Cycle Detection in a Directed Graph Using DFS

Jul 21, 2024

Cycle Detection in a Directed Graph Using DFS


  • Detecting cycles in a directed graph using DFS algorithm.
  • Explanation of directed graphs and cycles.

Understanding Directed Graphs

  • Directed graph: Nodes connected by directed edges.
  • Cycle: A path starting and ending at the same node.

Why Usual DFS Algorithm Fails

  • The example of starting DFS from node 1 and visiting nodes sequentially.
  • In directed graphs, usual DFS might falsely detect cycles.
    • Visiting nodes in a path is ambiguous in directed graphs.
    • Need to differentiate paths and cross-path visits.

Improved DFS Algorithm for Directed Graphs

  • Using two arrays:
    1. Visited Array: Tracks all visited nodes.
    2. Path Visited Array: Tracks nodes in the current path.
  • Adjacency list to represent the graph.

Steps to Implement the Algorithm

  1. Initialization:
    • Create visited and path visited arrays of size equal to the number of graph nodes.
  2. Component-wise Traversal:
    • Traverse the entire graph starting from each node.
  3. DFS Call:
    • On visiting a node, mark it as visited and path-visited.
    • For each adjacent node:
      • If not visited, call DFS recursively.
      • If visited and path-visited, a cycle is detected.
      • Backtrack and unmark path-visited when returning.

Detailed DFS Implementation

  • Code walkthrough of a component-wise DFS traversal.
  • Checking conditions for visited and path-visited status.
  • Detecting and handling cycles during traversal.
  • Efficiently stopping traversal once a cycle is detected.

Loop through nodes

  • Ensure no repeated work for already visited nodes.
  • Focus on unvisited nodes for new DFS calls.

Example: Detailed Walkthrough

  • Practical example with nodes 1 to 10.
  • Explanation of path-tracing and detection logic.
  • Handling adjacent nodes and backtracking.

Time and Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(V + E), where V and E are vertices and edges, respectively.
  • Space Complexity: O(2N)
    • Note: Space can be optimized using a single array with different markers. (Homework)

Homework Challenge

  • Optimize space by using a single visited array with distinct markers for visited and path-visited states.
  • Think about how to implement this and share the solution.


  • DFS algorithm successfully detects cycles in directed graphs.
  • Component-wise traversal and separate path tracking ensure accuracy.
  • Encourage viewers to implement and practice further.

Final Note

  • Subscribing, liking, and exploring channel content (like DP and HDC series).
  • Links to additional resources in the video description.


  • Encouraging message to viewers.