in complete love that's working perfectly thank you father for the rest then it goes down into my midsection i can feel it touching my belly i can feel it touching the back and right through the center again and everything's working perfectly everything functioned in joy and love and peace it just feels so good here it goes down my light and through the center of my legs my knees my calves right out of my my feet and the soles of my feet just your beautiful presence it's peaceful here it's warm here it's loving here thank you father for the peace then what i like to do guys is i like to see his presence go right through you and you do this in your imagination and just see this beautiful blue cloud of his presence go right through and feels the whole room you're in just see that beautiful flow of his peace his love his energy calming everything about thank you father and it just expands into the whole house or apartment building or complex wherever you live and just his presence goes right through you and completely expands and it expands into the whole city you can just see this beautiful presence of god and just go as far as you can your whole continent you know i live here in colorado so i just see it touching the states and eventually gets to the coast and then this just his beautiful presence goes right through me and fills the entire creation it's just beautiful flow now i promise you guys if you put eegs and ekgs you're in alpha it didn't take a long time it took you a couple minutes and you'll be able to do it just like thank you father it feels so good we do it in seconds but if you practice that one your body's going to heal naturally by homeostasis because you're taking all that energy and just that was warring and stressing and ah everything's available in the great i am just his presence and all that energy that you're spending all that just naturally heals everything in you thank you father now in this case we see his friends and we already know that he wants he sees himself walking out of the courtroom with his hands up going i'm free all charges are dropped thank you father i hear the judge innocent on all charges oh it feels so great i feel so at peace i feel so relieved to feel so wonderful to have this thank you father and just spend some time there enjoying it watching yourself walk out hearing hey there's nothing everything's been taken care of thank you father it feels so wonderful to have this and then once i've felt it and i've seen that go you know what i know what i've done now is i've just released that in the spirit realm it's going to turn into the physical there's nothing more to me to do just thank you father says anything i aggressively lay hold of will be so i just aggressively laid hold of that result i see myself completely enjoying this end result i feel the freedom the joy the awe like oh my god it feels so good to be free and this is behind me thank you father feel the gratitude of that just spend some time there let's go and that's it i give this to you god and i know it's taken care of i opened my eyes and the rest of the week i start looking for results like that's so awesome that this is how it's going to be and if i ever think about it i think about oh it's already been taken care of wait a minute why am i stressing everything's already been taken care of i saw what i wanted i felt what it's going to be and i'm going to feel that right now as if it's already done go thank you father that you've already resolved all this for me it's already done this is who i am and this is what i've aggressively hold up in prayer now i know it'll be and that's it so hopefully that helps guys with part two i just want to make it really easy because if you get this this is the most important thing you could ever get because learning the causation of life is within and how do i how do i live the life of my dreams where i'm full of joy where i'm feeling peace of all these things that's that's what that's what that's what it's all about all the other stories what does this verse mean guys it's beta if you don't know this you really don't go on anything else because this is everything you need for life and godliness so hope that helps guys god bless you can experience it today i just showed you how simple it is figure out what you want write down oh this is what i would feel this is who i would be enjoying this with um this is this is how good i would feel when i tell my wife my husband my kids my grandkids my friends experience it in your imaginations if it's already real feel those feelings if it's already real and let it be and you watch what happens it'll just come to you so your joy may be full