how's it going everyone welcome or welcome back to the channel so on today's video we're going to be talking about honda's least reliable engine so if you've been following me for a while if you've been a subscriber for a while you probably know exactly what engine i'm gonna say if not stick around um you may or may not be surprised by my choice so obviously there's a couple of different engines out there that could be problematic especially as they age in time although this one takes the cake by a landslide and although some of you may not have any of these issues or these issues may be minimized or maybe you know just a couple different issues here and there for some of you too many people often too many times are experiencing a ton of these issues some of these are going to be area related some of them are just going to be by design or by you know default so that being said let's go ahead get started number one thing or first thing on the list here is oil dilution early on 16 to 18 civics 17 to 18 crvs had oil dilution issues now hana came up with a couple different service repairs a couple of updates that claim to fix this issue although that may certainly be the case once in a while i still get some fuel smell when draining the oil here and there that obviously has a long-term effect on um you know premature damage on some bearings camshafts turbos etc so um definitely something to be concerned with and honda kind of isolated that to the civic and crv although the accord kind of suffers from this as well at this point and if you want to know more about that i'll link the video to that uh in the description below i made that video on a prior week so that'll be in the comment section in the description down below so number two carbon up injectors and usually this comes with either a lean or rich code sometimes a cylinder variation code depends really on the situation sometimes the misfire codes but anyways carbon up injectors we're doing injector these on these all the time they're on back order up to a certain point i think they've recently released them so obviously an issue they are covered up to a certain mileage but at some point they are no longer covered and would be your responsibility and you would have to replace those coming out of pocket so uh we're probably doing a handful of sets a week maybe five six sets a week sometimes do two or three days it really depends but again way too many uh a week so this one is probably cold weather and city related and this is rodent damage they love to pick on cylinder number four coil and a cmp sensor on the intake side I don't know why, but they love those two connectors for whatever reason. So not a big deal. Although even if the car is brand new, sometimes we have people buying a car the very next day they're there with some rodent damage.
And typically again, it seems to be city environment, people that park next to dumpsters and whatnot, and rodents are chewing these wires. They are soy based and essentially it happens more so in a winter. Doesn't mean you can't have this in Texas or Florida or Cali, you know, anything like that. But again, cold weather, cities.
parking next to dumpsters, stuff like that seems to be the key ingredient for this and for this situation. It's not really an issue by design, but if you own one of these vehicles, it's something that you could probably expect will happen, especially if you live in a New York City type of environment at some point. So it is important that we talk about it and something that you consider if you're purchasing one of these cars at a cost that may come to you. uh surprisingly so um there is some rodent tape there's some stuff you can do for that so that's something that can work although it shouldn't be something you have to do um you know for that especially on a brand new car but it does happen so it is worth uh mentioning so uh ac compressors we have seals failing on them all the time and honda initially claimed that some oil leak from the front seal was normal and that's just ludicrous because i've never heard of that anytime in my life working on cars probably for like 20 years now 20 plus years and i never heard that eventually they came out with the bulletin surprise surprise right and it's something again covered up to x mileage x years but eventually when these cars out of warranty maybe people don't know they assume they're out of warranty they don't know there's an extension or whatnot and get the compressor replaced elsewhere and have to pay out of pocket so something that we see way too often and it just happens and it is attached to the 1.5 t so it's not really engine related although it's attached to the 1.5t so it again it's worth including in this video so head gaskets if you've been following me if you're watching my channel you know that we are doing way too many head gaskets and i know there's some non-believers out there and that's fine not all these cars are going to fail head gasket seems to be primarily a cords 1.5 t although way too many of them are failing and some of you have two three hundred thousand miles that's great chances are most people are going to be affected by this at some point one point or another and way too many people are getting head gasket failures at 30 40 60 000 miles which is way too early now i've done more head gaskets on these 1.5 t's than any other honda engine combined since i started with honda in 2008 so um obviously this has been an issue for the last two three years i've probably done i don't know maybe 50 by now in the shop we're probably way past over 100 at this point and again more head gaskets than all the other engines combined and at some point uh most of them that we're doing are still covered by honda because people either have normal warranty or purchase honda care which again is a great idea although um some people may not know they have a warranty get it fixed somewhere else or whatnot and just it's something that's going to cost you money and if it does fail past you know 100k 120k or whatnot it's going to be coming out of your pocket and it is a very expensive repair and probably the most expensive repair that we are talking about here today so again not everyone's head gasket is going to fail i have two full videos on this they'll be in the description section down below as well if you want to learn more about it i've touched on this multiple times so i'm not going to get it too crazy into death but um again happening very caustic you know very expensive so it's worth mentioning if you're considering one of these vehicles with these engines in there and then last but not least blown turbos this typically does happen at a higher mileage so um We've seen mostly Accord, some CRVs, some Civics, and they'll throw a low boost code, I believe is the code, and the car will drive just fine. The issue is the wastegate actuator has played and it's not responding as quick enough as it needs to be and throw in a code.
Again, it'll drive just fine. uh honda doesn't sell these uh separately these uh wastegate actuators separately although you could buy them on ebay or amazon aftermarket and replace it unfortunately we can't do that because we are there um you know work for the dealer although it is an option for people out there so if this this does happen to you usually there's a lot of play i think i have a couple shorts on this as well so just scroll through uh my short section and you'll probably be able to find one of these videos on that subject so again um expensive to replace, not as expensive as a head gasket. Usually comes around 130,000, 140,000 miles. Again, not everyone's turbo is going to have this issue. The turbo itself seems to be okay.
We've had some turbo wheels here and there, some shaft play here and there. Usually that's contributed to or tied to poor maintenance. But this issue that I'm talking about is just play in the wastegate and causing this code. again the car does drive fine but it's something that you may want to consider if purchasing one of these cars again i'm going to say honda care aggregate is a must on any new vehicle any manufacturer get their warranty it's definitely a must-have in my opinion if there's one major failure it'll pay for itself just in that one shot nine out of ten times so great idea to have that being said i'm gonna wrap this video up and i'll catch everyone on the next